***SCORCHING HOT**** $39 per year Newspaper Subscription (Utah!!)

Media One just announced a HOT HOT newspaper subscription deal!!  For a limited time (we don’t know when it will expire) you can get  the weekend edition (Fri, Sat, Sun paper) for only $39/year! This works out to only .75 per Sunday paper!!!

The rules to subscribe to this deal are :

Good for either new subscribers or you can add on to your current subscription.  You can get a total of 4 papers at this price (2 SLT’s and 2 DNews)

You will need to pay for your subscription up front.  They are not offering any kind of payment plans for this promo.  You cannot cancel a current subscription to get this deal.

Please email me your personal info:  name, phone, email, and delivery address and then I will call you for your payment information. My email is rpickster@gmail.com.

It has been a long time since we have seen a deal this HOT!  Spread the word!!

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