Spring cleaning has prompted me to go through my whole house scrubbing, dusting and organizing everything in sight. Each time I leave a room I come out with more things I’ve collected that we don’t really use any more. These items unfortunately get added to the boxes of things I have been piling in my garage that really need to be hauled off so that the clutter doesn’t just continue to grow in the garage.
As I was driving around this weekend I notice that yard sale season has begun. Telephone poles on busy street corners are beginning to play host to the brightly colored signs of yard, estate and moving sales all over town. My husband hates when I even mention having a yard sale but the last one we had was pretty successful, so I am always tempted to try it again.
I enjoy going to yard sales, it’s interesting to look at the items people have collect over the years and they are a great place to find items to up cycle. This is a growing trend especially with furniture and a way to express your creativity. Yard sale exploring is really a fun and free way to spend the weekend.
You’ve probably heard the saying, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” If spring cleaning has left you with a ever growing collection of “junk,” or your moving and need to unload a few items, why not spend a weekend hosting a yard sale of your own. Let the treasure seekers come see what you have and you might be surprised with the results.
Follow these tips for a successful yard sale.
1. Know the purpose of your yard sale. Do you just want to get rid of stuff or do you need to make some money on a few quality items? Price your items accordingly.
2. Be willing to negotiate on price.
3. Coordinate with neighbors and host a group yard sale to draw more buyers.
4. Advertise – use the local paper and free local web pages that advertise community events. Make sure your signs are readable and arrows are pointing the right direction.
5. Have change on hand with plenty of one dollar bills.
6. Keep your cash with you at all times. Some thieves look for these types of opportunities to pick up a few extra dollars of their own.
7. Have a plan on what to do with the items you have left over. Sometimes the Salvation Army and other places like them will come and pick up items if you plan ahead.