A Clean Lint Filter Saves $$

Laundry is always on my mind. It’s always there, even the days when I think I’m caught up the “laundry makers” leave presents for me and I find I have more laundry that night. It’s the never ending job and if your in charge of the laundry at your house I’m sure you feel my pain.

My dryer is older and is on it’s way out. I’m just waiting for it to die off so I have an excuse to buy a new set of front loaders. But until then I’m trying to make the most of the ones I’ve got. We’ve taken it apart several times in the last year trying to extend the life of it and lucky for us it is hanging in there.

Every dryer has a lint filter. This is the metal mesh like net that catches all the lint and fluff that comes out of your clothing when it is in the dryer. With each load of laundry the filter collects lint and fluff. I change the filter every time I do a load of laundry. As lint builds up in the filter it prevents the air from circulating out of the dryer.

As the filter builds up with lint the dryer has to work harder to dry the clothes. This can result in turning the dryer on multiple times to dry a load of laundry and will cause the dryer to use more electricity and work less efficiently. Each time that happens its costing you more money. So in order to save some money make sure to clean the lint filter each time you change a load of laundry. I’m sure many of you do this but did you know in order to help extend the life of your dryer you can scrub your lint filter? To help make sure your filter is clean take the time to scrub it with hot soapy water occasionally. This will help to remove residue left from fabric dryer sheets and help it work even more efficiently. Who knew a little elbow grease and hot soapy water could be a money saver?

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