Best Grocery Stores In The US


Here in the United States, we have some pretty awesome chains of stores. The same can be said for grocery stores but unfortunately, some are simply better than others. That’s where this list comes in handy. We sat around for a bit and thought of what we think are the best grocery stores in the country. Take a look at the list below, give yourself a minute or two to think about it, and see if you agree with us. Are these the best grocery stores?



The first grocery store we’d like to mention isn’t in all parts of the country but if you’re fortunate enough to have one, well, you’re pretty fortunate. Kroger doesn’t have the lowest prices on groceries but they do still use butchers (the best meat in town), they have a sweet Kroger card which allows you to save up to 20 cents a gallon on gas (at Kroger gas stations as well as Shell), and the atmosphere in a Kroger is unmatched by any other.

Trader Joe’s

Now, for those of you that don’t have Kroger (you probably live out West), you probably do have a Trader Joe’s. That’s a good thing, right? Of course it is! These grocery stores are amazing to say the least and we can’t imagine not being able to go to one. If you’ve never been to a Trader Joe’s in your life, walk in one whenever you can with $50 and see if you can leave with that same $50. We’re willing to bet that this is next to impossible to do.


We’re not quite sure how widespread this chain is and we know that they recently bought out Ukrop’s (we think) but they are still a big player in the world of groceries. They have fresh salad bars as well as hot bars, a sit in eating area, and some really good prices on food so if you ever see one of these, be sure to stop in and see what they have to offer for you.


We know that we’ll catch a lot of heat for this one for two reason. It isn’t just a grocery store and a lot of people like to bash Walmart for whatever reason. We won’t go down that same path as we like the prices on groceries we are able to get at Walmart. They’re much cheaper than other grocery stores on this list so the only reason we mentioned them last is due to the fact that all of their meat comes in pre-packaged which definitely sucks.


But of course, this is just our opinion. If you know of a grocery store (or chain) that we missed or you think we might like, let us know! We may just do a second list in the near future of even more great grocery stores here in the US (or other areas of the world). As always, be sure to share this with your friends and have fun saving a ton of money!

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