The Best Part time Job for Your Teen


Is your teenager ready to start working?  If you think that your teen is old enough and mature enough to start earning money, you might be asking yourself what the best jobs for them are?

Here are 5 Part Time Job Opportunities that You Can Look Into for Your Teen

  1. Babysitting.  Babysitting is a rite of passage for millions of teens.  Most of us started our working ways by babysitting the kids of relatives, friends or neighbors.  Babysitters can earn anywhere between $3 and $15 per hour depending their age, the number of kids they are watching and their experience.  Well mannered, well behaved teens often get more callbacks and I highly recommend becoming CPR certified.  Also, be sure to remind your teen to put their phones down while watching kids.  They are not being paid to be on social media.
  2. Animal Shelter helper.  Animal loving teenagers should look into working as an animal shelter helper.  Animal shelters are always in need of help.  Teens in this job will often be there to clean kennels, feed and water the animals as well as spend time with them.  If the shelter is not hiring, it doesn’t hurt to volunteer a couple of hours per month in order to get your foot in the door.
  3. Mowing lawns.  Does your teen know how to do yard work?  If they need money during the warmer weather months, tell them to go knock on neighbors doors’ to see if they need help mowing.  They can also hand out flyers to get business.  During the winter months, those same neighbors may need help shoveling snow!
  4. Grocery Courtesy Clerk.  I have often thought that the best job for teens is as a courtesy clerk at a grocery store.  Courtesy clerks are the ones that bag groceries, stock product and carry your bags to your car for you.  This job is great for teaching work ethic and customer service.
  5. Tutor.  If your teen has a strong suit in any academics, they can look into becoming a tutor.  There are elementary and junior high students that often need help and whose parents are more than happy to pay for a tutor for.  

What job did you have as a teenager?

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