The Best Places to Sell Your Stuff Online


Do you have a closet full of old clothes that you no longer wear?  Books that you haven’t read in years? Gadgets that don’t get used?  Or, maybe toys that the kids have outgrown? If you are anything like me, you are probably feeling tired of all of the clutter.  So, what can you do about it? Well, my friends, you have several options here. You can:


Throw them out.  Okay, I know that you don’t want to do this (unless they are broken or completely stained that is)


Donate them.  Donating these items are a great way to to declutter and feel good about what you are doing.


Or, you can sell them.  Okay, I know you were thinking the same way I was.  I don’t know about you, but I could use a little extra money in my pocket so selling my old stuff seems like the perfect way to do it.  If you don’t know where to go to sell it, I have some ideas for you.


Here are the best places to sell your stuff online:


OfferUp – This is a great app to use when selling your stuff locally. I use this app often when selling items that would be too heavy to ship out.  I recently sold my dog kennel on OfferUp and it lasted 2 hours and I was $100 richer.


Ebay – the good old classic.  Ebay was the beginning of online relling.  You can sell just about everything on Ebay so get to listing, my friends!


Mercari – This app has by far been my most successful way of selling my old stuff!  In one week, I was able to make over $150 selling my and my daughter’s clothes.  It’s awesome because the shipping price is built into the sale so you simply print out a shipping label and ship it out.  No weighing or guessing. You can sell most things on this app. Once you have made a sale, you can request a direct deposit, or you can use it to buy more stuff!

Poshmark – I have also been quite successful selling with Poshmark. It works similarly to Mercari, but is specifically for clothing and fashion items.

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