Budget Friendly DIY Christmas Gifts


It’s no secret that it has been a very rough year for many of us. So much has happened over the last 7 months that I cannot begin to understand the struggles that everyone is going through. I know my family and many others that I know are taking their budgets far more seriously right now as well all of us should.


One thing that we are doing to make sure we are sticking to our budgets a little bit more these days is by shopping early for Christmas and for many of the gifts we are giving this year, we plan to DIY them. I don’t know about you, but I love a good DIY gift. 


Here is a great list of DIY Gifts that many people in your life will likely love!

Budget Friendly DIY Christmas Gifts

Funfetti Bath Bomb Cubes

Okay, I know we talked about these just the other day, but I have made them for gifts several times in the past and they have always been a huge hit! I have two sisters in law as well as a niece that is almost a teenager and they all love gifts like this. 

DIY Coffee Scrub

Coffee lovers can’t help but love this DIY gift! I mean, sugar scrub itself is awesome and who doesn’t want to wake themselves up with the delicious aroma of coffee? It’s invigorating. 

Peppermint Foot Soak

Peppermint is totally refreshing on your skin and honestly, it’s simply perfect for Christmas. Relaxed feet for Christmas? Yes, please!


Easy Hot Chocolate Gift

Okay, serious question. How many people do you know that don’t like hot chocolate? I bet it’s very, very few. That’s why this Easy Hot Chocolate Gift is such a perfect DIY for your gift making this holiday season! 



I have made each and every one of these DIY projects with my kids and they have all been hits! 


What is your favorite DIY project to make as gifts?

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