4 Things to Start Doing Right Now in Order to Get Control of Your Finances

How are your finances looking these days? With the state of the world, it’s easy to be stressed out and overwhelmed by the demands of life and how expensive it is. What are you doing to put yourself in a more stable situation though? What are you doing to get control of your finances?

While I am putting some tips here for things to start doing right now in order to get control of your finances, I do understand how hard it can be. I have been dirt poor with not enough money to buy groceries or keep the lights on in my past, but I made the changes below and my finances are looking a bit different now. 

4 Things to Start Doing Right Now in Order to Get Control of Your Finances


Yep, you guessed it. You absolutely have got to start budgeting. Yes, I know it’s not fun and I know you really don’t want to, but you really, really need to. This is hands down the easiest way to get a hold on where your money is going and making changes to that to benefit you.

Start Thinking More

You have got to start thinking more about what you are spending your money on. No more mindless buying. No more shopping days just because. It’s time to recognize that just because you are a grown up doesn’t mean you get to just buy whatever you want whenever you want. You still have to make smart purchases (this one was hard for me to grasp, because I am a girl who loves discounts and would happily scoop them up when I saw them, regardless of need). 

Start Setting Goals

Setting goals for your future gives you motivation to do better. We can’t wander aimlessly through life without goals and expect to be financially set. Do you want to buy a home? Plan for it. Want to travel more? Start saving for that. The point is to have a goal for your money and when you have a goal, you can then learn how to accomplish those particular goals. 


There’s a strange thing happening lately where people don’t seem to want to work very much, but that’s a good thing for you. That means there is a lot of work out there and available to you! It’s time to put in your time and work for what you want. If you are able to work extra hours, do so! If you want to start a side hustle, hell yeah! You really can accomplish big things if you work hard for it.

3 Tips for Saving Money on Vitamins and Supplements


Supplements are a great way to add nutrients to your diet that you may otherwise be missing and as we have learned in recent years, they are a great way to boost your immune system. If you are like millions of other people, you likely take supplements as a boost to your diet and health regimen. 

Supplements can, however, cost a lot of money. I know that in the past my husband and I have been known to spend hundreds of dollars every month on them. I have learned though, that there are ways to save money on supplements! Want to hear more? Read on.

3 Tips for Saving Money on Vitamins and Supplements

Talk to Your Doctor

Just like with any other health change, have a talk with your doctor. We don’t all need all of the supplements that are out there, so it’s best to know exactly which ones you really need so you are spending money on unnecessary supplements. Your doctor can give you recommendations on supplements to take based on your current health, test results, diet, age, etc. 

While chatting with your doctor, make sure to ask them for prescriptions for the supplements that they recommend. Oftentimes you can get refunded for these purchases through your HSA or FSA. While they don’t always require a prescription for these reimbursements, sometimes they do, so it’s good to be prepared. 

Shop Online

I have found huge discounts on supplements when shopping at Amazon, Swansons, and several other retailers. I always make sure and stick with particular brands so that I know I am getting good quality supplements, but with this I’m sure to get them cheaper than in store. 

Subscribe and Save

Okay, back to Amazon. If you have a specific supplement that you will continue taking over time, consider ordering it via Amazon’s Subscribe and Save. This is a great way to get up to 15% off of your item, plus they often have coupons available for Subscribe and Save items!

Simple & Easy Camping Meal Ideas!

We’ve been enjoying a lot of our summer outdoors! It’s one of the best ways for us to unwind and get away from everything as a family. But being mom I still need to cook and make sure everyone has full tummies, so I’ve put together some easy meals you can plan for when camping!

Hotdogs – maybe a no brainer but hotdogs with buns, chips and maybe some fruit is a great meal to plan for while camping. You can roast them over the fire or just boil them in water. Don’t forget about pigs in a blanket as well. A great alternative to regular hot dogs.

Breakfast Burritos – you can easily make these ahead of time and take them frozen or assemble them the morning of. Either way it’s a great way to wake up to something yummy.

Bagels – we love having cream cheese and bagels in the morning. We’ll get a variety bag so everyone has one they’ll like. If you’re not having bagels in the morning it’s usually cereal.

BBQ Sandwiches – This is another great make ahead meal you can plan for either lunch or dinner. I just cook the meat in the crock pot before we go and store it in an airtight container. Then slap it on some buns and you’re good to go.

Kebabs – These are perfect to cook over a campfire. You can even have everyone make their own with everything you’ve brought already chopped up and ready to poke. We’ll put peppers, chicken, pineapple, mushrooms and more on each stick.

Chili – If you’re headed somewhere cold, this is a must. I will usually cook my meat at home and then bring everything to dump in the pot together and heat up. We’ll serve it with rolls or corn bread, which ever I have on hand or time to make.

Salsa and Chips – don’t forget about the snacks. We usually go hiking or walking while we’re out camping which means often times when we get back we’re hungry but it’s between meals. So a fun and easy snack to have on hand is some salsa and chips.

Walking Tacos – If you haven’t heard of these before they’re awesome for so many different reasons! Just get those one person chip bags and add your taco toppings to the bag! We’ll usually have sliced tomatoes, cheese, olives, lettuces, sour cream and salsa.

Pasta Salad – I have a cold pasta salad recipe that’s yummy to have ready to eat. It’s simple to throw together and honestly, it’s better the next day because it’s been marinading all night.

Tips for Hanging Clothing on The Line to Dry

My dryer is having issues right now and yesterday I started hanging clothes on the line for the first time in years. I decided that while I wait for a new dryer, I would save on my electric bill while still getting laundry done. That got me thinking….what can I do to streamline this process. 

I decided to start putting these tips for hanging clothing on the line to dry to save more time and money. These tips also make the drying process go more smoothly!

Tips for Hanging Clothing on The Line to Dry

Before hanging your clothes out to dry, check out these tips:

Find the Right Spot

Finding the right spot for your clothes to hang is key. You want your clothes to be hanging in the sun most of the day for maximum drying benefits. If possible, choose a spot in your yard that gets a good amount of afternoon sunlight. 

Use Clothes Pins

Hanging clothes on the line using clothes pins makes it easier to dry than if you were to fold the clothing over the line itself. Having layers of clothes bunched together slows the drying process. 

Hang Clothing Inside Out

One downside to hanging clothes on the line is that the sun can fade the colors in your clothing. To prevent this, hang the garments inside out so that the sun is only touching the inside of the item. 

The exception to this is with white clothing. Hanging whites right side out is a great way to brighten up the whiteness of the material. 

Hang Pants Upside Down

Pants and jeans often take longer to dry. One way to speed up this process is to hang them upside down using clothespins at the bottom of the pant legs. 

Avoid Hanging Items Stretched Out

If you have leggings, socks, or other stretchy items, be sure that they are not hung while stretched. Avoid stretching waistbands, collars, etc, when hanging. This will prevent your clothes from being damaged.

Financial Programs That Can Help You Spend Less On Bills

Are you finding it difficult to budget your money because of rising prices? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, a Rand Corp. survey revealed that half of Americans who make less than $25,000 per year are struggling to pay their monthly bills. Even a third of middle-class families are finding it hard to allocate their budget properly, especially now that the inflation rates are increasing rapidly.

Fortunately, you can take advantage of financial programs to purchase necessities at lower costs.

Gas – Rewards Program

Gas prices are shocking, and we now to pay much more to fuel up and travel. Now that gas prices continue to hike up, families need to make some changes in their routine to cut costs.

First, you must never underestimate store rewards. Our article on the ‘4 Tips for Saving Money on Gas’ highlights that these reward points can help you save as much as $0.50 to $1 per gallon of fuel. On top of that, you can also sign up for cash back rewards on your credit card, so you can get a part of your money back whenever you fuel up.

Phone and Internet – Federal Lifeline Program

A CNBC report highlights that the average monthly cell phone bill in the US is around $127.37 per person, which can significantly affect each household’s budget for groceries and utilities.

It can be difficult to cut costs among essentials which is why families need to budget carefully. Budgeting resource AskMoney has several articles dedicated to this subject, including a feature on the Federal Lifeline Program. They point out that individuals who lack reliable access to phone and internet services can apply to get monthly discounts for any phone and internet service bill using this program. Eligible households can maximize this program, especially now that more Americans are studying and working remotely.

Home Energy – The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The average American household spends around $117 on monthly electric bills, but this can go even higher when seasons change.

If you need a bit of assistance in paying your home heating or cooling bill, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program can help you cut costs for your monthly electric bill. You can even use the funds for emergency services in case of utility shut-offs, or for low-cost home improvements that can make your home more energy-efficient.

Groceries – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Nutritious food is important for your family’s overall health. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to purchase quality food, especially now that goods are more expensive.

The Conversation highlights that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program can be heaven-sent for families who want financial help for their groceries. The average person can get about $130 per month on SNAP, while families of four can get as much as $646. The funds are even distributed to individuals quickly, making it a great option for families who want to reduce grocery costs.

Many Americans are struggling with their finances right now, so it’s crucial to be smart about spending your money. If you want more financial tips, check out our articles at Common Sense with Money so you can learn how to keep your family healthy and happy, while spending less money.

How to Save Money at the State Fair

Do you want to take your family to the fair this year? I know that a trip to the fair for the whole family can get really spendy, but don’t you worry my budget conscious friends! Today we are going to talk about how to save money at the state fair. 

It may seem like a fair would be a hard activity to save money on, but the truth is, with just a few tips, you can actually do a good job staying on budget while enjoying a day at the fair. 

How to Save Money at the State Fair

Before heading out to a day at the fair, a little bit of planning will go far!

Buy Early Tickets

Most fairs offer discounted pre-purchased tickets. They may offer the deal online, through their Facebook page, or at the office. You’ll find that most often, pre-purchase deals save 20% and up. 

Go Grocery Shopping

Okay, this one might sound weird, but it’s worth checking out your local grocery store as the ones in my area offer discounted tickets! It’s worth trying. 

Check Out Discount Days

The fair in my state offers discount days. One of the days is $2 entry, one of the days is $1 per ride, etc. These days are typically pretty crowded, but sometimes the savings you get make the crowds worth it!

Eat at Home

I have found that filling my kiddos up on a big lunch before we go is a great way to save on the fair food that they typically beg for. Sure, we still end up getting snacks and treats, but if they aren’t “starving” when we get there, it helps save on that spendy, almost always fried foods. 

Bring Water

Bottled water is ridiculously priced at fairs and festivals. It is WELL WORTH IT to fill up a water bottle before you go to the fair or you will end up spending a fortune just to stay hydrated.

Fun Summer Games to Play with the Family

It’s summer time which means you will probably be getting together with family and friends. Why not have some fun games planned to make the time a little more enjoyable. Here are a few games that you could play with all ages, some even include water balloons!

Musical Chairs
Get back to the basics with musical chairs. You could make a fun playlist with some of your families favorite tunes. Grab some lawn chairs and get some energy out as well.

Obstacle Course
Make a homemade obstacle course around your yard. We love doing this! You can include your playset, cones, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, baseball bats and balls. Be creative and have the kids plan a fun one.

Water Balloon Piñata
Hang water filled balloons from a tree limb or other high, sturdy structure. We like to use regular balloons for this, since they don’t break as easily as regular water balloons. It just prolongs the fun a bit. Then, treat them just as you would a regular piñata. Give the kids a stick or broom handle and let them bash away at the balloons! Make sure only one child swings at the balloons at a time and all other people stand at a safe distant so they don’t get whacked!

Water Balloon Target
Combine two summer favorites for one of the simplest water balloon games there is water balloon target practice. For this game, you’ll need some sidewalk chalk and a large paved area. Draw a large target on the paved area, with each ring worth a different number of points, and have the kids take turns tossing the water balloons at the target. This is a great game for smaller kids, because it helps them work on hand eye coordination and math.

Capture the Flag
This is one of my favorites from when I was young! This is such a fun strategy game to play. After dividing into two teams, you each hide a flag on your side of the yard- it’s best if you have a big area to play in. Then one team tries to steal the other’s flag from their home base before returning back to theirs.

5 Awesome Glow Stick Games Your Whole Family Can Enjoy!

Glow sticks are great for all ages. We love to hand them out during fireworks, late night games, Halloween and even taking them camping. Not only are they awesome to wear while you’re running around playing but they make some great games too. With just a few supplies and your glow sticks you can put these games together at your next gathering!

Ring Toss Game

Supplies – glow sticks, wooden dowels and rubber bands

To set this game up you’ll simply take one of your glow sticks and tie it onto your wooden dowel with the rubber bands. Then stick your dowel into the ground and step back. Each take turns tossing your glow sticks (link them together to form a ring with the bracelet attachments) towards the dowel/glow stick.

Tic Tac Toe 

Supplies – glow sticks

It’s a simple yet fun game to play in the dark. You’ll attach your glow sticks together using the bracelet attachments that comes with your glow sticks. Create your tic tac toe board then make 5 of the X’s and 5 of the O’s out of glow sticks. This is a great one to play while camping or with neighbors.

Glow Stick Capture the Flag 

Supplies – glow sticks (2 per player) 2 separate colors, 2 larger glow sticks (or connect multiple together) for your “flag”

The game rules are the same for if you were playing capture the flag but in the dark with glow sticks. Each player will have one glow stick around each wrist and all the players on that team will wear the same color glow stick. You are able to “hide” your glow stick while trying to capture the flag but you are not allowed to put them under your sleeve or shirt (you can find them behind your back).

Glow Stick Tag 

Supplies – Glow sticks

For set up you’ll need to create one large circle by connecting two glow sticks together. This is for the person who is “it” to carry around with them. Everyone else will need to attach 1 glow stick to each of their wrists. (If playing with a large group you could just have each player use one glow stick). Then start then game – once a player has been tagged by the person who is “it”, they’ll need to remove 1 of their glow stick bracelets and hand it to the tagger. The tagger then adds that bracelet to their large circle and continues onward. (Note: no one else can be tagged until the tagger has added the bracelet to the larger circle) Game is over once the tagger has collected all the glow sticks.


Supplies – Glow sticks, 6-plastic bottles, water, soccer ball or similar

To begin you’ll need to fill the 6 plastic bottles with water and activate your glow sticks and put them in each bottle (you might want to add 2 or 3 to each bottle to get a good glow). Then set up your water bottles and begin bowling! To make the game extra fun you can search for a glow in the dark ball.

EASY Patriotic Foods to Make This 4th of July!

Who’s excited for the 4th of July? This is one of my favorite holidays! I love getting together with family and friends and celebrating the holiday. You’ll find us at the parades and fireworks every year but in-between all the excitement we’ll always find time for food! Here a few of the patriotic foods we’re throwing together to enjoy this 4th of July!

I love how simple these are but add that patriotic touch! The kids are going to love the sprinkles as well.

I mean you can’t have the 4th of July BBQ without the watermelon so why not dress it up for your family this year!

We’re excited for these this year since we just put a fire pit in but you could even make yours in the oven (just don’t put the cheese on until after 😉 ).

This is one of my all time favorite desserts! Make it easy and just get the pre-made sugar cookie dough at your local grocery store!

Farmer’s Market Shopping Tips

Do you want to eat healthy, fresh, locally grown produce? If you said yes, you need to be shopping at your local Farmer’s Markets. Farmer’s markets are a great place to find food that is grown locally from farmer’s that live and grow their food surprisingly close to where you live. 

With the abundance and the variety of produce available at Farmer’s markets you may find yourself overwhelmed with the selections. With these farmer’s market shopping tips you can navigate with joy and end up with the best kind of goodies! 

Farmer’s Market Shopping Tips

Before heading out to the farmer’s market, a little bit of planning will go far!

Know What’s In Season

If you know what fruits and vegetables are in season, you’ll be more likely to know what to expect when you get to market. It’s a real bummer to head out to shop only to discover that the produce you expect to stock up on are nowhere to be found. 

Meal Planning

We’ve talked and talked about the cost and time saving benefits of meal planning, but as it turns out, meal planning makes farmer’s market shopping even better too! If you know what you’re planning to prepare, you’ll know what to be on the lookout for. 

Bring Cash (Small Bills)

Many vendors at farmers markets don’t accept cards, so cash is king. Additionally, unless you want to buy in bulk, it’s important to bring small bills. This is especially true if you are headed to the market in the morning before the vendors have built up cash reserves from purchases.

Bring Bags

Be sure and bring reusable shopping bags with you. You don’t want to strain the resources of small vendors and take their bags and besides, you’ll likely end up with more merchandise than you plan on, so you need a way to carry it.

Festive Food Ideas for Your 4th of July Weekend

I love the 4th of July. I love the red, white and blue, and all of the festivities that come with it. You might get together with family or friends and enjoy a BBQ or a picnic, whatever you do, food is usually involved. This year I wanted to make something different, but yummy. I’ve come up with a few different options. Hopefully one will work for you!





How to Save Money on Clothes

Do you find yourself spending a fortune on clothes? This is especially likely to be the case if you have kids and/or teenagers at home. In addition to a 6 year old, I have an almost 15 year old boy and an 18 year old girl, and let me tell you, teenagers cost a fortune in the clothing department. 

Luckily though, there are some really great ways to save money on clothes! Keeping you and your kids in quality threads isn’t nearly as painful to your pocketbook as you might think it is. 

How to Save Money on Clothes

Shop Second Hand

I am all about thrifting. Like seriously, I LOVE IT! I have found some amazingly good deals at thrift shops. When shopping for my teens who want to be super stylish, we go to high end thrift shops such as Plato’s Closet, etc. 

Sell Your Old Clothes

While this isn’t necessarily a way to buy clothes cheaper, selling your own clothes and pocketing extra money is a great way to add to your clothing budget. I have sold clothes via Plato’s Closet, Poshmark, and FB Marketplace. 

Shop Sales

Pay attention to sales! You can often score some seriously good deals on clothes by shopping sales. There are great sales out there these days, you just have to be willing to look for them! 

Be Patient

There is no reason to grab the first cute piece that you see. That is often the most expensive one. To save money, you need to learn to be patient. This is also a good rule of life to teach your children. Learning to be patient and not buying the first thing you see will go far in teaching you and them how to save money.

How to Avoid Fast Food When You are on the Road or on The Go

Sometimes it seems like it is hard to avoid buying fast food. Whether you are on the road for a fun summer adventure, or you are just on the go as busy families are these days, it is sometimes hard to plan meal times. Sometimes that fast food drive through looks pretty good! 

The problem is that fast food is simply not good for you. If you have any kind of diet or food restriction, it’s virtually impossible to eat at just any fast food restaurant. Plus, it’s expensive! We are a family of 5 and our last trip through a fast food restaurant cost over $40! 

How to Avoid Fast Food When You are on the Road or on The Go

Eat Before You Go

Even if you are in a rush, be sure to take a few minutes at least to eat some food before you leave your house. It will help to keep those hunger pains at bay which will prevent you from driving through and grabbing food at the start of your journey. 

Stay Hydrated

It’s been said many times, but oftentimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. Stay hydrated and you’ll be less tempted to eat fast food. 

This is a good rule for all day, every day. Drinking lots of water is good for you and will help you eat less junk food at home too. 

Keep Non Perishable Foods in the Car

It’s always a good idea to keep non-perishable foods in your car for those surprise hunger pains. Foods such as jerky, nuts, fruit packs and granola bars are a great option for keeping your family hungry and fed. 

This is also a great rule to follow for emergency purposes. You never know when something may happen, so it’s best to be prepared. I always keep granola bars in my car for this reason.

5 Things to Do to Save Money on Your Power Bill

Are you planning a wedding soon? Are you in sticker shock over the price of the wedding dress? I’m a bridesmaid in my sister in law’s upcoming wedding and HOLY MOLY these prices are absolutely out of control. 

Throughout the shopping process with her though, we have gotten some really great tips and tricks and have even found some of our own as it relates to saving money on the wedding dress. Want to know what we have discovered?

5 Things to Do to Save Money on Your Power Bill

Make Sure You are On the Lowest Rate Plan

While not all power companies offer different rate plans, many do.  Taking advantage of this is one way to save money on your power bill. Be sure to call your power company and find out if they offer other plans and if so, be sure that you are on the lowest rate plan. 

Check Your Heating and Cooling System

Your heating and cooling system is your biggest energy user. To save money, be sure to check your heating and cooling system to make sure it is the most efficient. If your system is 10 years old or more, it is likely not at its most efficient level. You may want to consider upgrading.

Deal with a Little Discomfort

If you start to feel a little bit warm, turn on a fan. Don’t rush to kick on the air conditioner. Air conditioning costs a lot of money to run all of the time. If you can find yourself willing to deal with a little discomfort, you might find that you save a lot of money. 

Turn off Lights

How often do you or your family members just leave the lights on in an unused room? Focus on putting a stop to this! You’ll be surprised to learn how much money you’ll save on your power bill with this little step.

Find Huge Discounts on Wedding Dresses with These Tips

Are you planning a wedding soon? Are you in sticker shock over the price of the wedding dress? I’m a bridesmaid in my sister in law’s upcoming wedding and HOLY MOLY these prices are absolutely out of control. 

Throughout the shopping process with her though, we have gotten some really great tips and tricks and have even found some of our own as it relates to saving money on the wedding dress. Want to know what we have discovered?

Find Huge Discounts on Wedding Dresses with These Tips

Shop The Clearance Rack

Y’all..there are some seriously amazing wedding dress deals in the clearance racks at bridal stores. We were at David’s Bridal the other day for some bridesmaid dress shopping and while there I perused the clearance racks and found some seriously stunning wedding dresses for as low as $125! I was shocked to see prices that low. 

If you have your heart set on one specific dress, you may not be able to find it on the clearance rack, but if you are more open minded about it, you are going to be shocked at what you can find. 


I have a friend who got married last year. She ordered 2 different wedding dresses from Wish. I was seriously questioning her decision to do so, but it was so inexpensive I couldn’t blame her! Her goal was to have the option of both dresses since they didn’t break the bank, but as it turns out, she loved both dresses so much that she wore both of them during her wedding and reception. It was awesome!


Amazon has a great selection of dresses at great prices! The only issue here is that you may take way too long to decide since there are so many of them.

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