Tips for Growing Houseplants


For the last few years, most of us have spent lots and lots of time inside the house. Myself (and many other people that I know) decided to brighten up the inside of my home with houseplants. Did you know that in the year 2020, there were 18 million Americans that bought houseplants for the first time ever?

I have two aloe plants that are amazing and grow and grow without stopping. That being said, as it turns out, other than those two plants, I was not the best at keeping plants alive and thriving. I decided that I wanted to be better so I was going to educate myself into how to be the best plant mom I could be. If you struggle like I did, here are some tips for growing houseplants that could help you. 

Tips for Growing Houseplants

Use Your Windowsill

Remember those aloe plants I was telling you earlier? Those are grown in the windowsill right above my sink. They get lots of sunshine and it’s easy to remember to water them since I am already at the sink. 

There are a lot of plants that grow very well in the windowsill. A little herb garden is a great idea for this, as herbs such as cilantro, mint, and oregano are known to grow well in a windowsill. 

Keep The Tag

If you are a newbie at plant care, keeping the tags that come with the plants can teach you how to care for them. These tags tell you how much sun they need and how often they need to be watered, etc. 

Avoid Buying Needy Plants if You Are Too Busy

If you have a busy job that keeps you away from home or if you travel often, you will want to avoid buying plants that need a lot of care and attention. This will be setting you up for failure in your plant parenthood. 

Pass the Time on a Road Trip with These Tips


Do you have road trip plans for Spring break or for this coming summer? Are you dreading all of that time on the road? Luckily there are some things out there that you can do to pass the time. I actually really like road trips and I don’t at all mind those otherwise boring miles that others complain about, I have a teenage son though that hates road trips (always has) so I’ve spent years trying to find ways to entertain them.  

There are actually lots of fun things that you can do on the road to keep everyone in the car from being bored. Check out how you can pass the time on a road trip with these tips.

Pass the Time on a Road Trip with These Tips

Bring Your Gadgets

If ever you are going to okay the use of tablets and electronics, road trips are that time. Seriously, when all else fails they can do wonders for keeping your kids entertained.

Charge All of Your Devices

Before you head out, make sure to charge your phones, tablets and all other gadgets. You don’t want them to die right in the middle of a great movie or game. Also be sure to bring charging cables for everyone’s phone so that you can charge them on the road. 

Lastly, it’s a good idea to bring portable chargers for those times when charging via the car is not possible. I have a solar one that I like to leave on the dash when not in use so that it charges itself. 

Google is Your Road Trip Friend

Last year my family took a road trip through 6 states in the Western US. This was a lot of driving in just 7 days, but it was awesome.

I have heard time and time again how horrible the drive out of Las Vegas is so this was a part of the trip that I was prepared to just sleep off. I found many of the tiny, run down towns to be fascinating though and decided to Google the places while we drove through. Let me tell you, it was incredibly fascinating. We drove through towns that were home to the Earp Brothers (my husband is a HUGE Tombstone fan), we drove through a town which was the site of a Max Baer (my husband is also a HUGE boxing fan) fight in the late 30s. 

We are history buffs so this was a seriously fun part of our trip.

3 Tips that Will Help You Pack Light for Your Next Flight

Do you travel with carry-on luggage only? Some people hate doing it, but some absolutely love it. I tend to be an overpacker so I couldn’t imagine doing it before, but I also like to fly on budget airlines and I don’t like to pay those big fees for checked luggage. Plus, who wants to deal with the possibility of your luggage getting lost?

Plane travel is actually quite a bit easier with just carry on luggage. No more checking your luggage, no more waiting at the luggage claim area. It’s a game changer. You may not be able to do it on all trips (although many people can make it work for them for almost any trip), but those shorter trips can be much easier to make work. I am headed to Vegas in a few weeks for a 4 day trip and I am definitely only going with carry on. If you are ready to learn how to be better at this, here are some tips that will help you pack light for your next flight. 

3 Tips that Will Help You Pack Light for Your Next Flight

Invest a 21 Inch Suitcase

You need to invest in a 21 inch suitcase (the maximum size allowed for carry on). You can fit a week’s worth of clothing into a 21 inch suitcase and that is the most you should be packing anyway. If you must do laundry, you can do it at your destination. You can hand wash you items in the sink or use the hotel laundry service. 

No More Than 3 Pair of Shoes

You should never bring more than 3 pairs of shoes. That means to wear one pair and pack two. Focus on wearing the larger of the 3 pairs on the plane so as to save space. 

Pack Your Outfits Around One Color

In order to save as much space as possible, choose your week’s worth of clothing around one color. I’d usually go with a basic color like black, gray or tan, etc. It’s also good to try and wear the bulkier of your clothes on your flight so as to save more room in your suitcase. 


Muddy Spring? Avoid Mud in the House with These Tips


Okay, so it’s not technically spring yet, but it’s inching up on us. Is it rainy where you are? I happen to have a long, gravel driveway and two dogs so mud happens here. A lot. 

If you are hoping to avoid mud in your house this spring (I know I am!). You are one of millions, my friends! Avoid mud in the house with these tips and keep yourself from stressing too much over it this coming spring!

Muddy Spring? Avoid Mud in the House with These Tips

Use Rugs and Mats

Rugs, rugs, rugs!! Put rugs on the inside of your dogs and door mats on the outside. Make sure anyone who walks through the doors wipes their feet outside and then again when they come inside. This step alone will help tremendously. 

Keep Towels By the Door for the Pups

If you have dogs, you know how much mud they can trek in. Start keeping a towel or towels by the doro to wipe off their feet when they come in from outside. This step alone has saved my sanity because my dogs track in a lot of mud!!  

Replace Your Grass This Spring

This one will not help you right away but replanting and filling in grass this spring will do you wonders with the mud next year (and as the year goes on, of course). The more grass you have, the less mud you’ll have. 

Order Gravel

If you have a gravel driveway, bringing in a new load of gravel will be a wonderful help in dealing with any and all mud. Plus, it will make your driveway and yard in general look so much better! We order a load of gravel every few years and I always love it when we do!

7 Attractions to Visit the Next Time You’re in St. George, Utah

St. George, Utah is a very popular destination in the spring and fall. It has perfect weather and some fun attractions that are perfect for a variety of ages. Here are 7 attractions you won’t want to miss while you are there:

  1. Pioneer Park. This is seriously a favorite for our whole family. This isn’t the typical park. It’s a rock climbing adventure in open space. While there be sure to clip to the top and see the beautiful view down below. Make sure there is parental supervision while climbing. There are steep ledges, so you’ll want to climb together as a family. My little 3 year old even loved climbing around the red rocks. You can find the location here.
  2. The Thunder Junction All Abilities park. This is such a fun park with a lot to offer. Be sure to wear your swimsuits so you can take advantage of their splash pad area. There is also a fun train you can ride for $1.00 per person. You see more information and times on this page.
  3. Sand Hallow State Park. This state park has both sand and water. What more could you want? Bring your sand toys or small boats and enjoy this park with the family. If you are visiting during the summer months, this is a refreshing place to visit and cool off. You can find more information here.
  4. The Shoppes at Zion (outlet mall). If you are a shopper, then this is a definite must. Shop with over 30 premium shops and restaurants. I’ve found so many great deals while shopping at these outlets. Location you can find here. 
  5. Red Cliffs National Conservation Area. If you want more of an outdoor, camping or hiking adventure, be sure to check out this area. There are camping areas that are absolutely beautiful. You can also do a day hike. We have been to Sand Cove and it was so fun. Bring your sand pails and play in the sand or go on little hikes around the natural beauty. More information can be found here.
  6. Washington City Aquatic Center. We went here with my son’s soccer team and they all loved it! There is a BIG slide that circles around (and even goes outside!) that is super fun as well as slides for the younger crowd. You can check out the details here. 
  7. Sand Hallow Aquatic Center. This is another swimming place that will be a hit for all ages. Check out their slides and pool space to swim! You can check out the details here. 

Spring Break Money Saving Tips

Spring break is coming soon, do you have plans? We are trying to spend less money since inflation is crazy. So, spring break is going to be on a budget this year. There are some easy ways to still go explore and have fun all while spending less money.

  1. Shop Groupon for your spring break. Choose your destination city and check out the “Things to do” section. This is a great way to find fun things to do at a fraction of the cost.
  2. Use National Park pass. Check out your local library sometimes they will rent those out to people. If you have a 4th grader you can also snag a FREE National park pass for your family. There are so many fun places to explore.
  3. Go with friends! Find another family or two to enjoy spring break with. This way you can share an Airbnb or VRBO house. This will save you some money on your lodging.
  4. Use credit card points. If you have a credit card that gives you points on hotel or airfare, then this is a great time to use it. We use our credit card points for hotel rooms. This saves us so much money when we travel. Find a fun place to go and use your credits!

How to Shop When Inflation is on the Rise

It’s been almost two years since we heard the word COVID-19 and the uneasiness we felt and the unknowns that were brought with it. Recently, we’ve seen a big inflation around the nation which basically means a general increase in prices. I’ve noticed this at the grocery store as well as online shopping for clothes and other items. It’s becoming pretty crazy for some food items that I usually buy. I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t continue my normal shopping habits with this high inflation. I have to change how I buy. Here are a few tips that I’ve started doing that may help you during this hard time.

  1. Shop Less often. If you don’t go into a store, then you won’t be spending money! If you usually shop twice a week, then get down to once a week. I am doing this and notice a big difference in my grocery budget. I’m not doing those compulsive purchases.
  2. Write out a meal plan and grocery list and stick to it. Are you a list writer? I definitely am. Although, there are times that I go to the store without a list and I buy absolutely everything I want!! It’s terrible. Make a meal plan for the week and write down your grocery list, then stick to it.
  3. Do online pickup orders through Walmart or your local stores. I started doing this at my local Kroger store and I LOVE it. I’m not tempted to buy extra items that I don’t need. Get out your list and just add those items to your cart, check out and go pick it up.
  4. Get back to the basics and do some home cooking. Instead of buying those overpriced store cookies, make your own! Find a good bread recipe and other favorite items and make them at home.
  5. Shop front page of the grocery ads. The front page of grocery ads has amazing deals for that week. This is to lure you into their store and hopefully have you buy all of your groceries there. However, shop those front page deals and snag those items that you will use. You could even use those items in your meal planning for the week.
  6. Use coupons and sale. You can pair coupons with those front page deals too. Be sure to clip digital coupons for groceries and use coupon codes for online shopping. This makes such a big difference. Never pay for shipping!
  7. Shop second hand. I love using Facebook marketplace. Recently, I bought a brand new book for my kids for Valentine’s Day for over 50% off what I would have paid online. So before you make a purchase, check your local FB Marketplace or other online app that sells second hand items.

3 Ways to Be Kind Today


We recently passed National Kindness Day and it got me thinking. What can I do to be extra kind every day? I’m the type of person that likes to be kind. I enjoy knowing that people find me to be a kind person. I am curious though, how I can do more?

Too many people are going through struggles lately and I don’t know about you, but I enjoy being able to say that I helped someone have a better day. How about you? If you are feeling the desire to be kinder too, here are 3 ways to be kind today that can help. 

3 Ways to Be Kind Today

Listen to Others

When I say listen to others, I simply mean, listen. Sometimes people don’t have others to talk to and they desperately want to simply talk to someone. Be that someone for someone trying to talk to you and have a conversation. 

Donate Your Stuff

Do you have clothes, toys or household stuff that is in great shape that you no longer need? It’s time to donate it! Donating it anywhere is great, but my absolute favorite way to donate is to join my local buy nothing or free groups on Facebook and post them there. I recently gave away clothes that my boys no longer wear to local people and the response I got was wonderful! My teenagers tend to wear higher end clothes (bought at a discount, of course) and my 5 year old barely wears more than his boxer shorts at home so his clothes are all in fantastic shape so people were absolutely thrilled to get them for their kids. 

Send a Text to Someone You Haven’t Heard from in a While

Do you have a friend you haven’t talked to for a while? Grab your phone and send them a message! It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out text. Just a “Hi! I just wanted to say that I’m thinking of you!”

These simple three things could bring some beautiful smiles to people today!

Spring Break Ideas if You are Low on Funds


Spring break is coming up! Are you low on funds? I get it. We’ve all been there. If you are looking to make memories and have fun with your family, you still can! Here are some super fun spring break ideas if you are low on funds that you can all enjoy without breaking the bank.

We’ve all been trapped in FOMO mode. We’ve all worried that we aren’t doing enough for our families if we aren’t taking them on big trips somewhere exotic and exciting, but as it turns out, you don’t need all of that. The only thing required for making great memories is a willingness to think outside of the box and the desire to have fun!

Spring Break Ideas if You are Low on Funds

Go for a Hike

There are a lot of cool places to visit, close to home! You may not even realize it, but there are often fun and unique hiking trails within just a few miles of you. Go out and enjoy them! 

Check Groupon

I have talked and talked about this, but Groupon is a great place to find deals on fun things to do near you. I once bought tickets to an Elk Farm near me for $3 each and let me tell you, it was fun! My family absolutely loved it and I spent $15 on the entire thing. 

Go Camping!

I love camping. Love it! And, in many areas, you can boondock and camp for free (these types of places also don’t require reservations)! Sounds good, am I right? If your family loves to camp, you might find this to be a fun way to spend spring break. 

Have some Crafting Time

Time to put all of those Pinterest Boards to good use! Make spring break crafting time. You may be spending your time at home, but you won’t be bored and you’ll end up with some fun new creations!

Spring Cleaning Garden Tasks


Do you have a garden? Regardless of whether it is a flower garden or a vegetable garden, now is a great time to take care of those spring cleaning garden tasks that help to have a successful year in your garden!

This list of the things to do in your garden will help you to have a very successful garden this year! Do these things now and later in the year, you’ll be glad you did. 

Spring Cleaning Garden Tasks

Remove Mulch and Prune Your Flowers

Start by removing any dead annual plants, leaves, stems and all. For your perennials, if you see any new growth coming in, it’s time to remove the mulch from those as well. 

Cut Back Your Ornamental Grasses

If you left your ornamental grasses up over the winter, now is the time to cut back on them. This will help to create a good growing environment for the coming season.

Clean Any Garden Decor

If you have any decorative pieces hanging in your garden, or tacked to your fence, etc., it probably got pretty dirty and grimy over the winter. Now is the time to clean all of these pieces. It may seem minor, but trust me, it will make a big difference in the appearance of your garden. 

Edge Your Lawn and Garden

Now is the time to get busy edging your lawn and garden. There is no time like the present to get your yard looking beautiful so that you can actually enjoy your space once the weather is nicer!

Plan Out Your Garden

What are you planning to grow this year? How big will your garden be? It’s time to get an idea of what your plans and goals are so that you know what work you have in store for you and what you need to have on hand. 

Order Your Seeds and Plants

Okay, not exactly a cleaning project, but with the way shipping is these days, it’s a good idea to order your needed seeds and plants.

Outdoor Spring Cleaning To-Dos

Spring cleaning season is quickly approaching! What projects are you going to tackle? There are plenty of things to do in the house, we all know this, but what else should you add to your spring cleaning checklist? Well, outdoor stuff, of course. 

This outdoor spring cleaning to do list will help you get your outdoor space put together perfectly and let you start spring off just right. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get stuff done!

Outdoor Spring Cleaning To-Dos

Clean Your Porch

First and foremost, it’s time to tackle that front porch. Pick up any toys or shoes from the porch or anything that you may have set down and left there to be picked up later. Now it’s time to remove any and all furniture and decor. Once everything is picked up and moved, it’s time to sweep off the porch and any steps, and power wash it if you have the ability to do that. 

Clean Your Furniture

Whether it sits on your front porch, on your back patio or you have some cute chairs in your yard, it’s time to get that outdoor furniture cleaned off and ready to be enjoyed this year! 

Clean and Refresh Your Front Door

Give your front door a good scrub and consider painting it or at least the trim. A simple redo of your door like this can give your home a completely different appearance and make a huge change!

I have dogs and I swear no matter how many times I train them otherwise, they are always putting their paws on my door so this door cleaning and refresh is always on the top of my list for outdoor spring cleaning projects. 

Weed Your Flower Garden/Pots

If you have an area for flowers, whether that’s in pots or as  part of your garden, now is the time to clip back those old, dead plants, clear the weeds and maybe even plant more flowers! There’s nothing like beautiful flowers to bring in a new season!


Super Easy Way to Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Yesterday I made chocolate covered strawberries for the first time EVER. I guess I was intimidated to make them. However, I found a way to make them and it was super easy and so good. We all loved them. This would be a great family activity on Valentine’s Day.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

1 lb Strawberries
1 package Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips
1 package Ghirardelli white chocolate chips
2 Tablespoon vegetable oil (separated)
Wax paper sheets

1. Wash strawberries and then dry them thoroughly.
2. In a microwave safe bowl, mix together chocolate chips and vegetable oil.
3. Microwave chips and oil for 1 minute. Sir. Then add 30 sec and stir until the chips are almost melted. Keep stirring until nice and smooth.
4. Dip strawberries in chocolate and place on wax paper. Tip: place the wax paper on a sheet pan.
5. Once the paper is full of strawberries transfer the pans to a freezer for about 10 minutes.
6. Melt package of white chocolate chips with 1 tablespoon  oil. Melt with instructions like #3.
7. Get a spoon full of the white chocolate and drizzle it over the chocolate strawberries. You can freeze them again for a few minutes to get the white chocolate hard or you can just eat them!

You could even dip some of the strawberries in the white chocolate and drizzle with the milk chocolate.

5 Non-Sugar Valentine’s Day Gifts for Kids

Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? It’s in a few days.  My kids love to celebrate this holiday. However, I feel like we get a TON of candy. So I try to get our kiddos non-sugar gifts from me and my husband. Here are a few different options that you can get this year.

  1. Games. You can choose board games or card games. We love getting a few new ones throughout the year. Find one night each week when you can play games together as a family. Right now you can score a great deal at Target, where you can Buy 2 games and Get 1 FREE. 
  2. Books & Activity Books. My kids love to read books and do activity books. This would be a fun time to get a few new ones. Amazon has a great selection here. 
  3. Hats. My kids love to get new hats for the summer. This would be a fun time to grab a few new ones. You could get a winter beanie hat or a summer hat. Here are a few options. 
  4. Healthy Snacks. There are some food items that are non-sugar but still yummy. You can get a few fun treats like microwave popcorn, chips and salsa or other dips, baked chips, or yummy fruits.
  5. Handwritten Note. I know kids may not receive hand written notes much anymore. This is a chance to write a note to your kids and tell them how much you love them. This is something they need to hear over and over again and a note would be a great way to do it.

Spring Break Trips at Huge Discounts

Spring break is coming up! Have you made plans yet? If you are wanting to get away, I feel you. I do too! I am so ready to take our first vacation this year. Like many others though, I’m on a budget so I can’t just pick a spot to go and buy airline tickets and pay for a hotel. I have to look for deals!

If you need to look for deals too, don’t worry! I have several great tips for you to save big on trips this spring. The key is to know where to look and to be flexible. Flexibility in your dates and where you go will help you find spring break trips at huge discounts. 

Spring Break Trips at Huge Discounts

Explore Kayak

If you haven’t checked out Kayak yet, definitely do! They have this great feature called “Explore” where you put in your local airport and it will bring up the cheapest flights to anywhere. Cheap trips (round trip flights) from my local airport that I can find right now are $54 to Las Vegas, $115 to Miami, $96 to Denver and so much more! 

Check Groupon

I have talked about this plenty, but the thing is, Groupon is a fantastic place to find discounts on vacation ideas for any time of year! I can find cheap Vegas hotels (to go along with that sweet RT deal I talked about earlier), local camping and hotels, and even all-inclusive deals to tropical places! 

Go Camping!

Maybe it’s just me, but I love camping! I actually love camping of all kinds, but I really enjoy camping at “glamping” sites or camping resorts. I like it when my kids have a playground and a pool to play in and maybe even a game room. Camping can be a ton of fun and it’s pretty cheap too. I am currently looking at a camping resort for our upcoming vacation and it’s only $45 per night. That’s way cheaper than a hotel or vacation home.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Families


I just looked at the weather report for the upcoming week and I saw that where I am (PNW), we are expecting temps in the low 60s this week!! You know what that means? SPRING IS COMING!!!!!

I love spring for countless reasons, but one of those reasons is that I truly enjoy spring cleaning. Actually I really enjoy the end result of spring cleaning, but I don’t even mind the cleaning process. It’s like a fresh start every year. Like any kind of cleaning though, it’s harder with kids. These spring cleaning tips for families will help you get your house in order this year! 

Spring Cleaning Tips for Families

Take it One Room at a Time

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming when you have too much stuff, which most of us do. If you focus on taking the cleaning one room at a time it will make it all much easier to do, I have three kids and we absolutely have to take our spring cleaning one room at a time or we get nowhere. 

Get Everyone Involved

Every person in the house helped to make the mess, so make sure that every person in the house helps to clean it up. You can all work on one space together or you can delegate a spot for each person to focus on. Either way, teamwork makes the dream work, am I right?

Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Use

Since you are busy cleaning now anyway, now is the time to get rid of the stuff you no longer use or need. It’s time to clear the clutter! Here are some tips for you to make this easier:

  • Gather those clothes and household supplies that you no longer use and donate them. 
  • Gather up half empty bottles of lotions, shampoos, cosmetics, etc and toss them in the trash.
  • Shred any documents that you no longer need.  

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