How to Easily Exercise More in the New Year


Are you working on health goals? (Aren’t we all? haha) Okay, anyway, trying to reach health goals are important, but they aren’t always easy to do! If part of your health goals include trying to exercise more in the new year, check out these tips that will make it easier to do so!

It’s not always easy to include exercise into your day. Honestly sometimes it feels pretty much impossible. I’ve struggled with this a lot, however in recent years I have been able to include exercise in my life a lot more than I used to and it has been really great for me in many ways. Read on to see some tips on how you can exercise more this year without it being too difficult.

How to Easily Exercise More in the New Year

Ask Friends to Join

Peer pressure isn’t always for bad, my friends! I have learned that I am far more likely to exercise if I know I have friends waiting for me. Or, if my friend calls me up and asks me if I want to go on a walk or workout with them, I hate to say no! This is one of the things that I have found to be most helpful for me. 

Download Some Free Apps

There are so many great fitness apps out there! Sign up for one (or two or three) and see if you find one that you like. I just spotted a deal for a free 2 months of the Peloton App so I am planning on starting that this week. I don’t have a Peloton Bike, but I do have a very nice workout bike so I am excited to try out the live classes! 

Tell Yourself that You Are Worth It

You are worth it. You really are. 

If you are anything like me, you tend to put your spouse, your kids and everyone else before yourself. It is very important to stop doing this. Our families and loved ones are important, yes, but if you let your health fail, how will you continue to do all of the things for them that you currently do. It’s time to focus on you! It can help everyone!

Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions


Do you plan to set New Year’s Resolutions this year? New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that has been around for thousands of years. New Year’s Resolutions are a great way to go into the new year feeling motivated and excited for the year to come. 

With the last year (and more) that we have had, it’s easy to feel defeated about the year to come, but in order for the best mental health we must have something to look forward to. For me, that means the great things that are to come in the new year! New Year’s resolutions though, aren’t always easy to keep. If you are the type that struggles with this, these tips for keeping your resolutions will keep you moving forward in the new year!

Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions

Make Sure They are Realistic

If you set resolutions that are not realistic, it’s not likely to be successful. Let’s say you are hoping to read more this year. You need to set a goal such as “I will read one book per month” instead of “I’m going to read 50 books this year.” 

Make Your Resolution Specific

A specific goal is easier to focus on than a non-specific one. Let’s say you want to exercise more, your resolution should be something such as “walk 10 minutes per day” versus “I want to exercise more this year”. A specific goal gives you something tangible to reach for.

Create a Vision Board

It’s important to remind yourself of your resolutions and goals and vision board is a great way to give yourself this reminder. If other reminder tactics work for you that’s fine too, it’s important that you have a reminder. 

Be Patient

 All good things take time. Be patient to see results and you’ll be more likely to keep your resolutions and succeed. 

4 Tips That Will Help You to Get More Sleep


Do you feel like you are getting enough sleep at night? Do you wake up feeling good and refreshed? Or, do you feel like you are struggling to get the rest you need? Do you struggle to stay asleep, or to fall asleep at all? A recent study by the National Institute of Health states that 1 out of 3 people do not sleep enough at night. Are you the 1?

It’s important to know that for optimal health, adults need to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night in order to promote the best mental and physical health, a good quality of life, a stronger ability to handle stress, and even have a stronger ability to prevent injuries. If you are interested in learning how to make your sleep better, the tips that we talk about below can help you get a better night’s sleep. 

4 Tips That Will Help You to Get More Sleep

Follow a Routine

Bedtimes aren’t just for kids, friends. If you go to bed at the same time each and every night, you’ll find that falling asleep is much, much easier. Our bodies need a routine in order to process our cycles better. 

Get Regular Exercise

Maintaining a sufficient level of physical activity is imperative for the best health in many ways and believe it or not, it will also help you to get better sleep! Our bodies need movement and it’s important to get the nervous energy out of our systems in order to feel restful at bedtime. Just make sure to not do this exercise in the late hours before bedtime.

If You Can’t Sleep, Get Up

Do not just lie down in your bed wide awake. The best thing is to get out of bed while doing something relaxing. Go listen to music or read a book or meditate. 

Put Down the Phone

Put your phone down well before bedtime. We’ve heard it time and time again, but electronics and the light coming from them stimulate our brains and keep us feeling more awake than we want to be. It’s best to make it a habit to put your phone down 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

Help Your Kids Deal with Stress with These Tips


Do you have kids? If you said yes, you are probably learning that kids get stressed too! We are all stressed these days and kids are not immune to this. Whether it is all that is happening in the world around us, or it’s the everyday business of being a kid these days, many, many kids are feeling stressed! 

If you want to help your kids deal with stress, check out these tips below. We can’t take away all of the difficult or stressful things in life, but we can help them learn how to deal with these things a little bit better. 

Help Your Kids Deal with Stress with These Tips

Make Sure that They Get Enough Rest

Sleep isn’t just for grown ups, my friends. For a million reasons, it is very important that your kids sleep enough each night. Kids need between 8 and 11 hours of sleep each night for the best physical and mental health benefits. 

Keep Them Active


Maintaining a sufficient level of physical activity is imperative for the best health, both physical and mental. Good mental health is necessary to deal with stress as best as possible. 

Communicate with Them

The ability to talk and communicate with someone they feel safe with is an important part of being able to deal with stress appropriately. If your children feel comfortable coming to you with something that is making them feel bad or uncomfortable, you’ll be able to help them work through the issue.

At the same time, do not try to jump in and fix everything, allow them to do as much as possible. Just be there for them. The knowledge that they are being supported is a huge benefit to kids working through their stress and issues on their own. 

Have Them Sign off of Social Media

If your kids have social media, don’t be afraid to make them sign off of it, at least temporarily. I have a teenage daughter who has an Instagram account. We talk often so I can see when she is having a hard time. If I see she is struggling, I decide that it is time for her to take a social media break. She logs out of Instagram and removes the app from her phone. We set a limit for her to be off of it for at least 2 weeks and it helps significantly.

Stuck in the Car Waiting for Kids? Do These Things While You Wait


Do you have kids? If you said yes, you are probably quite used to waiting and waiting and waiting in your car for your kids. Whether you are at the school pick up line or waiting for them to get out of practice after school, you have likely mastered the art of hurrying up and waiting for them. 

Instead of using this time to scroll social media or play a useless game on your phone, why not do these things while you wait? Multitasking can be a very good thing, my friends!

Stuck in the Car Waiting for Kids? Do These Things While You Wait

Make or Return Phone Calls

Have you been waiting for a break in your schedule to return phone calls? Now is the time. 

Or, do you need to make appointments for you or your family members at the doctor, dentist, etc? This is a great chance to do this. Of course, this one only works if you are stuck waiting in your car during business hours, but it’s the best time to accomplish these things. 

Clean Out Your Car

Grab a bag and start cleaning out all of the trash in your car. Most of us who have kids have trash in our cars, even if it is hidden somewhere. If you don’t, great job! For the rest of us, this is a great time to do it. 

Clean Out Your Glove Box

I feel seen. Seriously, I don’t know why I always forget to do this, but this is a great task to take care of while you are in your car anyway. Why not take advantage of this time to make your car feel less cluttered. 


If your time in the car is going to be a relatively short one (10-20 minutes), why not take this time for yourself. Download a meditation app and just relax. We all need more relaxation in our lives, am I right?

How to Play Outdoors More This Winter Season

I live in a place where we get a lot of snow during the Winter and the temperature highs hover in the 20s or 30s. It’s cold and dark for most of the winter season. When this happens we tend to stay indoors which can create more depression and anxiety. Even in the Winter there are ways you can get outside to play which would help dispel those Winter blues.

The first thing that needs to be done so you can enjoy being outdoor is to be ready for cold weather. I like to go through my winter bins and see what hats, gloves and boots the kids have outgrown. Then I play the game of who can fit into who’s winter clothes from last year! I make a list of items that I need to buy for each of us. Have you noticed if you have warm clothes ready to go then you’ll go outside more often? I sure do! I know I have a warm hat and gloves (that actually fit and don’t have holes!) so I’m ready to go outside.

Have you tried cross country or downhill skiing? If you have then go for it! If not, why not try it out? I’ve had moments in the mountains when I’m skiing where I see the most magnificent views with trees covered in snow and the bluest sky. If you live close to ski resorts, it would be a great idea to look into taking lessons. Learning something new would help keep your mind busy this winter and give you more to look forward to.

I told my husband that we need to get a dog just so we would go on walks more often! Going on walks during the winter is totally doable. Grab those warm layers and get outside! You can invest in a headlamp and warmer clothes if you have to wait until after work to go on your walk. Breathing in the fresh air will give you a sense of renewal and ready to conquer the day.

Doing some research of finding fun sledding hills and flat walking areas near you will help make your outdoor winter a success. Ask neighbors and friends where you like to go sled or walk. This will help you know what to do when that time comes. Taking the “where do we go?” question out of the equation makes it so much easier to pack your things in the car and head to the sledding hill that you know and you’ll be more likely to have the energy to get out.

Lastly, Winter can be a total mind game. Some days you’ll have to tell yourself that you’re going to build a snowman or go ski or go on a cold walk. Once you’re brain in on board then you can do anything. I have to be prepared for some of these things and that’s okay! I will tell you though, when you get outside of your home, you’ll get rid of some of the winter sadness. Who knows, you just may fall in love with these wintery months.

Christmas Eve Traditions Your Family Will Love!


Christmas Eve is here and although most of you might have your family traditions already set maybe you can add one of these fun ideas to the list this year!

  1. Open one present from under the tree  this has been our family tradition ever since I was little. Now my kids do it but they usually just get to open their pj’s 😉
  2. Set up a scavenger hunt  this could be fun but would take a little work on your part. But lead them to their present they get to open that night or maybe a fun treat.
  3. Fill a Sack for Santa to give back  I love this idea and since researching the topic by asking friends and family, we’re added this one to our list! I have a big blue bag set out that they’ve been filling up with their toys and attached is a letter – I’ve filled this sack with my toys for you to recycle for girls and boys. Glad to know your north pole crew will make the toys back to new.
  4. Sprinkle Reindeer food outside for the reindeer  my little’s did this one last year and was so fun. We filled a bag with glitter, oats, sprinkles and a few other goodies for the reindeer to find.
  5. Track where Santa is at  there are a few apps out there in which you can track Santa on. Like the Santa Call & Tracker – North Pole Command Center, this app cost $5 but could be fun for the kids.
  6. Write a letter to your kids now you could do this after the kids to go bed and slip it under their pillow for when they wake up or save it for them to read them when they’re older. Try to highlight things you’ve done this year or ways you’ve seen them grow and characteristics you admire in them.
  7. Make some hot chocolate and watch the Polar Express in your jammies – this was another tradition we would do growing up although the movie wasn’t out then so we’d read it by the fireplace. Now we watch the movie and cuddle on the couch.
  8. Go Christmas Caroling  bring back the fun tradition of Christmas caroling by going around the neighborhood. See if you can get any families to join in.
  9. Family Christmas Talent Show  share your talents with the family! You can even get creative and come up with a fun family skit.
  10. Act Out the Nativity  we have many friends that have this tradition and I think it’s such a great idea. You could even do this with all the grandkids. Just use some of your sheets as robes and grab a baby doll for baby Jesus.
  11. Drive Around looking at the Lights and for Rudolph’s Nose  who doesn’t love driving around looking at all the Christmas lights? This is something my husband’s family would do every year after visiting grandma.

I hope everyone enjoys this time surrounded by those you love creating lasting memories. And if you’re in an unfortunate situation in which those you love are far away or no longer here, know that we wish you a Merry Christmas and send warm hugs your way!

20 Creative at Home Date Night Ideas!

For the last couple of years my husband and myself have come up with 12 different date night ideas. He figures out 6 of them and I’d come up with the other 6. Last year we had to get creative and we made them all Covid friendly, which meant at home during that time. To say we had fun would be an understatement. It was a great way for us to reconnect with each other after the kids went to bed. So if you’re needing some fun at home date ideas, we’ve got you! Here are 20 different at home dates you can easily pull together!

  1. Movie & Popcorn – snag a Redbox or find a new movie on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Movies or anywhere else you have a subscription to and pop some of your favorite popcorn
  2. Comedy Night – we found some hilarious comedy shows on YouTube.
  3. Paint Night – set the table up for a little Bob Ross paint night (this was one of my favorites and I’m not a painter)
  4. Music Night – put together a favorites playlist of songs that remind you of each other.
  5. Read Together – simply snag your favorite book and sit down with a warm cup of hot chocolate
  6. Listen to a Book Together – maybe you want to read a new book together, set up a date night to get you started
  7. Board Games – we love pulling out board games and having a little friendly competition
  8. Write a Letter – the art of writing to each other is not lost! Bring it back and exchange them over a bubble drink.
  9. Make Your Own Ice Cream – simple and easy idea to pull together, you can even add your own favorite toppings.
  10. Go on a Walk – a simple walk around the block is sometimes the perfect break I need to reconnect with my husband
  11. Learn to Massage Each Other – there is so much information out there that can teach you new techniques to massage each other. One tip, Bath and Body has the best massage oil!
  12. Italian Night – make your favorite Italian meal together and follow it up with some Italian ice!
  13. Plan Your Dream Vacation – pull up google maps and checkout your dream vacation and where you’d like to stop at
  14. Meditate Together – what a powerful way to connect with each other
  15. Candle Light Dinner – this would be perfect to enjoy together after the kids are asleep
  16. Puzzles – I love puzzles, my husband not so much but he’s a good sport and we’ll put together one as a date night
  17. Watch Family Movies – it’s so fun going back and seeing what life used to be like for each other
  18. Roast Marshmallows – we’re lucky enough to have a fire pit but you can do this even over the stove
  19. Work on The House – we have been known to paint a bedroom after the kids go down for bed. The project is so much funner to do together
  20. Dance – turn on that song you danced to at your wedding and just sway back and forth

Plus one bonus one:

Body Paint Night – this is one we have yet to do but have all the supplies for! I’m really looking forward to this one and creating some good laughs!

How To Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather

Many of you might already be experiencing winter weather in your area, and many more of you have it in the forecast in the next couple of days/weeks. Regardless of where you live though, you should always make sure your car is ready for inclement weather that often happens in the wintertime.

If you are a new driver or you are new to an area where the winter weather is more “wintery” you may be wondering how to prepare your car for winter weather. Well, wonder no more, my friends. These tips will help you move along easier this winter and stay safe while doing it. 

How To Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather

Preparing your car for winter weather means that you need to do a mixture of things. You need to do some auto maintenance stuff and you need to invest in some winter gear and tools to keep inside of your car.

First thing is first. Here are the maintenance things that you should have done on your car ASAP before the winter weather hits:

  • Get an oil change
  • Check the coolant
  • Change your wipers (if needed) and refill your washer fluid reservoir
  • Get your battery inspected
  • Have your tires checked to be sure they are in good condition. Alternatively, switch your tires over to winter tires.

Now, here is a list of things that you should keep in your car to help prevent issues that can come along with winter weather:

  • Ice scraper
  • Tire Chains
  • Jump Starter
  • Shovel
  • Rocksalt
  • Warm Blankets
  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency food and water

As you can see, this list of items includes ways to prevent an accident or ways to help you deal with an accident or becoming stuck in the snow. All of these items will help you out on your winter driving expeditions. 

Be safe out there!

How To Save Money On Pet Expenses


Do you have pets? If you do, you know just how expensive they can be. That doesn’t have to be the case though! There are some things that we can do to save money on the expenses that come with having a pet.

If you want to find out how to save money on your pet, be sure and check out these tips below on how to save money on pet expenses. If you have tips to add, please feel free to comment below and share your tips and tricks. We all love to help each other out! 🙂

How To Save Money On Pet Expenses

Invest in Pet Insurance

First and foremost get pet insurance. You just simply never know when an accident may occur or your dog may become sick. The small investment of getting pet insurance can save you thousands of dollars in this situation. Pet insurance could even potentially save the life of your pet. There have been many instances where a pet owner couldn’t afford a lifesaving treatment needed for your pet, however if they had pet insurance it may not have been an issue.

Shop Online

It is surprisingly simple to find coupons and deals on pet food and accessories online. I recently got a 40 pound bag of dog food for only 12 bucks just by spotting a coupon that was available on Amazon.  Typically that Sam’s bag costs upwards of $40. It was a great deal and reminded me of precisely why I like to shop online for my pet. 

I like to check out Amazon, Target, PetSmart and Chewy for discounts and coupons. 

Sign Up for Rewards Programs

Many stores offer rewards programs that will help you save big money on pet expenses. This can be your grocery store (yep, they have pet deals too), but also pet stores and even farm stores. For instance, I have signed up for Tractor Supply rewards program and I have, on multiple occasions, received coupons for free or discounted dog food.


Easy Cake Mix Cookie Recipe- Perfect for Santa’s Christmas Eve Cookies

I love making cookies, especially at this time of year. I turn on a little Christmas music and get baking. I had to share with you one of my most favorite cookie recipes. These cake mix cookies are AWESOME. What makes them awesome? They are fool proof. Seriously. It requires little ingredients, not a lot of time, and they turn out great! You can also make them with a variety of cake mixes and add in different candies, chips and sprinkles. YUM! Kids can even help with this recipe. I like to have them help me with these cookies for Christmas Eve. Then we leave a few out for Santa. I hope you enjoy these as much as our family does.

1 Package Dry Cake Mix of your choice
1/3 Cup Oil
2 Eggs

Mix all ingredients together well with a fork or spoon. Roll balls into 1-1 1/2 inch balls. Place on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Don’t over bake. Once they start to crack on top they are done!

**You can mix and match cake mixes and add ins. Try making a devils food cake mix with mint chocolate chips. You can also get a vanilla or lemon cake mix and add in sprinkles or butterscotch chips. Try a chocolate cake mix and add in crushed peanut butter cups. There are so many different ways to make these and they are always yummy!

4 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy Anything!

A new year is approaching which has my husband and I talking about finances. While I know that’s not a once a year conversation it’s typically when we look back at what we’ve spent big chunks of money on, what we need to save for in the coming year and goals we want to set for our finances. This year is no different, but with the inflation we want to make sure we’re extra careful on where we are spending our money so we can still take those trips we want to take and pay for the upgrades on the house. So here are 4 questions we plan to ask ourselves before purchasing anything.

1. Do We Need It?

From experience we’ve always been really good at rationalizing why we NEED something but when it comes down to it we’ll be setting aside all those “excuses” and be more intentional.

2. Does It Fit Into The Budget?

Confession, we’re not great at budgeting. It’s something I admire about others who are. So we’ve broken it down so it’s simple for us to manage and maybe down the road we’ll take on more but that’s for another day. Right now we’re focusing on our food budget which includes dinning out as well as what we purchase on Amazon (which for us is a category all on its own). Do what works best for you but make sure there’s a way you can answer this question.

3. How Many Hours Do I Have To Work To Pay For This? 

Wow! Have you really thought about this question when you are looking at buying something. Lets say you’re wanting the newest phone and it cost $300 (that’s low I know). If you were paying $20 per hour after taxes are taken out, you will have to work 15 hours to pay for that phone. Is that worth it for you to buy? Maybe yes, maybe no but that’s a question you’ll have to ask yourself.

4. Where Will It’s Home Be?

This one is a big one for me. I struggle when my home feels cluttered, less is more. I love the rule, one thing in one thing out and it’s something I’ve tried to live by especially with clothing and office supplies (my two weak spots). So take a minute and decide, do you have room for this item and if so where will it’s home be.

Last Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas for the Whole Family!

Christmas is almost here!  If you’re getting done with your presents, you may still have your stockings to finish. I like to have some fun, unique ideas to put in stockings. Here is a fun list for dad, mom, teenagers, kids, babies, and pets. A good place to find most of these items is your local dollar store. If you want to shop from home for these items you can always use AmazonTarget and Walmart. These stores have competitive prices and you can get them shipped right to your home! Order today to get them in time!

Stocking Stuffers for Dad

  1. Deck of Cards
  2. Canned Nuts
  3. Golf Balls
  4. DVD’s
  5. Hand Warmers/Feet Warmers
  6. Gum/Tic Tacs
  7. Deodorant/Body Spray
  8. Cologne
  9. Magazines
  10. Sunglasses
  11. Drill Bits
  12. Mini Flash Lights
  13. Gift Cards- Home Depot, Movie Theaters
  14. Socks
  15. Tie/Bow Tie
  16. Tie Clip
  17. Texting gloves
  18. Hair Gel
  19. Razor & Shaving Cream
  20. Pocket Knife
  21. Beef Jerky
  22. Trail mix

Stocking Stuffers for Mom

  1. Hand Lotion
  2. Lip Balm/Lipstick
  3. Face Mask
  4. Hair Elastics
  5. Note Book
  6. Gift Cards- Spa, Restaurants
  7. Nail Polish
  8. Favorite Candy/Chocolate
  9. Nylons/Tights
  10. Jewelry- Earrings, Necklace, Bracelet or Rings
  11. Tide Stain Sticks
  12. Makeup
  13. Texting Gloves
  14. Flower Seeds
  15. Beanie
  16. Perfume
  17. Dry Shampoo or Hair spray (Trial Size to fit)
  18. Scarf
  19. Makeup Remover Wipes
  20. Candles
  21. Long Phone cord
  22. Portable Phone Charger (Power bank)

Stocking Stuffers for Teen Boys

  1. Mini Cereal Box
  2. iTunes Gift Card
  3. Body Spray/Deodorant
  4. Hair Gel
  5. Key Chain
  6. $1.00 bills
  7. Tie/Bow Tie
  8. Pencils/Pens
  9. Texting Gloves
  10. Beanie/Hat
  11. Favorite Soda
  12. Card Games
  13. Favorite Candy
  14. Gum
  15. Flash Drive
  16. Comic Book
  17. Ear Buds
  18. Hacky Sack
  19. Car Air Freshener
  20. Phone Case
  21. Wireless Speaker

Stocking Stuffers for Teen Girls

  1. Chapstick
  2. Nail Polish
  3. Gum
  4. Journal
  5. Ear Buds
  6. Magazines
  7. Texting Gloves
  8. Hair Spray/ Hair Gel
  9. Jewelry- Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets or Rings
  10. Cute Socks
  11. iTunes Gift Card
  12. Mini Cereal Box
  13. Perfume
  14. Magnets for lockers
  15. Glitter Pens
  16. Beanies/Hats
  17. $1.00 Bills
  18. Key Chains
  19. Favorite Candy
  20. Favorite Soda
  21. Manicure Set
  22. Teeth Whitening Kit
  23. Cell Phone case

Stocking Stuffers for Boys

  1. LED Glow Sticks
  2. Books
  3. Book Light
  4. Favorite Candy
  5. Hot wheels Cars
  6. Slinky
  7. Life Saver Story Books
  8. Tie/Bow Tie
  9. Watch
  10. Piggy Bank
  11. Slime
  12. Electric Toothbrush
  13. Tsum Tsum
  14. Homemade Gift Cards- (“Stay up Late”, “No Chore Day”, “Out to Lunch”)
  15. Bath Color drops
  16. Bubbles
  17. Crayons
  18. Favorite Soda
  19. Character Gloves
  20. Mini Cereal Box

Stocking Stuffers for Girls

  1. Life Saver Story Books
  2. Electric Toothbrush
  3. Jump Rope
  4. Watch
  5. Silly Puddy
  6. Backpack Keychain
  7. Glow Sticks
  8. Tsum Tsum
  9. Homemade Gift Cards- (“Stay up Late”, “No Chore Day”, “Out to Lunch”)
  10. Character Gloves
  11. Favorite Soda
  12. Glitter Pens
  13. Chapstick
  14. Stickers
  15. Small purse
  16. Favorite Candy
  17. Hair Bows/Headbands
  18. Tights/Leggings
  19. Crayons
  20. Bubbles
  21. Press on nail set
  22. Washi Tape
  23. Glitter

Stocking Stuffers for Babies/Toddlers

  1. Tsum Tsum
  2. Bubbles
  3. Teething Toys
  4. Gerber Puffs
  5. Baby Food
  6. Mini Books
  7. Hair bows
  8. Soft mini blanket
  9. Bibs or Burp clothes
  10. Rattles/Small toys
  11. Hats & Gloves
  12. Shoes
  13. Fun Socks
  14. Plush Toys
  15. Finger Puppets
  16. Board Books
  17. Fruit Snacks
  18. Finger Paint
  19. Sunglasses
  20. Play-Doh

Stocking Stuffers for Dogs or Cats

  1. Chew Toys
  2. Leash
  3. Collar
  4. Teasers for cats
  5. Treats
  6. Holiday bows
  7. Tennis Balls
  8. Sweaters
  9. Stuffed Animals
  10. Dog shoes
  11. Grooming Supplies
  12. Clothing/Outfits


 I hope this list will help you out and give you a few ideas of what you can add to your stockings.

Fun List of Christmas Break Family Activities (COVID Friendly)

This year my kids have two full weeks off of school.  At first I started stressing about what we could do, but as all of the ideas came, I realized we may not have enough time to do all of them! Most of these cost nothing or are pretty inexpensive activities. You can pick and choose some of your favorites and have a fun Christmas break with your family.

  1. Have a Color Contest – there are so many free printables online for you to use. Just do a quick search on google and a bunch will come up.
  2. Make Hot Chocolate over the stove – create some fun and let the kids help make some hot chocolate over the stove one night.
  3. Game Night – I have lots of memories of family game night! It’s something I hope to create with my kids.
  4. Random Acts of Kindness – this can really bring out the Christmas spirit by serving others. Plus there’s lots of great ideas you can do while staying safe.
  5. Decorate Christmas Cards – A passion of mine (other than finding deals) is card making/crafts and my girls love to participate. So creating cards together is a great way for us to spend time together and bring in the Christmas spirit.
  6. Go Ice Skating – we did this last year and the kids keep asking when can we go again, definitely a hit! (And we found a good deal using Groupon & Living Social)
  7. Read a Christmas Book – I love finding new Christmas books at the library and it’s all free.
  8. Sing Christmas Carols – you don’t have to go house to house but why not just sing right in your home!
  9. Research Christmas in another country – I’m pretty interested in this one and think we might have to give it a try this year.
  10. Take Pictures of Snowman – we’re always pointing out the snowman so why not take a few pictures of them all!
  11. Try a Pinterest Craft – oh Pinterest, you always have a ton of awesome ideas and there’s no short on Christmas crafts you can do with the kids or get some friends together to create something fun.
  12. Bake Cookies to take to the local police station – this one is dear to my heart and I know they’d really appreciate it. (While some areas might not be accepting donations like this you can always ask ahead of time)
  13. Make a new no sew fleece blanket – yes, a nice new warm blanket sounds wonderful!
  14. Eat Candy Canes – you could mix it up and get different favors and try guessing what each one is.
  15. Build a Fort – this is always happening at our house, thank goodness for grandmas that quilt, we have a lot of blankets.
  16. Watch Family Videos – It’s so fun going back through old videos and watching them together. It reminds me I need to pull out the recorder (or I guess phones now) and record more of my own kids so they can do the same when they get older.
  17. Try a new recipe – my first pick is going to have to be the desserts
  18. Create a Homemade gift – grandparents love homemade gifts and kids love to make them for them!
  19. Watch a version of a Christmas Carol – always a Christmas classic (check your library if you don’t have this one in your own collection)
  20. Drive around town and look at Christmas lights – yep I’m sure we’re not alone in doing this – we make it a tradition to head out on Christmas eve!
  21. Build a Snowman – fresh snow is such a great time to get out and build a snowman! Don’t forget the carrot nose.
  22. Go sledding – Find a new favorite sledding hill!
  23. Build a Gingerbread house – we started this tradition a few years ago and it’s carried through, I love watching the creativity of what the kids will do with the different candies.
  24. Wear Christmas Jammies all day – this one I’m excited about cause I’ll be joining in too
  25. Cut out snowflakes – this would be fun and to do and then maybe share them with a near by nursing home (you could hang them on the outside of their window)
  26. Toy donation bag – we do this all month long. We have a “Santa” bag the kids fill up with their unused/no longer play with toys that Santa takes back on Christmas Eve and replaces with their new toys.
  27. Picnic by the tree – this is fun to do while the kids are out of school and a way to break up the day a bit.

Dollar Tree: Prices Raising to $1.25 Nationwide!

Well, I guess it was bound to happen. Dollar Tree will soon have items on their shelves that will cost over $1. In their press release they stated, “The $1.25 price point, which will apply to a majority of Dollar Tree’s assortment, will enhance the Company’s ability to materially expand its offerings, introduce new products and sizes, and provide families with more of their daily essentials.”

This increase has been introduced as a trial stage but they now say, “This decision is permanent and is not a reaction to short-term or transitory market conditions.” They have been able to manage inflationary periods for the last 35 years however Dollar Tree believes this change will be valuable to their customers. Dollar Tree plans to roll out the new price point in more than 2,000 additional stores this month and complete the rollout to all store by the end of the first fiscal quarter of 2022.

So I’m interested in knowing, have you see this change take place in your local Dollar Tree? What are your thoughts and are you seeing fun new products hit the shelves?

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