These Tips Will Help You Save Money on Kids Sports

Do you have kids in sports? While it might be summer break right now, fall will come soon. You know what that means…so many expenses. If sports are among those expenses for you, read on to see how you can save money on kids sports.

Kids sports can become very, very expensive, especially if you have kids in club sports and extra especially if you have more than one kid in sports. Read the following tips to help you save money on this:

These Tips Will Help You Save Money on Kids Sports

Choose Affordable Sports

There’s no way around it. Some sports are just more expensive than others. One way to save money is to opt to sign your kids up for sports that cost less.  Opting for sports that have lower costs associated with them will help to keep your costs down. Some sports (such as track and field or basketball) have less equipment than others and that helps to keep the costs down. 

Shop Smart

Look for deals on new or used sports equipment, shoes, clothing, etc. I’m a big believer of shopping at second-hand stores, online marketplaces, or community sports equipment exchanges where you can find gently athletic supplies at a fraction of the cost.

Borrow or Rent Equipment

If your child is trying out a new sport or just starting out, consider borrowing the necessary equipment. You can also find out if the sports program offers any equipment rentals. 


My daughter has graduated from high school now, but she used to play competetive/club basketball and one of our big expenses was the gas money we had to pay out to get her to practices, games and tournaments all the time. We eventually wised up and started carpooling for practices with another family and that was great for everyone!

Host a Successful Yard Sale with These Tips

Are you planning on holding a yard sale this summer? Yard sales can either make you a lot of money or barely get noticed. If you want your yard sale to be as successful as possible, check out these tips on hosting your own yard sale this summer!

Yard sales are a great way to not only make extra money, but also to declutter your home and storage spaces. I don’t know about you, but with three kids and a project loving husband, my space can use some serious decluttering. 

Host a Successful Yard Sale with These Tips

Plan Ahead

Choose a date for your yard sale and start preparing well in advance. 

Do Your Research Regarding Local Rules and Regulations

Some towns/counties/communities have specific requirements when it comes to yard sale. Check local regulations for any permits you may need to obtain.

Gather Items to Sell

Go through your home and gather items you no longer need or want.  The items you choose need to be clean and in good condition (no one wants to buy your junk). This can include clothing, furniture, kitchen appliances, toys, books, and more. 

Organize and Categorize

Arrange your items by category to make it easier for shoppers to find what they’re looking for. Use tables, racks, and shelves to display the items neatly.

A neat, organized yard sale is more attractive to potential shoppers. 

Price your Items

Determine reasonable prices for your items. Keep in mind that yard sales are known for bargains, so don’t overprice. Make sure that your prices are clearly visible using stickers or tags. 


Spread the word about your yard sale. Put up signs in your neighborhood, post on local FB community pages (when allowed), some local newspapers still allow notices to be posted in their paper.

More Awesome Thrift Store Flipping Tips

We are back again today to talk about our favorite tips for your thrift flipping ventures! I know we talked about some great tips yesterday, but there are some other things that I do each time that I am looking for thrift store flipping goods. 

These thrift store shopping tips will help you make some extra money that you can put toward bills, vacations, savings or more! I am saving up all of my thrift store flipping money for a family vacation later this year. 

More Awesome Thrift Store Flipping Tips

Inspect Before You Buy

Sometimes labels can get you really excited, but don’t get so excited that you forget to inspect the item before you buy it. Be sure to look for any rips or holes or any other damage to the item, fabric, etc.

Another thing to look carefully for is to make sure it wasn’t a counterfeit. Upper end brands (lululemon, louis vitton, etc.), all have specific ways to ensure that they are a valid product. Trust me, you don’t want to get a poor review from selling a counterfeit product. 


Don’t be afraid to try and negotiate with the thrift store. Not all of them allow this, but some do. The worst that can happen is that they say no. The less you pay for it, the more of a profit you will make from it. 

Be Open to Multiple Product Types

You can make a lot of money selling clothing. But you can also make a lot of money selling household products, books, etc. Being willing to sell more than just one product line can expand your earning potential. 

That being said, if you are really good at finding deals in one particular product and you are knowledgable with it, you can build a brand around that niche. Apps such as Poshmark can allow you to really build a brand and showcase your strengths in flipping.

Sell in Multiple Places

There are several places that you can sell your thrift store flips. Being willing to sell in multiple places expands your buyer base. 

Here are some great options:

  • Ebay
  • Poshmark
  • Mercari
  • OfferUp
  • FB Marketplace
  • Craigslist

I almost exclusively use poshmark and Mercari, but I have used each of the other options in the past. 

Do you have any thrift store flipping tips to share?

My Favorite Thrift Store Flipping Tips

With the economy being where it is are you looking for ways to earn extra money? Thrift store flipping is a great way to make extra cash, especially if you enjoy shopping. I have been picking up on my thrift store flipping lately and I am loving it and have made a couple hundred extra dollars since I started up again. 

As a matter of fact, I have decided to pay for an upcoming vacation with my thrift store flipping profits and the money is stacking up pretty well so far!! I’m so excited. Here are some of my favorite thrift store flipping tips:

My Favorite Thrift Store Flipping Tips

Thrift store flipping can certainly be a rewarding and profitable venture if done right. Here are some of my favorite tips to help you succeed in thrift store flipping:


It is imperative for you to understand what sell well in the resale market. Spend a little bit of time researching popular brands, items with high demand, and current trends. This will help you be more successful in your thrift store flipping venture. 

Shop at the Right Place

Not all thrift stores are created equal. I promise that this is true. I have found several stores near me that are the best for this. One is a local non-profit that has a very disorganized warehouse full of hidden goodies and the other is my local Goodwill Outlet Store. Goodwill in general can be good, but I have found some amazing stuff at their outlet stores. 

Shop Often

Shop often and shop regularly. I know, I know, you love this rule, right? If you enjoy shopping, then thrift store flipping is going to be a great fit for you. The more often you go, the more likely you are to be able to snag those great, high-dollar items.

Check back tomorrow for more thrift store flipping tips!

Tips for Keeping Your Cooling Costs Down as the Summer Heats Up


It’s getting hot out there already, folks! Have you kicked on the A/C yet? I don’t know about you, but my budget is strained lately due to the rising costs of everything I am trying really hard to keep my utility costs down, so I’m looking for any and every way possible to save on my cooling costs. 

It’s been hot here for a while and I am already noticing a difference in my bills. If you are curious, check out these tips below and see how you can keep your costs down too. 

Tips for Keeping Your Cooling Costs Down as the Summer Heats Up

These are the tips that I have found to help in keeping my cooling costs down so far:

Use Your Ceiling Fan

I have had a ceiling fan for years, but I never really gave much thought to using it for good (meaning that I could actually use it to save money). A ceiling turned on can help to move the air around the room better. Without an air conditioner, a ceiling fan can make a room feel 5-7 degrees cooler. If you have an air conditioner, the fan can spread the cool air around the home more. 

Set Your A/C to the Highest Temperature You Can

Even if it is just one or two degrees, setting your a/c to a higher temperature means it works a little less and that will in turn, save you money. 

If you are using a window or stand-alone unit, see if your unit has an energy saver mode.

Clean Your Filters Regularly

Be sure to clean or replace your filters monthly. This reduces energy consumption by up to 15%. If your A/C or heat pump is located outside, be sure to clean any debris off of your unit. 

Also, if you are using a whole house system, be sure that your registers aren’t being blocked by furniture or any other household items.

More Great Camping Tips

Okay, it’s almost Memorial Day weekend. Who has a camping trip planned? What about the rest of the summer? I love, love, love camping and would literally camp every single summer weekend if I could.  I don’t consider myself a pro though and I’m always looking for new tips that will help my camping trips go more smoothly. 

If you are ready to head out to the campground, these tips will probably help you too! From keeping bees at bay to some great camping recipes, we’ve touched on quite a few camping topics below. Read on: 

More Great Camping Tips

How to Get Rid of Bees While Camping

If you aren’t a fan of bees, read this post on how to get rid of bees while camping! A bee sting can seriously put a hamper on your trip, so read up on how to avoid them while you are camping. 

Camping for Beginners

If you are a newbie camping, this list of tips for beginner campers will help! We all start somewhere, they key is to start!

Camping list for Outdoor Adventures

If you love being fully prepared for your great outdoor adventures, be sure to check out this all inclusive list!

This is basically a list of what you should bring and things you can do to make your trip more smoothly. Many of us long-time campers can attest that it’s super easy to forget something so a list like this can definitely come in handy!

First Time RV Camping Tips

Are you headed out in an RV for the first time? This awesome list is full of tips for a first time RV trip! 

Get a Griddle or Grill That is Dedicated to Camping

I am a big believer in making sure you have all of the camping tools you need packed up and read for your next trip all the time. This includes a cooking tool. We use a Blackstone Griddle and it packs up wonderfully and is easy to store for our next trip. 

If you aren’t sure what to cook while at camp, check out these Blackstone Camping Recipes.

How to Save Money at the Pump

Y’all, these inflated prices on everything are killing my budget right now! Between the price at the pump and the prices at the grocery store and everything in between, it is really starting to hurt. I have been putting a lot of focus into saving money on my groceries and utility bills, so now I have moved on to saving money on fuel. 

Saving on fuel mileage can help reduce your expenses significantly. It can also help and contribute to a more sustainable environment. If you too want to try and save some money at the pump, here are some tips to help you improve fuel efficiency.

How to Save Money at the Pump

Change Your Driving Habits

  • Avoid aggressive driving. Driving habits such as rapid acceleration, hard braking, and speeding can significantly decrease your fuel efficiency. Driving smoothly and maintaining a consistent speed can help you save at the pump.
  • Use cruise control. When driving on highways or long stretches of road, engage cruise control to help maintain a constant speed, which can save fuel.
  • Anticipate traffic. Pay attention to the road ahead and try to anticipate traffic flow. This allows you to adjust your speed gradually and avoid unnecessary braking or acceleration.
  • Avoid idling. Unless it’s in traffic, avoid stopping for more than a minute with your vehicle idling. 

Do all Necessary Vehicle Maintenance

  • Keep your vehicle well-maintained. Doing regular maintenance, such as oil changes, air filter replacements, and tire checks, can help increase your fuel efficiency.
  • Properly inflate your tires. Underinflated tires increase rolling resistance and decrease fuel efficiency. Also, be sure to check your tire pressure regularly to ensure that it is staying within the appropriate levels. 

Improve the Aerodynamics of Your Vehicle

  • Remove excess weight. Extra weight in your vehicle increases fuel consumption. Remove unnecessary items from your trunk or cargo area to lighten the load. I constantly have extra stuff in the back of my car so this is one I am really focused on.
  • Close your windows. Open windows create drag, especially at high speeds. Use the vehicle’s ventilation system or air conditioning instead.

Plan Your Trips Wisely 

  • Combine errands. Consolidate multiple trips into one to minimize cold starts, which consume more fuel. I have a lot of errands throughout the week, so I’m really focusing on making sure to combine them where I can.
  • Use GPS/navigation systems. Plan your routes ahead of time to avoid getting lost or taking longer routes. This helps reduce unnecessary mileage and fuel consumption.

Consider Alternate Transportation

  • Consider carpooling or ridesharing. Sharing rides often means sharing costs. It’s a win-win.
  • Use public transportation or active transportation: When feasible, utilize public transport, walk, or cycle for shorter distances instead of driving alone.

How to Stay Cool Without an Air Conditioner

Are you trying to figure out how to stay cool without an air conditioner? Trust me, I get it! I only recently got an air conditioner for my home, but for quite some time it was not in the budget so we had to make do without one. If you are stressed about staying cool this summer, don’t worry. We have some ideas for you. 

The list we have below are all ways that I have found to stay cool during the hottest times even without an air conditioner. Yes, it is possible! If you don’t have an air conditioner, or you are simply trying to save money by not using yours much, check out this list below.

How to Stay Cool Without an Air Conditioner

Staying cool without an air conditioner can be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can use to beat the heat. Here are some tips to help you stay cool without AC:

Close Those Windows

Keep windows, doors, and blinds closed during the day to prevent hot air from entering your home.

Open Them Back Up

Open windows and doors in the evening and early morning to let in cool air.

Break Out the Fans

Use fans to circulate air in your home. Ceiling fans are great for keeping air moving, but portable fans can also be effective.

Think Outside the Box

Use natural cooling methods such as placing a damp towel on the back of your neck or taking a cool shower.

Dress for It

Use light-colored and breathable fabrics for bedding and clothing.

No Cooking

Avoid using heat-generating appliances such as ovens, dryers, and stovetops during the hottest parts of the day.

Drink Up

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate you.

Go Elsewhere

If it’s safe to do so, spend time in cooler places such as basements, shaded outdoor areas, or air-conditioned public spaces.

Do you have any other tips to add for staying cool in the hot temperatures without an air conditioner?

How to Find Cheap Home Decor

Are you wanting to give your home and space a new look? I love fixing up my house and making it look different, however, it can get really, really expensive! If you are looking for how to find cheap home decor that is high in quality, look no further!

I have created a list of ways to help you find some really high-quality home decor stuff for cheap and sometimes free! You may not believe it, but you really can make your home look amazing without spending a lot of money on it.  Read on below:

How to Find Cheap Home Decor

There are several ways to find cheap home decor:

Thrift Stores and Flea Markets

Thrift stores and flea markets are great places to find unique and affordable home decor items. Look for items like picture frames, vases, lamps, and small furniture pieces.

Garage Sales and Estate Sales

Garage and Estate sales can be great places to find quality home decor items at discounted prices. Keep an eye out for items that can be repurposed or refurbished.

Online Marketplaces

Websites like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace can be great resources for finding affordable home decor items. Be sure to compare prices and read reviews before making a purchase.

Discount Stores

Stores like Target, Walmart, and HomeGoods offer affordable home decor options. Check out their clearance sections for even better deals.

DIY Projects

Consider making your own home decor items. There are countless DIY tutorials online for everything from wall art to furniture.

Repurpose Items

Look for items around your house that can be repurposed as home decor. For example, an old ladder can be turned into a bookshelf or a vintage suitcase can be used as a coffee table.

Remember, it’s important to find a balance between price and quality. Always make sure that the items you purchase are in good condition and will last for a reasonable amount of time.

How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills

Are you struggling with your finances lately? I know I can’t be the only one that is struggling withthe price of everything lately. I am doing all that I can to save money, but sheesh! Between the increases in grocery prices and the shock of looking at my utilities, I didn’t even know where to begin with trying to save even more. 

I decided to take a step back and look into how I can save money in my monthly utility bills and I am happy to say that I am making a difference!! I took on some of the changes below and it really is starting to make a difference in my budget. 

How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills

Here are some tips on how to save money on your utility bills.

  • Use energy-efficient appliances: Consider replacing old appliances with newer, more energy-efficient models that will use less electricity or gas.
  • Install a programmable thermostat: Set your thermostat to adjust the temperature when you are not at home or during the night to save energy.
  • Use LED light bulbs: Replace incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs that use less energy and last longer.
  • Turn off lights and electronics when not in use: Don’t leave lights, TVs, or other electronics on when you are not in the room. Unplug electronics that aren’t being used.
  • Insulate your home: Insulate your home to prevent heat from escaping during winter and cool air from escaping during summer.
  • Use natural light: Use natural light to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  • Use a low-flow showerhead: Install a low-flow showerhead to reduce water usage and save on water heating costs.
  • Seal air leaks: Seal air leaks around windows and doors to prevent drafts and reduce heating and cooling costs.
  • Use a clothesline: Consider using a clothesline instead of a dryer to save on electricity.
  • Compare rates: Compare utility rates and switch providers if you find a better deal.


By implementing these tips, you can save money on your utility bills and reduce your environmental footprint.

25% Off at Groupon!!

Who else wants to get out of the house and do something great this weekend? I know I do!

You can find fun things to do and you can save some money while you are at it with Groupon!

Check out Groupon now to find something fun to do and use promo code SAVE to get an extra 25% off when you use promo code PT75G5.

EPIC Road Trip Ideas to Get You On the Road This Summer

Are you hoping to hit the road to someplace fun this summer? I am! I have a hard time deciding between all of the amazing options out there though so I decided to put together this list of epic road trip ideas to get you on the road this summer!

If you have taken any of these road trips before, be sure to come back and tell us about it! And if you have any other awesome road trip experiences, tell us about those too! We can all use some direction when it comes to hitting the road, am I right?

EPIC Road Trip Ideas to Get You On the Road This Summer

Road Trips from Seattle

If you are in the Seattle area, these road trips from Seattle will get you out of the house for the day or the weekend and have you experiencing the Pacific Northwest in brand new ways!

365 Things to Do in Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY

Who knew there were so many things to do on the East Coast!! This post talks about 365 Things to Do in Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY and now I want to go there immediately!

Denver to Moab

In the Colorado area? This Denver to Moab trip looks amazing!! There is just so much to do in these great states, it’s hard to choose between them all.

San Francisco to Oregon

If you are in San Francisco, check out this great itinerary for a San Francisco to Oregon road trip! There is so much beautiful scenery on this trip, it’s hard to not hop on board for this one!

Orlando to Clearwater

Hello, all of my Florida friends! This Orlando to Clearwater beach day trip looks absolutely amazing! Florida is one state I haven’t yet been to, but it’s on my list!

Salt Lake City to Yellowstone

Oh my gosh, the journey between Salt Lake City and Yellowstone is filled with nothing but adventure. These are some of my favorite places on earth so I highly recommend this one!

How to Avoid Wasting Time

Do you find yourself wasting time while you are trying to accomplish things in your day-to-day life? I get it, it happens. Sometimes it seems like you are right in the middle of being super productive and then all of the sudden it is three hours later.

If you want to learn how to avoid wasting time, you need to get an idea of the things that cause us to waste time. Read on for more ideas on how to do just this.

How to Avoid Wasting Time

Prioritize Tasks

Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish and prioritize them based on importance and urgency. Focus on the most important tasks first and work your way down the list.

Set Goals

Setting specific goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Make sure your goals are achievable and measurable, and give yourself a deadline to work towards.

Eliminate Distractions

Identify the things that distract you the most and try to eliminate or minimize them. This could include turning off your phone or email notifications, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, or finding a quiet place to work.

Manage your Time

Use a planner or calendar to schedule your time and ensure that you’re making the most of it. Block off time for important tasks and avoid overcommitting yourself.

Take Breaks

It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. Take short breaks every hour or so to stretch, move around, or do something you enjoy.

Learn to Say No

Don’t be afraid to say no to requests or invitations that aren’t a priority or don’t align with your goals. This will help you avoid overcommitting and wasting time on things that aren’t important.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Multitasking can actually decrease productivity and increase the likelihood of mistakes. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention.

Delegate Tasks

If possible, delegate tasks to others who are better equipped to handle them. This will free up your time to focus on the things that are most important to you.

Set Effective Goals with These Tips

Have you started the process of setting goals for yourself? If not, you should! Goal setting is an effective strategy in progressing and moving forward in pretty much every way. If you are struggling to find out the best way to set these goals and where to go from here.

You can set effective goals with these tips, so buckle up and read on! Be sure to come back and tell us if these tips helped you or if you have followed any of these tips in the past. I would love to hear all about goals reached!

Set Effective Goals with These Tips

Be Specific with Your Goal Setting

When setting a goal, make sure it is specific and clear. Instead of setting a goal to “lose weight,” set a goal to “lose 10 pounds in 2 months.”

Make it a Measurable Goal

A good goal is measurable, which means you should be able to track your progress and see how far you’ve come. Use numbers or specific milestones to make your goal measurable.

Set Realistic Goals

While it’s good to aim high, make sure your goals are achievable. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Set a Deadline

Give yourself a specific timeframe to achieve your goal. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

Write it Down

Write your goal down and keep it somewhere visible. This will serve as a reminder of what you’re working towards and help keep you accountable.

Break it Down

If your goal is large or complex, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it easier to stay on track and measure progress.

Stay Flexible

Remember that it’s okay to adjust your goals as needed. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change, so be willing to adapt your goals accordingly.

Celebrate your Progress

Finally, celebrate your successes along the way. Recognize and reward yourself for making progress towards your goal, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

Tips That Will Help You Keep Your Car Clean

Do you feel like your car is always a mess? I do! Between the kids snacks, toys and must haves and our busy schedules, it seems like it takes only a matter of days for my car to become a dumping ground of stuff!

If you need a little help figuring out how to keep your ride from becoming a dumping ground for the whole family, check out these tips that will help you keep your car clean! These tips have helped me tremendously in keeping my car in better order.

Tips That Will Help You Keep Your Car Clean


Regularly Wash Your Car

Washing your car every two weeks or so can help prevent dirt and grime buildup. Use a mild car shampoo, a bucket of clean water, and a soft sponge or mitt. Rinse your car thoroughly with a hose or pressure washer.

Keep the Interior Clean

Regularly vacuum the floors and seats, and wipe down the dashboard and other surfaces with a damp cloth. Use a specialized cleaner for leather seats or other delicate surfaces.

Avoid Eating and Drinking in the Car

Eating and drinking in the car can cause spills and stains that are difficult to remove. i have three kids and we are seemingly always on the go, so this one is tough for me to stick to, but I will say that I no longer allow juice or milk. It’s water only. If that spills, it’s much easier to clean up.

Clean up Spills Immediately

If you do spill something in the car, clean it up as soon as possible to prevent stains from setting.

Use Floor Mats

Floor mats can help protect your car’s carpets from dirt and grime.

Keep a Trash Bag in the Car

Keep a small bag or bin in the car to collect trash, such as food wrappers or receipts.

Use Air Fresheners

Use air fresheners or odor eliminators to keep your car smelling fresh.

Don’t Forget the Exterior

Regularly clean your car’s windows, tires, and rims. Wax your car once every few months to protect the paint and give it a shiny finish.

By following these tips, you can help keep your car looking and smelling great.

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