Why You Should Travel for the Holidays

Are you trying to figure out whether or not you will be traveling this holiday season? The world is a bit different over the last couple of years, which makes many of us second guess ourselves when it comes to our typical travel plans over the holidays. The truth is though, there are many reasons why you should travel for the holidays.

Of course, you should stay home if you are sick and you should not expose high risk individuals with your visit, but I say, if you can manage to travel for the holidays, you are winning!

Why You Should Travel for the Holidays

Travel makes the best Gifts

As I’m sure you know by now, I am a huge proponent of experience gifts. Travel is a gift in itself and it is worth far more than all of that junk that is sitting under the tree and will be stored away in a closet within the month or two after Christmas anyway. 

Less Stress

Okay, yes, travel can be stressful, but do you know what else can be stressful? Hosting holiday get togethers, dealing with family drama, and not using your vacation time for something that you really want! These are all stressful! Why not take the lesser of the stressful things?

Lifelong Memories

I kind of touched on this earlier, but traveling is great for many reasons and the memories are my favorite of those reasons. Imagine taking a trip that your entire family will remember forever! It’s well worth it, I promise. 

Visiting Loved Ones

If you have a chance to travel somewhere to spend time with loved ones, take that chance. It’s always good to see the ones that you love! We have spent too much time apart from those that we love this year, it’s time to see and hug those that we love (safely, of course)!

Sourdough Pumpkin Muffin Recipe

During the year 2020, many people got on the bandwagon of sourdough starts and then making everything under the sun with sourdough! This recipe would be perfect to try out with your sourdough start. If you don’t have one, chances are your friends or family do! Check this yummy recipe out.

Sourdough Pumpkin Muffin Recipe
Picture and recipe by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe

  • 2 cups (456 g) pumpkin puree, canned or homemade (see note)
  • 1 cup (227 g) sourdough starter, unfed/discard (see note)
  • 1 cup (212 g) granulated sugar
  • ½ cup neutral-flavored oil like canola or vegetable or melted butter or coconut oil
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups (284 g) all-purpose or whole wheat flour (see note)
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt (decrease if using salted butter)
  • 1 cup (170 g) chocolate chips (optional)


    • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two 12-cup muffin tins with paper liners. Set aside.
    • In a large bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, sourdough starter, granulated sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla until well-combined.
    • Add the flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, salt and chocolate chips (if using) and mix until just combined and no dry streaks remain. Don’t over mix.
    • Scoop the batter into the prepared muffin tins, filling the muffin cups 1/2 to 2/3 full. If desired, sprinkle a few regular or mini chocolate chips on top of the muffins.
    • Bake for 15-20 minutes until the tops spring back lightly to the touch and/or a toothpick comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs.

You Should Start Your Christmas Shopping Now, Here’s Why!

Ok, guys. It is time for a pep talk! I know that we still haven’t had Halloween or even Thanksgiving yet, but right now is the absolute best time to get a start on your Christmas shopping. It may seem crazy if in the past you haven’t started until Black Friday. But right now is when you will see retailers clearancing out perfectly good toys, clothing, electronics and more to get ready for the big shipments of new stuff that is being sent to their stores. Plus with the shipping issues that have been going on, you don’t want to be stuck running around trying to find those last minute items your kids have been asking for.

And once we pass Halloween, a lot of stores actually raise up their prices on just about everything and slash a few things for Black Friday. Remember, everything is a supply and demand thing!

This is what I recommend for not only getting your shopping done super early this year, but also cutting out all of the stress it involves. Can you imagine being done with your shopping by November and actually enjoying the Holidays for once? Now that would be great! 🙂

A Few Tips:

1- Have your Kids Make Their Christmas Wish Lists Now. Tell them Santa needs a head start this year. 😉 I know the TV commercials haven’t started yet for all of the new and cool toys. But, if you have a list started, you can get most of the things on the list now and if they add to it later, you will only have to pick up one or two things to finish their shopping.

2- Find a good stashing place in your home. If you have a place or a few places where you can put gifts without your kids finding them, it is ideal. Then, you will have no problems purchasing Christmas ahead of time and not ruining the surprise. A few ideas we have done in the past, used a trusted neighbor (she’s the Grandma of our neighborhood) to store and even ship some of our packages too. We have also stored some in our trailer in years past.

3- Once you have the Christmas Wish Lists, do some searching online and see a base retail price for what that item normally costs. (This is probably the most important step to make sure you don’t spend more than you should. It’s all about getting the best deal right??) That way, when a really HOT price comes along online- or maybe it is even a deal that I post about, you can see that it truly is one to jump on immediately because you know how much it normally costs!

4- Try to complete most of your shopping list before November. That way you can enjoy Thanksgiving. On Black Friday, you can pick up a few of those HOT items that might be on your family’s lists. If there aren’t any, congrats you should be done!!

5- If there are certain brands or companies that you family wants items from, sign up for their email newsletters which normally have coupon codes and free shipping codes sent out in them. Also, “like” them on Facebook, if you have a Facebook account. And Instagram. Many companies are doing special deals for their Fans only.

6- Another great thing about getting your shopping done in advance is that because you will have proportioned your money over a few months instead of just one, you should have money available to participate in all of the great Christmas services projects. Get your family in the spirit of Christmas by helping others!! (And by stocking up on great deals now, you will even be able to get killer deals on Toys to donate to ToysforTots!!)

I know this task of starting now can be daunting. But I promise, you will be so happy later when you are done super early and you can actually enjoy yourself and the Holidays!

3 Tips that Will Make Mornings Easier

Mornings can get incredibly hectic for all of us, but oftentimes more so when you have kids at home. Those rushed mornings with you getting ready for work and the kids getting ready for school can mean that you are ready to pull your hair out by the time you actually get out the door and on your way. 

Creating a routine for mornings can shift the ways your mornings go and the way your days end up. I highly recommend checking out these 3 tips that will make mornings easier to see how they can help your days run more smoothly and become more productive. 

3 Tips that Will Make Mornings Easier

Check out these tips below and see how you can improve your mornings. 

Get the Kids to Bed Early

A well rested kid can make all the difference in their attitudes in the morning. A well rested kid will have more energy in the mornings. A well rested kid will be able to focus better in the mornings when it comes to accomplishing all the things they need to do in the morning. 

Meal Prep

Breakfast doesn’t have to be difficult. Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal to meal prep for. I don’t like to have my kids start their days with just cereal (nothing wrong with doing that, my kids just tend to do better with protein), so I like to make protein pancakes, egg cups and protein muffins in advance. When I make them in advance, the kids can just grab them and eat without having the “what’s for dinner” battle every night. 

Set Your Alarm a Little Bit Earlier

If you are anything like me, you get much more done when the kids are sleeping! For this reason I started setting my alarm for an hour earlier than the kids and it has made all the difference in the world! I am basically fully ready and I have them half ready before they even wake up.

Small Things You Can Do to Get Your Home Ready for Fall

Fall is officially here, my friends! Okay, it’s been here for a few weeks, I’m just slow. I don’t know about you, but I am READY to start breaking out my pumpkin decor now. It’s finally starting to cool down here, so now I am all about bringing on those fall colors and scents into my house.

If you are looking for good ways to get your home officially fall themed, check out these small things you can do to get your home ready for fall. 

Small Things You Can Do to Get Your Home Ready for Fall

Buy a Bale of Straw

Straw, when bought in single quantities are very cheap. You can buy one or two bales of straw to keep on your porch to hold pumpkins and gourds and you have some ready made, super inexpensive fall decor. 

Create a Simmer Pot

If you don’t like burning candles for fear of the chemicals that they give off or for fear of fire, simmer pots are a great way to bring the wonderful smell of fall into your home. To create a simmer pot, you combine natural ingredients with boiling water to create a natural wonderful aroma that fills your home. For example, many people will mix cinnamon sticks with apple peels to create an apple pie type scent. 

Dry Out Some Leaves

Do you have leaves falling in your yard? Bring some inside and dry them out. You can use them for all types of fall décor and they are free! I like to display them inside of clear glass vases on top of dressers and as table centerpieces. 

Have you decorated for fall yet? What easy fall décor or personal touches do you like to use in your home?

Stock up Items for When You are Stuck at Home

With all that we have going on this year, if we have learned anything it is that we need to be prepared. For us these days that can really mean anything, but MANY of us have found ourselves needing to stay home for an extended period of time. Whether that’s to quarantine for exposure or just to keep ourselves safe in these times, let’s be prepared. 

To make sure you are well prepared for being stuck at home, these stock up items for when you are stuck at home will keep you from having to go out before you are ready. 

Stock up Items for When You are Stuck at Home

2 Weeks of Food

In order to stay at home for this long, you need a minimum of 2 weeks of food supply. Of course, you should have more than that as a general rule, but if you have to stay home for 2 weeks, you need to have at least that much food to keep you going. 

Some of the foods you should concentrate on:

  • Dried pasta
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned fruits
  • Oatmeal
  • Canned milk
  • Water (1 gallon of water, per person, per day)

Stocked Up Medication

Check your medicine cabinet! Seriously, make sure that you have refilled all of your prescriptions. If you have the option to fill your prescription for 90 days, even better!

Hygiene and Household Items

Now is the time to stock up on toilet paper, paper towels, feminine napkins, etc. All of those things that you use throughout the month are great to make sure you are stocked up on. 

Pet Food and Supplies

If you have a pet, don’t forget to make sure that you are prepared for them too! Be sure to stock up on their food and any medications that they may take on a regular basis.

Quick & Easy Back to School Hairstyles!

This year has already proven we’re going to have crazy busy mornings especially with having to do two little girl’s hair before school starts! So I wanted to share with you guys what we’ve done to make for easier mornings with some quick hair ideas!

I’ve also printed these ideas out and put them on their bathroom mirror. Then in the morning they tell me what number they want – it lets them be more in control with me still getting a say in what we do. I was able to pick which hair styles I could do quickly in the morning instead of searching on Pinterest, only for my girls to pick out all the extravagant ones I wouldn’t be able to pull off. So here’s my list of hair styles!

If you are expecting a little girl, have a baby girl, or even a toddler and you want some hair advice, you have come to the right place!� I have two little girls, Abella (age 6) and Charlie (age 2)�little girl hairTriple-Braided Half Up Hairstyle for GirlsLittle girl hair ideas 2014American Girl Doll Hairstyle Criss-Cross Braid Pigtailslittle girl hairstyle french braid pony tail curls high pony volumized pony hair blonde platinumcool asymmetrical hairstyle with side braids30 beautiful children hairstyles for girls!25 Cute Hairstyle Ideas for Little Girls - Fashion Diva Design

This cuts a lot of stress out of our mornings! What have you done to make sure your mornings to smoothly before school starts?

Winter Camping Tips

Have you ever gone camping in the wintertime? For years, my husband kept asking me to go camping with him in the winter time. I always looked at him like he was absolutely crazy because that just seemed awful to me. I do love a good adventure though, so I eventually gave in. I’m glad I did!

Before I took that jump to be a winter camper, I definitely did some serious research (you know, to make sure that I wouldn’t die). If you are interested in hearing some winter camping tips to make sure you have a successful trip, check them out below. 

Winter Camping Tips

Check out these tips here, and if you have any to add to the mix, comment below!

Pack Layers for Clothing

To stay warm in the outdoors, you have got to layer your clothes. Lots of socks, hats, and even gloves. Layer your tops too. I even wear leggings under my pants during these camping trips. Bringing warm clothing can make or break your camping trip. 

Invest in a Winter Worthy Tent

Your typical tent just isn’t going to cut it when you are camping in the wintertime. You need a tent that is created to withstand cold temperatures and storm situations. These are often more expensive than a typical tent, but it will make all the difference in your experience. 

Bring Hand Warmers

Have you ever used hand warmers? These are awesome for camping for several reasons. They are great for keeping in your pockets throughout the day to keep your hands warm, but they are really great for tossing in your sleeping bag to keep you warm while you sleep. 

Grab a Propane Heater

A good propane heater is a great way to keep yourself warm while at your camp during the day. These are not for inside your tent (seriously…that’s dangerous for multiple reasons), but they can make your daytimes much better. 

Add Blankets to Your Sleeping Bag.

Grab a sleeping bag liner or even bring extra blankets to put inside of your sleeping bag. It makes a world of difference in how warm you will be.

3 Things You Can do To Raise Some Cash for Christmas

Are you trying to get a jumpstart on Christmas? If you don’t want to go broke buying gifts this year, you can do some side hustles to save up some extra cash! If you don’t already have a side hustle, let me tell you, it can be a life changer! I started my side-hustle 10 years ago and now I am able to work from home and make a full time income. 

Here are 3 things you can do to raise some cash for Christmas this year and ease up the strain on your holiday budget. These side gigs can help you raise some money in a hurry so that you can build up some cash for your Christmas fund. They are also great for building up a vacation fund too! 

3 Things You Can do To Raise Some Cash for Christmas


As long as your car is a late model and in good condition, you can use it to drive for Uber! People are always looking for a ride, whether they don’t have a car, they need a designated driver, or they just don’t want to deal with parking. 

You can also sign up to be a driver for UberEats, great extra money without needing to deal with people. 

Sell Your Stuff

If you are anything like me, you probably have stuff in your home that you don’t really need. Whether it’s kitchen appliances that you never use or clothes that you never wear, I’m willing to bet that you may be able to sell those items to make some quick cash. 

Save Your Change

Okay, so this one isn’t exactly making extra money, but it will feel like it! Start keeping all of your extra change and tossing it in a jar. You’ll be amazed at how quickly that change will add up. 

My daughter works as a barista and often gets change for tips. She saved up her change with all quarters in one 32 ounce Mason jar and everything else in another. Her quarter jar ended up being over $200!

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Halloween Costumes this Year

It’s almost October which means Halloween is just around the corner. My kids LOVE Halloween. They look forward to the costumes, candy, parades and parties. If you’re a parent, you may be stressed about these things, but if you start now you can actually enjoy this season! Here are 5 ways you can  save money on your Halloween costumes this year.

  1. Watch for coupons and deals. Be sure to watch Freebies2deals everyday and we will post any great sales that are going on for the Halloween season. We just had a great one at Target where we saved 40% off that we posted about, so keep watching!
  2. Shop secondhand. With Facebook Marketplace you can find some great second hand Halloween costumes near you. Search what costumes you want and you could be lucky! I’ve found many costumes on Facebook Marketplace and on KSL Classifieds.
  3. Shop a thrift store. We have the Goodwill around us as well as Deseret Industries (DI) and Savers. There stores have some awesome selections of Halloween costumes at much lower prices than retail stores. Find one near you and start your shopping there.
  4. DIY Halloween Costumes. My little boy wanted to be a ghost for Halloween last year. My wonderful Mother-in-law came to the rescue and snagged a white sheet (which is super cheap) and made it into a ghost costume. We then got some ghost makeup (with a coupon) and Ta-da, we have a ghost costume much cheaper than purchasing one. If you love making things DIY then check Pinterest and start creating, chances are you may have a lot of supplies at your home already.
  5. Sign up for emails from Halloween Stores. If you want to buy a new Halloween costume from an Halloween store, then check out their website to see if they have coupons that you can snag. Most stores have you sign up for their emails and will send you a coupon right away.

5 Tips to Take the Best Family Photos

Are you trying to get a great family photo for your crew’s upcoming holiday card? If your family is anything like mine, you probably struggle to get everyone looking the same way, let alone trying to make sure everything around you is set up for a great photo. 

These 5 tips to take the best family photos will help you get that perfect shot that you can be happy to have on that card that goes out to all of your family and friends this holiday season. 

5 Tips to Take the Best Family Photos

Coordinate Your Clothes 

No, you don’t have to wear matching jammies (although that’s always pretty cute), but it’s best if everyone sticks to the same two or three colors. Neutral colors are great, black and white are always classics and you can always add pops of color with your accessories.  

Pick the Right Spot

Picking the right spot is half the battle in getting the perfect shot. First of all, the natural light is a big plus for the best photos and let’s face it. There are only so many areas in your home that make a great photo backdrop (or maybe that’s my house).

Use Your Camera’s Features

Cameras are amazing these days. You can make a cell phone photo look like a professional photo with the features that they have. Make sure to take advantage of these!

  • Use the self timer (you can take the photo and be in it at the same time. Just utilize the self timer feature. 
  • Use portrait mode. Portrait mode makes for some seriously amazing photos. Use it and no one will ever know that you didn’t hire out your photography job. 


Smile, my friends! You are with your family. Make sure they and everyone that sees the photo knows how happy you are to be with your family. No one likes a holiday card with people looking grumpy on it. 

Avoid Digital Zoom

Instead of using digital zoom, just get closer to your camera. This will help you avoid the pixely (is pixely a word?) look. 

Happy photo taking, friends!

5 Simple Things You Could Do to Spend More Quality Time with Your Kids


  1. Attend their special events. Whether it be a school play, soccer game, tumbling competition, karate or swimming meet, these events matter to your kids. Make it a priority to attend them- and try to be early. While there try to make eye contact when you are there so they know you are watching. Put that phone away and really enjoy these events.
  2. 5 Minute mornings/after school and bedtime routine. I’ve heard that the most important times to spend with your kids are the 5 minutes in the morning when they first see you, the 5 minutes after school when they see you and the last 5 minutes before bed. Are you on your phone or distracted at these times? Try to change and really look them in the eyes and talk with them. See if it makes any difference.
  3. Plan date nights. If you have more than 1 kid, then you’ll know how hard it is to spend 1 on 1 time with each kid. Pull out your calendar and schedule a date with your kids. This 1 on 1 time is so great to talk about life and see if there are any concerns they have or celebrate their triumphs. Kids love these special times. Be sure to put your phone away when you are on the date!
  4. Put your phone away. These days we do everything on our phones. We check our emails, text, calendar, social media and even do our work. Most days our phone usage is out of hand. When the kids are home and around you try to put your phone down and look at your kids in their eyes. Have a real conversation instead of you looking down at your phone and not fully looking at their cute faces.
  5. Eat dinner together as a family. I’ve heard so many people say how important and fun it is to have a family dinner each night. If you can’t do that because of your busy schedule, then maybe it’s time to simply your life and make this happen. Is there something you can do during the day so that you have your dinner time available for a meal together? Do you need to change the meal time so everyone can meet together? Meal times are a time when you can talk together as a family, siblings can laugh and catch up with each others’ day, parents can hear all of the triumphs and maybe some hard things. Make the time and you’ll see the rewards.

Quick and Easy Dump Crock Pot Meals!

It’s soccer/sports season and for us that means lots of game nights with little time to cook dinner and get it on the table. So I’ve thrown together some dump freezer meals! What is that you might ask? Basically, you take all of your ingredients and “dump” them into a Ziploc Gallon Bag and freeze them. Then when it is time, you can take all of the contents, throw it into the crock pot and cook. No effort on your part. And if you are doing it during the first few weeks after a new baby or your busy months, it’s easy enough that any member of your family can do it- so you don’t have to. So here are a few of our family’s favorite dump recipes.

White Chicken Chili

  • 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts cubed
  • 2 cans great northern white beans drained
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 ounces canned green chilies drained
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 32 ounces chicken stock (not needed until ready to cook)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (not needed until ready to cook)

Place all ingredients into a zip lock bag and freeze (expect the chicken stock and cheddar cheese). When ready to cook add the 32oz of chicken stock and cook on low for 6-8hrs. Add cheese and stir until melted. Top with salsa, sour cream and/or cilantro.

Turkey Macaroni

  • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
  • 2 10.75 ounces cans of tomato soup
  • 12 ounces frozen corn
  • 1 small onions, chopped
  • 6 ounces mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 cups dry macaroni noodles

Cook macaroni noodles for 4 minutes (you want noodles to still be slightly firm). Cook the ground beef and onions until no longer pink. Let cool. Add all ingredients into the ziplock bag. When ready to cook, dump bag into crock pot and cook on low for 6-8hrs.

Creamy Ranch Chicken

  • 5-6 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 packet of Ranch Dip Mix
  • 1 packet of Zesty Italian Mix
  • 8 oz box of Cream Cheese

Put the first 4 ingredients into your zip lock bag and freeze. Once ready to cook dump into crock pot and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-8 hours. During the last hour add in the box of cream cheese and stir.

Sloppy Joes

  • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 green pepper, chopped
  • 3/4 cup ketchup
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard
  • 1/4 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 cup water

Cook ground beef and onions until no longer pink. Add all ingredients to a zip lock bag and mix well. When ready to cook, add to crock pot and cook on low for 6-8hrs. Top on hamburger buns.

Zesty BBQ Chicken

  • 5-6 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 12 oz Bottle BBQ Sauce
  • 1/2 Cup Italian Salad Dressing
  • 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce

Put chicken in bag. Stir all other ingredients together in a bowl then pour into the bag. Cook HIGH 3-4 hours or LOW 6-8 hours.

Teriyaki Chicken(I did two bags of this one)

  • Bag of Baby Carrots
  • 1/2 Red Onion in Large Chunks
  • (1) 20oz can pineapple (undrained)
  • 1/2 or 1 Garlic Cloves Chopped
  • 2- 3Chicken Breasts
  • 1/2 cup Teriyaki Sauce

*Add 1/4 cup Teriyaki Sauce to Mixture right before cooking. Cook on HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours. Serve over Rice.

3 Great Thrift Shopping Tips for Your Shopping Day


Thrift shopping is more than just shopping. It can truly be an experience. More and more people are discovering this too. Finding awesome pre-owned and pre-loved clothing and household treasures can be a rush! Plus, saving money is always a good time in my book. 

I can go on and on and on about the great deals that I have found over the years (there are many). If you are ready for a fun second hand store trip, here are 3 great thrift shopping tips for your shopping day so that you can love thrift shopping as much as I do!

3 Great Thrift Shopping Tips for Your Shopping Day

Here are some of my favorite tips for thrift store shopping. 

Make a List

I have gotten some amazing deals while thrift shopping, but I have also wasted a ton of time while thrift shopping in the past. In order to avoid doing this now, I always create a list of things that I want to look for before I head out shopping. I make a point to only shop for these things while I am out. This saves money too, because trust me, there are many things to buy, even if you don’t necessarily need them. 

Dress for It

Depending on the thrift store you are shopping at, you may be getting down and dirty when looking through shelves and bins so don’t wear your fanciest clothes and make sure to dress comfortably. Also, thrift shops have minimal dressing room space. If you plan on buying clothes, wear something that is easy to change out of quickly. 

Set a Cash Budget

Set a budget and take that amount of cash with you when you go. Leave your cards at home. This will help to prevent you from spending too much money while you are out. Trust me, with the deals that are out there, it’s easy to go over budget. 











Great Fall Décor You Can Get for Less than $20 at Amazon

I am so excited to transform my home into a fall oasis! It is hands down my favorite time of the year to decorate my home. If you can’t tell I am all about Fall décor right now. Today though, I really feel like doing some online shopping, so I decided to find some seriously great fall décor you can get for less than $20 at Amazon. 

If you are looking for some fall décor pieces to add to the beautiful color in your home too, check out these deals that I found!  

Great Fall Décor You Can Get for Less than $20 at Amazon

Here are some of the best pieces of fall décor you can get for less than $20 at Amazon. 

Happy Fall Pumpkin Burlap Banner

Okay, I’m definitely going to be placing my order for this super cute fall banner to hang on my fireplace mantel. It’s super cute, but still understated, which I love. 

Thankful Grateful Farmhouse Sign

This cute Thankful Grateful Farmhouse sign is super cute and perfect if you have a farmhouse type style at your home. 

Fall Pillow Covers

I love these pillow covers because they are super cute and add a fun, bright pop of fall color in your home. Additionally, unlike wreaths and signs, pillow covers are small and easy to store through the year. 

Fall Garland

I use a garland like this to decorate the top of the buffet we have in our dining room. I occasionally use it on our mantel as well. Garland like this is very versatile for your fall décor theme in your home. 

Do you love decorating your home for the fall months? Do you lean more toward Halloween decorations or just fall in general? What is your favorite fall décor piece in your home?

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