Quick Dinner Ideas For Busy Nights!

School has started and the extra curricular activities are starting up which means there’s not much time to cook and eat dinner between running back and forth. So I’ve come up with our 5 favorite dinner meals that are quick and easy to put together for busy nights!

Rotisserie Chicken Tacos – anytime you can use a rotisserie chicken it will cut your time down drastically. So I’ll usually get one of these and shred the chicken with some seasoning and put it inside a taco shell with our favorite toppings. Here’s a great recipe if you need step by step instructions.

BBQ Pulled Pork Salad – Salads are my favorite go to meal during the summertime. I’ll just place pork in the crock pot and pour BBQ sauce over top of it (usually a whole jar). Then let it cook and shred it before serving. You could even do sandwiches if your family prefers those or tacos, those are delicious!

Cheesy Sausage Pastathis is a kid favorite in our house. It’s like a mac and cheese only stepped up a notch (or two). And even better, you can make this all in one pan.

Sliders – These aren’t just for football games, they’re perfect for dinner too! This is my favorite recipe but there’s so many out there so find one your whole family loves and enjoy on those busy school week nights.

Grilled Cheese and Soup – my mom worked a couple week nights each week so we had to make dinner and this was always on the menu because it was quick and easy and everyone got to pick which soup they wanted that night.

We’re all trying to do our best to get a good meal on the table but don’t ever be to hard on yourself. If cereal is for dinner tomorrow night, that’s ok. Need to pick up dinner at your local fast food, do what you need to. We’re all just doing our best!

Super Easy & Yummy Double Chocolate Zucchini (Whole Grain) Muffin Recipe

Yum! If you have some zucchini in your garden, then I’m sure you’re searching for some yummy recipes. This recipe is one of my favorite of all time. They would be perfect to make now and freeze for the kiddos school lunches. Check it out!

Double Chocolate Zucchini (Whole Grain) Muffin Recipe
By Mel’s Kitchen Café


  • ¾ cup (159 g) granulated sugar
  • ½ cup buttermilkor half milk/half sour cream
  • ¼ cup neutral-flavored oil or melted butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (142 g) all-purpose or whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup (43 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 ½ cups (about 283 g) shredded zucchini
  • 1 ½ cups (255 g) chocolate chips


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. (If using dark coated muffin tins, preheat to 325 degrees F.) Add liners to 12-cup muffin tin or spray muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the granulated sugar, buttermilk (or sour cream/milk), oil or butter, eggs, and vanilla until well-combined. Add the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, and baking powder. Stir until just combined and a few dry streaks remain.
  • Lightly squeeze zucchini over the sink by handfuls to wring out excess water. Add to the bowl with the chocolate chips. Stir until the zucchini and chocolate chips are evenly mixed (but try not to over mix or the muffins might be dense instead of light and fluffy).
  • Portion the batter evenly into the muffin tin, filling the cups about 2/3 full. Depending on the size of the muffin tin, you may need to bake a second batch (the recipe makes between 12-16 muffins).
  • Bake for 17-19 minutes until the tops spring back lightly to the touch. Let the muffins cool for 2-3 minutes in the pan before removing them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Money Saving Tips for Large Families


A large family is typically considered any family with 4 or children or more. Do you have a large family? If you said yes to that question, you probably already know how expensive it can be to support a large family. Kids aren’t cheap, y’all! 

These money saving tips for large families are going to help you stress less and smile more because your budget won’t be so strained and you won’t be kept up all night long from the stress of it all. Heck, many small families have those same stresses, just often on a different level. 

Money Saving tips for Large Families

Buy in Bulk 

I’m not usually big on pressuring people to buy in bulk. I don’t typically think that it is a blanket option for saving money for families. The only time that I recommend buying in bulk is if your family uses a lot of a certain product (for example, we eat a lot of oatmeal here so I often buy it in bulk), and when you have a larger family. 

You have a larger family which means that you go through more food, which means that bulk shopping is a great idea!

Meal Plan

Meal planning is hugely beneficial to all families, large and small. Not only does it save you money, but it also saves you time! Another thing that meal planning does is helps you to prevent food waste in your household. 

This doesn’t just mean dinner either. It’s a good idea to make a meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meal planning just makes life easier. 

Thrift Shopping

Thrift shopping is one of my favorite ways to save money! If you have children, you know how expensive their clothes are. That’s why thrift shopping for clothes for the family is such a great way to save money! 

Thrift shopping is good for more than just clothing too. Appliances, home decor and toys are all great to buy second hand too! 

5 Negatives of Social Media for Teens

We recently discussed the benefits of social media for teens and because I have teens and I haven’t always been a fan of them having social media, I figured that today we could talk about the negatives of social media for teens. 

That’s not to say that there are no benefits, because there are. It’s just well worth talking about the negatives and downfalls of this thing that is such a huge part of almost everyone’s lives these days. 

5 Negatives of Social Media for Teens

Being Disconnected

Connecting online can create a disconnect with real life. This is especially true the more time kids spend online.

Bad for Mental Health

In my last post about the benefits of social media, I mentioned that my daughter has deactivated her social media. She does this every 6 months or so to reset her mental health. She recognizes that social media affects her anxiety and mental health. I cannot tell you how much different and happier she is after these breaks. 

If you have teens on social media, I highly recommend encouraging them to take a break and see how it helps them.

Online Predators

It sucks to even have to say this, but the reality is that there are dangerous people out in the world and the internet and social media have given them a new avenue for hurting others. Make sure that your teen is not talking to strangers online to help avoid this situation.


Fear of missing out can actually create more situations in which teens are missing out on real life things. 

Reality is Distorted

Even us adults can forget sometimes that social media is a highly filtered view of life. People typically post just the most amazing (and even then, it is filtered and enhanced). No one’s life is perfect and it’s important that teens recognize this. 

5 Benefits of Social Media for Teens


Social media is a staple in the lives of many teenagers these days. Teens have used social media since its beginning, but with the rise in social media popularity and platforms even more people have joined. 

For many, social media is no different than teens hanging out at the soda fountains, bus stops or the local park or even chatting on the phone. I don’t know if you have been around any teens lately, but very few of them actually talk on the phone anymore. Talking on the phone has been replaced. I know many of us parents are worried about our teens and social media though. That being said, what are the benefits of social media for teens?

5 Benefits of Social Media for Teens

Socializing with Friends 

I’m not big on peer pressure, but the reality is this. Most of your kids’ friends are on social media and if your kids aren’t, they are missing out on a lot of socialization with friends. This doesn’t mean that socialization can’t happen otherwise, it’s just less frequent for many.

Let’s put this into perspective, shall we? My daughter is almost 18. Until recently she had an Instagram and a Snapchat account. She deactivated it for her own mental health purposes, choosing instead to stay in touch with friends via text. She has now had 3 other teens run into her in public and say “Since you left IG or SC, I forgot you existed!” This has not prompted her return to social media, but it’s telling.

Feel Like They Fit In

For the same reasons as listed above, kids do often feel like they fit in better when they are on social media. As a mom, I have issues with this one because I don’t feel that they need social media to fit it, but this is the world in which we live in. 

Express Their Creativity

Social media is a great outlet for expressing creativity. It’s fun to share the music they love, and music or art that they have created themselves.

Keep them Up to Date with Current Events

Not many people sit around and watch the news anymore (thank goodness). That said, social media is a great way to keep up on current events. 

Learn About Career Opportunities

There are so many great examples of careers that kids can learn about online, that they may not see otherwise.

Even More Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas


We talked a little bit the other day about how to save money on gas. Since gas prices are going nowhere but up, I figured we could expand on it a bit and talk a little bit more about other ways to save money on this necessary expense. 

If you are finding yourself needing to save more money, check out this list of even more clever tips to help you save money on gas.

Even More Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas

Walk More

This one is good for your health and your wallet! If you have the option to, why not walk a little more often? If you are just running a quick errand that is near you, head on outside and walk there! It will feel good later.

Of course this isn’t always an option, but it sometimes is and it’s well worth looking at!


If you have the option to carpool to work or while taking the kids to school, do it! Let’s say you kick in on gas money and you and the driver can save half of what you would normally be paying for gas. 


Do you have the option of working from home? Even if your employer only allows it a few days per week, this is a great way to save money on gas costs! With the change in the workforce over the last year or so, many people have been working from home and discovering the joy of saving money on fuel! 

Choose a Fuel Efficient Car

If you happen to be in the market for a new car, check out it’s fuel efficiency and make that one of the deciding factors before you buy. If you make the switch from a gas guzzler to a gas saver, those trips to the gas station will be far less stressful.

5 Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas


Gas prices are going up, up, up. I don’t know about you, but I am really starting to feel the pain at the pump. I drive a Toyota Camry and the last couple of times I have filled my tank it has cost me close to $50. I used to drive an Expedition so I am well versed in spending big money on fuel, but it’s been a while and I have never ever experienced it costing this much to fill my Camry. 

If you too are feeling the pinch, even in an economy car, these 5 clever tips to help you save money on gas will be helpful!

5 Clever Tips to Help You Save Money on Gas

Join a Fuel Rewards Program

This is what I am doing as much as possible lately. I have signed up for the fuel rewards program at my local grocery store and I am always looking for bonus rewards deals. The last 3 times I got gas I was able to save $1 per gallon. 

Download Some Apps

Apps like GasBuddy are great for helping you find the cheapest gas near you. When gas prices are this high, it is often well worth the a trip to a fuel station that may be a couple of blocks away from the usual one you attend. 

If you are on a road trip, the Google Maps app also shows local fuel stations and their fuel prices. 

Avoid Premium Fuel

I know that we want to do the best that we can for our vehicles, but getting premium fuel can add a significant amount to your fuel costs. Of course, if your vehicle’s manufacturer recommends that you use premium fuel, don’t follow this savings tip. 

Use a Fuel Rewards Credit Card

I don’t often recommend that you sign up for a credit card, but I do recommend Fuel Rewards Credit Cards if you tend to spend a lot on fuel throughout each month. We have 3 drivers in our house so this is a great one for our family. 

Use Cash

Many fuel stations offer gas cheaper when you pay with cash. I often see $0.10 to $0.20 discounts this


2021 Back To School Price Points You Need to Know!!

best back to school deals in one place

Okay guys, this is one of the best times of the year to grab your school supplies, craft supplies or office supplies. Since we’re already starting to see CRAZY back to school deals going, I thought it would be good to give you a list of price points you want to look for when shopping. There are SO many “deals” popping up, I wanted to make sure you guys know when it really is a deal and when it’s not so you can save! So check out these prices and keep them in mind (or even print this list out) when shopping Back to School!

  • Pens pack of 8 $.25 or under
  • Gel Pens 12 pack $1.97 or under
  • Box of Crayola Crayons $0.25-$.50
  • Index Cards $0.50 or under
  • 2-Pocket Folders $0.10 is a good price, but we see them as low as $0.02 each!
  • 1 Subject Notebooks $0..50 and under
  • Sharpie Marker $0.25 each
  • Backpacks $10-$15 is the price you want to shoot for.
  • Elmer’s or Store Glue $0.29 and under
  • Washable Glue Sticks $0.25 and under
  • Washable markers 8-10 pack $.75 or under
  • Scotch Tape $0.25 to $0.50 each
  • Crayola Colored Pencils 12 pack $0.97 and under
  • Binders 1 inch $0.99 or under
  • Highlighters $.25 or less per highlighter
  • Scissors $.50 to $1 each
  • Mechanical Pencils $.10 – $.15 per pencil
  • Dry Erase Markers $.25 each or under

We keep updating current deals, so  head to my Back-to-School Category at any time.  Remember, if you have patience and wait, you will see these prices so snag them when the opportunity arises!

How to Make The Back to School Transition Easier


Whether your kids are already back to school or they will be returning in the coming months, you are probably dealing with the stress of all of it. Honestly, sending the kids back to school is stressful for parents and kids alike. I’m also finding it stressful for my son that is not yet school age. His big brother and sister are leaving him and he is broken hearted!

We have been working on how to make the back to school transition easier for all of us and we are finding that the following things have been helpful. If you have any further suggestions for us, please feel free to share!

How to Make The Back to School Transition Easier


That’s right. Simply allowing your kids to talk to you about their stresses and let them ask you any questions that they may have will calm their anxieties more than you might think. Plus, knowing that you have their back will go far to building their confidence.

Take a Tour of the School

Take your kiddo to the school and let them get familiar with it. It’s nerve wracking to walk into school with a large number of other kids. This stress is intensified if the kids aren’t familiar with the school. Even if they have been to that school before, it’s good for them to get familiar with their new classroom. 

Set up Some Playdates

Getting the kids together with their classmates before school starts is a great way to get them feeling comfortable and excited again. Knowing that they get to go to school and hang out with friends is going to be exciting. 

Grab Some Fun Lunch Food

If your kiddo is feeling nervous, one thing that always works at my house is to let my kids go grocery shopping with me for lunch food. I let them pick out treats that they get to have at home very often. It helps them get excited about packing their lunch and enjoying their fun lunch time at school. 


5 Things to Do This Fall

Summer is still in full force, but I am starting to look forward to the cool days of fall. How about you? I’m ready to start planning out some seriously fun stuff with my family this fall. The thing I love is that everyone in my family is pretty chill so having a blast doesn’t mean that we have to be going big and doing expensive things. We can do some relatively chill things especially during the fall that we all love to do and we have a blast. 

Fall is a great time to plan fun and adventure because the weather is calm and mild. It’s great for outdoor and indoor experiences alike.  

5 Things to Do This Fall

Go out and Grill

No need to avoid the outdoors because of the heat. Fall is a wonderful time to fire up the grill and spend some time outside! We have a great outdoor seating area, but during the summer it gets hot out there, so we tend to spend much more time outside during the fall than we do during the summer months. 

Go Apple Picking

I live in the Pacific NorthWest and I love all of the great apple farms that we have here. Each and every year I take my kids apple picking, which they love. Most of the farms around here also have cute cider stands or little playgrounds, etc. at their farm to make this adventure even more fun for kids. 

Clean Out Your Garages / Closets

You don’t have to do all of your cleaning and organizing during the spring. Fall is a great time to do this. It’s perfect because you have likely put your summer toys up for the year which means it’s a great time to get them organized. I’m betting you are ready to swap out your summer wardrobe too, which means a great time to get the closets done. 

Go for a Hike

In our family we love to hike. Fall is an amazing time to go hiking because you get to see all of the beautiful fall colors out there. It’s amazing. 


Why Do Personalized Gifts Bring More Emotions


Whether you are looking for the perfect gift to impress your boss, bring a smile to your grandmother’s face, or garner the attention of that special someone, you want your present to evoke big emotions.

Giving someone a personalized gift is certain to make them have an emotional response. They will always remember you if you get them something you made just for them. There are a few personalized gifts that are not expensive or difficult to make.

You can find ideas for birthday gifts and purchase them online. There are a few reasons personalized gifts make people happier than the kinds that are mass-produced.

It Makes the Person Feel That They are Important to You

When someone gets a gift that you bought in a department store, they are likely to be grateful that you thought of them and happy to have something that they can use. However, they might be a little disappointed when they think of the amount of time you took to buy it for them.

A mass-produced gift can be obtained in a hurry and it may suit a number of people. For example, if you buy a woman a scarf or a blouse, they may think that you do not consider them worthy of the time investment it would take to find the perfect gift.

If you make someone a personalized gift, they will know that you really had to take time out of your day to think about them and to find something specifically for them.

It Will Let them Know How Well You Know Them

Does the person you are buying a gift for love movies? If you know what their favorite movie is, you can make them a shirt with a reference to the film that only a true fan would get. If they have a favorite author, you can make them a pair of socks with an image of the author’s face. If they have a motto by which they live, you can make them a t-shirt with their motto on it.

There are websites that will allow you to create a t-shirt or novelty item. They can print the item up for you and send it out to your friend. It is a fun and easy way to let people know that you love them and understand them.

Other People Will Learn Something About the Recipient When They See It

If you get someone a necklace with their name or birthstone on it, people who see it will immediately know something about them. If you give them a mug with a picture of their dog on it, people who see the mug may ask them about their pet.

A personalized gift can be a great conversation starter. Every time your friend talks about the gift you gave them, they will be reminded of you.

That t-shirt with a famous movie quote may get other fans to approach them and strike up a conversation with them. If they meet new friends because of your gift, it is certain to evoke positive emotions.

A great gift should make a person feel special, acknowledged, and loved. A personalized item is an ideal way to accomplish this. If you do just a little research online, you should find a few websites that will let you create the perfect present.

5 Easy Ways to Add More Veggies & Fruits into Your Daily Life

  1. Smoothie. I love to have a smoothie and sneak in all of the good stuff like spinach and flax seed. This is an easy and yummy way to get some fruits and smoothies.
  2. Veggie Tray in Fridge. I’ve noticed that if I have veggies all cut up and in plain sight, we eat more of it! So I bought this Veggie Tray from Amazon and fill it up with veggies everyday. It’s a great size that can fit in my fridge. You can just pull it out at lunch, snack time and even dinner time.
  3. Make Veggie & Fruit Grab Bags. If you are on the go a lot, then try making grab bags of fruit and veggies and put them in your fridge. You can get these Ziploc bags and add in a serving of your favorite fruits and veggies. It’s so much easier to eat something when it’s ready for you. Your kids would love it too!
  4. Load Breakfast with Fruit. We love having  crepes, waffles, and pancakes for breakfast. Instead of putting chocolate chips in them, why not add the yummy fruits like strawberries, raspberries, bananas, blueberries and blackberries. They go perfect with those breakfast items.
  5. Counter Food. Have you heard the saying, “out of sight out of mind”? It’s definitely true when you think about your items in your fridge. If you don’t see it, you don’t eat it. I love having a fruit basket on my counter full of yummy fresh fruit. You can find one here on Amazon. 

Idaho: 4 National Park in 4 Days

Have an extra long weekend coming up or want to take a little escape with your family? I found a fun getaway where you can hit up 4 national parks in 3 days all in Southern Idaho! Here are the National Parks we hit up and what we loved about each one.

Craters of the Moon

This landscape was formed by eruptions that started 15,000 years ago and represents the last period of volcanic activity in this area. Exposed fissures, lava fields, lava tubes, craters and cinder cones form a strangely beautiful volcanic sea on central Idaho’s Snake River Plain.

This was our first stop and where we camped the first night. Luckily for us (and possibly you) we have a 4th Grader Every Kid in the Parks Pass, so we were able to enter the park for FREE. Our favorite aspect of the national park were the caves. We spent most of our time close by the caves, exploring. Make sure you first stop at the visitor center to get your (free) cave permit before you start exploring. They also have unique trails you can take. Broken Top Loop was our favorite trail to take the kids on. It’s 1.8 miles in length and fairly easy (not too much elevation change). Plus, you must do Inferno Cone Viewpoint while there. It’s a straight uphill climb but only .4 miles so do able and worth the view. Across the way are the Spatter Cones where you can read up on them and look inside! You could take a whole day exploring the caves but we fit all our adventures into one day.

Hagerman Fossil Beds

The Hagerman horse, Equus simplicidens, is the first true one-toed horse. It’s the park’s most famous fossil, but they have fossils from over two hundred other species too! From the saber-toothed cat, mastodon, bear, camel, and ground sloth, to smaller animals like rodents and frogs, the scientific study of Pliocene fossils is the key to Hagerman.

Unfortunately, this was on our plans to stop at, but the visitors center is closed for remodel.  So, make sure you look ahead if you’re wanting to step inside the visitor center when you go. Besides the center they have many different trails to explore.

Minidoka Japanese Internment

The Minidoka National Historic Site are located just twenty miles northeast of Twin Falls, Idaho. I loved this stop!

In February 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order that moved nearly 120,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans into 10 isolated war relocation centers in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. These temporary, tar paper-covered barracks, the guard towers, and most of the barbed-wire fences are gone now, but the people who spent years of their lives in the centers will never forget them.

You’ll get to read, learn and see all about their lives and the lives they lived here. They do have a visitor center as well that is open Friday, Saturday and Sundays from 10am-5pm.

City of Rocks

Our last and final stop was City of Rocks. You’ll want to note the visitors center is located outside the national park so it’s a good idea to stop there before you drive into the park. The ranger there was informative and worked so well with us and our kids. He gave the kids their Jr. Ranger badges and offered us lots of information for inside the park. We ended up camping for the night at the best (in my honest opinion) site, number 33. It had beautiful views we could enjoy and trails close by. This national park is more for climbing and repelling but you can enjoy the beauty no matter what you love doing outdoors.


Headed to Bear Lake? Read this Before You Leave!

If you have grown up in Utah or Idaho you have probably heard all about Bear Lake. It’s a beautiful turquoise lake that is great for boating, jet skiing and even just hanging out on the beach. But did you know there is so much more to do there than be at the water? Here are a few fun ideas you can take with you the next time you are in the area.

Minnetonka Cave

  • Located in St. Charles Canyon not to far from North Shore
  • Great way to cool down since it stays around 40 degrees year long (plan on taking jackets for the tour)
  • There are a LOT of stairs so plan accordingly
  • Cost is $12 for adults, $9 for youth and 5 to 2 are free (NOTE: children under 2 are not permitted in the cave) or purchase a family pass for $48 (there is a small fee when paying by card so I recommend taking cash)
  • Tours leave every 15 minutes and last about 1.5 hours and are first come first serve

Paris Ice Cave

  • Located at Green Basin Rd Preston, ID 83263 (42.231659281533, -111.5598479379)
  • There are 2 entrances to the cave to lead downward
  • Free to enter
  • Bring a jacket, its cold inside

Raspberry Shakes (or any for that matter)

  • This is a tradition and Bear Lake is known for their raspberries
  • Raspberries are in season late July and August, but you can get amazing shakes year round
  • Raspberry Days (parade, rodeo, fireworks and more) is held the first weekend in August (gets busy)

Bear Lake Wildlife Refuge

  • Located north of Bear Lake (10 miles from Montpelier) find more direction here
  • Take binoculars with you to enjoy the wildlife from a distance
  • Free for anyone to enter – can access it year round

Bridgerland Adventure Park

  • Located at 722 South First Light Drive, Garden City UT
  • Includes zipline, rope course, climbing wall, free fall, giant swing, axe throwing, tubing, bounce house, bungee trampoline, mini golf, disc golf and playground
  • Cost start at just $3.50 (checkout all the cost break down here)
  • Although we haven’t been here (yet) we’re always eyeing it when we drive into Garden City

Oregon California Trail Center

  • Located in Montpelier, Idaho
  • Cost is $12 for adults, $9 for youth and $5 for kids and open Wednesday through Saturday so plan accordingly

Make Ahead Camping Meals

We have been working to get a fair bit of camping in this summer and we are succeeding! It is a ton of fun and honestly, it’s a cheap way to fit a whole bunch of vacations in. I have been able to book some really cheap vacations in the past, but I never save as much money as I do when I’m camping. I think one of the main reasons for this is that food is so much cheaper when camping than it is during any other vacations. 

I love to cook food over the camp stove or campfire, but I don’t want to spend our entire camping trip cooking. So, I have a rule when camping. I will cook dinner each night and I make a nice camping breakfast one morning while we are there, but other than that we do sandwiches or pre-made food. These make ahead camping meals are our go-tos while camping and they keep my family happy and fed during our camping adventures.

Make Ahead Camping Meals

Make Ahead Blueberry Muffins

There is not a single member of our family that doesn’t love blueberry muffins. That’s why I love to make these blueberry muffins. Our family loves to grab them for breakfast around the campsite or snacks as we adventure throughout the day. 

Breakfast Burritos

I seem Chocolate to be in the minority here, but I don’t actually like breakfast burritos. My son, however, will literally eat breakfast burritos for each and every meal. He absolutely loves breakfast burritos. That’s why I love to make these in advance for him so I always know that he has a favorite food on hand to enjoy while we are camping.

Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs are so great! They are protein packed, incredibly inexpensive, and easy to pack. Do you know what else they are? VERY EASY TO COOK. Especially in the Instant Pot. If you haven’t tried it yet, your mind will be blown. 

Protein Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a great breakfast idea for camp. They are easy to put together and a very healthy way to start the day!

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