Be Your Own Boss With an Online Career!

The world is undergoing massive changes in the way we work, and a lot of people and companies are figuring out that working from home is actually a great option. You get to set up your own work environment, your lunch breaks are in your kitchen, and you’re overall more relaxed because you’re at home, after all.

That being said, if you’re contemplating switching to a career you can work from home, one that allows you to be your own boss in every possible way, choosing the right career might seem daunting. You can’t know how much you’ll be making, you can’t know if it’s going to be a viable career, and some people just aren’t comfortable with that. To add to this, there are jobs like streaming on the best webcam sites that are incredibly comfortable, but not for everyone.  

To help you kickstart things, we’ve got a few suggestions for an online career that you can start off slow, and if you like it, you can increase your workload and income. Each of these suggestions allows you to work in your own time and at your own pace, so let’s check them out.

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Online Tutoring

The first job you could take on is online tutoring, and it’s one that can eventually turn into a profitable source of passive income, but let’s take it one thing at a time. When you’re starting off, you need to identify your niche. It should be something you’re well versed with, and it’s even better if you have personal experience because it adds a lot of credibility to your teaching.

A common misconception is the fact that tutoring only works with school or university-taught subjects. As long as there is someone willing to learn, you can always tutor people on things like life skills, for example, or anything else for that matter. It’s up to you and what you’re good at – make the most of it.

Initially, you might struggle a bit when it comes to finding people to tutor. But the thing is, once you find one or two students, you’ll probably witness the power of word of mouth, and you’ll have new students swarming in before you know it. Of course, how many you take on is completely up to you.

We mentioned passive income, let’s discuss that for a moment. If what you’re tutoring is an industry that not a lot of people cover, yet you find yourself constantly having new students, you could turn your knowledge into a course. Create a good structure that’s easy to follow, and make sure people can find your course. There are many platforms that offer a place to sell your course, and they’ll advertise it to potential customers for a small fee, but considering you have minimal active work, it’s worth it. Play your cards right, and it’s a great source of passive income where you don’t even have to lift a finger.


In an industry that’s constantly in demand, web development is something you can learn if you’ve got a bit of patience. No, development is not difficult, but it does require you to dedicate time until you get good enough to start working on real-time projects.

If you’re just starting out and have no previous experience, a good starting point is to try and grasp the basic logic of development and how things work. Only then can you focus on learning specific languages and details, when you know you have a good basis to do so.

A thing that not a lot of people will tell you is that in the development world, practical experience is valued more than anything else. This is why, while you’re learning, it’s a great idea to try and work on mini-projects that don’t need to be too complex – just enough for you to demonstrate your skill set. Then, when it comes time for you to apply to real projects, put those together in a portfolio and send it alongside your CV. Thank us later.

Copyright: Pexels | CC0 Public Domain


If someone tells you that the world of eCommerce is too saturated and you can’t make it, ignore them – they’re wrong. There is definitely no shortage of profitable eCommerce ideas that can bring you money, all it takes is for you to know what you’re doing.

The key is to identify the right target market and offer them a product that they want, but nobody else is selling. Add to this a personal touch and make sure customers remember you by something, and you’re pretty much set to go. Of course, competition is fierce in the industry, so you’ll want to focus on a great customer experience, both during and after the sale, and you want to make sure your customers come back for more. Then, it’s all about keeping things in check and making sure your store is running well, and reaping the benefits of a successful online career!


How to Save Money While Planning a Wedding


Are you busy planning a wedding? Wedding season has arrived! As a 42 year old woman I have been to weddings, I have been in weddings and I have seen countless friends and loved ones getting ultra stressed out over planning their weddings! I don’t want you to be one of those people stressing out over money. If you are finding yourself being overwhelmed by money and the upcoming expenses, here are some tips on how to save money while planning a wedding

These tips can help you to have the same fabulous wedding, but save thousands of dollars along the way! 

How to Save Money While Planning a Wedding

Have a Sunday Wedding

If you are willing to have your wedding on a non traditional day such as Sunday, you can save upwards of $5000. It’s hard to have a weekday wedding of course since your guests likely have to work, but if you are able to have your wedding on a weekday, the cost could be even less. The reason for this is the venue costs are often much lower on non busy days. The facilities are often happy to have the business on their non-busy days so the prices drop drastically. 

Do a Flat Invitation with All Relevant Dates

Many people really go overboard with wedding invitations. Sure they are beautiful, however, they don’t need to be. The reality is this. You and perhaps your parents are going to keep these invitations. Otherwise they will be tossed out by most of your guests shortly after the wedding. Why spend hundreds of dollars just to fill up trash cans? This goes for the reception invite, the save the dates, etc. Instead, order a nice flat invite with all of the dates included. They will still look lovely and you will save hundreds of dollars. 

Buy Your Dress Early

The closer to your wedding date, the more your dress will cost. Wedding dresses often need to be altered and fitted. If these need to be rushed, you will be charged much more than if you order it early. 


Feeling Generous: what brand types offer frequent deals?

In this age of digital commerce, consumers are more savvy than they have ever been.

Much of this is simply down to how empowering the internet is for consumers – in a matter of seconds, consumers can conduct a comprehensive price check to ensure they are getting the best possible deal.

As consumers have gotten smarter in recent years, however, it has also become difficult for brands to maintain customer loyalty. For this reason, there has been more and more emphasis put on brand deals as a way of enticing customers. This strategy has become more important as consumers become increasingly resistant to traditional forms of advertising.

But of the brands using deals as a way of attracting customers, which are leading the pack when it comes to customer bonuses?

Credit cards

 Although there is a huge range of brands and providers out there these days, one thing that is consistent across the majority of providers is the use of bonuses and other deals to entice new customers.

And although these deals are obviously used as a way to get you to open an account and to stay with them in the long run, if you play your cards right – pun intended – you can ensure that you are regularly benefitting from these sign-up bonuses.

In fact, the process of switching providers to benefit from sign-up bonuses even has its own name: credit card churning. This essentially involves frequently opening credit cards to avail of sign-up bonuses and then stopping use of them and moving to another provider to benefit from a new bonus. If you are strategic about how you do this, you can earn yourself a tidy sum of cash and can take advantage of low or no interest rates on purchases for extended periods of time.

The great thing about credit card deals and bonuses is that as the sector is so competitive these days with new online-only credit card companies challenging the established market players, new offers are coming out all the time. This makes it fertile ground for those of you who know how to play your cards right!

Online casinos and betting websites

 Another brand type that offers excellent deals and bonuses on a fairly regular basis is online casinos and sports betting websites.

Online gambling and betting has exploded in popularity over the last few years, and increased competition has brought a huge number of benefits for customers. With so many new casinos setting up shop, online casinos are becoming ever more desperate to sign users up to their platform.

As a way of enticing them, various types of deals and bonuses are made available to both new players and those players who already have accounts.

The types of deals and bonuses offered by online casinos can vary greatly, depending on the provider you use. Mr Green betting, for example, provides new users with two free bets worth $25 that can be placed on any sport. Other casino deals might see users being given deposit bonuses, free plays on certain games or a no strings attached cash bonus.

What makes online casinos and betting websites such a great source of brand deals, however, is that these bonuses are offered on a very regular basis.


 Although you might be more familiar with the online retail giant Amazon for its annual Prime Day, which is quickly becoming one of the most hotly anticipated retail events in the year, those of you looking to score more frequent bonuses, deals and discounts should not overlook Amazon during the rest of the year.

In fact, based on our research, Amazon is one of the websites that consistently provides members with deals and bonuses.

Some of these bonuses come in the form of regular sales that individual brands will hold, but there are a number of different bonuses periodically offered by Amazon. Of these, perhaps the most notable are the rewards that Amazon Prime members can claim for using certain credit cards with the shopping platform.

If you are hoping to get the most out of the Amazon platform, we would recommend signing up for an Amazon Prime account. Although it will obviously cost you each month, if you are a regular Amazon shopper it will save you a significant amount not only in shipping fees but also on the Prime-only deals that you will have access to. Additionally, you will be able to benefit from deals through Amazon affiliated services, such as the Kindle bookstore and Audible.

With such a wide variety of bonuses and deals on offer, Amazon is one of best brands around from a customer perspective.

How Can Organic CBD Vape Juice Enhance Your Mood?

What is CBD vape oil?

CBD vape oil is commonly known as organic CBD vape juice. It forms the content of a vape pen and is a thorough mixture of CBD oil and a carrier liquid. You get a bandwagon full of health benefits from CBD. However, we need more research to understand and tackle the long-term side effects of taking CBD. The different types of CBD oils or organic CBD vape juices available in the market are as follows –

  • CBD isolates: In this type of CBD vape oil, only the purest form of CBD is present.
  • Broad-spectrum: In this type of CBD vape oil, there exist mixtures of cannabinoids – all prepared from a plant known as Cannabis Sativa.
  • Full-spectrum: In this kind, CBD vape oil has a combination of CBD, THC, and some other beneficial components of the Cannabis Sativa

So how does one use it?

CBD comes in various forms, from sprays, oils to juices and candies. No type works the best — that depends on the condition to be treated and, therefore, the person using it. So, it’s essential to settle on the best administration method for you and what benefits you.

Health benefits of CBD vape oil

Let’s discuss how beneficial it is for you to understand CBD vape oil and CBD vape juice. According to a 2018 study, organic CBD vape juices have the following health benefits,

1.    It alleviates the side effects of chemotherapy:

Cancer patients undergo chemotherapy sessions and, as a result, develop specific side effects and symptoms. A few studies suggest that Marinol, a synthetic THC drug, can treat nausea and vomiting, which are the most common symptoms of chemotherapy sessions. It is a plant-based oil, and hence, individuals having vegan preferences can also use it. CBD oil reduces the symptoms of nausea and vomiting by its interaction with brain receptors. These receptors are responsible for releasing serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter and a prime factor behind the occurrence of symptoms. So, using CBD vape oil in moderate quantities is very helpful to reduce nausea and vomiting. Also, the other side effects of chemotherapy sessions, including seizures and inflammation, are reduced using this oil.  

2.    It is helpful in severe cases of epilepsy:

According to the World Health Organization report, more than 50 million people are affected by epilepsy worldwide. Organic vape oil or vape juice can be beneficial in the treatment of this condition. In the case of epilepsy, there is a presence of recurrent seizures. Some clinical trials done on CBD shows that it can be an effective treatment for the epileptic condition of humans. Scientists conducted the tests on rodents in 1973. This treatment mainly helped to reduce convulsions in them. In 2018, a drug based on CBD known as Epidiolex was used to treat Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in a patient. Following the successful treatment, CBD became the first FDA-approved medicine that contained a kind of Cannabis derived substance.

3.    It reduces anxiety and treats insomnia:

Anxiety and insomnia are prevalent issues, and many people worldwide suffer from them. CBD vape oil has many sleep-inducing effects. It is beneficial to patients with insomnia as it can induce drowsiness. However, this is not entirely true, as specific reports indicate that it promotes alertness in some individuals. The effect of the oil depends entirely on your condition and the quantity you are taking in every dose. Some reports claim that CBD vape juice has anxiolytic effects, but it’s not proven yet. Its mood-regulating properties can help you deal with stress and other mental issues, including depression, OCD, and PTSD.

4.    It has anti-oxidative and neuroprotective effects:

According to many reports, CBD vape oil or CBD vape juice has anti-oxidative and neuroprotective effects on the human body. But these are not cannabinoid receptor-related effects. These properties can help treat several oxidative neurological conditions like Cerebral Ischemia for Parkinson’s disease. Consumption of organic CBD vape juice in moderate quantities is also beneficial for your heart. It is used in the treatment of psychosis and other psychiatric disorders as well. 

5.    It is helpful in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes:

As per the studies, 29 million people in the USA have Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes. Numerous problems arise due to this condition, including blurry vision and wounds that do not heal. Business studies report that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which are very beneficial for this condition. Chronic inflammation in Type 2 diabetic patients can lead to the development of insulin resistance. CBD can reduce the inflammation of body parts. It also helps in increasing the metabolic rates and keeps the sugar content in a moderate range. Using organic CBD vape juice, we can cure diseases that occur due to chronic inflammation entirely.


Initially, it would be best to start with a minimum dosage, and, over time, you could increase it according to your needs. The CBD vape juices are free from other chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers that can deteriorate their integrity. You should always buy organic CBD vape juice from trusted vendors only, as they will provide you with quality CBD products. The safest and long-term health effects of using vaping products aren’t accepted yet. In September 2019, the federal and state health authorities began investigating an epidemic that revolved around a severe lung disease arising due to the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products. There’s no denying that CBD can help many of us get our anxiety under control. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hasn’t approved most CBD products, which means that you may find that the strengths and purity of ingredients vary between different brands or even bottles.


What Your Kids Can Sell This Summer To Make Money – BESIDES Lemonade!

The summer my kids are signed up for a few extra cericular activities. But that also means more money out of my budget. So to help off set the cost we’ve talked about letting them earn some money this summer. Together we’ve come up with a couple ideas of things your kids can make (with a little parental help) and sell this summer.

  • Bake Sale – we see some of these pop up now and then but it’s a great idea and there’s so many options. From cookies and brownies to cupcakes and bread. They can sell them out in the front yard or list it on your Facebook for friends and family to buy.
  • Soda Shop – I’m sure you’ve heard and visited (many times if you’re me) Fizz or Swig. Why not use the idea of adding syrups and cremes to your drinks and let your kids create some fun ones. Just buy cans of soda and have different options of add ins.
  • Slime – our neighbors did this last summer and I thought it was just a great idea. Everyone loved buying slime and I loved the idea of my kids buying something to play with rather than eat.
  • Jewelry – we’re pulled out our beads quite a bit this summer so why not create some items to sell?
  • Ice Cream – It’s hot outside so why not? You can have plain vanilla with toppings they can choose from or get a couple different choices of favors and charge per topping. There’s lots of options and ideas you can play around with this. We’re running with this idea and making our own truck into an Ice Cream Truck! We’ll drive around the neighborhood with our music turned up (to the classic ice cream truck sound) and offer different ice cream options. We’re really looking forward to this idea (and many in the neighborhood are too)!
  • Books and Bookmarks – We have a ton of books that my kids read over and over. If you’re done with them why not make some money off them? Just have your kids create some fun book marks (there’s tons of ideas on Pinterest) and sell them together! Not done with your books? Head to your local second hand store and pick out some popular cheap ones to sell.
  • Flowers – if you’re blessed with beautiful flower beds you can let your kids pick some and arrange some flower to sell. I save all my jars (mayo, spaghetti sauce, etc) that would be perfect to use and have them sell. Or decorate some tin cans and sell them inside those.
  • Produce – if you’re gardening this year and happen to be doing really well, have the kids set up a stand and sell the produce you can’t or won’t be able to use.
  • Icee – this is popular in our area and the kids all love them! They have fun DIY syrup ideas you can test out and play with before you start selling.
  • Calm Down Jars – I love this and could use some of these for my own kids. Create different colors, slow ones and faster ones or even fun items inside.
  • Bird/Duck Food – We love going to the duck pond in our neighborhood but I’ve read and heard from many that bread isn’t that great for the ducks. So why not help other families out and sell some good duck/bird food at the duck pond in your area? (Please check ahead of time if this is ok in your city.)

Best Deals To Find In June


June has arrived, my friends! How on earth did that happen so fast?! I cannot believe how quickly time is passing these days, but I digress. Since June has arrived, I figured I could do a quick little rundown of some of the best deals to find in June! 

If you are ready to save some money, just check out this list below to see what you should be shopping for this month. 

Best Deals To Find In June

These are some of the best things to shop for in June. 

Father’s Day Gifts – Father’s Day is mid-June and you have likely already started to see all of the sales happening on gifts for dad! This is also a great time to find gifts for dad to hang onto until Christmas.  Just make sure it doesn’t say “Father’s Day” on it. 

Spring Clothes – Spring fashion has moved onto summer which means that you will start seeing all of those spring fashion clothes on clearance soon. 

Fitness Gear and Clothing – When do you see the most ads for fitness gear and wear? January! That’s right, most people focus on fitness in the new year, so June is about the time you start seeing prices drop on fitness gear and clothing. 

Dishes and Drinkware – It’s wedding season, my friends! That means that you will start seeing lots of deals on wedding gift ideas. Occasionally, you will also start seeing deals on small kitchen appliances. The other day while shopping I spotted a blender and a breakfast sandwich maker for just $5 each! 

Fresh Produce – It’s summer! That means that fresh produce is in season and there is no better time to buy! It may not be the cheapest right now (although there are some great ways to save on produce), but now is the best time to get the best flavor! 

Don’t you just love knowing what to save money on? What has been your favorite June buy?


Frozen S’mores Recipe- Perfect Summer Treat

I can feel summer coming in strong! The kids have their last week of school and the weather is hitting 90 degrees. It’s time to think ice cream, frozen and cold! I came across this recipe for Frozen S’mores and thought this would be a perfect summer treat to make with the kiddos. Check it out!

Frozen S’mores Recipe
Photo and Recipe by It’s Always Autumn


  • 1 box instant chocolate pudding 6 serving size
  • 2.5 cups cold milk
  • 16 graham crackers
  • 7 oz marshmallow creme
  • 4 oz cream cheese softened
  • 8 oz frozen whipped topping thawed


    • Line a 9×13 pan with foil or parchment paper, allowing paper to overhang pan.
    • In a medium bowl, whisk together pudding mix and milk until smooth and creamy. Pour into 9×13 pan and spread into an even layer. **See note**
    • Chill pudding layer while you mix up the marshmallow layer.
      In a medium bowl, beat together cream cheese and marshmallow cream until smooth. Fold in whipping topping.
    • Spread marshmallow layer over chocolate layer. Cover with foil.
    • Freeze layers about 6 hours, until firm enough to cut through (freezing time will vary depending on how cold your freezer is). Use the foil or parchment paper to remove layers from 9×13 pan and place on a cutting board.
    • Break 15 graham crackers in half. Slice pudding/marshmallow layers into 15 squares the same size as the graham crackers. If your layers have frozen very hard you may want to wait 15 minutes before slicing.
    • Sandwich layers in between two graham crackers. (Watch the video in the post for an easy way to do this.)
    • Eat right away or store sandwiches in the freezer in an airtight bag or container. Graham crackers will soften slightly if stored in the freezer for a while, and I think that makes these taste even better. After they’ve been frozen, allow them to rest at room temperature 15-20 minutes before eating for the best texture.

BLT Pasta Salad Recipe- Perfect for Summer Dinners & BBQs

During the hot summer months, I’m always trying to find a yummy salad that is filling enough to make for dinner. My kids LOVE BLTs, so this BLT Pasta Salad is perfect. It’s super easy to make too. Make it for dinner or take it to your next BBQ.

BLT Pasta Salad Recipe
Picture and Recipe by Life in the Lofthouse


  • 2-1/2 cups uncooked bow tie pasta
  • 6 cups torn romaine lettuce
  • 1 medium tomato diced
  • 4 bacon strips cooked and crumbled
  • 1/2 cup ranch dressing
  • 1 Tablespoon barbecue sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper


    • Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain. Then rinse pasta under cold water.
    • In a large bowl, combine the romaine lettuce, tomato, bacon and pasta.
    • Drizzle the ranch dressing and barbecue sauce over the top. Gently toss to coat evenly. Season with pepper. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Free Stuff for Mom and Babies

Are you getting ready to have a baby? It doesn’t even matter if you are preparing to be a brand new mom or you have been a mom for years and years. Having a new baby is so exciting! As a mom of 3, I can confidently say that the birth of each of my children was the absolutely best days of my life. I am a big believer that these moments should be celebrated in all ways! Flowers, balloons, gifts and lots and lots of free stuff for mom and babies. 

I said it. I love the free stuff that comes along with having babies and yes, there is quite a bit of it! No, I’m not talking about baby shower gifts, etc. Those are incredibly sweet though, I’m mostly talking about the free stuff that companies send you when you have a baby. All it takes is a quick sign up and  you are set!

Free Stuff For Mom And Babies

There are several ways you can score free stuff for mom and babies, here are a couple of those! 

Baby Registries

Baby registries are a great way to get free baby stuff! Not only are they helpful for others who wish to gift you with baby stuff, but many registries also send out welcome gifts. Here are some of our favorite baby registries and what bonuses they offer:

Target – Get $50 worth of coupons plus samples and 15% off anything on your list after the baby is born. 

Buy Buy Baby – Free welcome gifts once you register.

Walmart –  Free welcome box of baby essentials.

Amazon – Free welcome box of items for parents and baby valued up to $35.

Diaper Code Rewards

When you make the decision what type of diapers to use be sure to check out their code rewards programs and save up on those codes! It’s like a reward system and you can exchange them for free stuff!

6 Things to Do This Memorial Weekend to Honor Those Military Men & Women!

Memorial weekend is always a good sign that summer is almost here (or here for some of us). It’s always a time that many gather with their friends and family to go camping or have BBQs in the backyard. But I hope you remember the real reason we honor this day. Memorial Day is celebrated to honor and remember all of the men and women who died serving  in the American Armed Forces. So if you’re looking for ways you can celebrate and honor those brave men and women, here are 6 things you can do this weekend.

Listen to Veterans’ Stories – Many of those who passed away left behind family and friends often serving right beside them. They have stories that are part of our own history. So even if you don’t know a veteran personally, you can find their stories in books and movies. I also found a site that lets their voices be heard. Just head over to Story Corps where you can read or watch stories from veterans around the country.

Make, Plant or Visit a Poppy Field – Did you know that Red Poppies are worn as a sign of remembrance? You could put together a craft with your kids and create your own red poppies to wear on Memorial Day. Or find a local Poppy Field to visit and reflect on those who have passed away protecting our freedoms.

Donate to Trusted Military Organizations/Non Profits – If you’re looking for a way to make a difference in someone’s life who has been wounded in war, suffers with PTSD or grieves the loss of a veteran, donating to one of the many organizations would do just that. Donate what you can, any amount is appreciated.

Take a Moment of Silence – This is great for all ages to patriciate in. At 3pm (local time) you can take a moment of silence where ever you are and remember those who have fought for your freedoms and what that really means to you. Pray for those still serving and the surviving family members.

Show Your Support – Hang your American flag high, color your sideways with red white and blue chalk, decorate your home and make it known that you are proud to be an American where you are free! Get your kids involved and teach them proper etiquette when handling the flag. Teach them what it means to be a free country and talk about those brave men and women who died defending your freedoms.

Visit the Graves – If you can and know someone who has passes away serving in the American Armed Forces, take some flowers to their grave. Honor them and show your appreciate for them. If you don’t know of anyone you can donate to the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation where they will take the time to place flowers on all the grave sites.

4 Tips for Saving Money on Garden Supplies


How is your gardening going this year? I have been working a lot in my garden and as much as I love it, it does get expensive. That’s why I have worked hard over the last couple of years to figure out how to best save money on garden supplies

Part of the reason I love gardening so much is because it is a great way to save money on groceries. Well that and I love to feed my family healthier, fresh produce.  

4 Tips for Saving Money on Garden Supplies

Gardening for me helps me to lower my stress levels. When gardening becomes expensive though, my stress levels begin to rise again. These tips will help you to save money on garden supplies and help gardening stay a low stress activity in your life. 

Reuse Soil 

You can always use the soil from your yard to grow your garden. If your garden is a raised bed or container garden, you can easily use your soil from last year. 

Order in Bulk

If you need more soil, you should check into ordering your soil in bulk. If you have a pickup or a trailer, you can save a significant amount of money by purchasing a load of soil as opposed to buying it in bags. 

Shop Used

If you need new shovels or other gardening tools, you should shop used. Many people downsize into apartments, etc and they no longer need their garden tools. You might even find them on your local buy nothing group. I know I have bought most of my garden tools second hand, most of which I paid just a dollar or two for.  

Here are some of the best places to look for deals:

  • Offer Up
  • Craigslist 
  • FB Marketplace 
  • FB Buy Nothing Groups

Use What You Have

Last year I did a greenhouse as opposed to a typical garden. It worked out great, but earlier this year I got chickens and decided that what used to be my greenhouse would be better utilized as space for a chicken coop. So this year I was going to build raised beds for my garden. Oh my gosh though, if you have never looked at large raised bed planters, you would be shocked to see how much they cost. 

After looking through Pinterest for days, I decided that I was going to utilize some materials I already had on hand to create my raised bed planters. I happened to have a couple of sheets of galvanized metal and some leftover lumber from a project I did last year. I combined the two to create some awesome raised bed planters all for the low costs of $00! 


Keep Your Kids Learning This Summer with These FREE Educational Apps!

Who’s looking forward to summer break? I like to make sure my kids are still keeping up on what they’ve learned through the school year so they don’t forget it over the break. So here are some fun educational apps that are all FREE for kids!!

  1. ABC Kids: FREE (Ages Toddler – Kindergarten) Help your toddler learn phonics and trace letters of the alphabet
  2. Coolmath Games: Fun Mini Games: FREE (Ages 9+)  Play hundreds of favorite math, logic, thinking and strategy games. You can also use their website here.
  3. Duloingo: FREE (Ages 4+) Duolingo is the fun app for learning 35+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. Practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to build your vocabulary and grammar skills. You can also use their website here.
  4. Duloigno ABC: FREE (Ages 4+) Great hands-on way for your child to learn to read.
  5. Lightbot: Code Hour: FREE (Grade K-12) Code Hour is a programming puzzle game- a game whose game mechanics require using programming logic to solve levels. (no in-app purchases)
  6. PBS Kids Games: FREE (Ages 2-8) A TON of different games that encourage skills related to science, math, creativity and more. You can also use their website here.
  7. Pet Bingo: FREE (Ages 5-10) Kids will visually learn and practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division!
  8. Scratch Jr: FREE (Ages 5-7) Another great coding app. Learn important new skills as they program their own interactive stories and games.
  9. FREE(Ages Pre K- 2nd Grade) Have fun learning essential reading and math skills. You can also use their website here.
  10. Todo Math: FREE (Pre K – 2nd Grade) Great app for math practice where kids gameplay and collect items.

You can find more Tried & Tested Educational Apps & Websites over here! Do you have any other educational apps or websites that you use for your kids.
We would love to hear! 🙂

4 tips for saving money on exercise equipment 


I used to work out on an elliptical for an hour every day and I loved it. Over the course of a year, I lost 40 pounds and kept it off until I decided I wanted one more baby. Over the next couple of years, my elliptical stopped working (probably due to lack of upkeep and not being turned on for months at a time…I blame postpartum depression). Anyway….I was way past ready to exercise again so it was time to find another elliptical.


I bought my last elliptical about 10 years ago and honestly forgot how expensive they are! That’s why I backtracked a bit and started from scratch. It was time for me to get serious about finding a machine on a budget. I needed to follow these tips for saving money on exercise equipment. 

4 Tips For Saving Money On Exercise Equipment 

Do Your Research 

Before you even start shopping for your exercise equipment, do your research.  You won’t save money buying a cheap machine if it’s a junk machine. Be sure and look up its weight capacity (be sure it’ll hold up to anyone who may exercise on it), as well as durability and overall ratings.  I’m always sure to look up independent websites for reviews and then I look through customer reviews on retail sites.

Shop Sales and Clearance

You all know me by now. I NEVER pay full price for anything, so I always look for sales and clearance deals. When I bought my first elliptical,it was brand new. Regular price on it was $1999 and I bought it for $699 on clearance.

Shop Used

As it turns out, a lot of people buy exercise equipment and then not use it much. That’s awesome for those of us who may be shopping for one! 

Shopping used is what I did to save money on my recent elliptical purchase. I check the following websites daily for a couple of weeks:


Offer Up


FB Marketplace 

About a week ago, I spotted a one owner Precor EFX 5.23 elliptical for $150. The seller was a man who was getting a divorce and needing to move so he was basically liquidating everything in his home. I had great timing and saw his post just minutes after he posted it. I had it in my home within 2 hours. I knew I got a good deal, but until I did a little more research did I know how great of a deal I got. (See photo above).

Buy in Person


Whether you buy new or used, it is usually a better idea to buy exercise equipment in person. Exercise equipment, whether it is an elliptical or a bike or free weights, it is expensive! Buy locally and in person in order to save on shipping.  


8 Steps to Take Before You Are Going to Be Stuck at Home for Weeks 

I am having surgery in a couple of weeks and it occurred to me that I want to be well prepared for the 2 week recovery period that my doc told me to prepare for.

I also started thinking that many times lately, you hear from people who are needing to self quarantine due to COVID exposure or out of country travel, etc. To prepare us all for these situations, I’ve put together these 8 Steps to Take Before You Are Going to Be Stuck at Home for Weeks.

8 Steps to Take Before You Are Going to Be Stuck at Home for Weeks 

Order all of your groceries

Go online to your grocery store of choice and get yourself 2 weeks worth of groceries. No need to get them yourself when it takes only a short time to have them ready to pick up. Or, right before your 2 weeks you might consider using the grocery pickup option. 

Clean Your House

If you are able to, clean your house. If you are recovering from surgery, especially, you will need your house cleaned in advance or else you will be tempted to get up and clean up even if you aren’t supposed to. 

Set your Bills up for Automatic Payment

Again, this one is especially true if you are going to be in pain or on meds,make sure to set up your bills for automatic payment so you don’t have to worry about them not being paid.

Find Something to Do

Make sure that you aren’t too bored during your time at home by getting yourself some hobby stuff that will keep you busy. Maybe you want a new video game, or some painting supplies, or a sketchbook. This is a great time to spend time doing something that you enjoy.

Prepare to Relax

I know that you likely don’t allow yourself much time to relax. Regardless of your reason for being home for weeks, you have a built in reason to relax. Prepare yourself to actually take advantage of this. You deserve it.

5 Fun and Easy Teacher Appreciation Gifts for the End of School

Can you believe it’s the end of the school year? I sure can’t! We only have a couple more weeks of school! Our teachers have done so much this year with wearing masks, sanitizing, and helping our online learning, that I want to show them how much we appreciate them. Here are 5 fun and easy teacher appreciation gifts for the end of your school year!

  1. Succulent plants. As pictured above by Parent Map, these cute succulent plants are so easy to take care of and can make the classroom look a little more alive. It’s something other than treats and drinks.
  2. Order a personal gift from Etsy. My 5th grader has loved learning about the states and capital’s this year. They have used this Tour the States Map and YouTube song to learn them. So why not get this printed out and put in a frame for your teacher? It would be a huge it! So think of something your teacher has taught your students this year and buy it on Etsy. I would order your items today so they can get here by the end of the year.
  3. Gift Cards. This is always a favorite for many teachers. Find a favorite or new place to visit near your school and snag them a gift card to use at their leisure. You can always grab a gift card here.
  4. Small piece of Jewelry. How cute are these Bohemian Bracelet sets? Or, you could get a cute stud earrings. Think of your teacher’s style and grab a cute piece of jewelry!
  5. Personalized notes. I’ve talked with many teachers over the years and they always say they love getting personalized notes from their students and parents. Be specific and detailed in your note about what you loved about this last year. It helps them with their teaching and I’m sure they will keep these notes for years to come! You could pair this with any of the items above as well.

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