Make Your Own Raised Garden Beds This Spring!

I have always loved the idea of being able to go out into my garden and pick a zucchini for lunch or snag a tomato for our hamburgers. And when the produce really comes on, it’d be great to preserve what we have or freeze what we want to use later. Unfortunately we had to tear out our garden beds to put in a shed a few years ago so this year I’m building my own raised garden beds. I’ve built some at our old house and learned a lot plus I’ve been to the nursery and talked with my mom enough to feel like I’m on the right track to having a great vegetable garden this year. So, here’s a few tips and tricks if you want to put together your own raised garden beds.

  1. Weed barrier – I HIGHLY recommend putting some type of weed barrier down, especially if you’re building your beds over grass. We went with a weed barrier I found on Amazon and have used in the past in our flower beds. It’s worked great there. You could also use cardboard boxes (all those Amazon boxes would work great). I put this down at our old house and they worked just as well and would break down over time.
  2. Make sure you build them high enough – this is especially important if you’re putting weed barrier down. I (and from the expert advice of the nursery workers) recommend not going any smaller than 8″ high. I went with the 10″ boards so that I have room to add dirty and other nutrience to the garden beds over the years.
  3. Wood – this is all a matter of opinion on what will work best for you. I wanted to try to make mine as cheap as possible so I looked as using wood fence posts which weren’t to pricey. The problem I was having was they wouldn’t last long and they’re super thin (which isn’t good once you add your dirt, they’ll start to bow). So, if you’re looking for a long time solution I recommend getting the good stuff from the get go. I went with treated lumber that was 10″ high and 10′ long (I was making 5’x5′ garden beds).
  4. Find the right dirty – this is where I stumbled and ended up with the wrong stuff (costing me more money than I wanted to spend). So make sure you do your research at your local nursery. Mine was awesome to work with but in doing research you’ll want to make sure you’re fill dirt has at least 1/3 blended compost, 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 coarse vermiculite. Luckily for me, my nursery had a great blend with these important ingredients in it.
  5. What to plant – this can depend on the area you live in. Around here, Utah, I’m able to put my lettuce and peas into the ground now (don’t forget your trellis) , they’re cold weather plants so they’ll do great. The rest of my veggie starts are inside and I plan on getting them into the garden beds around Mother’s Day. Make sure you also note how much room each plant needs. You can find this information on the back of the seed packet. I find square foot gardening to be the best way to use my space wisely. I just take string and some sticks to mark off each square foot that way I can see exactly where each plant needs to go.

I hope this gives you some ideas of what to think about when making your own garden beds and planting in them!

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Camp Stoves for Fabulous Meals While You Camp

One of my favorite things about camping is the food. Seriously. I love camping food. I don’t know why, maybe it’s a comfort thing since I have so many fond memories of camping as a child. I’m not a big fan of camping solely on the fire though, I need more than a hot dog roasting stick if I’m going to stay happy while camping.

That’s why a person needs a good camping stove in order to make the best meals while they camp. The ones I have listed here are all rated well and look like they would be easy to take along with you on your next camping trip. 

Camp Stoves for Fabulous Meals While You Camp


Coleman Two Burner Stove

With two burners, you can cook a 4 course meal for your family while you camp! Seriously though, you can do a lot of cooking with two burners like this. 


Coleman Classic Camping Stove

This stove also has two burners, but it is a bit more on the rugged side. It is a good stove with good ratings, but it’s also really good for someone on a budget. 

Single Burner Propane Stove

If you are short on space, this single burner propane stove is perfect for you. 


Portable Bottletop Propane Camp Stove with Adjustable Burner

These camp stoves aren’t my favorite, simply because I think they are more difficult to use. That being said, there is a huge group of campers and survivalists out there that love these stoves. 


Blackstone 28 inch Outdoor Flat Top Gas Grill Griddle Station

If space is no option, you may consider buying one of these awesome grills to your camp cooking supplies. I’m in quite a few camping and boondocking groups on Facebook and I cannot tell you how often I see these being mentioned as the best way to cook while camping. 


Do you have a favorite camp stove?

Tents to Make This the Best Camping Season Ever

Who else is planning some camping trips this summer? I know that we are planning to do a lot of camping both near us and far away and we couldn’t be more excited! Last summer it was just not in the cards, but we are not doing that again! It’s been a while since we camped though so I think our camping gear needs an upgrade. 

First off, I believe that we need a new tent! If you are in need of a new tent as well, check out this great list of tents to make this the best camping season ever that I put together for us! 

Tents to Make This the Best Camping Season Ever


9 Person Tent

Sure, you may not have 9 people camping with you, but I bet you will enjoy the space for 9 people in your tent. We always bring our coolers into our tent along with all of our clothes and gear so I like larger tents so we have more space for all of that stuff.  

Coleman Tent Sundome Dome

The Coleman Sundome is probably one of the most popular tents out there and that’s for good reason! It’s great! It’s also pretty budget friendly, especially for the quality. This is a good one, folks. 

Core 9 Person Instant Cabin Tent

Here is another big tent that is great for those that like a lot of space available to them and it is extremely easy to set up. You’re going to love it!

Coleman Cabin Tent with Instant Setup in 60 Seconds

Here’s another great Coleman tent. This one has instant set up and looks like it really does set up quickly and easily. This one is on my list!

Do you have a tent you love? Let us know what it is! I’m always up for good camping tips and recommendations.

5 Fun Kid Friendly Outdoor Activities in St. George, Utah

St. George, Utah is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Utah.  We recently returned from St. George and absolutely loved it. It’s a place where we love to spend our time outside. There are a lot of fun things to do like biking and hiking or just playing at a unique park. Here are 5 fun places you could visit the next time you visit St. George, Utah.

  1. Snake Hollow Bike Park. This is a relatively new bike park that has some fun trails. There are hundreds of features and four skills zones: Rattler’s Revenge (dirt jump zone), Snake Den (pump track and skills loop), Venom Drops (gravity skills) and Sidewinder Slopestyle (gravity jump trails). This is such a fun place to visit. Our kids could have stayed there for hours.
  2. Thunder Junction Park. This park is the best that I’ve seen in the whole state! It’s fun for all ages. You can also ride a fun train around the park for a small fee. This is an all abilities park which is made for those who need accessibility to the park.
  3. Pioneer Park. This is seriously a favorite for our whole family. This isn’t the typical park. It’s a rock climbing adventure in open space. While there be sure to clip to the top and see the beautiful view down below. Make sure there is parental supervision while climbing. There are steep ledges, so you’ll want to climb together as a family. My little 3 year old even loved climbing around the red rocks. You can find the location here.
  4. Sand Hallow State Park. This state park has both sand and water. What more could you want? Bring your sand toys or small boats and enjoy this park with the family. If you are visiting during the summer months, this is a refreshing place to visit and cool off. You can find more information here.
  5. Red Cliffs National Conservation Area. If you want more of an outdoor, camping or hiking adventure, be sure to check out this area. There are camping areas that are absolutely beautiful. You can also do a day hike. We have been to Sand Cove and it was so fun. Bring your sand pails and play in the sand or go on little hikes around the natural beauty. More information can be found here.

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Outdoor Patio Sets to Spruce Up Your Yard This Season

While it does look like things have opened up some, it does look like we will be spending more time at home again this year. Why not make home a more relaxing and comfortable place that you actually want to be?

I have wanted my yard to look amazing forever. Unfortunately I live in an area that rains a lot and when it doesn’t rain I’m typically on the road adventuring and staying busy. Well, that doesn’t look like it’s what my summer holds this year so you know what?! I’m finally going to make my yard all that it can be! I’m going to start with a new, cute outdoor patio set and I have found a ton of them on Amazon! Check them out:

Outdoor Patio Sets to Spruce Up Your Yard This Season

Rattan Patio Conversation Set with Cushion and Glass Table

I love the look of this set. It looks like it could be higher end, but the price tag certainly doesn’t reflect that. 

Modern Bistro Set Rattan Chair 

If you have a smaller space that you are trying to find furniture for, this 3 piece set is a great option. I have a really great space next to my front porch where this is going to go. 

11 Pieces Patio Dining Set

If you are looking for an outdoor set for a larger family, or if you are wanting to make sure that you can entertain a group, this 11 piece set is awesome. 

3 Piece Rocking Bistro Set

Oh my goodness, I am loving this adorable rocking bistro set!! Hmmmm….now I’m struggling to decide between this one and the other bistro set. Which one would you choose?

7 Pieces Outdoor Patio Furniture Sectional Conversation Set

I really like the coziness of this set and I love the colors. My husband and daughter don’t seem to agree with me, but I’m really wanting to throw some bright colors into our furniture indoor and outdoor. I am so done with bland colors.

Inflatable Water Play Structures Your Kids Will Want This Summer

Don’t you hate it when the summer heat is in full swing and there isn’t a pool to be found at any stores or online? It happens every single year. Not this year though. This year you are going to be prepared. 

Amazon has a huge selection of inflatable water play structures that your kids will absolutely love to have. We still don’t know what the summer holds in store for us as far as if places will be open, etc., so let’s be prepared to stay home again, but let’s have fun this year! 

Inflatable Water Play Structures Your Kids Will Want This Summer

These inflatable water play structures look awesome! I have included ones that are super budget friendly and some that are a little pricey, but look like they are totally worth it. 

61″ Inflatable Palm Tree Backyard Sprinkler 

Boy sprinklers sure have come a long way since I was a kid. Look at how fun this inflatable palm tree sprinkler looks! 

Splashin’kids Outdoor Rainbow Sprinkler

This rainbow sprinkler will be a bit hit with the little ones! 

Cyclone Splash Park

If you had to choose between a slip and slide and a pool for your kids, which one do you think would be more fun? You know what?! Why choose? This set has both!

Inflatable Bounce House, 7 in 1 Mighty Pool Slide

Now this is a set that your kids will love! 

From the description: Just connect the hose and it can be used as a water park, children will have endless fun with two inflatable smooth slides. Sliding down the water slide, spraying your friends with water cannon or enjoy the shower on the lounger, this inflatable water park brings a cool summer to the children.

Inflatable Waterslide, Shark Bounce House with Slide for Wet and Dry

This one has fun for those who want to play in the water and those who just want to feel the splash. Water slides, climbing wall, bouncy house and more. You will have a hard time keeping the neighborhood kids away with this set in your yard. 

Don’t these all just look like so much fun?

Fun Cookies to Make with The Kids

Are you in a cookie making mood? I don’t know what it is, but my kids have been asking for cookies way more often than they typically do. Not store bought cookies either, they are asking mom to make them their favorite homemade cookies and have even just been asking if we can have a cookie making day. I’m a lover of sweet things and I love spending time with my kids so I’m not about to say no to them. 

If you want to have cookie making day too, here are some fun cookies to make with the kids. Some of them do require a cookie cutter or mold, but you can easily order them off of Amazon and have them here in just a few days! 

Fun Cookies to Make with The Kids

These cookies are all so cute, you might have a hard time eating them! They almost look like they are decorative.


Easter Oreos – Despite the name, these pretty cookies can be made anytime! They really are pretty too. They would work well for any princess party, or for the non-kid events they would be perfect for wedding or bridal shower. 


Jungle Pawprint Cookies – Do you have a kid that just loves learning about the jungle? Or maybe one who loves The Lion King? They are going to love these super fun Jungle Pawprint Cookies. 


Zombie Llama Cookies – Okay, this one might not be quite your style but if you are into zombie fun, these cookies are going to be so much fun to make! 


Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies – These are fun to make because of that classic Hershey kiss right there in the middle, but they also offer that deliciously rich and flavorful peanut butter and chocolate flavor burst. We all love that, right?


Do you have any fun non-typical cookie recipes that you like to make with your kids?

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Should You Get CBD Oil For Your Dogs?

Having a dog is pretty fun, isn’t it? You always have someone to greet you and drool all over you once you come home after work, you always have a goofy face to see when you are feeling down and, of course, you always have someone to play and cuddle with. I’m not even going to get into the protective nature of these animals, since everybody already knows that dogs would do anything to keep their owner safe at all times. As you can see here, there are quite a lot of signs that your canine might be protecting you even if you aren’t aware of it.

So, having a dog is most definitely amazing. Yet, it’s not all fun and games, is it? Every single canine owner will tell you that things are a bit more complicated than that and that you are actually in charge of your pet’s health and happiness here and, thus, you are in charge of its whole life. That sounds like a huge responsibility, doesn’t it?

Well, that’s simply because it is a huge responsibility. Still, nobody can deny the fact that taking care of a pet and doing everything you can to keep it safe and healthy is definitely rewarding. All the effort you put into this will be worth it, since you will have a being that will love you unconditionally no matter what happens. All you have to do is love them back.

Now, as I have mentioned, taking care of dogs is a huge responsibility and great care starts with making sure that they are properly fed and perfectly healthy. These two things are interconnected, since the ingredients that your canine consumes play a huge role in its overall health. That is exactly why most owners tend to introduce certain supplements to their diet when necessary and that’s also why they think carefully about the medicines that they are giving to these animals in case they end up needing medical attention.

As a responsible owner, you will undoubtedly try to stay in the loop about all the new supplements and products that could be of help to your canine. While we are on that topic, I believe it’s time for you to get acquainted with one particular product that could be extremely be helpful to this animal, both when it’s perfectly healthy and when it could need a little health boost. If you take a look at Cheef Botanicals, you will understand that the product I am talking about has become extremely popular among canine owners these days and there must be at least a few reasons for that.

Meet CBD Oil

I suppose you could have guessed this already, but let me make it clear anyway. The product I am talking about is called CBD oil and it has definitely taken the market over. This means that you must have stumbled upon it at some point and that you have probably become rather curious about what it is and whether you should get it for your dog. Well, that’s exactly the question that we will try and answer here and we need to start by helping you understand what CBD oil precisely is.

If you have heard of Cannabidiol, then you know that this is a substance found in cannabis and that it is nowadays used for creating all kinds of products intended both for human and animal consumption. That is precisely the substance that CBD oil for dogs is made of and it has been thoroughly researched before it started being used for animals. Luckily, all the research that’s been done speaks in favor of the substance.

For starters, unlike another cannabis-derived compound, i.e. THC, Cannabidiol doesn’t have any psychoactive properties. This goes to show that there is absolutely no need for you to worry about whether CBD oil will get your canine high because it most certainly won’t. Plus, these products made for animals are all created using the hemp plant, which is also known to be non-psychedelic, given that it contains almost no THC at all.

What It Does

So, that’s that regarding the safety of CBD oil for your dogs. You can be completely at peace if and when you decide to give this product to your pet, because there is no way that it can harm the animal. Yet, just because it can’t harm your pet, it doesn’t mean that you should immediately jump on board and buy this supplement. After all, you still need to learn what it can do in order to decide if you want to buy it.

Well, here’s what you should know about this particular product:

Now, let me give you a quick list of what CBD oil can actually do for your pet. First of all, it can treat its pain and inflammation. Then, it can also ease their anxiety symptoms, treat gastrointestinal issues and manage epileptic seizures. Some evidence suggests that it can even help fight cancer, which is a rather big deal.

The Bottom Line

I assume that you want a clear and straightforward answer to the question of whether you should get CBD oil for your dog. So, if your canine is suffering from any of the above issues, you should definitely give CBD oil a chance. In addition to that, you need to keep in mind that it can be given to healthy animals as well and that it can help boost their overall health and metabolism.

Relaxing DIY Bath Bombs to Help Get Your Skin Spring Ready

Well, it’s been a bit over a year and for the most part we are all still mostly staying home that we are supposed to, but you know what? It’s spring!! I may still be doing my part to stay home and stay healthy, but mama wants to go outside and now that the sun is starting to make an appearance, I am ready to reintroduce my skin to the sun. Even if it is just in my backyard. 

I will say this though, after a year of laziness (okay, it wasn’t all lazy) and coming out of what seemed like the longest winter ever, I need to do a little DIY beauty work to be comfortable showing off my skin again. That may seem scandalous, but I barely wear capris and tanks in public…it’s not that much skin. My skin right now is dry and just overall blah, so it’s time to break out some DIY beauty tricks! Starting with some serious soaking in these awesome, moisturizing and relaxing DIY Bath Bombs. 

Relaxing DIY Bath Bombs to Help Get Your Skin Spring Ready

Bath bombs became super popular a couple of years ago and they just aren’t going away, my friends. They are a wonderful way to treat yourself. Here are some fun ones. 

Funfetti Bath Bombs  

I have made these several times now for myself and for friends and family and everyone just loves them!  

DIY Decongestant Bath Bombs

I know that these say decongestant bath bombs, but I absolutely love the feeling that my skin is left with after using these bath bombs. I feel refreshed and energized. Plus, it’s just good for you! 

Fresh Avocado Bath Bombs 

I love avocados. Like seriously. I enjoyed them for breakfast and in my afternoon smoothie and hey…they are great for your skin too! Who knew?

Well, what do you think? Are you (and your skin) ready to head outside and get some sun?

Do you have any DIY Bath Bomb or DIY Beauty product that you have found useful to use on your skin?

Easter Egg Hunts Your Kids Will LOVE!

Easter is this weekend and the kids have been counting down the days! Although the traditional egg hunt is fun and the kids love it, I love putting a spin on it, changing it up each year and making it more challenging for the older ones with new surprises inside. So I’ve thrown together some ideas you can easily incorporate into your egg hunt this year!

  1. No Treats Just Rewards – this is a great and easy to put together Easter egg hunt which involves avoiding the store if you already have eggs on hand. Simple fill out slips of paper (with or without the kids help) with rewards they can “cash in” this month! So 15 extra minutes of tv time, or stay up late one night. There so many fun rewards the kids will love hurrying to find.
  2. Relay Race – get involved yourself with this one! Split into teams then when both are ready, you’ll send one person from your team to go look for an egg. They’ll run back once they’ve found one and tag the next teammate until all the eggs are found.
  3. Reverse Rolls – have the kids hide the eggs this year and see how long it takes mom and dad to find them. The kids are going to laugh and love this just as much as the adults looking!
  4. Spell Your Name – Have the kids find all the eggs that will make up their name. You can make this easy or more difficult for each age. Simple take a sharpie marker and write each letter on the outside of the egg, fill it with treasures and hide them.
  5. In a Row – This is like a mix of memory and counting. Number your eggs 1 through 10 (or how ever many you want to use) and hide them around the house or the yard. Then have the kids collect the eggs in order! They can work as a team or on their own (simple use different color eggs for each kid to make things easier if hunting on their own).

Don’t forget to checkout the other awesome egg hunt ideas we’ve posted in the past. They each have lots more ideas you can use this year!
8 Fun & Unique Ways to Have an Easter Egg Hunt
5 MORE Fun & Unique Ways to Have an Easter Egg Hunt!

Easy Make Ahead Breakfasts to Simplify Your Meal Planning

Do you meal plan and meal prep? Although I don’t do it as often as I should or as often as I would like to, but let me tell you, when I do it makes all the difference in the world as far as my time and my stress levels. As a wife, mom of three and small business owner, let me just say that life can get crazy if I don’t have my ducks in a row. 

So, to be frank, I have had enough right now and I am doing some serious meal prep and planning this weekend and that’s why I have put together these easy make ahead breakfasts to simplify your meal planning. I know I’m not the only one struggling here. 

Easy Make Ahead Breakfasts to Simplify Your Meal Planning

These are some of my family’s favorite make ahead breakfasts that I have made for them in past, so I often make these recipes when I am doing my meal planning. 

Sheet Pan Pancakes – Sheet pancakes are always a hit with my family. They just really, really like pancakes. I really like these particular ones though because they come with fruit made right into them which reduces the “need” for syrup or other sugar filled toppings. 

Granola Bars – Homemade granola bars are relatively new to me, because well, I don’t like granola bars. My kids and husband, however, are another story and they all love granola so I finally decided to learn how to make them for them and guess what?! They are super easy! They are also great for those mornings when you really just need a grab and go breakfast.

Chocolate Banana Muffins – Muffins are another great option for grab and go breakfasts and this one is delish! These Chocolate banana muffins always go quickly whenever I make them at my house so I tend to double the recipe and freeze a bunch before the kids spot them.  


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