The Best 12 Amazon Prime Benefits – Did You Know About These?

Do you have Amazon Prime? Or maybe you’ve been thinking about signing up? I wanted to share with you some of the awesome benefits of having an Amazon Prime Account, some you might not have even known about!

  1. Special Discounts. You can almost always find special deals that are exclusive to Prime members. Be sure and keep an eye out here at our website, and stalk your Amazon account to find special deals on all kinds of stuff.
  2. Music Streaming. Do you love to listen to music?  Amazon Prime members get access to thousands of songs without having to pay for a music streaming service.   That being said, Amazon does have a music streaming service that costs money, but offers even more options, however, you don’t have to sign up for it in order to enjoy your favorite music.
  3. Movie Streaming.  Are you a movie buff? Amazon Instant Video has thousands of videos, tv shows and exclusive programs available for Prime members to stream.
  4. Free 2 Day Shipping.  One of my favorite things about Amazon is the free shipping option.  I actually buy a lot of my household stuff on Amazon (I have a toddler and barring any rock-bottom coupon deals, I exclusively shop at Amazon for diapers).
  5. Early Access to Lightening Deals. This is awesome especially during the Christmas season when we see some awesome lightening deals on popular items we’re planning on getting for Christmas.
  6. Access to free books.  Prime members can also get access to Kindle books for free!  Who doesn’t like a great, free read? You can simply download the app Audible and choose form tons of books to read as well as podcast!
  7. FREE 2-Hour Grocery Delivery. This was announced not to long ago that Prime Members are eligible for FREE Amazon Fresh Grocery Delivery. They work with participating grocers in your area to get you your orders quickly. This is only available in select cities, you can check out if your area is participating here.
  8. Save 10% at Whole Foods Grocery Store. Do you shop at Whole Foods? Prime Members can save 10% on your purchase when you scan your Prime Code in the Whole Foods app at checkout. Easy and quick way to save even more.
  9. FREE Amazon credit with no rush shipping. If you’re ordering ahead (say getting some Christmas shopping done) and don’t need your order right away, you can earn free Amazon credit when you select the no rush option. This credit changes from time to time but we’ve received credit for kindle ebooks, movie downloads, music and more.
  10. Unlimited Photo Storage. If you’re a Prime Member you get Unlimited Photo storage! If you’re like me that’s big, I take a lot of pictures of my kids so having it backed up with Amazon Prime is a great bonus. I don’t have to worry about space on my phone or losing precious photos.
  11. Amazon Wardrobe Try Before You Buy. Lately this has been an awesome benefit we’ve been taking advantage of! You can order your clothing, shoes, etc on Amazon and try them for up to 7 days before you buy them. Plus they have super easy returns with resealable box and prepaid labels.
  12. Dash Buttons Options. Often times I’ll be in the laundry room when I realize we’re running low on laundry detergent. With Amazon Primes Dash Button all you have to do is simple press the button. This is an awesome for popular items like Tide, Bounty, Angel Soft, Honest Company and more! It’s a fast way to reorder a product you use often while you’re thinking about it.

Do you shop at Amazon? What are your favorite benefits of being a Prime member? If you aren’t a Prime member, why not?

If you are ready to give it a shot, you can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here.

3 Ways to Help Your Kids Adjust to Online Schooling


We all know that there is no such thing as normal anymore. We have all been taking to calling it “the new normal.” Although your kids probably faced the end of last year from their computers at home, the new year is starting up for some and getting ready to start up for others, so we may as well be ready for it! 

If you or your kids are feeling anxious about it, here are 3 ways to help your kids adjust to online schooling. We can all get through this new normal together!

3 Ways to Help Your Kids Adjust to Online Schooling

Get into a Routine

A routine is a must for school, regardless of where they happen to be taking their classes. That means that it is time to start getting your household into a routine. Here are some of the specifics that I like to set for our routine that seems to work well for us:

  • Wake the kids up at the same time every day. 
  • Start class at the same time. 
  • Put lunch and snacks into the schedule as well.

All of these things are scheduled and routine when they are doing schooling in person, so having the same type of routine at home will help them get into learning mode.

Have a Study Area Set Up

Ideally, each of your children will have their own desk for their laptops and for their school supplies. If you don’t have the space or the finances to get your kids their own desk, you can set up a spot on the kitchen table, or counter. The important thing is that they have a comfortable, quiet place to work. The quiet, is especially imperative, as zoom meetings and “interactive” classroom time will be an important part of their education. It’s important that they have no distractions during this time and it’s also important that the other kids in their zoom meetings. 

Be Patient

I know that this is tough. I know we are all going through a lot. That being said, we all need to exercise some patience. You need to be patient. Your children are trying hard to adjust to this new normal and figure out an entirely new way of learning and interacting with their teachers and classmates. Give them a break. 


3 Ways to Have a Fun, Budget Friendly Date


With this crazy thing we call life hitting hard right now, many of us are doing what we can to spend time together. I know, I know…we are all spending a lot of time together. The thing is though, spending time alone on a date with your special someone is still important. It is so very crucial to have that time together. 

My husband and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday and since many of the places that we typically go for date nights are still closed, we had to be creative. We choose between these 3 ways to have a fun, budget friendly date without going to a restaurant or other typical date locale. 

3 Ways to Have a Fun, Budget Friendly Date

Movies and Dinner at Home

Right now is a great time to choose movie nights at home.  Not only are there infinite possibilities for streaming available to us, but with the world situation that is happening right now, even brand new movies are coming to our homes instead of theaters! 


Okay, so many parks are closed right now, but there are still many places open, which means lots of opportunities for picnics! If nothing else, you can set up a wonderful picnic in your own backyard.

A picnic is a very romantic date opportunity.

Take out and a drive

My husband and I have been together since our teens, which means we took many drives together when we were young. Sometimes a simple drive is all that we could make work  for a date and we loved it. I still do!  

Because take out is still a great option for many of our local restaurants, my hubby and I like to order take out from our favorite local drive through Mexican restaurant and just take a drive. We like to do this during dinnertime hours/sunset and really enjoy the time together. 

What is your favorite budget friendly date night idea with your special someone?

3 Ways to Get More Done During the Day

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I know that I am not the only one who is battling to get more done everyday. With work and kids and responsibilities, it gets hard to accomplish anything, let alone everything. Am I right?

I have read books, listened to podcasts, asked for advice from others that I know are awesome at this stuff, I have done it all in an attempt to get better at adulting. I have made some big changes in my life lately as it relates to accomplishing more of what I need to get done and boy oh boy has it helped! Check out these 3 ways to get more done during the day that I have found incredibly beneficial in my life. 

3 Ways to Get More Done During the Day

Sleep More

I get that this may seem counterproductive, but when you get enough sleep, you can accomplish so much more during your day. When you are well rested, your mind works better and when your mind works better, you are infinitely more productive. 

Wake Up Early

Waking up earlier than the rest of your family is a surefire way to get things done. Depending on what time you wake, you may find yourself with up to a couple of hours alone to work on projects. 

For example, this morning I woke up at 5 am, got 2 loads of laundry done as well as several other projects that I was in need of finishing. 

Set Goals

Setting goals will help you to accomplish goals. After years of thinking that I can just get all of the things done and remember them as I go, I can finally acknowledge that it is not in my best interest to assume I can do it all. Setting goals and writing them down has helped me accomplish the things I need to do. 

I have taken to writing down my to-dos and must haves for the week in a planner, and then I write down my daily goals on a checklist. It has made a world of difference in my life and my productivity.  

5 Tips to Find Affordable School Clothes

It’s that time of year when kids are getting (somewhat) ready for school. I know a lot of kids will be spending the first term home learning, but a good portion are still going in-person to school. That’s where the school clothes and accessories come into play. Are you ready? If you still need to do some clothes shopping, here are some tips to help you save some money.

  1. For clothes shopping, be sure to check the main site for stores you will be shopping. Most stores right now have some sort of coupon code or discount you can grab with your shopping. For example, Target has the $10 off $40 purchase. Plus, you can pair that with other Target Circle offers they have going on. This is a good weekend for shopping! Use those discounts for heavy savings.
  2. Try Amazon. Do a quick look for those certain items you may need for school. Maybe you need some gym clothes or band attire. Search for those items and see what they have available.
  3. Facebook Marketplace. For real. If you haven’t tried looking for clothes there, maybe you should. It’s especially great for younger kids or for specific items you might need. I love looking for shoes and little kids clothes on there. They are super affordable and often times brand new!
  4. Sign up for emails. If you have a store that you love shopping, then be sure to sign up for their emails or app savings. This is good for teens who have specific stores and brands that they love. Signing up for their emails will bring you added savings to the store. It adds up over time.
  5. Shop online. I’ve noticed over the last few months that there have been so many online promotions for school clothes, often times better than going in-stores. Look at our categories on the right side of freebies2deals and search for your favorite store, chances are we have posted a lot of deals from that store already!

How We’re Preparing For Home School This Year!

By now most of us know the plan for school. Our district has the option of in-person for 2 days and at home for 3 so that means all of us are going to be doing some sort of home school with our kids. We’re now 2 weeks from our first day of school so we’re taking this weekend and getting everything ready at home for a smooth transition. Here’s the plan:

  1. Set up work space – We have a special place in our home in which the kids can study at. There’s a chair for each of them as well as paper, pencils, crayons, folders and clipboards (to keep things organized with). It works well in our home having it separate from the dinning table but if the dinning table works for your family, use it!
  2. Establish a routine – My kids thrive on routine as I know many others do too. Take the guessing game out of it for them and print off a clear routine in which everyone will follow on their days at home. Make this routine visual. Everyone needs to be able to see the schedule/routine to know what’s expected and what’s to come.
  3. Equipment – There is so much learning happening on technology. Make sure you have all the equipment you need to get started. This would include a laptop, headphones, tablets, etc. I know in our house having head phones is vital. No one can concentrate when they hear little brother’s fun learning games on. So he gets the headphones while the older kids are on the tablets and at the desk working on their assignments.
  4. Find your tribe – With there being different options to learning this year (in-person, independent studies, remote learning, etc) you need to find your tribe. This will be key when those harder days hit. They don’t have to be doing school the same way as you this year just someone who is supportive. If you happen to be teaching the same way, awesome, you can bounce ideas off each other but either way, find your people!
  5. Set up your rules – Just like if your kids go to school there are rules. Usually these rules are taught the first week of school and then posted somewhere where the kids will see them often. I also recommend coming up with the consequences when a rule is broken. This is going to look different in every home so do what’s best for your kids and your family.

This school year is quickly approaching and I’m pretty excited! Taking the steps to get ready is a great way to get your kids excited about it as well. We’ve got this!

Tips for Saving Money on Produce

Image by Couleur from Pixabay


Are you wondering how you can save money on the produce portion of your grocery bill? Although most people think that you can’t save money on produce, guess what? You can!

Oh, and no, I’m not talking about cans of bland fruits and vegetables. When I talk about saving money on produce, I am talking about delicious, healthy fresh produce!

Tips for Saving Money on Produce

Grow Your Own

I absolutely love my garden and I have saved so much money this year using produce that I have grown this year. Every single day for the last 2 weeks I am able to just hop right outside and get the produce to add to our family’s dinner. Every single night and it’s awesome.

Buy From a Farm Stand

If you live in a rural area, look for your local farm stands. Oh my gosh I am able to get some seriously great deals at our local one. I am able to buy zucchini 3/$1, apples for 25 cents each, and the list goes on! 

Stock up on Seasonal Sales

Certain types of produce come on sale during certain times of the year and it is a great idea to stock up when they hit rock bottom. When you buy like this, you can often buy enough at these prices to freeze for later.

Pick Your Own

I recently went to a local blueberry farm. My daughter and I picked 20 pounds of blueberries and the owner of the farm charged only $1 per pound! I assure you I would have paid much, much more in store. 

Watch for Markdowns

When you see produce on markdown, be sure and stock up! I often see over-ripe bananas on a steep discount. When I buy them at a deal like this I take them home and freeze to use in recipes later.

What tips do you follow to save money on produce?

5 Items to Buy Now that Will Help with At-Home School this Fall

We just got final word that our kiddos will be having at-home school 3 days out of the week. Which means I’ve got to get organized and ready! Last school year we were thrown into the at-home school, but this time we have some time to get ready and make it as successful as possible. I’ve found there were a few items that helped the kids learn. Here are 5 items you might consider grabbing now so you can start off your school year right.

  1. Learning Space. If you have a large kitchen table or island that works for your kids, then go with that. If you need a separate learning space for your kids then now would be a great time to look into desks and workspaces for your kids. I’ve learned they need to have a space that has room for their laptops, notebooks and water bottles. Having a set spot helps them get focused and ready to learn. If it’s a new place everyday, their minds might be scattered. Target has some fun workspaces and desks to choose from. You could even go with a Lifetime table here.
  2. Headphones. This is a must for all of my kids. With three kids sitting around my table, they all needed their own set of headphones that work well. This way you don’t have loud music or teaching going on from all of your kids. You can find some good kid headphones from Target, Amazon, Walmart and Best Buy.
  3. Notebooks. For some reason in April I was scrambling to find notebooks for each of my kids. I thought I had plenty! Well, now I’m going to stock up a bit more for this school year. If you have younger kids that need the Kindergarten writing lines and spaces, then check out this writing paper, it’s awesome! For the rest of the kids, you could grab some notebooks from Walmart here, they are super cheap- some less than $0.25 each.
  4. Laptops. Hopefully your school will give laptops to each of your kids. However, I know many school districts where that just isn’t a possibility. It might be a good time to purchase a laptop for your kids. You could buy one and then rotate it between kids if needed. Do some research from Best Buy, Amazon and Walmart to find a good laptop.
  5. Snacks. This might sound funny, but boy is it a game changer! If I have some snacks ready and on hand for the day, the kids don’t get that hangry attitude. Check out this post with at-home snacks that you’ve got to try for school. Get ready, and things will go so much smoother.

Healthy Kid Snack Ideas- Perfect for Summer or At-Home School

It’s summer and my kids keep telling me they are hungry. It’s exhausting. Anyone else feel that way? I’ve decided I need a long list of items that the kids can choose from and just go grab. Some items I have to make and prepare, but a lot of them are grab and go snacks- which is easy on everyone. These would be great for at-home school which is coming in a few weeks too. I notice if my kids aren’t hungry, they work and learn a lot better.

  1. Frozen Banana Yogurt Pops
  2. Granola Bars or Breakfast bars
  3. Applesauce packets
  4. Popcorn
  5. Crackers and cheese- make your own or buy them here.
  6. Crackers and peanut butter- make your own or buy them here. 
  7. Ants on a log: Celery with peanut butter and raisins or chocolate chips on top
  8. Dried fruit– easy to eat when doing school
  9. Belvita breakfast biscuits– my kids LOVE these and they fill you up
  10. Fruit and veggie smoothies
  11. Protein energy bites
  12. Muffins/Breads freeze them and then just grab them out when needed
  13. Nutella and Banana Sushi
  14. Yogurt and granola parfait- add any fruit you have on hand
  15. Pirates Booty
  16. Hummus and crackers
  17. Chips and salsa
  18. Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars
  19. Fruit Snacks- either make your own, or buy them!
  20. Nuts/ Trail Mix

Pick a few each week and rotate them so the kids have something to look forward to. This might help their energy when they get tired doing their school work.

Comparing & Choosing the Best Mattress – Risk FREE

Did you realize we spend nearly 1/3 of our lives asleep? The quality of your sleep matters. It can help reduce your risk for heart disease, improve your concentration, less likely to get sick, destress and more! Everybody has different needs and preferences when it comes to picking the right mattress so what better than to try it out! Here are some companies that give you risk free trials for any length of time so you can make sure you’re getting the right bed for you!

Nectar Sleep – 365 Night Trial with Lifetime Warranty

It’s like sleeping on a cloud. We’ve taken the recent advances in mattress and fabric technology and run with them. Having figured out the optimal levels of firmness, coolness, breathability, and comfort – we put them all into one mattress, making it the best mattress you’ve ever slept on. Period.


Saatva – 120 Night Trial

Not a bed in a box, arrives uncompressed and made in the USA with thousands of 5 star ratings. It’s been named the best-reviewed mattress of 2020. Our Saatva Classic Innerspring blends the highest quality materials found in traditional stores with the convenience and affordability of buying on the internet.


Casper – 100 Night Risk-Free Trial with 10 Year limited Warranty

Targeted ergonomic support for all sleepers. All of our mattresses are tested at Casper Labs and by real people like you to ensure your body gets the support it needs. 75% of Casper sleepers say they experience deeper sleep after sleeping on our mattresses.


Puffy – 101 Night Sleep Trail with free shipping and returns and Lifetime Coverage

Adjusts to your unique pressure points and patent-pending cooling cloud technology. All 100% handcrafted in the USA and featured on Ellen.


Cocoon by Sealy – 100 Night Trial with free shipping and 10 year mattress warranty

130 years of high quality mattresses with proprietary cover dissipates heat. A premium memory foam mattress coupled with cooling technology designed to help your body cooler as you sleep.


DreamCloud – 365 Night Sleep Trail

Featuring gel memory foam to help you sleep cool, a plush tight top for soft support and contour and an innerspring coil system for a touch of bounce and enhanced edge support, DreamCloud uses innovative sleep science to help guide our construction.


Lull – 100 Night Trail with free shipping and returns with 10 year warranty

Lull’s premium three-layer memory foam mattress gives you the comfort and support you need. Gel-infused top layer contours to your body and provides airflow to pull heat away from your body. Proprietary foam layer supports your body to create optimal alignment so you can rest easily.


These are just the top brands, if you’re looking for a specific brand make sure you check their site directly. Many time you’ll get their risk free trial and better offers (including free sheets, pillows, etc).

Tips for Saving Money on Craft Supplies

Image by Elissa Capelle Vaughn from Pixabay

I can say without a doubt that I have spent more money on craft supplies this year than I ever have before. I would be willing to bet that I’m not the only one. This lockdown and world situation has us all being creative! That being said, this situation has also changed the income situation for many of us so we need to buckle down and make sure that we are doing what we can to save. 

If you are wanting to get more craft supplies for all of your projects, but needing to save money, check out these tips for saving money on craft supplies. 

Tips for Saving Money on Craft Supplies


Coupons aren’t just for groceries, my friends! You can find some really great coupons for your craft supplies!

Here are my favorite ways to score coupons for craft supplies:

  • Newspaper – yes, believe it or not, these do still exist and many of them still have coupons in them! You’d be surprised at all of the coupons that you can find. 
  • Store Websites – Check out the websites for stores like Joanns, and Michaels. They both offer wonderful coupons that you can either print out or show on your phone. 
  • Email newsletters – While on the websites looking for coupons, be sure to sign up for newsletters because you will often get coupons just for signing up. 

Check out Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

Since I know you are on social media already, be sure and check out your favorite store’s social.

Head to The Thrift Shop

Oh my gosh, I have found so many awesome craft deals at the thrift shop! Next time you happened to be in a thrift shop, be sure to look around and see what crafty deals you can find. 

Dollar Tree Deals

If you have never shopped Dollar Tree for craft supplies before, you are in for a pleasant surprise! Dollar Tree is home to some really great (and surprisingly good quality) craft goodies. 

What is your favorite way to save money on craft supplies?

How To Get Your Finances In Order in Times of Stress


I don’t need to tell you that this has been a weird, stressful year. So many of us have lost income, some of us have lost even more than that. In times of great stress it is good to know that we have options available to us in as many areas of life as possible. That means work, our living arrangements, and yes, finances. 


Look, it doesn’t really look like life will be changing much as least for the next couple of months and I don’t know about you, but I need to feel a little more secure with the money that I do have in case things fall out of place again. That’s why I have been practicing staying on top of my finances as much as possible lately. I’ve been following these tips which seem to make a HUGE difference in my life these last couple of months. 

How To Get Your Finances In Order in Times of Stress

Understand that stressing won’t help


I’m not exactly going to tell you to just stay calm or relax because I know that’s much easier said than done. What I will say though is that sitting around being stressed out only makes it worse. Yes, we have a situation and now it’s time to push forward and work through it. I promise you, stressing won’t help.

Say Yes to Help


Please please please don’t let your pride get into the way of you accepting help. If you qualify for it, sign up for it! It can be a tremendous relief to you to have the assistance that is well needed and deserved. 


Please don’t feel bad about needing help. Many of us find ourselves in this position at times in life. It’s okay.

Appreciate What You Have


Things may be bad financially, you may not be able to travel, you may not be able to go to the movies, or out to dinner or whatever, but guess what? You have each other and that’s what is important!

5 Yummy Salads to Make During the Summer

It’s so hot where I live! We are getting into the 100 degree days which make me melt. Every day when it comes to dinner time, I hate turning on the oven. So, I try and find some cool and refreshing dinners that doesn’t heat up the house. Salads are the perfect solution. If your kids don’t eat the salad, then make these for lunches and have them for leftovers for yourself! Seriously, I could eat these everyday.


1. Loaded Broccoli Salad by Six Sisters Stuff. This is one of my all time favorite salads. You can buy the big bag of broccoli from Costco and make this for a week! Yum.

2. Summer Berry Fruit Salad with Honey Lime Glaze by serena bakes simply from scratch.  If you need something cool and refreshing, this is the salad to make. It would be the perfect side to any grilling meal.

3. Tri-Color Pasta Salad by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. A good pasta salad is the perfect meal during the summer. This could totally be eaten as a meal. If you want protein you can add a little canned chicken. Yum.

4. Strawberry Spinach Salad by Valentinas Corner. This is my mother’s all time favorite summer salad. It would be a yummy lunch one for you and your friends! Buy some yummy bread from your local bakery and this would be a hit.

5. Applebees Oriental Chicken Salad by Lilluna.  Okay, if you haven’t had an Applebees Oriental Chicken Salad, then you’re missing out. Now you can make the copycat at your own home! If you want the super easy way, you can buy pre-made breaded chicken tenders and just throw them in this salad. A yummy summer dinner ready in just a few minutes.

50+ Things to Do Outside (For Adults & Kids)

I know many of us are at home a lot more than we are used to be and for awhile it’s been great but I’m one that enjoys getting outside as well as my kids. So while we stay home and play, we’re going to take our play outside with this list of 50+ things you can do outside including water, crafting, games and so much more!

  1. Have a picnic
  2. Create a tea
  3. Read a book
  4. Listen to podcast
  5. Play a board game
  6. Do a puzzle
  7. Set the tent up and play inside
  8. Color a picture
  9. Paint rocks
  10. Blow bubbles
  11. Draw with chalk
  12. Create an obstacle course
  13. Make a hill and race cars down it
  14. Eat popsicles
  15. Play hide and seek with a toy
  16. Fly a kit
  17. Make paper airplanes
  18. Make a bird feeder
  19. Make a bird bath
  20. Make lemonade and sell it
  21. Draw a treasure map
  22. Plant flowers
  23. Catch bugs
  24. Play tag
  25. Do a scavenger hunt
  26. Look at clouds
  27. Create art with nature (glue your name using twigs, grass, etc)
  28. Make leaf rubbings
  29. Play hopscotch
  30. Play catch
  31. Throw a frisbee back and forth
  32. Jump rope
  33. Play golf in the yard
  34. Kick the soccer ball back and forth
  35. Run through the sprinklers
  36. Make bubble foam
  37. Play with water beads
  38. Go geocaching
  39. Have a “drive in” movie
  40. Wash bikes
  41. Practice yoga
  42. Listen to birds
  43. Have a dance party
  44. Paint with ice chalk
  45. Build a fort
  46. Play baseball
  47. Make shadow drawings
  48. Go for a bike ride
  49. Take a nap outside
  50. Tie-die shirts
  51. Make a time capsule
  52. Take pictures
  53. Have water balloon fight
  54. DIY putt-putt golf coarse
  55. Puppet Show outside
  56. Play follow the leader


3 Ways to Get More Sleep at Night


Okay, I am just going to come out and say it. YOU NEED TO GET MORE SLEEP. Yes, I am talking to you. Or, maybe you happen to be the 1% of people who actually do get quality sleep each and every night. 

Let’s talk about some of the things that are more likely to happen if you aren’t sleeping enough:

  • Diabetes risk rises
  • Heart Disease risk goes up
  • Depression happens more often
  • Weight Gain can easily happen
  • Car Accidents are more likely
  • Performance goes down
  • Learning is hindered
  • Plus, it just feels yucky

Before one of the above happens to one of us, let’s talk about some tips on ways to get more sleep at night and put us all in a better place!

3 Ways to Get More Sleep at Night

Add sleep to your schedule

Look, I know you have stuff to do. We all do. The fact is, you are going to do a better job getting these things done if you have plenty of sleep. Not only will you be more likely to actually accomplish your goals, but you can accomplish them better when you are well rested.

Decide what’s more important

Sure, that show you are binge watching on Netflix is good, but I have a feeling it may be there tomorrow. Is it really imperative that you watch it right now? The answer is most likely NO. Your sleep is much more important.

Pay attention to how you feel after getting a good night’s sleep

Next time you get a full, good night’s sleep, actually pay attention to how you feel afterwards. You are likely going to feel more alert and you will definitely feel more motivated for the things that you need to accomplish. Trust me, you are going to want to continue that feeling.

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