Tips for a Successful Freezer Cooking Day

Are you ready to start saving some money? Or maybe you want to save yourself a lot of time? My friends, it is time to plan a freezer cooking day. That’s right. A freezer cooking day can save you both time and money and you are going to love adding this into your typical schedule!

If you are new to all of this, here are some tips for a successful freezer cooking day. 

Tips for a Successful Freezer Cooking Day

Make more than one batch

You are freezer cooking, you are doing it to save time over the weeks ahead. That means that cooking in bulk is a very good idea! Prepare more than one batch at a time and separate it in the freezer. Most of us eat meals more than once per month anyway, so it makes sense to have them prepared. 

Clean your kitchen first

Working in a clean space is never quite as apparent as it is in the kitchen. If your counters are cluttered, it is hard to make your necessary tools and foods fit. When cooking for a freezer meal session, you are likely going to need some of your cooking appliances (slow cooker, air fryer, pressure cooker, etc.). 

Also, don’t forget to wash your dishes first and load your dishwasher as you go. It’s awful to have to wash dishes as you go. 

Use disposable pans

I like to use disposable pans and cookware when I do a freezer cooking session. For one, I only have so much cookware and when I am preparing weeks of meals, I definitely need more cookware. Plus, as surprising as it may seem, I just don’t love doing dishes and the idea that I can bake the meal and then toss the pan in the trash sounds pretty darn nice to me! 

5 of Our Favorite Meals to Take Camping!

This year seems to be the year everyone is getting a trailer and taking up camping. And for good reason, with the current situation it’s the best way to get away from the city, relax with the people that really matter and eat yummy food! We’ve had a trailer the last couple of years so I wanted to share some of our favorite meals we take camping! I promise they’ll have you drooling!

1. Dutch Oven Pull-Apart Pizza – this is one I tried for the first time our last camping trip and it was a big hit! It’s simple, get Rhodes frozen rolls, pepperoni, cheese and any other toppings you want for your pizza. I cut each of the rolls in half and placed them on the bottom of my dutch oven. Then I sprinkled on our toppings (pepperoni, olives and peppers) leaving the cheese for last. When cooking, place more of your coals on top so you don’t burn the bottom of your dough. Then once they’re done you can dish them out and serve with marinara sauce for dipping!

2. Campfire Hot Dogs with Crescent Rolls (pictured above)- this is a frugal and easy meal to take camping! All you need is your hotdogs, crescent rolls and a fire. First I patted down the hotdogs to make sure they were nice and dry (it will help the dough to stick). Then we wrapped crescent rolls around each of them and cooked them over the fire! Super simple and so yummy! We served with a size of watermelon and beans.

3. Hawaiian Sandwiches – This was a quick lunch we served up with some chips! All I did was take a bag of the Hawaiian Rolls and sliced them in half the long way (horizontal). I spread our mayo and mustard on each side, placed our meat and cheese and put the top back on. Then sliced them to make mini sandwiches for everyone. You could easily make these ahead of time and place back in the package the rolls came in. This will not only save you time but space in your cooler.

Bisquick Betty Crocker Baking Mix, Shake 'N Pour Pancake Mix, Buttermilk

4. Pancakes – this is another one you can make ahead of time. I love the containers that have all the dry ingredient inside and you just add your water to the container it comes in. It is also simple enough you can do for cheaper from scratch as well.

5. Cobbler – You can’t go camping with out making cobbler. There so many different ways to do this and different flavors. We’ve done apple and peaches which are both amazing. Our favorite way to make cobbler though is with 7-up. If you haven’t make this before you’re going to be in heaven. All you need is 1 box of cake mix (we like yellow but you can use white or even spice if you want), 1 stick of butter and a large can of peaches (or any other fruit you’d like). You’ll dump your fruit on the bottom, sprinkle your cake mix over top and layer your butter across the cake mix in slices. That’s it! Remember when cooking in the dutch oven to add more heat to the top so you don’t burn the bottom of your cobbler.


3 Tips for Saving Money on Outdoor Furniture

Well friends, we are home for most of this summer! Are you excited about that? Okay, I know you may be feeling frustrated because your vacation plans have been changed, but I am doing my best to try and make the best of the situation. For me that means I am doing a lot of work on my yard. I want my outdoor space to feel like a bit of an oasis since I am not able to travel to an oasis like I really wanted to.

I am still me though and I don’t want to spend a fortune on lawn and patio furniture. I want to save money while creating a beautiful space. So far, I have been doing pretty good at it! Want to know how? Check out these tips:

3 Tips for Saving Money on Outdoor Furniture

Buy Used

There are so many great deals out there, take advantage of them. You can find some barely used furniture for little to nothing on sites such as OfferUp or even FB Marketplace. For example, I just spotted a beautiful wooden picnic-type table and 6 matching chairs for $100. I also saw two cute adirondack chairs for free! These were both amazing deals!

Make Your Own

My daughter and I recently got hold of some pallets for some projects that we have in mind and while looking at different options, I spotted some seriously cute lawn furniture made out of pallets and pillows. I think we have decided to make them! I’m so excited and it will cost me just the price of the pillows (which are half off at Rite Aid right now btw).

Buy Clearance

I mentioned in the above paragraph that Rite Aid currently had 50% off of their outdoor pillows, but it’s not just their pillows, ALL OF THE SUMMER STUFF IS ON SALE. That includes lawn furniture. Just today I grabbed two of the hard plastic adirondack style chairs to go out by my fire pit for just $12.99. Unfortunately, they didn’t have many left, but since I got a standard color (brown), I know I will be able to find more at another store.

3 Tips for Saving Money on a Close to Home Vacation


Are you feeling a little bit of cabin fever? I know that we are all doing our part to stay home, stay healthy and keep others healthy as well, but I get it. I too am ready to get out of the house and do something! We like to vacation during the summers and the prospect of not doing anything at is a real bummer to me. That’s why we are planning a couple of close to home vacations for our family.
Just because you’re not traveling far doesn’t mean its going to be cheap though. Close to home vacations can sometimes be just as expensive as a tropical or international vacation. Just follow some tips for saving money on a close to home vacation and you can be having a blast and keeping your wallet full!

3 Tips for Saving Money on a Close to Home Vacation

These tips will help you save money on planning your vacation, so that you can finally enjoy some away time!

Use a Travel Rewards Credit Card

If you have a travel rewards credit card, be sure to use it to book your hotel or resort. Every little bit of money back helps! Rewards cards often give up to 5% back when you book your hotel.

Set Price Alerts

When looking for your hotel or resort for your vacation, be sure to set price alerts as you go. That will help you to know when the prices on your preferred lodging choices drop. Make sure and set the percentage to a number that you would like to see. For instance, a 5% drop in price may not do the trick for you, but 15% or 20% would. Set the alert higher so you aren’t bombarded with alerts.

Rent a House

AirBnB is popular for a reason! While an entire house is often a little more pricey than a hotel, you can have more people in a house and you can cook all of your own meals which saves a fortune! Although, I have two teenagers that like to eat so I have to cook our own meals if I don’t want to go broke.

Capital One92315

How to Save Money When Setting Up Your New Remote Office at Home

The current health crisis that is affecting most of the world has meant that a lot of businesses need to think outside the box so that they can remain afloat while meeting social distancing measures. If you have recently been given the option to start working from home and are looking to set up a home office, you may be panicking. While it is unlikely that you are going to be able to do it for free, it doesn’t need to cost quite as much as you think it does.

In the following post, we are going to look at some helpful tips that may help you set up your remote home office on a shoestring budget.

Assess What You Already Have and Use It Where Possible Rather Than Buying New

Look around your home for office items you need. You may have lamps, desks and other items lying around that could be used in your home office. By using items and furniture you already have you can save a considerable amount of money on buying new.

Okay, so it may mean you need to clean or tidy them up so that they are fit for an office, but it is still a possibility if you have a limited budget.

Buy Second-Hand

It can be nice and very motivating to kit your home office out with all new furniture and equipment. However, doing this is going to increase your expenses. There is no harm in looking at flea markets, thrift stores, and online for people who are selling used items or even offering stuff “free to a good home”.

Really, who is going to be looking closely at your office furniture and equipment to tell whether it is bought new or not? That’s right, no-one.

Make Use of Online Voucher Codes and Promotions

Sites like are excellent sources for online vouchers and promotional codes that can help you benefit from making huge savings on all kinds of equipment, stationery, and furniture you may need for your home office. If there is anything you absolutely need to purchase brand-new, always make sure you check out these kinds of stores first so you can get those juicy savings at the checkout.

Don’t Hire a Pro to Decorate Your Home Office

One of the biggest advantages of working from home is that space is your very own. That means it can be decorated to your tastes, not that of your business or company. Instead of hiring an expensive professional, why not get creative and decorate your own home office? Even if you need to paint or hang wallpaper, it will be cheaper to do it yourself.

You could then decorate it to make it personalized, with family photographs in nice frames and artwork that your kids have done. Your home office could become the new fridge door!

Not only will you save money, but you will feel more comfortable which could help increase your productivity.

Ask Around in Your Local Neighborhood and Social/Family Circle of Contacts

The greatest asset you have is the contacts you have. Whether you look to members of your local neighborhood or community or cast your net wide into your social and family circle, you should be able to find the items you need for your home office. If you don’t want to handle the decorating yourself, you could look to a friend or relative or even neighbor who you know is either a professional decorator or a keen DIY enthusiast. They are still likely to be cheaper than paying for a professional tradesman. Although it may mean you need to buy them a few beers or make them a nice meal in return. A small price to pay for the smart and comfortable working space you need, don’t you think?

What to look for When Buying a Car for Your Teen

Are you shopping for a car for your teenager? Maybe they just got their car, or maybe they are heading out to college and need their own ride for their next journey. Either way, mom and dad are typically the decision makers in that purchase.

Think about it. We are the ones with the driving and purchasing experience. Even if they are paying for the car with their own hard earned money, they need help to make sure that they are making smart decisions.

What to look for When Buying a Car for Your Teen

When shopping for a car for a teenager, the stakes are high. That means that while you are likely on a budget, I know that your focus is on safety, as you should be. That said, you can’t just forgo the other important factors. Here are some of the key factors to look out for when you are buying a car for your teen:


A larger vehicle has been proven to be safer for teen drivers. That being said, you don’t want a vehicle that is too big. A mid-size SUV or pickup, or even a full or mid-size car would be ideal.

A larger vehicle may help prevent injuries to you teen in the event of an accident, but the focus should be on something else. The focus should be on how well your teen can handle driving the vehicle and the safety features that the vehicle has built in to help avoid an accident in the first place.

When shopping for a car for your teen, here are some of the safety features that you should be looking out for:

  • Electronic Stability Control (great for young, inexperienced drivers)
  • Sufficient airbags
  • ABS
  • Hands free controls


Help remind your teen to ignore their phone while driving by making sure their phone can connect to their car easily. I have a teen and she is required to keep her phone in the backseat at all times, but I know that she likes her own music so she can start her music from the phone before the drive begins.

6 Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth as a Family

Today is June 19th, 2020. To many of us, today would have just been another day. However, with the Black Lives Movement, we are now becoming more aware and educated about Juneteenth and its importance, which is so crucial. So first of all what is Juneteenth and why should we celebrate it?

Juneteenth is the celebration of June 19th, 1865 when Union soldiers announced to Texas slaves that the Civil War was over and they were to be freed. It’s interesting to note, that today, 47 states observe this day as a holiday. With this movement, many other citizens and states are pushing to make this a national holiday. Wouldn’t that be cool? This year many well known companies like Amazon, Nike and Target are all observing this day. So how can you celebrate Juneteenth with your family? Here are some ideas:

  1. Talk about Juneteenth and actually teach your children. That’s the first step. They won’t know what it is, unless they are taught. Having open conversations about racism is hard, but it needs to be done or change cannot happen. There are so many credible sites online for you to research and discover the history of Juneteenth.
  2. Read books together that are written by Black authors. You can get a good list from the Conscious Kid site.  Consider buying some of their books and joining the #blackoutbestsellerlist initiative.  There are a lot of great books to read together.
  3. Listen to music by Black singers. I love listening to Nat King Cole. It reminds me of my grandparents who absolutely loved his music. Introduce your kids to new singers and show them their pictures.
  4. Eat some yummy soul food which is popular among the African American families. You can go to Pinterest and find a ton of popular foods to try out. Who knows, you just might find your next favorite meal!
  5. Participate in marches, rallys or walks today. Even in my small town, there is a family friendly march to celebrate Juneteenth and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  6. Remember to celebrate this year after year. I put it on my calendar so I will remember. This is not a one time and done, this is a yearly celebration that should be celebrated and talked about. Teaching our kids will help the movement continue and move forward.

Tips to Save Money When You Buy Online

Shopping online is something that many people do these days. Some shop online occasionally while others use the internet as their main method of making purchases of all sorts. When you shop online, you can look forward to a host of benefits. This includes great choice, great value for money, and the ease and convenience of being able to browse and make purchases from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

One thing that many people love about shopping online is the fact that it is so simple to get great deals. With the wide choice available, you will be able to find what you are looking for with ease and you can often save money compared to High Street prices. In addition, you will find a range of additional methods that you can use online to make further savings. In this article, we will look at some valuable tips to help you save more money when you buy online.

The Methods You Can Use

If you want to slash the cost of your online purchases, there are lots of methods that you can use in order to do this. One of the things you can do is to use online discounts and coupon codes, which provide an excellent means of saving money with minimal hassle. You will find discount codes for all sorts of retailers and providers online, including Groupon promo codes. This means that you can easily save money on your purchases simply by using these codes, which are very simple to redeem.

Another thing you may want to do is to wait for sales before you make your purchases. This is a great idea if you are buying high-value products such as tech equipment, appliances, and other costly items. By waiting for sales events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you can save a lot of money on your purchases. In addition, you can use the sales and clearance sections on websites in order to cut costs. If you have vouchers and promotional codes, you can usually use them alongside the discount already gives in the sale.

If you want to gain access to some great deals and offers, it is also worth signing up to email lists for your favorite retailers. When you do this, you can often get a generous discount right away, as many retailers will offer this by way of thanking you for subscribing. Not only this, but you can continue receiving special deals, promotions, and offers by email so you can also make savings on your future purchases.

One additional thing you should consider is following your favorite retailers on social media platforms. This will make it easier for you to find out about up and coming sales events and promotions that the retailers may be planning, so you can be among the first to bag a bargain when the events take place.

These tips will help you to make huge savings on the cost of your online purchases.

How to Cut the Cost of Shopping Online

In today’s digital era, we go online to purchase all sorts of products. Many people use online shopping as their main method of shopping, and this is because it offers great value, ease and convenience, and an incredible choice of products. When you go online to shop, you can browse and purchase goods at any time of the night or day, which means that you are not limited in terms of when you shop. In addition, you can look forward to convenient delivery to your door.

While you can get some incredible deals and great value when you shop online, there are also additional methods you can use in order to further slash the cost of your purchases. By using these methods, you can make huge savings on all sorts of purchases, which is perfect for those who are on a budget. The methods you can use are also very simple ones that are highly effective, which is why it is well worth using them whenever you shop online. In this article, we will look at some of the simple ways in which you can cut the cost of shopping online.

How You Can Slash Costs

There are various methods you should consider using in order to slash the cost of the items you purchase online. Some of the key ones that can help you to save money are:

The Use of Discount Codes

One solution that many people use in order to slash the cost of their online purchases is to use discount codes, which can be accessed with ease online. You will find coupons and discount codes to use with many different retailers and companies, which includes Groupon coupon discount codes among others. By using these codes, you can make a big difference to the amount you pay for goods and services online, which means you benefit from even greater value for money. The codes are simple to use, making this a very popular and convenient solution.

Subscriptions to Email Lists

When you go onto the websites of online retailers, many provide you with the opportunity to subscribe to their email list. All you have to do in order to do this is to enter your email address in the box provided. By doing this, you can often access immediate discounts that can be used right away, as many retailers will send you this as a thank you for subscribing. You can then continue to receive information about offers, promotions, and deals online.

Using Social Media

Another great way to access special deals and offers with ease and speed is to follow your favorite retailers on social media platforms. This may give you access to exclusive deals and offers, and it also means you can keep on top of special sales events that the retailers may be planning. So, you can be prepared for any up and coming sales, and you can bag yourself a bargain.

These are just some of the methods you can use in order to benefit from bigger savings when you shop online.

2020 Summer Reading Programs To Keep Your Kids Reading!

Are you looking for a way to keep your kids reading this summer? Well in case you didn’t know, there are lots of programs out there that offer FREE incentives to keep your kids excited about reading! Here’s a list of the different ones you can checkout.

Amazon — Simple read 8 books this summer and keep track. Bring your list to any Amazon Books by Sept 2nd, 2020.

Audiobook Sync — This is a summer program for teenagers. You can register now for the 2020 season. This program last for 13 weeks ending in July. Each participant will get 2 thematically paired audiobooks sent to the students reading app Sora. That means each participate will have the opportunity to listen to 26 new titles.

Barnes & Noble —  Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program for kids in grades 1-6 allows kids to earn a free book when you read 8 books and write your favorite part and why.

Books-A-Million — Read any four books from the Summer Reading Adventure section in-store or online and receive a free Dog Man logo baseball cap (while supplies last).

Chuck E Cheese – Kids can earn 10 free Chuck E Cheese Play Points for reading every day for 2 weeks. (Food purchase is required in order to redeem the play points.)

Half Price Books — They offer incentives for both kids 14 and under as well as teens.

Scholastic — Kids can enter their summer reading minutes online to unlock digital rewards as they complete weekly reading challenges and access book excerpts, videos, and other summer-exclusive content.

TD Bank – Kids in grades Kindergarten through 5th can earn $10 from TD Bank when they read 10 books this summer. You will receive the $10 in a new or existing TD Simple Savings account.

Local Libraries — Above all, don’t forget about your local library! Most of them offer fun summer reading programs with prizes and more.

What to look for When Buying a Used Car


Are you shopping for a new-to-you-car? When you head out to do your shopping, make sure to keep an eye on a couple of specific things about your potential new vehicle. 

I am 41 years old and until last year, I had never purchased a brand new car so I got pretty comfortable shopping for used cars. I have an automatic list of things to look for and it has served me quite well since I have never had a car that has totally died on me after purchase, they have all lasted quite long as a matter of fact. 

What to look for When Buying a Used Car

History of the Vehicle

As of a couple of years ago, this wouldn’t really be on my list other than to ask the current owner for any info and records. Lucky for us though, technology is pretty great and we now have the ability to run a VIN search on the vehicle (think: CARFAX), and get the vehicle’s history with it. This will tell you about any accidents, any recalls/repair, etc. 

Mechanical Condition

First thing is first! If you are serious about wanting a vehicle, have a mechanical inspection done on it before you buy. Sometimes they are even free!

Check the Tires

Yes, you need to know that the tires are decent or whether or not you will need to buy new ones soon, but more importantly, you need to make sure that the tire tread is worn evenly. Anything else can be a sign alignment issue, which is expensive and not fun to deal with. 

Check the electronics

Make sure that all of the lights, blinkers and gauges work. Trying to deal with electronics issues is never fun, so make sure you aren’t signing on for something like that. 

Check for Rust

Be sure to take a walk around the vehicle and check for rust in the body. Some little rust spots are harmless and fixable, but some are not. Make sure to avoid buying a vehicle with lots of rust.

What do you look for when buying a used car?

Summer Cleaning Hacks


I don’t know about you, but when my home and the space around me is clean, I feel much happier and less stressed. Combine that with the fact that most of us are stuck in the house far more than ever and wow, there’s a ton of opportunity to be stressed out! 


One way to keep the mess down and the stress away is to get everyone involved! With the kids home for the summer they can step up and help clean up the messes they make anyway. I recently read that having the kids help you clean actually benefits the kids in several ways. 

  • Cleaning helps them to become more productive
  • Cleaning teaches children critical empathy and compassion as well as connection skills. 

I don’t know about you, but I want my children to thrive in all of these categories. 

Another way to get the mess down is to implement these handy summer cleaning hacks that will help make summertime cleaning easier and quicker!

Summer Cleaning Hacks

Focus on Bathrooms and Kitchens

If you have any kind of get together, almost every single person that enters your home will step into your kitchen and/or your bathroom. These are the areas that you need to put focus on cleaning. Think about it. If you walk into a clean kitchen, you really won’t think twice about toys all over a room, because “hey..the kitchen is clean.” It’s a good focus! Plus, I don’t know about you, but having a messy kitchen is the worst room to have been a mess. 

Next up, the porch!

With everyone in and out of the house so much, it’s very easy for the porch to become a cluttered mess! Make sure to spend a few minutes each day cleaning your porch and your arrival home each day will come with a little bit less stress. 

Have Plenty of Storage Space

We have mentioned it before, but it’s important to make sure to have plenty of storage space available. We will often have extra stuff out during the summer months and it makes sense to have space available to store them.

5 Places to Find the Perfect Father’s Day Gift

Did you know that Father’s Day is just over a week away! Are you ready? If you need a few ideas I’ve noticed some very cool places that are offering some fun Father’s Day gifts. Check these out!

  1. Groupon. Have you shopped from Groupon before? If not, you really should take a look. I’ve purchased quite a few fun things to do and event tickets from Groupon.  So it’s legit. Check out their different options available near you.
  2. Shutterfly. Do you want a family picture for your hubby’s  home office? Check out the fun ways you can put family pictures on pillows, travel mugs, metal prints, pint glasses and so much more.
  3. Favorite Restaurant. Now that restaurants are starting to open again, it’s really nice to go out to dinner. We don’t go in-stores, but we do take out and it’s wonderful. Grab a gift card from a favorite restaurant and plan a night out. With the great weather, you could grab some food and take it outdoors!
  4. Cabela’s. If you have a really outdoorsy hubby or father, then this is the spot for you. Right now Cabela’s has a great Father’s Day sale going on now. From grilling, fishing, hunting and more, there is something for everyone!
  5. Your Home. It’s true, there are so many DIY projects that you can make in your own home which would be perfect for your grandpa or dad. A good place to look is Pinterest. I love the traditional hand print with words from each of your kids.

Simple Ways to Reset When You’re Feeling Burnt Out and Exhausted!

Are you feeling burnt out and exhausted? You’re not alone. Let me say that again, you are not alone. The most important thing you can do is recognize it and find ways to reset and rewind.  Here are some simple ways you can recharge to get back to feeling better.

Give yourself permission to relax. As a working mom, that’s not easy. But it’s essential to take care of yourself first or you’ll never be able to keep up with those little ones. I like the analogy of the oxygen mask on the airplane. You have to first put your oxygen mask on before you can help anyone else.

Put down your phone. Take a media fast and put your phone away. I find lots of my stressors come from media right now. So take some self care time and get off your social media apps. Create ways to connect with the people around you.

Meditate. I know you might not think this is for you but why not try it. Take some quite time for yourself in a soothing environment and just meditate. You can do this in your own home or find a beautiful spot outside.

Naps are ok. I know maybe you think this is weird but sometimes I just need a nap. While usually that’s when shark week (as my husband so nicely calls my period) is coming, taking those minutes to let my eyes and brain shut off is a great way to reset for the day.

Put your thoughts on paper. This is a great way to get all your deep thoughts out of your brain so it can relax. Putting them on paper can really relieve a lot of built up stress that might be causing you to feel burnt out and exhausted.

Find a good book to read. Maybe you enjoy some self help books or simple just want to escape into a good romance. No matter what you love to read, pick up a book and start.

Yard Cleaning Hacks


Do you find yourself rushing out through the yard to make sure that you aren’t going to run over any foreign objects while you mow? Are you constantly stepping on toy or granola bar wrappers? Or, is it just me that has dealt with this stuff?

I don’t know about you, but I get pretty warn out with keeping up on housework itself, so the idea of spending a ton of time with yard care is exhausting. That’s why we have come up with some rules that we follow that prevents our yard from getting messy. Keeping your yard clean and looking its best is easy to do and will leave you feeling far less stressed! Check out these yard cleaning hacks that will help.

Yard Cleaning Hacks

Keep trash receptacles in discrete locations throughout your outdoor space.

If you have kids, you know how easy it is for them to just drop their food wrappers or other trash wherever they are. If you keep a trash receptacle in multiple locations it is easy to make sure that the trash gets put where it needs to go. Plus, many stores have super cute trash cans that blend in with your yard decor.

Set Habits for Everyone

Everytime the kids or the family is outside hanging out, make sure everyone does a sweep of the yard and make sure that they bring in any trash that they brought out. We are outdoorsy people anyway, so I always use the “leave no trace” saying to remind my kids to leave the yard as they found it. 

Have Plentiful Storage Space

Make sure to keep storage cabinets or chests on hand for toys, lawn tools, and any other items that are frequently outside in your yard. Having a place to put everything keeps them from being left in the middle of the yard.

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