Tips to Get Your Kids Playing Outside


I recently read an article that talked about how 3 out of 4 children don’t even get an hour of exercise each day. It’s probably more so these days. Even with everyone being home, it is easy to get wrapped up in too much screen time. Let’s make sure that our kids aren’t staring at screens too much. 

If you are looking for tips to get your kids playing outside, look no further!  This list should help you get them outside and out of the house for a bit. 

Tips to Get Your Kids Playing Outside

  • Have fun outdoor toys – Make sure that your kids have lots of fun toys to play with outside. Water toys for when the weather warms up. Bikes and ride-on toys for the kids to get moving, a sand box for littles, etc. There are countless toys out there that are perfect 
  • Play outside with them – If my kids are on the fence about playing outside, all I need to say to them is that I will go out and play with them and they are lacing up their shoes ready to go! They absolutely love it when mom or dad goes to spend that kind of time with them. Just be sure that when you go outside to play with them, you actually focus on playing with them. Not checking your phone or sitting down, being annoyed. Smile and play with them. They will know the difference. 
  • Let them get dirty – When you stress about kids getting dirty, they are going to stress about it. Kids are just like you and I. They don’t want to be stressed. Just let them play, get dirty and be kids. They are only little for so long. You are only going to be doing their laundry for a small amount of time, just relax.

5 Easy Easter Desserts to Make at Home

It’s Easter on Sunday! With the world in a full out pandemic, you may have  Easter activities, including meals in the back of your mind. Well, we are here to help. Bring a little sunshine and ah-hem sugar to your evening with these yummy, yet super easy desserts. These desserts have simple ingredients that hopefully you already have in your home. Check them out!Make these yummy Springtime Crinkle Cookies  from Two Sisters Crafting. They have easy ingredients and look so festive for spring.

Head over to Crafty Morning and make this Easter Bunny Chow. This is irresistible and super easy to grab those items you have around your house. If you don’t have the exact ingredients, you could switch it up with what you have.

Yum. These are some of my favorites. You can make these Easter Sugar Cookie Bars by GlueSticks Blog for your Easter dessert and be the favorite person ever. They are super simple and a crowd pleaser.

Anyone need chocolate?? Okay these Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs only have 7 ingredients, and ones you probably already have at home! I’m totally going to make these with my boys. These are their favorite store bought candies, so why not try to make them while we are stuck at home. Check out the recipe here!

Here is a classic that even the kids can help make. Make these adorable Easter Rice Krispy Eggs. You can either dip them in frosting or keep them plain. Add any type of sprinkles you have on hand.

5 Things People Reused During the Great Depression!

With how different things have been since Covid 19 took off it’s had me thinking. How was it back in the great depression and what can we learn from history? Because we know, history repeats itself. After doing a little research I wanted to share what I’ve learned and what people reused during the great depression!

  • Kitchen Scraps – this was a little bit of a given but really look around the next time you make dinner (or any other meal). What are you tossing every time you’re cooking? Those egg shells, chicken bones, stale bread (or even the bread butts in our house) all might be getting tossed out now but each of those items can be used for other things. So really think before you just toss things.
  • Magazines – although this was a little different I remember reading someone’s comment on the shortage of toilet paper and how grandma would always have an old magazine in the out house to use as toilet paper. Now please, do not flush magazine pages down your toilets but thing about how you can use magazines before you toss them. They’re great learning tools for your kids practicing their ABC’s, or build something out of the pages.
  • Soap – you quite possibly could already be doing this but with your liquid soap, get every last use out of it by adding and diluting it with water. Or if you use soap bars, when they become smaller you can melt them down together and make a whole new bar. Don’t let those little bits go to waste.
  • Clothing – many times we use hand me downs for our kids but once the reach the end what do you do with them? Save the string and elastic bands out of the articles of clothing that have it. And don’t forget the buttons. I remember grandma always had a jar of buttons saved and used them to mend old clothing if one went missing. You could use them for so many other things as well like counting trackers while teaching school, bingo markers and craft projects. We’d also make jean blankets out of jeans that have to many whole to repair.
  • Jars & Containers – guys, this has been big in our house lately. I can’t tell you how many cottage cheese containers and egg cartons we go through. But we’ve been saving them for fun craft projects as well as I’ve started my own active yeast in one too and planted vegetable starters! These never got thrown out during the great depression.

What have you found you’re doing differently now with the change that’s going on? Are you saving what you can and re-purposing items?

5 Benefits of Staying Home

Okay, I’m not going to sit here and say that this is a great situation. It is not. That being said, we are in this situation, so we may as well make the best of it. Many of us are home right now. No, we are not “stuck” at home, we are safe at home. Yes, I am one of those people. The ones who would rather us just get through this as best we can and move one once it is done, instead of complaining about it. 

Seriously. With social media being what it is, you can’t scroll through your timeline without seeing countless posts of people complaining that they aren’t getting to go out or do this or that. Look, I get it. My kids are missing out on sports seasons, we have 6 family birthdays in the span of the last 4 weeks and we don’t get to celebrate together like we always do. Here’s the thing though, it really isn’t all bad. There are lots of benefits of staying at home, you may just need to be reminded of them. 

5 Benefits of Staying Home

All of the time Spent with Family

Oh my goodness, I am absolutely loving the time I am spending with my kids right now. During school and sports seasons, sometimes it feels like I barely see them, so this is a wonderful change of pace.

Time to Hone Your Skills

This is the time we have been waiting for my friends. For years you have been saying, “If I had more time I would learn this” or “If I had the time I would make these improvements.” You have the time now!

You are Saving Money

No eating out, no trips through the coffee shops, no random trips to the store for stuff that you don’t really need. Tell me. How much money have you saved these last couple of weeks? 

Your Car is Being Spoiled

Commuting is hard on cars. This time spent at home is allowing your car a break from the constant wear and tear on it. 

You get to Relax

Look, I’m not downplaying the situation we find ourselves in. It is stressful! That said, when was the last time you got the opportunity to just sit back and relax. We have that now. Take advantage.

Awesome Easter Books for Your Kids

With so much time at home, right now is a wonderful time to get lots of reading in!  I don’t know about you, but I have read more in the last couple of week than I have in years! Granted, I am always home often (I work from home, of course), but outside of my work time, much of my time is spent taking kids to and from school and sports practices and games. We simply are not home often. It doesn’t leave a lot of time for leisurely reading. 

Anyway….Because Easter is looking so much different this year, I have decided that all of the items in the kids’ baskets need to include items that they can enjoy during quarantine. Stuff like arts and crafts gifts, plus books! That’s why I put together this list of awesome Easter gifts for your kids that will make a great addition to their Easter basket. 

Awesome Easter Books for Your Kids

Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure

This fun book even comes with activity stuff like stickers, a set of punch cards and a poster!

Llama Llama Easter Egg

This board book is super fun and just right for little ones! 

Happy Easter, Little Critter (Little Critter) (Look-Look)

This classic style Easter book is heartwarming and fun. This was actually my big kids favorite Easter book when they were younger. 

The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story

Who doesn’t love a good Berenstain Bears story? They are always so sweet, kind and heartwarming. Plus, this book comes with fun stickers for your little reader!


Do your kiddos have a favorite Easter book? What is it? Do you make reading a regular part of your Easter traditions?


While we are talking about it, what types of fun stuff will be in their Easter baskets this year?

How to Stay Home AND Support Small Businesses

With so many of us home small business is taking a major hit. It is necessary, of course, but we don’t want our favorite neighborhood restaurant, or boutique closing, do we? The truth is, many of these business owners are you and me, or our friends, family or neighbors. 

I understand that many of us are struggling right now. Unemployment is higher than ever and lots of people are struggling to pay their bills, but if you are still working, how are you support your local, small businesses? If you are looking for tips on how to stay home and support small businesses at the same time, here are some tips for you. 

How to Stay Home and Support Small Businesses

Order Takeout or Delivery

If you don’t feel like cooking and you are comfortable eating restaurant food right now, then hit up the drive through or order takeout! The restaurants that are still open are taking extreme measures to keep their facilities clean and sanitized. They want and need your business!

Buy Gift Cards

Many small businesses are asking customers to buy gift cards during this time at home. I am Facebook friends with my hairdresser and she has been reminding people that she is offering gift cards for people to use as soon as things are back to normal. 

Shop Groupon 

Look, I know you are on a budget. If you don’t have too much money to spend, but you still want to help a little bit, check out Groupon. You can always find great deals for local businesses of all kinds!

Go Grocery Shopping

Okay, this is for sure happening where I am, but please check into your local stores too. One of our bigger local chain stores here is offering an awesome deal. They are having you bring in your receipt for your takeout or delivery at a local restaurant and they will, in turn, donate 5% of the final bill amount to that restaurant. I know that many stores and other essential businesses have been doing similar promotions so be sure and look into that. 

Order Dinner or Coffee for Local Frontline Workers

Many of our local sweethearts have been ordering coffee and pizza for our local ER workers. Not only is it a totally awesome way to give thanks to those that are working tirelessly on the front line, but it is also a great way to support local businesses during this crisis.

Step-by-Step Potty Training Tips (The Perfect Quarantined Goal)

Guys, now that we are all quarantined, this is the time to potty train! When you hear the word potty training, what do you think first? Pee, crying, fighting, pee, and more pee? I’ll be honest, I’ve always DREADED the potty training phase. It’s just not convenient and it’s so tiring. It’s one of those things that can really be hard or can really be quite simple. As I’ve had 3 kids to potty train, I’ve found some really good tips and tricks. Each time I’ve followed this guide below and each of my kids have been potty trained in 3 days or less. That’s right, 3 days. It’s definitely not an easy 3 days and at the end I’m ready for Cafe Rio, Coke and a giant piece of cheesecake. But it’s totally worth it.

Now with that being said, each kid is different and they have different needs. I’m actually on kid 4 right now and potty training as we speak. She is taking a few more days than my boys. Who knew? Yours may not be trained in 3 days, and that’s fine but hopefully they will be closer to the end result. I’m hoping some of these ideas will help you have a more fun and successful potty training experience.

Before Potty Training Week

  • Let your little one pick out special underwear (you’ll need quite a few- I grab at least 10 pairs).
  • Show your little one the potty and get them familiar with it. Show siblings using it and let them test it out.
  • Prepare a spot to play in your house, preferably non-carpet, that is near the potty.
  • Buy fun, unique drinks (Gatorade, tummy yummies, capri suns). You can also buy new coloring books, sticker books, puzzles, anything they can do in one place.
  • Buy pull ups for night time and nap time.
  • Clear your schedule for a good 3-4 days where you don’t have to drive anywhere and can focus on your little one.

The Week of Potty Training

Day 1: When your little one wakes up feed them breakfast first before you start training. I’ve found that our little ones need to be in a good mood with a full belly. Once they are awake and fed, have them take the rest of their diapers and throw them in the trash (I always go rescue them later). Explain that they don’t need to wear diapers anymore. They are big boys/girls now and will be wearing their special underwear.

Once the diapers are in the trash, get their underwear out and let them choose which one to wear. That’s all they need to wear on Day 1- just the underwear. I don’t put on shirts or pants. Now is the time to get them pumped full of fluids. Give them their drinks and find a good location to camp out for a few hours. I always like to stay in the kitchen where I have tile. It’s a lot easier to clean up their pee. Get games, play-doh, books and focus on them. Then you basically watch them like a hawk. Instead of asking “Do you need to go potty?” Tell them- “Let me know when YOU need to go potty.” The hope is for them to FEEL when they need to go and then tell you.

When they start peeing, rush them to the toilet and let them finish on the toilet. I even have my boys sit on the toilet when they are learning. Have a good attitude about it and be happy (by the end of the day your face will hurt from trying to smile). Never scold them. Just remind them that they are now going potty in the toilet and not in their underwear. Encourage them and give them a new set of underwear. Have them flush, close, and wash their hands. Build the routine. Then repeat-“Let me know when you need to go potty.”

Then head back to your location give them more fluids and continue playing. That’s basically what you do…all…day…long. Bring in an iPad and have them watch a show while you organize your kitchen or do whatever you need to stay busy for the rest of the day. Rush them to the potty when they start going and have them do the routine. Soon they will FEEL when they need to go potty and then learn to wait until they are on the toilet.

At night have them go potty one last time and put a pull-up on. Make sure they are standing up and not laying down when you put the pull-up on. Treat them like underwear and not a diaper. This is their pull up that they wear for night time and naps, no more diapers.

Day 2: This day is similar to the first day. Just keep doing the routine and get them in the habit. If your little one caught onto the routine yesterday and didn’t have too many accidents then you won’t need to give them as much fluids. But if they still need the practice. Then grab your drinks and have them start drinking. Hopefully today will go a little more smoothly. If they are getting the habit down, venture outside or around the house and let them continue to tell you when they need to go to the bathroom.

Remember to keep a good attitude they want to think going to the potty is fun. I don’t usually give prizes but I do have special treats on hand for when we need to shake things up. Make it a fun day and give your little one a treat because it’s a special day. Tell grandparents to call and tell them they are proud of your little one for wearing underwear. I know it’ sounds silly, but they will be so proud and find that it’s a very good thing to do.

Continue on the day with watching them, taking them to the bathroom, finish on the toilet, flush, close and wash your hands and give them new underwear if needed. Continue asking “Let me know if you need to go potty.”

Note: If on day 2, they still don’t pee in the toilet and they tend to pee everywhere but the toilet, don’t give up! Each child is different. I’ve had 3 boys that have used this 3 day system with 100% success. However, my little girl needed more time. Keep going for a few more days. You’ve got this!

Day 3: If your little one is still having accidents then you will need to continue doing the same as day one. But hopefully this will be the day it finally clicks. The accidents will hopefully be getting less and less. If they are being consistent in telling you they need to go potty, then you are well on your way. If they aren’t, then just keep going for a couple more days. It will get better!

You can even try to go out for a bit and away from the house. If you’re really ambitious you can venture away from the house. In a store be sure to mention that “they have pottys here so let me know if you need to go.” I always bring a set of clean underwear and pants with me for the first few weeks just in case. Get in the habit of having them go to the bathroom before you leave the house. That will help with accidents in the car seat.

All I can say is Good Luck! It’s definitely not an easy task to potty train, but it’s so worth it once it’s accomplished.

DIY Bath Bombs to Help You #StayHome and Relax

Are you looking for a new DIY project to take on during your time at home?  How about making some awesome bath bombs? Not only are they easier to make than you might think, but they may just help you relax in this stressful time. 

I happened to love bath and body products, especially ones that are handmade and the fact that I don’t need to worry about the ingredients in them. If you have sensitive skin, you know what I mean. My daughter and I are wanting to take on a new DIY project this upcoming week so we looked up some of our favorite DIY Bath Bombs and will be making a couple of these on the list. 

DIY Bath Bombs to Help You #StayHome and Relax

Funfetti Bath Bombs  

I just love the pastel colors in these! Perfect for the upcoming Easter holiday! 

Lavender Bath Bombs

Okay, truth time. I’m not a big Lavender fan, but my husband and my daughter both love it for nighttime. They are also both relatively high anxiety in this stressful time, so I will definitely add these to the list of Bath Bombs we will be making. 

Fresh Avocado Bath Bombs 

Avocado might just be my favorite thing in the world. It’s just so great for everything! Who knew you could use it for DIY Beauty projects?

Dinosaur Bath Bombs 

I mean, I have a 3 year old in this house. Of course I will be making dinosaur bath bombs! What little one doesn’t love dinos?

Well, what do you think? Do you want to try any of these?

Have you been doing any DIY projects during our downtime? Have you ever made any DIY bath or beauty products before? Maybe bath bombs, or sugar scrub, or soap?  Do you have any great recipes to share with us? Or, maybe you have a tip or two for the DIY newbies out there.

$10,000 Federal Grant and Loans Available for Small Businesses, Freelancers, and Gig Workers!

There could be hope on the horizon for many small businesses and some individuals affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act drastically expand unemployment eligibility and provide $1,200 stimulus checks to most Americans, it also extends help to small businesses around the country. 

The Small Business Association (SBA) is now able to give out Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) with some very favorable terms and other perks. 

One of the most notable perks includes the $10,000 emergency cash grant available to applicants. Even applicants the do not qualify for an emergency loan, they are still able to get the $10,000. This advance does not have to be paid back and will be forgiven as long as it is used to “address any allowable purpose”, such as:

  • providing paid sick leave to employees unable to work due to the direct effect of the COVID–19
  • maintaining payroll to retain employees during business disruptions or substantial slowdowns
  • meeting increased costs to obtain materials unavailable from the applicant’s original source due to interrupted supply chains
  • making rent or mortgage payments
  • repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses

Emergency funds are supposed to be distributed quickly. There’s no word yet, though, on how long it will take small businesses to receive the money. 

Eligibility for an emergency EIDL grant has also been expanded under the CARES Act. Eligible entities include:

  • a business with not more than 500 employees
  • any individual who operates under a sole proprietorship, with or without employees, or as an independent contractor
  • a cooperative with not more than 500 employees
  • an ESOP with not more than 500 employees
  • a tribal small business concern with not more than 500 employees

This includes many freelancers, self-employed individuals, and gig workers. For instance, AirBNB hosts, daycare owners, and Uber drivers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for an EIDL and also possibly qualify for the $10,000 grant, even if they are denied the loan. 

The SBA’s EIDL loan terms are also quite favorable. Small businesses can borrow up to $2 million, and interest rates will not exceed 4%. There are also no loan fees, guarantee fees or prepayment fees.

Here are a few more points to consider when applying for an EIDL from the SBA:

  • Businesses must have also been in business since at least January 31st. 
  • Loans can be approved based solely on an applicant’s credit score, not repayment ability.
  • No tax return is required.
  • Loans smaller than $200,000 can be approved without a personal guarantee.
  • Real estate is not required as collateral. 

Since funds are limited, though, it’s important to apply as early as possible, since there will be a huge demand for this relief. 

Here’s how to apply for an EIDL loan and $10,000 advance. 

  1. Go to the and click on the red button that says “APPLY FOR ASSISTANCE”.
  2. Choose the type of eligible entity you are applying for.
  3. Make sure to check all of these options on the same page, if they apply, and move on to the next page.
  4. If you are applying for a business, put the legal business name in the business legal name and trade name space. Put your EIN. Choose your business type.

    If you are applying as a sole proprietor then put your first and last name in those spaces instead, and enter your SSN. Choose sole proprietor prop as the organization type.

    Gross revenue is the amount of sales you had for the past 12 month. Cost of goods sold is the expenses you incurred in the last 12 months.

  5. Leave all this blank if it doesn’t apply to you. The only thing that may apply is the lost rents for some people that have rentals. Put the amount you expect to lose as a result of coronavirus.
  6. Fill in all this info. If you are a sole proprietor, put 1 for number of employees since you are the only employee, and move onto the next page.
  7. Most people will choose NO for the “Is your business owned by a business entity?” since either their business is owned by the individual or it is a sole proprietorship. Fill out the rest of the info and move onto the next page. 
  8. Choose no for the first 3 questions. That is of course if they all don’t apply.

    Leave the blue section blank that asks if anyone helped you fill it out. IMPORTANT: Do not accidentally type in this section because if you do that and delete, it will glitch and will require it, and you’ll have to restart the application.

  9. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE. Make sure to check “I would like to be considered for an advance of up to $10,000.” Make sure to check it and put your banking info. Your bank name is the institution of where you bank. Your account number is your account number. The routing number doesn’t state whether it wants the routing for wires or ACH, so if your bank has multiple routing numbers, I believe the safest bet would be to put the ACH routing number, since most government deposits are done electronically. Check the box and move onto the next page.
  10. Read the disclosures, hit the captcha, and submit the application. 
  11. You’ll get a confirmation #. Be sure to write this down so you can reference it if you need to.






5 things that you can do with your kids during our time at home

Well, friends. It looks to me like we are going to be here a while. By here I mean home, of course. So, what are you doing with your time? Whether you are working from home, or you are out of work right now, you can make the best of things! This is a wonderful time to bond with your family, even through the stress. 

We are all in this together and I have put together a little list of things that we can be doing to help make the most of our time together. While I have significantly reduced the screen time limits in my household, I am also trying to make sure that my kids do more than stare at their phones or gaming screens. 

5 things that you can do with your kids during our time at home

Arts and Crafts  

You can have a ton of fun doing crafts for upcoming holidays or just because!  You can do it just for fun, or you can make gifts to give to others once we are all able to visit with each other again. Lots of options for arts and crafts, like painting, DIY beauty projects, sewing, knitting, woodwork and so much more. 

Have Family Movie Time

We may not be able to go to the movies right now, but you can sit down as a family and watch that movie that all of you have been wanting to see! I am talking about the entire family, not just plopping the kids in front of the TV and calling it good. Plus, studios have been releasing their brand new movies for streaming! 

Work Out Together

There are so many free workout streaming programs available and many of them are family focused! Keep yourselves busy by getting fit together. 

Game Time 

When was the last time you played a game with your kids? Honestly, I don’t care if it’s a board game, a card game, a video game, or whatever. Just take the time to play with them! I promise you, they will remember those times for a long time to come. 

Go Outside

If you have a backyard or a sidewalk where you can get outside while keeping a 6 foot distance from others, you can still get outside! You need the fresh air, vitamin D and lack of walls, even if just for a few moments.

Amazon Packages Contaminated With Coronavirus? Probably NOT, But Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself

With non-essential stores around the country closing and grocery stores jam packed, despite health officials pleas for social distancing, consumers across the country are finding it more difficult to get the necessities that they need. Because of this, more and more consumers are turning to online shopping retailers, like Amazon, to fulfill their needs.

Shopping online is a great way to practice social distancing to help protect yourself, your family, and your community. Despite this, some consumers still worry about shopping online during the coronavirus pandemic. Fears that their packages could be contaminated with the coronavirus are the main cause for concern.

Most online shoppers, however, have little cause for concern. A study done by the New England Journal of Medicine” states that the coronavirus can survive up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. According to the Centers for Disease Control, their is a very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures.” The World Heath Organization also states that the “likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, traveled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low.”

“Another thing to keep in mind is that the virus breaks down considerably over time, so there would ony be small traces of the virus left on some surfaces after several hours. By the time most packages leave the warehouse an reach a consumers doorstep, chances are the virus would have died off completely. In most cases, the coronavirus would only be on Amazon packages and other packages if an infected delivery driver had poor personal hygiene , didn’t wash his hands, and possibly sneezed or coughed on your package right before dropping it on your doorstep.

Despite the fact that the chances of the coronavirus being on packages, some consumers understandably still worry. In this case, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your packages are safe during the coronavirus pandemic. ”

First, leave your packages outside for several hours to a day, if possible. By the time you move them inside, all traces of the virus should be gone completely. If you are unable to leave your packages outside on your doorstep or porch, move them into your garage or just inside your door and wash your hands afterward. You can also place your package inside a plastic bag for extra protection during this waiting time.

Most delivered packages will come with the product in its original package inside of a cardboard box. In the case of Amazon packages, many products have already been inside of a shipping box inside the warehouse for quite a while before being shipped, so the chances of the inside package being contaminated with the coronavirus are very low. Even so, you can also remove the inner package from the shipping box and discard the box immediately. Finally, you can also wipe down plastic packaging with a disinfectant before opening.

No matter how you go about safeguarding you and your loved ones from possible packages contaminated with the coronavirus, it’s important to practice god hygiene. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the packages, use hand sanitizer, and refrain from touching your face.

Extra $600 per Week for Coronavirus Unemployment, Benefits Self-Employed, and Extended Benefits

Earlier today, President Trump signed a $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus relief bill, known as the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, that will provide some economic relief for Americans in the coming months. Not only will most Americans be eligible to receive a one time payment of up to $1,200, this bill also expands unemployment coverage. 

So, what could this new plan mean for you?

Additional $600 Weekly Unemployment Benefits

First, if you are receiving unemployment compensation during the pandemic, you could receive additional benefits. In addition to your state’s weekly benefits, the new stimulus package would allow you to collect an additional $600 per week in Federal unemployment compensation. For instance, if you are eligible to collect $500 from your state in unemployment benefits, you will now receive $1,100 when the plan takes effect. 

The extra $600 unemployment payments are slated to start on or after April 1, 2020. Claimants can receive this weekly payment until as late as July 31, 2020. 

It’s up to each individual state to decide how additional federal unemployment benefits will be paid. You may receive the additional payment lumped in with your normal unemployment check, or you may receive the money in two separate payments. Either way, both payments must be made weekly. 

Expanded Eligibility and Extended Benefits

The CARES act would also expand the number of people eligible for unemployment. Workers who, in the past, were not previously eligible for unemployment may now be able to receive unemployment benefits.

This includes part-time workers, self-employed workers, and independent contractors, as long as their inability to work is related to the coronavirus pandemic. Individuals who recently started a job and were laid off due to the coronavirus will also be eligible to receive benefits now, even if they don’t have sufficient work history. These newly eligible individuals will also be able to receive the extra $600 in unemployment benefits. 

This stimulus plan could also extend some out of work Americans’ unemployment benefits as well. Unemployed workers can usually receive up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits, depending on the state. However, under the new stimulus plan, claimants can receive benefits for an additional 13 weeks, for up to 39 weeks of benefits. 

Source: H.R.748 – CARES Act


5 Tips to Make the Homeschool Transition Awesome

Okay, how are you guys doing with the transition from public or charter school to homeschool? I’ll admit now that we are in homeschooling for the long haul, it was time for me to make a few adjustments to make it a little more awesome. Now I know every family is different and some of these won’t work for you, but I’m guessing no matter the ages of your kids, you could implement of couple of these ideas.

  1. Make a schedule. When we started homeschooling, I saw a few schedules floating around social media. I saw them, but quickly passed them by thinking, “I’ve got this, I don’t need a strict schedule.” Little did I know how much that would fail. Finally, I created a very laid back daily schedule, one that we could follow. If you like your day strictly outlined then go for more detail, but mine is as follows:First off, I’ll admit we sleep in- so whenever we wake up we eat breakfast, do a chore, straighten up our school supplies and have free time until 10. This is when I’m finished working and ready to focus on the kids.

    10am-12pm School work that is given by their teachers. I rotate kids and help them when needed. I have a toddler too. So usually one of the grade school aged kids is playing with the toddler, while I’m helping the other two kids. That’s worked out great so far.

    12pm -1pm Make lunch and eat/free time- we have been going on a walk around the block or do a quick P.E. activity during this time too.  (see number 2 & 3 for a little help with this too)

    1pm  Zoology with the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. They have started doing a Facebook Live every day at 1pm MST. The kids love watching and learning about different animals.

    1:30pm-2:30 pm Reading time/Finish school work from teachers. They usually have reading assignments from teachers they need to finish. If you’re all caught up with school work, you can do extra fun learning activities here as well (see #3 listed below).

    2:30pm-3:30pm The kids can do their fun screen time, creative play, outside time and help with dinner.

    So as you can see, this is a super easy to follow outline where I have options for us to do, yet a guide for what we need to get done and what could be done next. It has helped me stay sane and not be scattered and behind in their school work.

  2. Make a list of lunches for the kids. Since they have to eat every day at home for lunch, it can get overwhelming finding things they like and won’t complain about. First, be sure to see if your school is providing free lunch during the coronavirus break. Ours is, which has helped a ton. We try and get that a few days a week. If not, then make a list of lunches the kids like and put it somewhere they can see everyday. This way you don’t have to tell them every day what they can have. They can look at the list and make it themselves, or tell you if they need help. Taking that one worry out of your head is so great.
  3. Take advantage of the free educational learning activities that are available right now. Since we are all in this pandemic together, a lot of companies have offered free subscriptions or access to their sites. You can check out a great list here.  My kids love doing some of these during their extra free time. I also love the Kids Art Hub on Youtube and Mystery Science. 
  4. Know that the kids’ emotional well being is just as important, if not more important, than their education. I read something about this lately and it really struck me. The first few days I was hard on my kids. I feel like they should understand everything, right? I have to get back into teacher mode, instead of mom mode. Take the time to be patient and understanding. I would rather look back on this time and have them know I loved them and we tried hard instead of me yelling at them and putting them down. Try to be positive, then go yell in a pillow. Your kids are hard on themselves enough.
  5. Get outside everyday. This is definitely a life saver for me. Even if it’s a little chilly, grab your coats and get outside. Go on a walk, bike ride, jog, play in your yard, play sports, do anything you want outside. Take breaks during your school day and get outside. It makes you feel better about the world. We can do this!!

Special Store Hours for Elderly and Most at Risk of Coronavirus


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, several major retailers are adjusting their hours to accommodate the elderly and others at risk of coronavirus complications. This includes people over 60 as well as those with weakened immune systems and those with disabilities. 

These special store hours for elderly and other at-risk individuals can help keep these shoppers safer, since they would not have to go into a crowded store, which can make them more vulnerable and put them at greater risk of contracting the virus. Special store hours can also help at risk individuals get the items they need—like food, cleaning supplies, and personal care items—without having to worry about empty shelves.

Most of the major retailers have already announced special shopping hours for elderly and other at risk shoppers, but many smaller regional retailers also offer senior shopping hours. If you don’t see your favorite store in the list below, be sure to give them a call and ask. Some stores will also work with at customers and offer curbside pickup. 


  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 7:00 am – 9:00 am
  • For senior shoppers


  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 8:30 am – 9:30 am
  • For senior citizens, expectant mothers, and those with underlying health concerns

    Big Lots

  • Every day
  • First open hour
  • For customers 65 and older and those with underlying health concerns
  • Curbside pickup available


  • Every day
  • 8:00 am – 9:00 am
  • For members age 60 or older
  • Includes a designated entrance


  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 8:00 am – 9:00 am
  • For members age 60 and older

    Dollar General

  • Every day
  • First open hour
  • No age specified


  • Monday and Thursday
  • 7:00 am – 8:00 am
  • For customers 60 and older


  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 7:00 am – 8:00 am
  • For senior citizens and customers with chronic health conditions
  • Special shopping hours for Meijer employees and essential service workers on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 am – 8:00 am


  • Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 7:00 am – 8:00 am
  • For seniors age 65 and older

    Sam’s Club

  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 7:00 am – 9:00 am
  • For seniors, people with disabilities, and those with compromised immune system
  • Includes Shop From Your Car concierge service


  • Wednesday
  • First open hour
  • For vulnerable shoppers

    Trader Joe’s

  • Every day
  • 9:00 am – 10:00 am
  • For senior customers


  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 am – 9:00 am
  • For seniors, their caregivers, and immediate family
  • Includes 30% off regularly priced Walgreens-brand items and 20% off regularly priced national brands discounts


  • Tuesday
  • For customers 60 and older
  • One hour before store opens to public
  • Includes pharmacy and vision center

    Whole Foods

  • Every day
  • One hour before stores pen to public
  • For customers 60 and older

10 Ways to Have Fun at Home During Spring Break!

The last 2 weeks have been crazy. From trying to find balance with at home school work, electronic time and family time we need the upcoming break. But I’ve had to get creative with how we are going to spend our spring break. We’ve been doodling, baking in the kitchen and lots more during these times at home that I still want to find a way to make spring break different and memorable. So here are our ideas of how we’ll be spending spring break this year, at home!

  1. Create a Memory “Book” Together – all the pictures, videos and even art projects we’ve done through the years are digital. So we’re going to take those memories and put them on disc so the kids can watch them whenever they want.
  2. Backyard Camping – I’m hoping for some warmer weather in which we can pull out the tent and set it up in the backyard. We’ll grill up some food and even roast marshmallows all while having fun in our how backyard.
  3. Bedroom Makeover – my girls’ room has needed a little bit of a face lift so we’re going to tackle their room and make it fun together. From coming up with ideas of things to hang up, to cleaning out the closet, it will be perfect for when school starts back up.
  4. Read a thon – while spring break is just that, a break, I still want my kids keeping up on the things they’ve learned so we’ll be hosting a read a ton! We might invite neighbors over but we’ll have lots of treats and goodies they can enjoy while throwing their pillow on the floor and diving into a good book.
  5. House of Cards – all that’s needed is a pack of playing cards. Then we’ll see how high each person can build a tower.
  6. Rock Painting – if you’ve seen the facebook group 801 Rocks, you know creating some fun rocks for strangers to find is a great way to put a smile on their face! We’re going to paint some rocks and then “hide” them in places around the city where others might see them.
  7. Domino Run – how fancy can you make your domino run? Start simple with a start line and expand from there by creating different shapes, adding other objects and so much more.
  8. Scavenger Hunt – I think we’ll hit the trails and go on a nature scavenger hunt. Starting with letter A and working our way through the alphabet seeing how many different things we can find.
  9. Paper Airplanes – There’s tons of different paper airplanes you can make. Then take them out to fly and see if you can get them to lane on a landing strip, fly through a hula hoop and so much more.
  10. Movie Marathon – we don’t tend to watch much tv and definitely not all day long so why not make an except over spring break? I was thinking we could watch all the Harry Potter Movies, or maybe we’ll find another fun series to watch all day. We might even make a fort and watch from inside.

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