Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Payments: What You Need to Know

As the globe is reeling from the devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it feels like an economic meltdown is just around the corner for many Americans. Many businesses have been forced to close, leaving many employees out of work and many businesses fearing for the future. Unemployment offices are overwhelmed and working as fast as possible, but some Americans are still without an income and looking forward to some financial relief. 

That relief could come in the form of economic stimulus checks. After a bit of a rocky start, members of the Senate finally unanimously passed a bill for the largest and most expensive emergency aid package in United States history. If the bill passes in the House on Friday morning, the $2 trillion economic stimulus package could give everyday Americans a bit of a financial break in the weeks to come. 

So, what does this mean for you? Here are the answers to some of those questions about the coming economic stimulus checks. 

How much will economic stimulus checks be?

Most American households will get a stimulus check, but the amount you get will depend on your income and household. 

  • Single individuals who made $75,000 or less will get $1,200.
  • Married couples filing jointly who made $150,000 or less will get $2,400.
  • Individuals who filed as head of household and made $112,500 or less will get $1,200.
  • If you have children in the household, you will receive an extra $500 .
  • There will be a maximum of $3,400 for a family of four. 

Individuals and families who made more than the limits listed above aren’t necessarily out of luck. For every $100 of income over the limits, your economic stimulus check will be reduced by $5.00. 

The income limits for the stimulus money and the amount you will receive will be based on either your 2018 or 2019 tax returns. 

Who is eligible to receive stimulus checks?

Any American that has been working and filed a tax return in 2018 or 2019 will be automatically considered for a stimulus payment. Individuals on Social Security who received a Form SSA-1099 for the year 2019 will also be considered for a stimulus check, as will disabled vets and those receiving Railroad Retirement benefits. 

Individuals with green cards and work visas that are living and working in the United States will also be eligible for stimulus checks.

How will we get the economic stimulus checks?

Most Americans won’t have to worry much about getting their stimulus checks. The IRS will automatically deposit your stimulus money into the account that you’ve used for your direct deposit refunds in the last two years. 

The IRS will mail a physical stimulus check or letter to the last know address of taxpayers who have not used direct deposit in the past two years. They will notify you of the amount within 15 days and will also send you appropriate contact information to get your stimulus money. 

When will we get stimulus checks?

This is one of the biggest questions on everyone’s minds this week. With any luck, economic stimulus checks will be sent out within the next few weeks, according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The exact date for the arrival of the stimulus checks is not known yet, however. Individuals who filed taxes and opted for direct deposit in the past two years will get their stimulus payments much faster than those who did not. 

How can I stay updated on the economic stimulus payments?

Probably the best way to stay updated on the upcoming stimulus payments is by monitoring official government websites, like  The IRS website does not yet have any information available yet regarding stimulus or payment checks, since the economic stimulus bill has not yet passed in the House or been signed by the president. 

The IRS does ask that people do not call them with questions regarding the stimulus payments. Instead, the are urged to monitor the IRS Coronavirus Tax Relief page for updates.

How To Celebrate Birthdays While in Quarantine


The same weekend that the recent news hit our area, we were supposed to be celebrating the March 15 birthdays of 3 of our family members. That’s right. My father in law, my brother in law and my nephew were all born on March 15, so obviously, this is typically a big family celebration for us. Unfortunately we had to cancel it as my father in law is considered high risk so we didn’t want to take the chance. 

We have since been put on a “shelter at home” order and even though we have 3 more birthdays coming up in the next several weeks, there is no decision making to it. We cannot have birthday parties. We have had to figure out how to celebrate birthdays while in quarantine and frankly, I’m excited about it!

How To Celebrate Birthdays While in Quarantine


There is always the option of just waiting to celebrate the birthday until after this is all over. Honestly, my birthday is in 2 weeks, and that’s what I am planning to do with mine. I would probably do this with little ones too. I mean, if your child is turning 1 or 2, they really don’t even realize what they are celebrating, so waiting a while isn’t going to be a big deal. 

Zoom / Skype / Facebook / Duo

Whatever streaming service you like will work, just fine! Just get the crew together virtually to have a family and friends video streaming party to celebrate! I love this because everyone can sing happy birthday and everyone can watch the guest of honor blow out their candles. 

Talk All of the Would-Be Guests into Sending Virtual Cards

Let the birthday boy or girl know that they are being thought of on their special day by talking all of the would-be party guests into sending them virtual cards!  They can open them all at one and know that everyone is thinking of them. How fun!

Have a Small Family Party

Make a cake, sing a song, watch some fun movies…the possibilities are there! Just make sure that the special birthday boy or girl knows that just because this birthday is different, doesn’t mean that it is any less important.

Finding Positivity and Hope Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Panic

The coronavirus has ripped through our world and made its way around the globe in what feels like record time. It’s all people can talk about, think about right now. People are falling ill, some have even lost the battle with this disease. The pandemic has ground our national and global economies to a screeching halt, and many of our friends, family, and neighbors are either unemployed or laid off due to shutdowns. 

These are frightening and frustrating times for many.

When the pandemic first started to get serious, I’ll be honest—my anxiety reared its ugly head. Like many of you, I was scared and confused. Somewhere along the way, though, that changed. Amidst all of the fear and panic, the past few days I’ve noticed a new feeling start to emerge in me…


In times like these, I know it can seem a bit strange or difficult to be hopeful, but I am. As horrible as things seem right now, I think that it’s important for us to focus on the positive. And, as I’ve sat and watched the world these past weeks, I saw things that made me hopeful for out near and distant futures. 

Humanity is becoming more human. 

The biggest reason for hope during the coronavirus pandemic, at least for me, is seeing people reconnecting with one another. Despite the social distancing precautions we’re taking, I’m seeing more and more people actually take notice of the social creatures around them.

I see conversations and well wishes exchanged between complete strangers in the grocery store. I see neighbors helping neighbors, strangers helping strangers. I see community social media groups popping up dedicated to helping the eldery, the sick, and the impoverished during these difficult times. Never in my lifetime have I seen people pull together and help one another on such a huge scale. 

Perhaps it takes a global crisis for people to show more compassionate to one another, offer a few kind words to strangers, and help those in need. Whatever the catalyst, in some ways, it gives me a new hope for humanity during these trying times

Families are reconnecting. 

Remember the days of hectic schedules? Some days, in the pre-pandemic world, it felt like I barely saw my kids. Between conflicting work schedules, school functions, practices, and games, It felt like we only had a few moments each day to connect. Dinners were rushed, because of jam packed schedules, and some nights we weren’t even able to all sit down at the dinner table together. We saw each other in passing as we rushed off to one commitment or another. 

We were so disconnected. 

These days? Our new world, during this pandemic, is completely different. Schools are shut down, so the kids are home. My restaurant was shut down, so no more night shifts for me. I finally get to sit down with my kids for breakfast and lunch, and dinner time is finally family time again. Work shift, practices, and school functions have been replaced with movie nights, game nights, and fires in the backyard. This new world gives me hope for my family and every other family out there. 

We are not alone. 

Last week, an alarming number of people lost their jobs due to statewide shutdowns of non-essential businesses. I have many friends in the hospitality and restaurant industries that have lost jobs and income because of the coronavirus pandemic. Restaurants and non-essential businesses across the country are closing their doors in an effort to flatten the curve and halt the spread of this virus. So many people are unemployed and offices for unemployment compensation and clogged up with the number of now unemployed workers.

Sure, this can be a terrifying thought, but it’s important to remember that we’re all in this together. 

I am not alone. You are not alone. These shutdowns and this virus are beyond our control. There’s a huge part of this country’s population that has lost income, but there’s more than a glimmer of hope to be seen. Charitable foundations are ramping up for emergency grants and assistance to workers affected by the coronavirus shutdowns. Many banks and credit card companies are deferring or suspending payments and many utility companies are no longer shutting off utilities for nonpayment due to the economic crisis our country now faces. If you’re one of the millions of workers who lost income, know that there will be help for you. 

Philanthropy is booming. 

Remember those charitable foundations I just mentioned? They’re receiving extra funding from those who are able to give right now.

Celebrities and businesses have donated hefty sums to organizations like No Kid Hungry and Feeding America. Sam Adams’ founder Jim Koch donated $100,000 dollars to help launch the Restaurant Strong Fund, which will provide grants to restaurant workers who have lost their jobs during the coronavirus shutdown. Companies like Jameson and Patron are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to help fund the Bartender Emergency Assistance Program, which is offered by the United States Bartenders Guild. Some professional sports teams are vowing to still pay employees of stadiums and arenas around the country, efforts that will be funded fully or partly by generous donations from players and team owners. 

This surge in philanthropic efforts warms my heart, and gives me even more hope during the coronvirus pandemic. 

Air quality  is improving in some areas. 

As cities, states, and entire countries are forced to stay home, there are fewer businesses open and less travel. There are fewer vehicles on the roads, which means fewer emissions. This is most noticeable in larger, densely populated areas.

Satellite images have shown a huge decline in air pollution over mainland China as the country went into lockdown. The same reduction in air pollution could be seen over Spain and Italy as these countries followed suit. Here in the states, there has also been a marked improvement in air quality above major cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. 

I see this as a teachable moment for all of us. Perhaps this unintended consequence of lockdown and less travel can make us, as a global family, more aware of our impact on this planet and its inhabitants. Perhaps in the future, we’ll make more of an effort to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Oft unappreciated people are being recognized. 

Grocery store workers, truck drivers, factory and warehouse workers, to name a select few… These are members of the workforce that are, unfortunately, often overlooked and unappreciated. This is no longer true during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

These are the workers that are finally considered “essential”. Once underappreciated, these workers are finally being recognized, respected, and valued. 

Grocery store workers are now considered to be on the “frontlines” of this global pandemic. They’re working long grueling hours and risking their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of their families, every day so people are able to continue to buy food and essentials during this uncertain time. Without truck drivers, our local supermarket shelves would remain bare. And those factory and warehouse workers? Many of them work to manufacture critical medical supplies, or work to package and ship essential supplies, like food and medicine. 

My hope during the coronavirus pandemic is that these workers will finally see the appreciation that they so deserve. And, here’s hoping that the appreciation continues after the dust settles. 

We finally have time. 

I used to say it all the time… “I don’t have time.” Well, that’s no longer the case. With us being limited on where we can go, I’m finding that I have tons of extra time on my hands. 

Remember all of those things you’ve wanted to do but just didn’t have the time? You can’t use that excuse anymore! Now is the time to do a little deep cleaning you haven’t been able to get to, organize your Tupperware cupboard, clear out your closet, paint your kitchen, have a much needed spa day, read that book you bought months ago, learn another language, start a new hobby! 

Granted, it’s not the perfect circumstances, but we may as well embrace all of our extra time and make the best of it! Me personally, I’m hopeful that my house will be spotless by the time the coronavirus pandemic finally settles down. 

The end is in sight. 

Some days, it feels like this pandemic will just drag on forever. The fact that more and more confirmed cases of COVID-19 pop up in the United States each day don’t help. As hard as it seems, though, this is not what we need to be focused on. 

The end of this global pandemic is in sight, even though it may not seem like it. China, for instance, has gone days with no new local cases of COVID-19. Stores and restaurants are reopening, as are parks and other tourist attractions. 

Preventive measures, such as shutdowns and social distancing work. Slowly but surely, life is finally getting back to normal for Chinese citizens, and slowly but surely, life will get back to normal for the rest of us. I dare say that I’m hopeful and even a little excited for our new world. 

These are frightening and uncertain times for all of us, but at the end of the day, it’s all in how we look at things. We can choose to focus on all of the negativity around us, or we can choose to focus on the positive. I, for one, am choosing to focus on the positive and finding a little hope during the coronavirus pandemic. 

How’s everyone else holding up during all of this? Where are you finding positivity and hope during the coronavirus pandemic?

Free Educational Activities to Do While Stuck at Home


Are your kids still learning? Lots of kids are home right now without any schoolwork to do. If you want to keep your kids in the learning zone during all of this, why not get them set up with some educational activities? There are so many free ones out there to take advantage of!

If you are looking for free educational activities to do while stuck at home, look no further! I have put together a little list for you to get started! Your kids will have fun learning and you will feel better knowing that they are doing something positive during their time at home. 

Free Educational Activities to Do While Stuck at Home

ABC Mouse

Head on over to Groupon and sign up for a 2 month free trial of ABC Mouse. This one is for younger kids (age 2-6), but it’s a great learning tool!

Audible Books for Kids and Teens

Audible has lots of books available for teens and kids. You don’t even need a membership for your kids to get these books for free. 

Free Scholastic Online Education Programs 

The Scholastic website offers free online educational programs and new projects every day. These projects will keep your kids reading and learning more every day. The projects are also grade level based to keep your children on track with their classmates.

Ranger Rick Magazine 

You can also get a free digital subscription to Ranger Rick Magazine! This magazine is perfect for kids and families who love learning about animals and all things outdoors. Within each issue you will find fun, adventurous stories, beautiful photos of animals and so much more! Since most of us are busy hanging out indoors, this is a great way to get the kids’ imaginations moving!

Are your kids doing virtual learning right now? If not, what are you doing to keep them learning?

5 Ways That You Can Workout for Free While Social Distancing

Who else is looking to get fit or continue your fitness regimen while stuck at home? I had just began a new workout program when this all began and I know that I cannot give it up or else I won’t pick it up again. That cannot happen this time! I am determined to come out of quarantine in great shape! Since we can’t head to the gym, I have decided to look up the ways that I can workout for free while social distancing.

If you are looking for the same thing, here are some ideas for you.

5 Ways That You Can Workout for Free While Social Distancing


Go for a Walk

If you live in a relatively rural area, you can easily walk while social distancing. Just be sure to stay at least 6 feet away from others! Check to see if you have any walking trails near you, any hiking trails or just hit the sidewalk. Plus, the fresh air and sunshine feel great!

Daily Burn

Check out Groupon and sign up for a 2 month trial of Daily Burn. It gives you lots of different workout options for each morning, so you don’t get bored!

Stream It

Check out Netflix and Amazon Prime for fitness videos that you can stream for free and get your cardio on! Find one that fits your current fitness levels and do a type of workout that you are going to enjoy. You’ll be surprised by how fit you can become by just working out with a video.

Find an App

You all likely have a smartphone in your hand. Check out free fitness apps and let them lead the way! I love following the tips and ideas that these types of apps have to get a good workout in.

Get some Home Fitness Equipment

Check out the FB Marketplace, Craigslist, or even Amazon or other online retailers and buy yourself some home workout equipment! Be prepared though because they are selling like hotcakes right now. I have still been seeing some really great deals though!

The Risks and Rewards of Penny Stock Investing

Everyone loves a big success story where the savvy investor bet on a penny stock and made enormous gains that led them to a very healthy and early retirement.  Stories like that are the American Dream of making it big and hitting success.  However, for the large majority of penny stock investors, the feat of accomplishing a rock solid investment that pays off in spades is just that – a dream. 

Why Penny Stock Trading is So Risky

Any company trading for low amounts is thrown into the general basket that is a penny stock.  Normally, these companies trade as low as fractions of a penny, and as high as $2.00.  There aren’t any rules in terms of what exactly is a penny stock, and since they are volatile, they can often trade as high as $5 per share. 

Normally, companies that trade in this range have very small market capitalizations, a cloudy financial outlook that may or may not show profits, and you’ll often find them trading on the pink sheets and not on any of the major stock exchanges. 

It’s not that these companies don’t have any value, but their financial outlook is dark, at best.  However, many investors, which could be called gamblers, are out there dipping their toes in the dark waters of penny stock trading, looking for that diamond in the rough that could rocket up to become a stock worth several dollars per share. 

The Potential Rewards With Penny Stock Trading

While the odds are against investors making money with penny stocks in the long haul, the fact that the volatility of penny stocks is quite high opens them up for potential huge profits if the trade is executed when buying low and selling much higher.  Many stocks that trade in these gaps can be a low price of $.25 one day, and be up to $1.50 within a short matter of time.  Many people think of the potential quick upside that can happen with these stocks, but fail to realize, that what goes up can often come tumbling back down as well.  There is a lot of assumed manipulation as well in the penny stock market, and even the best penny stocks to buy in 2020 may not be around before 2021 even comes around.  Quick, opportunistic swing traders do well with penny stocks, and it’s a hard game to play if you hold on too long. 

Since the penny stock market will never go away, neither will the massive amounts of stock promoters on social media, on online forums, and even on investment newsletter services. For this reason, there will always be a curiosity about big gains to be made with penny stocks.  When there is a dream to chase, investors certainly will throw time and money at it in hopes of the next big score. 

10 Fun and Free Activities to do at Home with Kids

2020 will be a year we will all remember. With the coronavirus, we are asked to stay in our homes so we don’t spread the virus. This can be super hard when you have kids. What can you do at home ALL day long? There are so many resources out there that I almost get overwhelmed. So, I’ll start out with just 10. These 10 activities are ones we have already done and the kids have enjoyed. Score!

Make a terrarium. Grab a mason jar or see through container for each child. Head outside and first find some small rocks or pebbles. Put those on the bottom of your jar. Then find leaves or grass and make a soft bed on top of the rocks. Next you can add some soil to put on top of the greenery. Then let the kids run free. Let them find whatever they want to add to their jars. They may even find a worm or other small insect. At the end have each kid tell you about their jars and what they have in it.

Deck of Card Work Out. We did this today for our P.E. time. The kids…and I were exhausted when we were done! It’s super easy and fun. Directions: Grab a deck of cards and pull out all of the Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks and Jokers.
Here is your guide.
Hearts= push ups
Clovers= squats
Spades=crunches or sit ups
Diamonds= jumping jacks
Jokers= run (you could run around your house or your block)
Draw a card and do the number of reps called:
Jacks= 11
Kings = 13
Aces= 14

Make Play-doh. This is super fun if you have little kids. Even my 8 and 10 year olds will play with it if I make it into some sort of competition. Who can build a big fort? Who can build 10 blocks and stack them on top of each other? I found a good recipe here.

Make a dessert together. Has anyone else been stress cooking? Take this extra time we have at home to teach your kids how to make a favorite dessert. My kids absolutely love baking. I have to remind myself to calm down and relax as we are doing it. But you end up with a yummy treat at the end! Win-win!

Paper airplane competition. This is so fun, especially because my boys LOVE making airplanes. Grab some paper, make your plane and set up a run way. See how far each one can go.

Play the game of spoons. If you guys haven’t played this then you’re missing out. This is a hit! Even my 5 year old learned it and loves it. Grab a deck of cards- you can even use Old Maid type of cards. You just need one full match set for each person that is playing. For example if I have 5 people playing I would grab out all of the Kings, Queens, Jacks, and 10s and 9s. So there are 4 cards of each, total of 20. You put in one LESS spoon on the table. So I would put 4 spoons on my table in the middle. Then you shuffle the cards and pass them out. Each person has 4 cards. You are trying to get a set of 4 of the same NUMBER. So you grab one card from your stack and pass it to the person to the left, everyone does that at the same time and you pick up the card from the person at your right. You pick up the card, look at it, keep it if you want, and then pass another card to the person to the left. You keep doing this until someone- or yourself, get 4 of the same NUMBER, then you grab a spoon. The last person won’t have a spoon and then has to have a letter. You can spell the word PIG or whatever you want. So that person then has a P. You shuffle the cards and start again. Now once you have mastered this, you can put the spoons in another room! This is a bit dangerous, but oh so fun. Give it a try.

Write letters and send them to grandparents. Now that we are staying away from our grandparents, we decided it would be fun to write them a letter. They look forward to getting the mail every day, since they can’t get out much. Think of others you could write a letter to.

Science experiments. You can use this site called Mystery Science to give some fun informational lessons as well as fun experiments for the kids to learn. It’s one of my 8 year olds favorite times of the day.

YouTube Art for Kids Hub is one of our favorite times to stop the school work and get a little creative. This site teaches you how to make a variety of animals, cartoons, characters and so much more. It’s great for all ages.

Watch the Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari every day at 1:00 pm MST. It’s on their Facebook page here. You just go to their videos and you’ll see a “live” come up when they are starting. So many fun animals. My kids have really enjoyed watching these.

A Simple Easy Step By Step Guild To Making Your 72 Hour Kits! (With Items You Probably Have at Home)

Emergency preparedness seems to be a hot topic right now. With everything that’s been happening it’s a smart idea to have at least your 72 hour bags packed and ready to go. But what’s most important to put inside you might ask? Here’s a simple guide I’ve put together to get you started on the right foot.

  1. Really the most important is your food. You want to make sure you have enough food and water in each bag (or dedicate one bag for the whole family) to live on for 72 hours. I love the buckets I see with everything you need inside. Or you can easily put together each person’s kit with what you have in your home. They have awesome ideas on Pinterest of what you can put inside. Just be sure you write the date on the bag so you know when they expire and when you need to change them out. We’ve also included a water bottle with a purifier in our bags.
  2. Clothing is next. I just finished gathering together items from each of our closets to put in your 72 hour bags. I got 2 sets of underwear for each person, a set of warm jammies for the kids as well as pants and 2 long sleeve shirts. These were all things we had on hand, it didn’t cost us a dime. We still need to add shoes to our bags and I’d like to get wool socks but that will come when we have the funds. Make this plan work for you and your family, don’t go into debt trying to get your family prepared for a natural disaster.
  3. In both my husband’s and my bag (and now that my kids are a little older I want to get them their own as well) we have a Personal Hygiene bag in which we keep travel sizes of:
    • 1 Shampoo 2 oz.
    • 1 Liquid Soap 2 oz.
    • 1 Lotion 2 oz.
    • 1 Razor
    • 1 Toothbrush
    • 1 Tooth Paste
    • 1 Comb
    • 1 Sunscreen Towelette
    • 1 Bug Repellant Towelette
    • 1 Emery Board
    • 1 Bar Soap
    • 1 Lip Balm
    • 1 Sewing Kit
    • 1 Dust Mask
    • 3 Wet Wipes
    • 1 Rolled Tissue
    • 1 Facial Tissue
    • 1 Hand Sanitizer
    • 1 Handy Wipe Towel
    • 5 Female Hygiene pads (You’ll see I have female hygiene pads in this kit, my goal is actually to get a diva cup since you’re able to clean and reuse those.)
  4. Also in the adults’ bags you’ll find a First Aid Kit. You could easily go through what you have on hand and put together your own kit but inside ours is:
    • 1 8″X10″ Dressing
    • 1 5″x9″ Compress
    • 1 4″x4″ Gauze Pad (2 pack)
    • 1 3″x4″ Non Stick Pad
    • 1 2″x3″ Non Stick Pad
    • 1 2″x2″ Gauze Pad (2 pack)
    • 1 Knuckle Bandage
    • 1 Fingertip Bandage
    • 2 Butterfly Bandages
    • 5 3/4″x3″ Band Aids
    • 5 1″x3″ Band Aids
    • 1 1/2″ Paper Tape Roll
    • 2 Vinyl Gloves
    • 1 2″ Stretch Gauze Roll
    • 2 Alcohol Prep Pads
    • 2 Antibiotic Towelettes
    • 2 Triple Antibiotic
    • 1 Hydrocortisone
    • 2 Ibuprofen (2 pack)
    • 1 Burn Cream
    • 1 First Aid Information Sheet
    • 2 Safety Pins
    • 1 Scissors
    • 1 Tweezers
    • Please don’t forget any prescription medication you might be taking. Many meds you can get filled a week (give or take) before you actually run out. If you do this consistently, over time you’ll have enough to keep in your 72 hour kits. (Please note you aren’t able to do this with all medication so talk to your health care provider about alternatives you can during an emergency.)
  5. Inside the next kit is your basics. There’s a few items I’ve bought and put in my kids bags but most of these items are for adults. Here’s what’s inside:
    • 1 LED Flashlight and 3 AAA Batteries
    • 1 Sierra Cup 8 oz
    • 1 2.25 oz Gel Fuel
    • 1 Emergency Poncho
    • 1 Emergency Blanket
    • 1 Hand Warmers (2 pack)
    • 1 Multifunction Pocket Knife
    • 1 5-in-1 Survival Whistle/Compass/Mirror/Match Container/Striker
    • 1 Box Waterproof Matches
    • 1 Water Purification Tablets 10 pack
    • 2 Baggies
    • 1 Garbage Bag
    • 1 Pencil
    • 1 Pocket Notebook
  6. My kids actually have a few extra things inside their bag. They have an ID card that has all their information on it with their picture. Then they picked a small stuffed animal and put it inside for comfort if there is ever a natural disaster. They also have a child combo kit which is a combination of both the first aid kit and basic kit but kid friendly. Inside they’ll have:
    • 1 Emergency Poncho
    • 1 Emergency Blanket
    • 1 Hand Warmer (2 pack)
    • 1 Whistle
    • 1 Camp Cup
    • 1 Light Stick (12 Hour)
    • 1 Color Book
    • 3 Crayons
    • 1 Comb
    • 1 Tooth Brush
    • 1 Tooth Paste
    • 3 Wash Ups
    • 1 Rolled Tissue
    • 5 3/4″ x 3″ Band Aids
    • 2 Extra Large Band Aids
    • 1 Triple Antibiotic
    • 1 Hydrocortisone
    • 2 Antiseptic Towelettes
    • 2 Vinyl Gloves

I hope this isn’t overwhelming for you. The point of this post is to give you an idea of where to start and what you want inside your 72 hour kits for each person. Just start with the most important items and make your way down the list. A lot of these items you’ll probably find in your home but if you don’t have something just make a note of it and when you have a little extra money in your grocery budget snag your items. Keep it simple and stress free!

Next week I’ll type up important documents you should have in a to go binder. It will become your everything binder that can give you some piece of mind when you have to leave your house quickly!

Fun Things To Learn While You are Home


I’m going to go out on a limb and take a guess that you are stuck at home for a while. Am I right?  What are you doing with this time at home?

Hey, if you have to be stuck at home, you might as well be doing something fun and bettering yourself, am I right?! If you are looking for fun things to learn while you are home, check out this list I have created below.  If you can think of any others that are great, please leave a comment! Let’s work together to stay busy and keep learning!

Fun Things To Learn While You are Home

How to do your makeup 

Would you like to learn a little bit about me? I am not good at makeup!  I mean, I can make myself look presentable, but I’m just not one of those girls that looks flawless and well done. I would love to be though. I follow a couple of beauty and fitness bloggers that do makeup tutorials and I absolutely love to watch them. Now that I am home for a bit, I’ll have time to actually practice.  

How to Play Guitar

There are so many free “how to play guitar” videos out there! This is a great hobby to pick up and surprisingly easy to learn for some (I’m not some. lol). There are also paid courses out there that are low cost and claim to be easy to finish!

How to Decorate Cake

Have you ever wanted to decorate a gorgeous cake for a family member’s birthday, or just because? I have! I spotted a couple of cake decorating courses recently on Groupon and I think that I might just sign up for it! No more boring cakes for me! 

What are you learning during your time at home?

Keep Yourself Busy While Home with These Ideas


Have they shut down schools in your area? Or, are you stuck home for another reason? Many of us are often on the go and to all of the sudden have our life situation change and be stuck at home can be panic inducing. We can also start to go a little stir crazy not being able to leave the house. 

So what can we do to stay busy? Well, here are some of my favorite ideas that will keep you busy while you are home. 

Keep Yourself Busy While Home with These Ideas

Play games 

When was the last time that you played a game with your kids? I’m betting it’s been a while.  So break out that old Monopoly or other board game, those cards or your dice set and just play. It’s fun!  Plus, it is a great way to just sit back and spend time with your child. All of us could use a little bit of that, don’t you think?

Finally catch up on Your Favorite Show

If you are anything like me, you have seasons of shows just waiting to be watched since you are typically too busy. Well, you have time now!

Learn Something New

Despite the craziness that is happening in the world right now, we live in an AMAZING time! You can literally learn almost anything just by going online. You can find free online classes, watch educational videos (YouTube is a great source), or even sign up for some paid sources. I mean, hey, you are stuck at home anyway…might as well better yourself while you are there.

Start a Garden

It is almost spring right now. Why not use this time to get a start on your garden? Now is the time to start! If you are a gardening newbie, search for some learning videos for starters.

Start a New Exercise Program

There are countless workout programs out there that you can stream for free!  Why not use this time at home to get healthy?

What are your going to do with yourself while you are home?

5 Things I’m Buying/Doing to Survive the Coronavirus

This Coronavirus is getting real here in the United States. I know it’s on all of our minds right now. I’ve been reading the updates from different states and it looks like a lot of our normal every day routines will be changing. Schools are going to be cancelled which makes me re-think what I need to do or get. I thought I would share with you a few things that are not your typical toilet paper and water that I’m buying.

The first thing I’m buying is a outdoor play set/swing set for my kiddos. Since we are trying to stay away from large gatherings, a new outdoor toy should keep them moving around and outside. With a lot of schools closing, this would be super helpful. You can see some great Lifetime playsets on Amazon here.  If you’re not a fan of playsets, you could grab a trampoline. That could get on my list too!

The second thing that I’m buying are some new family card games and crafts for the family. I’ve heard great things about these two games- Skill King and Cover Your Assets by Grandpa Beck. I actually just bought Cover your Asset today. It’s a good one that younger kids can even play. Take your mind off of the craziness that is going on and have a family game night. Make a fun craft together with the kiddos. I bought some of this air dry clay with instruments. I thought it would be a fun thing for all of my boys. We aren’t super crafty around here.

The third thing that we are more doing than buying is updating and organizing our home. When you are home bound it can definitely get depressing. We had a few trips planned this month that have been cancelled. It’s definitely a bummer, but to be safe we are waiting this out and hopefully helping with not spreading any sickness. With that said, we got out our list of house jobs that we’ve wanted done. We start on that tonight! I would encourage you to do the same. Make a list of things you could do to your home or yard to update and fix. You could also go room by room and organize and declutter. Just by putting some positive energy into my house will help me take my mind off of the anxiety that is in the world right now. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders.

The fourth thing that we are doing is trying to be more aware of those around us. I’m sure you have all seen long lines at grocery stores. It’s pretty crazy how shelves are bare and items are out of stock. Instead of hoarding for ourselves, can we look around us or even ask others what they need? In times of crisis we tend to want to fed for ourselves. However, we could do a lot more good if we check up on others. Even a phone call or text could help.

The final thing we are doing is taking time to be still. With all of the updates that come every few hours, it can be overwhelming and down right exhausting, even my kids can feel it. Take some time off your research and updates. Go take a walk with the family and relieve some stress or just sit in the sun and be still. Pray, meditate, do what you can to make you feel calm. We can survive this.

Frugal & Yummy Rice and Bean Meals!

When you think long term storage many times that includes flour, sugar, rice and beans. Those are all things that are great to have in your long term storage. Not only do they store really well long term but they’re cheap and add protein and fiber to your meals. So here are some great meal options you can cook up to use your rice and beans!

  • Burrito Bowls – these are easy to put together and each person can add what they desire. All it involves is your rice, your favorite beans, meat of your choice (taco meat, chicken, pulled pork, etc) and your toppings (like lettuce, salsa, tomatoes, cheese, olive, etc)
  • Fiesta Black Beans & Rice – this you could easily add meat to or just go without, either option is yummy. Here’s a great recipe you can follow to make your own with what you have on hand.
  • Chicken over Rice and Beans – this is filling and yummy! You can add your favorite seasoning or leave plain (how my kids would love it best)
  • Chili – this is perfect on a cold evening or while out camping.
  • Easy Rice Taco Casserole – Now this one I found I’m excited to try! It uses all the staples I have in my food storage and you probably do too.
  • Cheesey Bake Black Beans & Rice – This is a kid favorite and one that can’t go wrong!

Hopefully these will help you think outside the box when it comes to using your food storage and those essentials!

Where to find the Best Deals on Easter Decor



It’s almost Spring, my friends!  Can you believe how quickly time is going? It seems like every year it goes faster and faster. I love spring though! The new beginnings of everything in spring are just my favorite part of nature. Another of my favorite things about spring is Easter!

I don’t know if it is the pretty colors, the fact that my kids are always dressed up so beautifully, the family gatherings or the childhood memories, but Easter holds a special place in my heart. Maybe that’s why I try to go all out when it comes to decorating for Easter. It’s so much fun! 

You all know me though, I’m not even about to spend a bunch of money on Easter decor. I do it on the cheap! If you are wanting to start gathering your pretty Easter decor pieces too and wondering where to find the best deals on Easter decor too, check out this list of where I get the best prices.

Where to Find the Best Deals on Easter Decor

These are my go-to places for finding the best deals on Easter Decor:

Dollar Store

The dollar store is an amazing resource for low cost holiday decor items. When everything is $1, it’s not such a big deal. I also love that I don’t feel too guilty about not saving the decor pieces throughout the pieces. I don’t like to just toss them though, I like to offer them for free on local Buy Nothing groups for people to reuse or repurpose.


You already knew that was going to be there, right? I mean Amazon is a great place to find just about anything, including Easter stuff!

Thrift Shops

Thrift shops are simply awesome and that includes the awesome deals that you can find on Easter Decor. In addition to the money you can save, thrift shopping is also such a great way to save the environment! 

Facebook Marketplace and Buy Nothing Groups

Facebook Marketplace is an awesome place to find deals!  That includes Easter stuff and those Buy Nothing groups on Facebook are so great for finding free stuff! Facebook is for so much more than visiting with friends! 


What are your favorite ways to save money on Easter decor?

Spring Break Savings Tips


Do you already have plans for Spring Break? If you are looking for fun stuff to do on a budget, check out these Spring Break savings tips to see how you can save money while still having an amazing time. 

Spring Break Savings Tips

Enjoy a Staycation

Staycations are a great way to have a wonderful time, but save a lot of money. You can enjoy national parks, visit attractions in your area, head to your local museums, or even go to the park and have a picnic. There really are countless fun things to do near you! You just need to make sure that you put focus into having fun! 

Visit Groupon for Awesome Deals on Things to Do

It’s no secret how much I love Groupon and the deals that you can find there. I have found countless things for my family to do and we have even found lots of interesting new things to try and check out via Groupon deals. Make sure to visit our website often for any new Groupon promo codes. 

Book Last Minute

If you really want to go somewhere, check out Expedia, Travelocity, or other similar vacation booking sites to find awesome last minute booking deals. You’ll be quite surprised to see how low the prices can get on flights and hotels!

With the current news being what it is too, you will be shocked at how low the costs are for travel right now. I just spotted RT airfare to Vegas for $40, RT airfare to Hawaii for $250. Seriously, the prices are incredibly low, so this is a great time to take advantage of last-minute booking. 

What plans do you have for Spring Break? What tips do you follow to save money on your activities? I love trying new things and love hearing new ideas for saving money!

Spring Break Staycation Ideas


What are you doing for Spring Break? Unless you have planned a getaway already, you may just want to plan to do some fun stuff while you are at home. There are lots of Spring Break staycation ideas out there so that you can have a fun spring break while not hopping a plane anywhere. 

I love a good staycation and have tons of good ideas for you! 

Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Explore Your Local National Park

Do a quick Google search to see what National Parks are near you and head out to visit them on day this Spring Break! You will likely be surprised to learn what you have within driving distance of you! National parks are typically full of beautiful sights that you really don’t want to miss. 

Visit Local Museums

Have you visited the museums in your area? I live in a very rural area and recently visited our local county museum and WOW was it cool! My children and I literally spent an entire afternoon there and loved every minute of it. We learned so much and enjoyed seeing the historical artifacts from our area. 

Head to the Library

With the internet being as prevalent as it is, we often forget to head to the library! The reality though is that the library is a wonderful place to visit, especially if you have small children. Many libraries offer special programs during Spring and Summer break. You may even be able to see a fun entertainer!

Have a Picnic

When was the last time you had a picnic?  It’s probably been a while. Before spring break gets here, stock up on all of your favorite picnic foods and plan a day at the park for a fun, family picnic! 

Just Go Outside

Spending time outdoors getting some fresh air is a wonderful way to share your time with family during spring break. The sunshine does wonders for giving you a refreshed feeling!

What staycation plans do you have for spring break?

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