Geode Hunting in Dugway Utah!

My kids have been interested in rock collecting and hunting over the past few years so I thought now would be the perfect time to take them on a trip to the Geode Beds in Utah! Before we left I did a lot of research to figure out what we were looking for and other fun things to do so here’s what I learned.

The best way to tell you how to get there is with a map. So here’s the roads we took from Tooele. You can also see on the map I marked where we camped at. Right there is a little mountain pass area you drive through that has some trees for camping. We found a great spot to park the trailer at. There were other camping spots you could park your trailer at or put up your tent. Please note this is “dry” camping. There are not amenities anywhere close by.

After we parked the trailer we continued to the geode beds which was about an hour and a half drive on a dirt road. You could take a car on this road, you’ll probably just need to take it a little slower. Along this road we saw a few antelope running as well as tons of wild horses so take your camera with you. We packed lots of water and lunch with us so we could spend time at the geo beds. Don’t forget your sunscreen as well because there’s no shade there.

One thing I wish I would have remembered to grab would be work gloves for all of us. You’re going to be doing a lot of digging so these will help. We also took with us shovels, buckets (large ones for the adults and smaller ones for the kids since they’d get heavy) hammers for everyone and flat head screw drivers. All these tools you’ll need while you’re there.

Once we arrived we found our spot, there’s TONS of area to search through so don’t stress that. You’re looking for rocks that look somewhat like a cauliflower head (that’s the best way to describe it). You’ll find many geodes that have already been cracked open, those were my kids favorite to look for. They just walked the area we were in, looking for “shinny rocks” laying around. But if you find a geode that hasn’t been opened yet you can use your flat head screw driver and hammer to crack it open. Or, if you want a smooth more profession way, use a wet saw to cut it up.

This is one spot we’ll definitely visit again. If you head out that way I hope you guys enjoy your time as much as well did!

3 Ways to Save Money School Shopping

I know it feels like school just got out, but before you know it, you will need to be school shopping. If you are like me, you are starting early so that you can save money and get it over with before it gets to be too stressful.


If you are ready to get started, here are 3 Ways to Save Money School Shopping:


Do an audit at home.  What do you have already?  It’s always smart to take an inventory of what you have already so that you don’t buy something and waste money on something that you already have.  


Spread out your shopping. Yes, I know it’s only June, but I assure you that you will save money if you go earlier.  This way you have time to buy things when they are on sale instead of grabbing everything at once because you are doing it last minute.  I love summertime because stores often have weekly deep sales on specific items, so you can grab a one or two items each week and save big.


Shop second hand.  When it comes time for clothes shopping, head out to some thrift shops to save big on cute clothes!  I have a teenage daughter that loves to thrift shop and she always has in style clothes. Here’s how we do it.  We hit up Goodwill only on Sunday or Monday (after they rotate in new items) and only buy clothing that is the color tag sale color (meaning that they are half off).  We also shop at high end thrift shops such as Plato’s Closet to get inexpensive, yet high fashion clothes. We also occasionally hit up yard sales in the high price parts of town.  You would be surprised at how cheap people will sell expensive clothes for. A couple of years ago, when MissMe jeans were all the rage, we snagged 3 pair for $1 each!


What’s your favorite back to school shopping hack?

Easy Tips to Help You Relax On Your Road Trip

Do you have road trip plans coming up this Summer?

I know you are probably stressing a little bit about it, but relax.  Road trips don’t have to be as stressful as you may think they are.  All you need to do is follow a couple of simple tips and trust me, your trip will be far more relaxing!

Follow these tips to keep you road trip stress at bay:

Have a Maintenance Check Done on Your Vehicle. – A thorough maintenance check is imperative to do before any long road trip.  Technically, it’s just great to do it often when you drive your car regularly, but especially when you are heading out for a long drive.  Even vehicles that you think are in tip top shape could have a hidden issue that could be uncovered.  Breaking down on the road will make your trip a thousand times more stressful, so do what you can do prevent that.

Plan Rest Stops.  Driving non stop without breaks if flat out exhausting and it makes for a stressful trip.  Plan in advance for some pit stops. Even if it’s just for lunch or for walking around and stretching your legs. It will help.,

Take time for Detours. The best part about road trips is the cool stuff that you get to see along the way!  If you do one thing during your road trip, do this.  Do not be so focused on the destination that you forget about the journey.

Pack food. Hungry passengers (especially kids) make for grumpy passengers. Don’t make the mistake of not having food ready to go for them!  Either bring alone a cooler with lots of ice or pack lots of food that won’t spoil on the drive.

Have fun!


3 Ways to Stress Less This Summer


Do you find yourself stressed out during the summer months?  It’s hard when we work and we have to ways to keep our children entertained, or pay for their daycare for full days instead of the partial days when they are in school.  Plus, if your kids are anything like mine, they are probably already eating you out of house and home (why are kids so much hungrier during the summer months, again?).

As difficult as it may seem, it really is important for you to try and stress less.  Stress is detrimental to our health, mental and physical. So, if you need a little bit of help, here are 3 ways to stress less this summer.

3 Ways to Stress Less This Summer


Head to the library

Go and grab yourself a book and then, actually read it.  I know you probably think that you don’t have time to read a book, but you need to make time.  Reading has been shown to stimulate your mind, while decreasing your stress. Plus, it helps improve your memory!  All of us parents could benefit from that, don’t you think?


Take a day off

I know that a day without pay doesn’t seem like it is going to lower your stress, because, well bills.  But the thing is, is that sometimes you simply need a day away. Head to the beach, head for a walk, take a nap, hang out with your kids.  Taking a day away from work will help you feel refreshed and more ready to take on the next day.


Take a social media break

Social media is great, and it has opened up so many doors for so many people.  But it is also a drain on our attention and can cause some serious envy. Staring at other people on their fancy vacations all summer long while you are at home can get depressing.  Commit to taking a break from social media, or maybe one day a week away from it and see how much more relaxed you can feel.

10 Screen – Free Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love

How are you doing with kids home all. day. long? I love having my kids home, but I also love having a game plan, otherwise they would be content watching shows and playing video games all day. There is SO much more to do and learn this summer. I’m pretty strict with screens, so I’ve had to be creative finding activities that kids would love. If you need a little help getting your kids up and moving, here are a few ideas that will keep them off the screens.

  1. Find a variety of places to swim. My kids get tired of the same splash pad or pool. So switch it up! If you live in an area that has a lot of splash pads, pools, rivers, and lakes, then take advantage of it and visit each one. You can also fill up a little blow up pool and put it in the back yard.
  2. Visit your state Capitol and have a picnic. Most kids have never visited their state Capitol. This summer introduce it to your kids. Call ahead and most Capitols have free tours as well. Pack a lunch and have a picnic on the grounds.
  3. Sign up for city swim or sporting lessons. This will help break up the summer. If you have the budget, let each of your kids choose one new sport or swim class that they want to learn over the summer. If you go through your city, they usually have cheaper options. My boys love to test out classes like: Lego, Archery, Swim, Super Sport or Bowling.
  4. Friend swap. Some days it’s just fun to play with friends. Instead of having all the kids at your house all day, do a friend swap! Make a schedule of which hours they will be at your house and which hours they will go to the friends. This will help them from getting bored at each place as well.
  5. Lemonade stand or snow cone stand. This is a classic summer activity. It actually helps them learn about money too. Have them earn some money for summer activities!
  6. Visit the Library for activity days. Most libraries will have summer activities or events for the kids. Mine has some scheduled out every Monday and Wednesday. I take note of the ones that my kids are interested in. We went to a magic show last week and the kids had a blast. Best part? It’s FREE! Check your local or even neighboring libraries and put them on the calendar!
  7. Park Hop. You’ll be surprised at how many parks you have around you that you have NEVER visited. Ask your friends and neighbors where their favorite parks are and go check them out. We’ve found some cool ones recently that my kids love. Instead of going to the same one, switch it up. This will keep their attention and make park day last longer too.
  8. Service. I always find ways to serve during the summer. This way the kids aren’t focused just on themselves. Look around your community and find a way to help others. You could help out your own family like grandpa and grandma.
  9. Be a tourist in your city. When we travel to new cities we love doing these scavenger hunts. Why not get one for your own city? You’ll learn new things that the kids will remember every time they walk down that city street, or see that special building. If you don’t want to buy a scavenger hunt, you can always check Trip Advisor for your city and hit the hot spots.
  10. Buy a Membership to a local museum or attraction. This is something I like to do every summer. I find a new place to buy a membership to. This way on those days you have a few hours with nothing to do, you can head to that place and not have to pay a penny!

Jamba Juice Peach Pleasure Smoothie Copycat Recipe!

With National Smoothie Day being tomorrow I thought it was only fitting to give you my favorite copycat recipe, Jamba Juice’s Peach Pleasure Smoothie! This smoothie is so yummy and hits just the right spot on those hot summer days!

1/2 banana sliced
1 cup peaches (frozen)
1 cup peach juice
1/2 cup orange sherbet
1 cup ice

Place all your ingredients into the blender, fill with water and blend until smooth consistency is achieved! Sure hope you enjoy as much as we do!

**Don’t forget Jamba Juice is celebrating National Smoothie Day by offering FREE Small Smoothies on Friday, June 21st! **

5 Ways to Watch TV for Cheap

I know I have told you all before, but I have been over the cable game for a long, long time.  I simply despised paying over a hundred dollars a month just so my family and I could have an excuse to be lazy.  No thank you.

5 Ways to Watch TV for Cheap


Head to the library


Did you know that you can find more than books at the library?  That’s right, your local library will have lots of DVD copies of movies and even TV shows.  All for free! You just need a library card!




YouTube is great, isn’t it? I mean, honestly I don’t think my big kids watch anything other than YouTube for all kinds of things.  Video games being played, TV show reruns, funny videos, makeup and style tutorials. So many options…




Yeah, yeah, I know you were expecting this one, but c’mon.  No one can deny that Netflix changed the way we watched TV and the way that we saved money. Some people don’t love that about them, but I love that I save money so I’m going with it. Plus, Netflix has some amazing original TV shows that you can’t miss! (Stranger Things, anyone….)




Hulu has live sports.  Haha, that commercial is stuck in my head like 98% of them time, but they do have live sports and live TV for those of you that can’t wait for your show to hit Netflix.




As much as we may think it is, TV is not a requirement for a joyful, full life.  Just get out and do something other than watching TV. Even if it is for a small period of time.  When we first began our cable free journey, we started with cutting the cord just during the summer when there were no shows on anyway, and it was great.  It got our family out of the house more and more each day.


Those who have had cable for a long time may think that life without cable is impossible, but I assure you, it is actually quite freeing.

5 Ways to Save on Airfare

You guys!! I am so very ready to hop on a plane and go on vacation!  How about you? If you are wanting to go on a trip, and wanting to keep it on a reasonable budget, I have some tips for you!

5 Ways to Save on Airfare


Use an incognito search window  


Some people claim that this is an old wives tale, but I have tested the theory and it is right!  Use a private browser and you will see that it makes a huge difference in the price of the flights that come up.  Don’t believe me? Go check it out now.


Choose the cheapest days to fly out.


I have found for me, the cheapest days to fly are to fly out on Wednesday and to fly back on Saturday.  That said, I know that this isn’t always the case. I think that it is mostly the locations that I have chosen to fly to.  Be flexible with your dates and you will be more likely to find a deal.


Use a travel site.


Using a site such as Expedia has been how I have scored the best flight deals.  I recently bought 5 ROUND TRIP tickets from Portland to Phoenix for $83 each! $83!!!


Use budget airlines


You guys…don’t be airline snobs.  Choose the budget airline and save some serious money!  Remember those $83 tickets that I told you about? Those were on Sun Country Airlines, which is billed as a budget airline, but the plane was actually pretty nice.  Also, when we recently flew to Las Vegas, we happily chose a flight on Spirit Airlines, because it saved us big money!


Use points.


Credit cards that allow you to earn points toward an airline are a great thing to have because you can sincerely cut down on the price of your flight by using these.  Just be sure to use them wisely, my friends.

How to Stay Organized When Traveling with Kids

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. I love traveling with my spouse, friends and family. However, when traveling with kids, more patience, food, and organization is required. I’ve noticed when I am organized, then I feel more at peace and can have fun. There are a few tips I’ve learned while traveling with 4 young kids. Hopefully these will help you out as well.

  1. Each person carries their own items. If your kids are old enough to roll their own suitcase then let them do it! I feel like we try and carry or roll everything on our own and forget that kids are totally capable. We have a carry on suitcase for each kid in our family. That way we aren’t paying for extra luggage fees and it’s light enough that each kid can roll it on their own. We also have each person wear their own back pack. Inside are items they feel are important for the trip. They have to remember they will be the ones carrying it. So heavy and bulky items are usually out. We bought these Amazon Basic Carry on suitcases for each person in our family.
  2. Have one toiletry bag with essentials for the family. A good friend told me about this Personal Toiletry Bag and it’s amazing. There is room for all of your essentials like shampoo/conditioner, razors, nail clippers, band aids, makeup/face wash, toothbrushes and paste, brushes and hair clips, and so much more. It’s SO nice to have all of your toiletry items in one spot. Instead of saying, “Okay, go find your toothbrushes!” You know exactly where they are.
  3. Have one spot for electronics and chargers. Just like the toiletry bag, we have a small bag for electronics, cords, and chargers. It’s helpful to have them together when you have to go through security at the airport. They make you take out all of the electronics. If they are spread out in different bags, that would take a lot of time. This way it’s all in one spot.
  4. Color code bags and organizers for each person. I love having a color for each person. I know green will be for my youngest boy, and red is always my oldest. We color code our suitcases and water bottles. If you use organizational cubes, then choose different colors for those as well. That way you know just buy looking at something whose they belong to.
  5. Unpack when you reach your destination. If you are staying in a hotel or a place with a dresser, then use it! We like to unpack our clothing and stick our suitcases in the closet so we have room and know where our items are. Hang up the toiletry bag by the bathroom and you are set for your vacation. It’s so nice to know where things are and have a spot for everything to go. If everything is in disarray, you might get a little on edge.
  6. Pack Light. This might be obvious, but I hear people that pack huge packs of diapers, or full bottles of shampoo, when they really don’t need to. Pack as light as you can. Plan out your trip and plan outfits, shoes, and personal items you definitely need. If we are at a hotel for an extended period of time, we do a load of laundry.  I love having less clothing and doing one load, instead of having so many clothes and items that clothes get everywhere in the hotel. Less is best when traveling. Most likely you will be by stores if you forget or absolutely need something.

5 Healthy Habits You Should Start Today!

Getting fit isn’t easy but there are some healthy habits you should create. When you create these habits you’ll be able to get closer to your goals of getting healthy and fit. Just take things one day at a time.

First off make sure you’re eating a good breakfast. Don’t skip breakfast. You can put together overnight oats the night before if you’re not a morning person. Or I prefer making a shake with lots of greens. But breakfast is important, don’t miss it.

Drink your water. I always make it a goal to get at least 64oz but really shot for half my body weight. So make sure, especially in the summer heat, that you’re drinking your water and staying hydrated. Do this by keeping your water bottle filled or mix it up and add some flavor by squeezing a lemon in it.

Make yourself a priority. Set time aside each day to workout at the gym or even at home. Keep it simple and make it a goal to at least go 30 minutes each day. You’ll start to feel stronger and grow more confident in yourself the more you go.

Did you know sleep in important to your health? I sure hope so. If you have to be up early make it a point to get to bed on time. I know getting 8 hours can be hard but try it for a week and see how much better you feel. Put your phone away 10-15 mins before you go bed so your body can adjust and get ready to sleep. You’ll be surprise at just how well you feel.

This last one will not only save you money but keep you healthy, cook from home. Be smart in your cooking and make things you’ll enjoy eating. There are so many ideas and options out there to eating healthier. The more you cook the more you’ll become familiar with what’s best for you and your body type.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas Your Dad Will Love

Father’s Day is coming soon, are you ready? Maybe it’s just me, but Father’s Day is hard! I never know what to get my dad or father-in-law. This year I’ve done a little research and found some great ideas that they both will surely enjoy. Hopefully one of these ideas will be perfect for your dad as well!

Lawn Games. If your dad likes be outside or camp, these would be fun. Check out Amazon and grab a fun lawn game. The one I got for my dad this year is the Kubb Set. It’s fun for the whole family. You could also do bat mitten, spike ball, ladder ball and more.

Ticket to a Sporting Event. My father-in-law is all into sports. This is something that he would absolutely love. Check out the different teams that are playing and buy some tickets to the game. It would be fun to bring the whole family along as well. I mean grandkids and sports, what else do you need? 😉

Make your own Service Coupons. This is a great idea for the kids to give their dad or grandpa. Have them make coupons for a free service like: washing the car, cleaning out the garage, vacuuming a car, mowing the lawn or making him breakfast.

Date Night at a New Place. This is something that my dad and my husband would love to get. Think of what they love to do and plan a night out just for them. If they love sports then go to the batting cages, or Top Golf, find when a local team is playing and sit outside and watch a game. If food is their thing then make reservations at a new restaurant.

Give a  Fun Toy. Boys will be boys, right? Why not get a fun toy for them to play? I’m thinking a remote control car or drone would be fun. You could also get a RC helicopter or water boat. Anything RC would be a blast. Check out Amazon here.

Dress them in Style. This weekend is a great time to grab some clothes for great prices. Be specific and notice an item that they need. Whether is be new shoes or a sporting jacket. If it’s something you know they need and want, they will be more excited. If it’s another graphic tee, they may not be.

Personalized Items. If your dad likes more personalized items, then create a photo book or picture.  Somethings like this awesome deal for a free photo phone case. Something personal would be super sweet to give.

The First Cuts to Make to Your Budget!

Are you trying to tighten up your budget and save? It seems with a swipe of a card all your money just disappears but when you start tracking where your money is going you get better insight. So what do you start cutting back on to save money? Here are the first things you should cut out of your budget and stop spending money on.

  1. Restaurants
    For us this is usually where our money goes to waste. It’s quick, easy to pick up and just what I think I need after a long day. Often times it’s because we don’t plan ahead. I didn’t pack lunch before we headed out to the park or I just went to the grocery store instead of meal planning for the week. I just need a drink from my favorite soda shop. These expenses add up fast! Take my stop at the soda shop for example. I spend $3.20 every time I stop to get a drink which is usually 5 times a week. So in one month my soda stops are costing $64!
  2. Cable/Netflix
    You can also include all your other tv subscriptions like Hulu and such! I know it’s difficult to cut this out but really the cost adds up quick. We have found other options for watching tv including the ABC app. Although we can’t watch a show as soon as it airs we’re still able to catch up on our favorite shows for FREE! So look around at other ideas and cut out your tv subscriptions.
  3. Car Washes
    We have quite a few car washes close by that are so fun to go through but really if you’re taking your car throw the wash even twice a month for the basic wash, you’re spending around $12 a month which adds up to $144 a year! Do it yourself with a bucket of soapy water and the hose!
  4. Paper Products
    This one is a little harder for me to let go but a sweet friend of my brought it to my attention. She doesn’t buy paper towels, they don’t have any in their house. They just use their kitchen towels for any spills or wiping their hands with. Every penny counts here when you’re trying to cut back so give it a try!
  5. Cleaning Products
    Did you realize you can make your own cleaning products for so much cheaper? Vinegar and Dawn have really become my go to cleaning products when I’m cutting back. These items are cheaper than the name brand items you’ll buy at the grocery store.
  6. Gifts
    This might be the hardest one to cut as we’ve become a world of possessions. But get create with your gifts if you really feel the need to gift something to someone. I thoughtful homemade card is exactly what grandma will love. Or make your dear friend her favorite treat. There’s lots of options that are less expensive or even free (like time with each other) that they’ll love just as much!

How to Plan Your Family Summer Fun on a Budget

Are you ready for summer? I’m starting to get my summer organized and on budget. If you are on a tight budget then you probably know about how much money you have to work with each month this summer. Really, there are SO  many things you could do and not pay one penny. So here are some tips on how to start planning your summer that will save you money too.

  1. Go through your budget with your spouse and decide how much you want to spend each week/month on fun or extra family activities and then get your calendar out and start planning.
  2. First, I would put in any activity that you already  have planned, like vacations or events, and put them in your calendar and get an estimate on how much each will cost.
  3. Next, check your local city website for FREE activities and events going on. This is a huge money saver and they are so fun. You can put those on your calendar and know that those will be free. Many cities around will have plays, fireworks, and other events that the kids just love.
  4. Then, check with your family and friends and plan on cousin days, grandparent overnights, park days and more. This again, can be totally free and so much fun to be with family and friends. I like to plan a day each week to get together with my sister and their kids. I would say 95% of the time we don’t spend any money. Some days we do go get a snowcone or some treat, but can budget for that.
  5. If you have some money to spend on camps or classes, then first check your local city. They are SO  much cheaper there. My city has so many different camps and classes offered through the summer like- swimming lessons, archery, tennis, soccer, super sports, and so much more. Check the prices and see if it’s in your budget. These are always so fun for the kids to be outside and be active.
  6. If you have money left over each month, then add in those little extras like waterparks, mini golf, ice cream and snowcones. If you’ve spent your money, then go to parks, free movies and events. There is so much to do even if you have a small budget this summer. My kids would be happy with sprinklers in the back yard and otter pops. Keep this summer simple and on budget.

How Your Bad Habits Are Hurting Your Bank Account!

We all have bad habits and things we’re working on changing. But there are some habits you’re going to want to work hard to change because they could be hurting your bank account.

First one I want to mention is procrastinating. I mention this one first because it’s the one I struggle with the most. Yes that’s right, I’m still working on these as well. So how could procrastinating hunt your bank account? Well let’s talk holidays, Christmas to be exact. When I wait clear until December to start buying for Christmas not only am I stressed out about what to get everyone but the deals I’m hoping to find are slowing down. I’m spending more time looking for a good deal and more money. Procrastinating can hurt you as well when it comes to shopping for tickets, flights, hotels and more.

Now convenience over savings. As a mom I’m all about convenience but it’s my job to save as much money as I can for our family. So that means passing on the take out for dinner or having it delivered. I’ve also starting dividing up the snacks instead of buying them in individual bags. And we skip bottled water and use reusable water bottles instead. Although these little things aren’t big costs, they add up over time.

Here’s one that took me years to figure out. Buying items just because they’re on sale. I’ve been deal hunting for over 5 years now and when I first starting I was buying all the hot deals I thought we needed. Really all I was doing was spending money on unnecessary items. So the next time you turn down the clearance isle make sure you’re asking yourself “Do I NEED this or just WANT this”.

Do you have a warehouse membership? Although there’s a lot of good deals inside those doors, please remember just because you’re buying in bulk doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. Break down the price and make sure it’s at or below your stock up price. Also make sure if you’re buying produce you can eat it all before it goes bad. We don’t want to end up throwing your money away.

So if you’re just trying to change your bad habits or you’re working on saving for a big vacation or purchase, make sure you’re more aware of where and what you’re spending your hard earned money on.

5 More Reasons You Should Start a Garden

Yeah, Yeah, I am all about gardening right now!  It’s not too late to start one, my firiends! I am by no means a gardening pro, I mean I’m really quite far from being a green thumb, but my most successful garden ever was started on Memorial Day Weekend, so it is definitely not too late to get your garden started now if you haven’t already.

5 More Reasons You Should Start a Garden


You spend more time in nature.  


Oh my goodness, is it good for you to get outside!  There are so many things about being outside that are good for you, not the least of which is the benefits it has to your mental health.  Being in nature has been proven to reduce anger, fear, and stress, among many other mental health benefits. Get out in nature friends! You won’t regret it!


Giving back.


Giving back seems to be a thing in life lately and for good reason.  It’s important. It is important to give back to the earth as well. When you give back by gardening, you maintain a healthier balance in life for yourself, other people and even animals!


You need the vitamin D.


Exposure to sunlight is vital to building up vitamin D levels in your body.  Sure you can take a pill daily, but it doesn’t do nearly as well as a few minutes in the sun can do for you.  Appropriate Vitamin D levels help keep your immune system on track.


Freshly grown food tastes better.


I’m not even kidding here.  As soon as you get the opportunity to enjoy freshly grown food, you will notice a difference in the taste.  It is just so much better. Experienced gardeners: Have you noticed a difference?


No questions about where your food came from.


I spend a lot of time washing produce that I buy at the store.  My son has some pretty major allergies and because of these allergies, he has to be very careful to not ingest anything that isn’t natural such as pesticides and preservatives (he will break out into massive hives).  When I grow my own vegetables, I know what went into growing them, I know that I haven’t sprayed them with anything unnatural. It’s a relief just being able to grab a piece of produce and eat it without the worry.

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