Mother’s Day Gift Ideas on a Budget

mothers day gift f2dMother’s Day is coming up on May 12th and it’s time to get those Mother’s Day gifts in order. Every year I have to think of what I can get for my mom that would be sentimental, yet in our budget. Here are a few ideas that won’t break the bank and hopefully bring a smile on your moms face.

  1. Gift Cards. Make this gift card personal to a specific store. If I receive a gift card to Target or Walmart, I’m not super excited. I’ll most likely buy essentials or groceries. However, if I were to get a gift card to See’s Chocolates, ULTA Beauty, or to a  Spa I would be much more excited. This way I get to spend the money on ME! So think of your mom and her favorite places and spoil her with an excuse to go shop!
  2. Personalized Items. I love checking out Shutterfly this time of year. Make a personalized canvas print, blankets,or a mug. Personalized items are so much more fun especially when grand kids are involved! Check their front page to grab coupon codes to save money. There are gifts for any budget on this site.
  3. Getaway. If it’s been awhile since your mom has been on a getaway, check into Groupons Getaways and see if there is one close by that you can score. I know these are more expensive, but get a few siblings together and split the price, that way it wouldn’t be too bad. This is one that probably can’t be done every year, but if you could pull it of, she would be SO surprised!
  4. Jewelry. There are so many custom made jewelry stores and boutiques out there these days. Try looking at Jane and the different boutiques that offer fun jewelry options. Be sure to order yours soon so it can arrive in time for Mother’s Day. Again, there are some super affordable options.
  5. Garden Flowers or Trees. This is something my own mom loves getting each year. We actually go shopping together and she picks out which plant or tree she wants for her yard. She’s already planning and researching which one to get! To help with money, be sure to look on the Garden Nursery’s webpage for any coupons available.
  6. Grandma Questionnaire. For the grandmas out there, have the grand kids fill out these fun questionnaires. These are so fun to see what the kids say. This is a totally free gift and one that grandmas love and keep forever.

Fun Things to Do on the Trampoline This Summer!

The weather is warming up and the trampolines are starting to come back out! In our case we bought a new one this spring since our last one had seen better days. So with our new trampoline set up the kids have spent lots of time out there jumping and practicing their “tricks”. But there’s so much more than just jumping you can do on your trampoline! I’ve put together some fun ideas you can do this summer on your trampoline!

Chalk – the trampoline is like a big huge canvas and with the dark background the chalk colors really stand out. This is one my kids have loved doing and it’s easy to wash off.

Sprinkler – this was a childhood favorite I have my kids do and I’m sure lots of yours do it too. We’ll attach a sprinkler head to the hose and put it under the trampoline for some water fun. I even love this idea of running a hose around the trampoline!

Soap – add some soap to your water fun to make it into a slip and slide. This is super fun, I just recommend you have a net for this one cause it can get really slippery.

Outdoor Movie – If you have a projector your trampoline net is the perfect place to hang a sheet and enjoy a movie night out back. Grab some popcorn, blankets, pillows, and you’ll be set.

Campout – get adventurous and sleep on your trampoline. All you need is your blankets and a nice warm night.

Star Watching – this is another childhood favorite. My dad and I would have lots of great conversations while watching for shooting stars and satellites.

Ball Pit – Remember all the ball pits we grew up with? Make your own with your trampoline! The kids will love jumping into them and the net will keep them all on the trampoline.

Games – there’s some fun trampoline games you can look up online or bring back the classics like duck duck goose, Simon Says, hot potato, crack the egg and dead man.

How to Save Money on Toddler’s Birthday Parties

Do you have a little one at home?  Are you trying to figure out how to throw the best birthday party that fits into your budget?  Here’s the thing, this is one of those things that is ridiculously easy to do, but because we are all focused on being the best parents that we can be, we often completely overspend when it comes to kids’ birthdays.

Here are some tips for you on how to save money on toddler’s birthday parties:

Don’t Throw a Party

No, I don’t mean don’t celebrate it.  I mean, there is absolutely no reason to go crazy throwing a huge shindig for a toddler who will not remember the party anyway. Yes, you will have some great photos, but why not save that big budget for when your kid is old enough to really participate and remember it?

Family Only

Unless your toddler has lots of friends that they genuinely spend time with often, why not just have a party for family and close friends?  These are the people that they know and love the most so make it a comfortable affair and don’t worry about paying for lots of people.

Stay Home

My toddler turns three today (YAY!!), instead of opting for an expensive pizza party or other party that is going to cost a fortune, we decided that we are going to do a BBQ/Birthday Party with our extended family.  We all get to get together and celebrate our little man, he gets to have his favorite food (HOT DOGS!!), and it’s not going to cost us a lot of money. It will be lots of fun though!

Make the Cake Yourself

That cake is going to get smashed instantly anyway…why pay a fortune to have someone make a stunning cake just for it to be smashed and eaten with hands?  (Friends with little ones, you know what I am talking about).


What have you done to save money on parties for your kids?


How to Find More Time in the Day


Are you like me?  Busy parent, working adult struggling to find time to accomplish everything that is on your to-do list?  This to-do list seems to grow every single day and I feel like I just can’t ever reach the end. So…I decided to challenge myself to find more time in the day to accomplish more of my responsibilities and guess what?  IT WORKED!

That’s right. I found more time in the day.  Would you like to do this as well? If you said yes, then here it is, my friends.  Here are my favorite tips on how to find more time in the day to accomplish more of your to-do list:

  • Wake up earlier.  Don’t overdo it, especially if you are not a morning person, but give it a shot!  Even 15 minutes earlier in the day can give you more time to get stuff done. I wake up an hour earlier than my family and that allows me time to work out, check my email and sit quietly enjoying my coffee before it gets crazy.
  • Shut off social media.  That’s right, friends, it’s time to put a stop to the non-stop social media.  You don’t have to delete it, but give yourself a time limit on how much time you can spend each day.  You will be amazed at the stuff you can accomplish when you aren’t scrolling Facebook or Instagram.
  • Delegate.  You don’t have to do it all alone, unless you live alone that is, but if you have family or roommates in the house, there is no need for you to do everything.  I started handing off some chores to my children and it has brought me a ton of extra time!
  • Say no more.  Don’t be afraid to say no more often.  You are not a superhero, you cannot do it all.  Quit trying. Be realistic about the things that you can logically accomplish.  I promise it will feel so much better!

How have you found to bring more time to your day?

How to Keep Your Housework Under Control


Do you feel like your housework gets away from you sometimes?  Does it seem like you are constantly cleaning? No worries, my friends, we have some tips for you here on how to keep your housework under control so that you can take a breather and not stress so much about cleaning!

  1. If they live there, they do housework.  Family works together and keeping up with the housework.  Mostly though, that means that family needs to pick up after themselves.  No need in letting your kids or spouse get away with leaving their dishes on the table, or socks on the floor.  Cleaning up after your self takes very little work and everyone needs to do it.
  2. Set up a checklist daily.  Make sure you do a couple of things each and every day so that you are not overwhelmed at the end of the week with all that you have to do.  Some things need to be done each and every day, such as clearing the table and doing dishes, but some things you can set to do on specific days such as vacuuming and laundry.
  3. Never leave a room without taking something with.  If you are heading into another room in the house, make sure you don’t have empty hands.  You are headed out of the room anyway, so it isn’t causing you any work, but your house will look better if you pick stuff up as you go through.
  4. Do a quick cleanup every night.  Every night, I spend between 10-15 minutes to do a quick cleanup of the house.  I wipe down kitchen counters, make sure the table is clean, start the dishwasher, etc.  This helps me wake up to a more tidy home which helps me to keep the house clean on a more consistent basis.  


What about you?  What tips do you follow for keeping a cleaner home without it being stressful?

Top 5 Places to Visit in Austin, Texas

We recently got back from a trip to Austin, Texas. It was our first time exploring the city and it was simply amazing. It’s a city with a great variety of things to do and beauty is all around. We have 4 kids, so the activities we chose were more kid friendly, however I’m pretty sure all ages would enjoy these. Here are our top 5 spots to visit in Austin, Texas.

  1. Bike around Lady Bird Lake. We rented bikes from a local bike shop and rode the full 10 miles on the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike trail. It was perfect weather and beautiful. There are a lot of places to stop if you need a quick break. We were able to see a ton of turtles in the lake, Texas bluebonnets scattered around the path, and a group of people rowing on the lake. You can pack a lunch and bike around, taking as many stops as you would want. This was a favorite spot of ours.
  2. Hike to Mt. Bonnell. This is more of a walk up 115 (or so) stairs. Once you reach the top you’ll see a breathtaking view of the river and also the city of Austin. This is the highest point in Austin which makes the view great. We were able to see it at sunset which made it even more spectacular.
  3. Zilker Park. This park is close to the lake/river too. There is a cute train that takes you on a tour of the park. It’s a good 25 minute train ride, so you’ll be able to see a lot of the park. Our kids love trains, so this was definitely a highlight. Be sure to check out their hours and prices before you get there. This park is HUGE and a good one to bring a ball and go play.
  4. See the Austin Bats. Did you know this was a thing? Apparently around 1.5 million bats live under the Congress Avenue Bridge. At dusk during certain times of the year, you can see them fly all around you from that bridge. If you think that’s cool, then for sure go enjoy this unique experience.
  5. Eat Yummy Food. It’s true this isn’t just one stop, but whenever we visit a new city we like to try unique places to eat. When in Austin, you’ll want to eat some Texas BBQ, Torchy’s Tacos and try out the delicious donuts at Gordough’s. You can always check out Yelp and see what everyone is loving in the city.

Simple & Cheap Ways to Love Your Home Again!

We’re coming up on 5 years in our home. We loved our house when we found it, it was perfect just the way it was. But over time there’s been things we would like to change/do to the house to make it more our own and fall in love with it again. So if you’re in a rut and just looking to love your home again checkout these simple & cheap ways you can do just that.

  • Rearrange – if you don’t already do this you’ll find out fast how rearranging some of your furniture can really change the way you feel about the space. And, it will cost you nothing.
  • Declutter – Here’s another great way to love your home without spending anything. Sometimes when you live in a space for so long you fill it full. But simply getting rid of the things you don’t use and need can make your space not only look bigger but feel bigger too.
  • Add Color – A great way to brighten a place and make it feel inviting is to add some color. If you’re working on loving your master bedroom why not find some fun colored pillows for your bed. You don’t have to go get a whole new bedding set, start small and add color to the space.
  • Eat at Home – as simple as this sounds it can make a difference about how you feel at home. If you’re enjoying your home, using it and being there, you’ll start to love it.
  • Add Plants – for me this one’s tricky cause I don’t have a green thumb. But if you could add some plants maybe in the kitchen, bedroom and even living room you’ll feel a difference in that room.
  • Add Art – so maybe the plant thing isn’t for you, find some art you can add to your walls. I even love the idea of adding family pictures around the house. It will help it feel more homey and liven up the space you’re in.
  • Scents – who doesn’t love the smell of fresh made cinnamon rolls or home made bread? Add your favorite scents to your home. I have a few different ones I love to use to add scent to my home. Often times I’ll turn on our diffuser, light a candle or even spray fabreeze through the house.
  • Slow Down – Take time to breathe in your own home. Grab your favorite drink, a good book, and just sit down. Take time with your family, listen to the birds, watch the rain, get off your electronics and really enjoy your surroundings.

5 Reasons You Should Have a Garden


It’s spring and if your social media fees is anything g like mine,you are likely seeing lots and lots of gardening posts. I love it! Gardening is a great way to get back to our roots! (See what I did there?) While we do have access to food in stores unlike our ancestors, they were really lucky in that gardening was a way of life so they ate delicious healthy produce all the time!

Do you have a garden at home? You should!  There are many, many benefits to gardening, but we are going to talk about just a couple of them here. Ready?

Here are 5 reasons you should have a garden:

  1. Save money! When was the last time you walked through the grocery store? Have you noticed how expensive it is?! Growing your own food means saving money, my friends. I’m in. How about you?
  2. Lower stress. Gardening has been proven time and time again as a great stress buster! Getting out there and getting your hands dirty is a great way to leave the stress of the day behind you.
  3. It’s fun! Have you ever had a garden? Truth be told, it’s actually a lot of fun. The results that come from gardening are quite fulfilling.
  4. Helps keep you learning.  Gardening is a way to keep learning over and over. Its refreshing!
  5. Food tastes better! You may think I am exaggerating, but I am definitely not. Food grown in your garden tastes so much better than store bought produce!

But what if you don’t have enough space? Honestly this isn’t really a good excuse. Even those who live in apartments can have a container garden or if nothing else you can grow herbs in your window sill.

I’m looking forward to hearing all about everyone’s gardening experience.

Space Center Houston: Tips to Know Before You Go

I’ve always had a fascination with space. The Space Center Houston has been on my bucket list for years. Just recently we were able to visit the space center and it did not disappoint. Being the money conscious person I am, I always like to know how to go places for cheap. So here are 5 tips that will save you time and money at Space Center Houston.

Admission tickets: When shopping for tickets, there are a few decisions you need to make. If you are spending more time in the Houston area, then you’ll want to check out the Houston City Pass. The pass includes:Space Center Houston, Downtown Aquarium, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston Zoo OR Museum of Fine Arts, Kemah Boardwalk OR Children’s Museum of Houston. If you have time to do all of these, then for sure grab that ticket. Another way to save on admission tickets is to be part of the ASTC Travel Passport Program. You may already have a membership for a different museum that is part of this program. If so, that membership will let you in for FREE! For example, I have a Thanksgiving Point membership here in Utah, which is part of the ASTC program. So I was able to get 2 adults and 2 kids in for FREE. Yay! This membership will also save money on parking as well.

Tram Ride: The highlight of the center is the tram ride to the mission control building and the astronaut training center. The big tip for this is if you have a membership, like the ASTC or become a Space Center member, you have a separate line to get on the tram which will save you SO much time. These two tram rides are about 45 minutes each, so you’ll want to plan accordingly. You can’t bring any food or drinks on your ride.

Food: They do have a nice food court available for eating your food. You can either bring your own lunch and snacks or buy some there. They have a good family pizza meal deal that we decided to do for our family. Also, be aware that the food court closes early as well. Be sure to grab your food before 4:00. They have soda machines and Dip n Dots machines, but they only take cash, so be prepared.

Planning Your Time: When you arrive, be sure to ask what special events they have going on. When we were there, they had a real astronaut that was able to speak to us and answer questions. Events like that are so worth going. Be aware that the center starts closing BEFORE the 5:00 hour. If you want to go out on the deck and see the shuttle and plane, you need to be out there by 4:15 to look around. They start closing it down about 4:45 or earlier. You’ll want to be on the tram even earlier. Check with the workers there to see when the last tram ride will leave.

5 MORE Fun & Unique Ways to Have an Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter is this weekend can you believe it? I’m not a huge fan of the crazy public egg hunts but my kids love going around collection eggs so I’ve come up with some ways we can, at home, still have fun hunting for eggs!

  1. Neighborhood Hunt – we put out word that we’ll be hosting an egg hunt (usually the Friday or Saturday before) and anyone who would like to participate with us just needs to donate 10 filled eggs. Then the day of the hunt, every kid gets to go hunt for 10 eggs. There’s no fighting over eggs or someone getting more than someone else and they get all different kinds of goodies since everyone donates different things.
  2. Golden Ticket – similar to the golden egg ideas that we talked about last year but this is hidden inside the egg so no one knows who won the ticket until they sit down to open their eggs. (You could easily make one for each kid so you don’t have upset/hurt fillings)
  3. Reverse Egg Hunt – this year have the kids fill the eggs. Inside have them write on slips of paper things they’d like (extra TV time, stay up late, etc.) and let them hide them. Then you (the parents) have a set amount of time to find the eggs. Which ever eggs you don’t find, they get to keep!
  4. Scrambled Egg Hunt – inside each egg put a letter. Once the kids have collected all the eggs they need to unscramble the letters to figure out what their prize is. This is perfect if you’re getting the kids a new bicycle, swing pool or other bigger item you can’t fit in an Easter Basket.
  5. Egg Hunt for Adults – You could have so much fun with this if you have all adult children or you just want to do something fun with your spouse. Come up with some fun things to put inside your Easter eggs and go on a hunt. You could incorporate any of the other hunts from this article or last years to make it fun and unique (I love the idea of doing a glow in the dark egg hunt with my husband, could make it a fun at home date night idea!)

Why You Shouldn’t Stress the Mess

Are you in a constant state of stress about how messy your home is?  Are you always worried about who might stop by and what they are going to think about the disarray in your home?  If you said yes to either of these, I have something to say to you. Stop stressing the mess!

Okay, let’s just clear a little something up here.  If you are a hoarder, or if your home is dirty, dirty, then yes, please stress the mess a little bit.  That’s just unsafe and unhealthy for you and your family. However, if your problem is more like dishes in the sink or a load of laundry you have yet to fold, or just a pile of toys that your kids drug out, just relax.

I recently read an article that talked about how even Marie Kondo doesn’t always stress the mess.  It’s all about perspective and my perspective is that you need to be able to be calm and collected instead of always stressed out.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t stress the mess:

  • We all need a break sometimes. Whether you work outside of the home, or you stay home working with the kids all day, you are likely in need of a break!  Sometimes your sanity is worth more than having a clean kitchen at the end of the night.
  • Your kids want to spend time with you!  Seriously, what kid looks back fondly on all of those times when mom and dad were cleaning?  Yeah, they don’t. They look back fondly on the times that mom and dad played with them and built memories.
  • Your guests will feel more comfortable.  Okay, again, if your house is a terrible mess, this isn’t going to be the case, but I promise that outside of your mother in law, no one is going to be offended by a load of unfolded laundry.
  • You can do it later.  If your kids are asking for some time to play with you, but you feel it’s more important to do the dishes, think about it for a minute.  The dishes can easily be done in an hour, instead of right now. Don’t waste the time you have.


This is kind of a hot button topic for some people.  How do you feel about it?

Cheap Vacation Lodging Options


Are you looking desperately for a budget friendly vacation idea?  If you really want to take your family on a vacation, but you don’t have a ton of extra cash, it’s ok.  That doesn’t mean you can’t do it.


Here are some of my favorite cheap vacation lodging options for your best, cheap vacation lodging:


Tent Camping – Tent camping is super cheap!! Many campgrounds around my area are like $20 per night!  Some are even as low as $5! Why not rough it and go camping? You just may have an amazing time!


Yurt camping – I just rented a yurt for my family and I and it was just $90 for two nights!  Not bad at all and there are almost all of the comforts at home (minus a bathroom, but most camping resorts have restrooms nearby). We love yurt camping!


Cheap motels – How much time do you actually spend in your room when you are on vacation?  Probably not that much! That being said, who cares what your room looks like. Hop onto expedia, orbitz or other travel site and grab yourself a cheap room!  You’ll be amazed at what you can find.


Car camp. I know a ridiculous number of people who camp in their car once they get to their destination. I myself have done it once, but I definitely prefer having a bed or at least a mat to sleep on.  Some people love it though, so don’t look past this option.


Crash with a friend.  Do you have any friends or family where you are going?  Why not crash with them for a night or two? We recently did this on a trip we took and it was a blast!  We did give our friend a gift card for a local restaurant to make up for us being there, but not only did we get a free place to stay, but we got a chance to visit friends we don’t often see!


What is the cheapest way you have found to stay?

How to Save on Vacation Rentals


Are you wanting to take a sweet vaca, but not wanting to spend a lot on it?  I have recently been looking at vacation rentals for my family for this summer and oh my goodness, the prices I was seeing had me seriously rethinking things!  

I have found some ways of saving though, so I thought I would share with you in case you were hoping to do the same.

Here are some of my favorite tips on how to save on vacation rentals:

Check Craigslist – Okay, okay, I know that everyone seems to be all about AirBnB, but personally I’m not finding much savings with it. I don’t love all of the crazy fees attached.  I haven’t even looked on AirBnB this time around, I am checking out Craigslist and finding much better deals.

Rent privately – I have found that when a person rents out their homes themselves, it is often much cheaper than when they use a rental service.  I’m all about saving that money! I often find the house on Craigslist and then find the website that the person has for their home and rent direct.

Look for Rent Two (or 3) Nights, Get One Free – LOTS of houses offer deals like rent two nights and get one free!  That helps bring down costs considerably.

Stay longer.  Oftentimes the cleaning fees and taxes really bring up the cost of the homes.  That’s why it makes sense to stay as long as possible. Those fees are the same regardless of how long you stay, so why not make it worth it?

Go with others – Why not rent a vacation house with friends or family and save?!  We like to go all in with my husband’s two siblings and their families.  We are then able to cut the cost in 3! We always look for 3 bedroom homes and the kids often have a sleepover with their cousins in the living room.  It works great for us!

Go in the off season – I was looking at a particular house last night that was $239 per night during the summer when we were looking to go.  However, if we went from Mid-May through Mid-June or from Sept. 2 through Sept. 15 the price goes down to just $109 per night.  That’s less than half the cost!

What ways have you found to save on vacation rentals?

8 Fun & Unique Ways to Have an Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is just around the corner. I have to admit, when I was little I was never super fond of Easter Eggs hunts. It seemed like I was always the one at the end who couldn’t find those last few eggs. It was only months down the road that those eggs would show up! So that’s where they were! However, being a mom of little kids, I have to give in and do egg hunts every year. Most years it seems like we end up doing one with each side of the family so MORE egg hunts for us! I will admit it is pretty fun to see the kids eyes light up with excitement as they find those eggs. So, if they are happy, I’m happy. Here are 8 unique Easter Egg hunt ideas that just may have you (and me!) a little more excited for egg hunts this year.

  1. Scavenger Egg Hunt: Write a clue in the first egg that will direct them to the next egg. Continue with this for however long you want until they get to the last clue with the prize/presents at the end. You could even make a scavenger hunt for each kid if they are old enough to do them on their own.
  2. Color Code Eggs: This is a tradition in my family. Every Easter morning we are given a color that is our color for the egg hunt. That means we can only find those eggs that have stickers with our color on it. If we see an egg with a different color sticker on it, then we leave it and don’t tell anyone. We have a number of how many eggs/prizes we get to find. This helps with those little kids that may need some “easy” hiding places. Put those out in the open and hide the older kids a little harder. This way you can also get the same amount of eggs/prizes for every kid. No fighting!
  3. Gold Easter Egg: Tell the kids that during their hunt they each get to find one Gold Easter Egg. Inside put something special and personal. Like “Date night with mom & dad” or “Late Night with Friends” or “Let’s go to the Movies!” Something that would help you spend more time with them. This gives a little more excitement to the hunt as well.
  4. Tag Team Easter Egg Hunt: If you are having an egg hunt with a big family, this is super fun! Split the group into even teams. Then you say “Go!” the first person from each team runs and finds an egg and brings it back. They tag the next person on the team and then they go find an egg. The first team to get through their whole team either once or twice (depending on how many eggs you have) wins.
  5. The REAL Egg Hunt: Does anyone ever use REAL eggs anymore? I feel like they are mostly plastic now days. But with this hunt you need to make and dye Easter Eggs. Which is half the fun, right?? Once they are dyed and decorated then hide them in designated location. Have each person try to find a certain number of eggs and none of them can be ones that they made. This is super fun at the end to see the designs of other people.
  6. In the Dark Egg Hunt: This is super fun for those older kids that may think they are done with eggs hunts. Put small pieces of glow sticks in Easter eggs and hide them around the yard when it’s dark outside. You can then let them outside and see who can get the most or just let them go for it. It makes it pretty cool looking too.
  7. Let’s Move! Egg Hunt: In each egg have an action or exercise that they need to accomplish before going on to the next egg. It’s funny to watch them go find the eggs. You’ll suddenly see them start doing jumping jacks, somersaults, cartwheels, jumping and running. If you need to get energy out or if you don’t want more candy, this is a great way to do it!
  8. Puzzle Egg Hunt: Buy a puzzle that is appropriate for your age group. When you buy it you need to put it together first and then write your secret message on the back. It could be a rhyme or poem describing where they can find their end treasure. Then put 1 piece of the puzzle in each egg. The kids have to work together to find all of the eggs and then put the puzzle together. They then need to solve the question on the back of the puzzle and go find their prize. So fun!

2019 Tax Day Deals & Freebies Round-Up!

There are so many awesome Tax Day Deals coming up Monday, April 15th! I thought it would be nice to have all the deals in one place. So here is your 2019 Tax Day Deal Roundup:

  • Arby’sFREE small curly fries on April 15th. In the past you’ve had to print a coupon off their site so keep your eyes open for that offer. (No purchase required)
  • Boston Market – You can score 2 chicken meals for just $10.40 starting April 10th – 14th (no coupon required)
  • Bruegger’s BagelsApril 10th through April 15th you can get a Big Bagel Bundle for just $10.40! That’s 13 bagels and 2 tubs of cream cheese. (Download the coupon from their site)
  • Cinnabon – Two free classic Bites to each customer on April 15th (no purchase required)
  • Firehouse Subs – get a FREE medium sub with the purchase of a medium sub, chips and drink from April 15th through April 17th
  • Great American Cookie – They will be giving away a FREE cookie on April 15th, you can check for location here.
  • Hot Dog on a Stick – April 15th get a free original Turkey or Veggie Dog (no purchase necessary) limit one per customer
  • HydromassageFREE massages are available April 18th through April 22nd. It is at the discretion of the business owner whether or not to participate in this promotion so you are strongly encouraged to call ahead to be sure that the location will honor this promotion and schedule a time for your free experience. (They’ve also expanded to include many Planet Fitness Center locations)
  • McDonald’s – they have several offers going on including buy one get one Big Macs and Quarter Pounders with Cheese for 1 cent, 15 cents, or 25 cents, free small French fries, or 59-cent hamburgers.
  • National Parks – Don’t forget it’s national park free entrance this same week. You can get in for free April 20th-28th
  • Scholotzsky’s – on April 15th you can get a FREE original sandwich with a purchase of a medium drink and bag of chips

If you click on each deal in the list above, it will give you specific details on what time the freebie is offered and anything else you will need to know! When you hear about any others, leave a comment below and we’ll add them to the list!

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