How to Save on Kids Sports

Do your kids play sports?  Mine do and let me tell you, it can get very, very expensive.  I’m sure I have told you before, but I have 3 kids, their ages are 14, 11 and 2.  Thankfully I don’t have all three kids in sports at once, but just the two can cost a pretty penny sometimes.  Not too long ago, I spent $600 in one day signing my kids up for basketball and buying their shoes. Never again, my friends!  I love that my kids play sports, but I need it to be more affordable than that!

Here are some of the tips I follow on how to save on kids sports:

  • Ask for scholarships.  Most schools and/or kids athletic programs offer scholarships.  Sometimes you have to meet an income requirement, but not always.  Just check it out! Also, if a payment plan works better for your budget, you might find that you can do that too!
  • Shop clearance.  Gear is expensive!  Shop the clearance section of your local sporting good store for the gear you need.
  • Shop second hand.  Just because gear has been used, means nothing, it is likely just as good as the brand new version.  I don’t recommend this on shoes, but otherwise I say shop used!
  • Look for a giving closet.  In my local kids inc office (local sports program for kids), they have a huge room full of second hand stuff that they give away to kids that are playing sports and whose parents might be having a hard time affording.  Don’t be afraid to check them out. I have personally donated brand new stuff before.
  • Look at other programs.  A sports program at a different club or even in a neighboring town might actually be considerably cheaper than the one you have been checking into.  Don’t be afraid to check it out. You might be able to save big!

How do you save on kids’ sports?

How to Save on Car Insurance

I remember how ridiculously excited I was to become a driver.  I had a special calendar where I counted down the days until I got my license and could be out on the open road all by myself.  Man..those were the days, weren’t they?

Now, driving is so expensive that it just sucks.  But that’s what is needed when you are an adult and you need to go to work!

If you are like me and you are looking for tips on how to save on car insurance, I have gathered some tips that can help!

  • Drive less.  It’s true. The less you drive, the less you will have to pay for car insurance.  This is great if you live in the city and you don’t commute far for work. Unfortunately we commute 40+ minutes each way to work every day so this one isn’t an option for us.
  • Don’t buy new.  New cars cost so much more to insurance than older ones do!  This is for several reasons, first of all, older cars aren’t worth as much, therefore the replacement cost isn’t nearly as high.  Secondly, if you have a loan out on a car, you have to have full coverage insurance. If you drive a car that is fully paid for, you can just have liability insurance on it which is much less expensive.
  • Raise your deductible.  If you are looking to lower your insurance bill, consider raising your deductible.  Of course, only do this if you are able to afford the deductible in the event of an accident.

These are just a couple of the simple things that you can do to save more on your insurance bill.  What tricks have you found to help you save on this expense? I would love to hear more ideas!

5 Creative Spring Snacks Your Kids Will Love

It’s spring time which means the birds are chirping, the rain is falling and the sun is shining just a little more than before. I love the symbols of spring. I was noticing all of the cute snacks that people make associated with spring. My kids tend to eat better when the snack looks “cute.” Here are 5 spring snacks that my kids loved and I hope yours will too.

Chocolate Pretzel Birds Nest by Our Kids Mom is so fun and easy. It’s a quick snack the the kids could actually help you make.

Mom Endeavors has these cute kid snacks that are cut and shaped in fun ways. This might be a great way to get those picky eaters eating a healthier snack. I love that you can use a variety of fruits to make these.

How cute are these? You can make these Buzzing Bee Snack Bags by My Home Based Life and completely customize them to your kids preference. Put in one size of their favorite cereal and the other with a fun snack. Super easy and the kids and make their own bee so they know which bag is theirs.

I don’t know about you, but spring brings a TON of worms around our house. These Oreo Dirt Cups are not only one of my kids favorite snacks, but I really enjoy them too. Shari Blogs has the easy directions to make this yummy spring treat.

I love a quick snack and this is super cute for the spring time. These yummy snacks work really well together too. Head over to A Cup Full of Sass and you can get see the items she puts in this mix. Obviously, you can switch out and add in your favorite’s!

Crapes 3 Different Ways Everyone is Going to LOVE!

These crapes are a family tradition! Twice a year we get together with extending family for breakfast and make a crape buffet. We came across these 3 different ways of making them and it’s stuck for the past few years cause they’re just that good. Pick one or make them all, you just can’t go wrong!

Chocolate Strawberry Crepes
½ cup chocolate hazelnut spread
10 strawberries, sliced
Powdered sugar

1. Spread half of the chocolate hazelnut spread on half of the crepe.
2. Lay half of the strawberries on the chocolate spread.
3. Fold the other half of the crepe on top of the strawberries, then fold the crepe in half.
4. Repeat with the other crepe.
5. Dust with powdered sugar, then serve!

Caramel Banana Crepes
½ cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 bananas, sliced
Whipped cream
Caramel sauce

1. In a pan over medium heat, mix the brown sugar and butter until slightly bubbling.
2. Add the cinnamon and bananas, stirring until bananas are evenly coated with the caramel.
3. Remove from heat and cool.
4. Spread half of the banana mixture on half of one crepe.
5. Fold the other half of the crepe on top of the bananas, then fold the crepe in half.
6. Repeat with the other crepe.
7. Serve with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce!

Berry Cheesecake Crepes
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blueberries
1 cup blackberries
2 tablespoons lemon juice
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup powdered sugar
1 8-ounce block cream cheese, softened
Powdered sugar to garnish

1. In a pot over medium heat, combine all the berries with the lemon juice and the sugar, stirring until the mixture comes to a boil.
2. Cook for about 2 minutes, then remove from heat and cool completely.
3. Mix the cream cheese with the powdered sugar until smooth.
4. Spread half of the cream cheese mixture on one side of the crepe.
5. Spread half of the berries on top of the cream cheese.
6. Fold the crepe over the berries, then fold in half.
7. Repeat with the other crepe.
8. Serve with powdered sugar!

And for all of you visual learners, you can checkout the video on how to make these over on YouTube! They’re so simple to make but yet delicious! Which one are you anxious to try first?!

How to Not Feel Guilty for Saying No


When you are trying to save money it is often hard to say no to invitations to do fun stuff!  You don’t want to feel left out and you don’t want those that are inviting you to feel like you don’t want to hang out with them.  That being said, you will not reach your financial goals if you are continually spending money on frivolous stuff like going out to clubs, restaurants, etc.

Here are some tips on how to not feel guilty for saying no:

  • Offer an alternative.  If you are being invited out to dinner, you can politely decline, but instead, offer a dinner party at your house.  To save even more money, you can make it a pot luck.
  • Explain.  While our financial lives are no one’s business but our own, you can explain that you are trying to reach some financial goals and these excursions are not in line with those goals. Explain that it is not a forever thing and that once your goals are met, you will be happy to join in on the fun again.
  • Forget it.  Focus on yourself and no one else.  You will be in a better place soon and you are going to love the feeling of being much less stressed with life once you are in a better financial place.  If your friends can’t understand that, then maybe they aren’t such good friends after all.

How have you found to make it easier to say no to invites and expectations? I think many of us struggle with this so it would be nice to hear other people’s opinions.

Whatever you do, keep going!  Don’t let FOMO or other people’s opinions of your choices dictate what you do.  Only you know what is best for you and your family and I believe in you. You have got this!


How to Dine Out for Less


Are you tired of not going out to eat because you are saving money?  I mean, going out to eat really isn’t a necessity and you can save so much money by not doing it, but sometimes it is nice to not cook.  I know I am not the only one who thinks like this!

Here are some of my favorite tips for how to dine out for less.

  • Check for coupons.  Many restaurants offer coupons, you just have to know where to look.  Here are a couple of places I have found coupons for restaurants in the past.
    • Newspapers.  Gasp. Yep, newspapers still exist and you can often find coupons in your local paper for local restaurants.  I find find food coupons in mine all the time.
    • The back of your grocery receipts.  Have you ever looked at the back of your grocery receipt.  I have a Safeway store that I shop at often and there is almost always coupons on the back for local restaurants and fast food places.
    • Google.  Seriously, a simple Google search will bring up lots of restaurant coupons, don’t forget to check.
    • Groupon.  Groupon is an awesome place for restaurant deals and lately they have been offering lots of cash back restaurant deals.
  • Sign up for loyalty programs.  I have a couple of restaurants that I am signed up for their loyalty program.  Red Robin for example, often offers coupons via their program, you will also get free meals on your birthday, etc.
  • Text offers.  Many restaurants such as Papa Murphy’s pizza offers text deals.  Several times per week I get a text offer for 25%-50% off of any menu pizza.  This comes in handy on pizza nights.
  • Take advantage of happy hour.  Happy hour is awesome for saving money!  You can often find super cheap drinks, or half price appetizers, etc.

What ways have you found to save money on going out to eat?

Yummy Neiman Marcus Chicken Salad Recipe

I really don’t like thinking about what to make me for lunch everyday. It’s exhausting! So when I saw this recipe I know this would be one I could make over and over again. If you are on a low carb diet, then just put this on a bed of lettuce and go to town. This one is easy to make and super yummy.

Neiman Marcus Chicken Salad
Recipe and picture by Jam Hands
Makes about 6 cups


  • 1 lb. cooked chicken breasts, cut into 1/2″ cubes  (I like to use rotisserie chicken)
  • 1 cup good quality mayonnaise
  • 1 cup finely diced celery
  • 1 cup halved purple grapes
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
  • 1 Tablespoon finely chopped parsley (I used 2 teaspoons dried)
  • 1 tsp, kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup freshly whipped cream
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. If you  haven’t already done so, toast the almonds (400-f degrees for 7 minutes) and whip heavy whipping cream.
  2. Combine the chicken, mayonnaise, celery, grapes, almonds, parsley, and salt in a bowl. Add whipped cream and pepper; fold to combine.
  3. Serve on lettuce or a croissant.

Fun & Easy April Fools Day Pranks!

Who’s excited for April 1st? In our house that means lots of laughs as we pull pranks because it’s APRIL FOOLS DAY! You have your food pranks to pull and even some simple tricks but I thought I’d put together some of my favorites for you!

  • Brownies – simple cut out a ton of Brown paper “E” and put them in a bowl. The kids can have some Brown E’s when they get home from school.
  • Change the color of your water! I’ve tried this by using a color tablet and placing it just inside the faucet head. Or you could use a cotton swab to rub gel food coloring around the inside of the faucet.
  • Snag the kids school shoes the night before and wad up some tissue paper and cram it inside their shoes. Might want to plan a couple extra minutes so you’re not late for school.

Ready to have some fun with pranks for kids? LONG list of harmless April Fool's Day jokes. Easy stuff!

  • I think this one looks super fun to try this year. Just find a plastic spider and glue it on the toilet paper for a fun surprise as they unroll the tissue.
  • Googly eyes are always fun. Add them to your fridge items the night before. I even had a cousin put googly eyes on the babies eyes on diaper boxes at the store. I’m sure it got some good laughs as customers walked by.
  • Undrinkable juice is a classic. I filled a cup with jello and let it set up the night before with a straw in it. They tried and tried to get that “juice” out but it just wasn’t happening.

17 Easy April Fools' Day Pranks To Play On Your Friends | HuffPost

  • We’re big Office fans so you bet we’ve put a stapler in jello! This would be a great work joke you could pull as well.
  • Use Facebook for your benefit this April Fools day and post your significant other’s item for sale (super cheap so you get a lot of interest) and watch them receive calls and text all day for their car that’s for sale or tv!
  • Unscrew the top of your shampoo bottles (or lotion, soap, etc) and place saran wrap across the top of it. Put the lid back on and clip off the saran wrap that’s hanging out. They’ll never understand why they can’t get any out.
  • Did you know you can use an app to make your phone or tv look like it’s been shattered! Checkout PicsArt Photo Editor + Collage app to do it! Fun to do especially if your significant other is working that day.

What pranks are you planning on this April Fools Day?!?

How to Rock Your Staycation


Are you all about the stay cation this year?  Look, we see stuff posted all the times from friends on vacation, we see ads for vacation packages, the list goes on.  The truth is though, you can have just as much fun having a “stay cation” at home than a big vacation and you are going to save a hell of a lot too!

Here are some tips on how to rock your stay cation to make it your best one yet!

  • Act like a tourist.  Check out your own town from the perspective of a tourist.  You may find some super cool things about your town that you never knew existed!  Check out your local museums and visitor’s centers.
  • Do nothing.  Maybe you don’t want to do anything at all and that is perfectly ok!  Do that!
  • Find free entertainment.  Do a search for free musical acts (you will be surprised at what you find), check out what if any festivals are happening (oftentimes you can walk through vendors fairs, etc. at little to no cost.
  • Do you chores in advance.  Don’t spend all of your time off doing work around the house.  Make sure to do any housework or projects before you take your staycation so that you are not tempted to do them while you are home.
  • Save some fun money.  Make sure to put some fun money aside so that you have a little bit of money to work with.  Because you are not going on an extravaggant vacation, it doesn’t have to be a lot, but you do want to have a little bit to work with when it comes to entertaining yourself.
  • Go to a new restaurant.  Use Google again and search for the hottest restaurant in your area and go to it (or oder in).  How often do you get food from a new place? Not very often, I bet. Be wild, be crazy, order new food!


Have you had a successful staycation before?  What did you do?

Cheap Meals that Will Help You Save Money

We are all trying to save money over here.  I’m not the only one then? It occurred to me the other day that my daughter is about to turn 15 so that means I have about a year left before we start having to pay extra on our insurance and paying a little more for gas for her car.  Before anyone complains that she needs to pay for it herself, just know that she is a busy student athlete and these are both important in our eyes. We also live quite a ways from the school, so her driving is going to save me a tremendous amount of time.

Anyway…the point is that we need to up our saving game!  Our meal planning is one way we are going to do that. If you need some help with your cheap meal planning, here are some cheap meals that will help you save money:

  • Rice and beans.  If you have ever listened to Dave Ramsey, I know you have heard that rice and beans are just about the cheapest meal that you can make.
  • Eggs and toast.  Breakfast is almost always cheap.  That’s why this isn’t the last breakfast meal that you will see here.
  • Pancakes.  Pancakes are super easy to make and very, very cheap!  You can whip up a huge batch of pancakes for just a couple of dollars.
  • Oatmeal.  Oatmeal can be made for literally pennies per serving.  We like to serve oatmeal with eggs and maybe a little fruit.  It is a very well rounded meal and costs close to nothing!
  • Spaghetti. Before I went gluten free for my health, spaghetti was one of my favorite meals.  It is also a very inexpensive meal. Another bonus to spaghetti night is that there was always leftovers, which makes a cheap meal even more budget friendly.

What is your favorite go-to, cheap meal?

How to Save Money for Home Improvements


Do you own your home?  Is your budget not allowing for the home improvements that you are needing?  Or, are you simply wanting to update the look of your house and don’t have the money to do so?

No worries, my friends!  You can do it! Here are some tips on how to save money for home improvements:

  • Start a side hustle.  Work on yards, babysit, start sewing (if you are good at that sort of thing), be a virtual assistant…so many options!  Get hustling, folks! You can make lots of money to put toward anything you need!
  • Get a second job or take on some overtime. If you don’t have enough money coming in to do the projects you are wanting to do, you simply need to make sure that you start bringing more money in.
  • Brown bag it.  I mentioned this yesterday, but the average American family spends over $3000 each year on dining out. Skip going out and you can save your family almost $300 per month!  You can do a lot of home improvements with that much extra cash.
  • Sell your stuff. I know I am always preaching this, but go through your stuff and get to selling folks!  You can make so much money getting rid of your unused stuff.

You can make home improvements easier and more affordable with these additional tips:

  • Find used materials.  Many times people change their minds on projects so used materials are still in great shape.
  • Do the work yourself.  With most things, you will find that you can do the work yourself at a huge savings.  
  • Shop at the Habitat for Humanity store.  Many times when a contractor has too many materials for their job they will donate the rest to the Habitat for Humanity store.  You can get seriously steep discounts by shopping here.

How to Save money for a Summertime Vacation


Are you hoping to take a trip this summer? Is your budget not looking like its going to work for a fun trip? Well, fret no more! You still have time! Just follow these tips and you can learn how to save money for a summertime vacation!


  • Get a second job. Check the classifieds, talk to friends, see what’s out there. The are often lots of temporary jobs out there. Of course,  don’t work yourself to death, but if you feel like you could do a little more, do it! You’ll have enough for vaca in no time!
  • Skip the restaurant.  The average family spends over $3000 each year on dining out. That’s almost $300 per month. Let’s say you want to take a trip in July. That leaves April, May and June to save and that equals $900 that you can use for vaca!
  • Start your side hustle. Are you crafty? Do you have a marketable skill? Start your own business or side hustle to start putting money away! You might just be surprised how much you will earn.
  • Sell your stuff. Start selling your clothes you no longer wear. You can sell via Poshmark, Mercari, or even the FB Marketplace.  I know people who makes hundreds of dollars per month doing this!


Don’t be afraid to schedule a vacation that’s no super fancy or expensive either. Keep it close so you don’t need to pay for airfare. Maybe plan a camping trip? I’ll let you in on a little secret…i was raised by a single mother that was very very most favorite memories are of camping trips that I know my mom hardly paid anything for. Just because a vacation is budget friendly  doesn’t mean it won’t be amazing. Just thinking outside the box a little bit can help you save more money and have a great vacation!

Fun Rainy Day Activities the Whole Family Can Enjoy

It’s officially spring which means the weather guessing game begins. Is it going to be sunny and warm or rainy and even snow? Where I live we can get that mixture in the same week. The kids get a little antsy when those rainy days come and seem to never go away. I’ve put together a list to help you and your kids enjoy this crazy season of spring.

  • Find a new indoor pool and go swimming. This is a family favorite of ours, and the kids get so worn out!
  • Invite a new family in your neighborhood over for dessert and games.
  • Buy a new board game and learn together as a family.
  • Find a new museum near you that you want to explore.
  • Spring means March Madness! Order a pizza and turn on the basketball games. If you haven’t yet, have each member of the family fill out their own bracket. You could even make it into a friendly competition.
  • A walk in the rain. Grab your jacket and umbrellas and go for a walk in the rain. I love the smell of fresh rain and trees.

Don’t Forget These 5 Most Forgotten Spring Cleaning Places!

It’s officially spring!! Who’s ready to get the spring cleaning started? The beautiful weather has me itching to get some cleaning and organizing done! I’ve put together my have to do list and added these top forgotten places to it!

  1. The Closet Floors, Shelves and Walls – now is the perfect time to pull everything out of the closet and clean it from top to bottom! Don’t forget the most forgotten place in the closet, the walls. Believe it or not, these collect dust and hand prints all over them.
  2. Garbage cans – maybe you’re thinking I always clean those but do you get your big street garbage can as well? This one often gets forgotten but needs a good soaking and scrub both inside and out.
  3. The Couch Cushions – this one is at the top of my list because they need a good scrubbing. Don’t forget to vacuum between the cushions as well as move them and get underneath.
  4. Behind Furniture – this including the piano! Lots of dust collects back there. Move everything that sits against the walls and wipe them down freeing them of all the months of dust and cobwebs that have collected.
  5. Top of Door Frames – I’m not tall so often times I forget to look up and see things that need to be cleaned but this is a great place for dust to sit. Grab a cleaning rug and wipe down your door frames this spring.

What’s on your list? Do you get these top areas that are often missed? Make the time to get your cleaning down and including everyone in the home!

How to Save Big on Your Next Grocery Shopping Trip


Are you tired of spending your life savings on your grocery bill?  I know I literally cringe every time I am standing in that checkout line and my total comes up.  I mean, I do have 3 children, but c’mon! It costs so much to feed our family and it seems like it goes up all the time.

I have found some ways around this though and if I can be of any assistance to you to do the same I am all about it.  Here are some of my favorite tips on how to save big on your next grocery shopping trip.

  1. Coupons.  Look, I have been couponing and coupon blogging for a lot of years now and I don’t always love couponing.  Sometimes I am just plain burned out on it. However, using coupons saves me on average, 20%-40% on my monthly grocery shopping bill so it is worth me having to deal with it.
  2. Use your phone.  We are all always looking at our phones anyways, right?  Use yours to save money. Load your grocery store’s membership app and load any coupons or deals to your phone so that you can save at the register.  The same as couponing, just easier!
  3. Shop markdowns.  Don’t be afraid to check out the markdown section!  Just this morning, I paid $3 for a big tray of country style ribs (my hubby’s favorite), because I looked through the markdown section and was able to save big.  The sell-by date on these is tomorrow, but I am going to cook them tonight so that works for me!
  4. Shop early.  In order to find the best markdowns, it is best to shop early in the morning because most markdowns are put out during the night shift. Getting there early means that you get the best choices!
  5. Go meat free.  Don’t be afraid to throw some vegetarian meals into your diet.  When you skip out on meat a couple of times per week you can easily save $20 or more per week!  This is a great way to add some big savings to your grocery budget.

What are your favorite tips for keeping your grocery bill in check?

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