5 Reasons You Should Travel More in 2019

What are your goals for 2019?  If traveling more isn’t on your list, it really should be.  Traveling is so much more than just taking a vacation. Traveling has immense benefits and I don’t know about you, but I think that traveling is simply the best way to spend money!  


If you aren’t yet convinced, here are 5 reasons you should travel more in 2019.


  1. It promotes brain health.  Seriously.  This is because your brain health is strengthened whenever your brain is engaged with new experiences and new places.  Introducing your brain to new things such as this challenges your brain which increases stimulation which has been proven to improve concentration and memory.
  2. Relieves Stress.  This past year my husband and I took our first ever vacation and I am not kidding when I say that by the end of that vacation, my husband was the most calm and stress-free that I have ever seen him.  It absolutely set the stage for us to take more vacations in our life because we deserve less stress.
  3. Better mental health.  Travel can strengthen your mental health as a whole and not just because it relieves your stress.  Because leisure activities have been proven to lower levels of depression, traveling is ideal for those looking to boost their mental health.
  4. Creates lasting memories.  Memories last, “stuff” doesn’t.  Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on a trip you are going to remember forever than something that is just going to clutter up your home?
  5. Travel is rewarding.  You work hard, you deserve to reward yourself.  I’m not saying to blow off your other responsibilities, I’m just saying, consider the fact that you need to blow off some steam once in a while or you are going to crash.  How does the saying go? “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” Let’s do better for ourselves!


What is your “why” for traveling?

Beginner’s Tips for Starting to Meal Plan

Is meal planning part of your New Year’s Resolutions?  If you feel like you don’t really know where to start, here are some beginner’s tips for starting to meal plan that will help you make this life-changing, money-saving change in your life.

Meal planning is exactly what it sounds like.  You plan the meals for your family in advance to prevent the “what’s for dinner” discussion that so many of us go through nightly.  Not only does this save money, but it also saves a tremendous amount of time and stress.  It’s awesome!  If you are ready, check out these tips and let’s get started:

  • Grab a spreadsheet or notebook
  • Pick your meal planning timeframe (I have found that a month is ideal, but you can choose a week if the month seems like too much)
  • Bring the family together to discuss meals that you all like and put those on the calendar (I do not recommend 30 different meals, definitely put some meals on repeat)
  • Shop for ingredients (be sure and go through your pantry and freezer first to see what ingredients you already have)
  • Prepare your meals (I like to do a freezer cooking session once a week to save even more time during the busy weekdays)
  • Don’t be afraid to leave a day or two in your month blank for a pizza night or leftover night.  It’s totally ok and will help break up the monotony!

Meal planning is awesome!  If you are looking to mix up your life in the new year and save yourself in both money and time, meal planning can do just that! It also creates much less stress during your days when you don’t have to stress about what will be made for dinner that day because you already have it planned out.

I promise you that if you plan your meals and you stick to your meal plan for the month you will save money on your grocery bill.



New Year’s Resolutions That Will Save You Money

Are you tired of setting resolutions that end up costing you more money every year?  I mean, we are here to try and get our budget under control, right?  So, how about this year we focus on setting resolutions that will help us with our budgets?  Check out these New Year’s Resolutions that will save you money in the long run:

  • Eat out less often.  I know this one is often on our weight loss resolutions as well, but let me tell you, the more meals you eat at home as opposed to dining out will save you a tremendous amount of money.  My family was exhausted the other night and I did not feel like cooking so I let my husband buy our family dinner at a fast food drive through.  $38 later, we had dinner.  $38!!  Do you know how many home-cooked meals I could cook with $38?!  We will not be doing that in the new year.
  • Learn new skills.  Learning new skills is always a great idea.  You can build your confidence and build your bank account.  How?  Well, you can turn your new skill into a side hustle, or you can use your new skill to save money on something you pay for currently.  Let’s say you pay $40 a month to keep your nails manicured. Why not learn how to do it yourself and save money that way?  Or, how about you learn how to groom your pets yourself instead of paying monthly to have it done?
  • Practice minimalism.  When you make a true effort to use less things in life, you will end up spending a lot less money. This goes for having less waste in your food budget, to buying fewer clothing and accessories, to saving on your energy bill and perhaps your housing costs (if you decide to minimalize your home as well).
  • Be more active.  Yes, this is another thing that we put on our lists for those times that we want to lose weight, however, it is also a great one for saving money.  How?  Well, the more you are outside being active, the less you are sitting down watching TV or doing other things that cost you money in the long run.  We started this a couple of years ago when we canceled cable.  Not only did we get healthier, but we started saving $100 per month.

Have you found any resolutions that have saved you money?

Last Minute, Money Saving Tips for a Fun New Year’s Eve Party

We are just a few short days from New Year’s Eve.  What are your plans?  If you are hoping to celebrate, but uneasy spending a bunch of money doing so, then you have come to the right place!  That’s right, my friends, today we are going to be talking about some last minute, money saving tips for a fun New Year’s Eve Party:

  • Skip the booze.  I don’t need to tell you this, but alcohol is not needed to have fun, plus it costs so much!  Choose to keep your NYE celebration alcohol free and you will most definitely save money.
  • Have folks bring their own drinks.  If you want to have a couple of drinks, that’s fine, but make it a BYOB (Bring your own bottle) party.  This way you aren’t having to foot the bill for everyone’s drinks.  Most people are perfectly okay with this arrangement as most people have their own drink preferences anyway!
  • Skip dinner.  Okay, don’t skip dinner completely, just be sure and start your party after dinnertime so that you don’t need to provide dinner to everyone.  A few snacks are going to be needed, of course, but the snacks are much less expensive than a full meal.
  • Use coupons.  You know us by now, you knew we weren’t going to make this list without talking about the benefits of using coupons to save money, and yes, this includes when you are throwing a party.  There are lots of coupons out there for snack foods, party needs (Such as paper towels, napkins, cups, etc), and even booze!
  • Use iBotta.  Do you use the Ibotta app?  Ibotta is a great way to get cash back on your party favorites.  Ibotta routinely has rebate offers for alcohol on it.
  • Say yes to offers of help.  If someone offers to bring something to help, say YES!  As a host, it is so easy to want to not put anyone out, but I assure you that if they are offering, it is not putting you out and it will help you keep your budget in check!

Have fun, be safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

How to Save the Most with Amazon’s Subscribe & Save

Shopping from home is so easy these days. I love being able to score amazing deals from the comforts of my own home.  Amazon’s subscribe and save is awesome and can save a TON of money. However, there are some tips you need to know to make the most out of your money. Here are 6 tips you want to check out before you shop.

  1. Prices on Amazon change all of the time. When you buy an item with subscribe and save, the price will be different the next time you get that shipped to you. So be aware and ALWAYS check your subscribe and save orders each month before they ship out. If there is a great price still, then keep it going. If it’s higher, then be sure to unsubscribe.
  2. Buy 5 or more items for your delivery and you will save an added 15% off EACH item instead of the normal 5% off. This is a definite must if you are close to 5 items. I always check Freebies2deals Amazon SS category and see what deals are available to hit my 5 items. There are usually items I always need anyway. Some exclusions do apply, like diapers.
  3. Use coupons with your subscribe and save orders. Be sure to head here to the coupons page on Amazon. You can choose to display just the Subscribe and Save items. These coupons can be stacked with the subscribe and save price as well as the extra 15% off with your 5 or more items.
  4. Join Amazon Family and save up to 20% on your items of 5 or more for diapers, wipes, baby food and more. If you have little kids, this is a definite must!
  5. Each item you buy will have an option on how often you want your item to be delivered. You can do every month or up to every 6 months. I would choose every 6 months just to give you a lot of time to cancel if needed.
  6. Skip or Cancel anytime. Amazon is actually really good at sending email reminders of when your Amazon SS delivery will be delivered. So set reminders to skip or cancel your orders. Just head to your Amazon account and go to your subscribe and save items. It will show you the items and delivery date. Then you can change the date or unsubscribe.

Are Winter Tires Worth The Investment?

We’re headed into the cold wet months and here in Utah that means lots and lots of snow and cold temperatures. For years we thought having all purpose tires were just fine and would be good enough, and they did. But can i tell you after having winter tires put on my car I can feel a big difference in how my car handles the snow! There were times my car would start to fish tale when driving on the freeway during a storm and that can be scary as well as unsafe. So I wanted to equip you with some information and statics on why winter tires are worth your investment!

So what is the difference between winter tires and all season tires? They’re each made differently and for different things. Your all season tires are made to not flex with the changing temperature. They’ll harden up more so in the cold weather causing the snow to stick in the tread. Winter tires are great for when the temperature drops below 45 degrees. These tires usually have a deeper tread pattern on them and are wider for better traction and to keep the snow moving through the tire, not sticking to them.  Studies have shown that when you have a  good winter tire on your vehicle, you’re able to stop quicker and accelerate better. This can become essential to your safety on slick roads.

When it comes to taking care of your tires it’s best to have two sets of tires. You’ll want your winter tires put on your vehicle when the temperature drops below the 45 degree mark. Then get yourself a set of either all season or summer tires for the rest of the year. And don’t forget to rotate your tires so they get even wear and tear. We didn’t have the funds to have both when we were newly married so we got our winter tires put on and left them on through the summer. BUT, they lasted us 3 years (45,000+ miles) and I was good with that. Do what is best for you and your family but keep all the facts in mind when making your decision.

Keep in mind your car is only as good as the tires you have on it! Even though you might have a all wheel drive or 4 wheel drive capability doesn’t mean it will do well in the snow. This helps get your car moving when your wheels are spinning or stuck but your tires are what’s going to prevent you from slipping during the cold and wet weather.

Stay safe out there, drive alert and be prepared for what’s to come.

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Make Any New Year’s Resolutions

Do you typically make a New Year’s Resolution?  Do you end up screwing up and giving up on that resolution within just a couple of weeks?  Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. It happens to the best of us. So, let’s talk about some really valid reasons why you should actually just not make any resolutions this year.  I’m serious. Let’s try something new and go resolution free in 2019!

  1. You need to be satisfied with your current life. Have you ever heard the term “the grass is always greener on the other side” Well, that is kind of the same thing as setting resolutions because life will be better then when in reality, you need to learn how to be satisfied with how your life currently is.  
  2. Why wait.  If there are changes that need to be made in your life, why wait?  You need to start making these changes now, now put a time frame on it.  This just allows you to procrastinate, procrastination is good for no one.
  3. Failure sucks.  80% of New Year’s Resolutions will fail by February.  Not that I assume yours will fail, of course, but why give yourself a way to let yourself down.  Seriously, start making changes in your life without the big to-do of a New Year’s Resolution. It puts less pressure on you.
  4. Life improvement knows no date.  Honestly, like I keep mentioning, there is no reason to set January 1st as when you need to start doing things differently.  Do it any day!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting resolutions if that is what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with setting them especially if you know that you can follow through.  Bettering yourself is always a good idea, it just doesn’t have to be so strict. You’ve got this.


4 Low-Cost Gift Alternatives

Okay, so we are down to the wire and you just don’t have the budget to buy any more gifts even though you have more people to buy for.  So, what are you going to do? Well, my friends, I do have some ideas for you. You can choose one of these 5 low-cost gift alternatives to finish our your holiday strong without putting you in financial distress.

  1. Food. Yes, I know I talk about food gifts a lot, but it’s true!  Just bake up a batch of their favorite cookies, baked bread or candies and you have a ready-made gift!  One year I actually made homemade syrup (much easier than you might think), packaged it in a mason jar with a cute ribbon and presented them as gifts and the people that I gave them to loved them!  They were thrilled.
  2. Date night. If it is your sweetie that you need to buy for still, write them up a little coupon for a date night in the future.  Chances are you guys are past-due for one anyway.
  3. Babysitting services.  Are you looking for a gift for someone that is a parent of small children?  How about offering a gift of your babysitting services. Trust me, they probably need it.  I have a toddler at home and the idea of a babysitter is quite exciting to me.
  4. Game night invitation.  Why not, instead of a gift, you create an experience gift for friends or family?  Invite them over for dinner and a game night. I think there is an expectation that experience gifts have to be expensive and difficult.  This is not true at all. We love to spend time with our friends and family and we love any opportunity to do just that, so a gift such as an invitation like this sounds like an amazing time.


Have you ever been in this position before? No extra money, but still needed gifts?  What did you do?

4 Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas


Did you just remember someone that you needed to buy for this year?  Is your brother bringing his new girlfriend home for the holidays? Is your cousin making a last minute appearance? You don’t want them to be the only ones without a gift, right?  No worries, my friends! We are going to chat a little bit here about some awesome last minute Christmas Gift Ideas that won’t break the bank and that you don’t need to wait for shipping for (cause that ain’t gonna happen this late, folks!).

  • Gift Cards.  Gift cards aren’t the most personal of gifts, but many people do genuinely like receiving them. Unless I know the person very well and I know exactly what they like, I tend to stick with the classics such as Amazon, Target, or Starbucks.  All of these can be bought in-store (most large grocery chains sell Amazon gift cards), or online. You can even buy online and print them out or, you can have them emailed right to the recipient.
  • Hot Cocoa/Mug.  Real question.  Do you know anyone that doesn’t like hot cocoa?  I don’t. I literally don’t know a single person who doesn’t like hot cocoa and that wouldn’t like it as a gift.  Idea: Head to the dollar store and buy a mug. Fill with a couple of couple packets of hot cocoa with marshmallows and you have a great gift that can easily cost less than $2.
  • Your presence.  Yeah, it may sound cheesy, but it’s true.  You can simply be there and spend time with your loved ones.  That is gift enough for me and I know I am not the only one.
  • Their favorite baked treat.  If you have at least a couple of hours and you know what they love, why not bake them their favorite baked good.  I plan to bake my brother some snickerdoodles cookies tomorrow because those are his favorite things and he has plenty of stuff.  


What is your favorite go-to last minute gift?

5 Reasons for a Gift Free Christmas


Imagine how much less stressful this week would be if you didn’t have to do any shopping.  Just imagine. Okay, I know you think there is no way that could be a reality, I mean, you don’t want to be a Scrooge, right? The thing is, there are people out there who have gift-free Christmas celebrations and enjoy this holiday with little to no stress.  If you are wondering why you should consider doing the same, check out these 5 reasons for a gift-free Christmas and see if it is a plan you would be interested in following:

  • Less stuff.  Seriously.  Don’t we all need less stuff in our lives?  I know I do. Our home is continually filling with stuff that I just really don’t need. For context, I moved into a new home about 5 months ago and I still have over 20 boxes that have never been unpacked.  Do you know what that tells me? That I have WAY too much stuff! Why would I want to bring more into that?
  • Less money spent.  Are you tired of spending money on stuff that you shouldn’t?  How many times have you bought a gift for someone for the exact reason of simply buying a gift?  Chances are, while they likely appreciated the gift, how much did they really need or love that item.  Was it worth the money spent?
  • No pressure.  If you don’t have the money to go all out on Christmas, it can feel incredibly stressful to be put under the pressure of having to buy gifts for others.  
  • Less mess.  Okay, hey not to be a complainer or anything, but oh the mess!  Have you ever been responsible for cleaning duty after a gift-filled Christmas?  You are left cleaning up paper and bows and nametags and tissue paper forever. I could do without that.
  • Reminds you of the reason. Whether you celebrate Christmas for the religious aspects or because you want to be with your family, the gifts are not the reason for the season and a gift-free Christmas celebration can remind you of that.


Have you ever done a gift-free Christmas celebration?

Christmas Eve Traditions Your Family Will Love!


Christmas Eve is quickly approaching and although most of you might have your family traditions already set maybe you can add one of these fun ideas to the list this year!

  1. Open one present from under the tree � this has been our family tradition ever since I was little. Now my kids do it but they usually just get to open their pj�s 😉
  2. Set up a scavenger hunt � this could be fun but would take a little work on your part. But lead them to their present they get to open that night or maybe a fun treat.
  3. Fill a Sack for Santa to give back � I love this idea and since researching the topic by asking friends and family, we�re added this one to our list! I have a big blue bag set out that they�ve been filling up with their toys and attached is this letter � �I�ve filled this sack with my toys for you to recycle for girls and boys. Glad to know your north pole crew will make the toys back to new.�
  4. Sprinkle Reindeer food outside for the reindeer � my little’s did this one last year and was so fun. We filled a bag with glitter, oats, sprinkles and a few other goodies for the reindeer to find.
  5. Track where Santa is at � there are a few apps out there in which you can track Santa on. Like the Santa Call & Tracker � North Pole Command Center, this app cost $3.99 but could be fun for the kids.
  6. Write a letter to your kids � now you could do this after the kids to go bed and slip it under their pillow for when they wake up or save it for them to read them when they�re older. Try to highlight things you�ve done this year or ways you�ve seen them grow and characteristics you admire in them.
  7. Make some hot chocolate and watch the Polar Express in your jammies – this was another tradition we would do growing up although the movie wasn�t out then so we�d read it by the fireplace. My we watch them movie and cuddle on the couch.
  8. Go Christmas Caroling � bring back the fun tradition of Christmas caroling by going around the neighborhood. See if you can get any families to join in.
  9. Family Christmas Talent Show � share your talents with the family! You can even get creative and come up with a fun family skit.
  10. Act Out the Nativity � we have many friends that have this tradition and I think it�s such a great idea. You could even do this with all the grandkids. Just use some of your sheets as robes and grab a baby doll for baby Jesus.
  11. Drive Around looking at the Lights and for Rudolph�s Nose � who doesn�t love driving around looking at all the Christmas lights? This is something my husband�s family would do every year after visiting grandma.

I hope everyone enjoys this time surrounded by those you love creating lasting memories. And if you�re in an unfortunate situation in which those you love are far away or no longer here, know that we wish you a Merry Christmas and send warm hugs your way!

How to Make Cake Mix Cookies- Perfect for Santa’s Christmas Eve Cookies

I love making cookies, especially at this time of year. I turn on a little Christmas music and get baking. I had to share with you one of my most favorite cookie recipes. These cake mix cookies are AWESOME. What makes them awesome? They are fool proof. Seriously. It requires little ingredients, not a lot of time, and they turn out great! You can also make them with a variety of cake mixes and add in different candies, chips and sprinkles. YUM! Kids can even help with this recipe. I like to have them help me with these cookies for Christmas Eve. Then we leave a few out for Santa. I hope you enjoy these as much as our family does.

1 Package Dry Cake Mix of your choice
1/3 Cup Oil
2 Eggs

Mix all ingredients together well with a fork or spoon. Roll balls into 1-1 1/2 inch balls. Place on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Don’t over bake. Once they start to crack on top they are done!

**You can mix and match cake mixes and add ins. Try making a devils food cake mix with mint chocolate chips. You can also get a vanilla or lemon cake mix and add in sprinkles. Try a chocolate cake mix and add in crushed peanut butter cups. There are so many different ways to make these and they are always yummy!

5 Budget Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

Have you given any thought to your New Year’s Resolutions yet?  I know we still have a couple of weeks, but it’s never too early to start preparing, am I right?  If you are ready to make some changes in your life, but feel like your budget can’t take any big changes, not to worry!  Here are 5 Budget Friendly New Year’s Resolutions that will change your life and won’t hurt your wallet:

  1. Cut out sugar.  Cutting out sugar will benefit you in countless ways, plus you will actually make your wallet healthier!  No more spending extra money on unnecessary sweets
  2. Cut screen time.  Let’s face it, most of us would do well from a screen time break.  From all of the time we spend on our computers, our phones and watching TV, we are pretty much surrounded by screens 24/7.  Why not make a resolution to cut down on this screen time, and hey..you might use less data while you are at it!
  3. Spend more time outside.  Connecting with nature is one of the greatest things we can do for our bodies and our mindsets.  Take a walk outside in nature to breathe in the fresh air and to give yourself a workout.  The time spent outside is a great way to clear your mind too.  Oh, and guess what?  IT’S FREE!!
  4. Spend more time with family. Family togetherness time does not have to mean spending money. It can be as simple as putting down your phones and playing a board game together.  Just take the time.
  5. Meditate. Meditation is free and has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety and provide countless other benefits.  Let’s put this on our budget-friendly New Year’s Resolution list!

Have you ever made a budget-friendly resolution before?  What was it?  Were you able to follow through?

Why Experience Gifts are the Best Gifts


Are you struggling to find the perfect Christmas gifts for your friends or loved ones?  Have you given any thought to experience gifts? Research is showing that experience gifts are far better than materials gifts for several reasons:

  • No need for more stuff.  Truth is, very few of us have an actual need for more stuff.  I don’t know about you, but I constantly go through my home looking for stuff I can get rid of.  I need less stuff in my life and I know that I am not the only one!
  • More personalized.  Experience gifts tend to be more directed to the person you are buying for than a random gift off the shelf, you are consciously thinking about what you can do to make that gift recipient happy.
  • A lifetime of memories.  An experience is so much more than just a gift, it truly can be a lifetime of memories, which is a wonderful gift to give someone.  Think about it. Let’s say you are giving a gift to a child. What do you think is better: a toy that they will play with for a few weeks? Or a vacation that they will be talking about all year long?  I’d go with a vacation every day!
  • Irreplaceable time together.  You can choose an experience with you or without someone else that the gift recipient is close to, but the reality is, having experiences with those that you are close to is among the most fun and important times in a person’s life.  To gift them with such a thing is about the best thing you can do.

Can you think of even more benefits to gifting experiences?  I would love to hear all about it.

So have fun finding experiences for your friends and loved ones.  One suggestion for you is to not overthink it. I’m sure your loved one will love whatever experience you choose for them!

Be sure to check out Groupon if you are looking for deals on experience gifts!

Last minute Gift Ideas for the Procrastinator


So, you waited a little too long to buy your Christmas gifts, right?  You have only a couple of days left where you can actually get out and shop (you do need to work after all).  So, what to do? Well, there are lots of great ideas out there for last minute gift ideas for those that you need to buy for.  

Here are some last minute gift ideas for the procrastinator:

  • Gift Cards.  Gift cards are the procrastinator’s best friend when it comes to buying gifts.  Most stores like Walmart, Target, or even your grocery store has a gift card shelf with all kinds of gift cards.  You just grab one, pay for it at the register and you are done. Or, if you have really waited too long or you simply don’t want to go into the store, you can buy one online.  I am a big proponent of Amazon gift cards. You can even buy those and have them delivered instantly via email.  Doesn’t get much easier, right?
  • Bath sets.  You can go into just about any big box store and buy a nice bath set. The type that comes with a bath puff, some nice body wash, etc.  So, these aren’t super personal, but they really are great gifts. Not only does everyone need to bathe, but hey, you are saving that person money since they don’t have to go out and buy new bath stuff anytime soon.
  • Throw Blanket.  Throw blankets make easy gifts because you can find them in an end cap of multiple aisles in most stores and hey, everyone likes to be warm and cozy, right?  Try to get one in a color or design that is fitting for your gift recipient to personalize it a little bit more.
  • Cash.  This one will go over well with any teens or adolescents that you are shopping for this season. Cash is king, my friends!  Okay, I personally don’t like to gift cash because I find it completely impersonal, but young people do like getting money to spend how they choose.  Also, sometimes people fall on bad times and genuinely need it so giving someone cash maybe changing their whole life at that moment.


What is your favorite last-minute gift to give?

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