5 Tips that Will Help You Save Money on School Shopping

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Public school buses parked in a line with doors open

I know, I know!  Summer just began and we really should be focused on what we are planning to do for our summertime plans, but the fact is, back to school will be here before you know it and for me, as a mom of 3, that means lots of money to be spent.  That’s why I am getting an early start to see how can I focus on not spending an arm and a leg sending the kids back to school.

If you are in the same boat as me and you are ready to change up those shoestring budget school shopping days, check out these 5 tips that will help you save money on school shopping:


  1. Go through closets.  I know that school shopping is just part of the tradition, but changes are your child doesn’t need quite as much stuff as you might think.  Be sure to go through their dressers and closets before you head out to shop.
  2. Start early.  While this in itself doesn’t necessarily help you save money, it does help you spread the spending out a little bit which can be quite helpful, especially when you have multiple children.
  3. Shop clearance.  Who cares if that cute shirt was technically from last year’s collection?  It’s half price now! Seriously SCAN those clearance racks for deals!
  4. Shop second hand.  Take your kids to high end discount thrift shops such as Plato’s closet or even check out the Goodwill stores and consignment shops in the nice part of town.  You will likely find some really great deals there! My local Goodwill store often sells overstock items from Target, so you almost always see brand new clothes and other items on their shelves.
  5. Shop online.  By now we all know that we can save money by shopping online, right?  Seriously there are online thrift shops and lots of other online retailers that you can shop through.  Plus, many of these retailers offer promo and coupon codes that can help bring your costs down further.


5 Tips that Will Help You Save Money This Summer

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What are you doing to add to your savings this Summer?  I know it’s summer and full of fun, but that doesn’t mean that you have to blow your savings, you can actually add to it during this busy time of year.  But how?

Well, I can give you a couple of ideas, but I think you probably have some of your own.  Here are my 5 tips to help you save money this summer:

  1. Have a yard sale.  Summer is the best time of year to hold a yard sale because that’s when more people are out and about.  Holding yard sales is great because not only do you make money, but you also are getting rid of clutter. You will be quite surprised by how much money your old clothes and household items can bring.
  2. Take advantage of free and cheap summer programs.  From library reading programs, to $1 movies and kids bowl free, there are tons of fun and super cheap things to do this summer.  Take advantage of those and you won’t be out your hard earned money.
  3. Pack lunches.  Regardless of what activities you do, be sure that you pack lunches for your days out.  This will keep you from blowing a bunch of money on restaurant food.
  4. Head to the beach/park/lake.  When you spend days at the park, the beach or the lake, these are often days full of fun that don’t really cost you any money.  These are lifetime memories too! I will always remember the summer days spent at the riverbank with my mom.
  5. Day trips.  You can fit lots of fun day trips into the summer.  Plan these types of trips instead of vacations away and you will avoid the expensive cost to stay in a hotel or rental house.

How to Throw a Baby Shower on a Budget

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Hosting a baby shower is so fun, yet the expenses can add up with invites, food, gifts, games and more. There are some great ways to save money and still have it a great success. Here are a few ideas you can follow to save money while you plan a baby shower.

  1. Use Electronic Invitations. We live in a digital age, so use it to your advantage. There are great sites like Evite that you can use to create an invitation for FREE and then email it out to your list of friends and family. You can also make an event on Facebook and invite people that way all for FREE.
  2. Delegate the Work. Chances are when you are hosting a shower, there will many others who want to help. Let them! Delegate a few food items or games to others. That way you aren’t buying everything.
  3. Use Items You Have on Hand. I always do this when I’m hosting a party or shower. This time of year is great for flowers that you may have growing outside your own home. Cut them and make a cute arrangement. That’s a totally free thing you can do to make your home decorated for the shower. You could also grab plates, utensils, cups and more that you may already have. You could also ask those that are helping out if they have decorations as well.
  4. Shop the Sales. For the food be aware of what is on sale that week and plan your menu according to what is on sale. Instead of fruits or desserts that may have cost a lot more that are not on sale, buy those items that are on sale and save money.

What Your Kids Can Sell This Summer To Make Money – BESIDES Lemonade!

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My kids have been begging to earn money so they can buy a couple things this summer that I won’t buy for them! They’ve seen kids around the neighborhood selling lemonade but I thought, how fun would it be to come up with something else they can make and sell themselves. So here’s a couple of ideas I’m throwing out to you of things your kids can make (with a little parental help) and sell this summer.

  • Bake Sale – we see some of these pop up now and then but it’s a great idea and there’s so many options. From cookies and brownies to cupcakes and bread. They can sell them out in the front yard or list it on your Facebook for friends and family to buy.
  • Soda Shop – i’m sure you’ve heard and visited (many times if you’re me) Fizz or Swig. Why not use the idea of adding syrups and cremes to your drinks and let your kids create some fun ones. Just buy cans of soda and have different options of add ins.
  • Slime – our neighbors did this last summer and I thought it was just a great idea. Everyone loved buying slime and I loved the idea of my kids buying something to play with rather than eat.
  • Jewelry – we’re pulled out our beads quite a bit this summer so why not create some items to sell?
  • Ice Cream – It’s hot outside so why not? You can have plain vanilla with toppings they can choose from or get a couple different choices of favors and charge per topping. There’s lots of options and ideas you can play around with this.
  • Books and Bookmarks – We have a ton of books that my kids read over and over. If you’re done with them why not make some money off them? Just have your kids create some fun book marks (there’s tons of ideas on Pinterest) and sell them together! Not done with your books? Head to your local second hand store and pick out some popular cheap ones to sell.
  • Flowers – if you’re blessed with beautiful flower beds you can let your kids pick some and arrange some flower to sell. I save all my jars (mayo, spaghetti sauce, etc) that would be perfect to use and have them sell. Or decorate some tin cans and sell them inside those.
  • Produce – if you’re gardening this year and happen to be doing really well, have the kids set up a stand and sell the produce you can’t or won’t be able to use.
  • Icee – this is popular in our area and the kids all love them! They have fun DIY syrup ideas you can test out and play with before you start selling.
  • Calm Down Jars – I love this and could use some of these for my own kids. Create different colors, slow ones and faster ones or even fun items inside.
  • Bird/Duck Food – We love going to the duck pond in our neighborhood but I’ve read and heard from many that bread isn’t that great for the ducks. So why not help other families out and sell some good duck/bird food at the duck pond in your area? (Please check ahead of time if this is ok in your city.)

5 Tips that Will Help You Save Money While Eating Out

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We have been talking a lot about different ways to save money, and those tip lists almost always say to stop eating out.  Let’s get real here though, sometimes you want to splurge and eat out, sometimes your oven stops working, sometimes you simply don’t want to cook.  And sometimes, you have been on the road for hours and cooking at home means you won’t be eating until 10pm (sports parents, I’m talking to you).

If you fit into the above list, this list of 5 Tips that Will Help You Save Money While Eating Out is for you:

  • Coupons.  Check in your Sunday paper for coupons for local fast food joints.  I often see Carl’s Jr. Coupons in my paper, many of them being BOGO deals, etc.  This is a great way to save on your costs.
  • Value Menu. The value menu is great for those times that you swing through the drive-through last minute.  Be careful not to fall into the trap of driving through and eating from the value menu all the time, it is not cost-saving to eat there all the time.
  • Download the app.  Many restaurants such as McDonald’s has an app that gives you discounts for using it.
  • Sign up for rewards programs.  Many restaurants offer a reward program.  My family, for instance, always enjoys Red Robin when we go out to eat and we are a member of their rewards program.  We get a free birthday burger, plus every 10th burger is free. Because there are 5 of us, that means that every other visit we get a free burger.  We don’t go out to eat often, but the restaurant rewards program helps us save when we do.
  • Kids eat free nights.  When you take the family out to eat, be sure to go to a restaurant that offers kids eat free (or cheap) nights.  Oftentimes it is 2 kids per 1 adult meal. This is a great way to save!

Things Keeping You Broke…Part 3

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Okay, so we have talked and talked about some of the things that are helping to keep us broke, but now it’s time to get to the nitty gritty.  I mean the real deal down to earth reasons that we are staying broke. These are the things that are most important to change in our lives in order to change our financial future.

So, my friends here are the biggest things keep you broke and how to turn that around:

  • Intimidation.  When you are not used to having enough money, the mere idea of having more than enough money is a very intimidating thought. Many people don’t understand this mindset, but it is a very real thing.  I highly suggest reading up on some money management books, or listening to podcasts just to get you more comfortable with the subject.
  • Fear.  What if you fail?  What if you can’t make enough money to get things right?  What if you screw up and fall back into your bad financial ways?  Listen, all of these can happen, but if you believe in yourself they either won’t happen or you will turn it around and change!  I’ve recently been following several budgeting groups on Facebook and finding that like any other thing, sometimes people fall off the wagon, but as long as they are ready to make a difference, things really can change.
  • YOURSELF.  This is the biggie folks.  YOU are keeping yourself broke.  You are the one making the decisions to hit the drive through or to not meal plan or budget your income and expenses.  YOU alone have the power to change this, but you have to be willing to make a difference in your financial life and you have to want this change for yourself and your family.  

YOU can do it!! I believe in you!

Things Keeping You Broke…Part 2

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So we talked a little bit about it yesterday, but you know as well as I do that in today’s world, there are just too many things that are out there keeping us broke.  What are these things though? And how do we keep them from affecting our lives so much? I don’t know about you, but I have literally no interest in being broke forever.  I am ready to thrive my friends! How about you?

So let’s talk a little bit more about those things that are keeping us broke so that we can change it up and stop doing these things that hold us back!

  • Credit cards.  Credit cards are great for many things, but when you keep a continuous balance on it, it is wasted money that you are paying on every single month.  Many people just make minimum payments and think all is well, but c’mon!! You need to stop doing this as you are constantly paying money that is unnecessary.
  • Late fees.  I know it is hard when it seems like you are always broke, but paying your bills late is keeping you broke.  There are added late fees every single month that you pay late. Even if that late fee is just $5-$10, it is still $5-$10 that you could be putting into savings.
  • Cable.  The average cable bill in the United States is $100 per month.  Seriously. You are spending $1200 per year so you can sit on your couch and watch TV.  Stop. Get outside, or at the very least, switch to a streaming service and save up to 90% of your cable cost.
  • Swiping your card.  It’s easy to ignore how much money you are spending when you are constantly swiping your card.  Start carrying cash and it becomes very apparent at how much money is leaving your pocket with each trip to the store, restaurant, etc.

I’ll be back tomorrow with some more things that are helping to keep us broke as a joke.  What are some that you would like to talk about?

Things Keeping You Broke…Part 1

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Do you feel like you are always broke?  Like no matter what you do, you are going to be in the same situation all the time?  I know it seems like it never gets better, but I promise you it can change. You just have to change your mindset.  That means that first, you need to realize that there are things that are making you broke and until you change those things you are unlikely to change your situation.

Over the next couple of days we are going to talk about the things keeping you broke so that we can then talk about the things that can help us thrive:

  • Keeping up with the Joneses’ – This is not just a saying, it’s a real thing that is keeping millions of people from being truly successful.  You are too worried about appearing as though you have money to actually put your money to good use for you. Instead you buy a house you can’t afford or a car that you struggle to make the payment on.  It’s time to stop this.
  • Not budgeting.  I have said it time and time again.  You have to keep a budget and follow it so that you can see where your money is going.  You control your money, it doesn’t control you. Don’t forget that.
  • Not planning.  This kind of goes along with having a budget, but you can’t go blindly into life spending and doing whatever without some kind of plan for the money you have.  It’s time to sit down and plan your future, financially and otherwise.
  • The drive through.  A while back I realized that I was honest to goodness spending $10+ per day every time I was running errands with my kids (literally daily) on fast food.  I was always hearing “I’m hungry, mom” or I, myself, didn’t think to eat before we left the house. That was equally HUNDREDS of dollars that was being spent every single month on food that wasn’t even good for us!  I had a good heart to heart discussion with myself about this one and now I always have snacks on hand for those moments. No more drive-throughs for me.

What are the things that are keeping you broke?  Be honest….

Selling Your Home? How to Stage Your Home for Less

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We are in a crazy housing market right now. There are high prices and high demand where I live. It’s a great time to sell your home. One easy way to get the most money for your home is to stage it right. By simply taking the time to follow these steps you will hopefully see a quick offer and maybe multiple offers that will help you get more money for your home.

Tip #1: Declutter: This has to happen before you can stage your home. Go through each room and get down to the bare minimum. Take out bulky or out-dated furniture, take down family pictures or personal items, go through closets and box up clothes and shoes, go through the kitchen and make it look clean and fresh. You don’t want anything on counters. Put all that you can in boxes before you show your home. That will not only help with staging but will help with the moving process as well.

Tip #2: Paint & Touch-Ups: Now that your home is clutter free you want to look around at what needs to be re-painted. Check your baseboards, railings, crown molding, walls, cupboards, drawers and make sure they are clean and scuff free. If they need a little painting then do it. Look at each room and see if it needs updated paint. Paint makes all of the difference and doesn’t need to be expensive.  For the most part you could do painting on your own.

Tip#3: Buy a Few New Items: One way to save money when staging your home is to buy a few new items that you would be buying anyway when you move to your new home. If you need new couches, then get rid of the old ones and use the new ones for staging. For sure you’ll want to stage your bedrooms and put on a nice comforter set and pillows- especially the master. Another way to save money is by NOT buying any decor to stage your home. Less is really better. You just want each room clean and fresh it doesn’t need to be filled with decorations.

Tip#4: Add Fresh Flowers: Look around the outside of your home and add a few planters of fresh flowers. If you have a deck or patio add some flowers there too. Inside you could put a vase with fresh flowers on the table or counter. This is something that is cheaper to do than buying decorations.

Tip#5: Miscellaneous Last Minute To-Dos: When you have your home clutter free, freshly painted, staged with a few new items and fresh flowers outside and inside then you are ready for the last minute to-dos. For showings you will want to make sure everything is clean and picked up. Have the last minute vacuum lines in each room for carpet or if you have wood or tile make sure it’s clean. You’ll want to make it bright so open all blinds, curtains, drapes to let in natural light. Turn on all lights in every room. Everything should be wiped down (including blinds) and all beds made and show ready. When people come to look at the house make sure you don’t have kids or animals around.

Tip #6: Make Your Home Smell Good: I learned from my sister-in-law that I could make my own natural air freshener for cheap! All you need is to put in a pan 3 springs of rosemary, 1 lemon (cut into slices), 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract. Then just turn your stove onto simmer. It smells so clean and fresh!

The Best Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

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I know that talking about ways that you can save money on groceries can seem pretty repetitive, but there is a reason why we talk about it all the time.  Saving money on groceries can save you a lot of money all year long! In case you need a refresher, here are some of the best tips for saving money on groceries that you can follow to make a huge difference in your family’s budget!

  • Meal plan.  Yeah, I know you have heard this one before, but it is true!! Meal planning is key when it comes to saving money on your family’s grocery budget!  This is for several reasons, but most of all when your meal is already planned for you, you are less likely to stray off of your budget and go to a restaurant or buy last minute items.
  • Plan your meals around sales.  Take a look at your weekly circular and plan those meals around what’s on sale!
  • Plan your meals based on what’s in your pantry.  Before you head out shopping or look at the sales ads be sure to see what you already have in stock.  You may not have to do too much shopping as it is.
  • Clip Coupons.  Get out those scissors and start clipping coupons to save money when you head out shopping.
  • Rice and beans and beans and rice.  It’s not hard to make budget friendly meals, just be sure to choose budget friendly options.
  • Shop farm stands.  If you have any farm stands local to you, be sure and stop by to see how much you can save.  Plus side, it’s healthier!
  • Garden.  You can grow your own food to save a substantial amount of money.

Have no fear my friends, you really can save money at the grocery store and at your kitchen table!  You’ve got this!


My Next Top 5 Rules for Saving Money

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The other day we went over five of my favorite tips for saving money.  I knew that I would be addressing some more tips soon so I really paid attention to my spending habits this weekend while I was out and about and while I was home and I was reminded of a couple of things that I had actually forgotten.  As it turns out much of what I do throughout my days is focus on how I can save money.

So, if you are still looking for tips on saving money, here are my next top 5 rules for saving money:

  1. Utilize leftovers.  I use to throw away leftovers all the time.  Not to intentionally waste food, but because it would sit in the fridge long enough to forget about and then it would be time to toss it.  Now our leftovers go to either lunches for the next day, the same thing for dinner tomorrow or, it goes straight into the freezer for another time.  Honestly though, the kids and my husband all enjoy leftovers in their lunches over PB&J, so this is what typically happens.
  2. Drink Water.  Whether we are talking about during a restaurant meal or at home, it is much, much cheaper to just drink water. For example, when my family of 5 goes out to eat we have discovered that if we all choose water as our drink, we tend to save $10-$15 on our meal.  
  3. Shut off lights when not in use.  If you leave a room, be sure that you are turning off the light switches as you go.  No need to use up electricity for a room you aren’t even in. Energy costs are one of the biggest household expenses that people face, so this is a good one to remember.
  4. Combine trips.  Don’t get in your car to drive for simple little tasks.  It’s wasteful on your gas mileage to do so. Instead, why not combine your trips to one or two weekly?  You’ll save time and money doing it this way.
  5. Just say no to cable. Cable and satellite TV are a luxury that many of us have somehow come to believe is a necessity.  We used to pay over $100 per month for cable alone and my friends, this has been one of my favorite things to cut. Not only did we gain $1200 per year, but we also gained a lot of family time together.

I would still love to hear all about your favorite savings tips!  Do you have any really unique ones?

My First Top 5 Rules for Saving Money

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Are you struggling to save money?  Does it seem like no matter how much money you have, it is always gone by the end of the month?  I know that for the longest time I struggled with this. I work for myself and sometimes I do well, sometimes not so much, but my husband makes pretty decent money and we were finding ourselves in the same financial position all the time.  Until we decided that enough was enough. It was time to get serious about saving. I decided to make myself a little rule sheet to keep me going when I would start to fall behind in my savings goals.

So, if you could use a little help in the savings department too, here are my first top 5 rules for saving money:

  1. Stop eating out.  Restaurants are a budget killer, there is no two ways around that.  This goes for fast food $1 menus too! You may think they are cheap, but the truth is that it just makes it easier to convince yourself to drive through.
  2. Meal plan.  Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan!  I cannot stress the importance of meal planning to your budget.  It will make all the difference in the world.
  3. Just say no. I know it is hard to feel left out when you get invited places, but just saying no to invites is the only way to get your mind in the right frame to make good money decisions.
  4. Just say no to emotional purchases.  It’s so easy to spend money, so easy.  But do you really need those new shoes, or that shirt that you aren’t actually going to wear (c’mon, you know it’s just going to sit in your closet).
  5. Turn off the lights.  Okay, not literally, but energy savings = money savings.  Do an audit of your house to see where you can save.

These are not my only savings tips, just some of my favorites.  I will be back with more soon!

What are your favorite savings tips?

Must-Have Snacks for Pool/Beach Days

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Are you hanging out at the pool everyday like we are? We are loving the pool and beach days. However, one thing that is driving me crazy are the snacks and foods we bring and eat while we are at the pool. Sometimes I feel like we are only eating junk food. Other times I feel like I didn’t bring enough treats! I’ve come up with a good list of items to bring to the pool that will keep you both filled with healthy foods and give you a little treat too. You might want  to consider grabbing a cooler bag to bring along.

Healthy-ish Snack Items:
Fresh fruits: watermelon, oranges, cantaloupe, apple slices, pineapple, pears, peaches, nectarine, cherries, any type of berry or even frozen grapes. (I always have fruit every time we go- so many to choose from)
Trail Mix: Make your own with items your kids will eat, or buy them pre-made at the store
Granola Bars
Veggies: carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, snap peas, celery (bring dips like Ranch if your kids will more likely eat it)
Nuts- my kids love pistachios
Crackers- put toppings on it like peanut butter, hummus, or other dips
Beef Jerky
Variety pack of chips

More Filling Items
Celery with peanut butter (just grab a jar of PB and a plastic knife and bring it to make at your pool)
Hummus and crackers (most stores have individual size hummus options)
Sandwiches- Make them ahead of time or go to the store and grab uncrustables, or pre-made wraps. My kids love uncrustables and they are super easy to grab and go!
Muffins- either homemade or store bought.
Lunchables- or just bring some meat and cheese and crackers and make your own

Fruit Snacks
Otter Pops (if you are bringing a cooler)
Nutella on the go!
Rice Krispie treats
Popped Popcorn
Chex mix
Oreos or other cookies
Favorite homemade cookies or treats
Candy- would a pool party be complete without Twizzlers or Red Vines?? Just remember what you buy, the kids will eat. So go sparingly on candy. You can just do this a few times this summer and have it as a surprise.

Summer Bucket List Ideas For Your Family!

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This weekend as a family we came up with a summer bucket list! I’ve seen these all over Pinterest  the last couple of years and thought they were a great idea but since we’ve made ours it’s been awesome! My kids are so excited to see what we’re going to check off the list next and since a lot of them were ideas they loved they feel more involved and excited about our summer bucket list and plans we have! So I’m sharing what we’ve come up with and put on our list…lots of them are free or were already on our summer plans so it makes my job easier!

Swimming in pool
Splash pad
Classic Skating
Lunch with Grandma
Lunch with Nana
Bird Feeder
New Playground
Nature Hunt
Plant Flowers
Go For Hike
Bike Ride
Feed Ducks
Watch Stars
Late Night Trampoline
Tea Party
Read a Thon
Watch Sunset
Date with Mom
Date with Dad
Wash Car
Dessert Before Dinner
Photo Nature Walk
Breakfast in Bed
Paint Rocks
Fire Pit S’mores
Go to Beach
Make a Fort
Make Popsicles

6 Free (or Cheap) Things to Do This Summer with Your Kids

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What are your summer plans?  If you are on a budget, it is easy to simply plan to do nothing, but do you really want your kids going back to school this fall and telling their class that they watched TV all summer long?  I didn’t think so.

Not to worry, you can still have lots of fun and spend little or no money doing so!  Check out this list of 6 Free (or Cheap) Things to Do This Summer with Your Kids:


  • Go to the park.  Most cities and even small towns have parks that are free to go to.  Pack a picnic and head to the park for a day (or a couple of hours) of fun.


  • Splash pad. I understand that some splash pads cost money, but in my area that is not the case.  Most of our local splash pads are located in parks and can mean hours of fun for the kids.
  • $1 movies.  Check out your local movie theater and see if they offer $1 movies throughout the summer.  These are typically in the mornings a couple of days mid-week. They are also usually second run movies, but you can still go into the movies for just $1 per person!
  • Kids bowl free.  Sign your kids up for Kids Bowl Free and they get 2 free games of bowling each day during the summer.
  • Go for a hike.  Do a Google search of local hiking trails in your area and take your kids on a hike.  It’s fun and a great learning experience, plus you are staying active.
  • Summer reading programs. Look into the free summer reading programs at your local library.  This is often a weekly event where the kids get to learn and see fun entertainment. Plus, kids often end up with prizes at the end!  My kids won NBA tickets the last time we went.




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