7 Tips for Saving Money on Kids’ Lunches This Summer

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With summertime here, you may be trying to figure out how you can save money on your food budget.  If your kids are anything like mine, they tend to snack A LOT while they are home. Because of this I have tried hard to be more focused how I can feed them well during the summer, while keeping my budget in check.  Here are my 7 tips for saving money on kids’ lunches this summer:



  • Meal plan.  We all know that meal planning can help bring down the cost for family dinners throughout the week, but the same can be said for lunches.  If you know in advance what you will be preparing, you can have it on hand.


  • Meal prep.  When it comes to kids and eating, meal prep is key.  I like to take a loaf of bread and make an entire loaf of PB&J sandwiches and then stick them in the freezer, we pull a couple out at a time for the kids to eat that day.  It works well and I never have to deal with “there’s nothing to eat” complaints.
  • Set rules.  I, of course, allow my children to snack throughout the day.  I never allow mindless eating all day long though. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snack times throughout the day keeps my cabinets stocked up longer than if I don’t regulate it at all.
  • Keep them hydrated.  Just like adults, kids need to stay hydrated with water.  It will help keep them full so that they aren’t running around on an empty tummy.
  • Don’t buy junk.  Junk food isn’t very filling and it is very expensive.  Keep healthy snacks on hand for those times when your kids want to snack.  You’ll save money and the kids will be healthier!
  • Check out free lunch programs.  Many communities offer free lunches for kids during the summer.  Check out your child’s school to see if this is something that they offer.  In my community, there is no income restrictions on this, but this may not always be the same.
  • Shop at farmers markets.  You know how I told you to feed the kids healthy snacks?  Farmer’s markets and farm stands are hopping during the summer and oftentimes significantly cheaper than supermarkets.




What are your favorite tips for saving money on food during the summer?

9 Camping Must-Haves for Your Trip

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Okay, so yesterday we talked a little bit about the best tips on making a camping trip fun, but we haven’t yet talked about what you should take with you on this epic camping trip.  Honestly, most of us aren’t hard core survivalists or even kick-butt boy scouts which means that most of us could use a good reminder of what we should have with us when we head into the wilderness or to that awesome modern campground we just reserved (no judgement here, I do both kinds of camping).

So, here they are my friends, 9 camping must-haves for your trip:

  1. Matches or a lighter.  C’mon, I know you aren’t about to start a fire with the rock and stick method.  Grab yourself some matches or a lighter and make it easy on yourself.
  2. First aid kit.  You should always have a first aid kit in your car anyway, but be sure you have one when camping.
  3. Tarp.  In addition to your tent, a tarp is great for keeping the rain away.
  4. Sleeping bags.  No one wants to sleep on the cold hard ground.  Be sure that you have a good sleeping bag for nighttime.
  5. Flashlights.  It’s going to get dark at some point.  Make sure you can see!
  6. Pocketknife or multitool.  You never know when you are going to need to cut rope, or open a can.  Plus, side a multi-tool such a Swiss Army Knife have corkscrews, you can drink your wine while camping!
  7. Cooler.  You need to keep all of that yummy camping food nice and cold.
  8. Ice.  Again, even in the cooler, your food and drinks are not going to be so good without ice.
  9. Toilet paper.  This is especially true if you are out in the wilderness (campgrounds often keep such necessities in stock).  You don’t want to have to use leaves, do you?


What is the must-have item that you always make sure to take camping with you?

8 Tips for a Fun Camping Trip

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Are you planning to take your family on an epic camping trip this summer?  I am literally packing for the first camping trip of the season as we speak!  Spending my morning packing though, has me thinking about all of the ways that we make sure our camping trips are successful and not to brag, but we haven’t had a bad camping trip yet!  That said, we are outdoorsy type people and I know that not everyone loves to be outdoors, so these may not work for everyone, but they have always worked for us!

Here are my 8 tips for a fun camping trip:

  1. Reserve your spot early. This is especially true if you are going camping at a popular location.  It sucks to show up ready to make camp only to find no spots open.
  2. Leave early.  Setting up camp in the dark isn’t always super easy.  With this in mind try to leave as early as possible so you make it to your destination before darkness falls.
  3. Make a list.  A couple of days before your camping trip make a list of things that you need to pack and a shopping list for camping gear that you may need.
  4. Shop before you go.  Take your list and head to store to stock up on food and gear well in advance of your trip.  You don’t want to be rushing to get supplies on the day you are suppose to be on your way. You also don’t want to have to buy it all once you get to your location (it’s going to be more expensive).
  5. Don’t forget chairs.  Okay, this is a camping foul that I have done.  I know it should be on the list, but we once forgot our chairs and while we still had a blast that trip, having chairs would have been a nice touch.
  6. Pack extra clothes.  You never know when the weather will turn or maybe you will slip and fall in the water.  It helps to have extra clothes packed with you.
  7. Bring something for the kids to do.  Yes, it is nice to enjoy the outdoors and the nature all around you, but sometimes it helps to have a little added something for the kids to do.  For our big kids we bring cards and dice for game playing and the toddler always has toys with him to play with.
  8. Unplug.  Even if the campground that you are staying in has wifi, make a point to unplug from electronics for your trip.  It’s nice to really get away sometimes.

Screen Free Kid Activities for Summer Fun

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It’s that time of year again, summer time! Are you ready to have your kids home all. day. long? I love having my kids home, but I also love having a game plan.  If you need a little help getting them up and moving, here are a few ideas that will keep them off the screens.

  1. Buy a Membership to a local museum or attraction. This is something I like to do every summer. I find a new place to buy a membership to. This way on those days you have a few hours with nothing to do, you can head to that place and not have to pay a penny!
  2. Find a variety of places to swim. My kids get tired of the same splash pad or pool. So switch it up! If you live in an area that has a lot of splash pads, pools, rivers, and lakes, then take advantage of it and visit each one. You can also fill up a little blow up pool and put it in the back yard.
  3. Sign up for city swim or sporting lessons. This will help break up the summer. If you have the budget, let each of your kids choose one new sport or swim class that they want to learn over the summer. If you go through your city, they usually have cheaper options. My boys love to test out classes like: Lego, Archery, Swim, Super Sport or Bowling.
  4. Friend swap. Some days it’s just fun to play with friends. Instead of having all the kids at your house all day, do a friend swap! Make a schedule of which hours they will be at your house and which hours they will go to the friends. This will help them from getting bored at each place as well.
  5. Lemonade stand or snow cone stand. This is a classic summer activity. It actually helps them learn about money too. Have them earn some money for summer activities!
  6. Service. I always find ways to serve during the summer. This way the kids aren’t focused just on themselves. Look around your community and find a way to help others. You could help out your own family like grandpa and grandma.

Reasons You Need An Emergency Fund Account & How Much You Should Have!

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Let me tell you guys what happened this week and how I realized the importance of having an emergency fund account. I pay our household bills through bill pay (online through our bank). I had to change the amount for our mortgage and when I did this I entered in the wrong amount causing us to be out an extra $1,000! Long story short I was able to put a stop on our check and get the funds back but for a short time we had nothing for any bills coming out, grocery we might have needed etc. So I wanted to break down for you why it’s important to have an emergency fund account and just how much you should have.

An emergency fund account is just that, in case of an emergency. In our case we had the funds available for that check to go through so we avoided any financial fees that could have happened had we not had extra funds available. But this also includes a job loss. It can take some time to get another job so having an emergency fund account will help while you search. You also don’t know when a medical emergency might happen so having these funds set aside will help ease your mind with everything that’s going on during a medical emergency. And don’t forget your furry family members, they might have medical emergencies too.

You also need to be prepared for unexpected car and home repairs. These can get pricey depending on what needs to be fixed but having those funds there to use when a problem arises will help. Please don’t think just because you have insurance it will be covered (but insurance is still a good idea), that’s not always the case. And depending on your coverage it might not cover any of it.

Ever been shocked by your tax return? Hopefully it’s been for your benefit but if you’re not keeping track of your withholdings this can be a shocker when you’re having to pay a lump sum to the government. Keep that emergency fund in mind if when a larger than expected expense happens.

Hopefully it doesn’t happen but funerals to family members can be a burden on your wallet if they’re out of state and you’re wanting to attend the funeral. Keep your emergency savings account filled so that you can pay for those unexpected travel costs.

So just how much should you have in your account? For us right now $1000 is what we can afford to have. This will help cover us if the water heater goes out, the fridge dies or it will soften the blow if a medical emergency comes up. But in the long run we’re working on getting at least 3 months of expenses saved. This will be different for everyone depending on where you live and how many people you care for but if a job lose comes up or a bigger emergency, it would be nice to have those funds available.

6 Tips for a Low Cost Summer

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Are you hoping to have a great summer?  Who isn’t, am I right? Are you also hoping though to keep your costs down while having a summer to remember?  Well, not to worry my friends, I have put together a list for you on how to keep your budget happy, while still having a ball this summer!  

Here are 6 tips for a low cost summer that you can follow to keep you having fun and keep your wallet happy:

  • Stay home. No, I’m not suggesting you sit on the couch watching TV all summer, but I do suggest that you find a hobby that you can do at home, or pick up a small pool for the backyard for the kids to play in.  Home can be fun!
  • Play tourist.  Be a tourist in your own town.  If you live in a big city, chances are there are plenty of things you have never seen before.  Why not play tourist in your own town and check out a bunch of new stuff without having to drive far.
  • Go camping. Camping is just about the cheapest vacation you can take!  Take some weekends and head to the lake or woods (or your nearest campground) and go be one with nature.  Camping is a blast!
  • Kids Bowl Free.  Check out the fun kids bowl free program that is offered by bowling alleys nationwide.  Kids get two free bowling games per day all summer long. That’ll keep them busy!
  • $1 movies.  Many movie theaters offer $1 movies during the summer months.  These are usually played in the morning and it is typically last years movies, but still lots of fun!
  • Visit your local parks.  I’m sure you have several parks in your area.  Why not make it a goal to visit all local parks throughout the course of the summer?  Pack a picnic and have a day full of park playing fun!

Surprising Ways to Save Money at Home

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Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  Are you ready to get busy with this whole savings thing that it seems like everyone but you is succeeding at?  Yeah, I’ve been there, I know exactly how you feel. That’s why I started really paying attention to the things that we were doing at home and worked hard to put my energy into saving money on things that we did every day at home.  True story. No, you don’t need to develop a side hustle or get a second job, sometimes the best thing that you can do is work your budget to make it work better for you. A penny saved is a penny earned, am I right?

Here are some surprising ways to save money at home that you may not even be thinking of:

  • Adjust your thermostat.  Even just a degree or two can make a big difference in your power bill.  C’mon, you can handle it being one or two degrees warmer, can’t you?
  • “Shop” your pantry.  Yes, I mean it.  Instead of heading out to the grocery store, be sure and shop in your pantry first.  You may have plenty of food in there to create several days worth of meals without putting any money out.  
  • Meatless Mondays.  Plan to do a day (or more) of the week where you don’t put meat on the menu.  You will be surprised at how much money you save doing this.
  • Stay home.  Yeah, it should be a given, but the more you go out the more likely you are to spend money, be it at the gas station, grocery store, drive thru or any other stop you make.  Make a conscious effort to stay home more often and you will be surprised by how much you will save. This one was difficult for me personally, but I literally have saved hundreds of dollars each month since I began simply staying home more.  I now combine my trips to town (I live the rural life). I have saved on gas and lots and lots of incidentals that I didn’t even know I was spending money on.
  • Make your own coffee.  I know, I know you hear this one a lot.  Seriously, a cup of coffee on the road can cost upwards of $5, whereas a cup of coffee at home can cost less than a dime.

4 Ways to Raise Money for a Last Minute Summer Vacation

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Are you feeling like you need to take a vacation?  Does your bank account disagree? Well my friends, not to worry, there is still time and ability to raise some money to take yourself and your family on a summer vacation to remember!

  1. Clean out your closets.  Yes, we talk about it often, but cleaning out your closets can help tremendously for several reasons.  First of all, it feels good to minimize the clutter in our houses, but also, it is easy to make some money by selling the clothes you never wear.
  2. Find a temporary job.  Go in an apply at a temp agency and check out the job availabilities.  Many of these jobs are temporary in nature. You can work for 2 weeks and have enough money for a fun trip.
  3. Recycle cans and bottles.  In my state, cans and bottle redemption is $0.10 each.  That money adds up quickly. Yeah, this is unlikely to pay for the entire trip, but it can definitely add to your stash.
  4. Cancel unneeded memberships and trials.  Do you have money going out of your bank account for stuff that you don’t need?  Maybe that free trial that you signed up for but never use? Maybe you are all stocked up on makeup, but don’t need anymore.  Time to put a stop to it and get some money built back up. I recently did this and ended up with over $100 back in my bank account

The truth is, you can have a fun vacation on just about any budget.  A camping trip, a yurt vacation, or even a fun staycation and be quite memorable. Don’t forget to check out deal sites such as Groupon and Living Social to find good vacation deals. It’s not all about how much you spend, but how you choose to spend your time.

Unique Father’s Day Gift Ideas

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Father’s Day is coming soon, are you ready? Maybe it’s just me, but Father’s Day is hard! I never know what to get my dad or father-in-law. This year I’ve done a little research and found some great ideas that they both will surely enjoy. Hopefully one of these ideas will be perfect for your dad as well!

Lawn Games. If your dad likes be outside or camp, these would be fun. Check out Amazon and grab a fun lawn game. The one I got for my dad this year is the Kubb Set. It’s fun for the whole family. You could also do bat mitten, spike ball, ladder ball and more.

Ticket to a Sporting Event. My father-in-law is all into sports. This is something that he would absolutely love. Check out the different teams that are playing and buy some tickets to the game. It would be fun to bring the whole family along as well. I mean grandkids and sports, what else do you need? 😉

Make your own Service Coupons. This is a great idea for the kids to give their dad or grandpa. Have them make coupons for a free service like: washing the car, cleaning out the garage, vacuuming a car, mowing the lawn or making him breakfast.

Date Night at a New Place. This is something that my dad and my husband would love to get. Think of what they love to do and plan a night out just for them. If they love sports then go to the batting cages, or Top Golf, find when a local team is playing and sit outside and watch a game. If food is their thing then make reservations at a new restaurant.

Give a  Fun Toy. Boys will be boys, right? Why not get a fun toy for them to play? I’m thinking a remote control car or drone would be fun. You could also get a RC helicopter or water boat. Anything RC would be a blast.

Dress them in Style. This weekend is a great time to grab some clothes for great prices. Be specific and notice an item that they need. Whether is be new shoes or a sporting jacket. If it’s something you know they need and want, they will be more excited. If it’s another graphic tee, they may not be.

FREE Activities to Do This Summer With Your Kids!

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free summer activities for kids

My kids are almost out of school and I have to say…I’m excited! I know to some of you that might sounds weird but I’ve got planned some fun things for us to together to create memories. Now I had to get create because we’re working on paying off some debt but I didn’t want to sacrifice on fun. So I’m sharing with you what we have planned in hopes that you can have a great summer too!

  1. Attend City Events (We have city days we celebrate as well as holiday events close by – parades, food, booths, fireworks, car shows and more)
  2. Attend the Home Depot kids workshop
  3. Backyard Camping
  4. Bake Goodies
  5. Bike Rides
  6. Bowling (We signed up for free bowling this summer)
  7. Create a Scrapbook
  8. Free Movies (a locally owned theater offers free movies)
  9. Free Museum Days (We have free days we love to attend supported by the county)
  10. Go fishing (kids under age can fish for free)
  11. Go Geocaching
  12. Hikes
  13. Learn to Sew
  14. Make Cards
  15. Michael’s Craft classes for kids
  16. Parks
  17. Picture Scavenger Hunt
  18. Pinterest Craft
  19. PJ Day
  20. Plant Herbs From Seed
  21. Read a Thon
  22. Rock Hunts (find painting rocks around the area, and create some to leave)
  23. Science Experiment
  24. Service project
  25. Sidewalk Chalk Games
  26. Splash Pads
  27. Teach Double Dutch
  28. Visit the Library
  29. Water Fight (buckets)
  30. Write to a Penpal (You can write to friends far away or ask family members for someone your kids age to write to that live by them)

6 Summertime Savings Tips

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So summer is almost officially here and you are wondering how you are going to keep your budget on track with the kids at home all day?  Does that sound about right? I know that during summertime my food bill used to go up, my entertaining budget was busted monthly and the gas bill for my vehicle almost doubled. Finally a couple of years ago I decided enough was enough and started a plan for a budget friendly summer, and so far it has worked!  If you are looking for ways to keep your budget in check this summer, here are 6 summertime savings tips that will help:

  1. Meal and snack prep.  It’s easy to let the food budget get out of hand with kids home snacking all day long all summer.  Instead of going through all of your groceries at once, be sure to prepare your meals and snacks in advance.
  2. Enjoy all the free stuff there is available to you!.  Check out free programs for kids such as the Summer Reading Programs at your local library, kids bowl free.  Also head to the park, free museums, splash pads, etc.
  3. Find cheap summer offers.  In addition to all of the free activities we do, we love to be on the lookout for inexpensive summer offers. The Summer Movie Express $1 movies is always a hit with my kids.
  4. Combine trips.  For those days that you are going to go to a movie (or other activity), also consider doing your kids bowl free trip on the same day so you aren’t wasting gas.  This is a big one for me as I live quite a ways away from the city that has these offers so I always combine trips to save fuel.
  5. Stay home.  Enjoy your home and your outdoor space.  There is no need to go somewhere every single day.
  6. Walk.  Take your kids to the park (free), walk there instead of drive (free).  The park is fun for kids and parents alike, it’s a great way to get some fresh air and the walk together is priceless time spent together.

5 Tips for Hosting a Garden Party

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Spring has sprung!  How is the weather where you are?  If you are ready to take advantage of the nice weather and host some friends and family over for a lovely garden party, I say just do it!  

If you aren’t really sure how to host a successful one, I have put together a little list for you of my favorite 5 tips for hosting a garden party:

  1. Choose a theme or color.  If you love a themed party, then by all means, pick a theme and roll with it.  Otherwise, choose a color to stick with and grab some tablecloths and napkins that correspond with it.  It doesn’t have to be spendy either. Hit up the dollar store and grab these items!
  2. Go with light drinks.  If serving alcohol, go with mimosas or a spritzer of some kind to keep it lighter. If you are throwing a dry party, try juices and soft drinks.  There is no need to work yourself into the ground creating beverages the whole time. Oh and be sure to keep plenty of ice on hand!
  3. Make it buffet style.  Buffet style food at a garden party is ideal for several reasons.  One, when the food is spread out, it prevents long lines at the food table and two, it’s simply easier than serving each person individually.  It is also helpful for potluck style parties.
  4. Get removable labels for drinks.  If you are using glassware, get reuseable labels for everyone’s drinks so people don’t end up drinking from the wrong cup.  If you are going with plastic cups, grab a sharpie and get to writing! It saves a lot of headache if people know where their drink is.
  5. Use that bluetooth speaker.  I love love love bluetooth speakers when I am hosting a party.  You can place them virtually anywhere and set the music to a volume that is perfect for the surroundings.  Not so loud that everyone’s voices are drown out, but loud enough that everyone can hear the background music.


How to Make Mini Fruit Tarts (Easy Recipe)

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Fruit tarts…yum. A few months ago, I decided to figure out how to make these little beauties at home. They look amazing and they taste so good. However, I don’t have a ton of time or patience to make everything from scratch. So, I found a super easy way to make the crust and then make a from-scratch filling which is so yummy. Now it’s one of our family favorites and they are seriously SO easy to make.

Easy Mini Fruit Tarts

  • 1 Package Pillsbury Sugar Cookies (24 pack) Get the ones shown here. They are already cute and perfect size.
  • 1 (8 oz) cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup powder sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • Choose your toppings: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, mandarin oranges, strawberries or kiwi.


  1. Spray 24 count mini muffin pan and pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Drop one pre-cut sugar cookie in each muffin spot. SO easy!
  3. Bake 12-14 minutes or until golden brown. Be sure to rotate halfway through.
  4. Remove from oven and immediately press centers of cookies down. I use the closed side of a small measuring cup. Let cool for a few minutes and then remove from pan and cool completely.
  5. In a bowl combine cream cheese, whipping cream, powder sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest. Whip with electric mixer until smooth.
  6. Put mixture in a pipe or baggie and cut off end. Then squeeze into each cookie shell.
  7. Top with fruit and then each immediately or chill.

Save Money by Using Your FREEZER!

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It’s not a hidden secret that your food budget is usually the one area that can be cut down. From shopping for the right items at the grocery store to not letting any of your food go to waste there’s lots of ways cut back. But your freezer can be one of your biggest assets when it comes to not wasting food and saving money. Here’s some things that you’ll find in a frugal persons freezer!

Fresh Fruit

I love finding good prices on fresh fruit at the grocery store but sometimes my family just doesn’t eat them quick enough. So I’ll flash freeze them (place them spread out on a cookie sheet and freeze for an hour) than place in a ziplock bag to use later. I’ll just them in smoothies and shakes or even flavor my water with them.


We actually go through a lot of bread. From sandwiches to French toast it gets used so I stock up and place a couple loaves in the freezer. Then I’m not making last minute runs to the grocery store.

Homemade Stock

I purchased a box of chicken from Zaycon during their awesome sales and throw some of it into the crock pot to cook and shred. That makes awesome homemade chicken stock that you can easily place in containers and freeze (or can if that’s more your thing).


Just like I said above I bought a box of chicken and instead of freezing all of it, I cooked up some and shredded it. After it cooled I put it in ziplock bags and froze it for quick meals. This saves me time and money when it comes to cooking dinners.

Fresh Vegetables

It’s gardening season and that means in a few months we’ll start seeing lots of vegetables to pick. Don’t let them go bad, freeze them! I’ll freeze peppers for fajitas as well as zucchini (shredded for zucchini bread) corn, carrots, green beans and more!


This is another thing you’ll find in frugal freezers! We’ll buy our milk from Costco but that means we’re buying 2 at a time. If your family doesn’t go through milk very fast this is a great way to save it. Keep in mind it might separate or go yellow, that’s normal and your milk is still fine as long as it’s been kept at freezing temperatures.


Another thing we buy at Costco is their cheese. Either block or shredded it’s something we stock up on when it’s on sale. (Please note I’ve found that block cheese when frozen becomes crumbly and harder to shred. If you’re family eats more shredded, I’d shred it first and then freeze it).

Cookie Dough

We love cookies. I’m pretty much known as the cookie monster in our house. So having cookie dough in the freezer is awesome. I’ll pull a couple of balls of cookie dough out of the freezer and cook them so that I’m not eating the whole batch. This is great for last minute meals I’m taking to neighbors as well. I’ll just whip up a batch of cookie dough and roll it into balls. Then flash freeze it and place in bags until needed. (If I’m really in a pinch for time I’ll place all the cookie dough on seran wrap and make it into a log. Then I just cut off a slice to thaw it before cooking)


Guys I have young kids that don’t always love my cooking (surprise surprise). So sometimes we have a lot of leftovers that we won’t finish off before they go bad. So I’ll put them inside single serving containers (like the ones our deli meat comes in) and freeze them. Then my husband can take them to work with him or i can heat one up for lunch.

What’s usually in your freezer? I actually invested in a deep freezer as well to stretch or dollars even further. It’s been awesome to have especially when I find those awesome deals! Right now we also have cottage cheese, a frozen turkey, hash browns, veggies and more!

4 Reasons You Should Fix Your Car Instead of Buying a new One

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If you still have an older car and you feel like you are fixing it non-stop, it is easy to understand why you think that it may be cheaper just to buy a new one.  In some cases that may be true, but oftentimes it is not. There are plenty of reasons to keep your old car around and let’s face it, no one wants to take on a new monthly payment, am I right?

If you are looking for reasons to not jump at the chance to buy a new ride, here are 4 reasons you should fix your car instead of buying a new one:

  • It’s cheaper.  Really, it is. Okay, maybe you just had to drop $1,000 on a new transmission or a couple hundred for other maintenance.  I fully understand that that is a lot of money. The problem is, the average new car payment is roughly $450. That means that you can either pay $1,000 for that new transmission now, or spend over $5,000 in payments in just one year!  That is a massive savings.
  • Lower insurance.  Yes, here is yet another reason why it is cheaper.  Insurance on new cars is significantly more than on an older one.  This is true in general, plus with a new car that you have a loan on, you are required to put full coverage on, which raises your insurance even more.
  • Fewer worries about door dings.  It is hard to commute and run everyday errands without receiving door dings in your vehicle from parking lots.  When you have an older car, it is far less stressful. In my family, we have a brand new car and an older paid off one.  My husband actually prefers to drive the older car because he knows to expect door dings in the parking lot at work.
  • Cars really do last longer than you think.  I bought my older vehicle from a lady who “had” to sell it once it neared 100,000 miles because it was going to die “any day now.”  Let me tell you my friends, I now have almost 250,000 miles on that vehicle and I fully believe that it will last another 50,000, if not more, miles.  Regular maintenance is key. Don’t be rushed to get into a new car just because the mileage on yours is creeping up.


Do you drive an older car?  Do you plan on keeping it around for a while?

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