Simple Valentine’s Day Things to Do For/With Your Family!

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I hope you’re gearing up for Valentine’s Day cause we’re less than a week away! Valentine’s Day at our house isn’t anything big but I do like to make it special and a little different for my family! From the meals we eat to when they go to bed at night I try to make sure I tell them I love them as much as possible with some fun stuff on the side! Here’s some ideas of things you can do for your family (including spouse) to make the day special.

  • Make pink pancakes and create fun designs (we write their names in pancake batter)
  • Dye your milk pink or create pink milk cubes
  • Write reasons you love them on sticky notes and arrange in a heart on the mirror
  • Bake valentine’s cookies together
  • Make heart shaped pizzas
  • Put together a scavenger hunt
  • Make thumb print hearts (on rocks or paper)
  • Personalized a coupon book
  • Fun photo shoot
  • Make a love jar for each person in the family
  • Heart Attach their door
  • Family game night
  • Valentine’s movie night
  • Create an act of love for everyone in the family or even a neighbor
  • Make secret messages for each other
  • Send someone you love a hug
  • Gifts for every sense (something to see, something to touch, something to hear…)
  • Make love books out of paper bags

I hope you and your family can create some fun memories and traditions together this year that they’ll love for years to come.

How to Host a Valentine’s Day Dinner on a Budget

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Valentine’s Day is next week. What do you have planned? This year I thought it would be fun to have a nice dinner at home. That way we aren’t competing with everyone else for a dinner table at a nice restaurant. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to make your dinner nice and elegant. Here are a few tips to help your plan that perfect Valentine’s Day dinner and still stay in budget.

Use your own dinnerware sets or borrow one. If you have nice china already, then this is the perfect time to dust it off and use it. If you don’t, think of someone you could borrow from for a night. Asking your parents, siblings or neighbors would be an easy way to get nice dinnerware sets for free.

Buy candles in bulk. The classic candlelight dinner is perfect for a nice setting. If you have kids, they really think this is cool! If you don’t already have candles on hand, then think about buying them in bulk. It’s usually a lot cheaper if you do this. Then if you are making this dinner a tradition, you will have some for next year. Amazon has a great variety that you can get shipped right to your home. You can check those out here. 

Make your own name cards. When you are hosting a dinner, it’s nice to have name plates on the dinner settings. Instead of buying them, get out your own paper and markers and get crafty! Pinterest has so many free name cards that you can make and not spend a penny.

Shop the deals at your grocery store. For the food, be sure to check your local grocery store on the sales they have going on. Sometimes we may already have an idea of what we want to make, but it could be super expensive. Instead, look at what is on sale this week and use those items. This will save you a ton of money. Be sure to use digital coupons as well when shopping at your store.

Don’t pay full price on flowers. When hosting a dinner, it’s always so nice to have a bouquet of flowers as a centerpiece. Around this time of year you can always find a deal on flowers. Places like Groupon and Living Social have deals right now that you can get and use for your flower purchase.

6 Tips That Will Help You Stay Sane When Saving Money

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Being on a budget is hard.  It is really hard.  This is especially true when you are around others who spend like there is no such thing as a budget.  It’s hard to keep your mind on saving money when your friends keep inviting you out for dinner and drinks or you see pictures on social media of your neighbors on yet another vacation.  So how to you keep your budget in check without making yourself crazy?

If you need a little help with this, here are 6 tips that will help you stay sane while saving money:

  1. Repeat a mantra.  Keep reminding yourself that your life is not their life.  “Not my circus, not my monkeys” is quite popular on social media lately.
  2. Write down your goals.  Write down your goals in saving money.  What are you working toward?  Saving for retirement, buying a house, etc.  If you have your goals written down, you can go to it at anytime and remind yourself.
  3. Chart your progress.  If you are on a budget in order to save up or to pay down debt, chart your progress as you go.  Seeing the progress as it goes, is very motivational.
  4. Splurge.  Make sure to splurge a little bit every once in a while to keep yourself from getting too down.  Even if it is with a single latte after a no-spend month.  Treating yourself is important.
  5. Relax.  Since you are busy saving money, you will have less stress than people who are living paycheck to paycheck. That will save you considerable stress and allow you to relax for a change.

6 Tips That Will Help You Keep a Tidier Home

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Do you end your days trying to figure out exactly when a hurricane came through?  I have kids and almost daily I am left questioning what they heck happened to make the house so messy?  Toys everywhere, dishes left scattered in the kitchen and don’t even get me started on the bedrooms and bathrooms.  It truly is amazing the things that can happen in one day.   But a while back I started implementing some tips that really have helped to keep the house cleaner on a day to day basis, so I am a little less overwhelmed in the evenings.

If you would like to have less to clean at the end of the day, here are 8 tips that will help you  keep a tidier home:

  1. Set aside 20 minutes.  Set aside just 20 minutes each day to housekeeping duties.  Loading the dishwasher, picking up laundry, etc.
  2. Make the beds.  Making your bed needs to be a habit that you develop and follow through on every single day. This chore takes just seconds and keeps your bedrooms look much more put together.  Everyone needs to be doing this every morning.
  3. Wipe your counters.  Make a routine of wiping down your counters after every meal.  This takes just a minute or two (sometimes less) and keeps your kitchen mess under control.  It also prevents sticky kitchen messes from becoming more of a problem.
  4. Empty and clean your sink.  At the end of the night, be sure that all of your dirty dishes are put into the dishwasher and your sink is wiped clean. This sets the stage for keeping it clean the following day.
  5. Chore charts.  Set up chore charts for your kids and make sure that they follow through with them daily.  These don’t have to be big chores either, something as simple as making their beds and picking up their laundry keeps you from having to do them.
  6. Do laundry daily.  Even if you do just 1 load per day, it prevents you from having laundry overflow in the bedrooms and bathrooms.

6 of the Biggest Budget Problem Areas

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Are you trying to figure out where the heck all of your money goes? Trust me, I’ve been there.  Trying to understand how I got paid one week and it seemed like I was broke a week later.  I could have $100 in my hand at the beginning of the day and end the day with like $3 easily and wondering “how did that happen?” The thing is though, many times our money disappears quickly because of some common budget problem areas.

Here are 6 of the biggest budget problem areas, so you know where you can start cutting back:

  1. Fast Food.  Seriously.  Just stop going, it may seem like no big deal if it’s just a couple bucks for food, but it adds up quickly and in a months’ time, you can easily spend hundreds each month on this alone.
  2. Coffee.  Make a drive through the coffee shop a once-in-a-while splurge instead of a daily habit.  One $5 latte every weekday adds up to $100 or more monthly.  Where else could you use this $100?
  3. Cable.  Do you really need cable?  The answer is probably no.  Even if you keep the cord, do you really need the fancy, expensive cable package?  I was recently speaking to a friend who pays over $250 each month for this service.  Wow.  No thank you.
  4. Food waste.  How much food do you throw away each month?  My guess would be too much.  Start serving leftovers for lunch each day.
  5. Late fees.  So, you want to “save money” by waiting until next week to pay your bill, huh?  We that’ll cost ya.  Most places charge you an extra $5-$20 each month for late fees.
  6. Cell phones.  How much do you pay for your phone each month? Many people do not bat an eye at the idea of making a payment of $25-$50 for their phone alone, that doesn’t even include your service.


5 Things to Implement in Your Life that can Make You Happier

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Are you tired of just moving through life without really enjoying it?  Too many of us have gotten into habits and routines that just keep us rolling along and not really slowing down to experience what it’s all about.  Unfortunately, this kind of behavior affects our general happiness and leads to depression and stress.  Is this happening to you?

If you are ready to make a change in life and you are ready to be happier, there are 5 things to implement in your life that can make you happier:

  1. Get more sleep.  When you don’t sleep enough, you are more susceptible to stress and illness.  Aim to get at least 7 hours per night, more if possible.  I always try to get to bed early so that I am not changing my morning routine.
  2. Take a break.  Seriously.  The world is not going to fall apart if you take a vacation or a day off.  You need a break sometime or you will become way too overworked and overwhelmed.
  3. Spend time with family.  Family and friends are an important part of life.  You need to take the time to spend with them though.  I know you are busy and you probably have yourself convinced that you will spend time with them “sometime soon”, but oftentimes “sometime soon” never comes.  Spend time with them now.
  4. Drink more water.  Do you know that being hydrated can cause headaches, tension and heightened stress?  It’s vital that you drink enough water.  It may seem like a strange way to be happier, but it can actually help.
  5. Exercise.  Regardless of how much you may hate exercise, it has proven to help lower stress and boost endorphins.  That sweat induced glow really does help pick up your mood.

Have you found anything that has helped boost your mood and overall sense of happiness?  We would love to hear all about it!

Good Grade Discounts & Freebies for Kids!

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It’s the end of the semester for a lot of schools.  That means report cards! Keeping kids motivated to excel in school can be somewhat of a challenge. So here’s a list of good student freebies and discounts for good grades. Hopefully this list can help you keep your kids motivated to succeed in the classroom!

**If you know of any freebies that we missed, leave the details in the comments so we can add them. Thanks!**


Applebees: A is for Applebees is a reward program that grade school teachers can sign up for. Applebee’s will give teachers a number of FREE Kids Meal reward cards that they can distribute to their students when they meet the criteria created by the teachers. Motivate positive behavior, staying on task, turning work in on time etc. If your child’s teacher isn’t currently participating make them aware of this fun and free option.

Baskin Robbins: Earn a FREE scoop of ice cream when you present your report card. (This is not available at most Utah locations)

Chick-Fil-A: Get a FREE 8 piece nugget or a FREE ice cream cone when you present your report card. (This is not available at most Utah locations)

Chuck E Cheese: Print off and complete the Homework First, Super Student, Reading Rewards or Graduation Reward chart. Complete the chart and earn 10 FREE tokens. Only one chart per child can be redeemed per visit.

Cold Stone Creamery: Earn a FREE ice cream with a straight “A” report card. Kindergarten through 5th grade may participate. (This is not available at most Utah locations)

Krispy Kreme Donuts: Earn a fresh original glazed donut for every “A” on your report card (half-dozen maximum) You will want to call ahead and make sure your local Krispy Kreme is participating.

McDonalds: Kindergarten through 5th grade students can get a FREE Happy Meal when they bring in their report card. 6th-12th grade students can get a FREE Value Meal. (This is not available at most Utah locations)

Noodles & Company School Tools: Present a certificate for perfect attendance, honor roll, good citizenship or fitness and receive a FREE bowl of pasta. (This is not available at most Utah locations)

 Pizza Hut:Any child who has 3 A’s or the equivalent thereof, will receive one Personal Pan Pizza and a small soft drink or carton of milk by presenting his or her report card to the manager. This offer is good for Elementary and Middle School students. Student must be present and the original report card must be presented. Available at participating locations for dine-in only.

Wendy’s: Earn a FREE treat for “A’s” or “B’s” when you show the cashier your report card. Be sure to call ahead and check to see if your local Wendy’s is participating. (This is not available at most Utah locations)


Boondocks: Utah readers, can present their report cards to Boondocks and earn $0.75 FREE game play for every “A” or $0.50 FREE game play for every “B.” There is a maximum of 6 grades per report card you must present a current original report card. You can not combine the FREE game play offer with group use.

Brunswick Bowling: Get a FREE game of bowling for each report card “A.” (Brunswick does not have any locations in Utah)

Color Me Mine: Bookmark Reading Program. Teachers can partner with Color Me Mine to help students reach their reading goals. When goals are met they will earn free paint time or a free ceramic piece. This program must be run through your school. So, if your teacher isn’t participating make them aware of this fun way to motivate students.


Utah Community Credit Union: Reader Megan let us know that her bank, Utah Community Credit Union, will pay cash for good grades to kids who have accounts. This is definitely worth calling your banking institution to see if they honor good grades with cash rewards.

Zions Bank: If you open a student savings account at Zions Bank, they will pay you $1.00 for every “A” on your report card.


If you weren’t aware already, most insurance companies will offer Good Student Driving discounts on car insurance. Your insurance agent may not come right out and tell you about this discount, so be sure to call and ask if this is a discount they offer. Some savings can be up to 35% so it is definitely worth investigating.

Here is a list of insurance companies that should offer this discount:

IMPORTANT: Before you visit any of the businesses listed above be sure to call and speak with a manager to confirm they are participating. Many companies are franchised and participation in these rewards is optional. If the location nearest you isn’t participating you can try contacting other locations to see if they have decided to participate. Participation also varies by state.

5 Unique Kids Valentines for School

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Valentine’s Day is coming soon! Are you getting ready? It’s the worst to wake up the day before and stress about what to make for your kids Valentine’s Day parties. I’m starting to get my kids ready and prepared now. That way we can have a stress free week. All of these ideas have items you can buy on Amazon and have them shipped right to your door. Awesome! Here are a few ideas that are super fun and unique too. Enjoy!

  1.  You Rock Valentine! This is super cute and very easy to make. You can even buy your Pop Rocks from Amazon. You can  Check it out here.  (pictured above)
  2. Valentine, you’re my main SQUEEZE! This is a great non-candy item. Plus, you can find these in bulk at Costco or Sams or even here on Amazon. You can  Check it out here.  (pictured above)

3. You’re Kool! Happy Valentine’s Day! This is super easy too and I love the how unique it is. These single packs of Kool-aid are really cheap as well when you buy them in big packs. Amazon even has them that you can get here. You can Check it out here. 

4. Valentine, you blow me away! How cute is this? Again I love that it’s a non-candy item. Plus, what kid doesn’t love bubbles? You can find bubbles here on Amazon. Check out how to make this here. 

5. You are Extra Awesome Valentine! My kids love gum, so this would be a super fun one to give out. You can get small gum packs here on Amazon. Check out how to make this here. 

Hopefully you can get your items ordered and ready to assemble here soon. That way your kids can get going on making them as soon as they have their class list!

Simple Easy & Delicious Superbowl Foods!

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Superbowl Sunday is THIS Sunday! And in past years, watching the commercials has been super important because companies have given out free things, free samples and had contests. So pay attention, in case that happens again. But in the meantime I wanted to give you guys some fun and easy food ideas you can throw together for the big game!

These rice krisipies are perfect not only for the adults but the kids too!

I love this simple and easy idea! And who doesn’t love pizza for the big game! You could easily purchase a pepperoni pizza from Papa Murphy’s and rearrange the pepperonis or make it yourself from scratch!

These Individual Seven-Layer Dips are individually portioned dips perfect for parties and get togethers. No double dipping here! the-girl-who-ate-everything.comMake it easy to eat your chips and dip! Throw together these individual cups of dip with some beans, sour cream, guacamole, cheese and more. Football-themed deviled eggs featured on a veggie plateWant to go healthier? Put together some deviled eggs with a little football twist!

Easy Lil Smokies Appetizer recipe - from RecipeGirl.comLil Smokies are always on our menu list when it comes to family get togethers! This is our favorite recipe when it comes to ease and taste! You’ll just love these too!

freebies2deals-superbowlNeed some more ideas? Check these other options that are taste, easy and quick – perfect for the big day!

So what your plans for the game? Are you hosting a party or invited to attend one? Either way pick up everything you need at the grocery store this weekend and throw something fun together to enjoy while watching the game.

5 Things You Should Stop Saying No To

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Have you gotten in the habit of saying no to things all the time?  Hey, I don’t blame you, I am a busy mom with busy kids and a busy husband, it is really easiest to say no to the constant requests that I am bombarded with what seems like daily. That being said, it may be great for you to slow down and say yes to some of these things, for better piece of mind and better mental health for you and your family.

Here are 5 things you should stop saying no to:

  1. Vacations.  I know that you don’t want to spend the money and you don’t want to take the time off of work, but it will do you a world of good to get away for a bit.  Stepping away from the stresses of everyday life will help you feel refreshed and less stressed.
  2. Time off.  Not exactly a vacation, but when someone suggests you take a day off, you really should.  Even if it is just to stay at home or run errands that you would otherwise not know how to fit into your day.
  3. Family dinners.  If you have been invited to a dinner from family, go.  I know it seems exhausting, but times like these don’t last forever, make sure you fit it in.  
  4. Playing with the kids.  When your kid wants to play with you, do it.  Whether it’s throwing around a ball, playing a video game or building with blocks, your children will never forget those times that you spent with them.  Your children are only little once, be there for them.
  5. Time with your spouse.  Don’t be too busy with life that you forget what is important.  Too many people focus on work and money to remember what it’s all about.  Don’t forget to spend time with your family.


5 Things to Remember When Selling Your Car

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Are you in the market for a new car?  Or, are you planning to buy one within the next 6 months or so? If so, you are probably thinking about selling your current vehicle.  If this is the case, you need to start thinking about what you need to do to get ready for that.

Here are 5 things to remember when selling your car:

  1. Have an inspection done.  Many buyers will do this anyway, so it’s good to have an inspection done on your vehicle before you put it up for sale.  This way you know all of the ins and outs of it.  If you vehicle does have issues, it is much better find out now then miss out on a sale because of it.
  2. Find out the payoff.  If you still owe money on your car, you need to find out what the payoff is so that you price it correctly.  You don’t want to be left owing more money, especially since it needs to be paid off in order to transfer title. Of course, this is a moot point if you own your vehicle free and clear.
  3. Have your vehicle detailed.  A clean car looks better and sells better than a dirty one.  Either detail it well yourself, or invest in having someone else do it.  It will greatly improve your chances of selling.
  4. Be willing to negotiate.  Just prepare yourself in advance to be willing to negotiate on price.  People love to negotiate anyway and you are more likely to sell if you are somewhat flexible.
  5. Cash only.  Do not, I repeat, do not take a personal check from a random buyer.  Also, do not arrange paypal payment from a distant buyer.  Too many people are scamming others with these methods, so don’t get scammed.  Accept cash only or meet at a bank with the buyer so that they can get a cashier’s check.

2018 Winter Olympics Schedule

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Get ready! The  2018 winter Olympics is starting soon! I’m so excited! This year, the winter Olympics is hosted by PyeongChang, Korea. The opening ceremony will be on February 9th. Then the games start February 10th and run through February 25th. There will be a closing ceremony on February 25th as well.  You can check the schedule of all the winter Olympic events here on their site. It has a detailed schedule of when each sport will be played.

So what is your favorite winter Olympic sport to watch? Some include: figure skating, ice hockey, speed skating, ski jumping, bobsled, and alpine skiing. During the cold days outside, it’s always fun to stay indoors and turn on the TV to watch some Olympic games. Mark your calendars and enjoy the world coming together to play.

5 things to Remember When Buying a Car

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Are you planning to buy a new car soon?  We are planning to buy a new family car in the next couple of months and it has me thinking about how to prepare for it all.  We actually bought a new car last spring for my husband’s commute and now it’s my turn to upgrade.   If you too, are in the market for a new ride, it’s good to keep a couple things in mind before you buy.

  1. Get pre-approved.  If you plan on financing a car, it is best to have a pre-approval in hand before you go.  It’s best to head to your bank or credit union.  Having a pre-approval is good for several reasons:
    1. You know what you can afford and how much your payment will be
    2. You can prevent multiple hits on your credit report, by having one single one done before hand (car dealers always run multiple checks)
    3. You will know in advance how your credit looks.  It may be that you are going to be charged 15% interest and you will then choose to not finance after all.  Wouldn’t you rather make this decision on your own instead of at the dealership?
  2. Test Drive.  Whatever car you think you want to buy, be sure to test drive it first.  You never know how a car drives until you are behind the wheel.
  3. Know your trade in value.  If you plan to trade in your current vehicle, be sure to do some research on its value before you sign on the dotted line.
  4. Know your vehicle’s value.  The same is true for the vehicle that you are buying.  You need to know its true value so that you don’t pay too much for it.  Knowing it’s value helps in the negotiating process too..
  5. Be prepared to walk away.  Don’t pay too much for a car.  Make sure that you walk into the dealership prepared to walk away if need be.  I went online to look at cars for sale earlier and within 100 miles of me, there were 30,000 cars for sale.  You will find another deal.  

Simple, Easy, Yummy & CHEAP Potato Soup Recipe Your Family Will Love!

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I’m always on the hunt for easy meals for my family but with picky kids that can get challenging. So I’ve gone back to my roots and talked to my mom about recipes I loved growing up that we’d have all the time! I remember this potato soup was a favorite and I love the fact that it’s cheap and easy to make! Whip this up for tomorrow nights dinner and I bet your family will love it too!

Great Potato Soup Recipe
3 cups diced potatoes
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced onion
1 1/2 cup water
1 Tbsp chicken bouillon (or 2 cubes)
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups milk (divided)
1 8oz Sour Cream with chives (or plain sour cream works too)
1 tsp flour

In a large sauce pan, combine potatoes, celery, onion, water, bouillon and salt. Cover and cook about 20 minutes or until veggies are tender. Add 1 cup of milk, heat through. I medium bowl, combine, blend sour cream and lour gradually add remaining 1 cup milk. Pour 1/3 of the hot potato mixture into the sour cream mixture; stir and return to pan. Cook over medium heat until thickened.

You can easily top this with bacon bits and cheese. Or add in some peas and ham another night. Great way to use up those leftovers!

House Cleaning Tips for the Busy Mom

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Are you a busy mom?  Okay, that’s a trick question.  If you are a mom, of course you are busy.  If you feel like you could use a little help keeping your house clean while you are busy being a mom, check out these house cleaning tips:

  • Hire a maid.  Okay, I am only half joking here.  If you can afford it, I totally suggest hiring a maid.  Or, maybe trading services with a housekeeper is another way to help get your house cleaned.
  • Give the kids chores.  Many of us parents feel guilty about asking our children to do chores.  Don’t feel guilty and don’t ask them to do chores, tell them to.  It is your responsibility to raise them to be able to function as adults and in order to function as adults, keeping their own home clean is a requirement.  Doing this cuts down on the stuff that you have to do and saves everyone time.  
  • Set a schedule.  Setting a house cleaning schedule is a great way to get your chores organized and keep them done regularly.  I, for example, have it set to where I clean bathrooms on Tuesdays and vacuum on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Of course there are things that need to be done daily or every other day, but setting a schedule for the other stuff is helpful.
  • Keep your sink clean.  I never go to bed with a dirty sink.  It’s just how I am.  I have found that if I make sure that my dishes are loaded in the dishwasher instead of piled in the sink, I am far more likely to also clean off the counter each night before bed.  When this happens I wake up with a clean kitchen and that makes me happy.

What are your best housekeeping tips?


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