How to Prepare for Hosting Holiday Gatherings

Okay, so Halloween is tomorrow and after that? It’s officially the holiday season, my friends! Are you feeling it? Are you the type of person who gets in the holiday spirit the moment that November begins? Are you planning to host a holiday party this year? 

Whether you are new at hosting a party or you just haven’t done so in a while, you may enjoy this list of tips on how to prepare for hosting holiday gatherings. I’m not huge on the party scene typically, but I am absolutely ready to celebrate so I’m all in this year.

How to Prepare for Hosting Holiday Gatherings

Shop Early

I hate hate hate shopping at the last minute. I don’t care if it is shopping for gifts, drinks or food. Shopping at the last minute adds so much unnecessary stress. Be sure to shop early for your food and necessities for your holiday gatherings. Knowing you have everything ready to go in advance will make all the difference. 

Have Food Options

Do you know if your guests have any food restrictions or allergies? Make sure you are prepared for it by having a variety of food options. No you don’t have to cook everything, but having at least a small selection will help everyone enjoy their time at your holiday party. 

My daughter and I both have some pretty severe food allergies so we often don’t get to enjoy party food, but we do have some friends and family members that make sure to have some options for us to eat when they have us over. It makes all the difference for us. 

Have Non Alcoholic Drinks Available

If you are planning a celebration that will include alcoholic beverages, make sure you include some non alcoholic drinks to what you are offering guests. There will likely be non-drinkers there and it’s always nice to be included!

Enjoy Yourself

Don’t be so stressed out with the party planning and all of the specifics that you forget to enjoy yourself! This party is for your guests, yes, but it’s for you too! Make sure you take time to remember that.

25% Off at Groupon! Find Something Fun to Do This Weekend

I am bored this weekend you guys. I have been sick this week and I’m feeling better and ready to get out of the house!! What are you up to? I decided to check out Groupon for some cheap fun things to do and spotted that they are offering 25% off right now!

So go check out Groupon and find something fun to do!

Yes, I know that these deals come up often, but I still love it when they do because I love saving money on fun things for my family to do.

Just head on over and check out the deals, then use promo code SAVE to save up to 25% on deals for Beauty, Dining and Activities!!

Our family has found tons of fun activities to do at Groupon.

Items to Avoid When Thrift Shopping

These prices are making me stress y’all. Seriously. It doesn’t matter if I am grocery shopping or clothing shopping, all I know is that I am STRESSED out by the prices I am seeing in stores today. That’s why when I discovered that several members of my family were in need of cold weather clothing, I decided to head to the thrift shop.

I have found some amazing deals over the years at thrift shops, but over my years of thrift shopping I have learned that there are some things that you should just buy new. It just makes more sense.  

Items to Avoid When Thrift Shopping

Looking for what items to avoid when thrift shopping? Look no further than this list:


Unless you find some brand new shoes at the thrift shop (it can happen), I typically recommend avoiding buying shoes at thrift shops. While you can disinfect the shoes, the change of fungus and foot diseases is there when buying used. Plus, shoes mold to your feet when you wear them. If you buy shoes used, you are buying shoes that are likely already molded to someone else’s feet. 

Keep an eye on clearance sites and store sales to find some good deals on shoes. 


There have been very few occasions when I was happy with my purchase of an electronics item from thrift shops. I have tried! Trust me. My husband loves gadgets and electronics so I have certainly tried to save money by thrift shopping for them, but it never turns out well. 

Hats and Helmets

It’s always a good idea to avoid buying hats and helmets at thrift shops. I know that this is tempting because it’s so easy to spot super cute and fashionable accessories like hats at thrift shops, but this is one of those things that you should just wait and buy new. 

Rain Gear

Rain gear can be a risky thrift purchase. You can’t always spot tiny holes in rain gear, plus many people don’t take proper care of rain gear so the waterproofing may not work as well as new rain gear would.

The Best Things to Donate This Holiday Season

Are you feeling charitable as we head into this holiday season? I hope so! In my opinion, there really is no joy like the joy that comes with giving. I especially find this true when I am giving to those that really need it. 

I was a child who grew up in a very poor household. I was the kid who’s name was hung on the giving tree and who had Christmas Eve food boxes delivered to my house, so I know a bit about how much giving can help. If you are feeling extra giving and charitable right now, I have put together a list of the best things to donate this holiday season to help those in need have their best holiday season too.  

The Best Things to Donate This Holiday Season

Good Food Staples

When you are going through your pantry looking for food to donate, choose a good mixture of stuff. Please don’t only choose the foods that you don’t like and have been sitting in your pantry for months and months. Just because someone doesn’t have the financial means at this moment doesn’t mean that they want your creamed peas and canned asparagus.

Warm Clothes

Do you have some nice, warm winter clothing that is in excellent shape? Better yet, do you have the budget to buy something new for someone? It’s getting cold out there! Let’s help others stay warm with some nice warm winter coats and clothing. 

I am a thrift shopper and I have found myself some really amazing deals in recent months on winter clothes. As a result, I have 4 VERY nice, high dollar winter coats hanging in my closet and I have decided that this year, I will be giving away 2 of them. 

Gift Cards

Do you know a family in need? If you are wondering how you can help, consider gifting them with a gift card to a local grocery store or big box store. It can help them buy gifts for their children or household supplies that they can’t otherwise afford. 

I also like the idea of gifting them with a restaurant gift card. Hard times or not, everyone deserves to be able to enjoy someone else cooking for them sometimes, am I right?

How to Prepare for Holiday House Guests

The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!!! I know, it’s absolutely mind boggling, right?! We are just days away from Halloween though and that means we have less than a month until Thanksgiving and less than 2 months until Christmas! 

You know what else that means? It means you should probably start getting ready for all of those holiday guests that are heading your way! Well, if you are hosting that is? Are you hosting the holidays this year? Let’s get you ready!

How to Prepare for Holiday House Guests


I bet you didn’t think that the word relax would make it on this list, right? I get it, I get it. Houseguests can be stressful (In-laws, anyone), but here’s the thing. People are going to be visiting you to visit you. Don’t get so stressed about this visit that it takes away the fun of catching up with your loved ones. 

When starting to get your home ready for guests, tell yourself that it doesn’t need to be perfect. Your focus should be to make it comfortable. 

Give Your Pets Some Space

Do you have pets? You might start thinking about dedicating a space for your pets so that they can have their own area. Your guests may have pet allergies, or your pets may just not be in the mood to deal with people that they don’t know. I know your pet is family too, but sometimes it is best to allow for some separation. 

I have the best dog in the whole world. She loves my family and my children more than anything, but she doesn’t love it when guests are over. She gets very anxious and she starts to behave a lot differently than typical. Whenever we have houseguests, we keep our bedroom door shut and our dog gets the run of our room and space. It always works out perfectly. 

Plan, But Don’t Overplan

It’s so much fun to visit with our loved ones when they are visiting. It’s the perfect time to plan outings and activities. Keep in mind though that your guests might just want to do a little relaxing too! Your calendar doesn’t have to be booked fully to have a great time.

5 Family Friendly Places to Visit in Yellowstone National Park

We recently returned from Yellowstone National Park and it was so fun. It was my kids first time going which made it even more memorable. There are so many fun hikes, trails, sites to see in the park that are great for all ages. Here are 5 places we visited and loved.

  1. Midway Geyser Basin.  As we were driving up to the Midway Geyser turn off we saw all of the smoke coming off of the hot pots. It was a cold day so the smoke was thicker than usual. It made it look very magical. This walk around Midway Geyser Basin is short and sweet. It’s on a boardwalk so it’s accessible for strollers.
  2. Grand Prismatic Spring/ Fairy Falls. This stop is where you can walk up to see the Midway Geyser Basin from up high. It’s such a different view then when you walk around through it. The colors (pictured above) are amazing! You could also continue to Fairy Falls. This walk is a bit up hill and could be a little rocky. My 5 year old was able to do it with a little help.
  3. Old Faithful. This is a must do, just because of the name. Everyone knows Old Faithful, so you must go see it. The visitors center has a very good estimate of the time Old Faithful will go off. It’s around every 90 minutes. There is a great visitors center that has some fun information and a movie. So if you get there with plenty of time before or after the eruption, then take some time there.
  4. Yellowstone Lake. If you like to fish this is a great place to do it. If you don’t, you could still go to the lake and throw rocks and have a picnic. It’s beautiful scenery.
  5. Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. This is super cool. When we arrived, I didn’t know what it would be like. I was amazed at how big and deep the canyon was. You can go to both the lower falls and the upper falls. Both of these offer different views of the canyon and both are worth the time.

If you have time to stop in the town of West Yellowstone, shop the cute stores. Grab a souvenir and some ice cream. It’s a charming town.

Sell Your Stuff for Extra Money 


Need a little extra cash? Are you wondering how to get it? Well, what if I told you that you likely have quite a bit of money in your closet and storage spaces?

I was doing some decluttering this weekend and before I loaded everything up in my car to take to goodwill for donation, I decided to check out some of my favorite selling sites to see if it might get decent prices for them. WOW. I was very surprised to say the least. The toys in my son’s closet that he has grown out of for example could make us hundreds of dollars.

Sell Your Stuff for Extra Money

Here are some of my favorite places to sell stuff to make extra money.


I love love love selling on Mercari! This is the place where I often sell my housewares, toys, video games, etc. I don’t often sell clothes here, but I have sold shoes, home decor and so much more on Mercari! I absolutely love that all you need to do is post your item. Once it sells Mercari sends you a shipping label and you send it off. Easy peasy!


Poshmark has been a great place for selling clothes. Whenever I decide to sell clothing, this is the only place I do it. I have just found far more success at selling clothing and accessories here than any other place. Plus, I have always gotten top dollar for my item.

Facebook Marketplace

Okay, I’m going to be honest here. I know people who have had great success in selling on Facebook Marketplace. I love that it is local and you don’t have to deal with shipping items. Honestly though, I don’t really like it. I haven’t made many sales on Marketplace and I cannot stand dealing with the flaky people that make a plan to buy something and then don’t show up. It’s frustrating to me and it makes it not worth it. I do still occasionally post items for sale here, but it is very occasional. 


Buying a Car: New vs. Used


Are you needing to upgrade your car? If you are anything like me, you might just hate car shopping. I’m not kidding, I would much rather drive my car into the ground for years than shop for a new car. I don’t know exactly why, but for me it’s probably partially that I hate spending so much money, and I just don’t like making big decisions like that. 

From 2010 to 2018 I drove a 2003 Saturn Vue that I loved. My family hated it because the door handles kept breaking and the windows didn’t like to roll up on occasion, but I hung on to that car for as long as I possibly could. I just despised the thought of buying something different. Finally I upgraded in 2018 to a 2016 Toyota Camry which is a great car. Do I absolutely love it? No. But we got a great deal on it when we bought it and the gas mileage is good (a must right now for sure). Our finances have been good enough for me to upgrade to a vehicle that I really want, but the thought of buying a new car has put me off of the idea. I’ll probably drive this car for years to come if only because I hate buying cars. 

Maybe you really do need to buy a different car though and if so, you may be trying to decide if you want to buy a new or used car. Here are some things that may help you decide:

Buying a Car: New vs. Used

Buying Used

Pro: You’ll Save Money

Obviously you’ll save money if you buy a used vehicle versus a one. Of course this is dependent upon the type of vehicle you are going to buy. I mean, you can buy an entry level economy car brand new cheaper than you can probably buy a slightly used high end luxury car. 

You may also find that you’ll save money on your auto insurance with a used car. In 2018 we bought a brand new jeep for my husband and wow, was I surprised by how much our insurance was on it. 

Cons: It’s Not Exactly What You Want

When you buy a new car you get to choose the make, model, colors, features, etc., so obviously this is not something that you get when you buy used. Additionally, there are always things that you don’t know about used cars as far as their history, maintenance, etc. 

Buying New


Buying a new car means that not only will you be deciding the make and model, but you’ll also get lower interest rates (if you are financing), the most up to date safety features, the newest tech, and you are the first and only owner. 


The cons of buying new are the price of course, the instant depreciation when you drive off the lot, and they are more expensive to insure.

5 Ways for You To Give Back This Holiday Season


Do you want to give back this holiday season? Times are tough right now. Prices are going up up and up and so is everyone’s stress levels. My husband works a good job with a great salary and I operate a small business and we are stressed. I’m trying to put myself in the shoes of those who are less fortunate and I really want to help them. 

Whether you live in a large city or a small town, there are things that you can do to give back to those around you so you can help others have a better experience this holiday season.  If you are ready to feel good and give to others, here are 5 ways for you to give back this holiday season. 

5 Ways for You To Give Back This Holiday Season

Bring Treats to Work

Do you work in an office filled with stressed out employees? Why not bring in a plate full of treats for your coworkers to enjoy?

Because I myself suffer from severe food allergies, I’d like to request that you ask your coworkers about any food allergies and try to bring in allergen friendly foods so everyone can enjoy. 🙂 

Donate to Food Banks

Look through your pantry. Could you spare some of the food you have in it? Foods like peanut butter, beans, tuna and canned chicken make great, healthy donations. You can also offer foods like dried potatoes and stuffing, etc so that people can enjoy holiday focused foods. Also, I recently read that for every box of cereal you donate, you should also donate dried milk. 

Donate Old Blankets and Towels to Animal Shelters

This one is an easy one that won’t strain your budget. If you have discovered that you simply have too many towels and blankets than you need, reach out to your local animal shelter. Many shelters appreciate these donations. 

Cover a Shift for a CoWorker

As we have been discussing, the holidays are a stressful time. Many people need to take days off for multiple reasons and because it’s the holidays, it’s harder to find someone to cover said shift. If you are able to, why not cover a shift for someone? This is a kind offer that benefits you financially as well. 


Sometimes we simply need to experience kindness. Something as simple as smiling at a stranger can change their whole day. Make it a goal to smile at others and acknowledge them.

Holiday Travel Tips


Are you hoping to travel this holiday season? Whether you are traveling for vacation and fun or you are traveling to see family for the holidays, you probably want to save some money while doing so. These holiday travel tips will help you save money and save your sanity while traveling during the busy holiday season. 

Traveling during the holiday season is stressful, but it can be fun and well worth it! You need to go into it with a low stress attitude and make the choice to not sweat the small stuff. 

Holiday Travel Tips

Book As Early As Possible

I know that this is not always possible, but to save the most money, you should try and book your flights and/or hotel room stays as early as possible. Oftentimes you can find the best deals when you book 90 days out. 

Get Travel Insurance

Travel has been quite unusual lately. Many flights are being canceled and overbooked, etc. While none of us want these types of wrenches thrown into our travel plans, it’s best to be prepared. Travel insurance is a great way to get money back if any of these situations arise. 

Plan an Extra Day

Take an extra day or two off of work or work them into your vacation schedule, because as we mentioned earlier, things happen, especially lately. The best way to avoid unexpected delays is to plan for them in advance. Give yourself an extra day before you go back to work, just in case of delays that make it difficult to get back in time. 

Ship Gifts Beforehand

If you are traveling to see family for the holidays and you plan to bring gifts, consider shipping the gifts to your destination in advance. This could prevent you from having luggage issues or for having to pay extra for larger luggage.

Super Easy & Yummy Pumpkin Bar Recipe

This is my absolute  favorite pumpkin dessert that we have during the Fall and Winter months. I love making them because it makes a big pan which is enough to feed a crowd. It’s the perfect one to make for a family or friend gathering. The ingredients are super simple too. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Bar Recipe
(photo & recipe by LexiMichelle Blog)


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 2/3 c sugar
  • 1 c canola oil
  • 1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
  • 2 c flour
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt


    1. In a bowl, beat eggs, sugar, oil & pumpkin.
    2. Combine flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, & salt and them gradually add to pumpkin mixture.
    3. Lightly coat jelly roll pan with cooking spray and pour mixture in.
    4. Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely before frosting.

    Cream Cheese Frosting

    1. Beat ingredients together in small bowl until smooth.
    2. 1 pkg (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
    3. 1/4 c butter, softened
    4. 1 tsp vanilla
    5. 1/2 pkg powdered sugar (about half of a 2 pound bag)
    6. Enjoy!

Holiday Shopping Tips 

Halloween is almost here and you know what that means? The holidays are coming fast!! Have you given any thought to your holiday shopping yet? Whether you said yes or no to that question, you might be wondering about how to make your holiday shopping more successful. 

These holiday shopping tips will help keep you safe and keep you from spending all of your hard earned money frivolously this holiday season. Following these tips will also help you to keep your stress levels down this holiday season. Happy shopping!

Holiday Shopping Tips

Make a List


Make a list right away of who all you need to shop for. Once you have your list of people set, include a list of interests and likes that each person likes. This will give you an idea what to look for when you begin shopping. 


Plan your overall budget. You need to go through your budget and find out how much you can afford to spend for the holidays. 

After you get your overall number, then it’s time to break this budget down even further. You need to decide how much you want to spend on each person that you will be buying gifts for, yes, but there are other categories that you need to budget for. Here is a general list to go from:

  • Individuals/gifts
  • Special Occasions
  • Holiday Foods/Dinners
  • Holiday Decor

Use Cash

Using cash is a great way to keep track of your spending and hold yourself to your budget. This is especially a good idea if you know that you are prone to spending a little too much. 

So head to the bank or ATM and pull out the cash that you plan to use for holiday spending and leave your debit and credit cards at home when you go shopping. 

Do Not Shop Online From Public Places

If you are going to shop online, great! There is some serious money to be saved like this. That being said, be careful about shopping online if you are using public wifi (coffee shops, etc). Your information is just not as secure this way and you don’t want to risk sharing your information or identity theft.

5 Fun Adventures to do in Seattle, Washington

We just returned from a fun trip to Seattle, Washington and we absolutely loved it. I actually grew up going there once a year visiting family, so I know the area quite well. However, it’s been a few years since we have been, so it was time. This time around we went without our kiddos, so we were able to do some different adventures! Here are a 5 fun things to do in and around Seattle that we loved.

  1. Walk around and eat at Pikes Place. You may hear all of the time that Pikes Place is a fun place to shop, but did you know it’s a fun place to eat too? We were surprised as how many food places are there on the street and so yummy. My suggestion is to go hungry and try some of the fun, unique places that are there. A few of our favorites were Piroshky Piroshky- with fresh salmon biscuits and pastries, Beecher’s Handmade Cheese- try their Mac n Cheese, and Pikes Place Chowder. A little ways down by the pier is Ivar’s Fish and Chips. They are amazing too.
  2. Take a hike in the forest. The Seattle area has some of my favorite hiking trails. I love the tall pine trees and the smell of rain in the air. Our favorite hikes are Rattlesnake Ridge, Franklin Falls, Oxbow Trail Loop and Denny Creek Trail.
  3. Visit the Space Needle. This was the first time we actually went up the Space Needle and it was pretty incredible. This does cost a bit more money, but if you have the time and means, then it would be fun. The Space Needle has a glass floor and glass benches that are to take pictures on and test your courage! The views of Seattle and the Puget Sound are beautiful on the top.
  4. Take a Ferry. We love to ride a ferry to an island and walk around or ride bikes. You can take your car onto the Ferries and then explore the islands. Try taking a ferry to Bainbridge Island and exploring that area. This is an inexpensive way to travel around and be on a boat!
  5. Enjoy a Harbor or Locks Cruise. Have you heard of the Seattle Locks? They are seriously so cool. You can take a Locks Cruise where you actually go through the locks and see how the process works. Enjoy the cruise on the water from Seattle through the Puget Sound and around the islands or through the locks. It’s a beautiful way to see the area.

Holiday Tipping Tips 

Do you tip? Let me just start by saying, I really hope that you do! I’m a big supporter of tipping. That being said, I think we may be getting a little out of hand on some tipping expectations. To each their own though, you should definitely tip as much as you want to. 

However, if you are stuck on what to do, how much to tip, etc., these holiday tipping tips will help you! We can all use a little help saving during the holiday season, but for those who rely on tips as part of their income, they could likely use a little boost, so don’t be afraid to tip. 

Holiday Tipping Tips

Decide Who To Tip

Are you wondering who you should be tipping? Well, the truth is, traditionally tipping is meant to be a way of expressing thanks for a service that you received or for a person or company that you appreciate. If a company or person has gone out of their way to give you great service and you want to recognize that with a tip, then do so! 

If you are looking for tips on when and how much to tip, follow the next few tips to help you make that decision.

Ask Around

I can’t really just give you a blanket number on how much to tip or even who to tip. One of those reasons is because it really is different in different parts of the country or world. As a matter of fact, there are some countries that you can find where tipping is not the norm at all, so it’s best to ask friends and family, neighbors, etc, what their thoughts are as they may be more familiar with the norm in your area. 

Consider Your Budget

Do not strain your budget just because of what is perceived to be the “required tipping amount.” Tip what you can, but if you simply can’t afford it, that’s ok. A simple thank you note or even saying the words might even be more appreciated by the recipient. Never underestimate the power of kind words.

Inexpensive Halloween Decor You can Find on Amazon 

Halloween is in just a few short weeks! Is your home decorated yet? I am all about decorating right now, but unfortunately I have a very tight budget right now. Thanks to my desire to decorate and save money, I have been looking at Amazon for cheap decor items. 

In case you didn’t know it, the amount of inexpensive Halloween decor that you can find on Amazon is shocking! There is so much great stuff out there that won’t break the bank. You are going to be amazed at how great your house can look for very little out of pocket. 

Inexpensive Halloween Decor You can Find on Amazon 

Fake Spider Webs

Fake spider webs are one of the most budget friendly decor items that you can buy and they are so much fun! You can make them a spooky addition or just a fun one! 

Bat Stickers

How fun are these bat stickers? Plus, they work inside or outside so these are great for whatever kind of decorating you are planning. 

Window Clings

Window clings are great because they are cheap, easy to put up and easy to take down! I love them because they let my little guy take part in the decorating process too. His siblings are much older than him so they get to help with the other aspects of decorating, but he is able to do these ones. 

Pillow Covers

Pillow covers are a great decor item for any holiday. Here are just some of my favorite things about using pillow covers as decor pieces:

  • They are cheap
  • They are easy to store and reuse next year
  • They work as an accent to your everyday decor

You can use pillow covers to decorate bedrooms, living rooms and even entryways and tables. 

Flameless Candles

Flameless candles are great because they can be used over and over for just about any holiday. With white/ivory colored flameless candles you can surround them with other decor items/colors to make them work for holidays throughout the year while only buying them once.

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