4 Benefits to Doing a Pantry Challenge

Have you ever done a Pantry Challenge? A Pantry Challenge is making a concentrated effort to use the food that you already have in your pantry, freezer and fridge to create meals for your family instead of running to the store. I try to do a Pantry Challenge 2 to 4 times per year, with the challenge schedule for a 1 week time period. I do this for several reasons, but if you are giving it some thought and trying to get everyone else on board, check out this list of 4 benefits to doing a pantry challenge that might help convince those who are unsure.

  1. It saves money. This one is obvious because oftentimes you are doing this specifically to stay out of the stores, right? If you are using what you have, you can likely put all or at least some of that week’s grocery budget toward savings.
  2. It prevents waste. If you are anything like me, you stock up when the price is right. Which means I have lots of stuff in the back of my cabinets or in the bottom of the freezer, that frankly, I often forget about. I don’t want to look in my pantry a year from now and discover that my foods have now expired.
  3. You get to be creative. We are all busy. Trust me, I get it. But because of how busy we are, we often go through the motions cooking the same things day in and day out. One of my favorite things about Pantry Challenges is that it gets you to mix things up and create other meals. Plus, you might even find new meals to incorporate into your day to day.
  4. Saves time. No really, it does save you time. Even if you are intimidated by the idea of creating different meals, think about all of the time you will save by not going to the grocery store. Any parent with little ones can appreciate not having to take them shopping. Or is that just me?

Easy Halloween Kids Crafts

Halloween is coming quickly, are you ready? My kids love to make Halloween crafts and there are some seriously cute and easy ones. I’m all about easy and fast crafts. My kids tend to lose their focus quickly, so I’m always looking for ones we can do that will keep their attention. Here are 3 Halloween Kids Craft sites that have so many fun options for you to try out.  Happy Halloween!

Paper Plate Spiders, Bats, Witches and more. My kids love to do this and they are SO easy. Check out Crafty Morning for the instructions on how to make 20 different paper plate crafts.Slime! Easy and save slime that your kids can even make. Check out Surviving a Teachers Salary on directions to make this. 

Halloween crafts using popsicle sticks! This is one of my kids favorites. They love to create a variety of characters and paint them with fun expressions. Check out Buggy and Buddy for 12 easy designs.

5 Easy Ways to use Eggs

With the holidays fast approaching, we are going to start seeing lots of deals on eggs!  I just bought 5 dozen at 75 cents per dozen if that tells you anything.  In my family we actually use a lot of eggs, so 5 dozen will only last us a week or two, but what if you don’t eat eggs every day?  How can you take advantage of these deals without letting the eggs go to waste?  Well, we have put together a little list for you.

Here are 5 easy ways to use up your extra eggs:

Boiled eggs.  Boil eggs a dozen at a time and you have a quick and easy snack on hand.  These are also good for sending in your cold lunch.  Plus, they are low calorie and full of protein!  Great for those low carb diets that are so hot right now.

Egg salad sandwiches.  Take some of those boiled eggs and mix them with mayo and your other favorite ingredients to create some delish egg salad sandwiches.  Perfect for lunchtime!

Use as salad topping.  I just love boiled eggs on my garden salad, don’t you?  This is a great way to add in some protein for days when you just feel like eating a salad.

Egg sandwiches.  Fry up an egg and place it in a biscuit or english muffin with some cheese and meat (optional).  Again, this is an easy lunch idea or a breakfast surprise that your family will love.

Freeze them.  Head to the dollar store and buy a couple ice trays.  Crack open an egg into each ice cup and freeze them.  Pull them out when you have a recipe that calls for eggs.  You can also separate them before the freezing process for recipes that call for just egg whites or yolks.

6 Ways to Increase Your Income

Could you use some more money?  I mean c’mon, who couldn’t?  I love a good side hustle and since I work from home, I am always on the lookout for tips, tricks and ideas that I can find on ways to increase income.  

With the cost of just about everything going up, increasing our income is always a plus! Here are 6 ways to increase your income that I have personally succeeded at.

  1. Get a side hustle.  There are literally thousands of things that you can do to develop a side hustle.  You can write, you can mow lawns, you can babysit, you can clean houses, you can help business with their books.  Seriously, the list goes on and on.
  2. Get an education.  It is no surprise that those who have an education make more money.  First and foremost, finish high school or, if you haven’t done that, get your GED.  From there you can find success by getting a certification or degree.
  3. Work harder.  I know most of you work your butts off day in and day out, but I know that isn’t always the case.  If you have the opportunity for overtime at your current job, take it.  Considering overtime often pays time and a half to double time rates, working overtime is a great way to boost your savings.  I don’t encourage a lifetime of working 80+ hours a week, but it is a great way to build up your savings.
  4. Stop spending. It is very easy to overspend, especially when we use credit cards (they are so easy to swipe after all), stop spending on useless or overpriced things.  The less you spend on extravagant things and the less you spend on interest, the more you will be able to save.
  5. Sell your stuff. Once you have already spent money on an item and you no longer need to use it, why not put it up for sale?  You should be able to replace some if not most of the money you spent, which is great for your bottom line.
  6. Be a consultant.  Do you have a skill that you are an expert at? Consultants who offer their speciality via service is an excellent way to bring in big bucks!  Some consultants earn six figures!  That’s what I’m talking about.

What things have you tried to make more money?

5 Things to Ask Yourself When Buying a New Home

Are you planning to buy a home soon? The market is hot right now almost everywhere so to hear of someone house shopping, it doesn’t surprise me. But when you make a plan to go out and buy a new house for yourself, you need to make sure you are ready! All you need to do to make sure you are ready is to be sure and ask yourself 5 questions before you head out and hit the open houses.

For almost all of us, a home is the most expensive purchases we will make! For that reason, it makes sense that you need to make sure you are going into this purchase with eyes wide open.

  1. How much can I afford? While lenders typically will okay you with a payment of 40% of your income, many financial experts recommend never going over 25% of your income when it comes to your house payment. This makes it easier to have room in your budget for other expenses that come up.
  2. What’s my credit score? Most places won’t even think about giving you financing on a home if your credit score is under 620, a lot of others you have to be even higher. If your credit score is low, it is wise to focus your time on building your credit and not buying a house at this moment.
  3. Do I have enough of a down payment? For many of us, the absolute least amount you will need is a 3% down payment, with many experts recommending that you have 10% – 20% to put down. Assume you are buying a home for $100k, that is $3,000 down (minimum) that you will need to have. Plus, you really don’t want to drain all of your savings for this, you are buying a house after all.
  4. Have I factored in Property Taxes? While you may think that you can afford to buy a house based on its price, have you though to look into how much the property taxes are on the house you want? In many, many places, your taxes will add up to over $100 per month added on top of your payment. Can you afford this?
  5. What is the market value of this house? Be sure to get an appraisal of course, but also keep an eye on properties that are in the neighborhood as well as surrounding ones. You don’t want to be so wrapped up into a home that you find yourself spending more than it is worth.


5 Things to Ask Yourself When Buying a New Car

Are you planning to buy a new car soon?  Whether the car is brand new or new to you, there are some things that you should always look out for to keep yourself on the right side of the deal and saving as much as possible!

For many of us, a vehicle is one of the most expensive purchases we make, it makes sense to focus and be wary of what it is you are getting with both the car itself and the deal.  So, before you go and sign on the dotted line, just remember to watch out for these 5 things to ask yourself when you are buying a new car:

  1. Is it a fair price?  Do your research.  Look the vehicle up online and find out what the average sales price is on this car.  Also, look up Edmunds or Kelley Blue Book to find out what the market value is.  Know these numbers before you just sign away to spend more than is necessary.
  2. How is my credit?  You need to have an idea of what your credit score is before you head in to buy.  Honestly if you don’t have a decent score, you may want to wait until you buy, because you are going to end up with a nightmare interest rate.  People with good credit are going to pay in the 1%-4% range while people with terrible credit can easily be paying 20% on their car loan.  That 20% adds A LOT to your bill every month and it is worth waiting while you build that credit up.
  3. How is this dealer rated?  If you are buying from a dealer, be sure to look up ratings and reviews on them before you head into buy.  There are some nightmare dealers out there so charge too much and sell lemons, don’t fall for one of those.
  4. Have I researched this car?  You are looking at spending thousands of dollars on a vehicle. Make sure you know what you are buying. You are likely signing up for a payment for the next several years, make sure you are getting a quality vehicle.

Is this my first visit? Never, never buy a car on your first visit.  Not only does this give you time to test drive and research the car you are interested in, but it shows the dealer that you are not too eager, which will help clear room for negotiating.

How to Make Your Fall Planting Successful

It’s that time of year when the leaves are changing and you feel the crisp chill in the air. It’s fall. You may not know this, but fall is the perfect time to plant a variety of perennials, bulbs, trees and shrubs. If you’re excited to get your yard ready for the fall season, check out these simple tips that may help your planting be a little more successful.

  1. Preparation– Before you begin your planting you need a plan on what you will be doing. Make a map of your yard either on paper or in your head. Write down what you need to buy like bulbs, perennials, trees and shrubs. See how much sun/shade each item needs and be sure to place it in those locations.
  2. Weather– Look at your weather for the next week. If you have a sudden drop in temperature you may want to wait until it gets back to the normal temps. It’s  also best to plant in the morning avoiding the warmer time of the afternoon.
  3. Bulbs– Bulbs are one of those items what works so well when planted in the fall. They will work their wonders underground until spring comes so you can see their beauty. You want to start planting your bulbs when the evening hits 40 to 50 degrees. You want to plant at least 6 weeks before the ground freezes.  If you live in Utah be sure to check out this page The Gardener’s Almanac by USU extension. It has some more awesome tips on bulbs, trees and shurbs.
  4. Watering– You may think that since the weather is cooler you don’t need to water. That’s false. You will need to water often if your fall is dry with no precipitation.

Enjoy your fall planting. This season is also a great time to trim back those bushes, hedges in preparation for the snow. This way you won’t have broken branches in the winter time. Clear out old trees that could be damaged by heavy snow as well. With the cool, crisp weather, fall is a great time to be outdoors.

15 After School Snack Ideas that are Easy & Healthy

When school started I was so worried about making a healthy and easy lunch that I totally forgot about what to feed them when they got home from school. Let’s be honest, it’s exhausting. I feel like there is so much unhealthy food out there that my kids would be happy eating Cheetos and cookies after school. Yes, that does happen on those crazy after school days and before sports/dance/art/music classes. However, I didn’t want that to happen EVERY day. I decided to make a list of after school snacks that are both easy and healthy. I wanted these snacks to fill my boys up so the are good for their after school activities and can be happy until dinner. You know what? It works!

  1. Hard Boiled Eggs
  2. Hummus- My boys like pita chips to go with this. But you can use any veggies or crackers.
  3. Peanut Butter- I either put PB in between Ritz crackers or I cut up applies-sliced and put PB in between those
  4. Muffins- Bought from a store, packaged or home made
  5. Ham & Cheese Crescent Roll-ups
  6. Smoothies- I use any fruits I need to use up and I add in some frozen spinach just to give it some greens
  7. Popcorn- SO easy and they love it!
  8. Cinnamon toast- Just toast your favorite bread and add a little butter &  cinnamon on top.
  9. Cheese & Crackers
  10. Cheese Quesadillas
  11. Trail mix- Either store bought or  you can even make your own. Just buy a variety of nuts, add in M&Ms of course!
  12. Frozen Blueberry Bites
  13. Applesauce
  14. Fruit filled cereal bars
  15. No Bake Oatmeal Energy Balls – This is a little more work, but you can freeze these and use them for weeks!


Hopefully this list will help your sanity once the kids get home from school. You can even write this list down, put it on the fridge and have it there for the kids to look at and choose what they want to eat.

STOP Buying Things You Don’t Need!

We all love saving money and finding good deals but I want you to think, do you really NEED it? The best way to save money it to not spend it on unnecessary items. So when you come to a clearance section, see a coupon or good sale think about these things before you buy!

Do you NEED the item? This is a personal question that’s not same for everyone but if you’re purchasing an item just because it’s a deal you need to step back and think. You don’t want to spend your hard earned money on something that could potential just create clutter in your house and “waste” money.

Do you have room for it? Are you living in a smaller space? Is someone offering a great deal on a big dinning table? Although it might be a killer deal and something you “someday” could use in a bigger house, now is not the time to get it. Not only are you haven’t to find space to store it, it’s not benefiting you in anyway. There will be other deals out there when you have the space. So remember if you don’t have the space, don’t buy it.

Are you stressed or board? I find myself sometimes strolling through the clearance to burn off time before picking up the kids. Or I run to the store when I’m stressed out and just need away from the kids for a minute. These are not good times to buy “deals”. We’ve all heard of retail therapy and although you might not be a hard core shopper, don’t go out shopping when you’re stressed or board.

Would you buy it at full price? This is something to really pounder because we’re all couponers and deal seekers so usually the answer is no. But think about food, does your family “need” that pack of cookies? Or especially clothing (which I’m guilty of), is another shirt really essential or do they have enough to get through the week? How many towels and sheets do you need? So be sure to really think, would you buy it at full price.

Is it really what you want? Ever bought something and started second guessing it? Or it’s close to what you’ve been looking for but not quite it? I know I have and as soon as I get it hung on the wall or put on the bed I wish I wouldn’t have bought it. Do you search and find what you want beforehand. Then watch for sales on that item instead of settling for “second best”. You’ll feel better about your purchase and won’t waste money trying to find something that’s close to what you want but not exactly it.

Happy Shopping and remember, the best way to save money is to not spend it!

You Should Start Your Christmas Shopping Now, Here’s Why

Christmas is in just 3 months, you guys!  That’s a mere 120ish days!  Have you started your shopping yet?  I have and boy do I feel good about it.  You too, should start your Christmas shopping now and here’s why

In our family, we buy for my husband’s siblings, his dad as well as our nieces and nephews.  And of course, we have our own children to buy for.   Well, I am feeling pretty good because I already have gifts for all of our nieces and nephews (4 of them) and my husband’s siblings.  I even have stocking stuffers for my kiddos already.  

Not only am I feeling ahead of the game, but I am also super excited because I have spent less than $20 on all of these gifts so far.  How, you ask? Well, here’s how I have done it.

Clearance.  Here it is, I am a sucker for clearance deals and I love grabbing these for gifts.  I always stroll through the toy and the clothing clearance section and I often find smoking good deals.  (I recently bought a great art print for $7 and that will be given to my sister in law for her gift).  Of course I budget for these shopping trips throughout the year as I don’t like to be surprised by a huge Christmas bill at the end of the year.

Thrift Shop.  I stop at my local Goodwill store weekly to look for deals.  The reason I do this is that my Goodwill store sells overstock Target merchandise which means some steep discounts.  As a matter of fact, I often find boxes of diapers (unsealed) such as Honest Diapers and Huggies for $5 – $7 per box.  These are typically $20+ in store.  This is great for baby showers, etc.  I also bought my niece a brand new unsealed Read-Along Disney Princess Book Set for $3.99, when it sells at other retailers for $25.

Handmade items.  Throughout the year my daughter and I like to do crafts together and with this, we have made several gifts for our family members.  For example, we recently shopped the clearance rack in the crafts/materials section and grabbed some awesome fleece for just a couple of dollars, we then made this into a no-sew blanket for our nephew.

Easy Zucchini Bread Recipe

It’s that time of year when zucchinis are growing non stop. If you have a garden you may be overwhelmed with what you can do with all of the zucchinis. This bread is a great option to use all of those zucchinis up!  My kids absolutely love zucchini bread and it’s a great after school snack for them.

Easy Zucchini Bread

3 Cups all purpose flour
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Baking Powder
3 Tsp Cinnamon
3 Eggs
1 Cup Vegetable Oil ( healthier option- you can substitute half with half applesauce)
2 1/4 Cups Sugar
3 Tsp Vanilla
2 Cups grated Zucchini
1/2-1 Cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Grease and flour 8×4 inch pans and preheat overn to 375 degrees. Mix together the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon together in a big bowl. Beat eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar together in a large bowl. Add dry ingredients the creamed mixture and beat well. Sir in the zucchini and walnuts until it’s well combined. Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

How to Prepared for a No-Spend Week or Month!

I’ve thought a lot about trying a no spend month lately especially with Christmas coming up, we could use the savings. Anyone else in this situation? Or maybe you want to save for a family vacation next year? No matter what you have in mind for some extra money, a no spending month or even week is a great cleanse for everyone. So here are some tips on how to survive a no spend month!

Eat out of your pantry and freezer. Lots of times I’ll be standing at my fridge wondering what we’re going to eat for dinner or even lunch but if I were to take just two steps to the left I’d find a whole pantry of food as well as our freezer in the garage. Try eating for what you have on hand. Get creative and eat something simple but before you start your no spend month be sure you’re stocking up on your staples.

Use what you have. Not just in your pantry but your closet, bathroom and more. I know I have a container of makeup that’s under the sink. So when my other stuff runs out I don’t need to head to the store, I can find something new and different right at home. You might also have clothes in the back of your closet you haven’t worn in a while that would be perfect to pull out. Your no spend month is also a great time to get rid of the stuff you don’t use (especially your closet).

Get create and make stuff from scratch. Out of bread? Need more laundry soap? Get your baking pans out and make some fresh homemade bread. Or find a recipe online for laundry detergent. You never know, you might have everything you need right at home.

Find free entertainment. There’s always lots of free community events going on. Or take the bikes down and go for a ride. You could even invite some friends over for game night and bake some cookies. Don’t forget that the library usually has movies you can borrow for a movie night or get a new book to read.

Tell your friends and family about what you’re doing. Some of them might even want to get on board and try it too. Either way it’s good to have support when you’re doing different things that could be difficult at times.

Be prepared. Make sure you have a plan and you’re prepared for what’s to come! Think about medicine you take, meal plan, gas in the car, errands to run, toiletries, bills to pay and anything else you can’t live without. Make sure you’re also planning the right month. Look ahead and be sure you don’t have vacationed planned, dinner out with friends or anything that would make it a bad time to do your no spend month. Don’t forget about birthdays, those can make for bad spending months!

Motivate yourself and find something you will do with the money you save or give yourself a treat! It’s tough in this day and age to not spend money. But if you go on a spending fast, you’ll feel better about your finances and realize you can do it!

Anyone already done a spending freeze before? How did things go and is there something you wish you would have known before?

Why You Should Go On Vacation this Fall

Just because Summer is over does not mean that it is not time to enjoy a vacation!  You really can vacation at any time during the year, it simply depends on your vacation preferences.  For me, my favorite time of year to go on a trip is in the Fall.  Fall is the best time to vacation for several reasons, let’s talk about those here:

The weather is mild.  First and foremost, most places will not be sweltering hot now that we have approached the Fall months. This makes it easier to enjoy your time on vacation.  In many instances, you can still swim and enjoy warmer weather activities though and don’t worry, you won’t need to pack your winter coat!

It’s so much cheaper!  Seriously, prices drop a lot during the Fall months.  This goes for flights, car rentals, hotel rentals and more!  If you are wanting to go on a big vacation, now is the time!  You can pretty much guarantee that during the times that school is not in session is when you are going to find the best deals on vacation costs.

Fewer crowds.  Again, most people take their vacations when school is out of session.  Use this tidbit of information to your advantage and take your vacation when school is in session.  If you have children, that is ok.  Frankly a break is good for them once in awhile and they can get their homework done ahead of time so they aren’t having to catch up.

Have you ever taken a Fall vacation?  I would love to hear all about it!  Where did you go?  What was your favorite part of vacationing in the Fall as opposed to Summertime?  

How to save money on clothes this Fall

When was the last time you went shopping?  Right now is the best time to be grabbing some FAB deals on your fashionable closet accessories.  If you are on a budget, but you still want to grab some sweet new threads, check out these savings tips that you can use this Fall.

High End Thrift Stores.  Now is the best time to go to high end thrift stores in search of some adorable fashion pieces.  This is because a lot of young people have cleared out their closet to make room for their new clothes for the new season.  I recently took my teen daughter to our nearest Plato’s Closet and oh my goodness did she find some great deals.  American Eagle Jeans for $10, Silver Jeans for $12, and the shirts were so cute and cheap!

Clearance sales.  Retailers are trying to get rid of their Summer apparel and last season’s shoes!  You will find some great deals at clearance racks right now.  Last week I went to our local Fred Meyer (Kroger) and found 70% off of their red tag clearance.  I literally walked out of that store with 5 pair of shoes (2 of them Nike, one pair of Winter Boots, a pair of Vans and a pair of Skechers), 1 pair of slacks and ALL of my kids school supplies for $140!  I called that a win for sure!

Online Shopping. Online is always a great place to shop for the best deals.  Be sure to keep an eye on our site to see what coupon codes and deals we spot and you will be able to score rock bottom deals.

What is your favorite way to save money on fashion this Fall?

Benefits of a Target REDcard- Is it Worth it?

The holidays are quickly approaching and now is the time to get ready to save money on all of your purchases. In almost every store they ask if you want to sign up for their store credit card. Which cards are really worth it? One card that has so many benefits that you’ve heard us talk a lot about is the Target REDcard. There is a Credit and a Debit version. So, is it worth it?

Here are the benefits of the debit and credit Target REDcards:

debit card

  • links to your existing checking account
  • cash withdrawal at checkout up to $40
  • view transactions & manage your PIN at Target.com/myREDcard
  • stack your savings with Cartwheel, Target Subscriptions & other discounts
  • 5% savings every trip to Starbucks within Target stores
  • Save an extra 5% at Target & Target.com each & every day
  • Free shipping on most items at Target.com
  • Extended returns for 30 extra days at Target or Target.com
  • **New: get early access to special events, products & promotions just for being a REDcard holder
  • **New: REDcard holders get exclusive extras, including special items, offers & 10% off coupon as a gift on your REDcard anniversary each year

credit card

  • charge your Target purchases in-store & at Target.com
  • receive a monthly bill
  • check balance, make payments & review statements at Target.com/myREDcard
  • stack your savings with Cartwheel, Target Subscriptions & other discounts
  • 5% savings every trip to Starbucks within Target stores
  • Save an extra 5% at Target & Target.com each & every day
  • Free shipping on most items at Target.com
  • Extended returns for 30 extra days at Target or Target.com
  • **New: get early access to special events, products & promotions just for being a REDcard holder
  • **New: REDcard holders get exclusive extras, including special items, offers & 10% off coupon as a gift on your REDcard anniversary each year

With all of these benefits, I would definitely say this card is worth it! I would suggest going the Debit Card route. That way you don’t need to get your credit pulled, you won’t have a balance you need to pay off, there are no fees, no interest- nothing. The amount just goes directly out of your account. With the holidays coming up, saving an additional 5% off EVERY purchase and getting FREE shipping from Target is a definite bonus. The savings will add up and it will be worth it. So if you don’t have a Target REDcard you can apply for one now and start your savings.

Do you have a Target REDcard? What do you think about it?

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