9 Things You Can Always Get for FREE!

We’re all on the hunt for great deals so we can save the most money but there are things you can always get for FREE. While these freebies are great and fun to find in the mail and pick up at the store you won’t always be able to score exactly what you want or need but checkout this list of freebies and make sure you’re checking the free stuff tab often!

Magazine Subscriptions – I hope you guys see all the awesome magazine subscriptions that come up. We’ll often see Parents magazine, Family Circle, Weight Watchers and more. Although we don’t see every magazine title offering free subscriptions there’s lots out there! And many times you’ll find coupons and deals inside these free subscriptions.

A Month of Amazon Prime – Sort of a no brainer but Amazon is always offering a FREE month trial of their Amazon prime Members. To get the best bang for your “buck” I recommend snagging this free month trail close to the holidays but before black Friday. That way you can snag all the awesome lightening deals earlier than non Prime Members and grab free shipping on all the other great deals we see pop up.

Movies and TV – There are ways you can still enjoy a new movie for FREE! If you’re a Prime Member you can checkout their selection of free prime shows. Also check with your local library, ours has a huge selection of movies for both kids and adults. In addition to those we’ll see free Redbox codes offered through their text program that you can take advantage of. Or if you want to hit up the movie theater watch for the BOGO offers on Fandango.

Anti-Virus Software – If you didn’t know, Newegg offers free anti-virus software. Usually you’ll have to buy it and then you’ll receive a rebate back but this is a site you can trust. There are other free options out there online but make sure it’s coming from a reliable site before you download anything!

Books – Another great reason to visit the library. With their hug selection, you can take the whole family there to pick out some new books to read. Maybe host a fun book-a-thon for the family or neighborhood kids! And while you’re there snag some of their cookbooks, checkout the magazines, use their computers for the internet, or checkout a few games.

Birthday Treats – Have you seen the hug list of birthday treats you can get? Both my husband and I have enjoyed many treats on our birthday and we’ve started signing up our kids so they can enjoy them too!

Dining Out with Kids – Our favorite restaurant always offers kids eat free coupons that we take advantage of. We can feed the whole family (family of 5) at a sit down restaurant for cheaper than the drive thru. Watch for these coupons in your mailers or newspaper. We even score some kids eat free coupons at the 4th of July parade!

Travel-Sized/Sample Toiletries -There are always free samples being offered online. You can checkout the free samples here and see if you’ve missed any. Maybe try getting enough that you never have to buy shampoo or conditioner for your family. You’ll also score free samples for tampons and pads, food, dog food and more.

Music – We listen to the radio all the time in the car and it works well for us. My husband spends most of this days in the car and he’s always using Amazon music to listen to! He’s really enjoyed that and it’s just another perk to being a prime member. If you don’t have Prime we’ll see free music downloads quite often that you can use to add more titles to your playlist.

7 Easy Ways to Get More Exercise

Do you struggle with getting in enough exercise throughout the day?  Don’t worry, many of us do.  It’s easy to get so busy with life that you forget to take care of yourself, but it is important to do it, so here we are going to talk about 10 easy ways that you can get more exercise built into your day.

  1. Park in the back of the lot.  I know this one gets talked about a lot, but there is a reason for it.  Whenever you head to the mall or to the grocery store, be sure to park in the back of the parking lot and walk further.  Not only does this get more exercise into your day, but you might also find that you get less door dings in your car since there are fewer people parked there.
  2. Take the stairs.  Elevators are great and all, but if you only have one or two floors to go, they don’t really save you much time.  Take those stairs!
  3. Walk the dog.  If you have a dog, make sure you take the time to walk him or her yourself.  It will be good for both of you.
  4. Walk your errands.  If you have errands to run that are near your work, get them done during your lunch break by walking.
  5. Wake up earlier.  Try waking up 30-60 minutes early several times a week and get in a little bit of exercise.  Getting your sweat on is a great way to start your day.
  6. Play with your kids.  If you have kids, get down on the floor and actually play with them.  The youthful energy that they have is contagious and feels great, plus you are bonding with them at the same time!
  7. Walk your lunch.  Eat a quick, healthy lunch at work and then head off to take a quick walk.  Anything over 30 minutes is ideal, but even 10 minutes is great.

What are your favorite ways to sneak in some exercise throughout your days?

Yellowstone Bear World: 8 Tips to Know Before You Go

Are you planning a trip to Yellowstone Bear World? It’s such a fun adventure for the entire family. If this is your first time or even your second time going, here are a few tips you’ll want to make sure to take advantage of. They will save you money and hopefully help your Bear World experience run smoothly.

  1. Entrance Fees: If you have a larger group of people, use the Group Rating for 15 or more people. You can do this even if you are in different cars. This saved us a TON of money per person. Also be sure to use the Senior discounts if applicable.
  2. Use the Group rating for feeding the bears. It’s only $45 for up to 7 people which is only $6.42 per person. Otherwise you will be paying $12.95 each.
  3. If you want to hand feed the baby bears you need to sign up online EARLY. Like weeks or even months in advance. We didn’t realize that until too late. So when you have your dates planned, sign up and get registered because they have limited spots.
  4. If you don’t want to spend the money to feed the bears in the truck, then make it so you get behind the truck on your drive through the park. It’s seriously so cool. You follow the truck and they stop right in front of you. Then you can watch all the bears gather around the truck and watch the people feed them. This way you can stay in your air-conditioned car, see all the bears at once, and not pay extra!
  5. Drive through the park more than once. This way you will see different animals each time you go.
  6. Bring your own water bottles. There are NO drinking fountains at Bear World. The best thing to do is have a water bottle for each person and you can refill it for free at their cafe.
  7. Bring your own lunch. To save some money, bring your own lunch and eat at their covered pavilions which are super nice.
  8. Last but not least, you need to try out their FREE samples of fudge. There are different kinds all of the time, and they are super yummy.

10 Ways to Save Money When Getting a Dog!

Puppies, they’re cute you can’t deny that. And most kids are begging their parents for one. But puppies can get expensive so I’m here to give you some ideas of how you can save on a new dog or even the one you already have!

ADOPT A DOG– if you’re not particular on what breed of dog you want, adoption is a great idea. I’ve seen tons of mixed breed dogs at our local Animal Control up for adoption as well as adorable purebred dogs who all need homes. And even if you know exactly the breed you want – watch their adoption site and call often as one might just become available.

DO YOUR GROOMING YOURSELF – Hypoallergenic dogs are great as they don’t shed but that also means you have to cut their hair quite often. I’ve found the best way to learn how to cut your own dogs hair is to go to a groomer once and watch how they do it. This way you can observe the professionals and hopefully get a better idea on how to do it yourself.

BUY YOUR DOG FOOD IN BULK – We found out from our last dog that we could get the brand of food she liked at our local Sam’s Club which really saved. I’ve also had neighbors who buy their dog food at Costco. So shop around and find the place that will save you the most. Don’t forget, lots of times we’ll see coupons for Petco or PetSmart which could help in the cost of dog food. (And don’t forget to compare prices on Amazon as well)

BUY HIGHER QUALITY COLLARS AND LEASHES – Sometimes when you’re looking at the price tag it’s hard to want to fork out so much money on a collar or leash but you want to invest your money in ones that are going to last.

DON’T SKIMP ON DOG FOOD – What I’m trying to say is don’t buy the cheapest brand out there. Look at the ingredients and find one that’s full of whole foods like Chicken and chicken meal and avoid ones with corn in the top ingredients. This could help you have money on health care later on.

BUY USED DOG ITEMS – All the essentials start to add up when you’re just starting out. If you’re a new pet owner try searching eBay, yard sales, Craigslist and other places for used dog items. You can easily score a great deal on a crate or even dog bed.

SAVE ON MEDS BY BUYING GENERIC – This is similar to even your own meds. You can always ask the doctor/veterinarian if there’s a generic option for the medication. This way you’re still giving your dog the meds they need without breaking the bank.

AVOID BOARDING YOUR DOG AND PAY A SITTER – We have lots of kids in our neighborhood that just love dogs. So whenever we have a trip for a day or two we’ll ask around and see if any of them are free to watch our dog and earn a little money. May times we can just have them check in a couple times a day or if we’re leaving longer than a day or two we’ll take our dog to their home. This cuts down on boarding cost drastically.

MAKE YOUR OWN TREATS – I’ve seen some great recipes for making your own dog treats but I have to say this isn’t one I’ve done myself just because of the time factor and I’m not really a cook 😉  But if you’re really trying to pinch your pennies when it comes to dog ownership, do a quick search online and you’ll find tons of ideas.

And last but not least MAKE YOUR OWN TOYS & DOG BEDS – This is another one I haven’t done yet only because I’m not the sewing type but if you’re up for the challenge you could put together some fun dog toys for your little fur baby. And a bed wouldn’t be too difficult to sew either. Just watch for one of the JoAnn’s coupons we see all the time or use your Hobby Lobby coupon and snag some fabric for a good deal.

How to Save on Back to School

Kids will be back in school before we know it, you know what that means!! Yep, slowed down traffic since you have to follow those buses everywhere. I kid, but really.  Anyway, I know you are probably stressed out, but don’t worry, just because the kids are going to head back to school, doesn’t mean that you have to go broke. Yes, I know that back to school shopping often means that you are paying out some serious money, but it doesn’t have to. There are some tricks out there for us parents to follow in an effort to save money when shopping for back to school.

  • Go through your closets. Chances are, you have lots of clothes and school supplies already. I bet you don’t need half of the clothes that you think you do. Of course, you don’t want to send your kids to school in raggedy clothes, but you may only have to buy a couple of pieces to have a great back to school wardrobe.
  • Wait. It is smart to wait to get everything until a little further in the year. I always grab my kids some lightweight clothes that are being put on clearance from Summer, since in our area it stays shorts weather throughout September and part of October anyway. Then, by the time you need to buy pants, they are on Fall clearance.
  • Coupon. Clip those coupons folks!! Coupons are still a huge part of the savings game and this doesn’t go away during the back to school season! Clip coupons, use apps, price match, send in for rebates! All of these things will help you save money.
  • Buy in bulk. I hate when the kids run out of stuff a couple of months into the year anyway, so I have found that I love buying school supplies in bulk. I save money, they never run out of school supplies, plus we always have pencils, crayons, etc for the kids to play with at home.

These aren’t the only ways to save, but they are my favorites. What are yours?

Save Money on Kids Lunches with These Tips

The kids will be back in school before you know it and then you have to look at the expense of lunches once again.  If you have a school aged child, be sure to read through these tips on how to save money on kids lunches to keep your budget in check during the school year.

  • Use coupons.  Just like with everything else, coupons can be hugely beneficial.  If you plan to buy juices or other packaged items for your kids’ lunches, you are going to find lots of great coupons out there for those.  Just keep track of sales and stack the two for smoking good deals.
  • Plan ahead.  Meal planning doesn’t just count for food you eat at home.  Lunches need to be pre-planned and pre-packed in order to be as budget friendly as possible.
  • Use leftovers.  Just like in your lunches, you can easily pack leftovers for the kids’ lunches.  My kids love taking leftovers for lunch as long as it’s easy to eat food (homemade pizza, burritos, etc.).  When you are cooking dinner for the entire family anyway, it’s not a big deal to add in one more serving.
  • Stick to the basics.  Unless you are using coupons (see above), you really should stick to healthy, non-packaged foods for your kids’ lunches.  You will save a significant amount of money and let’s face it, it is just better for them.
  • See if you qualify for reduced lunches.  Have you looked into whether or not you qualify for free or reduced lunches at the school?  Reduced lunches cost about $0.50 per day typically, so this may be a really easy way for you to save big on lunches.  I haven’t qualified for this for a while, but it was a lifesaver when my kids were really little.

What have you done to save money on your kids’ lunches during the school year?

Back To School Price Points You Need to Know – 2017

Okay guys, this is one of the best times of the year to grab your school supplies, craft supplies or office supplies. Since I’m already starting to see CRAZY back to school deals going, I thought it would be good to give you a list of price points you want to look for when shopping. There are SO many, and sometimes you’re really not getting a deal at all. So check these prices and keep them in mind when shopping Back to School!

  • Pens pack of 10 $1.00 or under
  • Gel Pens 12 pack $1.97 or under
  • Box of Crayola Crayons $0.25 or under
  • Index Cards $0.48 or under
  • 2-Pocket Folders $0.10 is a good price, but we see them as low as $0.02 each!
  • 1 Subject Noebooks $0.17 and under
  • Sharpie Marker $0.25 each
  • Backpacks $10-$13 is the price you want to shoot for.
  • Elmer’s or Store Glue $0.29 and under
  • Washable Glue Sticks $0.31 and under
  • Washable markers 8-10 pack $1.00 or under
  • Scotch Tape $0.25 to $0.50 each
  • Crayola Colored Pencils 12 pack $0.97 and under
  • Binders 1 inch $0.97 or under

We keep updating current deals, so  head to my Back-to-School Category here at any time.  ENJOY!!

Solar Eclipse Glasses $8.45

Don’t forget to order your eclipse glasses!  Amazon has this 5 pack of Solar Eclipse Glasses for just $8.45!

This item will ship free for all Amazon Prime members. Or, regular members can score free shipping by adding $49 or more worth of eligible items to your cart. You can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here.

5 MORE Genius Camping Tips & Hacks!

We’re getting into the middle of summer but there’s still plenty of time to pack up your family and head out camping. We’re not big campers and honestly my husband hates going but I’ve found some great ways to make camping easier and more enjoyable for all of us!

We love having this make shift garbage can pictured above! It collapses easily for storage and transport and stays put and open while camping. I’ve also see others use pop up hampers as trash cans which is another great idea if you don’t want to create the one pictures above.

Ktaxon 5Pcs Solar Powered LED RGB Path Lighting, Outdoor Garden Lawn Lamp Colorful Stainless Steel Image 1 of 7

Pick up one of these solar powered garden lights. You should see them starting to go on sale this time of year as they clear out their garden items. You can easily put these at the front of your tent or other common areas you walk at night.

Sterilite 3-Drawer Storage Unit, White Image 1 of 1

I forgot to snap a picture of mine but I had these drawer loaded up in the back of my car! This was the second year I’ve done this because I love it so much! It’s easy to find everything without having to dig through it all. I put our most commonly used items in the top drawer (sanitizer, flash lights, matches, etc) I but our plastic utensils, plates, table cloth and cups in the second one and our bottom one had all our non-perishable items like gram crackers, marshmallows, chips and more.

To go along with the last one I also packed our clothing in a clear container. I was able to pack all 3 kids stuff in one with each having their own section. It was easy for them to find their own stuff and we you could see exactly what was inside.

Product Details

Suction hooks or even command hooks can become your best friends. They’re perfect for hanging up your jackets or even towels if you’re near a lake. I love having these just stashed in the top drawer so I can pull them out whenever I find a need.

And if you missed the last 5 tips you can check them out here. What’s been your favorite tip so far? Have you enjoy your summer out camping?

Save Money at Amusement Parks

Are you wanting to try and fit an amusement park trip into this Summer still?  If you are afraid it will put your too far over your budget, don’t worry.  It doesn’t have to.  The truth is that there are actually some great ways available to you to save money on Amusement Parks that you can take advantage of now.

Here are 6 tips for you to save money at amusement parks:

  1. Follow their social media channels.  Turns out, most amusement parks often offer discounts and coupons on their Facebook and Twitter pages.  If you like and follow their pages, you will be more likely to have access to these discounts.  My kids really want to go to an amusement park that is 1 state away from me so I began following it on Facebook and I see coupons all the time.
  2. Buy multi-day passes.  Chances are you are going to be there for several days anyway, you may as well buy the multi-day pass.  They are cheaper than buying single day passes.  You will typically save 20% or more!
  3. Go in the off season.  Off season rates are usually much cheaper, plus, you don’t run into the crowds that you will find during the busy season.  It’s a win win.
  4. Pack your own water bottle and lunch.  I carry a large hydroflask water bottle with me so this is something that I do everyday anyway, but always bring your own waterbottle to the amusement park.  Unless you like paying $5 for a bottle of water.  Same goes with food.  Food and drinks are a huge expense inside of amusement parks so avoiding this cost is your best best.
  5. Avoid souveniers at the park.  Here’s a little tricky secret.  Never buy souveniers in the park.  You can buy the exact same things on Amazon or other retailers and save half the cost or more.  If you are going to Disney for example, make sure to order autograph books beforehand and take them with you instead of buying them.   You won’t regret it.


Do you have any other great money saving tips for your amusement park trips?


Save Money on Baby Stuff with These Tips

If you are expecting a baby,  you may be stressing out about how much money it is all going to cost you. Yes,  you do need to be prepared for some expenses,  but it doesn’t have to be as expensive as you have probably heard.

Don’t stress it, you can save money on baby stuff with these tips:

Have a baby shower. Baby showers are told of fun and you will get gifts that really help you save later on.  With my last baby I g, t so many diapers as gifts that I didn’t need to buy any until my son was 9 months old.

Shop second hand. Babies grow out of clothes so quickly that it doesn’t make sense to spend $20+ per outfit on them. Find a great buy/sell/trade group on Facebook or shop at thrift store such as once upon a child.  They have a great selection of clothes in great shape.

Get needs instead of wants. Let’s face it,  much of the stuff that is advertised for babies is not actually necessary.  For example, I’ve had three children and I have never once used a wipe warmer or even a bottle warmer for that matter. I have also never used a diaper genie. The regular trash works just fine.

Use coupons. When shopping for diapers, wipes or baby foods and formulas, check for coupons. There are almost always coupons available for baby products.  Additionally, you can sign up for Gerber coupons as well as Similac, etc.

Use WIC. If you qualify, definitely use WIC. You will get assistance buying formula and other foods until the child is 5. If you have never bought formula before, it is very expensive, and WIC benefits have less severe income restrictions than other forms of assistance.

Do you have any tips on how to save on baby stuff?


5 Tips for Saving on Lunches

Whether we realize it or not, lunch is a very expensive part of our family’s food bill.  Whether we are talking about kids’ lunches or yours, they can start to add up very quickly in terms of food costs.  Lucky for us, there are some really simple ways that we can save money on our lunch costs and still be eating well.  

Follow these 5 tips for saving on lunches and see how far you can cut down on your food bill.


  1. Pack leftovers.  Make enough food in your family’s dinner to pack some for lunches tomorrow.  Get some good quality food storage containers and an insulated lunch bag to keep it cold throughout the morning and you are all set.  A delicious, home cooked meal is almost always a hit for lunch anyway so it works great.
  2. Meal prep.  On Sunday before the week begins, be sure and take an hour or so to pack all of your lunches for the week.  This way there is no questioning whats for lunch or taking time during your busy week to prepare lunch for you and/or the kids because it will have already been done.
  3. Make a list.  It’s important to have good foods on hand at home in order to prepare lunches that you will like.  If you don’t like PB&J sandwiches, but that’s all you have at home, you are more likely to say forget it and go out to eat.
  4. Skip the drive thru.  Make sure that you are focused on not going through the drive thru at lunchtime.  It is so easy to say “I don’t have the time” to cook, but in reality, you don’t have the money to waste or the health benefits of avoiding fast food.
  5. Pack high fiber, high protein foods.  If you are able to stay full longer, you will be far more likely to snack throughout the day, which can get expensive.  Be sure that the food that you bring for your lunch is packed full of fiber and protein to keep you full and energized.  

STOP Spending Your Money on These 9 Items!

We’re all trying to cut back and save money but for us, we’re trying to go from two incomes to just one…and that can be rough. So I’ve put together a list of items that you should not be spending money on if you’re trying to cut back!

I’ll start with the one that probably everyone has heard of but it’s a big expense! If you haven’t already done so cut the cable! There are other options out there to still be able to enjoy your shows without paying the big cost. We all love Netflix and Hulu but if you’re paying for the internet there’s lot of shows you can watch there too. Don’t forget if you have Amazon Prime they also have lots of Amazon Instant Videos! (You can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here.)

If you enjoy filtered water and that’s why you buy bottled water than maybe try switching to a Brita Filter that you can use to fill up your reusable water bottles. Stock up price for bottled water is anything under $.10 per bottle but if you’re drinking a lot of water, which I hope you are during these hot days, those bottles add up quickly!

Usually when you can do something yourself you’ll save lot so money. I’m talking about haircuts! I have learned over the past 9 years how to cut my husband’s hair because he was having to go in to get it cut every 3-4 weeks! I’ve now starting cutting our kids hair as well saving us tons of money! It’s easy and there’s lot of videos online you could watch if you want to learn more.

One things I switched up was buying dryer sheets. I’ve gone to using dryer balls and I seriously love them so much I even bought my mom a set for Christmas. These have not only saved us from having to buy dryer sheets but it’s cut down the drying time meaning our dryer isn’t having to run as long and hopefully prolonging the life of it.

This one is a little tricky for us but I can see the savings. We use a lot of paper towels! From the kids cleaning up spilled milk in the morning to wiping down the table after dinner. So we bought some rags to keep in the kitchen under the sink and the kids can use those for their spills. Then they just through them in the wash room and I was them with the rest of our loads.

Ok, you’ll have to have some disciple with this but think about all the junk food you buy! The cost is really stacking up. I’m not saying no more treats but try cooking them from scratch. And the kids are getting candy all the time from the 4th of July parades to just about every holiday that comes around – you don’t need to be buying them more. It’s something you can afford to cut out.

I hope you guys know you shouldn’t be paying for shipping! The only time I’m even ok paying for it is when the item is free and I’m just paying shipping cost but even then it can’t be more than I’m willing to pay for just the item. Many times companies will offer free shipping for a limited time if they don’t already offer it every day.

Do you pay for monthly memberships? Maybe to the gym, car wash or even golf course? If these memberships aren’t being used you are wasting money on them each month. Maybe sure before you consider buying into a membership you read the fine print and I recommend just skipping them all together if you’re really trying to cut back as these are usually just wants and not needs.

Preventative maintenance is a way to save on bigger expensive and that includes dental hygiene as well. Brushing twice a day for two minutes could save on you bigger costs down the road. So take the short time each day to brush your teeth!

Want to find more ways you can save money and cut things out? Checkout this article on 10 Big Money Wasters!

5 Genius & Easy Camping Hacks

Summer is the season for camping are you ready? I love camping, but I feel like each time I’m a little unorganized and things get everywhere! Here are a few absolutely genius camping hacks that will keep me both organized and happy while I’m enjoying nature.

Pre-Scrambled Eggs in a Bottle. This is awesome and super easy. I’m always trying to keep my eggs alive while transporting them to our camp site. This way you won’t have to worry about accidentally cracking them. You can pre-mix them and keep them nice and cold. Then have it ready to pour for your meal.

Use a 5 Shelves Hanging Closet Organizer.  Do you need a little help organizing your kitchen items while camping? This would really help you out and it’s super easy to set up and store. Amazon has them for a good price here. 

Hand Washing Station. This is essential if you have little kids who get super messy while camping. It’s nice to to have a spot to clean up quickly before you eat your meals. This is super easy and you may just have everything you need at your house.

Toilet Paper Holder. Grab a folders or hot chocolate (big) container. Stick a roll of toilet paper in it and cut a whole to let it go through. Super easy and it won’t keep falling in the dirt!

Use Pencil Boxes to Keep your Utensils organized. If you are like me, I like to have colored coding for items so I can tell what they are at a glance. Grab a couple of pencil boxes from the dollar store and use them for your spoons, knives and forks. Easy and they have a lid!

Do you have any camping hacks that you love? I’d love to hear them in the comments. 

How to Save Money on Fireworks And Where I Bought Mine!

Fireworks are magical there’s no question about that! But it can be difficult to bring yourself to buying them when they only last a few minutes. So I’m going to give you some of the best tips on how to save money on your 4th of July fireworks!

Price Match – this one is essential! You’ll find most mass grocery stores carry fireworks. So before you buy any of them make sure you shop around at your local stores as well as the stands you see popping up all over.

Set your Price Limit – make sure before you go shopping (and especially if you’re taking the kids) you set a price limit and that you let the kids know what that limit is (or give them their own limit). This way you’re teaching your children as well as making sure you don’t spend more than what you have saved for fireworks.

Use Coupons – I’ve already received a couple different flyers in the mail with coupons attached. These often lead to some good deals especially if you’re wanting to shop at the stands and support their local cause. Just be sure you read the fine print before you go. I did find one excluded any sale items so everything had to be full price which doesn’t always lead to better deals.

Ask for Military Discount – if you are active duty or even a vet make sure you always ask for a military discount. Lots of places offer one and it never hurts to ask. Just make sure you have your ID or paperwork with you as most will as to see it.

Buy Bundles – I was curious to see if buying the packages where a better deal than individual fireworks and guys, THEY SO ARE!! So checkout the packages at your local grocery store (I found these to be cheaper) but also at the stands. Sometimes they even have deals going like the buy one get one free I saw advertised at one of my local stands.

Wait – this one can get tricky but lots of times you’ll get a better discount if you wait. They’re trying to sell as much inventory as they can and the closer it gets to the 4th of July the better deals you’ll see. But with that said you might not have as good of a selection so choose wisely when to shop.

If you’re really pinching your pennies this year, just plan on skipping fireworks all together. I don’t mean you can’t watch any. Lots of cities light off fireworks on the 4th of July so check with your local cities and last year we were able to watch tons right from our front window thanks to some awesome neighbors (who spent a good fortune on some). Another great idea to saving money on fireworks, put together a neighborhood light off where everyone brings their fireworks and lights them off together. That way you get a big show and everyone has spent what they can afford.

So where did I buy mine? Well I found some at our local grocery store in a bundle that was perfect. It has a few aerials that we can light off as well as some fountains and other smaller ones that are great for my younger kids!

I sure hope you all enjoy the 4th of July this year and spending time with your family and friends. We’re blessed to live were we do and it’s a great reason to celebrate!


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