7 Tips to Follow When Asking for a Raise


Do you think that you deserve more money at work?  I think you do!  If you have been contemplating asking for a raise, but you aren’t quite sure how to do it, don’t fear!  We have listed out some tips for you on the best ways to prepare and the best tactics to take when asking for an income increase.

Here are 4 tips for asking for raise that you should follow:

  1. Research.  Make sure you know what the average pay is for someone in your position and factor in your education and experience.  Make sure that you are prepared with this information before you ever even contemplate requesting more money.
  2. Don’t wait.  Do not wait until your annual review is due before asking.  If you know that you are worth more than you are being paid for, then approach your boss with the information and your request.
  3. Be willing to negotiate.  If you are asking for $10k more per year, that is a lot.  You may need to be willing to negotiate in order to get the raise that you are requesting.  Maybe your company can only afford to give you an additional $5000.  
  4. Don’t get angry or sad.  If they say they can’t give you a raise, don’t let it get you down.  Maybe they simply can’t afford it.  You can either continue to be your best self at work, or you can take your experience and seek employment elsewhere.

Here are 3 things that you should avoid when asking for a raise:

  1. Not being confident.  If you don’t feel 100% confident in your abilities and the information need to back up your request, don’t make your request.  If the confidence isn’t there, that is probably a good sign that now is not the right time.
  2. Acting unsure of yourself.  Even if you are nervous, be sure to use the old saying “fake it til you make it.”  If you act confident, you will be easier to take seriously.
  3. Don’t complain.  I know, I know.  You haven’t had a raise in 3 years, you do more work than is asked, you stay late all the time, blah, blah.  No one wants to listen to complaints and complaining is a good way to put someone in a bad mood, not exactly the mood you want to set.


5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Home on a Budget

Are you having the re-decorating bug?  Do you feel like doing an overhaul of part or all of your house?  Is your budget holding you back from doing that?  Well, not to worry because there are actually several ways that you can redo the look of your home without hurting your budget!

Check out these 5 ways to spruce up your home on a budget:

  1. Deep clean.  When was the last time you deep cleaned your home?  With a deep clean you are scrubbing all surfaces and all windows which can significantly brighten up your space.  That alone may cure your re-decorating desires.
  2. Paint an accent wall. Head to your local paint store, or even check out the paint section at Walmart and buy a small can of pre-mixed paint (often at 50% off or more).  Once you pick out your paint, head on home and choose just one accent wall in your home to paint.  With a great pop of color, you can change the entire look of a home.  The fact that you only spent a little bit of money and a small amount of time will only make you love it more!
  3. Replace window coverings.  Window coverings can cost a small fortune, but they can also be quite affordable if you know where to shop.  I have found some amazing deals on Amazon, but I also know that you can find some really deep discounts at stores such as Marshall’s, Ross Dress for Less and TJ Maxx.
  4. Switch out your bedding.  I like to keep several bed sets on hand to switch it up when the seasons change so that I don’t get bored walking into my bedroom each day.  It really helps fight off that re-decorating bug.
  5. Shop at the ReStore.  You can do some remodeling for cheap!  Have you ever shopped at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore?  You can buy building materials for a fraction of the price and change the entire look of your home.  I know someone who built an ENTIRE 3 story home out of ReStore products and spent just $30k, start to finish.  He now has a home that appraises for $400k.  I would say that was a good reason to shop smart!

What other ways have you changed the look of your home without breaking the bank?

Make Some Extra $$ This Week With These Tips

Do you need some extra money?  I know that I have weeks where the week seems to last much longer than the money does!  If you are looking for ways to pad your budget a little bit, check out these tips on how to make some extra money this week:

  • Sell your stuff.  I just know that you have stuff throughout your house that you don’t need.  Go through your closets and your garage and pull out anything you haven’t used in the last 6 months or so.  I would bet you could make some money off of them.  Brand name clothes and tools can fetch quite a bit, as can furniture or household stuff.  You can even sell DVDs you haven’t watched in years or video games you no longer play.
  • Sell your plasma.  If you aren’t afraid of a needle, head on in and sell your plasma.  The first donation typically nets you up to $70, but some centers claim you can make up to $300 in a month selling.
  • Write for Textbroker.  Textbroker is an online content mill site that pays out via Paypal every Friday.  I have worked for Textbroker quite a bit in the past and while the pay is low (a few cents per word), it is something.   I have never sat down and made it a full time thing, but I have made up to about $50 per week.
  • Take on odd jobs.  Check out the gigs section of Craigslist and see what kind of odd jobs you can pick up.  Sometimes people need help moving, sometimes they need someone to mow their lawn.  There are lots of things to do, you just have to be willing to put in the time and hard work.

What’s the best way you have ever make extra money in a hurry?

5 Ways to Save on Summer Bills

Now that it’s officially summer you may see a few bills hit their ultimate high. If you’re not careful you’ll be paying a lot in bills when you really don’t have to be. Here are a 5 ways to save on your summer bills. Some you may not have thought of!

  1. Air dry laundry. Save on electrical bills by drying your clothing outside on a line or a clothes rack. Have the kids get involved and get outside and dry those clothes all while saving money.
  2. Install a smart thermometer. Changing your thermometer even while you are out and about will save you a lot of money. Keep the air low or off when you are out of town.
  3. Save on gym memberships. With the great weather it’s a great time to be outside and exercise or play sports. With those options it’s a great time to put your gym membership on hold.
  4. Plant a garden. Save on your food bills by planting a garden and eating the in season veggies and fruits. This will save on your weekly grocery bills.
  5. Add weather stripping. This will help keep the warm air out and the cool air in. Seal any cracks along windows and doors and you’ll notice a difference.

Ways to Keep The Learning Happening Through the Summer!

You hear it all the time from your kids’ teachers, they need to keep reading and learning through the summer so they don’t forget everything they’ve learned! So make that happen this summer with these learning resources you can use every day!

Reading: If your child is already read keep it going through the summer. Take trips to the library and find some new books for them to read. Try finding books that are slightly above their reading level so that they can practice. Our library has a wall of suggestions and are always willing to help so ask your local library if you need more suggestions.  You can also find reading resources online that are FREE! Checkout ABC Mouse that’s great for kids up to 2nd grade as well as PBS Kids. And if your child has a tablet or other electronical device, you can download books from them to read!

Writing: You can easily tie this into reading. Come up with some simple book reports for them to fill out after they’ve completed a book. Or try creating a book with them while you let their imagine go crazy! Add some illustration and staple to book together for some fun stories! If you’d like some more ideas to improve your child’s writing try getting them started on a journal. You could pick up a simple notebook, decorate the outside and make it fun to write in each day!

Math: I know I’m not the only one that was told all growing up “you’ll use math everyday”. Yep you’ve heard it too and really that’s key to helping your kids when it comes to math, practice, practice, practice! I’m not saying to pull out all the worksheets and spend hours at the table trying to complete them, make it fun. Pull out the board games like Monopoly, Hi Ho Cherry-O or even Sum Swamp Game. Take the games outside and create fun math chalk games! You can even pull out the coupons and go shopping together. Let them figure out the best deals and do the math for you.

Science: This is probably the one you can have the most fun with! From making science experiments to playing around with baking you’ll be able to create all sorts of fun. There’s also lots of ideas on Pinterest and all over the internet if you get stumped.

If you’re looking for more sites to expand your childs’ learning you can checkout these options:

Note that some of these you’ll need to have a membership that cost money but lots of them allow you to explore and learn on their site without paying.

Stay Productive with These 6 Tips

How do you stay productive throughout your day? If you are like me, you likely struggle with productivity from time to time.  Did you know though that there are things that you can do to help become more productive?

Check out these 6 tips on how to stay productive and see if they help you:

  1. Wake up earlier.  Make it a habit of waking up earlier in the day to accomplish more.  Waking up before the rest of the family is up gives you a chance to get lots of work done in the quiet hours before the noise happens.
  2. Plan it.  Plan and schedule the things that you need to do. Don’t just think “oh I need to do that later” WRITE IT DOWN in your calendar and make it a priority, you are far more likely to accomplish your goals if they are more than just a passing thought.
  3. Celebrate meeting your goals.  Even if it is just a quiet 5 minutes and a cup of coffee, make sure you pat yourself on the back and celebrate completing a goal.  This is often motivation enough to move forward to the rest of your to-do list.
  4. Take on less.  The reason many of us have such a hard time completing our to-do lists is that our to-do list is simply too long.  You don’t have to do everything by yourself.  Delegate some of your tasks or accept offers of help when they come your way.  You deserve a break.
  5. Workout.  I know, I know, you don’t have time to hit the gym, but do it anyway.  Even a small workout session can increase your productivity by a lot.  Plus, you will feel better afterward!
  6. Focus and breathe.  I know you are busy, I know you have a lot going on, but you must take some time to relax.  Taking a break and simply spending time breathing on occasion can improve your productivity immensely.


10 BEST Picnic Recipes for Your Summer

I love having picnics and parties with friends and family during the summer months. Chatting, playing games, enjoying the good weather, and of course eating really good food. Picnic foods can get tricky because you want it to be something refreshing, somewhat easy, yet really tasty. Here are 10 of the BEST picnic recipes out there for your summer. Hope you enjoy them!

  1. 5- Ingredient Strawberry Salsa by Gimme Some Oven
  2. The Best Guacamole Recipe by Fantabulosity
  3. Broccoli Bacon Salad by Just Another Edmonton Mommy
  4. Tri-Color Pasta Salad by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe
  5. Fresh Avocado Salsa by Freebies2Deals
  6. Homemade Baked Beans by Real House Moms
  7. KFC Coleslaw by Gonna Want Seconds
  8. Slow Cooker Teriyaki Pulled Pork Sandwiches by Six Sisters Stuff
  9. Strawberry Shortcake Kabobs by Sugar Apron

Family Favorite – Slow Cooker Beef & Broccoli Dinner!

Lets get real here, my kids are probably a lot like many of yours…PICKY EATERS! My taste buds and my husbands taste buds are very different from theirs and lets say a lot of nights my kids aren’t a fan of what’s on the table. But this here is a recipe that won us all over! My kids loved it and not once did they say they hated it, this is gross or I’m not eating this (at least after the first bit). So I just had to share this EASY and CHEAP recipe with you guys!

Slow Cooker Beef & Broccoli

1 1/2 pounds beef chunk roast (sliced into thin strips)
1 cup beef broth
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 pound broccoli florets
1/4 cup water
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
3 cups cooked rice (we chose brown but could do white)
sesame seeds

First you’ll want to slice your beef chunk roast into think strips and arrange them in the bottom of your slow cooker. Add the beef broth and soy sauce over top and cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours. Place broccoli in microwave safe bowl with 1/4 cup water and microwave for 4-5 minutes. You’ll want your broccoli tender. In a cup combine the cornstarch and 2 tablespoons cooking liquid (just the liquid from your crock pot after it’s done cooking) and stir until smooth. Add to the slow cooker and stir until combined. Drain the broccoli and add to the slow cooker. Cover and cook on high for 15 minutes or until sauce is thickened. Serve over cooked rice and garnish with the sesame seeds.

4 ways to have fun with your kids this summer with no budget


Are you afraid that you’re not going to have any fun things to do with your kids this summer because you are on a meager budget? Don’t worry! There are plenty of things that you can do this Summer that are tons of fun and require little to no money

  1. Go to the park. Take your kids and head to your nearest city park. Pack a picnic and plan to spend a couple hours there. Kids love this time with their parents and they love playing.  Whether you take a Frisbee and play a little bit of catch or you play on the playground equipment there are plenty of things that you can do. Plus these trips tend to wear the kids out, which makes for good nap time afterwards.
  2. Head to the river. If it’s hot out why not head down to the river or lake nearest you and let the kids splash around? It’ll help them cool off and summertime memories in the water are always fun memories for the kids. Pack a picnic and stay the day or maybe even bring a little barbecue.
  3. Bring water play home. Do you have a sprinkler? If not you can head to a yard sale or thrift shop and probably pick one up for a buck or two. Or even big box stores sell them for less than $10. Can stay cool and have hours of fun playing in the sprinkler at home.
  4. Take them to the movies. The Regal Summer Movie Express has recently started in most cities across the country. These are second-run movies that only cost a dollar to get into! They play Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings and they offer two movies each week. Both movies play each day of the week so you can actually take them 2 times a week and see a different movie. I don’t know any kids that don’t love going to the movies. Plus oftentimes, the movie theater offers discounted snacks during these movies. I usually get a bag of popcorn for my kids to share and there’s always a drinking fountain in the hallway so we don’t splurge on the high priced drinks.

Hanging Rope Hammock Chair $37.99!

Ever wanted a hammock chair?  Amazon has this Hanging Rope Hammock Chair for just $37.99!


This item will ship free for all Amazon Prime members. Or, regular members can score free shipping by adding $49 or more worth of eligible items to your cart. You can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime here.

7 Fun Summer Water Activities & Games

Happy Summer!! Okay it may not be “officially” summer. However, the kids are out of school and the weather is over 90 degrees so it definitely feels like summer! With the warm weather, my kids have a hard time being outside if it doesn’t involve water or shade. There are so many fun activities you can do that involves water and the kids will sure enjoy them.

Water Balloon Games: Who doesn’t love water balloons? Grab these new easy fill water balloons and play games like hot potato, or towel volleyball, or have a water balloon fight. It’s always one of the favorite things to do.

Slip n’ Slide: If you don’t have a store bought slip n’ slide, you could just use a plastic covering that would work for a slip n’ slide. Grab some water boards and surf down the slide. This provides hours of fun.

Splash Pads: Search for local splash pads in your area or go find new ones to explore. These are becoming more popular and are so refreshing with the heat.

Car Wash: Combine water and work with car washing! Get in your swim suits and get those cars washed while you may end up having a water fight. Ask neighbors if they want their cars washed as well.

City Pools: These types of pools usually will require a fee, but check their websites for specials or discount rates. You can usually grab a family pass or punch pass and save money too.

Kickball with mini pools: Play the classic game of kickball, but instead of having bases have a mini pool for each base. They have to stand in the pool and then you can have a slip n slide from 3rd to home just to make it a little more fun.

Sprinklers: They have some seriously cool sprinklers now days. Never under estimate the power of a good sprinkler to keep the kids entertained.

What are your favorite water activities during the summer? 

How To Save Money And Find Cheap Concert Tickets!

Nothing can come close to seeing your favorite bands and singers in concert! If you’re a big music fan and would love to checkout some concerts this summer without having to pay the big prices checkout these simple tips for finding cheap concert tickets.

  1. Sign up for newsletters – anytime you’re trying to find a deal you’ll want to sign up for newsletters! This will give you the chance to see when they start a sale or in this case when the tickets go live to order or when they’re hosting a pre-sale on their tickets. Here’s a few you’ll want to start with:
  2. You can also get great ticket deals by signing up for your favorite band/singer fan clubs! This may get you the chance to buy tickets at discount prices before they’re publicly available.
  3. Do your research – Be sure you know the exact dates and time that tickets will go on sale so you don’t miss out. Usually the major sites (listed above) will let you know what’s coming up and give you more information on the concert.
  4. Don’t buy tickets for the first night – these are usually the most expensive tickets. Also picking a weekday or a weeknight will save you money too. So if your band is playing more than one day be wise in which day you choose to see them.
  5. Buy Direct from the Venue – this cuts that middle man out! Usually when other sites are selling tickets they charge a booking fee and sometimes a delivery cost as well which can add up.
  6. Become a Prime Member – sound a little weird? Well Amazon Tickets has become a big deal to the music world and sells tickets to shows, concerts and more! With Prime, you’ll get exclusive access to Amazon tickets during their 24 hour pre-sale! If you do not have Amazon Prime, you can get a 30-day free trial here.
  7. Watch sites like Groupon and Living Social as well. I’ve seen some good deals on concert tickets and shows that could be fun to attend. You might even be able to use the coupon codes we see all the time for those sites so keep your eyes open.

So who are you hoping to see in concert? Who was your favorite concert you’ve been to? Have any other money saving tips you’d add to the list? Leave a comment and let us know!

4 Easy Tricks to Saving Gas


Do you find yourself paying too much at the pump?  I’ve been there!  I have three kids and an SUV, of course I have had my share of overpaying on gas and I am tired of it! o, if yo Su are like me and you are ready to start saving on your gas expenses, let’s go over some easy tricks that we can do to cut down on this pesky expense:

  1. Carpool.  If you are going somewhere and you know a friend or family member is heading the same way, carpool.  You can ride with them and pitch in for their gas or they can ride with you and pitch in for your gas.  Or, if you have kids in school or in after-school activities, you can team up (see what I did there?) with another mom to take turns driving the kids to practice or to school.
  2. Clean out your car.  Did you know that the more stuff you have in your car, the less fuel efficient it becomes?  I used to make a habit of carrying around lots of stuff in the trunk of my car.  My mindset was, if it wasn’t in the way, it wasn’t hurting anything.  Well, as it turns out, that wasn’t true at all.  It was most definitely hurting my pocketbook.
  3. Pick the basic gas.  Very few, if any, cars actually need to have the “super premium” gas.  It costs an extra 10 to 20 cents per gallon, which means if you have a 20 gallon tank, you are paying up to an extra $4 per tank.  Let’s say you fill up weekly, that means you are paying an extra $200 per year!
  4. Combine trips.  If you know that you are going to go to the pharmacy and to the grocery store, do it all in one trip.  Don’t spread your trips out as it makes no sense.  You will save time and money by combining your trips and doing them together.

4 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

Are you a homeowner?  Does that mortgage endpoint seem just too far away?  What if I told you that you can actually pay off your mortgage faster than you think?  Here are 5 ways that you can pay off your mortgage faster:

Pay extra on your monthly payment.  Yep, it is as simple as that.  Simply making extra payments on your mortgage payment can save you years of payments and tens of thousands of dollars interest.  One highly recommended approach is to divide the amount of your monthly payment by 12 and pay this amount (1/12 of the minimum payment due) on top of your monthly bill.  This is the same as paying an entire extra mortgage payment each year!  Or, to make it even easier, on a $100,000 loan, an extra $50 per month will shave 5 years off of your mortgage and save you almost $16,000.

Use your tax return for big payments.  Whenever you get a tax return or you sell something big, consider sending the “found” money in as a bonus mortgage payment.  This can save years and again, tens of thousands of dollars.  Even if you do it just one time during the life of the loan.

Make biweekly payments.  If you pay your mortgage biweekly instead of monthly, it is essentially like paying 13 house payments per year.  Let’s say you have a $200,000 mortgage.  Making 26 biweekly payments per year each year would save you almost $30,000 in interest over the life of the loan.

Round up.  If your payment is $854 per month, round up your payment to $860.  That extra $6 isn’t going to hurt you, but I promise that it will cut back on the payments that you make over the years.  We financed our home in 2012 and since the first payment, I have always paid an extra $8 on my mortgage.  I have already cut back my mortgage by 1 year.

Even more Cheap Vacation Ideas

I know many of us are looking for ways to take our family on vacation without breaking the bank.  A while back we posted some cheap vacation ideas, but I figured I would expand it a little bit and talk a little more about even more great vacation on the cheap ideas:

  • Groupon Getaways.  If you have never checked Groupon for a vacation deal, you are missing out.  Last year I bought a 2 night stay in a super nice yurt on a beautiful lake for just $50 total!  We had a blast and have since went back. Whenever we are going to head on vacation I check Groupon.  Be sure to check for promo codes to save even more!
  • Vegas.  Did you know that Vegas is one of the cheapest tourist cities you can go to? Pay attention to the deals that you see cross your way and you can find round trip tickets for as low as $50 (depending on where you live of course), you can also get hotel discounts and even free dinners!  The entire purpose of Vegas is gambling.  The establishments want to get you in their doors so you will spend money at their machines, so they are willing to offer big deals.  As long as you aren’t a big gambler, you will find that Vegas can be quite reasonable.
  • Attend a timeshare presentation.  Yes, I said it.  No they aren’t fun, but hey, it’s only a couple of hours of your time that you can exchange for days of a vacation!  My husband and I sat through a 90 presentation one time and got 3 days at an oceanside resort.  The presenters can be pretty pushy though so if you are not in the market for a timeshare, do not sign the papers.


Do you have any great  vacation ideas to share with us?

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