5 Things You are Probably Paying Too Much For

Twenty dollar bills isolated against white background.

Do you find yourself at the end of the month wondering where all of your money went?  You are not the only one.  Many of us are left wondering where all of our hard earned money went to.  Well, chances are, you are spending too much on everyday items.  

Here are 5 things you are probably paying too much for.

Your Cell Phone.  Yeah, you know it’s true.  Cell phone companies charge outrageous fees and oftentimes, all you need to do is call and ask if you qualify for any discounts.  You might be surprised to find out that you do.  We recently called and got a discount of $40 per month simply for changing our plan, since ours was outdated.  You might also look into whether or not you get a discount for who you work for.  Large companies and governments often offer discounts as well.  My husband works for the state we live in and he gets a 15% discount for that.

Credit Card Interest.  Did you know that if you have good payment history, you might be able to talk your credit card company into lowering your interest rate either temporary or permanent.  I recently called into my credit card company and they offered me 6 months interest free.

Auto Interest.  If you are paying more than a couple of percentage interest on your auto loan, you might think about looking into a refinance.  There is often no “points” charged for this and you can cut quite a bit off of your monthly payment by doing this.

Groceries.  Most of us are guilty of this one.  Whenever you go grocery shopping make sure you shop around, don’t be afraid of generics and use coupons!  You can save 40% or more on your grocery bill just by following these simple rules.
Restaurants.  Yep, someone had to say it.  People spend so much money on restaurant bills that it is crazy.  Not only is it a huge expense, but it is also not very good for you!  Why not cook healthy meals at home? It’s better for your wallet and it’s better for you!

Tips for Flying with Young Kids

Have you ever been to the airport and seen those families with 3-5 young kids in tow. Kids lagging behind or maybe crying on the floor. Well, that sounds like me right now with our young family. Whenever we choose to fly to a destination I know it’s going to take some planning and consideration to get us to our destination in one piece- both emotionally and physically. There are ways to make your flights a little more happy and peaceful. Hopefully these tips will help you out.

Give your kids a job. Yep the minute you step from your car onto the airport property each kid needs a job. This will hopefully keep them from running around and causing chaos. Maybe have them pull a suitcase or put on a backpack. Have them help you navigate by finding where to go. “Okay kids, we need to find the Southwest ticket counter. Who can find that?” or “Our gate is B17, be on the lookout for that number and let me know when you see it.” This will give them purpose in their walking and moving. Hopefully causing less crying and moaning. Plus, who can run around when you’re pulling a suitcase behind!

Make it an adventure. This is the start or end of your trip so make it an adventure. Play games like I Spy in the airport. This can keep them entertained before boarding. You can also make a list of everything you want to do on your upcoming trip. Or, if just finishing a trip, have them color what their favorite part of their trip was. You can also play a counting game. “How many people can you see with a red shirt on?” or “How many people are wearing glasses?” Maybe do a few trivia questions about your destination. Show them the map on your phone and talk about what they can expect. Just keeping them curious and learning will help the time go faster when waiting to board.

Choose good seats and use family boarding. If you fly, you’ll notice most airlines will give families with young children the chance to board after the A group boards. This will give you the opportunity to sit together if you don’t have assigned seats. If you are able to choose assigned seats, think of your kids needs. Do they need to be closer to the bathroom? Do they get nauseous? If so, maybe choose seats closer to the front where it is usually less turbulent.

Be prepared with activities. This is definitely a must and you will be so happy that you were prepared. We love to bring Melissa & Doug sticker or water board toys. You can also bring chapter books for older kids or pictures books for the little ones. We also like to be prepared with electronics like iPads and laptops with movies already downloaded on them. Bring earphones too for the kids so they are comfortable. I try to give them books, toys, activities before snack time. That way it doesn’t drag on forever. Then when drinks and snacks come you can put all those activities away. After snack time you can get out the movies if you need or other fun activities you have planned. Break it up in section so they don’t get board- Reading time, coloring time, activity books, movie time, snack time and so forth.

Bring snacks and empty water bottles. Remember you can’t bring water bottles into the airport filled. So be sure to have them empty until you get through security. Then have the kids fill them up and put them in their bags. I almost always have kids who need drinks before we get our free one on the flight. This way they have it and won’t complain. In most cases you won’t get a lot of snacks on the flight too. It’s always about the last hour or so I need to get out a few snacks that I have prepared. Bring fun unique ones that last a long time.

Are there any other tips you have while flying with young kids? I’d love to hear it! 

Road Tripping on a Budget!


We’re coming up on summer when a lot of us take summer vacations. And if you’re like us you usually end up driving to your destination. There are some major perks to driving but it can also be overwhelming so here’s some pointers on how you can take a road trip on a budget and hopefully with less stress.

Plan your destination – depending on where you live you’ll need to decide where you’re headed. Lots of times we’ll look for places within a 2-6 hour drive. This way we can get more time to enjoy our destination while still getting out of our elements. This can vary from camping locations, famous destinations and landmarks to the lake. Use google and see what fun new places you can hit up.

Get your car ready for the drive – we will always take our car in and let them know we’re headed out of town and need it inspected. They’ll usually checkout the levels in our car, tires, pressure and more. This always helps ease my mind as we embark on our adventure carrying our most precious cargo.

Before you hit the road make sure you’ve downloaded GasBuddy. This app is awesome and will tell you how much gas is at different locations around you. Driving just a little further down the road could save you up to $.05-$.10 per gallon. Also make sure you have packed all the snacks and drinks you need so that you’re not paying the outrageous gas station prices for drinks and snacks. You can also really cut down by bringing your own lunch in a cooler. This takes planning and time to prepare but when you’re looking to save money on your trip it’s an easy option.

Be flexible and willing to take stops, especially if you have little ones. We usually find a fun park to hit up midway through our trip to let the kids run around and stretch out their legs. It’s not fun getting back in the car but I remind them of the fun we’ll have at our next stop and I’ll usually open up a new toy or something to do to bribe them back into the car. (It usually works for us)

Although you need to be flexible, also go prepared. Make sure you have everything you need so you don’t end up having to purchase what you forgot. Most destination places will have everything you need that you might have forgotten but at a price. So make your list and check it twice – or even three times before you go. I find if I start my list at least a week before, things will pop up in my head throughout the week that I need to remember to pack.

Things won’t always go perfectly but if you relax and enjoy the ride the rest of the family will be able to do so as well. These road trips are great memory makers – times your kids won’t forget. Enjoy the journey, relax and save money on your next road trip!

Stretch Your Paycheck a Little Bit Further This Week with These Tips


So, you’re feeling a little pinched this week, huh?  Sometimes it is hard to make the money last until your next paycheck, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible.  Depending on your situation, there are lots of things that you can do to make your paycheck stretch!

Eat Leftovers.  Instead of going out to lunch, be sure and pack leftovers from last night’s dinner.  Using up these leftovers is one of the easiest things that you can do to save money all around.  We waste a ridiculous amount of money hitting the drive though for lunch on a daily basis, it’s time to break that cycle.  And I don’t know about you, but I happen to love leftovers.

Learn to love the staples.  Seriously, if you are hungry, head to the kitchen and make yourself a PB&J.  It’s easy, it’s cheap and it’s not just for kids.  We need to remember that food is for fuel, not for fun so just eat what you have and you will save a significant amount of money. If we are talking dinner, put a pot of beans on and you can eat for several days for CHEAP!

Carpool.  If you are finding yourself spending too much money on fuel, you should consider carpooling.  Depending on your commute you could easily save $100 or more each month.

Become familiar with helping programs.  If you are really struggling to make ends meet and your income is low enough to qualify, there are many programs out there that are available to help you.  Food banks and resource centers offer food boxes (typically weekly).  You can also find help with your utility bills from some churches and resource centers.

Have any of these tips worked for you?  What are your favorite money stretching tips?  

How to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer for Free



Are you excited for your kids to be home during this Summer?  I am.  I am definitely one of those mothers that dreads school time, because I love when they are home.  I definitely like to keep them busy though to prevent the dreaded fights. So, how can we stay busy during the Summertime without spending a fortune?  Well, these tips should help you plan.

Take them on a park trip.  This one is a classic, but a good one.  Take your kids to the park and just play.  They will love it and it costs nothing.  What kid doesn’t love going to the park?

Take them to the Library.  The library has countless learning opportunities and they offer free reading programs through the Summertime which provides lots of entertainment opportunities and often lots of fun prizes for your kids to win.

Do arts and crafts at home.  Set up a craft table and hit up the dollar store for fun crafts on a budget.  You can paint, draw and so much more!

Have movie nights.  Summertime provides lots of opportunities for movie nights with the kids.  Get a popcorn popper and turn on Netflix and you and the kids can snuggle up and enjoy some time together.  If you don’t have Netflix, you can cheaply rent movies at Redbox or even at your local library (since you are going to be there anyway…).
Road trip season.  Okay, okay, road trips are not exactly free since you have to pay for gas, but taking a road trip can be super cheap if you pack your own food and don’t hit up the tourist traps.  Stick to natural areas such as parks, beaches and lakes and you will find tons of fun for cheap!

5 Tips for Keeping Your Laundry Pile Down


Who besides me has a laundry pile?  I wish that wasn’t the case, but truth be told, I use to have a pile of laundry either on my bed or on my sofa.  Life is busy, schedules are hectic and laundry is typically not super high on my list.  Luckily though, I have found some ways to keep the piles down and if you are looking for a way to rescue you from your laundry nightmare, here are some tips for you.

Here are 5 tips for you to follow that will help you keep your laundry pile down.

  1. Buy a Quality Sorter.  No, I’m not talking about the $10 one you spotted at the big box store.  That thing will break the first time you fill it up.  Buy a quality sorter and as soon as your clothes are dirtied, put them into the appropriate section in your sorter.
  2. Use a mesh laundry bag for delicates.  Whenever you put laundry in the hamper, be sure to place your socks, undies and other delicates into the bag and toss it into the wash when you do the rest of the laundry.  This helps keep track of your socks (I know my family isn’t the only one that loses socks).
  3. Do Towels and Linens Together. Wash all of your towels together in the same load.  This does two things…it prevents the towels from losing lint and other pieces onto the other laundry, but it also ensures that all towels are finished at the same time too.  No more getting out of the shower to discover there are no clean towels.  Also, be sure to wash all sheets and linens together as well and do them at the beginning of laundry day so that you can make beds while your other laundry is in process..
  4. Avoid “Laundry Day”.  This tip doesn’t work for everyone, but I have found that I end up with far fewer “piles” when I do laundry throughout the week instead of choosing one day to do it all.  Plus, it is far less overwhelming to fold one load of laundry than 5+.
  5. Skip the laundry.  Okay, okay, not in general, but for real, some clothes shouldn’t be laundered that often anyway.  It will save you a ton of time to remember that.  Jeans, jackets, etc.  These things can be washed after several wears.  It’s better for them anyway.


6 Unique Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

mothers day gift f2dMother’s Day is coming up on May 14th and it’s time to get those Mother’s Day gifts in order. Every year I have to think of what I can get for my mom that would be sentimental, yet in our budget. Here are a few ideas that won’t break the bank and hopefully bring a smile on your moms face.

  1. Gift Cards. You may be thinking, but that’s not unique. Let me explain. Make this gift card personal to a specific store. If I receive a gift card to Target or Walmart, I’m not super excited. I’ll most likely buy essentials or groceries. However, if I were to get a gift card to See’s Chocolates, ULTA Beauty, a Massage or Spa I would be much more excited. This way I get to spend the money on ME! So think of your mom and her favorite places and spoil her with an excuse to go shop!
  2. Personalized Items. I love checking out Shutterfly this time of year. Make a personalized canvas print, blankets,or a mug. Personalized items are so much more fun especially when grand kids are involved!
  3. Getaway. If it’s been awhile since your mom has been on a getaway, check into Groupons Getaways and see if there is one close by that you can score. I know these are more expensive, but if you were to go in on it with siblings it wouldn’t be so bad. This is one that probably can’t be done every year, but if spread it out and surprise her!
  4. Jewelry.  There are so many custom made jewelry stores and boutiques out there these days. Try looking at Jane and the different boutiques that offer fun jewelry options. Be sure to order yours soon so it can arrive in time for Mother’s Day.
  5. Garden Flowers or Trees. This is something my own mom loves getting each year. We actually go shopping together and she picks out which plant or tree she wants for her yard. She’s already planning and researching which one to get! To help with money, be sure to look on the Garden Nursery’s webpage for any coupons available.
  6. Grandma Questionnaire. For the grandmas out there, have the grand kids fill out these fun questionnaires. These are so fun to see what the kids say. This is one of those gifts that grandmas love and keep forever.

What are your plans for Mother’s Day this year?

Teacher Appreciation Gifts That Are Under $5.00!


Did you realize Teacher Appreciation Week is next week! I think our teachers do so much for our kids and we’ve been really blessed to have amazing teachers who have put forth a lot of time. So I love being able to celebrate them at least once during the school year but we don’t have a lot to spend on gifts. If you’re like us but would still like to do something fun for them checkout this list of cheap and easy teacher appreciation gift ideas!

20 cute, easy, cheap & practical teacher appreciation gift ideasI always have these in my gift closet for little things like this! Teachers love it because they’re always washing their hands!

Taecher Appreciation Idea: Thanks to You We're Smart Cookies {with Printable} by CrazyLittleProjects.com #teacher #appreciation #giftYou could whip up a batch of your favorite cookies with your little student and send them to school!

20 cute, easy, cheap & practical teacher appreciation gift ideasThis would be perfect with any type of water bottle and maybe a little propel packet attached or if you can a gift card for their favorite drink.

20 cute, easy, cheap & practical teacher appreciation gift ideasI love giving things that are practical. And a pack of these are usually around a couple dollar!

Easy teacher appreciation gift idea with free printable tagsWhy not pick out some flowers for them to plant or just enjoy in their classroom! Have your child find out their favorite color or flower and snag some at your local greenhouse.

cute-easy-useful-teacher-gift-appreciation-idea-20This idea is perfect because then they can get what they need for the classroom or something nice for themselves. Last year I got a few parents together that had the same teacher and we combined our contributions together to make a larger gift card!

20 cute, easy, cheap & practical teacher appreciation gift ideasThis is another adorable and practical gift idea that will keep you under a couple dollars!

20 cute, easy, cheap & practical teacher appreciation gift ideasThank goodness for adorable printables right! This one I’ve done as well and the teacher loved it! Anything to help keep the germs down at school.

Benefits of Amazon Prime


You might think that Amazon Prime is a waste of money and I don’t blame you.  $100 is a lot of money to spend for the “benefit” of free shipping, but you know what?  It is a great deal for many more reasons than just the free shipping (but that is pretty nice too).

Here are even more benefits of Amazon Prime:

Special Discounts.  You can almost always find special discounts that are exclusive for Prime members.  If you pay attention, you can find special deals on razors, makeup, toys, groceries and more!  

Music Streaming. If you love to listen to music, Amazon Prime gives you access to thousands of songs without having to pay for a music streaming service.  Amazon does have a music streaming service, however you don’t have to sign up for it in order to enjoy music.

Movie Streaming.  Amazon Instant Video has thousands of videos, tv shows and exclusive programs available for Prime members to stream.  We recently cut cable and we watch Netflix and Amazon Prime videos when we feel like watching TV.

Free 2 Day Shipping.  The free shipping is a wonderful benefit when you shop on Amazon (and Amazon is a great place to shop for household stuff).  I like knowing that I can order something and have it here within 2 days is a great feeling.  

Great deals.  Yes, Prime members qualify for special discounts, but in general, you can score some great deals on Amazon!  I buy almost all of my household stuff from Amazon (diapers, toilet paper, razors, etc) and I get great deals, plus I know I am always well stocked so it saves me from making unnecessary trips to the store.
Do you shop on Amazon?  What are your favorite benefits?  If you haven’t signed up for Amazon Prime, why not?  What is keeping you from doing it?

When to Talk to Kids About Money

Twenty dollar bills isolated against white background.

Are you wanting to teach your children about money?  Do you feel lost when it comes to knowing the right time to do it?  The beauty of this is that there are many many “right time” moments and if you jump on the chance to teach them as often as possible, your kids will have a better shot at knowing what to do about money as they get older.

Here are the times when you should talk to kids about money:

When you pay your bills.  When you sit down to pay your bills each month, you should have your kids sit down and talk to them about it.  For example, if you get your power bill, you can spend the time explaining to your children what causes the bill to grow and what you can do to keep the cost down.  You can also explain how much of your workday will be spent working to pay the single bill.

When you set your budget.  This kind of goes along with paying your bills each month, but when you are setting your budget each month, having your kids sit in with you is a great idea so that they can see that a budget is needed in order for your finances to function properly.

When you swipe your debit card.  Make sure that you kids understand that a debit card is the same as cash in that whenever it gets swiped, the money in your account decreases.  It’s not as invisible as it seems.

Allowance.  Giving your kids an allowance is a great way to get them used to creating their own budget and having control over some finances before they are thrown into it as adults.  Let them work for money and letting them control how it is saved or spent is a good way to get them focused on making the right choices.


Easy tips For Quickly Boosting Your Credit Score


Are you looking to finance a car or dreaming of buying a house?  Could you benefit from a boost to your credit score?  If you aren’t sure where to start, here are some tips for easily boosting your credit score quickly.  No, these tips aren’t a fix all and the best that you can do is be responsible with your credit over the long haul, but there are things that you can do to make credit work for you a little bit better.

Order Your Credit Report.  First and foremost, you need to order an updated copy of your credit report and verify that all of the included information is correct.  There are often mistakes found on credit reports and simply discovering them and disputing them can clear up a lot of credit reporting errors and raise your score.

Pay Down Your Credit Cards.  Did you know that your credit card utilization (how much you have available, vs. how much you have spent) severely affects your credit rating?  30% of your credit score is your utilization.  You definitely need to keep this number below 30%, but ideally it will be lower than 10%.  So if you have $1000 of credit available, you want to stay below $299, but the closer to $90 or below you get, you will see a nice score boost.

Ask for a Credit Limit Increase.  This ultimately does the same as above and benefits your utilization.  There are a couple of things to note however.  Do not immediately go charge it up and also, be sure to confirm that your credit card company isn’t going to run a hard credit inquiry in order to raise your limits.  These inquiries will lower your score, which defeats the purpose.

Don’t miss any payments.  That’s a given, I know, but it should be noted.  The best way to good credit is to be responsible and pay your bills on time every time.  And if you do have some late payments, the further you are from them, the better.
Have you found any awesome credit score boosters?

Direct Sales Do’s and Don’ts


Are you thinking about jumping into the Direct Sales world? Yes, some people see them as scams and yes, some of them are, but most are decent companies and some people are able to make a lot of extra (or sole) income!  I have several friends that are making 5 figures per month with a hot current direct sales company and I have even more friends that are making really good side hustle incomes ($500-$1500) with other companies.

I think there are a few things that you need to make sure you remember though if you do decide to hot into the Direct Sales market.  Here are a couple direct sales do’s and don’ts:

Do sell the product, don’t only try to sign someone up under you.  Yes, I know that you are going to make more money if others sign up under you, and so does the person you are trying to get to sign up.  If you truly believe in your product you will try to sell the product itself and not just try to get someone to sign up under you.  If that customer falls in love with the product, then you can ask if they would like to sign up under you.  But don’t push it.

Do respect people’s budgets.  Budgets are serious.  If your friend says that they can’t stretch their budget to sign up for your $100 package, then don’t push it.  

Don’t harass friends and family.  Tell people about your business, shout it from the rooftops and be motivated to sell, yes.  However, don’t harass people.  I have a certain friend who keeps messaging me and chatting and trying to plan coffee dates, but as soon as the date is scheduled, she zooms in with her sales pitch.  Nope, sorry.  I want to be your friend because we are friends, I do not want to be guilted into buying a product I’m not interested in.

Don’t talk down other consultants.  Yes, competition is healthy, but if you are bad mouthing other consultants, that does nothing to help the product you are trying to sell and only looks bad on you.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to buy stuff from negative salespeople.  So stay positive and sell, sell, sell!

Don’t overextend yourself financially.  Most of these companies require an initial investment.  Do it if you can, but don’t overextend yourself on the chance of making it big.  You don’t want to put your family in a tough spot because of it.

Do have fun!  Enjoy yourself and don’t be scared.  Your potential is endless!

Cut Back on Technology with These 5 Tips

techWe are surrounded by technology in our every day lives. Do you notice how many times you are looking at a screen or checking your phone? If your’e like me, it’s a lot. It can start affecting your attitude and even your happiness when checking in on social media so often or staring at a screen. I’ve found it so refreshing to step away and cut back on technology just a little bit. It feels freeing and makes my life so much better.

Silence the Notifications. This is huge and I make sure to do this on all of my social media pages. If you have alerts to every app you have, you would constantly looking at your phones for updates on what’s going on. If you don’t have those going of non-stop, you are less likely to click on the app and get sucked into more time on the screen then you normally would. If you need to have notifications on for work or other events. Set those for just the time you need them. At night or on vacations be sure to silence those.

Set No-Technology Times. A lot of families do this at dinner time until bed. I love that idea. It’s the time you are all together as a family and can actually communicate to each other instead of everyone staring at a screen. So set a time that is good for you and those you live with. When do you see them the most? When would be the best time to set no-technology time? Once you set those times, you as the adult have to be the example and follow through. It may take time to get in the habit but once you do, it’s so worth it.

Be Present. I’m always amazed when I’m at lunch with friends or my family and I look around and notice how many people are on their phones and not communicating with those they are eating with. It’s kind of gotten out of control. Right? One way to cut back on technology is to truly focus on where you are at. If you are with people, try not to get on the phone and truly be present in the moment. Make it a goal or a game when you are going out to not check any social media apps the whole time you are out. Can you do it?

Vacation from Technology. When on vacation be on vacation. Turn off your phones. Hide your tablets and computers and be surrounded by no technology. Take a true vacation and refresh with the outdoors and family. After you’re back from vacation you may have noticed how nice it was to not constantly checking your phone. That may help you make new habits with technology in your daily life.

Find Hobbies. Do you notice when you are busy you don’t check your computer or phones as often? If you notice yourself on technology too much, then make your self a little more busy. But healthy habits into your life that will take that time. Think of joining an exercise class, art class, volunteer at a local church or school. Serve your friends, family and neighbors. Plan time to be outside and go on walks. This will help you get out of the habits you may have and get you into something more physically, spiritually and emotionally fulfilling.

Alternatives to Preschool – Get Your Preschooler Kindergarten Ready!


Have you been thinking about getting your preschool signed up for next year? Maybe you’ve started to look into like I have and realized it can get pretty pricey. I want you to know that there are alternatives to preschool. Preschool is not for everyone and you don’t have to send your child to preschool in order for them to be successful in Kindergarten. Here are some different options for preschool:

Read to them – you’ll never be able to read too much to your child. Just head to your local library and snag some fun new reads. You can also checkout your library’s activities and see if they have a story time. Our local library will put on a story time once a week in which preschool kids can come and participate in.

Learn through Play – There are so many fun educational toys for them to learn through. From kitchen toys, dress-up, puzzles, blocks and more. There are tons of things for them to learn through play.

Online Programs – this one is great! There are a few we have done and my kids have loved it! From ABC Mouse, Starfall (free) and Upstart (a FREE Utah State Program) my preschooler has learned to read! There are fun lessons taught on each of these. If you prefer not to pay check with your local library where they might offer these programs on their computers for your kids to play on.

Free Printables – These are tons and tons of free resources online that you can print for your kids to have fun on. I’ve seen a lot on Pinterest with ABC theme’s, animals and more.

Start a Joy School – this is fun for the kids as they get a variety of teaching styles and fun things to learn when you switch around who’s teaching. Find some neighbors with children close in age and start your own Joy School. We would meet 3 times and week just like preschool and each parent would teach for the week. We had subject picked out for each week and guidelines so the kids had the same routine each week.

Field Trips – with all the free events that go on there’s a lot for your little one to learn. You could make a trip to your local park to learn about the ducks. Or take a trip to the local museum for more things to learn.

There’s lots more ways for your preschooler to learn even through your example. From cooking dinner with them to heading outdoors on a hike. What are some things you’ve found to be successful in teaching your toddler and preparing them for kindergarten?

Pantry Staples that Will Cut Your Food Bill Down



Most of us are looking for ways to cut down on our food budgets.  Have you been successful in reducing your food costs?  One way that you can cut back on your food costs is to keep some basic staples in your pantry that will help you cut down on your meal costs overall.

These pantry staples that will cut your food bill down:

Dried beans.  Dried beans are one of the most budget friendly foods that you can buy.  For typically less than $2 and you can stretch one bag out into several meals.  You can cook them in your slow cooker with a little bit of spices and you have a meal in itself.  Add meat and sauce and you’ve got chili.  There are so many options here.

Canned beans.  Canned beans are great for adding substance to your meals.  Last night I added a can of black beans into turkey burger and made turkey burgers for my family of 5 for a grand total of less than $5!

Lentils.  Lentils are similar to beans but can be mixed with a variety of foods to create meals.  You can create a soup with them or serve them with eggs.  You can even serve them as a stand alone.  

Potatoes.  Potatoes are a very inexpensive item.  Think about it.  10 pounds of potatoes often costs just a couple of bucks and potatoes can be served in every single meal.
What are your favorite budget friendly pantry staples that help you and your family keep your meal costs down? And if you have any awesome cheap recipes, please share!!

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