4 Ways to Save Money on Pumpkins

We are just 5 weeks from Halloween!!! Can you believe it?! Just like everything else these days, the cost of pumpkins is rising! If you are like me, you want to be able to grab pumpkins for everyone in the family to carve, plus a few more for some lovely fall decor. So, here’s the issue. How can we make it more affordable?

Here are 4 ways to save money on pumpkins this year that will help you feel better about splurging on this autumn must have. 

4 Ways to Save Money on Pumpkins

Find a Local Farm Stand 

I can’t tell you the last time we bought our pumpkins at a grocery store. We always buy ours at a local farm stand and we save a lot of money doing it. 

Here are some of my favorite reasons to buy pumpkins at a farm stand:

  • Price is generally a lot cheaper than in store
  • There are other great produce items and fall decor items there too
  • You are supporting local farmers
  • You know that they are fresh

Use the Scale

If you find pumpkins that are prices per pumpkin instead of per pound, be sure to weigh yours and make sure to get the bigger ones! You are paying less per pound that way and getting more pumpkin for your money.

Attend Community Events

Oftentimes you will find community events happening where they are giving away free pumpkins to kids or offering them for $1 or $2. This is a fun way to get involved in the community, have some fun and save money. 

Check for Coupons

While you will probably not really find a coupon for pumpkins specifically, many grocery stores offer other types of coupons. For instance, I shop at my local Safeway store and in my J4U account I often find coupons for $3 off of any produce purchase, etc.

 Old Timers Favorite Ways to Save Money


 Have you ever met an older person who seems like they probably don’t have a lot of money and then you’re surprised to find out that they are quite well off?  I am not afraid to admit that I have met quite a few old timers who, judging by 1st impressions, assumed that they were struggling to support themselves on a minimal income,  Only to discover that that was quite the opposite of the truth.

While of course there are many, many older people and younger as well who are struggling financially many many people in the older generation have learned how to save money and set themselves up quite nicely for retirement years.  How have they done this you ask? Well here are some of Old Timers’ favorite old ways of saving money.

Old timers favorite ways to save money

Acting Like They are Poor

I will be honest and say that I’m not a big fan of this one. However, this trick definitely seems to work for some people. I have a close personal friend who grew up thinking that they were poor, they were on the verge of losing their home, they were on the verge of not having food at home only to discover in his teens that his dad had a net worth in the 7 figures. His dad lived like they were poor, stressed like they were poor which prevented any family members from spending or splurging in any way.

Now honestly I don’t really like this because this friend of mine truly spent a lot of their childhood anxious and afraid that they were gonna be homeless.. As a child who was actually homeless at times during her youth, I find it appalling that someone would instill that fear in your child when it’s not a reality. Kids have enough to worry about.

I feel like there could be a middle ground here. 

They fixed things

A few years ago while visiting my husband’s uncle we found him out in his garage tinkering with a table fan trying to fix it.I couldn’t really understand this as the fan probably cost no more than $15. I asked my husband why on Earth he was spending time trying to fix something that was so cheap. He simply stated that it was because he comes from a generation that fixes things as opposed to throwing it away and buying new.

So yes he saved $15 by fixing the fan rather than buying a new one. Imagine though if you did this on larger scale items such as appliances, vehicles, etc. My husband is very mechanically inclined and only in the last few years have we actually purchased newer vehicles. Always in the past we would drive older vehicles that would often have mechanical issues, but since he was able to fix them we have saved thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars over our friends who choose to buy new vehicles each time their vehicle has issues.


How often do you throw food away? I’m willing to bet that it’s more often than you should. One thing that old timers do to save money is by using their leftovers. Whether that means they wrap them up for lunch the next day or turn them into a new recipe the next night you rarely see food eat food get thrown out for a lot.

How to Use Your Carved Pumpkins

Did you know that in the United States, over 1 billion pounds of pumpkins are tossed out each year? That is 1 billion pounds thrown into landfills every year! That’s an absolutely crazy number to me. How can you do your part to cut back on this?

Pumpkins are worth far more than just throwing them away, so let’s talk about how to use your carved pumpkins after Halloween has ended. These tips will help you make a difference and you can put these pumpkins to good use!

How to Use Your Carved Pumpkins

Roast The Seeds 

Don’t throw those seeds out!! Have you ever had roasted pumpkin seeds? They are delicious! There are different ways to roast them so check out some recipes and find your favorites!

Use The Stringy Insides for Broth

You can use the stringy insides of the pumpkin to create a vegetable broth. Broth like this can be saved in the freezer to be used later. It’s delicious and makes a great base or addition to your favorite fall soups. 

Use it to Make Pumpkin Flavored Goodies

I can’t be the only one who loves enjoying some pumpkin flavored goodies during the fall months. I like to use the pumpkins in all ways that I can to make pumpkin muffins, brownies, pancakes, coffee cakes and so much more. YUM!!

Compost It

Composting is a great way to make sure your unused food doesn’t go to waste. If you have a garden, you will be amazed at how much composting can help your crops grow. 

One fun way to use your pumpkin in a composting type way is to use the pumpkin as a planter. While the pumpkin breaks down, it adds nutrients to the plant it is housing and helps it to grow

Budget Friendly Fall Decor Items

Are you itching to start decorating for fall? Are you hoping to do so while not spending money and stretching your budget? I am all about decorating for the seasons, but I am absolutely against spending a fortune to do it. I love Hobby Lobby and Target as much as anyone else, but the register goes up way too fast for me at those places. 

I have found that it isn’t impossible to get fall decor on a budget, if you know where to look. I am all about thinking outside of the box when it comes to just about anything, but these budget friendly fall decor items are my favorites.

Budget Friendly Fall Decor Items

You may be surprised to see where you can find the most fall inspired decor pieces!

Items You Already Have

Do you have a space in your home where you store seasonal decor items? Be sure to look here first before you go and search or buy more items.


Head on out to your yard and pick up the beautiful leaves that have fallen to the ground. Bring them inside to dry them out and then you can use them in just about any way that you want! 

  • Glue them to canvas for a fun 3D art piece
  • Place them in between the glass pieces in a frame
  • Layer them in glass vases

Hay and/or Straw


You can do so much with hay and/or straw. Especially in your outdoor decor. I use hay all the time for my porch decor. I have found local farmers that sell it quite cheap for a bale. I use them to place pumpkins on, I use it to stuff scarecrows…the options are endless.

Dollar Tree Fall Decor


Dollar Tree is a great place to get some of your seasonal decor. I can easily head into that store with $10 and walk out with all that I need for fall. I like to combine it with the items that I already have.

How to Save Money on Fall Yard Updates

I love my home, but somehow I’m always changing it around a bit. House updates are always fun but take time and planning. We are focusing on our outside landscape now that the weather is cooling off. We are making some changes which I’m super excited about. It doesn’t have to cost a ton of money to make a big difference in your yard. Here are a few tips that will help you save money and also help you enjoy being outdoors a little more.

  1. Make a plan. If you don’t have a visual plan on what you want your yard to look like then you will buy unnecessary items or have to redo things which will cost more money. Make a visual plan, write it down, talk to neighbors (step 2) and then get to work.
  2. Talk to people who have a beautiful yard. This is completely free and so easy to do. Talking to someone who has a yard that you would like to have is the way to get your plan going. Most people would be so happy to talk to you about their yard, they usually are super proud of it. You could ask where they got their plants/bushes, containers, pavers, mulch/bark and more.  If you want to hire out a landscaper, then check with your neighbors as well. Sometimes your friends or neighbors will know someone who is affordable and can help you out.
  3. Check your local landfill. Believe it or not, but your local landfill could sell mulch/compost/bark at a great price. We get ours from the landfill every time we need it and it’s super affordable and looks really great. Usually you can get a truck load which will go a long ways. You save a ton of money instead of going to a greenhouse and buying it by the bags.
  4. Buy during the sale season. Certain flowers and bushes are on sale at certain times of years. Be aware of when these times are and then  buy. One way to know is to sign up for emails from your local greenhouse or even
    Home Depot. They will send emails with sale prices for items that in stock which will save you money.
  5. Check second hand stores for pots and vases. If you want pots around your yard then check your second hand stores, goodwill, or even Facebook Marketplace to see if there are any items you would want.

My Favorite Budget-Friendly Home Organizing Tips

I used to live in a pretty cluttered, chaotic home space. It wasn’t diary, per say, but we were definitely living with a massive amount of clutter that was not conducive to a well functioning household. When I moved out on my own I was able to finally change those habits and create an organization system that worked for me. 

I’m sharing with you my favorite budget-friendly home organizing tips because keeping your home in order doesn’t have to mean taking an expensive trip to the container store or buying gadgets or tools. It can be much easier and cost effective than that. 

My Favorite Budget-Friendly Home Organizing Tips

A Place for Everything

Seriously, this is hands down the best way to keep your home organized. Make sure that everything in your home has a place. If there is not already a place for something, do you really need to bring it into your home?

Making sure you have a spot to put each thing away helps to keep you from tossing stuff in random places and cluttering up your space. 

Create a To-Do List

To-do lists are so very helpful! We are all busy, busy, busy, make sure that included in your daily tasks you include the chores you need to keep up at home. Trust me, it is easier to keep your things organized with daily reminders a.k.a. To -Do Lists.  

Make Use of Those Corners

Use those seldom used corners in your home to place shelves or cabinets (check out thrift stores before you buy new.) This is a great use of space that allows you to store more of your stuff without using a large furniture or organization piece in your home.

Easy & Yummy Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipe

Did you grow a garden this year? It’s that time of year when zucchini is growing off the charts. You probably are running out of ideas on what to make with these zucchini’s.  Here is a super yummy recipe that you’ll love. Check it out.

Zucchini Chocolate Cake
Recipe & Picture by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe


  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ cups (318 g) granulated sugar
  • ¾ cup buttermilk (see note)
  • ½ cup (113 g) melted coconut oilavocado oil, canola oil or vegetable oil
  • 2 cups (283 g) finely shredded zucchini
  • 1 ½ cups (213 g) all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup (43 g) natural, unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a 9X13-inch pan with cooking spray and set aside. I always use an aluminum/metal baking pan.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla, sugar, buttermilk and oil.
  • Stir in the shredded zucchini.
  • Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt, soda and baking powder.
  • Stir until just combined and no dry streaks remain.
  • Spread the batter evenly in the pan and bake for 25-35 minutes until the top springs back lightly to the touch and a toothpick comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs.
  • Let cool completely.
  • Serve with a dollop of lightly sweetened chocolate whipped cream (see note) or spread with chocolate frosting and cut into squares.

Tips on How to Save Money on Interior House Paint

Did you know that painting a room will instantly change the feel of the whole house? If you want a warmer or calmer feel, there are colors that can help do that. Do you want a more modern feel? Then there are colors that can do that too. Whatever you prefer, painting the interior of your home makes such a difference. We recently painted our main kitchen area to a fresh, brighter color. Before it was a darker brown, now we picked Greek Villa from Sherwin Williams. I absolutely love it. Painting is amazing and can brighten a room, but it can also be expensive. So, here are a few tips on how to save some money when you buy your interior house paint.

  1. Plan & calculate your project. Before you buy the paint then be sure to measure your area and calculate how much paint you will need for your project. This will help you so you don’t overbuy. Remember, when you tint your paint you cant return it.
  2. Shop the sales. If you have a brand that you love, then sign up for their email list. This is where you will find out when the sales are going on. They may even email you some coupons.  I love the Sherwin Williams paint, so I wait for their 40% off sales. This will save you a lot of money.
  3. Re-use your paint brushes and paint rollers. If you are painting over more than one day, don’t throw away your paint brushes and rollers. You can put them in a bag and tie the bag closed so that no air can get in. This way it will stay wet and ready to use the next day. This will save you so much money when you re-use these items.
  4. Buy paint with primer in it. If you’re painting a wall that is darker, then you’ll want to get primer. But if you can get a paint with a primer, then it can save money in the long run.
  5. Buy paint in bulk. If you have a few different places around the house to paint, then take advantage of the sale and stock up on the paint. This way you can also use the same brushes and rollers, plastic covers and other painting materials.

Halloween Movies to Watch with Your Dog

SPOOKY SEASON IS HERE!!! It’s time to grab a snuggly blanket and get ready to watch some of your favorite scary movies. I don’t know about you, but I like to include my entire family in my spooky season scary movie marathons. When I say may entire family, I mean my entire family. Dogs included!! 

We love getting snuggly during the cooler months and that often includes puppy cuddles, so why not include them in our movie watching marathons? If you want to start this tradition too, here are some great Halloween movies to watch with your dog.

Halloween Movies to Watch with Your Dog


Any scary movie fan knows that there is basically no better scary movie than Poltergeist, am I right? Even after decades, it is still scary!

The dog in this movie reminds us of how loyal pups can be. No matter the chaos happening all around him, he stays put the entire time. 

The Lost Boys

Awesome 80s cast (seriously), and a dog that can sense vampires?! YES!!! Your dog can be reminded of just how much of a difference they can make in any given situation. The dog in this movie, Nanook, might just be the main hero of this movie since he saves the lives of the boys that he loves by taking out a vampire. 

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

Have you ever watched Tucker and Dale vs. Evil? If you said no, add this one to your list right now. Seriously, right now. My family and I watch this movie every year (sometimes twice) and it’s really just very funny. Yeah, sure there is gore, but it’s just not the same as your typical scary movie. 

Anyway…this is a great movie to watch with your dogs because one of the best characters in this movie is a sweet one-eyed bulldog named Jangers. He is the sweetest pup!

3 Holiday Activities to Do with Your Dog

Do you have a canine kid that you love to include in all of your favorite family activities? I don’t know about your family, but we absolutely love to include our family dogs into all of our holiday family activities. It is so much fun and honestly, I love having photos of them being included to look back on. 

While we like to include our pups in activities for all of the holidays, today I am going to talk about 3 holiday activities to do with your dog that are focused on the Christmas holidays. 

3 Holiday Activities to Do with Your Dog

Pick Out a Christmas Tree

This year, why not take the kids and dog to a Christmas Tree farm where you can walk around and choose which tree will be cut down for you. Talk about adorable photo opportunities! We did this last year and oh my gosh, it was so much fun. 

Go See Santa

Many pet and farm stores offer the opportunity for your pet to come and see santa. There is almost nothing cuter than having an adorable photo of your dog with Santa Clause. 

Watch a Fun Christmas Movie

Does your dog like to watch movies with you? My dog always gets extra excited when he hears dogs on the TV, so I like to add at least one movie into the mix just for her. If you are looking for fun movies to watch with your dog, here are some of my favorites:

  • Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure – I don’t think that there is a Beethoven movie that I don’t like and this is a fun one for the holidays. 
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas – I don’t know a single person or dog that doesn’t love this movie. How about you? 
  • The 12 Dogs of Christmas – You simply cannot have Christmas without a movie that focuses on the meaning of Christmas, am I right?
  • I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown – Another fun Charlie Brown movie to add to the watch list with your pup.

My Absolute Favorite Laundry Tricks

What is your least favorite household chore? Mine is hands down laundry. Seriously. I hate it so much. I may have been known to let my laundry pile up a little too long because I seriously just don’t enjoy it. 

There are countless tips out there for making laundry duty quicker, easier, more fun, etc. Here’s the thing though, I don’t think that all of these help. Thankfully, some of them do though. The following is a list of my absolute favorite laundry tips that have actually helped me get my laundry pile under control. 

My Absolute Favorite Laundry Tricks

Wool Dryer Balls

Grabbing a pair of wool drying balls is a huge help! They help to cut down on drying time (and wrinkles too!). I started using them a few years ago and love them! I like to include several drops of essential oils onto mine to give my laundry a lovely scent. 

Invest in Good Laundry Baskets

While it may not seem like it, your laundry baskets make a big difference in how your laundry chores go. Make sure to get good quality baskets and hampers that are easy to carry and not too heavy, but sturdy enough that they aren’t going to break or give out easily (sorry dollar store baskets). 

Dedicate Specific Days to Specific Washes

No need to take an entire day to do laundry. I have found it is much better to spend a particular day on washing specific items. For example, I use Mondays to wash all linens and towels, while using a day later in the week for clothing. 

Enlist Help

Okay, my friends. This is my absolute favorite laundry tip ever! Yes, it really is as simple as enlisting help. Ask your spouse to help with laundry duty. Add it to your kids chore list. Once the kids get old enough, you can start having them be in charge of their own laundry.

4 Organizing Tips to Help You Get Ready for Fall

Fall will be here before you know it! Are you ready? I don’t know about you, but I love to to feel like the beginning of each season is a fresh start. In order to find that fresh start feeling, I love to organize things. 

Are you looking for the best ways to get ready for a new season? These 4 organizing tips to help you get ready for fall will get you in order!

4 Organizing Tips to Help You Get Ready for Fall

Kitchen Tips

Tis the season for soups, chili and casseroles. That means that now is the time to get out the crockpot and put up the grilling tools. During the fall, I use my crockpot a lot and that typically means that I keep the crockpot out on the counters instead of putting it up all the time. 

Closet Tips

Now is the perfect time to declutter your closet! Making the shift into Autumn is the time to put away those warm weather clothes. You likely won’t need those spaghetti strapped summer dresses, swimsuits, or short shorts so why not get rid of the ones you no longer want and shift the rest to the back of the closet. 

Another thing you can do is grab yourself a rubber/plastic storage tote and label it summer clothes. Place all of your storage clothes in it and stick it in the back of your closet or your favorite storage place.

I would definitely keep some shorts out for the still warm days and lounging about as well as tanks for layering.

Mud Room / Entry Closet Tips

Do you have a mud room or entry closet? Now is the time to switch up the items in these spaces so that they hold cold weather jackets and coats. 

Car Tips

Yes, we are even going to include tips for your car on this list. With the weather getting colder, be sure to keep an extra hat, gloves and an umbrella on hand so that you stay warm while on the go.

How to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe for Travel

Do you have a trip coming up? Are you already thinking about your packing list? I have gone on trip after trip and up until a few years ago, I always brought too much stuff. Like seriously. 2 suitcases for 3 days. So embarrassing and such a hassle!

Then I discovered the absolute joy of traveling with a minimalist wardrobe. Let me tell you, my friends. This made all the difference in my travel adventures! I am no longer chaotically packing for each trip and the lower stress makes adventuring so much better! Read on to see how to create a minimalist wardrobe for travel for your next adventure.

How to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe for Travel

Use Packing Cubes

First and foremost, packing cubes are a godsend when it comes to heading out on vacation. Your clothes stay nice and organized in your suitcase and it allows you even more space. Yes, I know this isn’t technically a wardrobe tip, but it is one of my favorite packing tips. 

Pack 4 Tops

4 Tops. That’s it. Bring a black tank, a comfortable knit shirt and a jacket or cardigan. The combination of these can create different looks. 

Pack 2 Bottoms

Bring 2 pairs of pants or shorts (depending on where you are going, the temperature, etc). Mix and match them with the tops you brought and you have quite a few different outfits available. 

Pack 1 Dress/Jumpsuit/Suit

Make sure to pack a nice outfit too! Whether that’s a jumpsuit, a dress or a suit, just be sure to have it with you in case you need to dress up.

Workout Gear

If you like to workout, definitely bring your workout gear, but only 1 set.  

Bring Just 2 Pair of Shoes

Okay, because I like to work out while on vacation, I tend to pack 3 pairs of shoes to include my workout shoes, but that is my absolute limit! I bring casual shoes that will be comfortable for any activities that you plan, but also shoes that are nicer just in case. 

How to Streamline Packing for Moving


My husband and I just sold our home and oh my gosh, after 10+ years of living here we have a lot of stuff to pack up. This whole thing has been a process, but I am learning a lot! Do you have an upcoming move planned? Need some help to streamline your packing?

Learning how to streamline packing for moving may seem overwhelming, but let me tell you. Once you get it figured out, the second part of your life begins! 

How to Streamline Packing for Moving

Use Packing Cubes

Streamlining your packing by using packing cubes is helpful in that it allows you to use less boxes which is great, plus overall it takes up less space which means less hassle when moving. 

Pack up One Room at a Time

Packing up one room at a time helps the packing process go more quickly. This process becomes even easier if you start with rooms that you don’t go in very often. Packing up the items you don’t use as often makes the process more simple.

Get Rid of Clutter and Unused Items

Now is the time! While going through and packing up your stuff, use this time to get rid of the clutter in your home. If you haven’t used an item for a significant amount of time, it’s time to sell it, give it away or toss it! 

I’m not suggesting you get rid of sentimental items of course, but trust me on this, this step will leave you feeling less stressed and oh so free! Goodbye clutter!!!!

Recruit Help

Don’t be stubborn and insist that you need to do this on your own. I learned the hard way that accepting help is 100% the right way to do this. I am absolutely okay with help when it comes to packing. It makes life so much easier!  

Better yet. If you have the funds to do it, HIRE help. OMG, this is a game changer.

How to Find More Time to Read


Reading is one of my favorite things to do. In all reality, it can be one of the greatest pleasures in life. Reading transports you to a new place. It improves your vocabulary, enhances your empathy and so much more. All of these benefits come with any genre of book you read. Regardless of what type of books you like to read, it’s easy to relax and get lost in what you are reading. 

Life gets busy though and if you are anything like me, it’s hard to find the time to enjoy a good book, as much as you want to. That is why, if you love reading, you need to learn how to find more time to read. The following tips have made it easier for me to find more time to read.

How to Find More Time to Read

Try AudioBooks

While some people don’t think they are the same, I happen to love audiobooks. I have learned a lot of new things (hello, self improvement books!!), listened to fiction books I love and more all while accomplishing other things on my to-do list.

Audiobooks are great! Plus, most audiobook streaming services offer free trials. 

Set Your Alarm a Little Earlier

I am an early riser by nature, but I actually REALLY love reading in the quiet mornings before the rest of the family wakes up. I really enjoy coffee and a book to start the day. 

Start Small

If you are just getting back to reading, don’t let it overwhelm you, just start small. Grab a new book and read just one chapter. Read a blog post. Read a poem. There are ways to start that won’t take a lot of time. 

Add it to Your Schedule

You deserve to do this and this means that you need to realize how important it is. Make sure to schedule reading time into your daily or weekly calendar. While taking the time to read does seem a little luxurious, it is important and you deserve it!

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