Get Your Kids to Clean Up After Themselves with These Tricks


What is your daily life like?  Do you feel like you are constantly following your kids and picking up after them?  That is one thing if they are toddlers, but pre-school age and up can and should be picking up after themselves.  How can this be accomplished without a fight though?  Well, we have put together several tips here that should help you to get your kids to clean up after themselves!

Minimize Your Toy Collection

We have far too much, that is just a reality.  Do your children really need all of the toys that are creating such chaos in your home?  It might be a good idea for you to minimize the amount of toys that they have and it will make clean up much easier for everyone.

Talk to Them

Sometimes a little bit of conversation goes a long way to get your children to understand what it is that you want.  Be sure to explain to them how much mommy or daddy have to do and how all of the time that is spent cleaning up after them just adds more to that list.  Also, be sure to remind them of the pitfalls that can come from keeping the room messy (Can’t find specific items, tripping hazards, etc).  Kids understand more than we think.

Make it a Game

Make cleaning up a game.  I set a timer and tell my kids that the first one to get their rooms clean get to choose dinner (or dessert or whatever reward works for you).  This helps to get it done quickly without argument.

Follow Through on Discipline

If your child is continually creating a mess with a specific toy, it doesn’t hurt to take that specific toy away for a period of time.  As an example, my son likes video games, but he kept leaving his games strung all over the room.  After the 5th reminder (yes, I waited too long), I took his game system away for 1 week.  The next time he was able to play he was sure to rush to clean up when he was done.

I am very excited to hear ideas from all of you on your tips for getting your kids to clean up after themselves?  What have you found that works for your family?

Tips & Tricks for Easy Potty Training (Step-by-Step Guide)

potty training f2dWhen you hear the word potty training, what do you think first? Pee, crying, fighting, pee, and more pee? I’ll be honest, I’ve always DREADED the potty training phase. It’s just not convenient and it’s so tiring. It’s one of those things that can really be hard or can really be quite simple. As I’ve had 3 kids to potty train, I’ve found some really good tips and tricks. Each time I’ve followed this guide below and each of my kids have been potty trained in 3 days or less. That’s right, 3 days. It’s definitely not an easy 3 days and at the end I’m ready for Cafe Rio, Coke and a giant piece of cheesecake. But it’s totally worth it. Now with that being said, each kid is different and they have different needs. Yours may not be trained in 3 days and that’s fine but hopefully they will be closer to the end result. I’m hoping some of these ideas will help you have a more fun and successful potty training experience.

Before Potty Training Week

  • Let your little one pick out special underwear (you’ll need quite a few- I grab atleast 10 pairs).
  • Show your little one the potty and get them familiar with it. Show siblings using it and let them test it out.
  • Buy fun, unique drinks (Gatorade, tummy yummies, capri suns).
  • Buy pull ups for night time and nap time.
  • Clear your schedule for a good 3-4 days where you don’t have to drive anywhere and can focus on your little one.

The Week of Potty Training

Day 1: When your little one wakes up feed them breakfast first before you start training. I’ve found that we want our little ones need to be in a good mood with a full belly. Once they are awake and fed, have them take the rest of their diapers and throw them in the trash (I always go rescue them later). Explain that they don’t need to wear diapers anymore. They are big boys/girls now and will be wearing their special underwear.

Once the diapers are in the trash, get their underwear out and let them choose which one to wear. That’s all they need to wear on Day 1- just the underwear. I don’t put on shirts or pants. Now is the time to get them pumped full of fluids. Give them their drinks and find a good location to camp out for a few hours. I always like to stay in the kitchen where I have tile. It’s a lot easier to clean up their pee. Get games, play-doh, books and focus on them. Then you basically watch them like a hawk. Instead of asking “Do you need to go potty?” Tell them- “Let me know when YOU need to go potty.” The hope is for them to FEEL when they need to go and then tell you.

When they start peeing, rush them to the toilet and let them finish on the toilet. I even have my boys sit on the toilet when they are learning. Have a good attitude about it and be happy (by the end of the day your face will hurt from trying to smile). Never scold them. Just remind them that they are now going potty in the toilet and not in their underwear. Encourage them and give them a new set of underwear.  Have them flush, close, and wash their hands. Build the routine. Then repeat-“Let me know when you need to go potty.”

Then head back to your location give them more fluids and continue playing. That’s basically what you do…all…day…long. Bring in an iPad and have them watch a show while you organize your kitchen or do whatever you need to stay busy for the rest of the day. Rush them to the potty when they start going and have them do the routine. Soon they will FEEL when they need to go potty and then learn to wait until they are on the toilet.

At night have them go potty one last time and put a pull-up on. Make sure they are standing up and not laying down when you put the pull-up on. Treat them like underwear and not a diaper. This is their pull up that they wear for night time and naps, no more diapers.

Day 2: This day is similar to the first day. Just keep doing the routine and get them in the habit. If your little one caught onto the routine yesterday and didn’t have too many accidents then you won’t need to give them as much fluids. But if they still need the practice. Then grab your drinks and have them start drinking. Hopefully today will go a little more smoothly. If they are getting the habit down, venture outside or around the house and let them continue to tell you when they need to go to the bathroom.

Remember to keep a good attitude they want to think going to the potty is fun. I don’t usually give prizes but I do have special treats on hand for when we need to shake things up. Make it a fun day and give your little one a treat because it’s a special day. Tell grandparents to call and tell them they are proud of your little one for wearing underwear. I know it’ sounds silly, but they will be so proud and find that it’s a very good thing to do.

Continue on the day with watching them, taking them to the bathroom, finish on the toilet, flush, close and wash your hands and give them new underwear if needed. Continue asking “Let me know if you need to go potty.”

Day 3: If your little one is still having accidents then you will need to continue doing the same as day one. But hopefully this will be the day it finally clicks. The accidents will hopefully be getting less and less. If they are being consistent in telling you they need to go potty, then going potty you are well on your way.

You can even try to go out for a bit and away from the house. In a store be sure to mention that “they have pottys here so let me know if you need to go.” I always bring a set of clean underwear and pants with me for the first few weeks just in case. Get in the habit of having them go to the bathroom before you leave the house. That will help with accidents in the car seat.

All I can say is Good Luck! It’s definitely not an easy task to potty train, but it’s so worth it once it’s accomplished. Any other ideas that you have on potty training?

50 FREE to Nearly FREE Mom & Daughter Date Night Ideas!


Did you know that from the moment your daughter is born until she’s 18 you only have 940 Saturday’s? It’s so important to get that one on one time with your child and sometimes that’s not as easy as it sounds. You’re busy running getting errands done, the house cleaned, homework and projects taken care of but you don’t want to lose touch of that special bound and relationship you have with your children. So I’ve thrown together some date night ideas you could do with your daughter but keep in mind, a lot of these would easily work with any of your children!

  1. Cuddle on the couch and watch a childhood favorite movie
  2. Makeovers
  3. DIY manicures or pedicures
  4. Craft together
  5. Bake together
  6. Teach your child something new
  7. Just talk
  8. Do a fun science experiment
  9. Attend a exercise class together (yoga, pound, zumba)
  10. Go to the movies and just get popcorn to go
  11. Go to the library together
  12. Make a “fancy” meal together
  13. Checkout the local bookstore
  14. Attend a play
  15. Go on a bike ride
  16. Dance party
  17. Share a frozen yogurt
  18. Grab a donut together
  19. Camp in the backyard
  20. Have a picnic (inside or outside)
  21. Feed the ducks at the park
  22. Swimming
  23. Petting zoo
  24. Roller Skating
  25. Window shop at the mall
  26. Nature walk/hike
  27. Game night
  28. Bowling
  29. Play dress up with your wedding dress
  30. Visit the Animal Humane Society and play with the animals
  31. Find a new park to play at
  32. Play the arcades
  33. Browse the greenhouse
  34. Yard sale shop together
  35. Paint some pottery together
  36. Bury a time capsule
  37. Find a service to do for a family or friend
  38. Plant a garden together
  39. Make homemade ice cream
  40. Play in the rain
  41. Redecorate your daughters room
  42. Watch the stars and look for satellites
  43. Visit a local museum
  44. Look through baby photos
  45. Lay in the grass and find pictures in the clouds
  46. Start a family cookbook with their favorite meals
  47. Go fruit picking
  48. Pick wildflowers together
  49. Mother/Daughter Sleepover
  50. Surprise her at school for a lunch date

Find something you’d both love to do together and set the date! It will give something for her to look forward too and you’ll be able to create those special bonds together. Do you have some fun ideas you’d add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Get the Most out of your Weekends with These Tips



Do you struggle to enjoy your weekends?  Do you feel like you spend all of your time working and not enough time enjoying time with your family?  

Don’t let your busy-ness overwhelm you to the point that you don’t actually enjoy your time off. You can follow these tips to get the most out of your weekends and take back your life.

Meal plan. I preach about meal planning often, but it’s for a reason. It really does save you a significant amount of time!  Be sure that you include the weekends on this meal planning journey and you will no longer spend any amount of your precious time trying to figure out what to eat because that decision will have already been made.  Additionally,  you should consider freezer cooking, if you have your meals planned and prepared in advance there will be nothing more to so than heat it up. This will save hours over the course of a weekend.

Schedule work days. If you have work that needs to be done on your house and/or yard, schedule in advance and set that time aside.  Get it done then and don’t procrastinate,  once you get it done and out of the way, it’s then time for fun.

Keep up on chores. Make sure to keep up on chores throughout the week. If you let your everyday chores go, your weekend will have to be filled with catching up on housework. Just a couple of minutes each day spent on housework can save hours throughout the weekend.

Plan fun.  Make sure you go out of your way to plan fun activities for you and the family. Buy those concert tickets, schedule those tours, whatever it is, commit to it so that you don’t just toss it aside in favor of doing nothing.  If you already have it marked on a calendar, or you he already paid for it. You are less likely to skip it.  My favorite resource for weekend fun is Groupon!  My family and I have done so much fun stuff that we have found there.

What tricks have you found that help your weekends not go wasted?

Spring Cleaning Tips for the Organizationally Challenged




March is here!! What?  How did that happen so fast?  Anyway…in just a few short weeks, Spring will officially arrive and for many of us, that means Spring cleaning!  Many people though, feel like Spring cleaning is useless since they consider themselves to be “organizationally challenged.”

If you consider yourself to be among this group, there are ways for you to make the most out of your Spring cleaning project.  Here are our Spring cleaning tips for the organizationally challenged:

Start with the laundry.  Seriously.  For many of us, laundry is the most “messy” part of the house.  I personally hate doing laundry so it is often backed up and thanks to my kids it seems as though I wash things more often than they get worn.  When you are ready to start your Spring cleaning, gather all of your laundry into separated piles and begin to wash them.  Keep a “giveaway box” handy and once each article of clothing comes out of the dryer decide if it is going or staying.  If it is going, put it in the “giveaway” box and if it is staying, fold it instantly and put it away.  Do not, I repeat, do not save the folding for later (there’s a good chance you won’t get to it).  And while you are hanging out doing the laundry, why not clean the laundry room?

Smallest rooms next.  Smaller rooms are less overwhelming and therefore easier to tackle. This will typically be your bathroom(s).  This is a great reason to make this your next project during Spring cleaning.  Plus, once the bathroom or bathrooms are clean you are going to feel so much better!  Cleaning bathrooms is just never fun, but having a clean bathroom is.  Continuing this schedule throughout the house cleaning the smallest room to the biggest, helps to break down the chores into smaller, more manageable sections.  This is very important for those that are easily overwhelmed by housework.   
Grab a carry all.  Make sure that you have a cleaning caddy with you and you bring it from room to room.  Having to run back and forth between rooms for cleaning supplies may not seem like a big deal, but it is exhausting and annoying.  You can buy a caddy at your nearest dollar store and save yourself a lot of hassle.

Budget Friendly Wedding Venue Ideas

wedding venue ideas

Are you getting married this year?  Are you trying to plan a wedding on a limited budget or are you simply not wanting to start your married life off by spending thousands and thousands of dollars?

There are ways that you can save money on a wedding.  There are some ways that you can cut expenses and there are some ways that you can’t, but rest assured, one of the most expensive costs doesn’t have to be at all.  While you may dream of your wedding being held in a big fancy venue, your special day can be just as beautiful in a different location, sometimes you just have to think outside of the box.

Here are some budget friendly wedding venues that you might consider for your wedding in order to keep the costs more manageable:

Park.  Some of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to have been at a local park.  I got married in a park myself and there was only a $50 reservation fee, but that was a long time ago.  Find a park that has features that are special to you.  Maybe a beautiful arboretum or botanical garden or maybe just a beautiful manicured grassy area.

Backyard wedding.  The single most beautiful wedding I have ever attended was in a friends backyard.  Granted they have a beautiful home with a view, but the setting was perfect and since it was in a private location there was absolutely no interruption from public or traffic, etc.  If you or a family member or close friend has a lovely yard, you might consider having your wedding there.  In addition to cost, there are several other bonuses to this venue choice: it’s comfortable since you are familiar with it, and since it is very unlikely that the house will be having another wedding or event in it on the same day, you are typically not in a time constraint as you will be at another venue.  

Added tip: So, you absolutely have to have your wedding at the venue of your dreams?  Consider the day that you have your wedding and you could save a significant amount of money.  For example, my sister in law got married at a beautiful vineyard that is very popular for weddings.  A typically venue rental was $3500-$5000 on Friday/Saturday/Sunday, but she chose a Thursday early evening wedding and only had to pay $750 for her venue.  
So as you can see, you don’t have to sacrifice on your wedding even if you are on a budget. Just take the time to look around and be willing to look outside the box.

5 Ways to Boost Your Self- Esteem

self esteem f2dMost of us struggle with feeling awesome about ourselves at some time or another. Why is that? It’s easy to compare ourselves with others and compare others strengths to our weaknesses. Each of you really are awesome and it’s time for you to remember that. Here are 5 ways to help boost your self-esteem:

  1. Have Affirmation Mantras. Have a few positive short saying you can see around the house, work or car and repeat them to yourself throughout the day. Some examples could be- “I can do hard things today with a smile.” or “I have amazing family and friends!”  or “My body is healthy and my mind is brilliant!”. Whatever makes you feel good, then use that and go with it. The more you repeat this positive ideas, you will start to feel them.
  2. Don’t compare yourself to others. This is easier said then done but you can do it. Maybe take a day away from social media to get renewed and aware of yourself instead of everyone else.
  3. Focus on things you can change. Do you ever focus your energy on things you really have no control over? We all do this, but it makes us use worry about unnecessary things. So think about those things you may want to change that you do have control over and work on those. Leave the others alone and move on.
  4. Make a list of past accomplishments and successes & make goals for the future. This can really put into perspective what you have accomplished and bring to the front those positive successes. It can also make you excited and energetic about new goals and where you can go from where you are at. Go ahead, make a list of all those things you are proud of. You will find you’ve done a lot more then you realize.
  5. Celebrate the small things. This is a good one. We do so much each day and don’t even realize it. Maybe you gave a small presentation at work, or you cleaned the refrigerator- which was way past due, or you went outside and exercised for a little longer then the day before. Whatever it is, celebrate those things you did today and be proud.

Trick Yourself Into Saving Money!


When you think about saving money and living on a budget, it might stress you out, it might make you feel sad and it might actually make you feel like you are suffocating.  But I did want to tell you guys that you can definitely save money without those side effects! Here are some ways you can sort of trick yourself into saving money this year.

Try putting together a swear jar. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be when you actually swear. Think of a bad habit you have or something you’d like to change in your life. Then set an amount that you contribute when you break your goal. Growing up we apparently said the word “fart” to many times so every time someone said the word they’d have to contribute a quarter to the jar. Let me say…it adds up fast.

Save your bonus or raise. I know it sounds hard but you’ve been living without that money so you know you can make it work. Say you make 40K a year and you get a raise to $45K a year. Your cost of living won’t increase but your income has so you can put that money aside to save. My dad has taught me that any raise you receive should be contributed to your 401K or some type or retirement account. If you still want to have a little fun with the extra money plan on saving 50% of the raise. But whatever you do, save some of it.

Keep your savings separate, even at a different bank. If you can’t see it, you’ll forget it’s there. It might even be a great idea to set up direct deposit with a set amount coming out of your paycheck and going into this other savings account. It’s forcing you to save even the smallest amount each time your paycheck comes in.

Race your friends. Try talking with a friend who want to save the same amount as yourself and see who can get there first. It gives you more motivation…kind of like going to the gym. It’s easier when you have a buddy right by your side cheering you on. You could even save money to go on a future trip together, make it fun.

Don’t add more stuff to what you already have. Make sure you’re thinking hard about each purchase you make. Do you really NEED that new dress or shoes? You’re going to want new things and that’s ok, just get rid of the old and maybe even try to make a little money off of it. Or donation your items and write it off on next year’s taxes.

So if you’re trying to save for a big trip, a down payment on a house or just to find more financial freedom, try one of these ways to saving money.

Spend Less Time in the Kitchen with these Tips


Most of us moms and dads end up spending way too much time in the kitchen. Whether we are making breakfast in a rush, lunch to go, dinner for the family or you are tackling the kids’ lunches, it sometimes just gets old.  Of course there is the exception, those awesome people out there that just love to cook any chance they get, but not everyone loves it.  With the busy lives that we all lead, even those of us that love to cook are often looking for ways to cut back on the amount of time that we spend in the kitchen.

How do you accomplish this?  I have figured out that there are some things that you can do to cut back on your kitchen time and build on your family time.

Check out how you can spend less time in the kitchen with these tips:

Meal Prep.  Set aside a couple of hours on the weekend to prep your meals for the week.  Even though you have to take that amount of time during the weekend, it really does cut back on your overall time spent in the kitchen.  I like to take this time to prep lunches for the us and breakfasts are quicker this way too!

Meal Plan.  If you have your meals planned in advance, you are less likely to spend a lot of time standing in the kitchen trying to figure out what to cook.

Use your slow cooker.  I do this 5 times a week at least.  All you have to do is spend 10 minutes or less in the mornings tossing ingredients into the slow cooker and turn it on.  Once you walk through the door after work, dinner is ready!  In addition to saving you time in the kitchen, this one is great for preventing trips through the drive thru. It’s hard to convince yourself to go out to eat when you know that you have food waiting at home.
What are your favorite time saving tricks when it comes to cooking for your family?

5 Ways to Save Money on Diapers



Do you have a baby at home?  Does it seem like you are going broke from the amount of diapers you have to buy on a constant basis? Assuming that you do not want to take the leap to cloth diapers you would probably like some tips on how to save money on disposable diapers. Am I right?

I had a baby 10 months ago and I have only bought diapers three times so far.   He is actually my third baby and I have used all of these tips with all three of my kids which has saved me hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars over their baby years.  Would you like to know how I’ve done it? Read these 5 ways to save money on diapers that I have used:

  1. Amazon.  Okay, you had to know I was going to say that.  We post enough diaper deals that I am sure that you know that Amazon is oftentimes the best place to find the best deals on diapers.  With their Amazon Family program, their Subscribe and Save program and coupons, it is hard to find a better deal.  Check out all of the awesome Amazon Diaper Deals that they are currently offering.
  2. Goodwill.  Okay, I know that sounds weird, but many of the Goodwill stores throughout the country sell Target overstock items, which means rock bottom prices for you.  Last month I bought a 130 pack of Pampers for $7!!!!  Seriously..$7!
  3. Say yes to the shower.  Are you pregnant now?  Do you plan to have a baby shower?  You definitely should!  Many of the gifts given at baby showers are diapers!  I had months and months worth of diapers given to me as a gift and it was my favorite gift of all!!
  4. Club Memberships.  Costco and Sam’s club also have great deals on large packs of diapers.  The fact of the matter is that wherever I buy diapers, I always buy large packs.  Small ones simply don’t last very long and I hate having to run to the store often for a diaper run!  No thank you!
  5. Coupons.  Clip coupons, print coupons, write emails to diaper companies to get even more coupons!  There is almost always diaper coupons available to use and boy do they help with costs!   You can also sign up for baby samples and memberships from Huggies, Pampers and more to get even more coupons.

Have you found any tips for saving on diapers?

Fun Indoor Games & Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy

gamesAre you getting a little restless, waiting for Spring and Summer weather? This time of year can play tricks on us when we have great sunny days and then suddenly get slammed with snow or rain. My kids can get antsy and a little crazy if I don’t plan the day out with some fun games and activities. Here are a few that might help you out.

Listen to a Book on Tape
Go to your local library and get a book on tape that all of you would enjoy. Grab your blankets and pillow and gather in the living room. You could even pop some popcorn and then lay down and listen to a nice book on tape. Be sure to get one that is appropriate for your kids ages. You want them to be engaged and listening.

Kinetic Sand
If you guys don’t have any of this, buy some! Seriously. It’s been a lifesaver this winter. If you don’t have fun sand toys to play with the kinetic sand, just grab some measuring cups and cookie cutters and the kids are ready to go. Amazon has a few great options you could grab here. 

Pillow Fights
If you need to get some energy out, who doesn’t love a classic pillow fight? Maybe mix things up and play hide n seek and then when you find the person you have a pillow fight. That can make it last a little longer. Set a few rules and get playing!

Treasure Hunt
Write down clues on a piece of paper and hide them around the house. Give the kids the first clue and watch as they find the rest of the clues. You can have them do little things at each place or have a treat at the end. Make this as short or as long as you want. Kids love it!

Make a Treat
Have the kids help you make a treat/snack. You could even browse Pinterest with your little ones and see what they would like to help make. To make this into a service, once you make your treat, take some to a neighbor or friend who may be sick or alone.

Finger paint
If you’re feeling brave, get out the paint. Kids love to use their imaginations and create a masterpiece. Have them make an art piece for a friend or their grandparents.

Dance Party
Let each person pick their favorite song to dance to and turn it up! You can even dress up with hair and makeup for this event to make it a little more fun.

Play Classic Game
I loved playing Simon Says and Red Light, Green Light when I was little. Your kids are sure to love these too. Simon Says is also a good one to keep the kids moving. Have them do jumping jacks or run up and down stairs. Get them tired! You can also get out your board games that you haven’t played in awhile.

Show and Tell
Each person (including mom) go get something from their room that is special to them. Then gather back together and sit in a circle. Each person can tell why they chose that item and what it means to them. This is a fun way to get your kids talking. You just might find out something about them you didn’t know before.

Have a Parade
Gather all sorts of odds and ends like paper towel rolls, oatmeal containers, cans and spoons and make an instrument. Then march around the house with your parade. Yes, you may need earplugs, but this is a fun one that will bring smiles to everyone.

Tips For Vacationing on The Cheap!


We’re coming up on summer which gets a lot of us thinking about summer vacation! But that’s not always in the budget. You might be thinking a vacation just isn’t going to happening this year but that doesn’t have to be the case. There are fun trips/vacations you can take and still not break the bank! Here’s are a few things to look at if you’re wanting to have a vacation this year!

Stay Close to Home

A large part of the money you spend on a vacation goes towards travel cost and even hotels. And we’ll start to see gas prices go up in the summer which can start to add up quickly. So find some fun things around your area that’s new to you and enjoy them together as a family. Even booking an inexpensive hotel close by can still make for a great vacation.

Avoid Traveling During Holidays or Events

Traveling during a holiday or event will lead to increased prices. This doesn’t mean it will be boring at all if you go during a different part of the year. There is lots to do around popular areas even in the off seasons.

Travel with a Group

This makes for some fun memories and time when you go traveling with a group but it can also save you money! You’ll be able to split a hotel between everyone saving money as well as gas money if you can carpool!

Check for Last Minute Travel Deals

This is great for the spontaneous one. If you can wait to book a vacation or if you’re able to just drop everything and leave then this is perfect for you. Hotels/Cruiselines/Airports don’t want to leave empty rooms and seats so they’ll usually drop their rates really low just before leaving to help fill up the space.

Sign Up for Email Alerts & Follow Travel Sites on Social Media

You’ll be able to find exclusive deals for your traveling adventures through special promotions that they offer to those signed up for email alerts and those who follow them on Facebook/Twitter or even Instagram.

Check Groupon Before Leaving

Groupon offers some great activities and deals on restaurants for different destinations. You can even checkout their travel section where you’ll find package deals and hotel deals. You might not always find something that interest you but it’s worth a look. They also have great ideas for staycations if you’re going to be staying close to home.

Stick to Your Budget

You’ll need at least a little bit in your budget if you’re wanting to get away from home. So sit down and figure out what you’d like to do and how much money you have. Then stick to that budget. Remember there is always free things you can do together no matter where you go! And you’ll still have lots of fun!

So what’s everyone’s plans for the summer? Do you already have a trip planned or are you taking a staycation and sticking close to home. How are you saving money and still getting out this summer?

20 Clever Ways to Save Water


Whether you are trying to save the planet or just save on your water bill, there are plenty of reasons to work toward cutting back on the amount of water that you use at home.  It’s not just inside the home though, you also need to think about the other ways in which you use water in order to cut down on the total amount used.   If you happen to live in a drought state, you may actually have rules placed on you in regards to saving water so it’s always good to have an idea of how to do it.

Here are 20 clever ways to save water both inside of your home and outside:

Inside your home:

  1. Never run your dishwasher unless it is fully loaded.
  2. Install new faucets, showerheads and toilets.  Newer models have water saving features.
  3. Cut down your shower time.
  4. Do not let the water run while you brush your teeth.
  5. Shave while you are already in the shower.
  6. Inspect all of your household pipes and faucets for leaks.
  7. Similar to your dishwasher, only run your washer when it is fully loaded.
  8. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” is a popular saying for your bathroom habits.
  9. Only flush septic approved toilet paper.  Other foreign items require more water to flush.
  10. Fill a large pot with water to rinse your dishes when washing them.

Outside of Your Home

  1. Water your lawn in the early morning hours before it gets too hot.
  2. Avoid watering the lawn on rainy days.
  3. Attach shut off nozzles to all hoses.
  4. Keep your grass mowed, but longer.  The longer you keep it, the less evaporation.
  5. Cover your pool and or hot tub to prevent evaporation.
  6. Be sure that your sprinklers are watering only your lawn and not the street or sidewalk.
  7. Plant drought tolerant plants throughout your yard
  8. Consider drip irrigation instead of sprinklers.
  9. When cleaning your driveway or sidewalks use a broom instead of hose
  10. Use mulch in your landscaping.  It fights weeds and reduces evaporation.

What tricks do you use to save water in your house and yard.  Have these tricks made a difference?  


FREE Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier

apps f2dThese days we are all about Apps, right? It seems l can’t walk into a store or leave the home without using an app on my phone. Some of these apps save me money, some of them save me time. But they all are awesome and make my life so much easier. I thought it would be fun to list out a few FREE Apps that hopefully will give you a break and make your life a little easier.

Aviary App
We are all about taking and sharing photos. Now you can edit, embellish, enhance, and share with this easy app.

Calorie King App
If you have someone with diabetes you are constantly keeping track of carbs. This app has a TON of different food items with their carb and calorie count. It even has items from major resteraunts to help you out when you go out to dinner.

Fast Food Apps
Okay, If you are like me, there are days that I’m running around and realize I haven’t eaten breakfast. I stop at a fast food place and grab some food. But wait…there’s an app for that. Find your favorite local fast food chain and download their app. There’s a big chance they will offer you deals and coupons. I love Chick-fil-a, and McDonald’s they always have freebies!

Feedly App
Get organized and save time with this app! Put all of your favorite Newspapers, YouTube channels, Blogs and more into feedly. It will update it whenever there is new content. No more wasting time going from one place to the other, this will help you keep all your favorites in one place.

Gas Buddy App
Be sure to get the best deal on gas with this app. This is especially useful when you are on vacations or in a new town. It will help you locate gas stations and give the prices so you can compare.

Mint App
We use this app for our finances and tracking your expenses. It will keep you up to date with bills, your cash flow, create budgets and share them with your spouse. It’s a great way to see it all in a visual way with charts and graphs.

My Plate App
Are you trying to eat a little healthier? Keep track of calories, water, exercise in an easy way. Plus, make goals and help you eat better!

One Note App
If you are like me, you have a ton of things going on all at once. Now you can keep all of those thoughts, ideas, and information all in one place. No need to look for that random napkin your wrote down on. Write, draw, clip and paste all with this app.

Ovia App
If you are trying to start a family and not having much success, give this app a try. It will help analyze your periods, moods, and track when you are most fertile. Even if you aren’t trying for a baby, you can track your periods here too.

SingKick App
Are you one who loves concerts? Now you don’t have to be left in the dark. This app will keep track of your favorite artists, alert you on concert ticket sales, and create personalized concert alerts.

The Weather Channel App
Sometimes that sun outside can be deceiving and you send your kids to school without a coat only to find out it’s 35 degrees outside. Oops. Almost every morning I check the weather and what it’s supposed to be that day. This gives me an idea if I have to run around and find hats, gloves, scarves, snow pants, and boots OR just send them with a nice jacket. It’s also nice to check weather across the nation. You can daydream of being in a warmer place or plan for your vacations with an idea in mind of what the weather will be like.

Venmo App
Have you ever been out with friends and eating a yummy meal only to find you left your wallet at home? So your friend picks up your tab but you owe them some money. What now?  Venmo is an App that lets you easily send money and make purchases. Just grab your phone, get into your account, pay the amount needed to your friend and BAM…done! You can use this for paying for lessons like piano, flute, guitar or any other lesson you may be paying for on a regular basis.

What other Apps do you use all of the time that make your life easier? I would love to know and use them in my life too!

Clever Hacks/Tricks To Deep Cleaning Your Car!


The weather is warming up and if you’re like me your car has seen better days. We’ve spent so much time in our car from carpooling to school, visiting family and running errands that all the mess and crumbs from the kids (and maybe a little from myself) has added up. It’s time for a good deep cleaning! Here’s some tricks that I’ve used myself and some I’ve found that I’m excited to try out!

Wash Your Car with Hair Conditioner – most of the hair conditioners you’ll find contain lanolin which is a type of wax. So grab your bottle and give the outside of your car a good washing.

Clean Your Windshield and Windows with Baby Wipes – this is something I do when I find myself waiting at the school for the bell to ring. They’re not only great for cleaning off the window but they leave them streak free!

Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean Your Wiper Blades – this is something you’re going to want to do soon seeing how we’re approaching April showers. Cleaning them with rubbing alcohol will help prevent smears on your windshield.

Baking Soda & Toothpaste Will Clean Your Headlights – we’ve done this on my husbands older car and it worked wonders! Just scrub a little on your headlights and rinse it off with water. You might need to repeat a couple of times if you’ve never cleaned them before.

Dust Your Interior with a Coffee Filter – if you didn’t know, coffee filters are made of a lint-free paper which is perfect for dusting. Just keep a few in your center console for when you find yourself waiting in the car.

Dust Your A/C Vents with a Foam Craft Brush – you’ve probably seen this floating around Pinterest but have you tried it yet?!? These craft brushes are super cheap and work so well for getting in between the vents.

Use a Toothbrush to Clean the Crumbs out of the Seams of your Seats – we all get little crumbs and dust stuck in the seams of the seat so just grab a cheap toothbrush and keep it in your cleaning stuff. They’re so handy for many different cleaning tasks.

Add 5-10 Drops of Essential Oils onto a Clothespin To Make Your Own Air Freshener – I LOVE this idea and can’t wait to try it, in fact I’ll be making my own this weekend. You can clip it to anything but putting in right onto your A/C vent will cause it to circulate around your car.

Do you have any tips or tricks you use for detailing and cleaning out your car? How do you keep it clean? Let us know in the comments below and maybe we can all use the advice!

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