Easy Tips to Avoid Going Into Debt This Christmas



Do you have game plan set for your holiday shopping this year? Do you know how much you plan to spend this holiday season? Regardless of how much money you may have, it’s never a good idea choose credit and going into debt as a way to pay for your holiday gifts and purchases.

There are some easy tips that you can follow that will help you avoid going into debt this Christmas.

  1. Shop year-round. If you haven’t yet started your Christmas shopping that’s okay, it’s still pretty early. Next time you head out on a shopping trip be sure you keep your eyes open for good deals that will make good Christmas gifts. Try to shop like this year round so that you can keep a well-stocked gift closet full of great gifts that did not cost you a lot of money.
  2. Give homemade. There are countless homemade gift ideas out there that can be made for a small amount of money. And people really do enjoy homemade gifts. Several years ago we got smoked salmon from a family member that happens to be a fisherman and it was everyone’s favorite gift that year.
  3. Use coupons. We encourage coupon use for everything else, why not Christmas gifts? There are lots of coupons that are released for items that will make good gifts. Keep your eyes open for these coupons and be sure and visit our site often for any new ones that may pop up.
  4. Shop clearance. Clearance items are a great way to save on Christmas gifts! Whether you’re looking at clothes, household goods, or even toys and electronics. With some stores you can find clearance marked as much as 75% off.
  5. Set a budget for each person. Make sure you have a list of all of the people that you need to shop for this year. Once you have your recipient list set be sure to set a budget for every person. If you start your shopping with a budget you are far less likely to overspend therefore less likely to charge the purchases and go into debt.
  6. Just remember that the holidays are about family and spending time with those you love. It’s not about who gets the biggest, most expensive gift. Make sure you focus on what’s truly important this holiday season.

Do you have any holiday budget tips? How do you make sure to not go into debt during the holiday season?

Easy Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays


Many of us go into the holiday season dreading the weight gain that we all know will come along with the celebrations, the food and the countless holiday drinks.  Do you have a planned mapped out on how to avoid holiday weight gain?

If you are trying to plan in advance, here are some ways that you can avoid gaining weight this holiday season:

Stay Active – Don’t let the colder weather of Fall and Winter keep you from staying active.  If you continue to stay active, you will be able to eat more of those great holiday calories without the guilt!

Limit your Drinks – It is very easy to overdo it on drinks, especially during the holidays.  It’s easy to overdo it with drinks because it’s easy to forget about the caloric value when you are not “eating.”  Many holiday drinks (eggnog, alcohol, hot cocoa, cider, etc) have a high sugar content therefore high calorie transfer.

Watch your Taste Testing – Being eager to make sure the food you are making is good, many of us like to taste test our creations.  Be mindful of how many “tastes” you have had.  All of those little bites add up, especially with rich desserts and holiday favorites.

Bring Healthy Treats – If you have signed up to bring a dish to a potluck, don’t be afraid to bring healthy treats.  You don’t always have to bring pies.  Bring a colorful fruit plate and you might be surprised by how many people choose that to snack on.  Make sure you snack on the fruit too!  Fill up on the healthy stuff before hitting the dessert bar.

Eat at Home First – Before you head out to that holiday party, be sure and eat healthy foods at home first.  If you arrive hungry, you will be more likely to snack on the unhealthy goodies that are often there to snack on.

Take Your Time – It’s not a race.  Be sure to eat your foods slowly and savour the yummy flavors that come with indulgent holiday foods.  Typically the slower you eat, the less you eat.

Do you have any tried and true methods for avoiding the typical holiday weight gain?


The Perfect Caramel Dip for Apples

caramel-applesI love driving around town and seeing all of the apple orchards full of apples. It’s apple season and nothing goes better with an apple than caramel.  Yum.  If you go in a store you would pay a lot of money for a small container of caramel. This caramel dip recipe is super easy and I’m betting you have everything you need in your pantry. This would also make a great after school snack that the kids are sure to enjoy.


1/2 Cup or 1 Stick Butter
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Cup Karo Syrup
1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 tsp Vanilla


Bring to a boil – butter, brown sugar and karo syrup. Once it comes to a boil, lower heat to medium and add in the condensed milk and bring to a boil again.  Constantly stir and cook for 2 minutes and remove from heat and add vanilla. Wait a few minutes until cooled before you pour into serving bowls.  Serve warm with crisp apples.  Enjoy!

Different Homework Hacks to Help You Win The Fight!


Homework can get a little overwhelming for both kids and parents! It’s not an easy task to get your kids motivated to do their homework but there are some ways that might help! Try giving one of these a chance the next time you’re struggling with homework:

  1. Make chocolate available during math homework – your kids will love this one and there have been studies that show eating chocolate while working on math homework helps.
  2. Make sure all your homework supplies are easily reachable – we keep ours in a pencil box and bring it out onto the table during homework time.
  3. Create a space that helps your child be less distracted – if that’s in their room or at the dining table, either way make it a calm area
  4. Create a homework station – this is a great place to keep things they’re working on right in front of them and giving them a space to go to work on homework and study
  5. Block out a time for homework – if it’s easier to do homework right after school or dinner, set that time aside each day so that they know exactly when they are to do their homework. Then you’ll have less fighting because they’ll know exactly what’s expected
  6. Find an incentive for your child – whether it’s extra tv time or a trip to the park, find some way to motivate your child.
  7. Wear something comfortable while studying – if your kids love their pj’s or maybe a pair of soft socks, let them wear them while doing homework. That way they’re relaxed and ready to learn.
  8. Create a sticker chart or reward system – we pay our kids to do homework and while that might not work for everyone, find a way you can reward your kids. You can do a simple sticker chart with a prize for when they fill it up. Or take them to get something when they do well on a test.
  9. Set an alarm clock – this lets them know there’s an end in sight. They only have to read for 20 minutes, so set a timer.

Each of these are ideas to get your mind flowing of ways to help win the homework fight and keep your kids going in school. It’s not easy but so worth all the work you put into helping them learn and grow.

8 Frugal Tips to Stay Warm



With the cold weather swiftly making its appearance, we are all looking for ways to stay warm without cranking up the heat and increasing our expenses.  Did you know that there are actually quite a few ways that you can stay warm while maintaining your frugal mindedness.  

  1. Grab a sweater.  Wearing warm clothes or layers is perhaps the easiest and the cheapest way to save money on your heating bill.  Simply adding a sweatshirt and socks will keep you warm enough to prevent touching the thermostat.
  2. Start Baking.  If you like to bake, take advantage of of the cool weather to do just that. Using your oven is a great way to keep the house a couple of degrees warmer.  Also, be sure to leave the door open when you are done baking.  You may as well not let that hot air go to waste!
  3. Reverse your ceiling fans.  Do you have a ceiling fan?  If so, be sure to turn it on reverse.  This will push the warm air down into the room as opposed to trapping it near the ceiling.
  4. Use draft warmers. Purchase an inexpensive draft stopper or roll up towels to keep at the bottom of your doors to prevent cold air from making its way in.
  5. Open your curtains.  When the sun is out (even if it is cold) be sure to open up your curtains to let the sunshine warm the room.
  6. Change your sheets.  We always keep several sets of sheets available for each bedroom in our house and one of those sets is always flannel.  They keep you much warmer at night, which helps prevent you from needing to turn the heat up to stay warm while you sleep.
  7. Keep your doors closed. This goes for your interior doors as well.  If you have rooms that aren’t used as often, be sure to keep those doors closed to prevent wastefully warming a room.
  8. Cover windows with plastic.  You can buy inexpensive rolls of plastic to cover your windows with during the Winter.  Many people also use shower curtains for this same reason.  The plastic prevents warm air from escaping your home and also keeps cold air from coming in.

Do you have any other great tips to staying warm on a budget.

10 Things You Should Do To Save Money




Most of us could use new ideas when it comes to saving money.  If you struggle to save money, any idea is a good one.  Even if you are great at saving money, new ideas could never hurt. There are many things that you can do that will help ensure that you save money each month and throughout the year.

  1. Keep a spending journal.  At the beginning of your spending journey, create a spending journal for yourself. Keep track of everything that you spend your money on throughout the month and use this to see where your money is going and where you can avoid the waste.
  2. Pay extra on your mortgage each month.  If you pay a mortgage, you should pay extra on your monthly payment.  Even $5 to $10 extra each month will make a significant difference in the amount of interest you pay.
  3. Call your utility companies.  Call the customer service departments of your utility companies and ask for any discounts that you may qualify for.
  4. Sign up for auto pay for your bills.  This does two (2) things.  First, you save money on any late fees.  Second, many companies offer discounts to customers who sign up for auto pay.
  5. Use a clothes line during the warmer months.  A clothes dryer uses a significant amount of electricity.  Consider using a clothing line instead.
  6. Create a menu plan.  Preparing and planning your meals in advance is a great way to save on groceries and dining out.
  7. Pack a brown bag lunch.  Consider packing your own lunch as well as lunch for the kids.  My kids’ school lunches cost $3.50 per day per child.  If you have two children that is $35 per week.  Your lunch out likely cost twice that.
  8. Shop used.  When doing your clothing shopping, be sure and check out thrift stores instead of department stores.
  9. Use coupons.  Use coupons in your regular grocery and household shopping to save up to 40%.
  10. Use your phone.  There are countless money saving apps out there.  Take full advantage of your phone’s capabilities to their fullest extent to save money on everything from groceries to activities and more.

What We Can Expect From Amazon 2016 Black Friday Sale

amazon-2My kind of Black Friday is when you’re home all nice and warm.  Not outside, freezing and climbing over people trying to grab the last TV on sale or that HOT deal on a Mermaid Tail Blanket.  No.  My ideal way to shop Black Friday is online–in the comfort of my home.  As we all know, Amazon is the place to search for anything and everything you need or want.  So what can we expect to see in 2016 for Amazon’s Black Friday? Here’s a few ideas…

When will Amazon’s Black Friday Deals Start?  Looking at last year, Amazon started their deals the Friday BEFORE Black Friday.  So this year, that would make it November 18th.  However, Amazon was putting out CRAZY deals even 3 weeks before Black Friday.  So be prepared.  Either way, that’s only 1 month away! Also, once Amazon starts their Black Friday sale, they like to drag it out all week long.  You’ll want to check back often through out the Black Friday week.

Should I Join Amazon Prime for Black Friday? YES! If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can sign up for a FREE 30 day trial.  So if you start in a few weeks, you can score all of these deals that will be coming out on Black Friday and throughout the rest of the Christmas season.  The benefit to being a Prime Member is the 30 minute early access to Lightning Deals.  This is essential if there is something on your list and it’s featured with the Lightning Deals.  However, if you can’t get early access, the HOT deals will be sold out before you even have a chance.  Another reason to be a Prime member is FREE shipping!  If you don’t like paying for shipping, then you definitely want to do this. Otherwise you will get your shipping free when you spend $49 or more.

Will Amazon Prices Be Competitive to other Retailers?  Whenever you are buying an item, you will definitely want to price check with Amazon and see what their price is at.  A few items to note: Amazon brand items like the Kindle, Fire Tablet, Echo, Fire TV and Fire TV Stick are always on sale and have great prices. If that’s on your list, then Black Friday would be a great time to buy it. Amazon has also been competitive in their TV deals, computers, and clothing.

Will There be High Value Coupons? Most likely yes. In years past, there have been HOT coupons during Black Friday for diapers, wipes, clothing and more.  There is a good chance there will be coupons for popular items again. So be on the lookout for not only the good prices, but coupons that will make it even better.

So who is excited for Black Friday? Anything you are hoping to see featured during Amazon’s Black Friday sale?

Save Your Money By Cutting Out These 5 Things This Christmas!


Money is often tight for a lot of us, especially around the holidays. If you find yourself needing to cut back on a few things to save even more money this holiday season there are some thing you can really just go without. Cutting out these things doesn’t mean you’ll be going without, you’ll still be able to enjoy your Christmas maybe even more since you’ll have a little bit more money in your pocket. Here’s a few ideas of things you can go without this Christmas season.

Christmas Cards – although we see a lot of deals on Christmas card, not buying them at all is the best way to save the most money. A few years back I put together a simple Christmas card and then instead of printing them I just posted it on our family blog and Facebook for all our friends and family to enjoy! It was so much less stress and I didn’t have to pay to have them printed or buy any stamps and envelopes to send them out with.

Wrapping paper – Get the newspaper? Why not use it as wrapping paper for this year’s presents? It’s a great way to recycle and you’re not having to spend extra money by buying the fancy stuff at the store. Besides, the kids are just going to tear it up and throw it away! Or you could checkout your local recycling bin to find some if you don’t have it delivered.

Christmas Decorations – there are tons out there, and they’re all so cute! But don’t throw your money away on something you’re going to pull out once a year. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it. Or if you have a little to spend, shop at your local thrift/DI store. I’ve found some great pieces there that I love and it hardly cost me any money. (And if it can wait, shop the clearance section once the holidays are over. Then you’ll be set for next year.)

Pictures with Santa – this is a tradition that I know a lot of family have. While it’s fun for them to sit on Santa’s lap and get a picture, those picture can cost a lot of money. If you still feel the need to get a picture on Santa’s lap, do some research and ask around to find a place that will let you take your own. We have a few in our local area that I can think of and we’ve always been able to get pictures on Santa’s lap without having to pay for it.

Christmas Outfit/Pajamas – we’re already seeing the holiday outfits come out. And while they’re adorable and cute, if your kids don’t need new clothing or pajamas, please don’t buy them if you’re tight on money. This year opt to go without. I promise, Christmas morning will still be just as fun for them in a pair of pajamas they already have.

Take a look at your Christmas budget now and get an idea of what you have to spend. Then cut back on the things you don’t need. You won’t be sacrificing too much and everyone will still be able to enjoy the Christmas season!

Fun & Free Ideas for Weekend Family Activities!



Are you tired of wasting each and every weekend just watching TV?  Would you like to do something fun with your family for a change?  Well, you can!

Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are actually a pretty great deal of things that you can do with the family this weekend that will keep you busy having fun, but will cost you nothing!

Leaf Art

This activity is two fold.  Have the kids help you rake up leaves that have fallen in your lawn (Hello Autumn!) and together you can pick out the best ones to take inside with you to create your best leaf art with.

Go to Local Sporting Events

Many local junior high and even some high school teams don’t charge admission for kids, but they can be a lot of fun to watch!  If your kids are interested in sports, this is a great way to introduce them to the sport before they start playing and local teams can always use extra support.

Take a Tour of your local Fire Station

Did you know that fire departments offer tours of the station?  Call your local department and find out the best time to come in for a guided tour.  Doesn’t every little kid want to be a fireman at some point?  This is a great chance for them to see what happens!

Play a Family Game of Football

Get the kids and mom and dad ready to play ball!  Playing a friendly game of touch football is a great way to spend some time outside taking in everyone’s favorite fall sport.


It costs nothing to help someone in need. Whether you take your extra coats and blankets down to the shelter or you volunteer to work at the soup kitchen, I’m willing to bet that you leave there feeling pretty great about your day.

Game Night

Break out the board games and get your friendly, family competition on!  We try to do game night at least once a month and we never regret it.  It is so much fun to spend that time with no TV, no electronics, just family and fun.

What are your favorite, budget friendly ways to spend your weekends with the family?

5 Great Budgeting Tips



Do you have a household budget set up?  Many people are overwhelmed by the thought of setting up a budget, but you don’t have to.  Budgets can be the difference between succeeding and not and with a couple of simple tips, you can make budgeting a simple tool that can greatly improve your life.

Set a Monthly Budget Date

Be sure to work on your budget at least once a month.  If you set a date on the same time each month (example, the 1st of the month) to set your budget and expenses up and be sure to follow through each month at the same time to be sure and keep it up to prevent falling behind on your budget.

Do it Together

Sit down with your significant other and go through your budget together.  Making this a project together is a great way to open up the lines of communication.  Both of you being on the same page as far as your income and expenses will save a tremendous amount of stress.  It will also prevent one of you from spending more than you have because you simply didn’t know what is left in the account and what still needs to be paid, etc.

Don’t Leave Anything Out

Make sure that you incorporate all of your income and expenses into your budget.  Be sure to include all of your bills and don’t forget to include your other expenses like gas, groceries, clothing, etc.

Use Your Phone

If you have a smartphone or tablet, be sure to download one of several free budgeting apps that practically run your budget for you.  All that you need to do is input your information boila…it keeps a running total at the touch of your hands.  

Allow some Wiggle Room

A budget is important, but it is also important to work in a little bit of wiggle room in your budget for entertainment.  Even if it is just $20 for the month.  This will help prevent you from feeling too fenced in by your budget.

What are your favorite budgeting tips?  Do you have any tools that have helped you in your budgeting journey?

3 Ways to Stretch Your Paycheck this Month



Many of us have to live paycheck to paycheck, it’s a fact.  Are you in this camp?  If so, there are some things that you can do to make that paycheck stretch and get you living a less stressful life!

Create a Budget Friendly Meal Plan

One way to significantly cut back on your expenses is to choose more budget friendly meals.  Here’s how I do it for my family.  I create a monthly meal plan and I always choose a meat free meal for the week (savings of $10 or more per week).  Additionally, I choose rice and beans meals more often as these staples are very inexpensive.  I can buy enough beans to fill my crockpot for $1 or less.  I also make sure to use coupons when I go grocery shopping.  I have found that coupons alone have saved our family up to 40% on our grocery bill.

Cut Back on Entertainment

Entertainment expenses for families can get quite expensive.  If you have found this to be the case with your household, here are some changes that you can make to save more this month:

  • Cancel your satellite and/or cable.  We were paying nearly $100 each month for our Satellite services.  We chose to cancel our satellite and instead signed up for SlingTV, which gives us a great selection of channel/shows to watch for just $20 each month.  We also kept Netflix at $9.99 per month.  This is 70% less than paying for satellite alone.
  • Just say no to the restaurant or club.  Going out to eat or out to the club can get very expensive, very quickly.  If you typically go out like this several times a month as many people to, try to cut them out altogether and see how much you can save.  Even if you only go once during the month, you are not depriving yourself, but you are not breaking the bank either.
  • Quit renting movies.  There is really no need for movie rentals anymore.  You can stream thousands of movies via Netflix or Amazon Prime Instant Video!

Watch your Power Usage

You should really consider cutting down on your power usage throughout the month.  This is especially true for the winter months.  Remember to turn off lights when you aren’t using them.  Same goes with electronics.  Also, consider turning down the thermostat on your furnace as well as your water heater.  Even a single degree can save significantly on your heating bill.

Watch Halloween Movies for FREE During the 13 Nights of Halloween! (Check Out the Complete Movie List Here)

13-nights-of-halloweenDon’t you love Halloween movies?  It makes this season a little more spooky and fun.  We all need a good scare every once in a while right!? ?  Freeform (formally ABC Family) offers 13 Nights of Halloween which means FREE Halloween movies to watch! This kicks off on Wednesday, October 19th and runs through Halloween, October 31st. You can also download the Freeform app right here for free. Here is the complete schedule, hopefully a few of your favorites will be featured!

Night One- Wednesday, October 19th

5:30pm The Nightmare Before Christmas

7:00pm R.L. Stine’s Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls (television premiere)

9:00pm Hocus Pocus

12:00am Corpse Bride

Night Two- Thursday, October 20th

3:00pm The Nightmare Before Christmas

4:35pm Hocus Pocus

6:40pm The Addams Family (1991)

8:50pm Addams Family Values

12:00am The Final Girls

Night Three- Friday, October 21st

4:00pm The Addams Family (1991)

6:10pm Addams Family Values

8:20pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

12:00am Frankenweenie (2012)

Night Four- Saturday, October 22nd

7:00am Spooky Buddies (Freeform Premiere)

9:10am ParaNorman

11:20pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

2:00pm The Goonies

4:40pm Scooby-Doo (2002)

6:50pm Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

9:00pm Monsters University (Disney-Pixar)

11:30pm Toy Story of Terror! (Disney-Pixar)

12:00am Corpse Bride

Night Five- Sunday, October 23rd

7:30am The Goonies

10:10am R.L. Stine’s Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls

12:20pm Scooby-Doo (2002)

2:30pm Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

4:40pm Matilda

6:50pm Toy Story of Terror! (Disney-Pixar)

7:20pm Monsters University (Disney-Pixar)

9:50pm Hocus Pocus

Night Six- Monday, October 24th

7:00am Practical Magic

2:30pm Matilda

4:35pm Addams Family (1991)

6:40pm Addams Family Values

8:50pm Hocus Pocus

12:00am Scooby-Doo (2002)

Night Seven- Tuesday, October 25th

7:00am Death Becomes Her

4:00pm The Addams Family (1991)

6:00pm The Addams Family Values

12:00am Halloweentown

Night Eight- Wednesday, October 26th

3:30pm Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2010)

5:40pm Dark Shadows (2012)

8:20pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

12:00am Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge

Night Nine- Thursday, October 27th

3:30pm The Goonies

6:10pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

8:50pm Hocus Pocus

12:00am Halloweentown High

Night Ten- Friday, October 28th

12:00pm The Goonies

2:40pm Corpse Bride

4:40pm Hocus Pocus

6:45pm The Nightmare Before Christmas

8:20pm Dark Shadows(2012)

12:00am Return to Halloweentown

Night Eleven- Saturday, October 29th

7:00am Frankenweenie

9:00am RL Stine’s Monsterville: Cabinet of Souls

11:00am The Nightmare Before Christmas

12:35pm Corpse Bride

2:35pm Dark Shadows (2012)

5:15pm The Addams Family (1991)

7:20pm Adams Family Values

9:25pm Hocus Pocus

11:30pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Night 12- Sunday, October 30th

7:00am Corpse Bride

9:00am Spooky Buddies

11:05am Scooby-Doo (2002)

1:10pm Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

3:15pm The Addams Family (1991)

5:20pm Addams Family Values

7:25pm Hocus Pocus

9:30pm Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Night 13- Monday, October 31st

7:00am The Goonies

11:00am ParaNorman

1:00pm Scooby-Doo

3:00pm Scooby-Doo 2:Monsters Unleashed

5:00pmThe Addams Family

7:00pm Addams Family Values

9:00pm Hocus Pocus

12:00am Hocus Pocus

Grab your calendar and mark down the days and times of you favorite movies.  Then enjoy these free movies with your family.  Happy Halloween! 

Foods You Can Freeze to Save Time & Money!


Are you looking to simplify your life and save money while doing it? Try freezing some of the things you might just throw out or forget to use before they go bad! Having these things in the freeze also prevents you from having to run to the store for those few ingredients you forgot! Here are a few things I’ve frozen to save money:

  • Milk – make sure to remove some since it will expand. And note once you freeze it, it will look a little yellow but once you’ve thawed it you’ll be able to mix it up and it will be as good as new.
  • Cheese – best to freeze shredded but buying it as a block is cheaper. So get the block, shred it into bags and freeze.
  • Eggs – crack your eggs before freezing.
  • Butter – I do this quite often for the holidays. I tend to need cubes of butter in all my yummy recipes.
  • Buttermilk – many of my recipes only call for a little buttermilk and I hate to throw any of it out so I’ll write the date on a ziplock bag and pour it into the bag to freeze.
  • Yogurt – this can also be a yummy treat if you freeze it. I enjoy having frozen greek yogurt as a treat at night.
  • Fruit – bananas, grapes, melons & berries. It’s best to flash freeze these before placing them in bags, that way they don’t all stick together. But they’re great for smoothies or to add to a cobbler.
  • Veggies – Zucchini, onions, corn on the cob are all great to freeze. I’ve frozen our corn from our garden this year. You can freeze it on the cob or cut it off and place in bags. Onions are great to freeze, then you’re only crying one night instead of every night you need to slice one up. I prefer to slice my onions in rings then if I need diced onions they’re really easy to break up while they’re frozen.
  • Garlic – You can either peel cloves and freeze them whole or you can crush or slice them first, which ever way you use them more often. You can also put sliced garlic in olive old and freeze.
  • Broth – If you cook up your chicken is easy to create your own chicken broth, then you know exactly what’s in to but maybe you don’t need to use it right away. Try freezing it and saving for another night.
  • Herbs – With herbs you can either freeze leaves individually or put them in an ice cube tray and fill with water. They will go a little limp but they’re great for adding more flavor to your dishes!

Sometimes I’ll find myself walking down the freezer isles at the grocery store to see what else I can freeze. I just think, if they can freeze it, why can’t I? Are there other things you freeze to save money?

Stop Wasting Money with These Tips



Are you tired of running out of money before you run out of the month?  There are ways that you can save money so that you don’t have to deal with the stressful paycheck to paycheck cycle.  Here are several tips that can help you to stop wasting money and even put a little money aside at the same time!

Stop Buying Bottled Water.  Do you buy bottled water?  If so, you may want to rethink your decision.  Oftentimes bottled water costs upwards of $1 per bottle, which will add up significantly when you consider that the average person will buy several of these each day.

Pack Your Own Lunch.  If you go for the convenience of the deli or restaurant over packing your own lunch for work or school each day, you are wasting money.   An occasional restaurant meal is fine, but even hitting the “cheap” drive through restaurant at $5 dollars each trip adds up to $100 per month.  

Start Shopping for Used Stuff.  There are many items that you can and should buy used.  A car for example, in my opinion, should never be purchased brand new.  You can get much more car for your money if you purchase one that is pre-owned.  A brand new car loses thousands of dollars in value simply buy driving off of the lot.  Why not get the top of the line ride with a couple thousand miles and save big money instead.

Start Using Coupons.  Chances are, if you are visiting this website, you are quite familiar with coupons, but don’t forget to use them often!  Using coupons is a great way to save up to 40% on your grocery bills, which we all know is a huge expense for families.

Stop Avoiding Generics.  For many, many items, the generic version is exactly the same as the name brand one.  In most instances, items of all types (from diapers to aspirin to frozen corn) the product came off of the same assembly line as its generic counterpart and is identical with nothing different but the label.  

Have you found any great ways to stop from wasting money?  

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Warm


Fall just arrived, but the cooler air is arriving quickly.  That means that before we know it, Winter will be here in full force and if you are anything like me, you like to do what you can to keep your home warm without cranking up your furnace.

Here are 7 ways that you can keep your home warm without a huge investment.

  1. Weather Stripping.  You can buy weather stripping at your nearest big box store for just a couple of bucks.  Install the stripping around doors and windows to prevent loss of air, which not only keeps your home warmer, but also keeps your heating costs down.
  2. Drapes.  Make a small investment in some thick drapes to keep over your windows.  These drapes will help to keep the cold air out and the warm air in.  It’s okay to open them on warm, sunny days to help bring extra warmth in.  Do keep them closed in the colder parts of the day and at night.
  3. Install a Programmable Thermostat.  Installing a programmable thermostat is perhaps the most efficient way to keep your home warm without spending too much!  It has been recommended that you set your thermostat at 60 degrees at night and when you are away from the house and 68 when you are home for maximum efficiency and comfort.
  4. Turn on that ceiling fan.  It may seem counter intuitive, but turning on your ceiling fan actually does keep it warmer in your house (especially if you have high ceilings).  Just be sure to turn the fan onto its reverse settings, so that the heat is pushed down into the room as opposed to trapping it on the ceiling.
  5. Close doors.  Be sure and close the doors to unused rooms.  If you have rooms in your home that aren’t used as often as others, be sure to keep the doors to them closed so that you are not unnecessarily heating them.
  6. Bake.  Winter is a great time to get your bake on!  We all know that using your oven heats up your home (which is why we avoid baking during the Summer, am I right?).
  7. Install Storm Windows or Plastic on your windows.  If your house doesn’t have storm windows, you can buy plastic covering and other alternatives for a relatively low price.  These insulation tools can help keep the warm air into your house.


Do you have any great tips to add to this list?


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