Target Testing Out New “Cartwheel Perks” Program (Which Would Mean FREE Merchandise for Shoppers!)

cartwheel4Do you love Target’s Cartwheel program?  Since it’s beginning in 2013, the Cartwheel program has helped us save money on a TON of different items.  This app is downloaded by millions of people and used every day.  What makes it great?  No clipping coupons or searching through papers.  You get all of Target’s savings right on your phone with an easy search option for items you may be buying.  So what’s going to change?

Right now Target is testing out their new “Cartwheel Perks” reward system where shoppers can earn points redeemable for merchandise based on how much they spend at the register.  Currently this program is being tested in St. Louis, Denver, Houston, and San Diego.

With this new program shoppers will earn 10 reward points for every dollar spent in store  (Excluding pharmacy and gift card purchases).  Then when you reach 5,000 points you can select from rewards that are available.  This could include: Apparel, Laundry Detergent, Sunglasses and more. To earn your points, shoppers who have downloaded the Carthweel Perks app can scan their barcode at checkout.

This program, once available, is only offering rewards for in-store purchases. However, Target may also link online purchases to the rewards system in the future.

Target has not mentioned when they will make “Cartwheel Perks” available in other areas.  Be on the look out though, it could be very soon.

So what do you think about this new program?  Would the idea of earning FREE merchandise persuade you to shop more at Target? 

5 Tips to Help You Clean Less Often


Are you finding yourself doing housework more often than not?  With the hustle and bustle of life, we need as much downtime as we can get, but that is hard to fit in when you have a mountain of laundry and piles of dishes to do almost daily.  

Here is a list of simple things that you can do that will help you clean less often:

  1. Rinse your dishes immediately after using them.   This takes mere seconds, but if you rinse your dishes off immediately after you use them, the food does not have time to set in and dry on your dishes which makes the actual washing process much quicker!  Imagine not have to scrub dishes or run them through the dishwasher multiple times.  This one is definitely a winner in the time saving department!  No, if I could just get my kids to do it….
  2. Use your bath towel more than once.  Install hooks on your bathroom wall or put an over the door rack over bedroom doors for each family member to hang their towel on once they have finished using it.  As long as the towel has been hanging to dry, there is no reason that you can’t get several uses out of it.  Washing daily has no benefit whatsoever.
  3. Clean up spills when they happen.  Similar to the tip we told you about dishes earlier, if you clean up spills immediately after they happen, they have less time to set in, therefore they are easier to clean.  This can mean the difference in using a single cleaning wipe or breaking out the floor cleaner later.  Which do you think is more time consuming?
  4. Wear your jeans more than once.  Washing jeans often is actually not even good for them, so it is a wise choice to wear your blue jeans several times before you put them in the washer.  If you wear jeans often, just rotate the ones you are wearing so it is not the same one over and over again.  This will cut back on your laundry pile significantly.  If you spill something on them or notice a spot, just be sure to spot clean immediately.  This often does the trick.
  5. Make it a family affair. Many hands make light work.  That’s how the saying goes, right? If the entire family pitches in with the housework, it will get accomplished much quicker than if you are doing it yourself.  

Do you have any awesome time saving tips that you use for your chore list?

How to be more Thankful This Holiday Season


The holidays are nearing and I don’t know about you, but they always offer a great reminder of the need to be thankful.  Most of us though, really want to be thankful all year long.  If you are an avid reader, you have likely heard the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote the benefits of giving thanks.  The fact is that feeling thankful often results in a happier, more fulfilled life.

Here are some tips on how you can be more thankful this holiday season:

Keep a Journal

If you spend time writing in a journal and writing down some of the things in your day, you are far more likely to remember the good things and be happier about them.  Oftentimes, when bad things happen, it is easier to keep them stuck in your mind.  Putting your day on paper is a good way to remind yourself of the reasons that you have to be thankful.

Spend time with Family and Friends

A job is important for supporting your family, but don’t work so much that you neglect them.  Spending more time with your family is a wonderful way to spend your extra time and you will feel very thankful to have them in your life.  

Focus on the Good

With all of the negative news, it is easy to get wrapped up and focus on the negative parts of life.  This is not the ideal way to live your life.  Turn off social media and the news for a bit and enjoy a negatively free existence if only for a little while.  When you are not constantly blasted by bad things, you are more likely to notice the good.

7 Tips for Dealing with the Morning Rush With Kids


Are you exhausted by the daily morning rush that is involved with getting the kids up and ready for school?  With Summer in the past and Fall in full force, many of us are getting a reminder of how hectic mornings can be!

There are ways though, that can help you deal with the morning rush with kids.  We have put together a list of 7 tips that will help your mornings run more smoothly!

  1. Prepare in advance.  If you set aside a plan each evening, your morning is likely to go easier.   Be sure that homework is done the night before.  Also, make lunches ahead of time and put them into the fridge to grab easily the next morning.  It is also a good idea to set out clothes for each child to prevent the “what to wear meltdown” that often occurs in the mornings.
  2. Go to sleep early.  Make sure that the kids and you get to bed early so that you are well rested.   
  3. Be the first up.  Get up early and have yourself ready so that you are not trying to do that at the same time as the kids.  If you are prepared and ready to go, you can put your focus on the kids.  
  4. Early wake up time.  Wake the kids up early.   There are undoubtedly things to go wrong.  From a spilled breakfast to hairstyle disasters and even 15 minutes early could make the difference.  Also, even if you end up waking them up, it’s a good idea for them to have their own alarm clock set to the correct time (this will get them started on being more independent in the mornings).
  5. Say no to the screen.  Don’t let your kids (or yourself) get sucked into the TV or internet in the morning.  As we all know, it can be very distracting and can slow down morning progress.
  6. Meal plan.   Do you plan out your dinners for the week?  You should do the same with breakfast.  If you already know what the plan is, there is no last minute cooking or rushing through the drive through for breakfast before school.
  7. Give the kids a schedule.  Just like you, kids can work with a schedule.  If you tell them to get dressed, who knows how long it will take them.  But if you say that they have 10 minutes to get dressed, there is no guess work.  Sticking to a morning schedule is one of the easiest ways to prevent the morning rush.


How to Prevent Blowing Your Budget Each Month


Do you find yourself spending all of your money as soon as you get it?  With bills needing to be paid and supplies needing to be bought, setting a plan is imperative to keep yourself away from financial disaster.  

Have you went over your budget before?  Have you figured out a way to prevent it from happening again?  There are some clever ways that you can actually keep yourself from blowing your budget each month and creating more financial security in your life.  Just be sure that you are ready to follow through.

Think before you spend.   This is the single most important thing you can do.  Of course, you need to pay your bills, but what about those impulse purchases?  Before you head out to dinner or buy those cute boots, really think about whether or not, your budget allows it.

Shop sales.  When you are buying groceries or household supplies, use coupons and shop sales.  Shopping this way can help you to save up to 40% on your grocery costs.  Considering that groceries are typically one of the biggest household expenses, this can equal a lot of money saved.

Set a Budget.  Set up a budget for your household finances.  Include any and all bills that must be paid and expenses that are required.  Also be sure to set aside an amount for savings and make sure to allow an amount for “fun money” and entertainment.  Even if it is just $20 per month, it will help you to not feel restricted by your budget.

Set Goals and Plan Rewards.   Be sure and set goals to go with your budget and don’t be afraid to reward yourself when you reach those goals.  Changing your spending habits is a hard thing and it deserves to be rewarded.

When you live paycheck to paycheck and run out of money each month, it is stressful.  Freeing yourself from the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle is one of the best things that you can do for your life and your health.  I know that setting a budget is intimidating, but  I know that you can do it!


What You Need to Know about Walmart’s New 2016 Layaway Program

layawayCan you believe that Christmas is only 3 months away?  I absolutely love this time of year.  With all of the holidays and changing seasons, it’s so much fun.  However, it’s busy…like super busy!  If you’re like me, your running to sporting events, school programs, holiday parties, and family gatherings.  Then when you have time, you can squeeze in that Christmas shopping.  Walmart’s Layaway program is perfect to start your shopping now and not have to worry about it last minute on December 24th.  However, you’ll want to be aware of all of the rules and regulations so you can benefit from this program. Here are a few things you should know:

  • There is no opening fee.
  • Down Payment of $10 or 10%, whichever is greater.
  • Individual items must be $10 or greater.
  • Total purchase must be $50 or greater.
  • If layaway account is canceled, items will be returned to inventory. Down payment and any other payments made will be refunded, except a $10 cancellation fee.
  • Final payments and pickup must be made on or before December 12, 2016 at the same store layaway was initiated.
  • Layaway is not available on Thanksgiving Day
  • In-store purchases only on these categories: Electronics, Toys, Infant Toys, Infant Furniture, Small Appliances, Large Furniture, Auto Electronics, select Sporting Goods and Jewelry.


If you are tight on money and you want to pay for your purchases over a period of time, this is a great option for you.  You’ll just want to see if it’s the right fit for your shopping habits.  If you tend to shop a bunch on Thanksgiving Day, this may not work.  If you do most of your shopping before or after, then it would work great.  Also, take note of the in-store only purchases.  Those are a lot of popular departments, so make sure you are okay shopping in-stores instead of online for those items.

2 Great Soup Recipes For the Fall Season!


It’s cooling down here in Utah and probably where you are too. Which for us means soup season! I love soups because they’re quick and easy and my kids will usually eat them. Plus they freeze really well to and make great leftovers. With that said I have a few favorites I want to share with you that I’ve found my kids (and husband) love.

Great Potato Soup
3 cups diced potatoes
½ cup diced celery
½ cup diced onion
1 ½ cup water
1 Tbsp chicken bouillon or 2 cubes
¼ tsp salt
2 cups milk (divided)
1 8oz sour cream with chives
1 tsp four

In a large sauce pan, combine potato, celery, onion, water, bouillon and salt. Cover and cook about 20 minutes or until veggies are tender. Add 1 cup of milk, heat through. In a medium bowl, blend sour cream and flour gradually add remaining 1 cup milk. Pour 1/3 of the hot potato mixture into the sour cream mixture; stir and return to pan. Cook over medium heat until thickened.

Wisconsin Cauliflower Soup (Zupas Copycat)
2 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 medium onion, chopped
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups water
1 can (13 3/4 to 14 1/2 ounces) chicken broth
1 head (2 1/2 pounds) cauliflower, cut into 1-inch chunks
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup Pepper Jack cheese, shredded

In a large saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Add in the onions and cook until tender (or golden) stirring occasionally. Whisk in the flour and salt. Then gradually stir in the milk, chicken broth and water. Add the cauliflower and heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until cauliflower is tender (about 15 minutes). Then in the blender (or with your immersion blender) blend cauliflower mixture until very smooth. Remove saucepan from the heat and stir in mustard and 1 ½ cups of cheese until melted and smooth. Serve with additional cheese as garnish.

These are 2 of our families’ favorite soups! Do you have a favorite that everyone in your family loves? We’d love to try it, just leave a comment below with the directions!

Fitness Tips for The Upcoming Holiday Season



With the holidays coming up, many of you are starting to stress about the weight gain that often comes with the delicious food and drinks.  Luckily, there are ways for you to enjoy splurging on the holiday favorites without packing on the pounds.

Here are some fitness tips for the upcoming holiday season:

Don’t slack!

If you are already on a workout program, do not let the holidays derail it.  Sure the holidays are a busy time, but it’s important to not let it fully interrupt your workout schedule.  You will regret it later!

Drink Lots of Water!

There are several reasons that drinking a lot of water can help you maintain your fitness.  First, it will make you feel fuller which keeps you from overeating.  Second, people oftentimes confuse thirst with hunger and they eat instead of just grabbing some H2O.  Third, water keeps you hydrated.  Maintaining your hydration helps to keep your metabolism working better, which means you will burn more fat!


I know you hear all the time about how you should walk more!  It’s true though.  Walking just 15 minutes a day can help you burn over 100 calories.  Now that’s a reason to not feel guilty about sneaking that Christmas Cookie!

I don’t know about you, but I love walking in the cool, crisp air of Fall and Winter.  It feels great and energizes me.  Even if you don’t make it out on a daily walk, you can still take the stairs instead of the elevator when you are out shopping and don’t forget to park far away from the doors!  You get more exercise and you are less likely to come out to door dings!If nothing else, you can do a be sure and park far away from the stores when you are out shopping this holiday season

Eat Slowly

It’s ok to eat all of the great foods that will undoubtedly make an appearance this holiday season, but be sure to take it in moderation and when you do eat, eat slowly.  You definitely want to savor all of those yummy flavors and the slower you eat, the less likely you are to overeat.

Easy Tips for Getting Organized


Keeping your home and life organized is not an easy task, but doing it keep your life easier.  

In order to do that though, you must take actions to help keep your home and life organized in order to prevent it from getting cluttered.  Once you have it organized and clutter free, it is easier to keep it that way.

Get your family involved.  When you are talking about keeping a household organized, it is much easier to do when it is a family goal.  An organized home is makes for a much smoother daily life.   Those rushed mornings will start to go smoother and life itself starts to flow easier.

Schedule your days.  A schedule is nothing to fear.  Having a schedule is a great thing and a huge benefit to keeping your home organized.  Decide at what point throughout the day that you can spare any extra amounts of time, even 15 minutes here and there can make a difference.  Use this time to focus on specific household jobs such as going through your mail, putting away the laundry, etc.  The small amounts of time are easy to do because they are not overwhelming and you would be surprised by how much you are able to accomplish in 15 minutes.

Set realistic goals.  If organization isn’t your strong suit, don’t set huge goals to fix it.  Instead, set smaller, more attainable goals.  Saying that you are going to always keep your house clean and organized is unlikely to just happen, however saying that you are going to wash, dry and put away 1 load of laundry per day.  These smaller goals are easier to maintain.

Hire help.  If there is a particular job that you that you have difficulty doing, consider hiring help.  Once the job is complete, it is much easier to keep that way.  Sometimes it is well worth the expense.

Reward accomplished goals.   If you are not born to be an organized person, changing your behaviors is difficult. They say it takes 21 days for a habit to take effect.  Once you have completed your goal 21 days in a row reward yourself with a night out or a new purchase that you have been wanting.  The idea that a reward is coming is a great motivator!


Save Money on Your Household Bills With These Tips


How is your budget looking?  Are you feeling the pinch of a stretched budget?   Household expenses can really put the family budget to the test when you are already stretched thin.  The key is to allow some room in your budget to make way for savings in addition to any emergencies or any surprises that may come up.  Luckily, there are some really easy ways to save money on your household bills.

Simply following some of these easy tips, can make a huge difference your family’s financial situation.

Call and Ask for Discounts

Sometimes something as simple as a phone call can save you a lot of money throughout the year.  Many phone companies say that you can just ask for a discount to save $10 or more each month.  That’s over $100 per year that you can put toward your savings goals or other expenses.

Cut Down on Useage

Less is more! For starters, you can use less power to save more money.  Turn off your lights when you aren’t home.  Unplug electronics and small appliances when not in use.  Use weather stripping around doors and windows.  Use a clothesline instead of an electric dryer, your clothes will smell better, last longer and it’s free!   The less is more rule works with phone bills too.  Opt for a phone plan that uses less minutes or data to save money on your monthly bills.

Compare Prices

Insurance is a large expense for most families, if you call around and compare rates through different insurance companies, you can likely save a significant amount of money.  This is true for car insurance, homeowners or renters insurance as well as medical insurance.  This is another example of how a simple phone call can save a lot of money.

Cut the Cord

The average family spends $100 each and every month on television services such as cable or satellite.  Cancelling cable in favor of a streaming service such as Netflix, HULU, SlingTV and Amazon is a big money saver.  Each of these services cost just a fraction of what satellite and cable cost.
How do you keep your budget in check?  Do you have any tips that we haven’t mentioned here?

Celebrate Your Special Day with These Birthday Freebies!

screen-shot-2016-09-14-at-10-07-01-amHappy Birthday to YOU!  Don’t you love getting presents on your birthday?  It’s even better when you can go from store to store and grab freebies from all of them!  My personal favorite is getting the free makeup at Ulta and the yummy free burger at Red Robin. If you haven’t signed up for these deals below, you will definitely want to.  It just makes your birthday a little more special. There are a TON of freebies that you could score.  Just scan through the list below and sign up for your favorites.  That way when your birthday comes around you will get a special surprise. Enjoy!


A&W– Join the Mug Club and get a FREE Root Beer Float on your birthday. Must be 13 yrs or older to join.

Abuelo’s– Join their eClub and receive a free gift for signing up, plus gifts on your birthday and anniversary.

Acapulco Birthday Club-Sign up to become an Acapulco “Fiesta Amigo” and receive your FREE Guacamole as our gift to you! Plus…A FREE entree on your birthday!

Alfy’s Pizza-Get a FREE mini pizza on your birthday!

Applebees-Get a FREE dessert with purchase as well as a song!

Arby’s Birthday Club-Join Arby’s Birthday club and receive a FREE shake!

Archibalds-FREE entree during your birthday month when you register!

Atlanta Bread Company VIP eClub-Sign up for the VIP eClub and receive a FREE birthday cookie!

Au Bon Pain– FREE Birthday lunch when you sign up for their e-club

Auntie Anne’s Birthday club-Sign up for the birthday club and receive a FREE pretzel!

Austin Grill-Register for their eClub and get a FREE meal!

Backyard Burgers– Join their e-Club and get a Special Offer on your Birthday.

Bakers Square-Get a FREE piece of pie!

Bandido’s-Sign up for the Email Club and receive a FREE meal for your birthday!

Baskin Robbins-Join the Baskin Robbins Birthday Club and receive a coupon for a FREE scoop of ice cream as well as a discount on an ice cream cake.

BD’s Mongolian BBQ-Join the Club Mongo and receive a FREE stirfry!

Ben & Jerry’s-Sign up and receive  FREE scoop of ice cream! The coupon will come 1 week before your birthday and be valid for 2 weeks after your birthday.

Benihana-Join the “Chef’s Table” and receive a Birthday Dinner certificate worth $30 to use during the month of your birthday!

Bennigan’s-Receive a B1G1 FREE entree and a brownie coupon!

Black Angus Steakhouse-Receive a FREE dessert for joining the Prime Club and a FREE steak dinner (w/a purchase of a 2nd entree) on your 1st birthday as a Prime Club member!

Blue Bell-Join the Blue Bell Country Club and receive a gift certificate for a FREE half gallon of blue Bell Ice Cream during the month of your birthday!

Bob Evans-Sign up your child for their birthday club and they’ll get a FREE kids’ meal on their birthday!

Bob’s Big Boy-Get a FREE hot fudge ice cream on your birthday!

Bolocco-Register and get a FREE burrito for your birthday!

Boston Market-Kids 12 and under will receive a birthday coupon good for a FREE kid’s meal, drink, and dessert!

Boston’s Gourmet Pizza-Sign up and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Brio Tuscan Grille– Sign up for Posta Toscana at Brio Tuscan Grille and you’ll receive a coupon for free food on your birthday.

Bruegger’s–Sign up for their newsletter and receive a FREE bagel and a FREE birthday surprise!

Buca di Beppo-Join the Buca di Beppo eClub to receive exclusive offers and other great announcements. Bring your family into the celebration! Enroll your family, including children under 13 years of age, after clicking Next. They’ll receive a special birthday offer (brownie sundae) sent right to your inbox!

Buffalo Wild Wings-Get a coupon for a FREE dessert!

Buffalo Wings & Rings– Sign up for their Club ’84 email club and you’ll get a FREE Starter, plus you’ll get 5 FREE Wings on your Birthday as well as on your 1 year anniversary of signing up with the clus.

Burger King-Sign your kids up for the Clug BK and they will receive a FREE Kid’s birthday meal!

California Pizza Kitchen–Sign your child up (10 and under) for CPKids and they will receive a FREE CPKids meal during the month of their birthday!

Captain D’s–Kids can sign-up here to get a Special Offer on their birthday. The Kid’s Birthday Club is only available to children age 12 and under.

Captain D’s– Become a Captain D’s Seafood Restaurant Insider(sign up for D’s Club), Get a FREE Fish Meal on your birthday. The offer is valid for ages 13 and older and for up to 2 weeks after you birthday!

Caribou Coffee-Create an account and they will send you a coupon for a FREE coffee drink on your birthday!

Carrabba’s Italian Grill-Join the Carrabba’s Amici Club and you will receive a B1G1 FREE entree coupon!

Carrows-Join the eClub and get a FREE dessert on your birthday as well as one for joining!

Carvel-Join our Birthday/VIP for special exclusive Discounts and a special treat on your birthday!

Cattlemen’s-Join the eClub and get a FREE dessert when you come in on your birthday!

Champp’s– Join their Fan Club and get a Free Birthday Gift

Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse– Join their Handshake Club and receive a free gift on your birthday.

Cheesburger in Paradise-Become a Board Member and receive a birthday surprise!

Chevy’s-Join the Chevys Compadres Club and get a FREE dessert on your birthday!

Chick-fil-A-Join and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Chili’s-Sign up for their emails and receive a FREE dessert and Happy Birthday Song for your birthday!

Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse-Receive a FREE Gift on your Birthday!

Cinnabon– Join Club Cinnabon and get a coupon for a FREE minibon cinnamon roll. Plus, get a FREE MochaLatta Chill for your birthday.

Claim Jumper-Join the eClub and get a FREE dessert on your birthday!

Cold Stone Creamery-Sign up for My Cold Stone Club and receive a treat on your birthday!

Corner Bakery Cafe– Sign up for e-Cafe and get a special Birthday Offer

Crazy Buffet-Bring a friend and your ID into Crazy Buffet on your birthday and receive a FREE dinner buffet!

Cracker Barrel-Receive a FREE dessert and song on your birthday!

Culver’s-Join the Culver’s eClub and receive a FREE birthday sundae!

Dairy Queen-Join the Dairy Queen Blizzard Fan Club and get a FREE ice cream cone on your birthday as well as a coupon for a blizzard when you join!

Daphne’s Greek Cafe-Join the Pita Points eClub and Frequency Program and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Daruma Japanese Hibachi & Sushi-Join the Birthday Club and receive dinner and drink specials!

Del Taco-Join the Raving Fan eClub and receive a FREE premium shake for your birthday!

Denny’s-Come in and get a FREE Grand Slam on your birthday!

Desparados Mexican Restaurant-Come in and get a FREE meal at Desparados on your birthday!

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit-Join the Big Yellow Cup Club and receive a B1G1 FREE Sandwich coupon for your birthday!

Dippin’ Dots-Join the Coolest Fan Club and receive coupons during the week of your birthday!

Dockside Restaurants-Get a FREE meal on your birthday!

Don Pablo’s– Join their Hab Club and receive a free $10 gift card on your birthday.

Duke’s Chowder House-Get a coupon for a FREE lunch or dinner entree on your birthday when you sign up on Duke’s website.

Dunkin Donuts-Join the DD Perks Rewards program and receive FREE coffee or beverage for your birthday!

Dutch Bros Coffee-Stop in on your birthday and get a FREE coffee as your birthday freebie.

Einstein Bagels-Join the eClub and receive a FREE bagel and Schmear for your birthday!

El Torito-Sign up for the “Bull Ring” and receive a FREE entree on your birthday!

Famous Daves BBQ-Receive a FREE coupon via email on your birthday when you join the Famous Dave’s P.I.G. Club! Kids receive a FREE Meal too.  So sign them up as well.

Fazoli’s– Sign up to be a member of their eFamily and get a Free Dessert

Firehouse Subs-Join the Firehouse Subs Birthday Club and enjoy a FREE sub on your birthday!

First Watch-Join the Sun eClub and receive a FREE entree on your birthday!

Flat Top Stir-Fry Grill– Join their eClub and get a free stir-fry dish on your birthday

Friendly’s-Sign up for Friendly’s E-News and get a FREE ice cream for your birthday!

Fuddruckers-Join the Fudds Club and get a FREE burger on your birthday (check participating locations)

Furr’s Fresh Buffet– Join their e-Club and you get a Free Birthday lunch or dinner

Garozzo’s Ristoante-Bring in your driver’s license and get a FREE Spedini meal at this Kansas City eatery for your birthday!

Genghis Grill-Join the Khan’s Klub and receive a FREE Birthday Bowl!

Gold Star Chili-Join the Gold Star eClub and receive a FREE meal on your birthday!

Golden Corral-FREE meal to Birthday Club members (not just kids!) during month of birthday

Gordon Biersch-Sign up and receive birthday e-gifts!

Great American Cookies– Join their Cookie-Mail Club for free birthday surprises

Grimaldi’s-Sign up for the birthday club and get a FREE pizza for your birthday!

Hana Japan-Get a FREE birthday lunch or dinner when you bring in 4 or more people on your birthday!

Hard Rock Cafe-Come in and get a FREE dessert on your birthday!

Hof’s Hut-Please register so we can say “THANK YOU” by sending a Birthday or Anniversary Card to you and each member of your family. A family only needs to register once.

Houlihan’s–Join Houlihan’s email club and you’ll get a coupon for a free entree on your birthday. Or if you’re not a member you can still stop in a get a free dessert.

HuHot Mongolian Grill-FREE dessert and kid’s smores for your birthday!

Ihop-Come on into IHOP and get a free meal (a sundae at some locations) on your birthday. (May not be available in all areas.) Plus, if you sign up on their website, you will get another FREE meal just for signing up as well as a meal on your 1 year anniversary date of joing the Pancake Revolution.

Ivars– FREE Birthday Entree (up to $20 value) when you sign up for the Carte Clam Club

Jack-in-th-Box-Sign up for their emails and get a FREE dessert for your birthday!

Jamba Juice– Sign up for Jamba Juice Rewards and you’ll receive a $3 Credit & FREE Smoothie or Juice on your birthday.

Jason’s Deli-Enter to receive a $5.00 gift card on your birthday.

Jersey Mike’s-Sign up and you will be rewarded with a FREE sub & drink coupon valid for your birthday!

Joe’s BBQ-Visit Joe’s BBQ (AZ) on your birthday and receive a free meal.

Joe’s Crab Shack-Go to Joe’s Crab Shack on your birthday and get a free piece of cake.

Johnny Carinos– Join their e-Club for a Birthday Surprise

Johnny Rockets-Join the Johnny Rocket eClub and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Juice It Up– Sign up for their e-Club and get a free birthday gift on your birthday

Krispy Kreme-Join the Friends of Krispy Kreme and receive 1 dozen FREE donuts on your birthday!

La Madeline Frech Cafe-Join the eClub and receive a FREE pastry for your birthday!

Logan’s Roadhouse-Join the Nut-E Club and receive a a FREE birthday surprise!

Lone Star Steakhouse-Sign up today and you’ll get a gift for joining, a gift on your birthday plus all of the latest news and special invites delivered straight to your inbox.

Longhorn Steakhouse– Sign up for their email updates and get a FREE dessert with purchase.

Luby’s–FREE kid’s birthday meal (ages 9 and younger) on their birthday as a member of the Luby’s birthday club.

Macaroni Grill-Come on into Macaroni Grill on your birthday and get a FREE dessert plus a song.

Maggiano’s-Join the Maggiano’s Birthday Club and get a coupon for $10 off your meal purchase.

Maggie Moo’s-Join the MaggiE-mail and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Magleby’s Restaurant– Join their Birthday Club for a FREE Meal

Marble Slab Creamery-Join the Club and receive a birthday surprise and more!

Marie Callender’s-Join Marie Callender’s E-Club and get a coupon for $5 off your meal and piece of pie when you visit during the month of your birthday.

Max and Erma-FREE $5 dessert

McAllister’s Deli-Sign up for Deligrams and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Medieval Times-Join the Birthday Fellowship and receive a FREE Feast and Tournament!

Melting Pot-Join the Club Fondue and receive a special birthday surprise!

Memphis Barbecue-Receive a coupon good for a FREE rack of ribs and a dessert when you join the free eClub.

Mimi’s cafe-Sign up for the Cafe Fun eClub and receive a FREE dessert for your birthday!

Moe’s Southwest Grill-Get a coupon for a FREE Moe’s entree (excludes fajitas) on your birthday when you choose to “stay in the moe.”

Muckleshoot Casino-FREE sushi dinner + player’s club points

Newick’s Seafood Restaurant-FREE entree

Ninety Nine Restaurant-Sign up for the 99 eClub and get a FREE Birthday surprise!

Noodles & co-Join the Noodleville Noodlegram to get a coupon for a FREE bowl (up to $9) on your birthday.

Not Your Average Joe’s-Join their eClub and receive a special birthday gift!

Nothing Bundt Cakes-Sign up and receive special offers for your birthday!

O’ Charley’s-Join their eClub and receive a special birthday offer!

Oakhurst Dairy– Sign up for the Acorn Fan Club Membership and  get a Free Pint of Milk or Juice

Old Chicago-Sign up for the Old Chicago Birthday club and receive a FREE pizza!

Old Country Buffet-Join the eClub and get a FREE coupon in the mail!

Old Spaghetti Factory-Join Wally’s Kids club and receive a FREE Kid’s Birthday Meal!

Olga’s Kitchen-Join the Olga’s Birthday Club for a FREE Kids Meal on your birthday!

Olive Garden-Sign up for the Olive Garden Newsletter and receive a FREE appetizer or dessert with purchase of 2 adult entrees.

Onami-FREE dinner WITH 3 other people paying

On the Border-Get a FREE appetizer on your birthday when you join On the Border’s Club Cantina. When you initially join you will get an instant coupon for a free bowl of queso or empanadas.

Orange Julius-Join the OJ Quench Club and receive a FREE Birthday drink coupon emailed to you!

Outback-Get a FREE bloomin’ onion and a song when you go to Outback on your birthday.

P.F. Changs-Come in and get a FREE dessert on your birthday.

Pancho’s–Visit the restaurant within three days (before or after) of your birthday with proof of birthdate (drivers license, birth certificate, etc.),
and we’ll take $10 off your bill ($5 off for kids)

Panera Bread– Sign up for Panera Breads Program and receive a FREE pastry or Sweet for your birthday. The FREE treat will be loaded to your card 5 days before your birthday and should be valid for 60 days.

Papa Murphy’s-Join the eClub and receive FREE cookie dough on your birthday!

Paradiso’s-FREE meal

Perkins-Exclusive email offers including a FREE Magnificent Seven for your birthday and wedding anniversary!

Pick Up Stix– Sign up for the Dragon Club and get a Free Birthday Coupon at the beginning of your birthday month

Pizza Express-FREE meal

Planet Smoothie-Sign up for their newsletter and get FREE birthday goodies!

Poncho’s-FREE meal, dessert & picture

Provino’s-Come in on your birthday (bring your I.D.) and get any pasta specialty dinner valued up to $12.75 for FREE!

Qboda-Sign up for the Qdoba Rewards program and get a FREE birthday surprise!

Quiznos– Sign up for their Q-Club and get a Coupon for $2 off a sub, plus get a coupon for a Free cookie on your birthday

Red Hot & Blue-Join the RHB Club and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Red Lobster-Join the Overboard Club and they will email you a suprise for your birthday.

Red Robin-Join the Red Robin eClub and get a coupon for aFREE burger during your birthday month. This is for all ages!

Rita’s–Sign up for Rita’s Birthday Club and receive a special birthday treat!

Rock Bottom-Join the Mug Club and get a FREE appetizer on your birthday.

Rodizio Grill-Join Club Rodizio and receive special offers on your birthday!

Round Table-Get a FREE personal pizza when you visit on your birthday.

Rubios– Sign up for their email Beach Club and get a FREE meal on your birthday. They send a coupon via email about 2 weeks before your birthday.

Ruby Tuesday-Join the So Connected club and you’ll get an email for a free burger on your birthday.

Ryan’s-Join the eClub at Ryan’s and get a coupon for a FREE adult buffet with the purchase of another adult buffet during the month of your birthday.

Scalini’s Italian Restaurant-up to $12.95 off pasta specialties

Shoney’s-Get your child (10 and under) a FREE kid’s meal on their birthday when  you sign them up for the the Kids Club.

Sizzler– Join their e-club and get $5 off any entree.

Sonic-Members of the Wacky Pack Kid’s Birthday Club will receive a coupon for a FREE Wacky Pack during the week of their birthday.

SouperSalad-Join the eClub and receive special offers on your birthday!

Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes-Sign up for Club Veg and receive a B1G1 FREE coupon for your birthday!

Spaghetti Warehouse– Join the Warehouse Club and get a free appetizer for signing up, plus a complimentary meal on your birthday.

Spicy Pickle– Sign up to be a Pickle Club Member and get a Free Entree on your birthday

Starbucks-Sign up for Starbucks Rewards and get a FREE birthday drink!

Steak ‘n Shake-Sign up for the Steak ‘n Shake eClub and receive a special birthday surprise!

Stevi B’s– Sign up for their Birthday club, get a FREE buffet on your birthday.

Sticky Fingers-Join the StickeClub and receive a FREE entree for your birthday!

Taco Cabana-Join the eClub and receive a FREE Fajita Taco on your birthday!

Taco Del Mar–*currently under construction* Join the Kids Club and receive a FREE birthday Kid’s meal!

Taco Time-Taco Time send kids ages 12 or younger a coupon for a FREE kid’s meal on their next birthday.

TCBY-Join myTCBY eClub and receive FREE frozen yogurt for your birthday!

Ted’s Montana Grill-Follow the Herd and sign up for the eClub. You will receive a FREE dessert for your birthday!

Texas Roadhouse-Become a Texas Roadie and you’ll get a coupon for a FREE side kick of ribs or appetizer on your birthday.

TGIFridays-Receive a coupon for a FREE appetizer to use on your birthday when you sign up for Friday’s E-Club.You also get a coupon for a FREE appetizer just for signing up! You must be over 21 to get this birthday freebie.

The Palm-The Guest of Honor Dines on Us! From May 1 August 31, 2011, book your graduation party, wedding reception, anniversary, or birthday celebration at The Palm, and the Guest of Honor dines on us! It s our gift to them.

The Vine Tavern-FREE meal

Todai Seafood Buffet-Sign up for Toby’s E-Club and get a FREE Meal or voucher for Meal Next Visit

Tony Romas-Get a free dinner on your birthday from Tony Roma’s.

Tropical Smoothie Cafe-Sign up for the Club Tropical and receive a special birthday surprise!

Tucanos-Sign up for Tucanos Birthday Club and receive a FREE entree for your birthday!

Uno’s Chicago Grill-Join the Insider Club and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Vaccaro’s Italian Pastry Shop-FREE dessert and drink

Village Inn– Sign up for their e-Club and get a special treat for your birthday

Wendy’s-Sign up for Wendymail and receive a special gift on your special day!

Wienerschnitzel– Sign up for the Wiener Lovers’ Club and receive a FREE Chili Dog just for signing up. Plus, a FREE coupon every year on your birthday.

Wingers-Join the Winger’s eClub and receive a birthday surprise!

Wingstop– Sign up for The Club and get a FREE Large Fresh Cut Seasoned Fries on your birthday. z

Yogurtland-Sign up and get a birthday surprise!

Z’ Tejas-$15 coupon for the month of your birthday (register first)

Zaxby’s-Join Zax Kids Club and receive a FREE Kids Meal card for your birthday!

Zehnder’s of Frankenmuth–Receive a complimentary Birthday Club dinner at Zehnder’s Restaurant during the month of your birthday, when you join Zehnder’s Rewards program.

Zio’s Italian-Come in and get a FREE dessert on your birthday at Zio’s.


ACE Hardware– Sign up for ACE Rewards and get a $5 off coupon on your birthday.

Aerie- Sign up for AE Rewards Program and get 15% off the month of your birthday.

American Eagle-Sign up for AE Rewards and get a 15% off the month of your birthday!

Anthropologie-Sign up for an Anthro account and receive a 15% off coupon for your birthday!

Aveda-Join their Birthday Program and receive FREE exclusive gift (valued up to $25) on your birthday!

Barnes & Noble-Sign up for the Barnes & Noble Kids’ Club and receive a FREE cupcake from their cafe and a FREE digital book created by your child on on their birthday!

Bashas’: Register your child in their Birthday Club and they’ll receive a free cake every year through age 10.

Chuck E. Cheese’s-Join the Chuck E Cheese’s Email club and receive  FREE birthday tokens!

Cobblestone Auto Spa-Join the Rewards Club and Receive a FREE Basic full service car wash on your birthday as our special thanks! (Valid from one day before to one day after your birth date).

Columbia Sportwear-Join the Columbia Club and receive a 20% off coupon for your birthday!

CVS– Register for a CVS ExtraCare Card and get $3 in ExtraCare Bucks every year on your birthday.

Danny’s Family Car Wash-Join the Danny’s Rewards Club and receive a FREE car wash for your birthday!

dElLiA’ up and receive a special birthday surprise!

Disneyland-Receive a FREE pin to wear for your birthday!

DSW Shoes-Create an account and receive a special $5 Gift Certificate for your birthday!

Famous Footwear-Sign up for the Famous Footwear Rewards program and receive a FREE birthday surprise!

Helzberg Diamonds-Sign up for email updates and receive a coupon for FREE pearl earrings on your birthday!

Hot Topic– Create and account and get $10 off a $20 Purchase for Your Birthday!

John Frieda Hair Care Product- Sign up for the John Frieda Elite Club, Save $1.50 off ANY John Frieda Hair Care Product

Journeys Kidz– Sign up to be part of the Journeys Kidz Birthday Club and get a 15% off Gift Card on your birthday

Kmart–Join the Birthday Club and receive $5.00 Birthday Bucks, Birthday Crown, Happy Birthday Certificate, Birthday Fun Pack with surprise goodies for your kids!!

Lego– Sign up with your email and birthdate and they will send you a Free Lego Brickmaster Magazine

Little Tikes– Sign up for the Birthday Bonus Program and receive special discounts, offers and promos about 30 days before your kid’s birthday.

L’Occitane– Sign up to receive their newsletter along with your birth date and you’ll receive a FREE Gift for your birthday as well as coupons throughout the year.

Olan Mills Portrait Studios–Get a FREE Olan Mills portrait package that includes (1) 8X10, (2) 5X7 and (8) wallets when you join the birthday club.

Old Navy-Sign up & Save with Old Navy and receive a special treat on your birthday!

Payless Shoes–Never miss a sale at Payless! Enter your email address and they will send you a 20% coupon for your birthday!

Petco–  Special Message & Savings on Your Pet’s Birthday!

Piperlime– Sign up to get their emails and you’ll get a coupon for $15 off a purchase of $60 or more during your birthday month

Prime Shine Car Wash (California ONLY)- Sign up for a Free Car Wash on your Birthday

Sephora-Sign up as a Beauty Insider and get a FREE gift from Sephora on your birthday.

Summer’s Eve– Sign up for their news program and receive a FREE Summer’s Eve Product on your birthday.

Swag Bucks-You can now enter your birthday in your account details section, When it’s your birthday, you’ll receive 50 Swag Bucks.

Tanger Outlet-FREE birthday rewards, including gift card for your first year of membership.

The Children’s Place-Join the Birthday Club and receive coupons on your birthday as well as your Child’s!

The Transformation Studio-The Transformation Studio (TX) will give you a FREE makeover or express facial for your birthday! Be sure to mention the birthday special when you book your makeover or express facial and bring in your ID.

Torrid-Sign up for the divaStyle membership and receive a birthday gift!

Toys R Us– Sign up for Geoffry’s Birthday Club and receive a card and gift (generally a coupon for a FREE toy up to $3) from Geoffry in your mailbox for your birthday until your child is 10 yrs old. They will also receive a Birthday Call from Geoffry on their birthday. Finally, if they come into the store on their birthday, they will receive some extra special attention, including a birthday crown, Geoffry balloon and an personalized announcement broadcast to the whole store.

Ulta Beauty-Sign up for the Ulta Rewards Program and get a special birthday surprise!

Victoria’s Secret-Sign up for emails and receive special offers for your birthday!

Walmart PictureMe Studio-FREE birthday portrait!

World Market-Join today and get a surprise birthday gift!


AMF Bowling-Sign up for the eClub and receive a special deal every year for your birthday!

Boondocks-Sign up for their Birthday Club and enjoy a unlimited FREE pass!

Dave & Buster’s-Get a $5 game card credit on your birthday!

Disney Cruise Line-You get a FREE one-day cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bahamas. You do have to make the trip with another fare-paying adult and will have to shell out the $20 for the Bahama departure and harbor fee.

Gleneagle Golf Club-Register your details to receive a FREE Golf Voucher on your Birthday!

Lowry Park Zoo-If you’re a Florida resident and go to Lowry Park Zoo (Tampa, FL) on your birthday, you’ll get free admission.

Muckleshoot Casino-FREE sushi dinner + player’s club points

Nick Jr.– Join the Nick Jr. Birthday Club and get a personalized phone call from your child’s favorite Nick Jr. character on their birthday.

Universal Studios Theme Parks– If you are an annual Pass member, you get a FREE Guest Ticket to use during your birthday month

Willow Creek Golf Course-Sign up for Special offers!

IMPORTANT: You will want to call ahead and make sure these deals are still available before you go.  Leave a comment if you know of any more birthday freebies or deals that we may have missed.  Enjoy these freebies and Happy Birthday!  :)

Stretch Your Small Grocery Budget with These Foods!


When pay gets cut or you’re looking to save more money, the food category seems to be the first one you cut back on. If you find yourself in this situation there are some foods that are better to buy. Foods that cost less and fill you up. Keep in mind, usually buying these foods in bulk is cheaper but you don’t want them to spoil because then you’re just throwing away money. So be wise and find creative ways to use and store these foods.

Beans – this is a great source of protein and leaves you feeling full. It’s always a great substitute for meat. We’ll sometimes have rice and beans and wrap it up in a tortilla or just eat them as is with some veggies. Keep in mind, buying them dry verses canned is cheaper.

Potatoes – many times we’ll add potatoes to soups or casseroles. We’ll also just eat baked potatoes as well. This can be used in so many ways.

Frozen Vegetables – we always stock up on these during case lot sales (which are going on now here in Utah). We’ll usually see them for a $1 or less per bag for things like corn, peas, green beans and others. Although fresh is better and has more nutrients it’s also more expense. This way you’re still getting your veggies while on a small budget.

Bananas – these are a staple in our house whether tight on a budget or not. They’re great in our shakes in the morning or we eat them on our peanut butter sandwiches. Bananas are great for potassium and are usually the less expensive fruit. I’ll find if they’re starting to go soft before we’re ready to eat them, I’ll cut them into 1-2″ pieces and freeze for our morning shakes. That way they don’t go to waste.

Rice – preferable brown rice. It’s a great filler item like potatoes. We’ll use them in casseroles a lot or on the side. I’ll also cook up meatballs and gravy to serve over rice. You’ll find rice in the bulk section where it’s pretty cheap and can be stored long term is sealed right.

Eggs – these have gotten pretty cheap and we can usually find them for around $.10 or so here in Utah. So they’re a cheap option to be cooking with. May times you’ll find us having breakfast for dinner where I’ll cook eggs, toast and maybe bacon if we’re lucky. German pancakes is a great option as well.

Oats – oats are another great cheap bulk items you can buy. Now that it’s cooling down we love eating oatmeal in the morning. We’ll add brown sugar or our freeze dried fruit to it in the morning. My husband has been known to make is famous “PJ & Jelly Oatmeal” as well. Pretty yummy.

All of these are great staples to keep in your home. When you see sales, especially on these items, make sure to stock up. Then when you find yourself in a pickle right before pay day, look into your pantry and get creative with what you have.

Wells Fargo Employees Caught Opening Unauthorized Accounts For Customers & Costing Them $2.5 Million in Fees


Wells Fargo is probably one of the most recognized banks in the United States, and for good reason. It is, by stock value, the biggest bank in the country. Many US citizens have been loyal Wells Fargo customers for years, and may even visit their local branch regularly. What was going on behind the counters in Wells Fargo banks, however, may have some loyal consumers pretty shocked and dismayed.

Last Thursday, regulators fined Wells Fargo Bank millions of dollars. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has socked the bank with the largest penalty the bureau has ever imposed at $100 million. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has also fined the bank $35 million, and the City and County of Los Angeles has imposed fines to the tune of $50 million. That’s a grand total of a whopping $185 million in fines.

According to the CFPB, Wells Fargo Bank employees were secretly opening unauthorized accounts in customers’ names without their knowledge. An analysis done by the bank itself showed that there may have been an estimated 1.5 million unauthorized deposit accounts opened in customers’ names. Another analysis showed that an estimated 565,000 credit cards were applied for without authorization from customers.Employees also issued and activated debit cards without consent or knowledge, as well as created fake emails to enroll customers in online-banking services.

The illicit activity cost customers an estimated $2.5 million in fees.

The purpose of these illegally created accounts may seem completely lost on most of us, but they did have a very clear purpose. Employees were attempting to meet the banks’ incentivized sales quotas. The employees were given credit for opening the new accounts and gaining more business for the bank.

This practice, known as sandbagging, artificially raised sales numbers. Employees were pressured to make sales quotas, or else they would end up working over to meet their goals. Some employees even feared losing their jobs if they continually fell short on their quotas. Bank managers even coached employees on how to inflate sales numbers, including how to find customers who were pre-approved for credit cards and issuing the cards without consent.

In addition to the fines, the CFPB has also ordered Wells Fargo bank to issue full refunds to affected customers, which the bank has already started to do. Wells Fargo Bank stated last Thursday that they have already issued 100,000 customers refunds, and $5 million has been set aside for this purpose. The bank is also required to hire an independent consultant to conduct a review of its procedures to ensure proper sales practices and possibly require employees to undergo ethical sales training. Over 5,000 Wells Fargo employees have already been fired since 2011 for unethical and improper sales practices.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, especially if you’re a Wells Fargo customer or employee! Sound off in the comments below!

The Best Places to Shop for Halloween Costumes


Do you and your kids know what you are planning to dress up as for Halloween?  I absolutely love Halloween, but I despise the money that it costs.  Costumes are expensive, candy is expensive and decorations aren’t any cheaper.  If you are anything like me, you may have started your Halloween shopping already.  If not, no worries, you still have time to get everything you need and save big!  

Today we are going to discuss the best places to shop in order to save big on your Halloween costumes this year.    


Goodwill is a great place to shop for all kind of things, Halloween costumes included!  When it comes to thrift shops of any kind, I prefer to avoid hats, wigs or masks because I have a massive fear of head lice, but Goodwill has a great selection of costumes starting in mid September.  You can even shop outside of the Halloween selection for your costume.  They actually have a section for uniforms so you can find scrubs, capes, aprons, etc.  Plus, the formal selection is great if you are looking for a princess dress, etc.  I once found the perfect flapper dress in the dress section for $4!


You can find inexpensive costumes for the kids at Walmart.  Most of the adult costumes I have come across there tend to be a little pricier than I prefer, but still not bad.

Craigslist / Online Yard Sale Sites & Groups

Be sure to scan craigslist and Facebook for sale groups for costumes for sale.  Many times, someone may be selling last year’s costume in order to help pay for this year’s so you are likely to find some great deals!

Dollar Store

Be sure and get the accessories (tiara’s, jewels, etc) for your costume at your local dollar store.  They may not be the highest quality, but you are only going to wear them for the night, that’s worth $1!

Your Closet

It doesn’t get any cheaper than free!  Be sure and go through the closets in your house to see what you can find to create your costume with.  Also, look through the kids’ toy boxes!  Most kids have dress up toys of some kind.  These can be turned into a costume relatively easy.

Cows Slaughtered to Raise Milk Prices! 53 Million Dollar Payout for Some Consumers in Price-Fixing Lawsuit!


The price of milk and other dairy products is something that many families struggle with each and every week. And, it seems as though these prices just keep creeping higher and higher in some areas. Unfortunately, as consumers are now finding out, at least one of the reasons for rising dairy prices may be a bit more nefarious than we originally thought.

In order to raise the prices of dairy products like milk and cream, some farmers actually helped kill off dairy cows. Yep—you read that right! Dairy cows were being slaughtered, just so consumers—in the end—could pay more for milk! Because, of course, we don’t pay enough for it as it is.

This awful scheme was part of something called the herd retirement program, which was led by Cooperatives Working Together (CWT), a farmer led and funded cooperative run by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF). A lawsuit filed against CWT in September of 2011 claims that the cooperative illegally inflated milk prices by paying farmers to slaughter cows prematurely. Allegedly, the cooperatives paid above-market prices for dairy cows owned by the members. The cows were then sent to be slaughtered much earlier than they normally would have. Overall, roughly 500,000 cows are thought to have been slaughtered under this program.

Why, you ask? It’s Economics 101, folks. Supply and demand. When supply is low and demand is high, companies can charge more for a products. So, less cows means less supply, which drives up the prices of household dairy staples like milk and yogurt.

A US District Court granted preliminary approval of the $52 million settlement on August 25th, and the final approval hearing is slated for December 16th. This class action lawsuit could lead to a payout to certain consumers who bought milk, cream, half & half, yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream from 2003 to the present. You must have been a resident of one of the following states from at least part of 2003 to the present:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Kansas
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Vermont
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Washington DC

Consumers who meet this criteria can find more information and submit their claims on

I don’t know about you, but I know that I find this price-fixing scheme disgusting and despicable! Buying milk and other dairy products is NOT cheap for my household either! It’s not unheard of for us to go through almost three gallons of milk each week, not to mention other dairy products like sour cream and yogurt.

Of course it irritates me that farmers and cooperatives are using underhanded methods of driving up prices on a household staple. That’s obviously pretty rotten. But, the absolute worst part of this awful scheme was the way that it was done. Hundreds of thousands of animals were slaughtered, and for what? Money! The bottom line, period. To me, that is simply unacceptable!

Unfortunately, that seems to be the way things are more and more these days. It’s all about the bottom line. The lives behind it all, the ones that make everything possible, are no longer important to the powers that be. It seems as if we are all expendable these days, people and animals alike, because all that matters is just that little bit of extra money in some fat cat’s pocket. Meanwhile, the regular folks on a budget are simply scraping to get buy.

So, yes—slaughtering hundreds of thousands animals so Americans can pay more for milk absolutely infuriates me!

What are your thoughts on this milk lawsuit? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below!

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