Money Saving Tips for Millennials



Life is expensive.  This is true for everyone, but a harsh reality for young people just starting out.  Unless you have a trust fund just sitting there ready to use, you are probably wondering how you can afford all of the things that you see others having, when you are simply struggling to get by.  If you are a part of the millennial generation be sure and pay attention to these tips on how you can save big and you can be one step ahead of the game at a young age!

Get Rid of your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

As fun as it is to create fun acronyms, FOMO is a real thing and it is a real problem.  When you see others headed out to the hottest club or restaurant, you undoubtedly want to join.  The problem is, restaurants and bars are expensive and one of the quickest ways for you to blow your hard earned money.  Set a limit on how many times you can go out per month and stick to it.  You may be missing out on a night on the town, but you are saving money that is better spent elsewhere.  Just remember your long term goals.  Do you want to buy a house or would you rather go dancing?  Keep those thoughts in mind and you will realize that you aren’t really missing out after all.

Start an Investment Account

It’s great to have a savings account, but when your savings account is attached to your checking account or at the same bank, it is easy to dip into those savings when you feel the need to.  Choose to put savings into an investment account that is not quite as easy to get a hold of and your savings will grow! Whether it’s a 401k, an IRA or other type of investment account, they all have more growing potential in interest than your typical savings account.

Set a Budget

A budget is good for everyone, no matter what age you are.  Setting a budget helps you to understand where your money is going and where it should go.  Millennials are all about technology right?  Download a budgeting app on your phone and start there!  It’s easier than you think.

Tips for Saving Money on Healthy Food


With a deal site such as this, we get asked lots of questions regarding saving money and more.  One of the most often asked questions that we hear though is how to save money on healthy food.  

If this is one of your questions, check out these tips for saving money on healthy food:

  • Use Coupons.  Believe it or not, there are quite a few coupons available to help you score deals on healthy foods.  Simply search for organic coupons and be sure to log into your grocery store membership account and check the fruits and vegetable as well as organic category.
  • Shop at Farm Stands.  If you have any local farm stands, I highly suggest you shop there for your produce.  They are locally made, many of them feature no pesticides and they are much cheaper than grocery stores.
  • Stock Up on Meat.  When you see a great deal on meat, be sure to buy a lot and store it in your freezer.
  • Avoid “Quick” Foods.  Quick foods are often unhealthy foods.  Take oatmeal for instance, you can buy instant oatmeal packs for around $3 for 8 servings or you can buy a big container of quick oats.  They cook in the same amount of time and they have much less sugar than instant oatmeal.
  • Meal planning.  Planning your meals in advance saves money and helps you eat healthier.
  • Use Your Slow Cooker. Slow cookers make our lives easy in so many ways.  Not only does it save you a significant amount of time when cooking, but it’s easy to throw meat and veggies in the slow cooker in the morning and by evening, you have a healthy meal.
  • Shop Sales.  If you find a great deal on a healthy food that you eat often, stock up.  For instance, we eat a lot of peanut butter in our family.  I recently found a sale where I could buy jars for just $0.99 each.  I grabbed 8 jars right then (I would have bought more, but that was the limit), I know that we are going to go through the peanut butter quickly and I would much rather pay $0.99 than the $3.50 that it typically cost.

Do you have any tips for shopping for healthy foods on a budget?


Start the Day Out Right with These Sugar Free Breakfast Ideas (Your Kids will Like Them Too!)

Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 12.08.39 PMBreakfast. Yum. I love breakfast, but I’ve noticed that a lot of options have a TON of sugar in them.  Look at all of the cereal boxes or even frozen pre made breakfasts.  There is a lot of sugar!  The trick to eating a healthier breakfast is to have a sugar free base and then add healthier options on top.  For example, you could make a sugar free waffle, pancake or crepe and then add in fruits, cinnamon and greek yogurt instead of syrups and sugars. Have you ever had waffles or crepes with yogurt instead of syrup? It’s so good! Start YOUR day out right with these Sugar-Free Breakfast Ideas:

Granola & Greek Yogurt
Add in- Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Banana, Kiwi, or any other yummy fruit that are in season.

1 3/4 C Flour
3 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
2 Beaten Egg Yolks
1 3/4 C Milk
1/2 C Oil
2 Stiffly Beaten Egg Whites
Sift together dry ingredients. Combine yolks, milk and oil.  Stir into dry ingredients. Fold in whites, leaving a few fluffs. Bake.  Makes about (4) 10 inch waffles.

1 Cup Flour
1 1/2 C Milk
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp Oil
In Bowl combine all ingredients and beat until smooth. Lightly grease a 6-Inch Skillet or Crepe Pan. Heat up the pan and remove pan from heat.  Spoon on 2 Tbsp batter and heat evenly. Makes about 16 small crepes.

1 Egg
3 Tbsp Oil
1 1/2 C Flour
4 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
3/4 tsp Salt
Milk enough to make for medium thickness
Beat all together until well combined.  Heat in greased pan until golden brown.

Egg Burritos/ Egg Omelette
Tortillas (optional)
Bell Peppers
Beat eggs and add in peppers and onions. You can either make it into an omelette or scramble together for burritos.

Do you have any other favorite Sugar-Free Breakfast options? Share and let us know! :)

20 FREE Activities to Do with Your Family This Fall!


Fall is in the air! There are lots of things you can do with your family this time of year but I wanted to give you some FREE ideas of ways you can create memories with your kids and not spend anything! Here’s a list of 20 different ideas for you:

  1. Create a leaf maze in your yard
  2. Enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate together one cold night
  3. “Boo” a friend in the neighborhood (leave treats on the door and run!)
  4. Learn the dance “Monster Mash” or “Thriller” together
  5. Go on a hayride
  6. Take a fall drive
  7. Take fall photos together
  8. Visit a pumpkin patch (this might cost money depending on where you live)
  9. Start a gratitude journal
  10. Make a thankful tree
  11. Make smores
  12. Visit an orchard to pick apples from the trees
  13. Watch a local Football game
  14. Carve pumpkins together
  15. Make Carmel apples together with different toppings
  16. Donate to the food bank
  17. Have friends over for Chili
  18. Bake a pie
  19. Do a craft with fall leaves (there are tons of ideas on Pinterest)
  20. Host a tailgate party

There’s lots of ways to make memories with your kids and with the cooler weather it’s a great time to get outside to create those memories! What’s your favorite thing about fall?


AirPods and Apple Watches, Oh MY! A Look at the New Apple Products!


As expected, Apple announced the new iPhone 7 yesterday. Although it is very similar to the iPhone 6, hard core Apple fans are sure to be happy with many of the iPhone 7 upgrades!

The iPhone 7 may have been the show stealer and most anticipated announcement yesterday, but that doesn’t mean it was the only new device launched. Apple also announced a few other new gadgets and devices as well…


One of the most buzzworthy pieces of news lately has been the missing headphone jack on the new iPhone 7. Instead of dealing with messy wires, iPhone 7 users will be forced to go wireless to connect their audio. Bluetooth is always an option, of course, but Apple has also released AirPods, which are wireless earbuds. They’re like the wireless version of the EarPods. AirPods reportedly allow for up to 5 hours of listening per charge, but the case they come in also charges them back up, allowing for more than 24 hours of battery life, and just 15 minutes of charging equals 3 hours of battery life. The AirPods won’t be available until October and will set iPhone 7 users back $159.

Apple Watch Series 2

The new Apple Watch Series 2 has a lot going for it when compared to the original Apple Watch! First and foremost, is is water-resistant down to 50 meters. That means users can swim with it on and track their progress. The Apple Watch 2 has a better processor and is also said to be faster with a brighter display. Finally, the new Apple watch also has a built-in GPS chip. Consumers can pre-order the second generation Apple Watch on September 9th for a mere $369.

Apple Watch Nike+

If the plain old Apple Watch 2 isn’t sporty enough, consumers also have the option of going for the Apple Watch Nike+. This is a sportier version of the popular smartwatch, and it’s geared toward runners. In addition to looking just a bit cooler, the Apple Watch Nike+ will also integrate features from Nike’s popular Nike+ app. Slated to come out this October, this version of the Apple watch is also $369.

Some consumers were anxiously awaiting news on some of Apple’s other products, including the iPad, Mac commputers, Apple TV, and Apple’s Home app. Unfortunately, these were either unmentioned or quickly glossed over during yesterday’s event. However, there is some speculation that we may hear news on these in October. Only time will tell.

What do you think of the new Apple products? Are they enough to make you wanna run to your nearest Apple Store?


5 Reasons You Need a Meal Plan


Do you use a meal plan?  If you don’t, then you should.  You have probably noticed that a lot of websites and talk shows talk about meal planning and freezer cooking, because the work!  There are quite a few benefits that you will find once you start meal we touch on 5 of those.

You Will Save Time

Meal planning will save you a significant amount of time in several ways.  The first and most obvious one is that you will save time in the kitchen.  No more standing in front of the refrigerator wondering what to cook.  Second, you will save a lot of time at the store, since you have a meal plan and you shop based on that.  No more strolling through the store wondering what you should grab.

You Will Save You Money

Having a meal plan will save your family 30% – 40% on your grocery budget.  It’s easier to shop with coupons because meal planning helps you make use of what you have in your panty and what you have on your list of things to buy.

No More Fights Over What Sounds Good

Are you sick and tired of the “what’s for dinner” argument?  Well, with a meal plan, you won’t ever have that argument again.  With the structure of a meal plan, the family all knows what will be served, no questions asked.

No More Rushed Meals

As a mom, I have had my fair share of frustrating, rushed meals that started with me cooking at 7pm after coming home from a game.  When the meals are planned out, they can be cooked in advance or put in the slow cooker and we can sit down and eat at a decent time of night.

It’s Healthier

If you have your meals planned out, you have less reason to drive through the nearest drive through for dinner.  Way too often I have found that when we can’t decide what’s for dinner, we just go with what’s easy and quick.  That is almost never the healthy option.


Exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Batteries and Recall

Well, Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 7 launch is really off to an explosive start…in more ways than one! By now, news of the exploding Galaxy Note 7 batteries has likely reached most of the world by now. If you haven’t heard, it’s really quite the debacle!

The Galaxy Note 7 is similar to the Galaxy S7 smartphone, with a few noticeable upgrades. The Note 7 also includes a stylus and iris scanner, but the most noticeable upgrade to most consumers is the much larger screen. With its 5.7” Super AMOLED screen, it’s considered to be more of a phablet than just a smartphone.

By all rights, it should have given Samsung’s biggest competitor, big bad Apple, a nice little run for its money with the upcoming launch of the Apple iPhone 7 Plus. With loads of media acclaims and over 2 million sales well before the iPhone 7 Plus launch, it appeared that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 really did have a real leg up on the competition.

Unfortunately, Murphy’s Law reared its ugly head, as it tends to do from time to time, and decided to rain on Samsung’s parade. And we’re talking full on storm here, kids!

Not long after its early August launch, rumors started swirling about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding batteries. Some consumers have even shared images of their once beautiful but now mangled, melted, and generally jacked Galaxy Note 7’s.

samsung note 7 exploding batteries

On September 1st, Samsung confirmed the rumors and officially announced that yes, they do, in fact, have quite the little dilemma on their hands.

Samsung has has stated that out of the 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 units that made their way to customer’s hot little hands, they were officially investigating only 35 claims of Galaxy Note 7 exploding batteries. Now, that may seem like just a tiny amount, and it really is. But, the biggest problem lies in the units that could explode or catch fire in the future.

Apparently, Samsung’s own subsidiary provided batteries for roughly 70% of the Galaxy Note 7 phablets that made their way into consumer’s hands, pockets, and homes. It was only these batteries that are currently thought to possibly be dangerous. If we do a little quick math here, that means 1.75 million of these units could possibly be affected. That’s a lot of explosions waiting to happen. But, the news gets a little worse if you live outside of China. Another company, Amperex Technology, provided batteries for approximately 30% of the Galaxy Note 7 units that hit the market. These “safe” units were only distributed in China, which means pretty much anyone outside of China most likely has a Galaxy Note 7 with a possible ticking time bomb.

So, what does Samsung propose to do to fix the problem? They’re definitely working to fix it, that’s for sure, and at an exorbitant cost to them. All of the Galaxy Note 7 units currently on the market have been withdrawn. Plus, Samsung has offered voluntary refunds or replacements to anyone with a Galaxy Note 7. Consumers can take their Galaxy Note 7’s back to the original retailer,or call Samsung Customer Care at 1(888) 987-4357. As of yet, however, there is really no official word on when all of the units can be replaced.

What are consumers expected to do in the meantime, then? We live in such a tech dependent society anymore, that it can be very difficult or almost impossible for some people to go without their phones.

First, keep in mind that this recall is voluntary so far. That means that you don’t absolutely have to return your brand spankin’ new, dazzling phablet. Is it a good idea, though? I’m going to have to say that yeah, it is! If Samsung’s claims are correct, there is probably a very low risk that most consumers are at risk. But, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it means possibly putting your home, yourself, and your family at risk.

I would definitely recommend turning in your Galaxy Note 7, but I also know that that may not be a plausible option for some people. Here are a few tips to help keep your phone in one piece and possibly prevent an awful disaster…

  • Only use the supplied factory charger to charge your device. That means no cheap 3rd party chargers and no borrowing chargers from other devices. (If it was me, I’d probably stick that sucker in an oven-safe glass bowl, but I’m probably just being paranoid!)
  • Place your Galaxy Note 7 on a flat, non-flammable surface to charge.
  • Keep your phone away from any sources of heat and out of direct sunlight.
  • Never lay your phone on a fabric or upholstered surface to charge.
  • Do not lay anything on top of the phone while it’s charging.

Following these tips won’t guarantee that you won’t have an exploding Galaxy Note 7 on your hands, but it can help reduce the risk and prevent a catastrophe. These charging tips should actually be common sense for most people with rechargeable devices anyway, but it never hurts to reiterate the points from time to time.

Will the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding batteries affect you at all? Will this latest recall be enough to make you shy away from Samsung products?


Simple Tips to Make Cleaning Your House Easier

clean house

Clean Your Home From The Top Down

We hear the phrase “from the top down” often, but in this case it is absolutely true. Cleaning from the ceilings down makes the most sense when cleaning a home.  Whether you are washing the walls or clearing counters, you are likely to get stuff on the floor.  Cleaning the floor last keeps you from having to do it more than once.

Divide your home into grids

This tip comes in handy, especially if you are cleaning the entire house.  Divide your house into grids and work on each grid one at a time.  This tip keeps you from wandering through the house jumping from job to job.  Also, when you are focused on each grid, you can ensure that each grid is completely clean.

Use a Squeegee

A squeegee isn’t just good for the car.  It is a seriously awesome cleaning tool  You can squeegee the shower, you can use it to dust stairs or you can use it to sweep off countertops.

Take off Your Shoes

Have you ever noticed that people that request that you take off your shoes often have cleaner homes?  When there are no shoes worn on the floor, it doesn’t get nearly as dirty.

Start Cleaning While Cooking Meals

For most recipes, you don’t need to hover around the stove.  Use the time that your meals are cooking to start putting away ingredients and wiping counters.

Do Little Chores Throughout The Day

If you have piles of magazines or mail sitting on the counter, be sure to organize them and stack them individually throughout the day.  Saving them until you do the rest of the housework only amplifies your job. The same is true for all of your housework.  Do small chores throughout the week to make chore day less daunting.  For example, you don’t have to do a load of laundry each day, but making sure they are in the hamper each day saves  you from having to gather up the laundry.

Crank up the Tunes

I have yet to talk to one person who doesn’t get motivation to clean from their music.  Turn on your MP3 player and get busy!

Start Your Kids College Education Fund Now! Super Easy Steps to Get Started!

Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 10.59.21 AMCollege is expensive, but so important. In our world today, it’s hard to get a good paying job without a Bachelors or Masters degree. However, the price of tuition, housing and books keeps going up.  What if you could have a good savings fund and not have to stress about the cost of higher education in the future?  The question is…Have you started saving for that NOW?

Each state offers an educational plan (529 plans) that are tax free and give you other advantages that is so beneficial.  You can check out this site to see what 529 plans are available in your state. What are the benefits for opening a 529 plan?

  • Flexible Investment Options: Different investment options where you can decide how aggressive you want to be with your investment based on your goals and how long you have to save.
  • Tax Advantages: Withdrawals from your account are tax-free when used for qualified higher education expenses. (Includes: Tuition/fees, required books, supplies, computers, related equipment, and internet access, and certain room and board costs).
  • Low Fees: Most states educational plans are non-profit which will keep costs low if not free.
  • Utah Readers: Utah Resident Income Tax Credit: Utah Taxpayers can claim 5% Utah state income tax credit on UESP account contributions up tot a certain amount for each account beneficiary. The beneficiary must be younger than 19 when the account was opened. If the age requirement is met, you can claim the tax credit every year you contribute for the life to the account.


Utah Readers: Want to get a FREE Back to School Kit? Now through November 2nd, 2016 all you need to do is open a UESP Account online and contribute $10. Here’s how you can score this deal:

  1. Visit and open a new account using the coupon code BTS2016 at checkout
  2. The account owner and beneficiary must both be Utah Residents and new to UESP
  3. The beneficiary must be the child of the account owner.
  4. The account must be opened on or before November 2, 2016 with a $10 contribution


Fine Print Includes: Limit 1 kit per account open-end.  Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.  Quantities are limited.  Kit includes: (2) pencils, pencil sharpener, an eraser, a 6-inch ruler and a pencil case.

Have you started an Educational Savings Plan? Comment and share! :)

Treat/Reward Yourself Without Buying or Eating Anything!


We all work hard and ever so often we need to treat ourselves. Whether you’ve met your goal weight, stuck to your goals, you keep your patience with your kids, broke a bad habit or stuck to your budget for the month there are ways you can treat yourself or reward yourself without buying anything or eating anything! Here’s a few ideas for you:

  1. Take a Nap – I for one love naps but sometimes they aren’t easy to squeeze in. if you have kids in school though and can find a time to take a nap reward yourself and go lay down!
  2. Give Yourself a Manicure or Pedicure – although it’s nice to have someone else do it that might not be in the budget but you still need to reward yourself for a job well do. So pull out that nail polish and find a good Netflix show to turn on while you give yourself a well-deserved manicure or pedicure.
  3. Read Your Favorite Book – do you have a favorite book you love to go back and read? Why not pull it out and treat yourself to some relaxing time. Or find a new book out there that you’ve been wanting to start and binge read.
  4. Take a Bath – this has to be my favorite. It was a requirement in our new house to have a tub I could sit in and relax. I love treating myself to a nice bath after a hard day’s work. I’ve been known to also make my own bath salts to add to the water!
  5. Binge Watch Something on Netflix – with new shows popping up on Netflix and Hulu, why not reward yourself to some relaxing time and binge watch your favorite tv series on Netflix!
  6. Make a DIY Face mask – there are a lot of great tutorials on Pinterest or you could just do a google search to find one! If you like to get together with your girl friends then make it a girls night and celebrate together!
  7. Go for a Drive – this one might cost you in gas but you can go for a drive and enjoy your surrounds. Maybe find a new place to hike or somewhere you’d like to get out and explore more of.
  8. Go Window Shopping – And why not do a little window shipping. You could go looking for anything – homes, cars, baby items, home décor, furniture etc. It’s fun to dream up ideas!

What’s something you do to treat yourself?

How to Have a Budget Friendly Halloween


Halloween is just around the corner and if you are anything like me, I’m sure you don’t want to spend a fortune on costumes, decor and candy.  

Here are some tips for you on How to Have a Budget Friendly Halloween:

Buy Your Candy in Bulk

Halloween candy can get pretty pricey, especially if you have a lot of trick or treaters.  Buying your candy in bulk is a great way to cut down on the cost of the treats.  There are several ways in which you can do this.  

  • You can buy large packages of fun sized candies from just about any grocery store, pharmacy or big box store.  If you choose to go this route, be sure to load any deal with your store club card and USE COUPONS!
  • You can typically find better deals on candy when you buy in bulk from a grocery store that offers bulk purchases.  In bulk bins, the candy is usually sold in stores at a per pound price, but occasionally at an individual price.

Consider non-candy treats

No, I’m not suggesting you hand out fruit and toothbrushes or business cards (that literally happened to my kids).  Maybe though, you can consider handing out inexpensive toys instead of candy.  Do an Amazon search for deals as they oftentimes have trick or treat toy packages for less per piece than good candy would cost you.

Shop for Used Costumes

Halloween costumes are typically worn one day per year.  That in itself is a great reason to shop thrift stores for your costume.  Why pay full price for something that you are only going to wear one time and why be afraid to wear something that has seen one day of use.  

Shop for Decor at Dollar Stores

If you are planning to shop for Halloween decor, be sure to check out the dollar store for your items.  Streamers, paper plates and cups as well as seasonal and holiday decor can be found at the dollar store for just $1 each!! Once Halloween has passed, make sure you check again because they sometimes drop prices down to as low as 4 for $1!

New iPhone 7 Launch Event Slated for September 7th! Find Out What’s NEW!


For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the unveiling of the new iPhone 7, there’s good news for you! The date you’ve all been waiting for could very well be just around the corner!

Apple has finally issued press invites to its next media event, which will be held on September 7th and the Bill Graham Civic Center located in San Francisco, California. Now, there’s not a guarantee that the new iPhone 7 will be unveiled on this day, but if history repeats itself—as it has a tendency to do—there’s a pretty good chance that the much anticipated new iPhone will be announced and unveiled.

So, what’s the what-what with the iPhone 7? It’s actually pretty similar to the iPhone 6S, but with some internal tweaks and upgrades and a few other changes.

Redesigned antenna lines are sleeker and smaller on the new iPhone. Instead of running lengthwise across the phone, they appear to be visible only at the top and bottom edges of the phone. Not a huge change at all, and probably not enough to generate any sort of buzz.

Rumors also point to a new capacitive touch-sensitive home button. This means the old click-type of home button will be no more. Instead, the iPhone 7 home button will be flush with the rest of the phone. It may not seem like a huge upgrade, but the physical click iPhone home button is notorious for being one of the biggest hardware failures, frustrating iPhone users around the globe.

Another upgrade seems to be a larger camera lens. This year’s iPhone camera seems to have a much larger camera. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the megapixel count—something that many tech buyers look for—on the iPhone 7 has increased, mind you. It should, however, mean that there will be some sort of camera upgrade. There are even rumors that a possible iPhone 7 Plus features a dual-camera system with larger sensors, which translates to much better picture quality.

Finally, the most noticeable and buzzworthy change is the missing 3.5 mm headphone jack. What’s up with that, Apple? Since everything seems to be going the way of wireless anyway, Apple has probably decided to just get right to it and rely on AirPlay, Bluetooth, or Lightning to connect audio devices like headphones. In the headphone jack’s spot, instead will sit an extra speaker.

The removal of external holes, though, can also have another significance. With less holes to let moisture into the internal workings of the phone, it could mean that Apple has finally joined the race with a more rugged, dust-proof and water resistant device. Although some users touted the iPhone 6 and 6S as being waterproof, this year Apple might just make it official. If that’s the case, this could be a huge selling point, as some other popular phone manufacturers already make water resistant devices for the clumsy among us.

Other rumors regarding possible new iPhone 7 features include:

  • Fast-charging technology
  • Different color options
  • Up to 256 GB of storage

Chances are, Apple will also be unveiling other new devices as well, including the Apple Watch 2, iPad Mini 5, iPad Pro 2, and updated MacBook Pros. With a September 7th launch event, expect to be able to pre-order the new iPhone 7 by the following Friday, September 9th.

What about y’all? Are you excited for the new iPhone 7? What are your thoughts and will you be buying a new iPhone 7?


Easy Ways to Save on Groceries

easy ways to save on groceries

In addition to housing, groceries are typically one of the biggest expenses for a family.  We all want to feed our family well, but we don’t want to go broke doing it.  Luckily, there are ways to save on good food for your family!

Here are some easy ways to save on groceries.


If you have been following our site for long, you know all about how much you can save using coupons for your groceries and household expenses.  Find coupons here on our site, in your Sunday paper and company websites and social media channels!  


Many grocery stores have club cards that you can sign up for which gives you exclusive coupons and discounts. Oftentimes, you can download an app, which can save you even more.


Planning your menu in advance saves you a significant amount of time and money.  With menu planning there are less last minute trips to the store and less junk food bought.


Shopping at a store that you can buy in bulk will help you save money.  When you buy in bulk, you pay low per unit pricing.  For example, I recently shopped at my local grocery store where they sell oatmeal in bulk for just $0.63 per pound.  This is MUCH less than the $3 per canister price that you can buy on the shelves.


Follow a “Meatless Monday” type of meal plan.  Cutting meat out of your meals at least once away can save, on average, over $10 per week!  This is over $500 per year!  This is also a healthy idea and it’s fun to incorporate new recipes into your family’s meals.


Don’t be afraid to get creative with your leftovers.  You don’t want to just throw them away, so instead, be sure to use them for lunch the next day or stretch them out for a second dinner.  You can use them for the same meal or create something brand new. For example, meats and veggies can be turned into stews or casseroles


How to Give To Charity Even If You’re Broke


The holidays will be here before you know it and for many of us, that is a time to give.  I know how hard it is to give to charity though when you feel like you are barely making ends meet.  The thing you will find though, is that being able to give makes you feel like a million bucks!  That doesn’t mean to have to give all of your money, there are things that you can do to give that don’t have anything to do with cash.


There are countless volunteer opportunities available out there.  You can volunteer at women’s shelters, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, animal shelters, etc.  In my local area we have parks and bridges that tend to have many homeless people, several times per year volunteers gather and hand out dinner.


Donate to Food Shelters

Go through your cabinets and see if you food that you can donate to your local food shelters.  This is such a good way for couponers to give to charity because many of us have a good stockpile and what better way to put it to use?!

Donate to a Coat Drive

Go through your kids clothes and donate any coats that may not fit them anymore.  I hate the idea that there are kids on the streets that are cold and suffering.  If I can be the difference in whether or not they are able to stay warm, I am happy to donate.

Donate Extra Blankets

Similar to coat drives, you occasionally see blanket drives as well. If you don’t see any blanket drives happening, don’t be afraid to hand out blankets to homeless people on the street.  After the holidays I always pick up fleece throws on clearance (usually less than $3) and use those for charitable giving.

Let your Kids Donate Their Toys

Make sure you get your kids involved and have them donate their toys that they no longer use.  They will feel great knowing that they are helping kids have fun!

Giving feels good.  Don’t be afraid that you can’t do enough, because any amount is appreciated!

Fisher-Price Little People City Skyway $29.56


Right now at Amazon, you can pick up the Fisher-Price Little People City Skyway for just $29.56!  This is a savings of over 25%!

  • Stands over 3 feet tall
  • One point of entry on top with three exits on the bottom, one of which is a jump
  • Flip different switches to make cars change paths
  • The kid-size vehicles fit perfectly in little hands
  • Comes with City Skyway play set, working crane, traffic signal, gas pump, parking meter, gate that opens & closes and Koby & Tessa cars

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