Back in the olden days, only the very rich had refrigerators, and people had to do things in order to keep food as long as they could. The only real way they had to preserve food was to can it, and then they could store the food in their basements or cellars for a very long time, maybe even years. However, canning became something people do not do too often when refrigerators became more affordable, but believe it or not some people still can food, and it can actually save money for the following reasons.
The typical canning season is the spring and summer, and when the fall comes, no one cans anymore so stores have their canning supplies reduced significantly just to get rid of them. People can go and pick up the supplies for practically nothing, and people can really can things all year long if they want to.
While spring and summer is the best time for a lot of different produce, and this is also the time for it to go on sale as well. However, people need to remember that groceries stores are not the only option when it comes to finding fruits and vegetables. During the spring and summer, there are farmers markets that are available on the weekends.
These markets can offer fruit and vegetables for prices a lot lower than a national chain of super markets. Also, people should consider buying from these local markets because it supports local growers who sell what they grow in order to care for their families and pay their bills.
People may not know this, but other things can be canned other than fruits and vegetables. Meat may seem like an unusual thing to can, but it can be done. Beef, pork, and chicken can be canned as long as it is done properly and a pressure cooker is used. To make canning easier, some canners like to make meals that they can like stews and soups, which will keep for a lot longer as long as it is done properly.
The summer means that produce is on sale, and also the seeds and seedlings that people plant in their gardens to grow their own vegetables are also available to buy. If people do not want to deal with spending money on vegetables, then they can easily grow their own, and when it comes to canning, all they need to do is go outside and pick what they want to can.
Some people really love the taste of canned peaches, canned beets, and even canned corn, and when they find out that people are still canning, they may be willing to pay for jars of canned fruits, vegetables, and meat. People with the skills and talent to can things can make a little money on the side, which will really help them financially.
Summer is here now, and treats to keep cool are very popular. However, while the grocery store freezers are full of popsicles, the fact is that they can be expensive. Here are some tips on making popsicles at home that are a lot cheaper than what is sold in stores, but just as cool, refreshing, and delicious.
There are a lot of popular brands of fruit juice, but when the labels are compared to the store brand version, they will see that they are virtually identical. The difference between the brand name and the store brand is the price, and parents can save a lot of money by using the store brand version of fruit juice.
Some parent s like to make their own fruit juice, but there is always left over fruit puree when they are done. Instead of just letting that it go to waste, the puree can be used in popsicle molds, and then frozen to make delicious all natural fruit popsicles.
Some kids prefer to eat popsicles that are smooth and creamy, which will mean making them out of yogurt. Yogurt is also considered a cool summer treat, and stores everywhere usually have it on sale because it’s so popular. All parents have to do to make yogurt popsicles is to take a wooden popsicle stick, simply put it in the container, and then just put the container in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the yogurt will be frozen, and then all kids have to do is turn the container upside down, and take off the plastic container.
Grocery stores usually sell envelopes of sugar-free Koolaid for a very low price. The packets of Koolaid not only make for a great drink, but they can also make for tasty and colorful popsicles. The Koolaid can be mixed in a pitcher, and then poured into ice cube trays or popsicle molds.
Another great way to make popsicles is to use Jello. The jello can be mixed with orange juice, then poured into molds for tasty cold popsicles that will definitely beat the heat.
A great snack that kids love to eat is little pudding cups, and parents can take those cups and use them to make delicious popsicles. Typically, little pudding cups are not expensive to buy, and there are even the store brand version of pudding cups that can be even cheaper. Like with the yogurt, the pudding cups come in their own container, which can be used in mostly the same way. Putting a wooden stick in the center of the pudding cups, and then placed in the freezer. After an hour or two, the pudding will have frozen solid, and kids can turn them upside down and take the container off to enjoy their pudding popsicles.
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School is ending, and summer vacation is beginning, and it will not take any time at all for kids to proclaim that they are bored. However, there are a lot of free and low cost ways that kids can have a great and busy summer.
A list of simple things to find can turn into hours of fun for kids, and every day, parents can create a new list of items for their kids to find.
Kids need to keep their reading skills sharp, and the summer reading programs do encourage kids to read. Sometimes the prizes for the summer reading program can be things like tickets to an amusement park, or free meals at kid-friendly restaurants.
There are a lot of kids in the neighborhood that kids can play with, and now that school is over, kids can spend time getting to know their neighbors, and having a lot of fun doing it.
Some kids have a playhouse, but some do not, and a tent under a tree can be a really fun and cool place for kids to play. The tent can provide shelter from the heat, and rain, and the kids can use their imagination and turn it into anything they want like a castle, a spaceship, or anything else using their minds and creativity.
Spending the night away from home can be very exciting. Sleepovers can be fun and kids will get to spend time with the people they are closest to.
Some kids have a knack at finding things and solving mysteries, so why not put that to good use with a kids detective agency? The gang of kids can find lost items, which will mean hours of fun.
A big tree in the backyard can be a safe haven for kids. A platform can be put in the tree, and even something like a tent on top of that platform can be used to create a treehouse.
There are lot of bodies of water that can provide a free place for kids to swim. Whether it is a nearby lake, river, or pond, kids can get plenty of exercise and keep cool at the same time.
A trunk full of clothes in the attic can provide the costumes that kids can use to put on plays. Kids will get to be creative and come up with a play that they can put on for their parents.
When the summer comes, parents often get the idea to send their kids to summer camp. The fresh air, exercise, and socializing with other kids, can help make the summer memorable. However, everything is getting more expensive these days including summer camp, but there are ways to find the right camp for a lower price.
There is no such thing as starting to look for summer camp as early as the spring, and the early bird can really get the worm because some camps may offer a lower price depending on what month parents decide to book their children. After a certain month, camps may actually increase their prices for those parents who enroll their children into the camp at the last minute.
Some camps want to attract children to their camp, and may offer discounts for things like siblings, and the number of camps that the children participate in. Also, parents can qualify for discounts depending on their career such as teachers, policemen, firemen, and nurses may qualify for a special discounted price.
Some camps are in desperate need of volunteers to help with the kids, and if parents want to get a lower cost on camp then they might be able to work something out with the camp managers. If parents volunteer to work a few days a week, then they may get some money knocked off the price of having their children go to the camp.
Some camps are willing to work with parents on the price, and one way that they do it is by offering parents financing. Though it may seem weird to finance a summer activity like going to camp, the truth is making a few payments over the course of the summer is a lot easier for parents to handle instead of just one giant payment.
Some areas of the country have summer camps of every kind, and there are so many camps that they are in constant competition with one another. Because the area has so many camps, this is a great opportunity for parents to do some comparison shopping. Camps may offer different things, and parent should seek out a camp that can offer the biggest variety of activities.
After a parent has found out the prices for each camp, and then has made a decision about which two or three are the best, then it is time to try and get the camps to lower their prices down. By letting each camp know what the competition is charging, the price may be matched to whatever the lowest price is. There is no harm in trying to get a lower price, especially if it really is the camp that parents want to send their children to, and businesses are more willing to do things for their customers if given the chance.
Kids can grow fast, and can also love their toys so much that they end up destroying them, because they’ve played with them way too much. Parents have the responsibility of clothing their children, but the cost can be very hard on their bank accounts. There are ways to be able to take care of their kids, but spend a lot less money on the necessities for them.
There are garage sale groups on Facebook that advertise when there will be a sale, but also do things like post exactly what they will be selling. Members of the groups can show their interest in some of the items, and buy them before the garage sale happens. It is not hard to find a garage sale group, just go to Facebook and search using the name of your city or town.
In some communities there are consignment stores where people can put items they no longer want for sale what is known as on consignment. The prices for the items on clothing and toys will be lower than anywhere else, and parents can get a good deal on things for their kids. What is great about consignment stores is that parents tend to use the same store over and over again, which can mean being able to find a lot of really good bargains.
There are a lot of websites that offer short term sales that offer huge discounts. The sales may be for only one day, but with these sales, parents can save a high percentage off of name brand clothing, toys, and other items for their kids. Parents who find and register with these websites will be sent email alerts every time there is a sale, and they can literally get an email at least once a day talking about all the great items that are on being heavily discounts. Now that summer is coming, the sales will become more frequent because a lot of items are coming on sale for kids to use once school is out like clothing, outdoor toys, and shoes.
For people who do not have the time to take their clothes into a consignment store, or have a garage sale, there is Craigslist. Craigslist is available in pretty much every state and city, and with it, parents can advertise that they have items for sale. What makes Craigslist very hand is the fact it is divided up into categories, and there are special sections for kids. Another benefit of the Craigslist listings is that there is contact information available, and parents can call, text, or email and talk to the seller. A great benefit of Craigslist is that it can help parents connect to one another. Parents can find other parents that have children, and it can lead to things like toy exchanges, and maybe even play with other kids.
Like cars, houses need to have insurance just in case something goes wrong like a water pipe bursts and ruins the carpeting and tile, a storm comes along and blows the roof off, or a fire breaks out and the house burns. While house insurance can be high, there are ways for homeowners to save money on their policy:
There is nothing wrong with going to pay a visit to your home insurance agent and talking to him or her about the cost of the policy you pay for every month. The insurance agent may have some ideas to what you can do to lower the cost, or even review your policy to see if all aspects of it are really necessary.
Depending on where you live, you may be prone to natural disasters such as high winds, floods, tornadoes, or even earthquakes. Insurance companies often put out a list of things that homeowners can do to reinforce their homes, which will prevent anything from happening to their homes, and certain things like stronger windows and doors, may also qualify for a discount on the cost of the insurance.
Robberies happen all the time, and when they do, insurance companies have to pay for the loss of the items plus any damage that the robber did trying to get into the home such as breaking down the door, breaking out windows, or a combination of both. A home security system can cost a small amount of money to install, plus a small monitoring fee every month. The fact that you invested in a security system is going to show that you do care about your home, and they may offer you a discount. Also, for protect against fire, installing things like smoke alarms and heat alarms, can get you another discount too.
In certain areas of the country that have been badly hit by a natural disaster, the Federal government may step in and offer insurance. However, the cost of government insurance can be higher than you think, and it may not hurt to look into private insurance from another company. Getting insurance coverage is important, but finding a good deal on it is just as important, and everyone needs to have insurance coverage they can actually afford.
If you live in a neighborhood that is close to something like the ocean or a lake, then it may cost you more to live there than you think. The cost of insurance can be higher in neighborhoods that are close to things like the ocean because the chances are higher for them to flood or get hit with a natural disaster like a hurricane. If you do a little research into other neighborhoods, you may be surprised to find that their home insurance is a lot more reasonable.
Even in this day and age, most people out there still use a landline phone service, and with it, they make long distance phone calls to their relatives all around the world. The fact that cell phones are taking over everything, telephone companies are fighting hard to keep the customers they got and try to lower the cost of making a long distance call. Even lowering the cost of long distance service can be too high still, and here are some other ways that you can lower your long distance costs.
There are many telephone companies in the area that are in competition with one another, and if you look into a new service, they may be willing to offer a great deal. Also, of your current carrier gets wind that you are shopping around, or if you just tell them, then they may be willing to lower the price just to match what another company offers or drop it even lower just to keep you as a customer.
Now an Internet connection can do more than just provide web browsing, but people are able to use it to make phone calls. A VoIP, which stands for voice over Internet protocol, allows for people to use their connection to make regular calls and long distance calls too. With these services, people have to use a special adapter, and it allows them to use the same signal they search the web with to provide them with a phone service too. Typically, the cost of the VoIP service is pretty low, and the call quality is just as good as a landline based phone service.
There are pay-as-you-go cell phones, and with these phones, people can buy minutes for their phone that are a lot lower than what they pay for their long distance telephone service. People can buy anywhere from 100 to 1000 minutes, and with the phone, they can use it any time they want, and then when they run out of minute, they can simply buy more minutes.
For people who do not have a cell phone, and have no interest in getting one, they do have the option of buying a prepaid phone card that can take care of their long distance charges. The phone cards can cost very little, and people can go to places like eBay and get the cards for a lot cheaper than what is available in grocery stores. EBay can offer packs of long distance phone cards, and the amount of minutes on the card can be as big as one thousand minutes, for around $10 dollars each, which is a lot cheaper than what they sell for locally. By using these phone cards, people will be able to control the long distance calls they make, and then the card is gone, they can get another one for a great low price.
Buying shoes can cost a lot of money, but there are ways that you can get the shoes you need without it having a major negative impact on your bank account. Here are the secrets to saving money whenever you need a new pair of shoes. Scroll down to get started on the tips I have outlined for you.
When a season like summer or winter is ending, stores will have the shoes that go with that season on sale for sometimes as much as 50 to 75 percent off.
Every once in a while, shoe companies will have advertisements in the local papers, or online, where people can get a pair of shoes and another pair for free. These special sales are a great way for people to get not only shoes for themselves, but shoes for members of their family.
Companies not only have stores, but webpages too, and sometimes if inventory is too high these companies will have special deals on shoes that are so low it’s like they are giving them away. Another great deal about these shoe companies is that they will have a deal with great savings on shoes, but they may also offer free shipping if people take advantage of their sales or do something else like register with their website.
Sometimes people go crazy when it comes to buying shoes, and end up having way too many pairs. A yard sale is a fast and simple way to get rid of those, and sometimes the shoes have barely been worn, which will mean a great bargain for someone in the market for low prices on shoes.
Many cities have flea markets every weekend, and at these markets, sometimes vendors come with a huge supply of shoes. People can get tennis shoes, dress shoes, and every other kind of shoes they want for a low price, and may even be able to buy many pairs of shoes.
After big shopping holidays, stores are itching to get rid of items, and will sometimes put a lot of shoes on sale just because the shoes can take up a lot of space in their stockroom. Clearance sales can mean at least 50 percent off of shoes or even more just for the simple fact that stores want to make room in their storage areas.
Shoes in good shape are often donated to thrift stores where they are cleaned up and resold. People who need shoes, but they have hardly any money at all, can go to these thrift stores and check out their shoe department. Sometimes brand new shoes are donated, and it is always an amazing find for people who are in desperate need of new shoes, but are very low on cash.
Everyone loves to wear jeans whether it is just to go out with friends, or just to relax around the house. The problem with jeans is that no matter what kind you buy, the cost for a good pair of them can be quite high. Here are some tips on how to save money on jeans no matter what kind you like to wear.
The lighter the jeans, the more likely it is that the jeans have been washed many times and treated with chemicals. The process can weaken the material, and the jeans will not last more than a few months. If darker jeans are bought, the material will not be treated, which will mean they will last a lot longer.
When the weather turns hot, the last thing you want to do is wear thick and heavy denim. Because everyone wears shorts in the summer, stores are more than likely to put their inventory of jeans on sale. You can get a great deal on jeans especially as the weather gets hotter.
You can find a lot of jeans if you check out your local thrift stores. During different seasons, people love to clean out their closets, and donate all the clothes they no longer want to wear, which includes jeans. You can get jeans for as little as five dollars a pair of even less, which is a lot cheaper than what department stores charge for jeans.
Discount stores are similar to thrift stores except that the clothes are not donated, but brand new. While the prices are not as long as thrift stores, there are more options for the kinds of jeans that are sold. You may not find designer jeans at a discount store, but you can still get pairs of jeans for a pretty affordable price.
Another way to pay a lower price for a pair of jeans is to check the label. Denim can be blended with other material, and that will equal a lower price than just straight denim. Also, denim mixed with another material will ensure that the jeans will last a lot longer.
Though it may sound like a strange thing to do, many denim companies insist that washing jeans in a washing machine does nothing but damage the denim. By putting the jeans in an airtight bag, the cold will kill any bacteria, and if there are stains or spots, you are better off just using spot remover or stain remover. Many people swear by this freezing technique, and swear that they have had the same pairs of jeans for years all because they use the freezer cleaning technique. The denim is preserved, and the jeans still look and fit great despite being stored in the freezer, which will mean not having to buy jeans very often and saving you a lot of money.
Every morning, millions of men get up, roll out of bed, and start their hygienic routines that they practice every day. One part of their routine is to shave their face, and men spend a ton of money every year on razors the help tame their beads. There are ways to take the sting out of shaving, and here are some ways to make using razors more affordable.
The number one reason why men throw away their razors, and go shopping for new ones, is the fact that their blades are not sharp anymore. However, there are ways for men to keep their razors longer, and that is by sharpening the blades. The easiest way to sharpen the blade is to use a pair of old jeans. By running the razor blade over the denim in two different directions, the blade will be sharpened and will continue to do its job.
A wet razor can equal a dull razor because the water on the steel blade can make it start to get rusty. Every time the razor is used, it should be rinsed off, and then dried off and stored somewhere to ensure it will be kept dry.
There are some men who shave, and then just simply set the razor blade back in its case for use tomorrow. The problem is that hair, skin, and shaving cream, can affect the blade. The blade can begin to get corroded because of the chemicals in the shaving cream, and there are special machines that men can buy that can blast the blade to make sure that it is clean. There are also cleaning sprays available that can make sure the blade is clean because using just plain hot water is not enough.
Weekly coupons come in the Sunday paper, and men can sit down and go through those coupons. There should be coupons for razors among them, and with them, men can save a lot of money. The biggest savings can be on replacement blades, which can sometimes cost more money than a brand new razor.
Shaving clubs can offer men discounts on razors. Like a coffee club, men will be given the option of buying blades for a certain price. Another great things about shaving clubs is that men can schedule to have razor blade delivered right to their home every month, which will save them a lot of money on having to go out to the store and get more blades. Men can get nice discounts on the blades, and there are also other incentives to join one of these clubs such as free gifts, and coupons that men can use at stores for anything including razors. All men need to do is do a little research into these shaving clubs, then pick the right one for them, and then saving money on their razors can start right away.
Kids love toys, and if they watch any of the more popular kid channels, they are going to see tons of toy commercials every day. Kids want all the neatest toys that they see commercials about, and parents are going to hear about it until the toy is bought. However, there are ways for kids to have great toys without it costing mom and dad a lot of money.
The spring and summer is the biggest garage sales seasons there are because the weather is so nice, and the warm weather encourages everyone to leave their homes and go shopping. Garage sales can be a great place for parents to get rid of the toys their children are no longer interested in. Remember that old saying; some people’s trash can be other people’s treasure.
There are many websites that offer auctions, and people who do not want to take the time and effort to have a garage sale can end up putting their toys up for sale on an online auction. With an auction, people can get a description of the toy, what condition it is in, and the cost to send it to the winner’s home.
Craigslist has local listings for pretty much anything including toys. The best thing about Craigslist is the fact that everything is local, which means that the buyer and seller can exchange text messages or emails, then meet up and make the deal.
Shopping at thrift store can offer parents the chance to buy toys that other parents want to give away because they cannot sell them at garage sales or their children are simply bored with them. The toys may not be in the best shape because children can be rough on toys, but they will still be good enough to play with for quite some time.
Parents more than likely have made friends with other parents, and when the kids all play together, this is the perfect chance for a toy swap. Make a play date, and have all the kids bring at least one toy, and when all the kids play together, there is a good chance that the kids will be perfectly happy playing with someone else’s toy. If the children meet up on a regular basis to play together, then a toy swap can take place, and kids get a chance to play with someone else’s toys for a week or two.
These days, children love to play with fancy toys with a lot of electronics and flashing lights. However, there are a lot of simple toys that can give children a lot more pleasure than something electronic. Parents can show their children old fashioned toys they grew up with, and children can put their imagination to the test, which can offer them a lot more fun then something electronic that requires batteries.
Toilet paper is something that everyone uses, but the prices on toilet paper can be quite high. However, there are ways to save money on toilet paper, but still get one of the biggest necessities that every family needs on a daily basis. Scroll down to check out the tips I have for you.
There are dozens of brands of toilet paper on the market, but a family may like a particular brand and decide to stick with it. If a family does not know what they prefer, then several brands can be tried until everyone in the family agrees on one kind. Once a preferred brand is found, it is time to start looking for the lowest possible price on that brand.
In some places, the weekly advertisements for grocery stores arrive on a particular day of the week, which is usually a Monday or a Tuesday. With these advertisements, different stores will have different things on sale that week, and one of them is sure to have toilet paper at a reduced price. A great sale would be to buy one get one free, or buy one package of toilet paper and get another for 50 percent off is another good way to save a lot of money.
There are a lot of warehouse stores that have a giant package of toilet paper. The best way to figure out if the price is good is to check to see how many rolls are in the package and then divide it by the price to see how much it is per roll. The lower the price per roll, the bigger the savings will be, which is going to equal a lot of money saved, and with a bigger package, the toilet paper can last for quite a while.
One of the best ways to see if the price of toilet paper is good is to check and see how much square footage the total number of rolls equals. Paying just pennies for each square foot is going to mean that the family will save money, and each toilet paper roll will last a lot longer than a day or two in the bathroom.
Manufacturers may offer bulk toilet paper online that is an even better deal with local grocery stores or even a local warehouse store. Bulk stores can have a great sale to reduce their inventory, and a family can get a lot of toilet paper for a really inexpensive price. The toilet paper can then be shipped to their home, and then put in a safe place. Also with online stores, registering with that store can mean getting sent special coupons for things like a percentage off of a purchase, a dollar amount saved, or even an incentive to sign up others like free shipping on the next order.
Every special occasion calls for a nice gift, and yo love to shop for gifts, but you hate to shop for the wrapping paper because it is always pretty expensive, and you are not fond of using gift bags. There are ways for you to save on gift wrapping:
The best paper to use for gift wrapping is the Sunday paper because there is a separate section that is used for the comics. A fun paper to use to wrap gifts would be the comics, and once the gift is opened, it also provides reading material for whoever gets the gift.
The shiny papers that magazines are made of make a great gift wrapping because they are so shiny. The paper is also of a thicker quality, which makes it ideal for being able to take the folding and tape that will go with wrapping a gift.
When a gift is given inside a gift bag, there is usually tissue paper used to help conceal what is inside the bag. The paper is usually folded or crinkled up, but it can be straightened out by just ironing it and reusing it as gift wrapping.
Shopping bags made of plastic are now being recycled in many different ways, and one way to recycle the paper bags are to use them for gift wrapping. A great idea for a child’s party is to use plain brown paper bags, and then to let the child color the outside of the gift with crayons and markers or to use glitter and even stickers. The gift will look really cute and shiny, and the child getting it will appreciate it even more.
Sometimes people have rolls of gift wrapping paper that they have forgotten about. Once they find those old rolls of paper, they may gift them away, but now is the chance for that old paper to be put to good use. It does not matter how old wrapping paper is, it can still be used as long as it does not fall apart the moment it is touched.
People always buy way too much wrapping paper for Christmas, and end up with rolls of it left after Christmas is over, but they do not want to just throw the paper away. The Christmas paper can be used to wrap gifts for any occasion because it can be turned inside out with the white side exposed. A plain white gift can then be decorated in many different ways to match the occasion like with stickers that say Happy Birthday or whatever else the occasion may be.
A creative way to wrap a gift would be to use cloth or material. A really clever way would be to use something like dish towels for a small gift, or even old towels that people are about to cut up and turn into wash clothes or cleaning rags.
Everyone has hair that needs to be cut every few months or so, but these days, a simple salon does not really exist anymore. The price of haircuts can be high, but there are ways that you can still get a great haircut for a lot less money:
There are many at home kits that are available to buy for around $30 to $40 dollars. With these kits, you can save a lot on the haircuts not only for yourself, but for every member of your family as well.
Every major city has a beauty school, and when those students reach the rank of junior and senior, they are allowed to practice their skills on the general public. You can get such things as a haircut, a hair dye, facial, manicure, and pedicure, for a lot lower than a regular salon because you are truly helping students learn and get a chance to practice their skills before they graduate and go work for a salon or even open their own.
There are ways that you can damage your hair, which will require the damaged parts to be cut off. Anything involving heat like hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons, can damage the hair to the point where it splits. After so many uses of these heat producing products, the hair may be so damaged that it has to be cut. By staying away from heat products, the hair will be healthier and need to be cut a lot less often.
Local hair salons may be in desperate need of getting customers, and may offer coupons that get printed in the newspaper, or may even have a special day where they offer discounts on things like haircuts and hair dying.
There are many major haircut chains that want to lure customers to them. Typically, when people find a great hair salon, they keep that salon for a very long time especially if they really like the way their hair style came out. Coupon websites can offer printable coupons from major haircut chains, and you can end up saving a certain percentage off of the haircut or a dollar amount.
Cancer patients who are going through treatment end up losing their hair and need to wear a wig. The best wigs are made of real human hair, and it is from people who have donated it. People who donate their hair get a free haircut out of the deal, and wig makers get more human hair to make fashionable wigs.
Hair models work with professional salons, and they are used to show off a variety of different style and hair colors. If you do decide to become a hair model, you will be subjected to a lot of different styles and colors, which can be a lot of fun and give you a fresh look often.