How to Have a Great BBQ For Less Money

BBQ For Less MoneyThe BBQ party season is now here, and with a lot of holidays coming up over the summer like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, people are going to be grilling more and celebrating more with their family and friends. Though money is sometimes tight, that does not mean that the parties and fun should stop, and here are some ways to have a great BBQ without spending a fortune.

#1. Tell everyone invited that it’s a pot luck.

When it comes to a great party, why should the host and hostess have all the fun of making food? By letting everyone know they have to bring at least one dish, there will be a variety of different foods at the BBQ, which is going to make it a really great party with various exciting dishes.

#2. Suggest what people can bring to help with the party.

Yes potlucks are a lot of fun, but the last thing you want is for everyone to bring salad or pasta, because then you will end up with 25 bowls of the same dish. While it is a great idea to tell everyone to bring something, the best way to handle this is to ask different people for different things like pasta, potato dishes, bread, and dessert. Also, asking people to bring something that will go well with the main dish is also another simple way to avoid dozens of the same food.

#3. Be aware of allergies and medical conditions that limit the diet.

Before any further planning is made, it is a good idea to check with people to see if anyone is allergic to anything specific or have a medical condition that limits what they can eat.

#4. Use BBQ skewers to reduce the cost of buying meat.

In addition to things like hot dog, hamburger, sausage, and chicken, people may be expecting something like steak at the BBQ. However, buying enough steaks to cover a couple dozen people can be hugely expensive. One creative way to cut back on the meat you need is to buy a big pack of steaks, but cut them up and use skewers. With these skewers, steak can be mixed with things like pieces of chicken and vegetables.

#5. Simple appetizers can help fill up guests.

People go to a BBQ party hungry expecting to eat right away, and while it does take time to grill things, one way to help keep the guests happy is to have appetizers that will temporarily fill up guests while they wait for the food to finish cooking on the grill. Appetizers can also be something that the guests bring too, which can make it easier on people who are also having issues with their money. Even simple appetizers like crackers topped with seafood salad can be easy to make, and the protein in the crab and shrimp will help fill people up. By the time the grilled food is ready, people will not be as starving as they were and eat more sensibly.

5 Tips For Getting an HD TV For A Low Price

HDTV ShoppingTechnology is always changing, and with it comes better televisions that give people a life-like picture. However, new televisions can mean a couple of thousand dollars that people do not always have, but there are tips that people can try that will save them money, and also get them a newer television.

#1. Online sales are a great way to save.

When the newest kind of television comes, online retailers will have just as many new televisions as stores, and that will mean that they are now going to slash the prices of the older televisions just to get rid of them.

#2. Check into the display models.

Every electronics store has televisions out on the floor that people can look at, then pick up the remote, and play with. After a while, these display models are switched out, and people can usually buy the display model for a pretty cheap price. Though they may only come with the remote, the display models are usually in pretty good shape, and should last for many years.

#3. Bargain websites offer electronics for less.

Websites like Amazon are considered bargain websites, and can offer both brand new items, and even used items for a low price. Amazon is not the only bargain website on the Internet, there are others too that offer people the chance to buy a great television for some amazingly low prices.

#4. Pawn shops have televisions in good condition.

People who are low on cash, and payday is not for another week or so, then the only way for getting money in a hurry is to start selling things, and their television is always the first thing taken to the nearest pawn shop. In order to sell their electronics, they have to be in good shape, and most importantly, they have to work. People can find a fairly new television that works at a pawn shop for a fraction of the price you’d pay at a major retail outlet.

#5. Black Friday means incredible deals on electronics especially televisions.

Every fourth week of November is Thanksgiving, and the day after it is Black Friday, which everyone knows is the biggest shopping day of the year because Christmas is only a few short weeks away. On this one special day, prices on everything are low, and people can get great Christmas gifts for very little money.

However, the past few years have seen a big change in how Black Friday works, and now, the same deals offered at stores are now being offered on their websites as well. Now people can get the same bargains on the televisions they want while staying at home, and some companies even jump the gun, and may not only offer deals that Friday, but that whole weekend as well. Some retailers even lure customers to them by having special deals on Thanksgiving or even the week leading up to the very special holiday. The biggest deals that Black Friday offers are on televisions, and people can get a good sized television that they have always wanted, but for at least half of the price.

How To Save Money By Shopping Online

shopping onlineComputers have changed the world in terms of what people can now do from home including getting a degree, paying bills, and now people can even shop online for the same things that they can get from any store in their local mall. Shopping online can really save people a lot of money, especially if they try the following tips:

#1. Using online coupons can create even more savings.

Coupons are great at the checkout line, and they can also be just as handy when it comes to shopping online. When it comes time to check out, every online retailer will have a section where people can use coupon codes, they will see their savings instantly deducted from the total. There are many websites that offer online coupons, and codes, and people can save a lot of money using them.

#2. Take advantage of the free shipping option.

When people order anything online, the shopping cart can take them to the next step of their order, which is the shipping option. While some people want their stuff as fast as they can, the fact is that if they do choose the free shipping option, they will save a lot of money even if it does take them a little longer to get their stuff.

#3. The shopping cart can be a useful savings tool.

When people go through a company’s website, and pick out a few items, the last step before they buy them is for them to go into the shopping cart. Sometimes something may happen, and people may end up having to leave the website without having completed the transaction.  By leaving the cart full of stuff, and then leaving the website, people may find a surprise in their email within a day or two. To encourage people to finish the transaction, they may send that person a discount coupon for a percentage off of their purchase, or another benefit like free shipping.

#4. Try shopping at online auctions.

People want to get the latest gadget for their kitchen, but the price of things like appliances can be pretty high. While some online stores may have it for a lower price, that price can still be pretty high. By going to online auctions and searching for that gadget there, people can find it for a lot less, get free shipping, and add something really neat and fun to their kitchen.

#5. Look for rewards programs.

Every company now has their own website, and to encourage customers to use it, a company may offer a special rewards program. By signing up with that program, people can get things like coupons in the mail, and let them know when there is a special sale coming up. Coupons, codes, and exclusive reward program subscribers only deal can mean huge savings especially when a holiday comes up. Another benefit of reward programs is that some of them offer points for every dollar the customers spend, and then at the end of the month or every few months, people get a special check or coupon back of their points that they can use any way they see it.

How To Save Money on E-Books For Every E-Reader Type

ebooksThese days, people are reading not only regular books, but are also interested in the electronic variety that they can get on their tablets, phones, e-readers, etc… However, just like regular books, the electronic variety can be just as expensive, but there are ways to get those electronic books you want for a fraction of the cost or even for free!

#1. Join a discussion board.

For people who buy the Nook, the Kindle, or any other reader, there are discussion boards where people can talk about what it is like to own their tablets, any problems they may be having, solutions to problems, and also free books.  People can talk with other tablet owners, and also have access to free books they can download, which is going to save them a lot of money.

#2. Search for free lists of books available to download.

There are some websites that offer a list of free books that people can download.  Even some of the bigger named companies like Amazon offer some books for free, but they are often not published on a list and have to be searched for.  With a little time and effort, people can find all kinds of different types of books for free.

#3. Check for free electronic books websites.

Some websites are available that can offer free electronic books for the simple reason that their copyright expired, and the books are now considered public domain. With these websites, people can search different categories, and there is no limit on how many books they can download.

#4. Check out the local library.

People would think that libraries would be threatened with the idea of a book being available to download instead of checking it out of the building, but now libraries are offering books that people can download for free. Also, there are many libraries available on the Internet, and they too can offer people free e-books if they sign up with the website. Though registering can be a pain, registering means access to thousands of books from anywhere around the world, which can mean an incredible variety of books available to read any time.

#5. Try the borrowing system from a major manufacturer.

The Nook is made by Barnes and Nobles, and the Kindle is made by Amazon, and both of these do allow for people to borrow their books for a small period of time. The typical lending time for a book is one to two weeks, which is about how long someone can take to read a book. At the end of the two week period, people can check the book out again if they have not finished it or decide to try another.

#6.  Read a book with the help of an app.

The e-books that are available for IPad, Nooks, and the Kindle tablets are all a special file type, but there are ways around that because now people are able to get a book they want in a PDF file that can easily be opened with any number of free apps.

Keeping Your Home Clean For Less Money

home cleanYou want your house to be clean, and also as germ-free as possible, but the problem is that cleaning products are not cheap. However, there are ways for you to keep your house both clean and free of bacteria and germs for a lot less money than you expect, and here are those ways to keep your house clean for a lot less money:

#1. Clip coupons every week.

Typically, the Sunday paper has all the advertisements for the week from various stores including the ones that sell groceries. When spring comes, manufacturers know that people tend to clean more, and issue coupons that can offer substantial savings on cleaning supplies of every kind. Using these manufacturers coupons, at the grocery store, can end up saving you a lot of money on your favorite cleaning products.

#2. Check out dollar stores.

There are many stores in which everything is a dollar, and while you may scoff at the idea of going to a dollar store because they offer cheap products, the fact is that not everything that comes from a dollar store is bad.  While food items may be questionable to buy from a dollar store, the fact is that cleaning supplies are a bargain because they are name brands, but for only a dollar per item. You could easily get every cleaning product you love and only spend a few dollars.

#3. Consider creating your own cleaning products.

There are some items in your pantry that when combined together, they can turn into great ways to keep your home clean. The two more popular items that you can use to keep your house spotless, and germ-free, are white vinegar and baking soda.  The vinegar has ingredients in it that will naturally kill germs and bacteria, and combined with vinegar, the kitchen and bathroom especially will be spotless.

#4. Buy the store brand version of cleaning products.

While you might have your heart set on the name brand cleaning products, the fact is that the store brand version of the same products have the exact same ingredients, but can cost a lot less money. You can even look at the labels and see that the ingredients are virtually identical, so you may be paying less money, but you will not be compromising the health of your family.

#5. Look into concentrated cleaners at janitorial supply stores.

Janitorial supply stores provide concentrated versions of the same cleaning products that you can find at the store. By buying concentrated cleaning products, you can dilute them down to a normal strength, and they will last for a lot longer because you are able to make more of the product right at home once you run out.

#6.  Buy cleaning supplies from estate sales.

When people die, their families often have an estate sale, and with these sales, everything in the house is for sale including the cleaning products. While it may seem strange to buy cleaning products at an estate sale, but the fact is you can get a lot of cleaning supplies for very little money.

6 Cheap Ways To Furnish Your Apartment

apartmentYou are finally living on your own now, and you are anxious to get into your first apartment. However, while you are working hard to save every penny, you do not have very much to spare when it comes to how you will furnish your apartment, but there are ways to get the furniture you need without going broke:

#1. Check out garage sales.

The warm weather means that everyone will be looking to get rid of junk and have garage sales. Furniture is one of the biggest items that people sell, and this is your chance to really get some great bargains on things like a TV stand, a couch, or even an entire bedroom set.

#2. Thrift stores offer cheap goods for sale.

Thrift stores are stocked with items that people donate. If garage sales fail to sell big pieces of furniture, they end up donating them to charitable organizations that then turn around and sell them at a small price. For a lot less money, you can find stuff to fill up your apartment including things like sheets, dishes, shelves, and other items.

#3. The Internet can be a useful tool.

If you really do not feel like going out and searching stores and going to garage sales, then you can always use the Internet. Forums can offer places for people to give away stuff, and if you have no luck on there you can always try Craigslist. People are trying to make money any way they can, and you can go on Craigslist, and get everything you need without having to spend a lot of money.

#4. Speak to friends and family.

You are a young person struggling to make ends meet, and with your new apartment, there may be people in your family that are willing to help you.  By going to friends and family, you can ask them if there is anything they no longer want or need, and if there is, can you have it. Remember, family and friends want to get rid of junk too, and you willing to take it, will be helping them out in a big way and yourself as well.

#5. Try going to your local church.

People often donate things to their church, but after a while, the church too will be looking to give stuff away they do not have the room for, or are just no longer interested in keeping. Remember, churches have people that live on the grounds like the priests and nuns, and they too look to get rid of their own junk from time to time.

#6.  Go for a drive around different neighborhoods.

When people just want to throw things away, or get rid of something they no longer want, sometimes they set things out on the curb in front of their house. If you happen to spot something you want, like a couch, chair, or a desk, all you have to do is pull over and pick it up.  You may wait until the sun goes down, but that may be too late especially if the item left outdoors is in good shape.

How to Save Money On Braces and Other Orthodontist Services

Save on BracesBoth children and adults are born with teeth that may come in crooked. After a trip to the dentist, there may be a recommendation that an appointment with an orthodontist be made for braces. Braces can be expensive, but there are ways to save money on these services:

#1. Think about what the problem really is.

When going to see an orthodontist, that dental professional may only want to use something like braces or a mouthpiece to correct a simple problem like slightly crooked teeth. However, is a simple problem really worth the time, hassle, and expense? Slightly crooked teeth are really not a big deal, and if your child has no problems with it, then why put them through that when there are other ways that you and your family can use that money?

#2. It is never too early to start treatment.

You child’s pediatrician may recommend that you start taking your child to the dentist as early as when they first get their first teeth. Though it may seem strange to take a very young baby to a pediatric dentist, they do exist, and preventative care is always the best way to make sure that there are no problems in the future.

#3. Do some comparison shopping to get the best deal possible.

If one orthodontist gives you a price for orthodontist services, you need to remember that they are not the only office in town. Competition to get patients is always tough, and there are offices out there that may be willing to lower the cost of services, like braces, especially if they hear that you are looking at other offices.

#4. Look for coupons for certain services.

Though it may sound strange, the fact is that there are coupons available for anything these days including for things like braces, veneers, and other services that orthodontists offer. If a new orthodontist comes to town, this may present the perfect opportunity because they may offer very special discounts if people choose to sign up with them and become a patient.

#5. Talk to the office manager about a deal if you are able to pay cash.

If you have ever gone to a car dealership to buy a car, if you mention that you can pay cash for the car, the salesman will perk right up because cash is one of the best and easiest ways for them to sell a car. The same may be true for the orthodontist, and other dental professionals, because if you tell them you can pay for part of the services in cash, then they may be willing to lower the price for you.

#6.  Dental expenses can be written off of taxes.

The Federal government allows for medical expenses to be written off, but the problem is that you may not have had enough to really count. However, if you do have to use the service of an orthodontist for yourself, and your children as well, you are sure to have enough to actually deduct from your taxes, which means you will get a big chunk of money coming back to you that can be used for something else.

How Buying White Towels and Linens Can Save Money

White TowelsPeople spend a lot of time decorating the rooms in your house including both of your bathrooms and each one of your bedrooms. However, the last step is for you to buy sheets and towels for those newly decorated rooms, but before you go spending your money on fancy towels and sheets that will match your decorating style, you really should considering just buying pure white for the following reasons:

#1. The color white goes with everything.

The color white is wonderful because of the fact that it actually does match with every color and style. You may be trying to find a good color to match every color you used to decorate with, but that may take you a long time, and if you used a unique color, it may be very hard for you to find the exact color. White may seem simple, but the fact is that it does go with anything, and that can save you a lot of time and effort.

#2. White linen is the most available color anywhere.

You do not have to spend a lot of gas driving from one retail store to another trying to find something you like. However, with white, the good news is that it is available pretty much anywhere, which will make finding what you need very easy.

#3. White will not cause any allergic reactions.

With anything white, the linens and towels are more hypo-allergenic. Family members may have allergies, and anything can cause them to start breaking out in hives, itching, and sneezing.  White means pure, and that will definitely be the case with the towels and linens that you and your family will use on a daily basis.

#4. White items tend to be a lot cheaper than any other color.

You will save a lot of money because white linens and towels are the cheapest to buy no matter where you go. Many people really are not fond of white because they find it to be too boring, so stores constantly have white items on sale simply to get people to buy them. White towels and sheets can be half the cost of other colors, which means you can really stock up on them and save.

#5. White can always be bleached out.

After time, colored towels will start to fade out and become discolored. The towels will start to become so ugly that eventually the towels will have to be replaced, which will cost you more money. However, if you buy white towels, they can constantly look their best because if they do happen to get stained, bleach will be able to take away any stain.  With a bottle of bleach, a set of white towels can last a long time, which will save you a lot of money.

#6.  White towels can be recycled.

If white towels do get holes in them, they can then be turned into clean rags that can still be used around the house. The rags can be used to wash windows, and dust furniture, so those old holey towels will still be useful around the house for a long time to come.

How to Save Money On Prescription Medications

PrescriptionsPeople have medical conditions in which they need to take medicine. However, even with medical insurance, the cost of some prescription medications can be pretty high. There are ways that people can still get the medication they need without it emptying their bank account every time they need to get a prescription refill, and here how you can do it.

#1. Have a talk with the doctor.

Even though they work in the medical profession, doctors are not aware of how high the cost of prescription medication can be. If people sit down with their doctor, and have a talk about the cost, then maybe he or she can come up with a solution, or maybe try switching their patients over to something that will cost a lot less.

#2. Check around for who can provide the best prescription prices.

There are many prescription drug providers out there, but not all of them offer the same pricing. Some companies brag about offering the lowest prices available, and those are the companies to go with because they will do everything they can to keep the customers they have, and may even offer special reward programs to make drug costs drop even lower.

#3. Ask your doctor for samples of drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies always provide samples of certain drugs in order to get doctors to use them. Sometimes, doctors are up to their ears in drug samples, so it never hurts to ask if they have enough samples to cover the drugs until their next visit. Doctors always want what is best for their patients, and providing enough samples for them to take every month is one way to truly help the people they care for.

#4. Use generic versions of medications.

To help cut back on the cost of getting healthy, some companies do make generic versions of major medications. Typically, generics offer the exact same ingredients as name-brand medications, but they are a lot cheaper to pay for every month.

#5. Check online for medications.

There are a lot of medications that are available for sale, and people can save quite a bit of money using them. Some companies ask for a copy of the prescription before they send it, but there are a lot of companies that may not necessarily require it. Pharmaceuticals are a lucrative business, and there are a lot of companies that use the Internet as a way to get customers. Some companies even give extra pills when people order a certain amount, and like wholesale companies, the more people order the more they will save.

#6.  Talk to the insurance companies.

If there is one expert on prescription drugs, and that is the health insurance company that people have. If there is a problem with a drug being too high, then a quick call to the health insurance company can prove to be pretty useful. Health insurance companies have pharmaceutical experts, and these skilled people understand what drugs do, and can recommend different drugs that can do what the doctors want but for a lot less money.

6 Ways To Have A Pet For Less

Pet For LessEveryone should have the chance to have a pet because they can truly become your best friend and studies have shown that taking care of a pet can make people live longer and healthier lives. While some people really want a pet, the fact is that they think deep down they cannot afford one, but there are ways to have a pet for a lot less money.

#1. Check out local shelters and the humane society for a dog.

When it comes to buying a dog, there are pet stores and private breeders. The problem is that both breeders and pet stores can charge a lot of money for the puppies they sell. The best place to find a dog is to go to the local shelters because their dogs are a lot more reasonably priced, and only ask for a small donation in order to take a furry friend home. Also, shelters do take care of their animals and give them shots, and also spay and neuter their dogs and cats.

#2. Higher quality food means less veterinarian bills.

People tend to buy dog food that is on sale, but the problem is that some dog food is very cheap, and that is also reflected in the quality of the food. Cheap food does not have the protein that higher quality food has, and it can also lead to a lot of health problems, which will create many trips to the vet’s office.

#3. Take care of your pet on your own at home.

Having a pet groomed, which does include bathing and cutting their nails, can cost a lot of money. However, people can do it on their own, and there are many special tools that can help pet owners trim their dog’s nails safely without risking them being injured. By doing grooming at home, pet owners can save up to $50 dollars a month by just taking care of their dog’s grooming needs in the comfort of their own home.

#4. Create your own dog toys.

Dog toys are a great way to help with teething, and to also keep dogs entertained, but a trip to a pet store can show that toys are not cheap. Toys can be made from anything such as old shoes, old socks filled with dog treats, or even old stuffed animals.

#5. Shop at dollar stores for pet supplies.

Pets need things like collars, lashes, and a nice place to sleep, but once again, supplies for the pets can cost a lot of money. Dollar stores do carry pet supplies, and while it is not recommended that food be bought there, the dollar stores can provide things like big fluffy pillows, and even toys.

#6.  Check garage and estate sales.

Former pet owners want to get rid of their old pet supplies, and typically, they sell them at garage sales. Pet owners can find things like beds, toys, and even grooming supplies like brushes, clippers, and other pet items that can save pet owners a lot of money and provide a good life for their furry pals.

Cleaning Rags – Helping You Save Money On Paper Towels

Cleaning RagsPaper towels are very helpful when it comes to keeping things clean. However, the two main problems with paper towels is that they get used up quickly, and they are not exactly cheap when it comes time to buy more. There are ways to get the same result without having to run to the store to constantly buy paper towels, and the solution is to use cleaning rags, and here is why they can help you save money on paper towels:

#1. Determining which is best to use for what situation.

In the paper towel commercials, the show the housewives using paper towels to clean up everything, but the fact is that using paper towels for every mess is going to mean you go through a roll of paper towels a lot faster.  There are just certain messes that are going to take a lot more than weak paper towels to clean, and would be a waste, which is why cleaning rags can come in handy because they can take on the tougher messes without the waste that comes with paper towels.

#2. Using cleaning rags for certain household chores.

For a quick mess, a paper towel can be perfect because it will require only a quick wipe, and then disposal, but for major cleaning projects, a paper towel will not be good enough to get the job done. Cleaning rags can be used for household chores like washing windows, cleaning walls, and dusting furniture off.

#3. Cleaning rags can be washed out and reused.

With really messy spills like something sticky, cleaning rags can really come in handy because they can be washed out. The rags can be soaked in bleach, washed with hot water, dried out, and then used again to keep the house nice and clean without really having to use any paper towels.

#4. Rags are a form of recycling.

Cleaning rags are available to buy at a store, but the world is now becoming more aware of recycling. Rags for cleaning can be made of old clothes that are too destroyed to be given away. When things like t-shirts have too many holes, they are the perfect material to be turned into cleaning rags. The clothing can be cut up into squares, and then once a week or so when they are cleaned, they can be washed in the same kind of detergent that can be used for clothing.

#5. Rags can be used outside of the home as well.

Cleaning rags can be used on things like counters, windows, walls, and furniture, but they are not good for just the inside of a home.  Stores that feature auto parts can also feature special cleaning clothes can be used on cars, but the cleaning rags that washed windows and counters can also be used on cars. The special cleaning cloths for cars are not cheap, but they are unnecessary because cleaning rags can be substituted instead.  Remember, the material is soft because the rags used to be clothing, which will mean that the paint on the car will not be scratched up when the rags are used to wash the car.

How to Save Money on College Textbooks

Coillege TextbooksMany people want to make their lives better, and the best way to do that would be to get an education. College is expensive, and it can be even more so when it comes to buying textbooks. Some colleges have textbooks that can be over $100 dollars, but there are ways for people to save money on going back to school and getting the books they need for their classes.

#1. Check out the library for the books that are needed.

Depending on the class, the library can be the best place to get books for classes. When people check out the books they need, they do have a couple of options. The first option would be for people to just keep checking out the book until the class is over, which is typically 16 weeks, or people can check the book out once, and either copy it or scan it, both of which are a lot cheaper than buying the book.

#2. Used bookstores can have college textbooks.

A book is a book, and sometimes people clean out their closets and take their college textbooks to bookstores so they can sell them for a little money. A trip to used bookstores in town can be worth it because they may be a source of books that people can use for higher education.

#3. Check out garage sales.

One of the biggest items that people sell at garage sales are books, including the ones that they used for taking classes. A big book that cost over $100 dollars at the college can be found at a neighbor’s garage sale for only a few dollars.

#4. Look online for books to buy.

When it comes time for people to sell their books back, the college can only offer less than 50 percent of what was paid for the book, and for people who dropped a lot of money for books, this can be very frustrating so they decide to tell their books back in another way.  There are websites that have classified advertisements where people can list their books for sale, or even offering books in trade, but either way, they are worth checking out and can offer huge savings.

#5. Check out auction websites.

A popular auction website like EBay, has a special section that is dedicated to books, and even a section that is just for college textbooks. With these auction websites, people can find exactly what they are looking for including the newest edition of the book, or an older edition that the professor may allow.

#6.  Renting books from special websites.

To help ease the cost of college, there are now special websites that provide electronic copies of college textbooks, or allow students to rent the hard copies of the books. The website will charge only a fraction of the cost, ship the book to them, and when the class is over, the student will be able to print out a return label and mail the book back. With this option, the student can get all the books they need sent right to their homes, or just download them, and then return them once they are done with the class.

Saving Money on Pest Control Services

Pst ControlWhen the warmer weather comes, the bugs start to come out, and going to your kitchen after dark can be an adventure when the lights get turned on. You know you need to do something about the bugs, but calling a pest control service can be expensive. However, there are ways for you to save money on pest control, and you will also get rid of the bugs in your house just as effectively.

#1. Trim all trees and shrubs around the outside of your house.

Bugs live in the plant life in your yard, and if you let them grow wild, the chances are that the branches will end up coming in contact with your house. By keeping all plant life cut back, the bugs will stay on the plant life and not have access to your home.

#2. Fill in all cracks and holes.

Now is the time for you to do an inspection of your home to look for things like cracks and holes. Even the tiniest crack can let bugs into your home, and by sealing up those holes, you will keep the bugs from getting in your walls.

#3. Remove and replace bad wood.

Over time, the wood on the outside of your home can get old and start to crack or rot away. Weak wood will not put up much a defense against bugs, and by finding it, sealing it up or taking it out, bugs will not be able to get into your home and make a nest.

#4. Make sure there are no puddles in your yard.

If you have a concern about mosquitoes, then you need to make sure that there are no puddles in your yard. Also, if you do have a bird bath or a fountain, then you need to make sure it is clean, and the water should be changed out every day to make sure that it is not being used as a breeding ground for insects.

#5. Put food in air tight containers.

The simple cardboard containers that food is kept in are not 100 percent bug proof. The best way to keep the bugs out of your food, and to make it last longer, is to put it in air tight containers. There are many different kinds of containers to keep the air out of your food, but plastic with a seal is the best way. By sealing the food up, air will not get into it and make it stale, and bugs cannot eat the food and then thrive.

#6.  Keep the kitchen clean.

Food will bring in more than just bugs, but also rodents too. After every meal, the kitchen should be cleaned thoroughly, and all food should be disposed of. Once the kitchen is clean, the trash should also be taken out and placed in a sealed trash can. Also, food should not be taken to any room of the house because food left in rooms will also attract bugs and mice to bedrooms. Once mice and bugs find a source of food, they are very difficult to get rid of.

8 Tips to Save Money On Car Insurance

Car InsuranceHaving vehicle insurance is one of those expenses that you have to have. There’s absolutely no way getting around it. If you have a vehicle and you want to drive it, you have to insure it. That being said, I’m going to outline some tips that will help you save money on car insurance.

#1. Raise your deductible.

Your deductible may be set at $200 dollars, but if you raise it up to $500, you will pay less every month for your insurance policy.

#2. Cancel coverage you do not need.

If your car is older, and paid off, you are not going to need to have full coverage. By dropping coverage you do not need, you are going to notice a big difference in how much you are paying for your insurance.

#3. Choose a more economical car.

Every five years or more, you may decide that it is time to car shopping. A great way to save money on your car insurance is to choose a car that is economical, which will not only make your car payments lower, but you may earn discounts on your insurance for the kind of car you bought.

#4. Drive your car less often.

Car insurance companies reward their customers who do not drive their car over a certain number of miles every year. The best way to drive your car as little as possible would be to look for someone to carpool with to work, or even find alternative means of transportation to use.

#5. Take a Defensive Driving class.

In some states, if you happen to get a ticket, then you do have the option of getting that ticket dismissed. However, when it comes to car insurance, companies offer their customers a discount for taking a defensive driving class, and the discount can be anywhere from 10 to 15 percent off.

#6.  Look into buying safety equipment for your car.

Cars are equipped with seat belts and anti-lock brakes, but there are also other safety equipment you can buy like an alarm system and daytime lights. Car theft costs insurance companies millions of dollars every year, and buying a car alarm is going to save you money as well and protect your car from being stolen.

#7. Consider combining insurance policies.

Every insurance company out there has more than one type of insurance they can offer their customers. If you have home owner’s insurance with one company, find out if they have car insurance too because by combining both policies together, you are going to save money, and only have to pay one fee to the insurance company every month for your multiple coverage.

#8. Shop online for better insurance rates.

It is a jungle out there when it comes to finding your insurance, and companies are competing for their customers. By taking the time to use the Internet to do some comparison shopping, you may find the best possible insurance rate, and if you are about to leave your current insurance company for another, that company may match the best rate you can find so they can keep you as their customer.

How To Start Your Own Garden If You’re On a Budget

Start Your Own GardenWith the warmer weather now here, you’ll likely be more enthusiastic about hitting the great outdoors and starting a grden. Do you want to grow vegetables and flowers, but you don’t have a lot of money to spend? Here are some ways to get the garden you want without it being hard on your bank account.

#1. Plan the size of your garden.

Your yard is pretty much open to anything you want, but with money being tight, you know you cannot afford to turn your entire yard into a garden. However, if you pick a small section of your yard, you can figure out what you want in terms of flowers and vegetables.

#2. Decide what you want to grow.

It would be wasteful for you to plant things that you and your family do not like. Sit down with your loved ones and decide what you want to plant so any food you grow does not go to waste.

#3. Find the cheapest containers.

In addition to planting out in the yard, you may also be interested in having a small container garden in your kitchen or back porch where you will grow things like herbs that you want to use for cooking. A trip to the local home improvement store will have containers of every shape, size, and color, but bypass the containers that have decorations on them because as pretty as they may be, they are more than likely to cost  twice as much as the plainer variety.

#4. Seeds are the cheapest way to start a garden.

Since your money is tight, you can skip the seedling plants and look for the packets of seeds. By nurturing a seed to a seedling, your garden will have a better chance at survival. Also, most home improvement stores will offer great deals on seed packets, and you can literally get all the vegetables and flowers you want for only a few dollars.

#5. Create your own compost.

Instead of throwing out things like coffee grounds, vegetable peels, and egg shells, you can get yourself a large container and put these organic items in it along with something like leaves or grass clippings.  By creating your own compost, you will not only reduce the amount of trash you throw away, which will reduce landfill waste, but also create healthy organic compost to help your garden flourish.

#6. Only water during certain times of day.

You may live in a small town that has restrictions on how often you may water your yard, and in this case, your garden too. Even though your garden is small, it will still need to be watered every day in order to survive. The best times to water your garden is either early in the morning, which is usually before the sun comes up, or in the evening, after the sun has gone down. By watering during these times of day, the water will last longer in your yard and garden, which will keep all the plants and grass alive and healthy  without it making your water bill go any higher or the water being evaporated quickly by the heat of the sun.

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