Going on Holiday!


Going on Holiday

Some people never go abroad because they think they can’t afford it. What if you try to do things the frugal way? There is an amazing world out there reserved for people who enjoy the word “wanderlust”. Discovering different customs and traditions will totally open your mind and heart to better understand the world you live in.

Going on holiday on a budget can be fun, entertaining and safe. You can still have fun, refrain from spending a fortune on souvenirs and return home with plenty of fine memories and awesome pics that tell a tale of their own.


Being Spontaneous Is a No-No

Whenever or wherever you travel, being spontaneous means spending a lot of money. If you don’t buy the flight tickets months earlier, they will cost you a lot of money. If you don’t book a hotel room months earlier, you will have to pay more. Planning in advance will save you money and time. And a lot of worries. All the good hotels will have already been booked by the time you want to book a room two weeks earlier, let’s say.

Six Months in Advance

The golden rule is to book a flight and a hotel room six months in advance. You can analyze reviews, locations when it comes to hotels. There are sites that handle these things and they are to be trusted.


If you can’t afford to stay at a hotel, get ready to be pleasantly surprised. Have you heard of couchsurfing? It’s a verified website where locals offer their couch/extra bed for free. You will make new friends with people from all around the world, get to see new places and learn how to save money while traveling. Isn’t life beautiful? But make sure to bring a gift to your hosts. They’ll definitely appreciate it.

Food and Drinks

There are places everywhere on this planet where you can enjoy affordable drinks and foods at decent prices. There are traditional restaurants where you can enjoy authentic meals and they don’t cost an arm and a leg. You can ask for these places online. Locals will be more than happy to give you pertinent answers and suggestions. Try to ask these questions at least a month before traveling to a particular place. It can save you plenty of time and money. And the traveling experience will definitely make you feel great.

Check for More Information

Always check for more information when it comes to a particular country. Maybe that country isn’t friendly with tourists; maybe you are stepping in a warzone without knowing. Always check if it’s safe to travel to a certain place before booking a flight. Apart from that, check for the cultural differences. Maybe your outfits and demeanor might offend the locals. Dress and behave appropriately because while other locals might be offended, you can also face charges due to the inappropriate conduct (even if it’s done involuntarily). It’s vital to search for information before going to a certain location.






The Struggles of a Bookworm



The Struggles of a Bookworm

There are many people who love reading; it’s a hobby that one never gets bored of. A world full of imagination, creativity and expectations can be experienced by a voracious reader. Reading can enrich our vocabulary and broaden our horizons; but there are some things that can be perceived as struggles for a genuine bookworm.

Most of the struggles that a bookworm can go through have to do with time, space and money. These things might sound easy to overcome, but a reader might think of them as being incredibly hard and annoying. But there are some pieces of advice that can make a bookworm’s favorite pastime much more enjoyable.


No Time

Bookworms often feel that they haven’t got enough free time to read. A schedule can help them organize their time better. Read where you can; in a break, on your way back home if you use public transportation or read one hour a day if you have a busy schedule during weekdays. Even if reading is more enjoyable when it is spontaneous, planning also helps when you are a busy bee.

Not Enough Money

Most bookworms are book hoarders. But buying a book can be costly. But there are options that might help you save money and enjoy literature, too. For example, eBook readers and pdf books aren’t expensive at all and that can help you lead a frugal life and be a bookworm, too.

No Space

Having a bookcase might prove to not be enough in some cases. The books that you buy end up taking so much space. If you want to get rid of the clutter you can follow some DIY tutorials that will help you create some storage spaces for your books or even build some cool, practical bookcases or shelves. Or you can always switch from hardcover books to pdf books. And if you have already read some books and you don’t know what to do with them you can either donate them to your local library or sell them via different legal websites if you want to save some money.

Losing Track of Time

Some book plots are so intense that readers get caught up in the action of a book or they identify with a certain character. They plan to read two chapters but once they’re mesmerized by the plot, they end up losing track of time. That isn’t productive at all. Time gets wasted this way, the eyes get tired and eventually the reader is too tired to do anything else. If next day is work day, things will also get complicated. Facing a new work day with just a few hours of sleep can impact our productivity at work. The best way to handle such kinds of situations is to set an alarm and to read just a few hours a day.


Some Back and Neck Problems

Finding the ideal reading position can be a challenge. Book lovers can end up reading in strange positions that turn out to be bad for the posture, spine, neck etc. There are ergonomic chairs that can really help a book lover out.

Reasons Why Frugal Living Doesn’t Work for You!

Frugal Living Doesn’t Work

Reasons Why Frugal Living Doesn’t Work for You


If you’re wondering why frugal living doesn’t work for you, there are some things you might want to consider. Frugal living can work for anybody, but the trick is to adapt this kind of concept to your life. Each and every one of us has different life stories, budgets, problems, debts and needs.

Trying to apply a concept from a general point of view might not be enough. You really have to analyze your situation and you should get your family members involved, too because it’s all about teamwork, patience and planning.


The Most Important Thing

One of the key concepts when it comes to figuring out why frugal living doesn’t work is paying attention to every detail. Organization is everything. You should take every possible situation into account, analyze your options and decide on a plan to attain your goals.

Having no Long Term Plans or Goals

Frugal living has a lot to do with strategic thinking. Sometimes the things that are really worth it demand a lot of time, patience and determination. Short term goals usually don’t imply something that you desperately want. They come and go; but if you constantly think of buying a car, a home or going abroad…those are the things that are really worth fighting for. The things that demand the best from you are the things that can be considered goals. Short term plans can be tricky, time consuming and they can make you forget about your bigger dreams and plans.

Unrealistic Expectations

The trouble with frugal living lies in the way in which we set our expectations. If our expectations are too high and unrealistic we will never accomplish what we want. If they are too low, we can never benefit from frugal living and aim higher. A realistic standpoint is the best approach and it can get you where you want to.

A Recipe for Disaster

Most of us want to take a shortcut when it comes to success. Unfortunately, it’s kind of hard to get rich fast or to save time from the start. It takes months of planning, trying hard, saving money, finding a balanced schedule to get things done easier and after a certain period of time, only then, you can finally witness the changes brought by living a frugal life. Patience is always essential, especially in the long run.

Be Specific

If you set vague goals, chances are that this approach won’t get you anywhere. If you think of a certain amount of money that you want to save by the end of the year, you will know exactly how many hours you need to work overtime, how you can cut down costs and on and so forth.

Periodical Checks

Always check for changes in your life; check for the amount of money you earn and save each month, check for changes in your routine and be aware of things that you buy and how much they cost you on a monthly basis. This analysis can help you see where all the money goes, where you can start saving money or cutting down costs. It’s all about adjustment. Soon you’ll see why frugal living doesn’t work for you and you’ll be able to begin to make it work.





Frugal Entertainment!

Frugal Entertainment


Frugal Entertainment

There are so many people who spend a lot of money on entertainment. But there are ways in which you can enjoy yourself, live frugally and end up saving money to buy useful things. This is why frugal entertainment has started to be so popular among many people.

Frugal entertainment is a pragmatic concept that will make you see why a frugal life has so many advantages. We all love bargains, we all want to save money but we sometimes get distracted from our main goals and focus on short term goals.


Hanging with Friends

When is the last time you’ve had fun talking and drinking something with your best friends? It’s time to catch up. You can hang out at their place or you can invite them over. You’ll be saving a lot of money instead of going out, you’ll get to enjoy your free time among people that you care for, you’ll find out the latest news about their lives and these memories are priceless. Frugal entertainment can be so awesome.

A Vintage Image

If it’s a sunny day, better make the best of it. Grab some of your friends or take your family out on a picnic. Eat something healthy, lie in the grass, look up to the clear, blue sky. This image is pure bliss; it’s calming, soothing and it’s fun. You will get to break away from routine for a while.

Be Happy with what You Have

A lot of people want more things from life. That isn’t necessarily bad; it’s recommended to aim higher and have goals that you want to achieve. But…never forget to be grateful for what you have. Be happy; you’re alive, you are loved and you can have fun even if you want to save some money at the same time; there’s no need for a fancy item or an expensive trip to remind you how happy you can be. There are plenty of ways in which you can smile, have fun and save some money, too. You just have to discover what you like best.

A Day at the Mountain Side or at the Beach

Nothing compares to the sound of waves or the smell of fir trees. If you love the mountains or the seaside, it’s time for a little trip. Make it a one day trip if you don’t want to spend too much money. You need a break and your brain and body will both thank you for your choice because there is nothing more therapeutic than nature. You can even take photos or write poems if you have one of these talents. You can have fun without spending tons of money. That’s the essence of frugal entertainment.

Board Games Fans

If you are a little competitive and if you have friends with common interests, it’s time to set a board game night. You can even place bets, joke around and compete while having fun, too. It will be a memorable night, that kind of night you end up talking about for days in a row.

Frugality and Happiness!



Frugality and Happiness

There is a powerful connection between frugality and happiness. Once you start leading a frugal life you get to be aware of many things that are going on in your life and you start analyzing the situations from a different perspective.

One of frugality’s main goals is to help you achieve happiness. And since happiness is such an abstract concept, it’s up to you to define and understand it. What makes you happy? What is it that you want? After you find the answers to these questions, you’ll also find the frugal solutions to achieve happiness. And happiness should be a long term goal for each and every one of us.



Life Is too Short

We often cancel plans, postpone dreams and think that we have plenty of time to achieve what we desire. Unfortunately, we put our dreams in the background and get caught up with work, responsibilities and forget about our passions. Living a frugal life will help you organize your schedule better and you’ll end up having more free time at your disposal. You can do something productive with that free time. You can start following your dreams and see where that leads you. Live life to the fullest, live life responsibly.

Financial Stability

Stress, frustrations, arguments and worries. A lot of problems occur when we talk about financial issues. Everybody in the family seems tensed. Frugal living deals with money saving. Having a budget, having financial stability can also lead to happiness. And it has nothing to do with the materialistic side of things. Being more responsible with money will allow you to spend some on things that make you happy.

Handling a Crisis Better

The unexpected can happen and you better be prepared for it. Having a savings account if something bad happens can end up saving your life. This is unlikely to happen but better be safe than sorry. And if everything is fine and you are safe you will have a savings account that will allow you to do great things with it. You can invest money in something that you believe in; you can visit places and have fun. You can do whatever you set your mind to do. You can be happy.

Do Something Different Daily

Routine can bore us easily. Routine can make us hate the things we once loved. Try doing something different on a daily basis. It will make you feel more creative. Meet with friends; you’ll have a laugh. Read a book you’ve always wanted to read; you’ll enjoy the me time. Visit a place you always dreamt of visiting. There are so many activities and options there. Some are more expensive, some don’t cost a thing. What do you plan to do today?

Exercise More Often

Scientists have proved that if you work out more often, you’ll feel happier. Your body and mind will be more at peace. You will be more organized, more goal oriented and happier with the way you look. You’ll also feel and look leaner. That can have a positive impact over everybody. The good news is that you can either go for a gym membership, work out at home or in the park. You can work out and save money at the same time, too.


Give Frugal Tips a Go!

frugal tips


Give Frugal Tips a Go

If you’re a bit skeptical about frugal tips and frugal living, it’s time to reconsider. Everybody loves saving time and money and who wouldn’t want to try different alternatives till they find the perfect solution that helps solve plenty of problems?

Give frugal tips a go. These tips usually help you find affordable solutions to your problems. You can also enjoy more free time and less worries and stress over different daily problems that you might face. You will also help your family lead a healthier life and some of these tips are also eco-friendly. So it’s a win-win situation for everybody involved.



This is a cool way that helps you save gas and reduce the number of cars in traffic. The passengers can pay for the ride, too. A lot of people have started giving carpooling a chance since it saves time, money and it doesn’t affect the environment so much since the whole idea is to limit the number of cars that can pollute the air and create so many traffic jams.

Solar Energy

Installing solar panels is definitely paying off. There are so many companies and banks who are offering friendly discounts and services for those who wish to invest in solar energy.

Turn to Energy Efficient Appliances

Always go for energy efficient appliances. They save you time, money and they can be considered one smart investment. The utility bills will seem so affordable now.

Don’t Throw Away Things so Easily

Start learning to mend or fix things that are broken. Everything can be fixed with a little bit of patience and skills. If you don’t know how to do that, some DIY tutorials can really help you out.

People Love Yard Sales

Never forget that people love to strike a bargain. People love yard sales. If you want to make some money and get rid of some stuff that you don’t use anymore, start a yard sale. People will come knockin’ at your door. You will also have more space left in your house and you can use that space for so many beautiful things from storage spaces to decorating the walls and rooms in a more modern or glamorous way, depending on your tastes.

Secondhand Stuff

Secretly, we all love secondhand stuff. Let’s face it; if you know where to search you can find some amazing things at decent prices. And what’s more wonderful than buying something that still looks new at a very awesome price? Thrift stores, eBay and so many other places can really help you buy what you want and save some money, too.

Borrow Books

If you are a book reader, borrow books, don’t buy them. You’ll be saving a lot of money and you will get to enjoy so many books at a decent membership fee. Some libraries offer their services for free. You will also have more room in the house for other things. Bookcases and book shelves can make a place seem really crowded.

An Impeccable Look!

Impeccable Look


An Impeccable Look


Being a woman is never easy. We love our femininity and we cherish our impeccable look but it all comes with a price. The beauty appointments, the hair salon, the make-up and beauty products can totally make a mess out of our monthly budget.

If you are a fan of frugal living or if you have just gotten acquainted with this awesome lifestyle, you can easily have an impeccable look, save money and live frugally. There are plenty of cool options that are recommended for your face and hair and the products used are as natural as they can be. And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg.


Natural Face Masks

A lot of face masks that can be bought in beauty shops cost a lot of money. Most of the times, the ingredients used for these kinds of masks are harmful for our face in the long run. There are very easy to follow tutorials on the internet and they teach you how to identify your face type, what natural ingredients can do you good and how you can create cool natural face masks from the comfort of your home. Most of these ingredients are usually made of delicious fruits. So you’ll save money, you’ll enjoy natural face masks that won’t cause you any harm and you’ll end up having an impeccable look.

The Perfect Manicure

Manicure and pedicure appointments are expensive and you should have at least three appointments a month. But there is an affordable alternative: the do it yourself approach. Buy some nail stickers, a nail file, some semi-permanent nail polish and it’s time to get creative. You can go for easy nail shapes that don’t take too much time or you can test your skills when dealing with far more complicated nail designs. There are so many tutorials reagarding the perfect manicure and pedicure that you can certainly try them all till you master them or till you find something that you really like.

The Shampoo

Depending on your hair type, you can find a mix of fruits that combined with other natural ingredients would give you the best natural shampoo out there. And you’ll be saving plenty of money by creating your own shampoo.

Hair Coloring

The same goes with hair coloring; try hair coloring at home. It will seem pretty difficult to handle from the first try so it’s best to ask one of your friends (preferably, somebody who is no stranger to home hair coloring) to help you out.

Seasonal Beauty Tips

You should always pay attention to the weather outside. There are plenty of organic, cheap recipes that will pamper you, offer you the vitamins that you need and protect you from the cold or hot weather. Seasonal beauty tips can really make a difference.

A Spa in your Bathtub

After a hard day’s work nothing compares with a relaxing spa session…Turn your bathtub into a spa, add your favorite bubble bath scents and enjoy some me time that you definitely deserve. It’s all about finding time for yourself. You don’t need expensive relaxation methods to feel good.

Avoiding Debt like a Pro

avoiding debt


Avoiding Debt like a Pro

The best way to avoid a problem is to prevent it or have a backup plan in case something bad might happen. It’s not okay to worry over things that don’t exist, but we can always end up having financial setbacks since times are so unpredictable. So it’s best to be prepared if such things happen.

You can avoid debts like a pro if you take cautious risks. It definitely sounds like a paradox, but risks can be managed (if you take the right ones). Handling your money implies setting the right long term goals, thinking of the best solutions and not rushing to take risky decisions.


Not Spending more than You Can Make

Each time we cash in on our paycheck, we feel more generous and we end up spending more than we earn. Allocate a certain budget for shopping and don’t exceed its limits. Buy things you really need, even if trendy items are tempting, trends are ever changing…

Not Owing Money

Avoid, at all costs, owing money. You will feel the pressure of giving it back or you’ll end up borrowing money from friends, family or banks on a regular basis. Try to set a monthly budget or open up a savings account for harsh times. It’s worth leading a frugal life that will help you have financial stability and save you the stress that you might end up feeling when owing money.

Opening a Savings Account

It’s time to make plans for the future; so long short term plans, hello noble goals and long term planning. Opening a savings account can really help you out when you experience harsh times. Remember to designate a certain amount of money for this type of account on a monthly basis.

Not Organizing Your Life

A chaotic existence can have awful consequences. Not organizing and planning things can lead to a financial crisis. Always try to look ahead and plan some parts of your future; you can control them and it’s best to think of different solutions even if you don’t experience any financial difficulty.

No Money Stress

Having an income should make you feel grateful, even if you’re not super wealthy. If you have no money stress, don’t go looking for things to complain about. If you can afford to pay your debts and spoil yourself a bit, you can also save some money each month until you can buy something that you’ve always wanted. Think of your dreams and try to make them happen, one dream at a time.

The Way You See Things

The way you see things is also important. Being a pessimist never helps. Try (even if it’s hard) to be grateful for the things you have and to have a more positive attitude towards life, your job and your budget. If something doesn’t satisfy you, change things. If the job doesn’t pay you enough, look for a better job. Do whatever it takes to change the things that make you unhappy. You have this power in you and you can make good things happen if you try hard enough and don’t give up, even if you fail the first time.






Affordable Home Improvements

Home Improvements


Affordable Home Improvements


If you feel that your home needs a makeover, but you don’t want to make yet another loan at the bank, there are a few tips that can help you cut down costs, have a great home and pick a design that you really like without compromising too much.

It may seem like a difficult task at times since it always seems that every nook and cranny needs a change or improvement. But you can find cheap yet durable solutions to the problems that you are facing without having to get a loan or spend a ridiculous amount of cash.


Bye, Bye, Plain Landscaping

The French have loved landscaping for centuries now. And for all the right reasons. If you think that your house is missing something, you can buy some pots, plant herbs, spices and flowers and enjoy some cool landscaping. Your front porch will look different and it will smell nicer, too. The great thing is that these things don’t cost too much either.

Playing with the Elements

If you like symbolism or you enjoy recreating different popular things, here’s one cool idea to consider. You can use all the space around your house and grow a beautiful garden. You can have a modern fire pit in your back garden surrounded by eye catchy stones or other elements of décor. You can also add a little fountain to the mix. You can hang pots with plants on the porch and plant tomatoes, potatoes and anything that you desire in your garden. It’s a pretty nice way to sum up all the elements. There are many DIY tutorials on how you can build fire pits and artificial ponds or fountains. They take time and diligence, but the materials used aren’t so expensive.

The Paint Colors

A lot of home improvements start with painting the house and the interior in different colors. You have to pay extra attention when choosing the colors. You can look at similar places on different sites (take Pinterest, for example) and get inspired or find out how a certain color looks like in a home. Remember that you have to live in those rooms, like the colors and embrace the makeover. The right wall color can really make a difference and it can help the house look as if it’s brand new.

Wall Stickers

Wall stickers are cheaper than paint but they are also efficient. They save you time and money. You just have to pick a wall sticker and place it anywhere you want to. And there are plenty of cool colors, patterns and designs that you can choose from. Some shops can even personalize or create new wall stickers based on your instructions.

Spray Paint

Wood furniture can be upcycled using spray paint. Spray paint comes in so many different colors and textures that will help your furniture either look vintage, minimalist or modern. You can also buy different elements of décor from thrift stores to match your “new” furniture.


Affordable Things that Look Expensive!

look expensive


We all like glamorous, luxurious things, but not many of us can actually afford to pay a fortune for some things that need to be replaced sooner or later. There are plenty of affordable things that look expensive and that can adorn your house, giving it a very glamorous vibe.

Decorating is basically rethinking a design, reinventing your house and this change can have a positive impact over your mind. You can organize your house in such a way that all the rooms seem more spacious and the elements of décor can fit in with a little patience and some creativity from your part.


Painting the Glassware

You can buy glassware at $1 shops and paint it to look glamorous. You’ll be saving money and you can use the glassware as décor for your rooms. The guests will be impressed. And you get to let the creative side in you run loose.

Wood Etching

This is by far a more complex DIY project. Wood etching is becoming more and more popular these days for all the right reasons. You can etch words or images on the pieces of wood and enjoy some fabulous designs. The handmade artist in you can truly create something beautiful and special.


Sewing sequins to simple dresses can really make you feel glamorous. The variety of sequins can overwhelm you, but since you have so many designs to choose from, you can come up with some fantastic looks that will make you feel like a star.

Upcycling Leather

If your leather jacket or your leather pants are worn off, you can still save the leather and upcycle it. You can create leather wallets, passport holders and whatnot. It’s all up to you. Use everything that you can.

Mason Jars

The craze that revolves around mason jars is perfectly understandable. You can use the jars as piggy banks, you can use them to store different spices; the list of things that you can do with mason jars is never ending.

Stenciled Stuff

There are stenciled clothes, drapes, pillows, walls…You can find the stenciled patterns online, you can create stencils on your own using different materials or you can buy them online or from shops at affordable prices. Then you can come up with original designs, being inspired by things that you see daily or things that you wish to see more often.


Organizers will always look expensive, because let’s face it; if you want to buy any kind of organizer, it will truly be expensive. What if you can make an organizer on your own? The materials used aren’t expensive, the organizers will make your life easier and your house won’t seem so crowded anymore. You can create an organizer for your files, jewels, hair pins and fascinators; anything you can think of, really.

Crafting Jewels

Surprising as it may seem, some of the easiest DIY tutorials are about creating jewels. You can use mostly anything to craft jewels; from tin to metal or different fabrics, you can come up with some unique, expensive looking jewels. Some people start a business by putting their imagination to work and coming up with some truly remarkable jewelry pieces.

Amazing DIY Ideas



If you’re planning to save some money, but you still feel the need of buying something new or decorating your house with some inspired designs, the following amazing DIY ideas can really save the day.

Whenever you have some free time at your disposal, make use of it. Craft something if you’re good at it, watch some tutorials till you master a certain technique and surprise your friends and family with some original, handmade gifts. Or you can always start decorating your house or creating something that you can use without having to go shopping and spending too much money on a certain item.


Scented Candles

So many people love scented candles. There are a lot of tutorials and cool recipes that teach you how to make some fabulous scented candles using your favorite scent. It’s a cheap DIY project that can make your entire house smell beautiful.

Being Trendy Is Easy

If you love fashion trends, but can’t afford changing your outfits so often you can go ahead and create outfits on your own, using the fabrics that you like and saving a lot of money while you’re at it.

Organic Make-up

Nature offers us so many things, free of charge. If you’re into gardening you already know the many benefits of fruits and vegetables. You can use natural remedies in your favor and create organic make-up that not only is affordable, but it also does wonders for your skin and overall health.

Hello, Wall Décor

Origami figurines can decorate your walls; just stick them or pin them on your walls and enjoy one inspired wall display. The same goes with DIY paintings or wall stickers. You can change the entire atmosphere of a room by using the right colors and designs.

The Phone Cases

Knitted or personalized phone cases are also trending. Why not come up with some funky designs that will make you feel proud of your creative skills?

Sweater Weather

We all know it; it’s time for sweater weather and it’s high time to get a little creative with patterns and cable knit sweaters. After all, you want to be fashionable and original at the same time.

Tote Bags

Some of the easiest DIY tutorials are the ones that teach you how to create a tote bag. You don’t need advanced sewing skills or fancy fabrics or expensive materials. You can create a tote bag quite easily, without investing too much work or time into it. And the results are simply spectacular. The tote bag is a very practical accessory that is trending this autumn so it’s a win-win situation; you’ll get to keep up with the latest fashion trends and save some money while you’re at it.

The No-Sew DIY Projects

If you are just beginning to enjoy the many advantages of a DIY project, try looking for the no-sew DIY tutorials. They are easy to follow, they won’t scare you because they are not complex at all and you can start creating useful things that also look nice.

How to Save Money when Buying Gifts

Buying Gifts


How to Save Money when Buying Gifts

You don’t need to spend an awful lot of money just to impress someone or shower them with gifts. If you are a big fan of all things frugal, you might want to consider some tips in buying or creating gifts that won’t seem tacky.

If you want to know how you can save money when buying gifts without being considered cheap, here are some ideas that might help you out when you’re searching for the right gifts to buy.


The Collector

If your friend is quite the collector, you might consider browsing Facebook groups, going to second hand shops or yard sales for the things your friend collects. You can strike up a bargain and get what you want at a very decent price.

The Vintage Touch

Old books, clothes and jewels have a fascinating appeal for many of us. If your friend has a soft spot for vintage things, you can easily find something affordable and cool on the internet. Your friend will be pleasantly surprised.

Who Doesn’t Love Unique Stuff?

It doesn’t sound vain at all; we all love owning unique things. One of a kind things. You can go to a tailor and have a unique design made for your friend (make sure you know his or her measurements). You can even buy a handmade object or ask a handmade artist to craft something unique that suits your friend’s style.

The Perfect Manicure

Is your friend a big fan of impeccable looks? Does she always have a different manicure? If the answer to all of these questions is yes, you might consider buying her some cool nail stickers. She’ll love the original gift and she’ll definitely use it.

Practical Gifts

Is your friend obsessed with social media websites or is he or she constantly using the mobile phone? The perfect gift for these kinds of persons is a pair of texting gloves. The come in all sizes and patterns and you can easily find a design that will suit your friend’s fashion tastes. Always try to buy a gift that’s of use for your friend.

The Essentials…

Women find the following items to be essential: the red lipstick, the little black dress, foundation, waterproof mascara and hand cream. Men find other things important like a reliable pair of sneakers, a tie, a leather belt and a shaving kit. You can create some cool gift bundles for your friends.

The Coffee or Tea Lover

You know your friend’s habits and passions by heart. If you know your friend is an avid tea or coffee drinker, you can personalize a mug and think of a cool message and design that really defines your friend’s personality.

The Creative Side in You

If you both are bookworms, you can come up with a poem or a literary text to show your friend how much you prize your friendship. It’s a heartwarming gift that’s more valuable than any expensive gift you can think of.

How Frugal Living can Help Solve Some Family Issues

Family Issues


How Frugal Living can Help Solve Some Family Issues


There comes a time when every family deals with some family issues. It’s perfectly natural to experience such things and the hardship can be overcome. What you need to know is that almost all family issues are temporary. And a lot of people have discovered that frugal living can help solve some of these problems.

How does something so plain, so simple help a family experience happier times? What parts of a frugal life can improve family issues? Before explaining the good side of frugal living, ask for the help of a family therapist if the family issues go deeper than you think.


A New Baby on Board

If you’re newlyweds and you’re thinking of having a baby, take some things in consideration. Do you have a spacious home that can help you start and raise a family? Can you afford it? Baby clothes and food are so expensive and babies grow so fast, you’ll invest a lot of money in outfits and toys. Family arguments can start from having a baby. In order to avoid fights about money or about buying new stuff, try first to save enough money and then think about having a baby. It might take some months, it might take a year till you can start a family, but you will have saved enough money to cope with this kind of situation.

Home Improvements

We want what’s best for us and glamorous, luxurious elements of décor will always catch our eyes. Unfortunately, more often than not, the prices are way too high. A lot of tension can build up among family members, because everybody wants a house makeover, but nobody actually has enough money to do so. But if you work together (delegating tasks to each family member) you can try your luck at some DIY projects that can help you turn your home into something amazing.

The Fascination for what is Trendy

Let’s face it; we are fascinated by the latest gadgets, clothes and whatnot. We have a strange fascination for all things trendy and nice. This can lead to frustration and arguments. The kids want the latest toys, the mom wants a new make-up kit, the dad wants a shaving kit and on and so forth. Try to prioritize what you truly need and separate it from the trendy stuff. Are your gadgets still working well? Do you have too many clothes in your wardrobe? Do you have enough toys to play with? If so, try to separate necessity from desire and try to think that if you save some money now, you can invest in something that will last longer, is of a higher quality and it will make you and your family happy. Or you can save money and go abroad; that will always be fascinating and you’ll return with some fabulous memories from your trips.


Frugal Living…and Surprises

You get used to living a more calculated frugal lifestyle. But try not to be too aware of every step you take, every dime you spend on something etc. From time to time (with the money that you save by leading a frugal life) surprise your loved ones with something that they’ve always wanted. Because frugal living is all about saving money to enjoy what really matters for you.


Frugal Living and Weight Loss

Weight Loss


Frugal Living and Weight Loss

This association might sound a bit weird at first, but it’s a sort of a cause and effect relationship. Frugal living doesn’t have to necessarily mean having a lifestyle based on compromise. Frugal living can equal healthy living.

This is where things get really interesting. After you get used with a new concept, a new kind of approach when it comes to decision making and when you change the diet and go for healthy meals you start feeling better, psychologically and physically speaking. You will also lose some pounds and start being more active than usual.


Home Cooked Meals

Nothing beats home cooked meals. They’re more affordable than the junk food or snacks that we eat out of commodity and they are way healthier. It may take a little more time from your part to do the cooking, but it’s worth it and after you find some cool recipes that you’ll constantly use, you’ll cook faster without having to read the recipes again because you already know them by heart.

Leaving the Car Behind

Since you want to save some extra money, you won’t be using the car so much. You’ll walk to the nearest shop, you’ll use public transport to arrive at your destination and all this hustle will definitely help you get rid of some undesired pounds without even trying too hard.

Drinking Smoothies

Smoothies, natural juices and teas will certainly boost your metabolism and you’ll detox your body, too. You will feel a change, a positive change in time. You’ll feel more active, more happy with yourself and preparing your own non-alcoholic drinks has plenty of advantages; you can buy any fruits that you want, mix them and enjoy their natural taste. They also cost less than fizzy drinks that are bad for your stomach and teeth.

It Involves the Entire Family

Your family will experience the same changes. You’re in this together; you can think of drinks and dishes that you all love and try to vary the main courses a bit. A fit family is a happy family. And you can spend some quality time together. You can go on a hike or on a trip because you have saved enough money to go on a holiday or explore new places without having to feel guilty about spending more cash than you can afford. All of these beautiful things are possible thanks to frugal living. It’s no wonder why more and more people are interested about this concept.

The Food You Eat at Work

It’s very important to pay attention to the food you eat at work. Why not get some Tupperware and eat a home cooked meal at work? You’ll be saving plenty of money and eating healthy, too. It’s a win-win situation.

Invest in a Bike

If you have to walk to work and it’s a long distance walk, you might consider buying a bike. If you don’t want to use your car too often, a bike can offer you comfort and it can take you anywhere on time. You’ll be avoiding the traffic jams like a pro.



The Reality Behind Frugal Living!

frugal living


The Reality behind Frugal Living


Frugal living teaches us a lot of useful things. For starters, we are not born just to work, go home, pay the bills…and that’s it. No, life is so much more than this. It’s not defined by your 9 to 5 job, by what you own etc.

We think of all the things we need to do now that we sometimes forget about the future, thinking we have enough time later to take care of our dreams, aspirations, hobbies and passions. But we need to see past our bills, tasks and work activities.


Learning how to Survive on Your Own

Frugal living really opens your eyes and you will end up exploring a new dimension. You will learn that you don’t need loans to survive, to make it on your own. Your will and determination will get you where you want to. You will learn to set goals, be more realistic, be more organized and save enough money and time to do the things that you really want to without depending on anybody else but yourself.


Practicing Introspection

When you are first acquainted with the perks of a frugal life, you will find yourself lost deep in thought. You will learn to be more introspective, more analytical and you will start having several plans and backup solutions for different goals. This road will help you rediscover yourself and find out what you really want from life. You can view it as a philosophical approach with a realistic twist.


Coming to Terms with what You Do

A new kind of lifestyle can highlight what you did wrong in the past. Or it can better show you how you evolved from a chaotic schedule to a more organized one. Truth is that there’s always room for improvement. Some people acknowledge their actions, the field they work in and they start to understand that their profession (even if it is important for them) doesn’t define them. The actions that we take define us; our dreams define us and so do our accomplishments. It might be harsh to come to terms with the idea that our profession is just a profession; it gives us a financial stability, it makes us feel proud, but it can also help up do what we have always dreamt of doing. And usually our dreams have nothing to do with our jobs.


Letting Go

When you start living frugally you’ll automatically let go of fears, anxiety and negativity. You will be focused on what you want to accomplish and you won’t let anxiety come in between your will and dreams. And that feeling of control and accomplishment beats every doubt that you might have. It’s the fuel that helps you to keep on going till you achieve what you have planned.


More Time

The truth is that living frugally will save you money but it will also help you save some time. You will have more time to daydream, more time to spend to relax after a hard day’s work. There are so many advantages of setting a schedule, deciding on what activities you wish to do and sticking to that schedule.


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