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I LOVE Halloween – have you caught on to that idea yet? I absolutely love this holiday. I love the pumpkins, the decorations, the happy kids, the scary teenagers, the candy – all of it! It is just so much fun. But I really love the costumes and the accessories! They can be so much fun and you can do so many things with them. That’s why I love watching for Halloween costume clearance deals.
Costumes and accessories can be expensive before Halloween when they are regular price. When Halloween is over, the prices start to drop. Once prices start to drop, the discounts can be huge. This is when I love to pick up cheap and fun costumes and accessories. These are just a few of my favorite uses for Halloween costume clearance deals:
Next Halloween
This may seem like an obvious use for Halloween costume clearance deals but there are lots of people who don’t think about it. Did you see something cute you liked this year? Maybe a costume that you liked but it was too pricey? Maybe there was some other accessory you wanted? Look for it to be marked down during the Halloween costume clearance sales and put it away for next year.
Dress up
This is such a fun use for Halloween costume clearance deals! Dress up clothes for the kids can be pricey and hard to find. Take a look at the Halloween costume clearance deals and find costumes that work for dress up outfits. I have found some of my kids favorite dress up clothes this way.
History fairs and book reports
Have a history fair or book report in your child’s future? Do you dread having to make a costume for it? I know I do. Most of the time you know when these things are going to be happening and you can plan ahead. Shop the Halloween costume clearance deals and see if you can find costumes or accessories that will work for these school projects.
Themed parties
I love parties, do you? There are so many fun parties that my friends have and some are annual parties that occur every year. If you attend parties like this and know there are fun party themes, shop with that in mind at the Halloween costume clearance sales. I’ve picked up lots of fun items to use at these fun themed parties.
Glam it up
Sometimes these Halloween costume clearance deals are on things that can double as fun fancy clothing and accessories. A night out can be even more fun if you dress up or accessorize with something fancy and fun. Glam it up with fun finds from the Halloween costume clearance sales.
There are so many fun accessories that you can find in the Halloween costume clearance sales. You can find socks, jewelry, tights, hats, gloves, shoes and so much more. Keep your eyes peeled for items you can use every day. There are lots of great deals.
Make-up and hair spray
Don’t forget to check out the deals on make-up and hair spray when you are shopping the Halloween costume clearance. Lots of these items can be used every day. Some can be used for special events. I always grab a can or two of the clearance colored hair spray and put it away for crazy hair day at my kids school. Easy, cheap and fun!
LOTS of great reasons to shop the Halloween costume clearance sales! Want to share what you do with the Halloween costume clearance deals you find? Let us know! We love to hear from you!
As I have mentioned this week, winter preparations are in full swing at my house. Last week I talked about getting our yards and homes ready. We talked about food storage and emergency supplies. This week I have been talking about making a car winter checklist. Who knew there would be so much to say about what you need to keep in your car in the winter!? We talked about common, already in the car items and some items we need to add specifically for winter. Today we are ending this series with the items on the car winter checklist part three.
I said it already this week but I am going to say it again – it really is that important. In the bad weather you should travel only when absolutely necessary. It is better to minimize travel, but if you must travel, please keep your car equipped with items you need in an emergency. Winter weather can provide a variety of unexpected emergency situations. Today we are going to talk about the last of the items on my car winter checklist part three.
Water almost seems like something you don’t need to keep in the car. If it is winter, there is bound to be plenty of snow to melt right? No, add water to you vehicle car winter checklist part three, you need it. Water can be essential to surviving being stranded in your vehicle.
Snack food
Snack food is another car winter checklist part three item that you want to add. Add quick and easy snacks that are full of nutrients and can help you stay full and nourished if you are stranded in your car. Skip the potato chips and go for nuts or protein bars.
Extra hats, coats, and mittens
If you become stranded, you’ll want these items too. Extra hats, coats and mittens are essential to staying warm if you become stranded in your car. Sometimes we are quick to take short trips without this essential winter gear, we are going from a war car into a warm destination. We won’t need a coat or hat right? Wrong. Severe weather has trapped people in their vehicles close to home. If your car becomes stuck and you must walk even a short distance, not having these items will be a big deal. Add these items to your car winter checklist part three.
Having blankets in the car is a lot like having the extra coats, hats and gloves. If you become stuck, you will need to be able to stay warm. Running the car engine to stay warm is dangerous. You’ll need to stay warm with the car turned off. Mylar thermal emergency blankets are a great idea for adding to your car’s emergency supplies. Make sure this item is on your car winter checklist part three.
Road maps
This is a good idea if you are traveling far from home or in unfamiliar areas. Severe weather could close a commonly used road. If you need to switch routes, a map will be an excellent resource. You will get an idea of road quality and terrain from a map, in the winter this is critical information than you will not get from a road sign.
Waterproof matches and a can
If your travel takes you through an area where you could become stranded and need to build a fire, add these materials too. You should have packed water in your car but this can help provide additional water if needed.
Items for baby or pets
Don’t forget the baby or the pets! If you will be traveling with a baby or a pet, remember the specialty items that they need. Diapers, formula, pet food, leash, all will be needed if you become stranded in your car. Add the baby or pet items to your car winter checklist part three.
Whew! That’s a lot to think about for your car and winter weather! Have you prepared your Add these items to your car winter checklist part three? (Or parts one or two?) Have more tips and ideas? We’d love to hear from you!
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As I mentioned yesterday, winter preparations are in full swing at my house and I’ve been sharing this on the blog. We talked about getting our yards and homes ready. We talked about food storage, emergency supplies and yesterday we talked about some of the items we need to have in our vehicles. Our cars are often overlooked as an important place to get ready for winter weather. That’s caused me to think about a car winter checklist. We talked about common, already in the car items yesterday and today we are moving on to car winter checklist part two, items we need to add specifically for winter.
I said it yesterday but I am going to say it again – it is that important. In the bad weather it is definitely better to minimize travel, but if travel is necessary, keeping your car equipped with items you need in an emergency is a must. Winter weather can provide a variety of unexpected emergency situations. You might need to add the following car winter checklist part two items to your vehicle:
Tire chains
Tire chains can be necessary if you need to drive through canyons or on other snow packed roads. They can be inexpensive and purchased at most auto parts and stores like Target or WalMart. They take up very little trunk space and can provide peace of mind when driving in bad weather. This car winter checklist part two item is a good one to add to your vehicle this winter.
A shovel is a must have if you get stuck in the snow. You’ll need to be able to dig yourself out. This car winter checklist part two item is much better than trying to dig with your hands or whatever you can find in your car.
Road salt, sand or kitty litter
If you are stuck in the snow or on the ice, any of these car winter checklist part two items will give you traction. Adding traction can make the difference between being stuck, possibly for hours, and being able to get out of a bad weather situation.
Battery-powered radio with extra batteries
If you do get stuck, having a car winter checklist part two item like a battery powered radio will keep you aware and informed. You won’t want to overuse the car radio because you could drain the battery.
Flashlight with extra batteries
Have a flashlight with extra batteries in your car. If you get stuck at night you will need a light source. A flashlight with extra batteries is a car winter checklist part two must have item.
Bright colored flag or help signs
If you get trapped in a major snow storm, you may end up waiting out the storm in your car. A brightly colored flag or help sign will alert emergency responders to your location. Adding these items to your car winter checklist part two can help you get rescued in a severe storm.
Are these on your car winter checklist? Want to suggest something we forgot? Watch our blog tomorrow for even more winter specific items to keep in your car. There are more items than you might think! See you then!
There has been a definite theme to our recent blogs. Winter is almost here and we have been thinking a lot about how to get ready. We talked about getting our yards and homes ready. We talked about getting our food storage in shape and getting our emergency supplies gathered. If we have followed through and taken care of the items on our lists, we are very close to ready. There is another important place to get ready for winter weather – our vehicles. That’s caused me to think about a car winter checklist.
In the bad weather it is definitely better to minimize travel, but if travel is necessary, keeping your car equipped with items you need in an emergency is a must. Winter weather can provide a variety of unexpected emergency situations. Make yourself a car winter checklist and be prepared. Your car winter checklist will include lots of things. You might already be keeping the following in your vehicle:
Cell phone and portable charger
We have our cell phones with us most of the time. When driving in winter weather it is a good idea to keep charging them as we drive. If we become stuck have a charged cell phone will be very important. This is also a good time to consider having a portable charger with a full reserve in your car. These car winter checklist items are probably easy to check off.
Window scraper and snow brush
You probably already have at least one of these car winter checklist items and chances are they are still in your car from last winter. Make sure you know where they are and they are in good repair. Cracked or broken scrapers can damage your vehicle and won’t work effectively.
Canned compressed air with sealant for emergency tire repair
This is something else from the car winter checklist that you might already have in your car. In severe weather it could be quite hard to change a tire. If road conditions make changing a tire impossible, the canned air could make a bad situation much less tragic.
Tow chains or rope
These are more important to have on your car winter checklist than they might be other times of the year. Winter weather brings slick roads and increased chances of slide-offs. Having tow chains or ropes can help you be pulled from a being stuck or could allow you to help someone else.
Booster or jumper cables
Most of us have booster or jumper cables in our cars. It is a good idea to check them and see if they are in good working shape. With the colder temperatures, the chance of these being needed could be more than in other seasons.
Emergency flares or warning lights
This car winter checklist item is something that many of us already have. In blizzard or low visibility conditions, the importance of flares or emergency warning lights is increased. Warning other drivers of your vehicle or another road hazard can keep low visibility situations from being even more dangerous.
First aid kit
After summer and fall road trips your car’s first aid kit might be a bit depleted. It is a good idea to take inventory and restock the supplies that were used. Keep your first aid kit on your car winter checklist.
Tool kit
Simple tools are something most of us probably already have in the car. Like the first aid kit, your tools may have gotten misplaced or used somewhere else during the good weather. Check that the needed tools are still in your car. Having all of the tools you need can make a winter car repair or issue much less serious.
What is on your car winter checklist? Want to suggest something we forgot? Watch our blog tomorrow for more winter specific items to keep in your car. See you then!
All week long I have talking about getting ready for winter. It will be here before we know it. There is so much to do and get ready. Today I have been thinking about getting the emergency supplies for winter ready. If you are like me, you probably have a lot of these items already. It is just a good time to check your emergency supplies for winter and make sure they are all gathered and ready. Here is a list of a few of the things I am getting ready.
Flashlights or Lanterns
I’m sure most of us have flashlights and lanterns already. Are they in working order? Do they batteries and bulbs work? Do you know where they are? If you have kids like mine there is no guarantee when it comes to most of the flashlights. Track them down, make sure they work and put them in a few places that will be easy to get to in an emergency. This is one of the most important steps in getting emergency supplies for winter ready.
Do you have extra batteries for flashlights, radios and other battery operated items? Think about the kids’ toys, do you want to be sure to have batteries for their favorites? I know if the power is out, it is nice to let them play with something to keep them busy. Batteries are an important item to have when you gather your emergency supplies for winter.
Emergency Radio
Do you have an emergency radio? Or a battery operated radio that can be used in emergencies? Radio communications are still very important in severe weather. Weather updates, power outages and other vital information is often broadcast on local radio stations.
If pipes freeze and break your water supply could be cut off, restricted or made unsafe to drink. Now is a good time to make sure the water in your storage is fresh and in good shape. Be sure your water storage isn’t in a location where it can freeze and make a mess. Water is another very important item on your emergency supplies for winter checklist.
Heat source
This is one of those items that will be so good to have if you need it. Have a plan for a night without power. Locate sleeping bags and extra blankets. Make sure you have enough wood for the fireplace or wood stove. Do you have a safe space heater? Don’t use your oven for heat! A way to stay warm is another very important item on your emergency supplies for winter checklist.
Easy to prepare – no cooking foods
This is another important item that I talked about yesterday. You can see yesterday’s blog here: You’ll want to have some easy to prepare and eat meals that don’t require power to prepare. Remember to have a non-electric can opener on hand. Also have food and supplies for babies and pets. This is another very important thing to remember when making sure everything on your emergency supplies for winter checklist is ready.
Have more tips to share with us? We’d love to hear them!
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