How to Increase Your Creativity
A lot of careers nowadays focus on creativity, its process and the wonderful results a creative mind can come up with. But since creativity will never be an exact science, it’s kind of hard to be creative all the time.
There are a few tips and tricks that can prove to be useful when one seems to go through a creative block. You can also focus on the creative process only and try to increase it when you have to meet a certain deadline or finish a certain task.
Creative Thinking
Creative thinking is for everyone. There are different types of intelligence but all of them have a fair amount of creativity. Focus on your type of intelligence and then try to find creative thoughts and solutions to different situations.
Different Angles
Try to see the concept or problem that you’re working at from different angles. You have to keep an open mind about it and try to come up with different ideas and perceptions over the same thing. This is a sure way to increase your creativity.
Take Notes
As funny as it may sound, taking notes can really help you out. If you’re brainstorming for some creative ideas, you can work with key words, too. Some people take a word and create a whole world surrounding it. The word, the concept, the image acts like a trigger and this trigger will make your creativity and imagination bloom. Some people wake up in the middle of the night because they had some creative ideas in their dreams and they write down some main ideas to develop them later.
The Bright Side of Life
A depressed person finds it hard to be creative. A bad mood, a headache, a stressed or frustrated person can’t really focus on the creativity process or its outcome. The mood can spoil any chance of being creative. Keeping a positive vibe throughout the day can really help you relax and be more creative.
Go on a Trip
Sometimes, what a creative mind needs is some peace and quiet. Going to the mountainside or to the seaside or to someplace remote can definitely boost your creativity levels. Especially if you’re a painter or a writer.
Young at Heart
Some people associate daydreaming with childhood. We had the luxury to daydream back then and scientists say that daydreaming actually has a positive impact over our intelligence, creativity and imagination. Spend some time just daydreaming; your creative ideas will start flowing soon.
Be Aware of the Outcome
What’s the use of all these? Why are you working at your desk, thinking of some creative ideas? You have a purpose; you are creating something for someone; for a company, for a client, for your readers etc. Your work has to have meaning; what message do you plan to send out to the world? If you ask yourself these questions you will be more motivated to end a creative task, your creative mind will start to be more organized, more specific and you will feel good about yourself, too.
How to Look Good in Photos
There are many reasons why we love photos so much. They are vivid memories of places we’ve visited, of wonderful things that happened to us. It’s like traveling back in time. But there are some photos that seem to ruin our day. We wish we had a different posture, a different outfit and on and so forth.
You don’t have to be a professional model to look good in photos. It’s all about being relaxed, happy and it’s also about paying attention to your posture, to the surroundings etc. You can practice your best smile in the mirror till you master the expression you like best. Even models often do this trick before their photo shoots.
The Outfits and the Colors
Pay attention to the outfits that you are wearing. Make sure they have a flattering design for your body type. The color of these outfits also matters. Maybe you feel better when you wear certain colors and you feel a bit uncomfortable when colors that don’t represent you pop up in your fashion ensembles. This discomfort can be spotted even in a photo. So always try to feel good when wearing a certain outfit. Pick something that represents you.
The Hair and the Make-up
The hair and make-up should be natural. You can go for a glamorous make-up and hairdo if you love the attention. Some persons like to be more subtle while others enjoy being more flashy. It’s up to you.
The Head
A lot of glossy fashion magazines reveal different models with their heads tilted slightly. It’s no coincidence; it may seem like a natural pose, but absolutely every inch of the photos that you’re admiring on these glossy fashion magazines is photoshopped and rehearsed over and over again. A photographer takes care of every angle that you can see and the models are told how to pose, sit, stand and look at the camera. Their flawless make-up, body and perfect clothes have been chosen by specialists. Nothing is actually too natural when it comes to glamorous photo shoots. From 100 photos (for example) only 2-3 photos make it. Try to tilt your head slightly and notice the differences.
The Legs
A lot of people feel uncomfortable when their photo is taken. What should they do with their legs? Professional photographers advise you to bend one of your knees when you want to be photographed.
The Shoulders
Just try to lower your shoulders a bit and look straight at the camera. Relaxed postures are the best.
The Hands
Don’t forget the hands; a lot of people don’t know how to keep their hands during a photo shoot. You can play with your hair, touch your face or keep your hands around the hip area. You can highlight any part of your body using your hands.
So Relaxed, So Sexy
Natural looks and poses are the sexiest because they aren’t fake. You also feel good and anybody can notice that, even in a photo.
Rethink Your Life
There comes a time in every person’s life when a decision has to be made. This kind of decision is an important one and more often than not, it’s the kind of decision that can change a lot of things. All that you were used to, the routine, the mindset, everything has to change.
It may be harder for some to rethink their lives, but if you feel depressed, if you feel that nothing that you say or do is working anymore it’s time to let go of what you’re used to and try different approaches in order to succeed. Your happiness and health are what matter the most, the rest of the things can be adjusted till you reach a point where you’re finally happy with what you achieved and what you have.
Shoot for the Stars
Don’t be afraid to shoot for the stars. The sky is the limit, right? Don’t try to think of the obstacles and the limits that a certain situation might have. If you have a dream that you have postponed because it seems impossible, take some time off and think of possible plans and solutions to achieve that dream. Does it seem that impossible or are you afraid of failing? Time and money management can really be useful in such cases. When you want to achieve a dream you have to think of multiple outcomes and solutions to certain problems that might arise along the way. But don’t be afraid to think and dream big.
Take It One Step at a Time
Big changes sometimes need time. You need time to get used to the novelty in your life. If you’re the kind of person who isn’t impulsive at all you can’t change this personality trait that easily. Just take it step by step and you will get what you want in time. Start with the small changes first and end with the big changes. You can change the color of your hair then move on to the next level till you end up buying a house or relocating.
Be More Selfish
Think of yourself more; try to be more selfish. It’s a beautiful think to want to please your parents, friends, significant other etc. But it’s your life, your decisions and you shouldn’t think of social conventions. Remember that you don’t owe anybody anything and that you deserve to live your dreams and make them come true. You can still make others proud of you by making your own choices.
Do Something Different Every Day
Routine can be a mind trap. It can make you stick to the same ol’ things and in time you can forget all about the things you liked or wanted for yourself. It’s that comfort zone we all love. A wise man once said: do something different every day. This is actually a healthy habit. Your mind and body will feel energized and you will feel determined to plan your schedule in advance and manage to tick off some of the activities from your list.
What to Do when Confronted with Active Shooter Situations
We like to think that we are safe from harm and that is true, most of the times. But there are so many unpredictable situations that can occur and it’s better to be prepared, know how to react, know what to do during a dangerous situation in order to prevent a tragedy.
There are certain things that you can do when confronted with an active shooter situation. You can educate your mind, your body, your reactions and even your instinct can be polished in order to save yourself and other people in case an active shooter is threating your lives.
More and More Common These Days
Unfortunately, active shooter situations are becoming more and more common these days. Even if nobody likes to think about these kinds of things, sometimes imagining that a thing like this might happen can help you understand your reactions better. You can also think of what you’d do in order to be out of harm’s way. Ask yourself a few questions: where would you go to hide? What would you do?
Self-Preservation Instinct
A very powerful behavior noticed in both human beings and animals is the self-preservation instinct. When such a tragic situation occurs, your self-preservation instinct kicks in and you realize that you’re on your own anyway. The shooter usually aims indiscriminately at his victims and then he starts firing his gun. Think of yourself, even if it is a selfish thing to do. If you want to save somebody or follow the crowd you might just draw attention to these persons and the shooter might change his aim. You should act quickly because most active shootings don’t last too long; they last for just a few minutes. How many things can you accomplish during such a short amount of time?
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Always study the area; know that area well. How many exits are there? What surrounds the building? Where can you hide without being noticed by others? Having a mental map of the place you’re in can definitely save you time and it can eventually save your life, too.
Be Aware of Strange Behaviors
Even if you may not be an expert in cognitive behavior theories, there is a gut feeling that lets you know that something is utterly wrong with a person; you get a bad vibe or something is just off with the person. Maybe he or she seems calm; but there’s something in the way this person moves, talks or there is something bizarre about his or her expressions. Keep an eye on this individual. It’s nothing paranoid about it; your gut feeling is usually right about these things. You can even read books on expressions, postures, the way in which people dress and talk that betray their actions.
Keep Your Cool
If you hear people screaming, shouting and if you see them running, keep your cool. Being relaxed will help you analyze your choices better and you can act almost immediately. If you hear shootings go to the safe place you have already mentally pictured when analyzing your surroundings. Stay there till it’s safe to leave the place. Most experts advise you to run for cover. Run in a zigzag pattern because most shooters aren’t that experienced and even expert gunmen can’t easily hit a target that is moving in a zigzag pattern. If you can’t run, try to hide out of harm’s way. Try to lock yourself in a room or closet and crouch behind pieces of furniture (any object that might take a bullet for you). Keep as silent as possible and only get out when you hear the authorities who assure everybody it’s safe to come out.
What to Do when Your Kid Hits Others
Aggressive behavior in children is quite a common thing, but luckily it can be educated, diminished and it can also be explained. The impulses can be explained and can be educated. But the key is to not respond to violence with violence and raised voices.
You can study your kid’s behavior, learn about it and identify the things that trigger this aggressive behavior. Last, but not least, you can find a therapist for these situations; it will help both you and your kid a lot to overcome this situation.
Stop Your Kid from Harming Others
When you see your kid hitting somebody else, stop him. Check to see if the other kid was hurt and apologize for what happened, letting the kid that was hurt know that your kid is sorry for what he did. Then start talking to your kid. Find out what bothered him, ask him why did he think that violence solves anything. Explain why it’s not okay to hit other persons, to hurt them this way.
Pay Attention to Your Voice
Lower your voice if it’s raised. Never shout at your kid and never hit him or use any kind of violence. Use a steady voice and he will understand that you are serious. Never use violence in these kinds of situations.
Turn Anger and Violence into Something Else
You can help your kid calm down. Tell him what to do in these kinds of situations. He can think of a happy song till he calms down, he can state that he’s angry then tell the person he’s angry at the reasons why he’s upset. You can also find out what kind of sport your kid loves; you can sign him up for some classes and let him channel his anger into sports.
Aggression Is Never the Answer
Your kid should know this thing. Have a talk with your kid about aggression and the consequences this emotion has on people and make sure to have this talk when your kid is not upset. When you kid is relaxed he is definitely in the mood for talking and you can also ask for his opinion on this matter, too to realize what made him be aggressive in the first place.
Show Him You Don’t Condone Aggression
You won’t tolerate his aggressive behavior and he should realize it, too. You can punish him; no more videos for a while or no more playing outside. He has to understand that this is a serious thing; he should understand that aggression is wrong.
When in Doubt…
Ask for the help of a specialist. A therapist will have the necessary resources to find the right solution for this kind of behavior. The therapy sessions will include you, too but there will be one on one therapy sessions where your kid will be alone with the therapist. You will better grasp the situation if you ask for professional counseling. There are a lot of families that go through similar situations. You have to understand that this is the best way to help your kid function in a society without posing a threat to others and without harming himself either.
Why You Should Trust Natural Remedies
Although herbal medicine is still considered an inexact science, there are many cases in which natural remedies have proved to be efficient in treating certain conditions and illnesses. You should give natural remedies a go before taking pills that have secondary effects.
Going to a doctor is always recommended but when the pills he or she recommends don’t work, it’s time to try alternative medicine. Natural remedies don’t have secondary effects even when you ingest larger quantities of certain herbs. Nevertheless, check with specialists and make sure to test yourself for allergies before considering natural remedies; you might be allergic to certain plants.
Bye, Bye Side Effects
One of the biggest advantages of natural remedies is the fact that they pose no threat on your organs. When taking medicine you put your liver, kidneys and even heart to danger. But natural remedies are known for the lack of side effects.
Recommended in the Long Run
Natural remedies work best in the long run, if used constantly. Prescription drugs cause other problems in the long run so this is why even doctors recommend some natural herbs to be used for months in a row.
For Frugal Living Fans
When it comes to one’s health, no investment can be considered expensive. But with natural remedies you reduce costs compared to prescription drugs that always seem so expensive. If you have a headache for example you can use peppermint oil.
No Prescription
You can reach out for natural remedies quite easily and you don’t need any prescription for them either. Make sure to check with a specialist for more information regarding the remedy you wish to follow. Ask about the dosage and about the time of day in which is best to take this natural medicine.
A Wide Spectrum
Most herbs can cure a wide spectrum of illnesses. So this is good news when you come to think of it. You can also prevent some diseases if you eat or drink certain natural remedy recipes.
Skin Problems
Natural medicine is constantly used by people that suffer from skin problems. In many cases, this kind of cure has really worked out.
Problems with the Digestion
There are so many natural ingredients that can help you deal with constipation, gastritis and ulcer. It sounds almost too good to be true, but there are many fruits and vegetables that can help you out. And when it comes to natural herbs, you can use them as tea infusions.
Concerning Respiratory Problems
The impact that asthma, bronchitis and acute coughing can have over us can be diminished with natural remedies. There are many choices here from thyme, eucalyptus and dandelion. Trips to the mountainside and salt flats also help.
Bye, Bye Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
Surprising as it may seem, there are natural remedies that help lower your cholesterol and high blood pressure. Other health problems can be also kept under control with the right herbs.
Enjoying a Frugal Lifestyle
Life will seem a bit easier if you give frugal living a chance. Every member of the family should contribute to this kind of lifestyle. It takes determination to succeed and it’s also about teamwork. A genuine frugal lifestyle involves all your loved ones.
A lot of persons that chose the frugal lifestyle claim that this choice made their family more united. A lot of quarrels were going on in the household due to financial problems and the impossibility of having a vacation or buying nice things. The sadness, stress, frustration piled up and arguments were inevitable. Things change for the better when it comes to frugal living.
The Early Risers and the Night Owls
Early risers are often compared with night owls and this comparison is subjected to the word “versus”. A frugal lifestyle can get these two types of persons together. If you are an early riser make an extra coffee for the night owl who finds it difficult to bear with mornings. Make his or her life easier. The same goes with night owls. If the early riser needs to stay up late and do something, offer your help. You will both achieve more things this way, save more time and feel that the day was productive.
Delegate Tasks
Delegate tasks in your family. If one of you is good with numbers, that person should take care of the monthly budget and shopping list. Planning your budget and the approximate amount of money you need to spend on bills on other stuff can prove to be a bit tricky. But if this is handled by a person with some knowledge of numbers, your family will manage to save money and stay within the limits of your monthly budget. When it comes to saving time, all the family members can take care of different rooms and house chores. You all need to be actively involved in this frugal lifestyle to achieve your dreams and get rid of financial problems.
More Family Time
Since frugal living is also about time management, you will get to spend more quality time with your family. You can go on holidays (because you can afford it after saving money), you can engage in different games and activities together (because you have more free time at your disposal) and you can finally relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Being More Healthy
A frugal life can totally support a healthier family. You will start eating fresh fruits and vegetables and focusing on frugal meals. You will find the right portions of meals that will keep you saturated, healthy and happy. You will also start feeling more energized and you can go hiking as a family or do different workouts and have fun. You can also turn the workouts into a friendly competition. The one that lasts the longer during a workout receives a symbolic gift.
The Teamwork Effort
A frugal life can be so easily achieved if the entire family participates. Family bonds become even stronger…
Types of Leadership
There are several branches of psychology that dedicate entire theories to leadership. A lot of human resource specialists do follow-ups and organize workshops so that leaders can better understand their position and manage their employees in a productive manner.
There are many types of leadership and they can all be combined depending on the situation, the employees, the type of leader you are and depending on the company’s goals, too. The following styles are the most common ones, but the list is more comprehensive than this.
The Directive Leadership Style
This is one of the main types of leadership. The directive leadership style deals with concrete matters. The leader that uses the directive style focuses on two things: the needs of the employee and the needs of the company or organization he works for.
The Supporting Leadership Style
This approach is also popular among many leaders nowadays. The leader will always take care of his team, making sure that no employee will be overworked and he or she won’t suffer from burnout. The work tasks and deadlines might be hard to achieve, this is why the leader will always help his team by using his or her fine management abilities. It’s all about getting the employees motivated to do the job, to be productive but not stressed out.
The Coaching Approach
This kind of leadership style turns the manager or leader into a sort of mentor for the employee. The leader pays close attention to every employee, analyzes his strong and weak points and gives positive and constructive feedback. This kind of leader is focused both on the present and future development of the employee. This leader includes the employee in his activities.
The Delegating Approach
The leader leaves the employee to solve the problems; the leader only delegates the tasks. Sometimes the employee has to take a decision on his own. The leader won’t interfere in the employee’s tasks. Only when it’s necessary the leader will make changes and take the decisions for the employee. This kind of approach is used when the employees seem to enjoy handling tasks on their own without the leader’s interference. This kind of leader monitors and sometimes gives out pieces of advice to his team.
The Multiple Leadership Styles Approach
Our personalities can be so different. Even our working styles differ greatly from one person to another. Leaders also choose multiple leadership styles to match their employees’ personalities and behaviors. Leaders also take into account the company’s goals when choosing a certain approach when it comes to leadership.
The Type of Personality Matters
People can usually tell when an attitude, a behavior or leadership style is forced or feigned. Try to stay true to who you are and choose a leadership style that is close to your heart and personality. You must feel comfortable with what you do and if you want to be a leader that people look up to, you have to be transparent, honest and hardworking. You will earn your employees’ respect and you will manage your team better.
The Happy Traveler
Well-traveled persons seem happier than other people. People that don’t have a passion for traveling often think that traveling is an expensive hobby. There are some expensive destinations, but there is also a cool concept that has emerged in the last few years: budget traveling.
The happy traveler is a person who has done his or her research. This person knows all about budget traveling from websites that offer cool discounts on airplane tickets to websites that offer information about cheap accommodation and places where you can find affordable food.
Desperate Times for Traveling Addicts
Unfortunately, we live in dangerous times. There are a lot of changes that are occurring in many countries and traveling can be more than an adventure; it can pose a threat to our safety. But a person who is in love with traveling will see this thing as an opportunity to go to places that now offer discounts due to the current state of events. If you are a risk taker and a happy traveler, you might take advantage of these things, even if you are advised not to…
If accommodation is too expensive, you can also rely on couchsurfing, a website where people offer their couch or sleeping bags free of charge. You can stay at a local’s place, enjoy cool stories, delicious meals, a warm bed/couch/sleeping bag and tips about the country you’re visiting. You will also get to understand the different mentalities of a totally different country. But offer a symbolic gift of sum of money for your host. It’s basic common sense.
Online Tips
Most of the times, other travelers seek the help of locals by posting different threads and topics in the online environment. You can open a topic yourself on different websites made for travel lovers, just like you. Ask about restaurants where you can eat (depending on the budget you have), ask about the accommodation you should choose and landmarks that you should see (locals give you the best advice ever regarding landmarks because they can also recommend you places off the beaten path).
Pack Lightly
A true traveler is all about comfort. A true traveler is practical. Pack lightly and choose the essential things only. You should also pack things taking into account the amount of time you’ll be spending in a specific place. You will need clothes for all kinds of weather (check the country’s type of climate before packing) and a range of medication that takes into account headaches, allergies, indigestion etc.
Guide Books and Maps
Plan your trip in advance. Don’t waste time and avoid at all costs getting lost in the big city or part of the world you’re visiting. Have guide books that come with essential expressions by your side. Try to practice these expressions; the locals will definitely appreciate it. Have maps with you and check the places you want to visit beforehand. It will save you time and frustrations. You can also use different mobile applications for better guidance.
The Flea Market Is Your Friend
Yard sales, flea markets, second hand or thrift stores. These places can turn into a little corner of paradise for many fans of frugal living out there. When it comes to redecorating, upcycling, refurbishing or even changing your wardrobe, these places can prove to be so helpful.
It takes time and patience to go through so many things but you can strike a bargain and end up with some fantastic items of clothing or of decoration. Find the local stores around you, the local markets and discover a new side to frugal living. You’ll never get bored with it.
Your Creative Side
Challenge your creative side. Buy some second hand curtains and redesign them to match your interior décor. You will have fun, work with the designs and enjoy a more welcoming atmosphere.
Fan of All Things Vintage
If you’re a fan of vintage things, you will love the retro vibe that you can feel when going to flea markets, yard sales or even thrift stores. A lot of people that open a new club buy vintage stuff from these places to recreate that retro charm so many people seem to love and appreciate. You can do the same thing; you can even have a vintage style house and highlight your pieces of furniture using vintage designs. Isn’t it fun? And it’s also affordable; you won’t be forced to spend a fortune just to redecorate your home.
The Writer’s Den
You can still find functional typewriters and go all vintage when it comes to the creative process. A lot of modern writers still enjoy using a typewriter. Are you one of them?
Personalized Gifts
You can buy jewelry boxes, glasses, clothes and give them a whole new look. Personalize them with the help of some DIY projects and offer them as gifts. Because nothing beats a gift that comes straight from the heart; a gift that actually means something and that has a unique look.
Pick Casual Clothes
When going to a flea market or a yard sale, try picking some causal, normal looking clothes. If you look a bit overdressed, you may not strike a good bargain because sellers will often judge your budget by the way in which you’re dressed.
The Perfect Timing
Some people are among the first persons to arrive at the flea market. They find so many hidden gems because the sellers didn’t have time to sell those particular items. Be ready to negotiate. Other people prefer to go late in the evening when some sellers haven’t managed to sell too many things so they’ll be inclined to offer you a good deal.
Practice Your Poker Face
Don’t look too happy about a certain item; the sellers will pick on that. Practice your poker face and get ready for some serious bartering.
Don’t be afraid to use your persuasion skills to grab an item at a decent price. Haggling has been the practice of many people for centuries now. Don’t let it fade away. It’s in your interest, too.
Life Hacks that Will Save You Time
Do you feel that you don’t have enough time to do many things? From taking up a new hobby to going on vacation or having fun with your friends. Or even taking care of the house chores. We all fLife Hackseel that way at one point in our lives.
Bad planning, the lack of an organized schedule can lead to a hectic life. Chaos can have many consequences that make us feel more irritated and stressed out. Luckily, good planning and some life hacks can help us save time and enjoy some moments doing nothing or doing the things that we love.
Get the Job Done
No matter how hard it is, no matter how overwhelming the workload can be or how stressed you can feel because of a tight deadline, plan ahead and get the job done. It will leave you free time to enjoy any other activity and you will feel less stressed out.
A Daily Schedule
It sounds like such a controlled, planned life, but a daily schedule can save the day. You know exactly what you have to do on a particular day from shopping to cleaning the house or finishing a specific activity at work to going to the spa or meeting with friends and chatting the night away. It’s all there. Combine the necessary activities with the fun ones and you’ll feel proud about your achievements and relaxed after a hard day’s work.
Dry Shampoo
People that have long hair will understand the struggle. It takes a long time to wash long hair. And even more time to dry it. If you are really in a hurry and you can’t afford to wash your hair now, opt for dry shampoo. There are plenty of products to choose from; you can find dry shampoo for every hair type.
Drying Your Nails
Drying your nail polish can take ages. A simple life hack is to put your hands in the freezer for a short while. That will quickly dry your nails. Hot air won’t help. On the contrary; it will take longer to dry your nail polish.
Stay on Track
You can download plenty of mobile applications that can motivate you to do your best and manage your time more efficiently. You can set goals using those applications and enjoy the satisfaction of getting a thing done and erasing a certain activity from that list.
Get a Wrist Watch
If you want to check the time and you turn to your mobile phone, chances are that you will find yourself browsing the internet, chatting with friends on different social media sites or even playing mobile games. Procrastination at its finest. Avoid using the mobile phones for such things and get a wrist watch instead if you want to know the time. You will also stick to your schedule and won’t feel tempted to procrastinate.
The Importance of Sleep
You need your rest; at least 7 hours a night of sleep. You will feel relaxed and ready for a brand new day. If you don’t get enough sleep you’ll constantly feel tired, you won’t be able to stay focused on what you have to do and you’ll end up feeling frustrated because you can’t get the job done, you will be moody and more prone to irritation (lack of sleep can do that to you) and you can also end up dealing with some health problems. All of these problems occur due to lack of sleep. If you have problems sleeping, try drinking some tea. Some flavors can really calm you down and make you feel sleepy. Or take up a sport; regular exercise can help you rest easier. If your sleeping pattern still doesn’t allow you to sleep easily, you should check a specialist.
Learn to Say No
It’s difficult to say why people that want to say no to somebody else end up saying yes. There can be multiple reasons behind this attitude and nobody should be judged for trying to be helpful to somebody else.
But there are limits to everything. You should set boundaries otherwise you will also be considered to be a people pleaser, a yes man or woman and sometimes people can take advantage of your kindness and that will only leave you angered, sad and overwhelmed. You end up losing time, patience and money and you will also tend to blame yourself for saying yes. It’s time to change this approach step by step. In time, you’ll be able to say no without feeling guilty about it.
Emotional Blackmail
Some people might realize that they can always ask for your help and they can put on a sad face or insist till they persuade you to help them out. It’s called emotional blackmail and bad people can feed off your good intentions. Keep a distance between you and these people and refuse them in a polite manner. You have a busy schedule and you have problems of your own. Let these people sort their problems out.
Why We Tend to Say Yes
We must first understand the reasons why we tend to be people pleasers. Psychologists have several explanations for our tendency to say yes to people. It can be fear of rejection, it can be common sense (we have been raised to be polite and helpful and it’s in our genes to be good people)and we don’t want to be perceived as being bad persons. Understanding our behavior will help us change it a bit to be able to say no.
You Aren’t Mean
If you say no that doesn’t mean you’re a mean person. You can help people, you can give to charity, you can take care of animals and other people. Help comes in many shapes and you can choose what kind of help you are able to give. But you also have limits. You have plenty of work to do, you have a family to take care of and you also need to take care of yourself. Let other people solve their own problems.
Introspection and Self-Confidence
Analyze your actions, behavior and personality more. Practice introspection. Work on your self-esteem. Build your self-confidence. If you are objective with your traits and flaws you can better assess a situation. You don’t need anyone’s approvals. You can take decisions on your own and you are proud of your achievements and of who you are. You don’t have to be a yes man or a yes woman to feel appreciated. Saying no to others is quite healthy. And knowing your worth is vital.
Never Apologize
Don’t feel guilty or apologize to someone for saying no. Be polite, but don’t apologize. You are entitled to politely refuse someone without feeling bad about it. After all, it’s your time, it’s your life and you don’t owe anybody anything.
How to Deal with Negativity in Your Life
Negativity affects us all and sometimes we can’t identify it right from the start. Sometimes we tend to be pessimistic about situations, outcomes, people and sometimes other people around us seem to surround us with negativity. We feel sad, drained of energy and hopeless but we can’t find the reasons why.
Once you identify or admit to yourself that you only see the empty half of the glass, you can start making some changes. Nobody deserves to feel miserable most of the time and there are many things to be happy and grateful about.
The Distance
Some friendships can be toxic. There are some negative people out there who seem to enjoy dragging other people with them in a world filled with misery and hopelessness. A negative person is full of rage and hate and it will also aggravate your mood, make you feel tired because this kind of negativity can drain all of your energy. What you have to do is distance yourself from these people, even if it seems hard. True friends would never do something to cause you harm, no matter what.
They Highlight Your Flaws
A true friend will always tell you the truth or give you a constructive feedback. A person who is filled with negativity will only emphasis your flaws and your mistakes, but he or she will never offer you a piece of advice or a useful solution to the problem you are facing. Do you need this bad vibe in your life? Better stick with your true friends, they will always be there for you and bring out the best in you.
The Work Environment
So you are a manager or a leader. But you are dealing with a negative employee. Negativity tends to spread so easily. Your other employees used to be satisfied with their jobs and tasks and they were so productive. Now, since this negative person arrived, things aren’t running so smoothly. Talk with the person that’s so pessimistic about everything. Try to find out the root of the problem and see if this is a temporary thing or a prevailing attitude. Then you can either help that person out or fire her or him if the behavior doesn’t improve a bit. As harsh as it may sound if this person is constantly displeased with everything even if you and your employees are doing their best, the negative person should look for a better job.
You Can Identify Negativity
Our instincts never fail us. If you feel uncomfortable, uneasy and tensed when you’re next to a person, those are signs that the company is toxic for you. Negativity can easily be spotted, just pay more attention to the feelings and moods that you have.
It Doesn’t Concern You
You are not a bad person if you just leave. If you decide not to have negative persons around you. It’s highly unlikely that you can do something about it or help these persons out. Only a therapist can solve these things out. You don’t need to complicate your existence with all this negativity. Leave it all behind and be happy and grateful for the friends that love you and for the life you have. The rest doesn’t concern you.
Clean Eating
A clean eating lifestyle often goes hand in hand with frugal living. Clean eating has been associated with unprocessed, healthy foods, a great lifestyle and weight loss. Apart from these advantages, you will also save a lot of money per month.
Nobody denies the fact that it can be so hard to give up junk food or unprocessed products. But both the mind and the body can get adjusted to anything, especially when it comes to healthy living. What necessary steps should you take, to change your diet and lifestyle for the better?
Empty the Fridge
As much as it will pain you, change has to start from this moment on. Give the food you have to neighbors or other people that need it. Empty your fridge, your kitchen drawers and any other place and stay away from guilty pleasures or temptations. You will have cravings during your new diet so it’s best to keep away from temptation by eliminating the source of temptation itself.
Talk to a Nutritionist
Your family doctor will recommend you a nutritionist. A nutritionist will set up a healthy diet for you based on your body type and your needs. If you need more iron in your diet, your nutritionist will create a wholesome diet to encapsulate all the vitamins and minerals that you need.
It’s not Easy
But it’s not impossible either. Nobody says that changing your lifestyle and going for clean eating is easy. You won’t immediately see the results when it comes to weight loss. But you’ll start feeling better about yourself and you will have a more positive image regarding your body and life choices.
Weight Loss
It takes time to shed some kilos and you will need all the determination and motivation you can think of. A diet works only when it is combined with regular workouts. You can workout at least half an hour a day and you will see the results. Set your goals, achieve them and enjoy the results.
A clean diet will help you detox your body and feel so much better.
More Money at the End of the Month
Your body will get used with the healthy food. It will cost you less, too because the ingredients you’ll be using need to be cooked or prepared and organic food can be bought from farmers or local markets and they always have appealing discounts. You will also end up eating less because your body will get used with portioned food; you will eat exactly as much food as your body needs.
Delicious Recipes
At first you’ll think that vegetables and fruits don’t offer too much variation in your diet, but this isn’t how things work out. There are so many delicious recipes out there and the many ingredients and combinations possible, will allow you to enjoy a varied diet, a delicious meal and you’ll end up being so pleased with clean eating.
Learning to Manage Time
Clean eating requires some time spent in the kitchen, cooking some delicious food. Learn how to manage time in order to have time for yourself and for a healthy lifestyle.
Learning the Impact that Processed Foods Have Over Our Bodies
Even if we read and listen to the experts’ pieces of advice, we learn the true impact that processed foods have over our bodies after some months of clean eating. We feel better, we look different and we have more energy for the things we want to do. And we feel rested and have a totally different mindset. And our health is getting better and better.
We’ve been shopping around the clock for a couple weeks here at PinchingYourPennies. We’ve brought you deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We’ve brought you all the pre sales and all the extended sales. You aren’t all shopped out are you? Are you ready for one more big sale day before Christmas? Friday, December 18th is Free Shipping Day!
Free Shipping Day is a one day only, online shopping event where hundreds of retailers offer free shipping with expected delivery in time for Christmas. There are retailers who offer codes to get free shipping and there are retailers who give it automatically. There are even retailers who offer great codes to stack with the free shipping in order to give shoppers some amazing bargains. We’ll have a list of many of our favorite participating retailers. We’ll even have the codes you need to get the free shipping. If you follow along on PinchingYourPennies you will get some great deals.
2015 year is Free Shipping Day’s eighth year. Free Shipping Day was started in 2008 by Luke and Maisie Knowles who owned an online shopping site. They hoped to extend the shopping season and put the idea together in just two weeks. When they got attention from the media, hundreds of retailers agreed to participate. Consumers had new faith in placing later orders with guaranteed Christmas delivery. Sales were better than expected and a new shopping tradition was born.
Free Shipping Day is now the third busiest online shopping holiday. Consumer online spending on Free Shipping Day now beats spending Black Friday. Online spending on Free Shipping Day is passed only by Cyber Monday. Retailers are embracing these statistics reaching out to consumers. The deals will be great!
Join us here on our blog on Free Shipping Day and we will bring you all of the deals!