ALL Jeans on Sale at Kmart! $15 Back in SYWR Points w/ $15 Girls’ Denim Purchase! 2016-08-05 08-00-45

In this house, back-to-school shopping means JEANS. LOTS of JEANS! If you want to stock up on jeans for back-to-school, head over to Kmart today. All jeans are on sale right now, and there are styles available for the whole family!

Jeans for men, women, and juniors start at $9.99, and jeans for kids start at $8.99. You can even find some nice deals on denim shorts as well!

If you’re a Shop Your Way Rewards member, you can also get $15 back in points with a $15 purchase of girls’ denim and $10 back in points with a $35 back-to-school purchase!

Not a Shop Your Way Reward member? Join NOW (it’s FREE!) and make me your Personal Shopper!

BOGO FREE Activewear for the Family + Possible $10 SYWR Credit! 2016-07-29 13-14-01

Head over to Kmart right now for a BOGO free sale on activewear for the whole family! There are also a lot of activewear items marked down that are a part of this sale. Plus, Shop Your Way Max members can get $10 back in points with the purchase of $30 in women’s clothing and a pair of shoes!

Not a Shop Your Way Reward member? Join NOW (it’s FREE!) and make me your Personal Shopper!

Essential Home 18 Gallon Tote Only $4.99 + $5 Back in Points w/ $5 Purchase!


Here’s another great deal with that $5 SYWR Points back with a $5 home purchase deal! The Essential Home 18-gallon tote in red is marked down to only $4.99 right now. You can buy two and get $5 back in Points, which drops your final cost to only $2.49!

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