Cheap Foods that Will Actually Benefit Your Health

When you think of cheap foods, you typically think of Top Ramen and other highly processed foods that are not really good for us.  No diss to Top Ramen, I mean, hey we all have had our fair share of Top Ramen days, but in reality, most of us want to be able to keep our food costs down while not sacrificing our health.

Cheap food doesn’t always have to be unhealthy thought!  Here are some of my favorite cheap foods that can help benefit your health or even help you to lose weight!

  • Oatmeal.  I mentioned before how inexpensive oatmeal is, especially when you buy it in bulk. At my local grocery store, you can buy old fashioned oats for just $0.61 per pound!  At a serving size of ½ cup, this is just $0.02 per serving. You literally cannot beat this price, what other food can you eat $0.02?
  • Zucchini.  Zucchini is a super healthy vegetable and it is ridiculously cheap.  My local farm stand sells it for just $0.25 per squash. It is often less than $0.50 at the grocery store.  Zucchini is an incredibly versatile vegetable too! You can eat it alone, create noodles for stir fry, use it in place of lasagna noodles, the list goes on.  Even better…grow your own! I’m the first to admit that I am not the best gardener, but even I can go a very successful zucchini garden.
  • Brown Rice. There is a reason that rice is a main food ingredient in many cultures.  It is very inexpensive and quite healthy. Brown rice specifically contains loads of magnesium, vitamin B6, iron and fiber.  Brown rice is higher in nutrition than white rice, in case you were wondering. Rice can typically be bought for $0.07 per serving.
  • Eggs.  High in protein and extremely versatile, eggs are a great, low cost food to have on hand to help keep you healthy.  Eggs are welcome in many diets, including the popular keto diet.

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