Cheap Ways to Spend Date Night

Are you and your honey trying to make sure you get time alone together?  It is so important for couples to take date nights and spend time together and this is especially true once kids come along.  Once you have children though, it is incredibly easy to forgo date nights in order to save money for the family. You know what though?  Date nights don’t always have to be dinner and a movie. That’s right! There are lots of awesome ideas out there for FREE date nights that you can your honey can spend together without even touching your wallet.

Cheap Ways to Spend Date Night

  • Farmers Market. Yeah, buying lots of stuff at a Farmer’s Market can add up quickly, but you can simply walk through a farmer’s market and check out the beautiful crafts and artwork by local artists with your special someone.  It can give you ideas of things that you may want to buy later when you are not on a budget.
  • Movie Night In.  Many of us think of dinner and a movie for a date night, but the truth is that you don’t need to head to the theater and a restaurant.  You can simply make dinner at home and watch a movie together. Wait until the kids go to bed so you have more time with just the two of you.
  • Go for a walk.  Fresh air and exercise is a great way to spend time together!  There is just something refreshing about going for a walk and there is something very romantic about walking hand in hand with your loved one.
  • Picnic.  If you like to base your dates around meal time, why not have a picnic together at a park or a beach or some other lovely outdoor space.  If nothing else, make a picnic meal and lay a blanket out in your backyard, watch the sunset and spend some time watching the stars together.  


What is your favorite way to enjoy date night without spending any money?

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