Cost Saving Tips for Larger Families

Do you have a large family? A large family is typically considered any family with 4 or children or more. If you do, you probably already know how expensive it can be to support a large family. Kids aren’t cheap, y’all! 

These money saving tips for large families are going to help you stress less and smile more because your budget won’t be so strained and you won’t be kept up all night long from the stress of it all. Heck, many small families have those same stresses, just often on a different level. 

Money Saving tips for Large Families

Practice Energy Saving Habits

I have a family of 5 and my power bill can get out of control, so I can’t imagine what it would be with a family that is larger in size. To save money on your power bill with a larger family, be sure to unplug appliances that aren’t in use, turn off lights during the day and when you leave the room, and try and turn your thermostat down. Even a degree or two can make a difference on your bill.

Meal Plan

Meal planning is one of the top ways to save money for families of all sizes, large families included! Plus, it saves you a lot of time too! Additionally, families that meal plan tend to not waste food as often as those that don’t. It’s a win win win!

Meal planning isn’t just for dinner, either! It’s a good idea to make a meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meal planning just makes life easier. 

Buy in Bulk 

I’m not usually big on pressuring people to buy in bulk. I don’t typically think that it is a blanket option for saving money for families. The only time that I recommend buying in bulk is if your family uses a lot of a certain product (for example, we eat a lot of oatmeal here so I often buy it in bulk), and when you have a larger family. 

You have a larger family which means that you go through more food, which means that bulk shopping is a great idea!


Create a budget and stick to it. While it isn’t quite as easy as that, it also kind of is. Creating a budget and following said budget makes a big difference in how much money you spend each month.

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