Coupon by mail: FREE Excedrin product, up to $5.99

Click on the link below. You will be asked – Which of these pain relievers have you used in the last 12 months? (select all that apply)


(It appears you can select anything but Excedrin and get a FREE coupon.  If you select Excedrin, you’ll get a $2 off coupon.)

Submit your answer and you will see: Thank you for completing our survey. To receive a FREE coupon for any Excedrin product* as our thanks to you, please fill out the information below. Please expect 3-5 days for coupon delivery.

*Valued up to $5.99

Click here for the Excedrin Offer

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  1. My coupon wasn't for a free bottle of excedrin but for $2.00 off. Still a good coupon! Thanks!

  2. Instead of the screen you listed saying "thank you for completing our survey…" I got a page for a printable coupon.
    The coupon I printed is for $2.00 off any 1 Excedrin 20 ct or larger.

    Not sure if they changed the offer, but I thought I would let you know!
    Not a free bottle, but I really like Excedrin so I will take the $2 off!!!!

  3. Ok, the trick to getting the coupon for a free bottle is to NOT check Excedrin as one pain reliever you have tried 😉

    I did the survey a 2nd time to print off a 2nd coupon and I checked only Tylenol and then got the screen with the "thank you for completing our survey…." and was able to fill in my address for the coupon for a free bottle of Excedrin.


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