Cute Craft: Popsicle Stick Bracelets

You can recycle your popsicle sticks from the Summer – or purchase jumbo craft sticks to make these. They are so cute and simple to make and decorate.
What you need: Craft sticks (or popsicle sticks); modge podge; craft paper; paints; whatever you want to use to decorate your bracelets! You are only limited by your imagination. You will also need drinking cups/glasses, rubber bands (optional) and an emery board or some sandpaper.
Boil a pot of water and add your craft sticks to the water. Some sticks will break so make sure you boil more bracelets than you actually want/need. Let sticks boil for 30 minutes. Take off the heat and let sit in the pot of hot water for another 30 minutes.
Form your craft sticks around cups or glasses or vases (measure wrists to get the right sizes!) and rubber band around. You can also form them inside the containers and you will not need rubber bands. Let dry overnight. Sand with emery board or sandpaper as necessary and…

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