Do You Boo?

Does your neighborhood Boo?  Now that October is here, I know that my neighborhood will soon be filled with colorful “Boo” signs on front windows.  Don’t know what I’m talking about?  Let me explain.

To “Boo” someone, usually in your neighborhood or workplace, make two copies of a “Boo” picture and two copies of the poem/ instructions and two plates, bags or baskets of treats.  Drop them off – anonymously – to 2 neighbors or coworkers.  The recipient hangs up the “Boo” picture to tell everyone that they’ve already been boo’d, and the poem instructs them to repeat the process and deliver goodies to 2 more people.  It really is one of my favorite traditions this time of year.  I love watching the little “Boo” pictures popping up throughout the neighborhood and my kids LOVE it when it is our turn to sneak a treat onto someone’s doorstep, ring, and run!

If your neighborhood doesn’t already do this, it couldn’t be easier to start!  I’ve found some links of places around the internet that offer free printable poems and pictures.  So cute!

Here’s the one we use in my neighborhood:

Halloween Phantom

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