Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail… what is he bringing to your house? If you are like most of the homes in America he will be bringing treats and candy. Add that to all of the egg hunts, the family gatherings and other local events, the amount of treats and candy your kids get for Easter can get downright crazy! If you are at all like me, you might be saying “Enough is enough!” I’m thinking we need to find some non-candy basket filler for all of these Easter baskets.
Non-candy basket filler sounds a bit Grinch-like at first, I’ll admit it. Who wants to be the parent that takes the candy away from the kids at Easter? Not me! But I do think that taking some of the candy out of Easter is not a bad idea at all. Here are a few of the great ideas I’ve seen for non-candy basket filler.
I love this idea! Buy a set of Legos and put a few in each plastic egg! It makes a great non-candy basket filler. The kids also have something fun to play with that will last far beyond Easter.
This childhood favorite makes a fun non-candy basket filler. You can even find it packaged in plastic eggs or put it in plastic eggs yourself. Super easy and fun to use when you are having a low candy Easter.
Stickers are always a hit with kids. They are another super easy and fun idea for a non-candy basket filler. Dollar stores and the discount sections of other stores are a great place to find bargains on fun stickers to use as non-candy basket filler.
Pencils, Crayons or Markers
Kids love doodling and drawing so pencils, crayons and markers make fun options for non-candy basket filler. You can find fun items in Easter packaging in most discount and dollar stores.
I love the cute little jars of bubbles you can find in the holiday sections of discount store; they are perfect for non-candy basket filler. You can also make your own using cheap, bulk bubbles from party or wedding supply stores. Add cute stickers to the plain jars of bubbles.
Craft Kits
Lots of retailers have small craft kits that would make great non-candy basket filler. These are lots of fun and can be inexpensive if you shop around. They are another great idea for low candy Easter.
Small Toys
These can be found at online retailers and your local dollar or discount stores. Things like balls, whistles, tops, rubber ducks, rings, and more make great non-candy basket filler. Watch for age appropriate sizing and choking hazards when picking the small toys to use as non-candy basket filler.
Outdoor Toys
The weather is nice and kids are getting outside. Think about things like sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, Frisbees, small kites and other outdoor toys. This non-candy basket filler is a great way to encourage the kids to get outside.
Have more great ideas for non-candy basket filler? Let us know – we love to hear from you!