Easy Tips to Save on a Vegas Vacation


Are you dreaming of taking a vacation to Las Vegas?  A little over a year ago I took my first trip to Las Vegas and had an AMAZING TIME. I am not a big gambler and it didn’t really occur to me that Vegas was anything more than a play center for gamblers.  We had some friends that wanted to go so we thought, well, why not?!

Oh my gosh it was an amazing time.  It’s not cheap though. Our first trip there was 4 nights and think we ended up spending close to $700 and that didn’t include our flights and hotel. (eeeek). We decided to head back about 6 months later, but this time I did the planning instead of our friends and oh my gosh, we saved so much money.  We seriously had an amazing time and for our entire vacation airfare, hotel (at Mandalay Bay), and expenses we spent about $1100.

Easy Tips to Save on a Vegas Vacation

Be flexible on your dates. If you are stuck on taking a trip during one specific weekend, you are going to be stuck with the prices you see. If you are flexible on your dates, you are going to be far more likely to find cheaper deals. Also, consider flying out on Tuesday or Wednesday as those seem like the cheapest days to fly into Vegas.

Check out Groupon. I know you all know how much I love Groupon, but boy oh boy I have found some amazing deals at Groupon during our Vegas trips. We bought 2 of our dinners on Groupon, we also splurged on a couple’s massage ($50 for one hour!).  You can also find deals on shows in Vegas by checking Groupon. You can also find drink deals on Groupon as well!

Research restaurants around you. Many of the resorts in Vegas have lots of restaurants within them. A simple search should tell you the price range in each restaurant. Make sure to check these out before you sit down to eat. For our trip we went to a restaurant that was in the $12-$15 per plate range for 2 of our dinners and then we hit up a taco shack on Fremont for dinner #3 and it was less than $5 for our meal!

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